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MASTURBATING AND MORE – AT THE POST OFFICEOne of the things I enjoy most is exposing myself and masturbating in public places. Generally, I’m very careful and only choose locations that are relatively safe from me actually being seen. It’s really all about the “potential of being caught.” I always choose places that are frequented by adults, or older teens, and I’m very careful to not expose myself to ch*****n.Sometimes I pre-plan my actions and sometimes I’m just spontaneous and figure it out as it happens. Those times usually produce the best end result, an awesome orgasm! That’s how it happened the night I walked into my local post office, wearing only my birthday suit, and started masturbating.It all started one night while I was watching one of my favorite porn videos on my big screen TV. Well, I guess I should clarify, I wasn’t just watching porn; I was also giving myself a massage. I don’t know what it was exactly. Maybe it was the images of the porn star dragging his monster penis back and forth on the smooth surface of his costar’s hot, bare legs. Whatever it was, I started to feel hornier than normal. Always being in a constant state of horniness, feeling “hornIER” meant things were about to get risky; and risky usually means going outside into the public.Living in a small rural community gives me lots of opportunities for these kinds of activities because people are more relaxed when they see something “out of the ordinary,” and they are not so quick to call the police. Besides, our law enforcement is handled by the Sheriff’s Department and by the time the one Deputy that covers this community (an older, out of shape, heavy-set woman) gets to the scene, I’ve cum and gone! Since I was already naked, I decided to walk outside and stand at the end of my driveway while jacking off. But, once I got out there, it wasn’t all that thrilling because I did this quite often. All of a sudden I had a new idea. Needing to pick up my mail anyways, I would drive to our small post office, which was located in a small courtyard-style shopping center. Then I would go inside, stand out in the open, in full view of the windows, pull my cock out and masturbate next to the sorting table that had the scale on it. Just thinking about it made my cock twitch. It shouldn’t be much of a risk, I thought, because it was already past 11:00 and everybody knows these small towns roll up their sidewalks when the sun goes down! When I went back in the house to pull on some short pants and tee shirt, and grab my truck keys, I had a dangerous thought that sent tingly feelings up my legs and into my testicles. “Why bother with clothes?” I would just drive the three miles, proudly walk into the post office and jerk one off, all while wearing nothing but my flip flops! “Ah Hell,” I thought to myself. “Why bother with the flip flops? Barefoot would look sexier if someone caught me!”I grabbed my keys and practically ran from the house to the truck because I was so excited. My cock was waving back and forth in the breeze and ready to get to work! Driving with no clothes on isn’t anything new to me. Even getting out of my truck and jacking off while standing in the middle of a rural road, illuminated by my headlights, happens quite often! But this night felt more exciting. I had never, without a care, just walked naked into a public place of business and stroked one off. Once I arrived and parked in front of the post office, I looked in all directions to make sure nobody was lingering around. The little shopping center has a courtyard with a fountain and some benches. The various retail spaces are built around the courtyard. It’s possible to park on the outside of the structure and enter the businesses from that side. It is also possible to pass from one business to another through doors on the interior courtyard. So it was possible I could be approached from two different sides of the post office. The post office is basically a hallway with a double glass door at each end, one to the parking spaces, and one to the courtyard. Like I said before, it was after 11:00 and all of the businesses were closed except for a pizza joint and a bar, which were both located on the side adjacent to the post office. The only thing happening at this time of night was that sometimes the patrons of the bar would come out on the sidewalk to grab a smoke. The door to the bar was around on the other side so that wasn’t much of a threat. The employees of the bar and the pizza joint would come out into the courtyard to smoke but they didn’t walk far enough out into the courtyard to see into the post office. However, at any time, someone could drive up and walk in to pick up their mail. My cock was drooling precum with anticipation! Feeling it was safe enough and that it was as good a time as any, I stepped out of my truck and walked bare foot and naked into the post office. First, I checked my box, took out my mail and walked over to the table to sort the junk out. All of this was done with one hand because my other hand had been stroking my cock since I left home. I kept checking both doors and watching the parking lot for approaching headlights.By now my heart rate was racing and my breathing was pretty heavy. This was really turning me on! Standing naked in a forest, with a small chance of being seen by a total stranger was one thing. Standing naked in my local post office, with my hand sliding up and down on my cock that was slick with precum, was a WHOLE DIFFERENT THING! If someone was to walk up on me here, they probably knew me! That could be a little embarrassing. My legs had begun to shake and the pace of my stroking had increased considerably from the excitement of, basically, being in a situation with no escape! All of a sudden, it was there. I could feel my cum pushing up from my balls. I stopped stroking and squeezed hard at the base of my shaft because I wanted this experience to last a little longer! My cock pulsated and my asshole puckered. Using every muscle of my core, I fought off the urge to ejaculate. I took a deep breath, looked out both doors and started to pump again. It almost felt like I may have lost the building orgasm, but after 15 or 20 rapid-fire strokes, I could feel the pleasure inside of me starting to rise once again. That indescribable feeling came up my cock once again and stung me, moving right to the tip of my beautifully swollen head. Stopping all movement for the second time, I could see the flared glans of my penis pulsating in rhythm with the flickering fluorescents above. Pushing my hard-on down towards the floor, I tightened my ass muscles which made a very generous amount of precum ooze from the little slit which marked the end of my cock. It dripped in one long string and slowly inched its way to the floor. Grabbing the head of my cock in the palm of my hand, I started spreading the precum all around the glans and the shaft. There’s nothing slicker than fresh precum! It felt amazing as I turned my hand upside-down and started to stroke and twist at the same time. That’s when I heard someone in the courtyard yell, “Hey Susie, Where you going?” Susie answered, “Just gonna grab my mail. Be right back.” I knew the name! It was Susie from the pizza joint. She must have been on break and decided to get her mail. I didn’t even have a chance to react before I heard the door on the courtyard side open. I looked up, like a deer in headlights, bursa escort just as Susie walked through the door.Susie was one of the high school sophomores that worked the late shift. My guess is she was around f*****n, soon to turn s*****n. She usually took care of the counter sales and answered the phone for delivery orders. She had a very cute face that was framed nicely with her blonde hair, which was cut with a flip at her shoulders. About 5 foot 3, she wasn’t skinny, or heavy. She was just right! Her breasts appeared small under her store-branded tee shirt. School had just started for the year so it was right at the end of the summer. Our little town is in the southern end of our state so it’s still pretty hot at this time of night. In fact, it was so hot that most businesses allowed their employees to wear shorts. Susie was wearing loose fitting, black gym shorts that hung about mid-thigh and a pair of white and pink sneakers with shorty socks that had a little ruffle around the top of her shoes. She had a towel folded in half and wrapped around her waist for an apron. It was secured with a giant diaper pin. She was fair-skinned and had legs to die for! Her calves were tight and toned and a few inches higher were the cutest pair of knees. Her thighs, at least the part I could see, were muscular and shapely. She was kind of watching her feet when she walked through the door. When she looked up she was greeted by a site that I doubt she was expecting. Standing sideways to her, she could see all of me. My hand was wrapped around my rock hard boner, but I had stopped tugging the second I heard the door start to open. She froze in her steps and was speechless. I was expecting her to scream but she just stood there gazing at my nakedness from top to bottom. My heart was about to jump out of my skin and I was really at a loss as to what I should do next. I knew I should probably turn, run out and drive away as fast as possible. But something wouldn’t let my feet move. It was probably the tingle from my toes to my nuts that was causing my brain to short circuit.That’s when I noticed Susie’s eyebrows raise and a small smile worked its way to the corners of her mouth. Her eyes were focusing on something lower down my body. I looked down to see if maybe I had gone limp and she was going to laugh at me. What I saw was another string of precum making its way to the floor. My cock was still standing at attention. Then I don’t know what came over me. Seeing Susie just standing there looking at me, with a smile of sorts, made me forget my predicament. My hand seemed to have a mind of its own and it started the stroking action again. At first it wasn’t with much conviction and rather slow. But by the third or fourth time my hand rotated around the head of my cock, I picked up the pace.Luckily, nobody else had walked in. I was so focused on Susie watching me masturbate, that a whole bus load of people could have walked in and I wouldn’t have noticed. By now I had reached a pretty good rhythm and I could tell Susie was enjoying it because her little nipples had perked up and were trying to poke a hole through her bra and tee shirt. That’s when I just blurted out, “Pinch ‘em!” “What?” she said. Her response was more of an awakening from a trance than actually asking what I wanted her to pinch. I repeated, “Pinch ‘em! Pinch your nipples for me!” Immediately I thought, “Did I just say that out loud?” At first, Susie didn’t respond. I think hearing that was more of a shock to her than walking in on a naked guy who was masturbating in the post office! She stood perfectly still, frozen in time. I was preparing myself to hear her start shouting things like “PERVERT” or “YOU’VE GOT TO BE k**DING!” That’s when I noticed her left arm starting to move up from where it had been hanging at her side. She had made eye contact with me the instant I had repeated my request and hadn’t broken it since. With her eyes continuing to look directly into mine, she continued moving her arm up, opened her hand and cupped it under her right tit on the outside of her shirt. Then her thumb and forefinger closed in on her perked up nipple, and she pinched it and pulled out on it, giving a little twist as her fingers slid off. A look of total satisfaction flooded over her face as she surrendered to my request and started a combination of massaging her tittie and tweaking her nipple. In a soft, breathy voice, I said, “God that’s Hot!” She just cooed, and said, “So is that!” while pointing toward my cock with her eyes. At that point her fingers released her nipple and her hand moved seductively to the bottom of her shirt and then up inside. Her shirt rode up her stomach as it followed her hand. This allowed me to see her hand push under her bra and grab her little breast.Susie was multitasking at the same time this was happening. Her right hand had unfastened the giant diaper pin, allowing the apron to fall to the floor. While continuing to massage her breast and twist her nipple, she pulled the string on the inside of her waist band, which untied the bow, and slipped her hand under the elastic band and into her panties. I just about creamed right then. My sperm released up my shaft and a little drop escaped and pooled on top of my cockhead. But I was able to hold back the orgasm. A second drop pushed the first off the tip and caused it to run down the side of my dick. Susie smiled and started drawing circles around her pussy. Cooling my cock for about 30 seconds, I watched Susie’s expression and body language as she rotated her clit. She would close her eyes, take in a slow breath, exhale with a sigh and then open her eyes and look into mine. Her hips started to gyrate in small circles as her tension was building. Feeling that it was safe for me to once again move and not immediately blow my load, I slowly started moving my cock up and down again. However, Susie was starting to get pretty hot and I was only able to give myself a few strokes before I had to stop once again. This time I let out a moan as I pulled down hard and squeezed my cock so I could stop the explosion. Susie giggled and then her body jerked as if she had been shocked by electricity. That’s when I said, “Can I rub my cock on your leg?” Her body jerked again and she shook her head yes. Having started to stroke again, I walked six or seven steps and closed the gap between us. Letting go of my cock, I reached out and touched Susie for the first time. I had placed my hands on either side of her waist. Her skin was warm and soft and felt wonderful under my fingertips. Pushing my hands down, I tucked them inside her shorts and pushed down until my thumbs caught the waistband. By now my fingertips had reached just inside the top of her panties. Continuing to push, I lowered her shorts and her panties until her ass and her rotating hand was exposed. Taking my cock back in my hand, I started to move it back and forth like a jack handle while dragging the soft skin of the glans across Susie’s soft upper thigh. The whole time I was watching her fingers, engulfed by the lips of her pussy, as they rubbed her clitoris in little circles. The faster I moved my cock, the faster she moved her hand. It wasn’t long before Susie started to moan. This made me rub my cock back and forth a little faster. The feeling of friction between the head of my cock and her soft skin was unbelievable! çanakkale escort It was so incredible that I was totally taken over by my horniness and I said, “Susie? Can I fuck you?” She didn’t say a word; she just abruptly stopped rubbing her clit! My first thought was that I had finally crossed the line and she was going to leave. But instead, she hooked her hands around her shorts and panties, and in one continuous movement, pushed them the rest of the way to the floor. She was very flexible and didn’t need to bend her knees to reach the floor. With her bare ass pointing up, she worked her shorts and panties over her sneakers, stepped to the side and stood up straight. Looking at her teenage body, which was naked from the waist down, was just almost too much for my well-worked hardon. Stepping back a little, so I could get a better view, I noticed for the first time that her pussy was cleanly shaven. Seeing a shaved pussy on a girl this age only meant one thing to me, this girl was a slut! She had probably been fucked by every member of the football team at one time or another. I decided right then and there that there weren’t any boundaries I wouldn’t cross at this point!Reaching behind me, under the sorting table, I grabbed a square plastic bin that was there for people to throw their junk mail in. Flipping it upside down, I shoved it over against a short section of wall between two banks of mailboxes. Stepping up close to Susie I grabbed the bottom of her tee shirt and pulled it over her head and tossed it on the floor. Reaching behind her, I one-handed her bra hooks and then put my hands on her waist, directing her backwards towards the upside-down trash bin. “Step up!” I told her, which she did. This compensated for our height differences and put my cock almost even up with the entrance to her pussy. Reaching up, I gently put my hands on her soft white shoulders and pushed her bra straps off. She lowered her arms and let her bra fall around her feet. Although my cock had stayed hard, while unattended through all of this movement, when I laid my eyes on those perfect little teenage titties, it bobbed up and down drawing attention to itself. Susie’s areolas, even at this age, were slightly puffy. I could only imagine how puffy they would be after she was fully developed. Her nipples were swollen and red from all of the pinching and tweaking she had given them.Leaning down, I put my lips over one of her nipples, sucked it into my mouth and flicked it with my tongue. This made her squeal a little, “Ohhh.” Pulling my mouth away I said, “Spread your pussy lips.” She did, and with my hand on my cock, I pulled it up through her slit and over her clit. I continued rubbing my cock up and down her slit, always making sure to apply a little extra pressure as it crossed her clit. Once she had started to squirm around a little, and her juices were spread evenly, I stopped the head of my cock directly over the entrance to her pussy and pressed it against her beautiful, tight, teenage orifice. Teasing her, I kept applying pressure, but never enough to penetrate her. Then I looked into her eyes, arched my back slightly, and started to press harder. She gave me that “want to be kissed” look and I moved in close to her lips. Right before our lips locked together I said, “Cum for me while I fuck you!” She kissed me hard and started rubbing her clit at the same time my cock penetrated her pussy and sank all the way to the hilt. What a site to behold if her coworker decided to come see what was taking Susie so long. She would have seen Susie, completely naked and standing on a box, while a naked man, probably twice her age, was ramming his cock in and out of her pussy. With slow, powerful strokes, I thrust my incredibly hard cock in and out of Susie’s pussy. Every third or fourth thrust I would pull all the way out and reenter her. After all the foreplay, and given the fact that I was fucking a young woman half my age, with a killer body, bald pussy, and little puffy tits, I wasn’t going to be able to last very long. “Where do you want me to cum?” I breathed into her ear. I expected her response to be “On my leg,” or “On my stomach”, or maybe a favorite choice of mine, “In my mouth!” Looking into my eyes, while I continued to thrust in and out of her, she said with the sexiest little voice, “Anywhere you want to!” That threw me totally off guard. Since she was riding me bareback, I had flashes of thoughts which included me explaining to her father how it was that he was going to be a grandfather. At the same time though, I wanted my sperm ejaculating all inside this gorgeous little blond. Susie must have felt my apprehension because she said, in between her heavy breathing, “It’s OK! I’m on the pill!” God…that was the best news I’d heard all night. I instantaneously increased the intensity of my thrusting. Susie starting saying, “Oh my God…oh my God,” with each breath that was exhaled as I banged into her. I put my mouth right up to her ear and whispered, “I’m going to shoot my cum deep inside your pussy!” The second I said that, her body started jerking wildly and her orgasm burst from her clit. She wanted to scream but I covered her mouth with mine to muffle the sounds. That’s when I felt it. It was like a rocket sitting on the launch pad for those three seconds while the engines are firing to build the thrust for takeoff. My load of sperm was churning around in circles inside my balls. As I continued to thrust in and out Susie, my cum blasted into her womb. At the peak of my orgasm, my cock was pulsating so hard inside of that tight teenage pussy that I thought I was going to pass out. When Susie felt the warmth of my sperm bouncing off her cervix and filling her insides, she peaked for the second time. Holding each other tight, we just stood there in all of our nakedness until all of the contractions between our sexy parts had ceased. I let my cock slide from Susie’s pussy naturally. It was still firm enough to stand on its own, so she took it in her hand and started slowly stroking it. I reached between her legs and felt my sperm starting to run from her pussy. Sliding two fingers inside, I reached for her G-spot and started pressing it against the insides of her belly. She moaned with a sound deep within her chest. That’s when we heard, “SUSIE!” We both froze! It was her coworker and classmate, Becky, yelling from the back door of the pizza joint. “What the hell are you doing? Are you alright?” Susie gathered herself and shouted back, “I’m fine. I’m talking to an old friend. I’ll be there in a sec!” I pressed harder with my fingers and pulled them back and forth over her G-spot. She said, “I don’t want this to ever end, but, I’ve got to go or she’ll come over here looking for me!” I pressed in again and she let out another moan. I just kept rubbing that deep spot within and never let up. Susie kept trying to say she needed to leave, but it wasn’t coming out to clear, or with much conviction. By now she had pretty much given in to me and leaned her head back against the wall and closed her eyes. Her hand was still working my shaft but she was having a hard time concentrating on it. Rubbing her with more force, I was on a mission! Her moans were getting louder when I sensed something had changed. I don’t know what it was, other than just that feeling you get when you’re being watched. çankırı escort I looked out at the parking lot. It was all quiet. I glanced toward the door to the courtyard. There, standing in the doorway, was another teenaged girl. My best guess was…THIS was Becky. She was dressed the same as Susie and was just as cute. She was darker skinned though and had a nice bronzed tan on her long legs. She was taller than Susie and her brunette hair was hanging down to the middle of her back. She was speechless and her mouth was open with surprise. I have no idea how long she had been standing there watching me finger fuck her girlfriend’s pussy. However long it had been, it was enough. Her chest was quite a bit fuller than Susie’s and her breast were heaving up and down with her heavy breathing. All I could do was smile while I kept the rhythm steady on Susie’s G-spot. Becky smiled back and just stood there watching in disbelief. I inched away from Susie’s body just ever so slightly so I wouldn’t disturb her, but it was just enough to give Becky a clear view of her friend pumping on my cock, which had grown to full size the instant I spotted Becky!Susie was getting a little louder now and I could feel a second load starting to boil. I glanced up at Becky and noticed she had placed one of her hands between her groin area and her hip bone and was just slowly dragging her fingertips across the material of her apron. I think she was doing it u*********sly because she didn’t seem to be paying any attention to her hand; she was just transfixed on what was happening to Susie.Susie, with eyes still closed, was breathing hard as I continued to rub her innermost hot spot. She kept repeating moans of “Oh, oh, oh.” It had gotten hard for her to keep a rhythm on my cock so I reached down and took it from her hand. She seemed relieved because she totally relaxed her body, letting her shoulders drop. I felt her inner abdomen muscles pushing back against my fingers which were buried deep inside of her.Once I had a hold of my cock, I shifted my body a little to the right, which enabled me to lay my cock against the outside of Susie’s left thigh and give a full on view of my raging hard cock to Becky. I started rubbing it back and forth like I had done in the beginning, except this time I was pulling up and down on the shaft at the same time. I could tell this was driving Becky a little crazy because she had gotten very fidgety. This was turning the heat up on my insides. I had not only walked naked into my post office and started jacking off, but I had been discovered, fucked a beautiful young girl, squirted my cum inside her pussy, given her two orgasms, was working on another one for the both of us, and to boot, was being watched by another cutie. How much better could this get. Boy…I hoped nobody would show up and shut this action down. And I hoped nobody in our little town wanted a pizza because all the pizza girls had gone to the post office!Even though I was finger fucking a beauty while I rubbed my cock on her leg, my visual attention was on the brunette standing in the doorway. Wanting to turn her heat up notch, I leaned into Susie and whispered into her ear, just loud enough for Becky to hear, “Masturbate for me! Make your clit cum while I make your G-spot cum!” Susie, eyes still closed, smiled and sighed while letting out, “Hmmmm!” Her fingers zoned in on her clit and she started a slow steady rotation with her hand. She continued with her humming!I had been watching Becky from the corner of my eye when I spoke those words to Susie, and her legs had almost buckled out from under her. When Susie’s fingers touched her clit and she moaned, Becky’s knees had tightened together and I knew she was probably feeling her own juices starting to drip from her pussy. I shifted my eyes fully on Becky and looked right into her eyes while keeping a good rhythm on my cock. Becky’s eyes were scanning up and down from my cock, to Susie’s pussy, to my eyes, to Susie’s titties and back to my cock. I waited until she was looking at my eyes and I mouthed three words to her, “Masturbate for me.” She closed her eyes as a shutter of excitement swept through her body. She looked at me and I mouthed it again, “Masturbate for me.” This time she left her eyes fixed on mine but made a facial expression like she was about to have an orgasm. I stopped stroking my cock just long enough to place my middle and ring fingers together and rub circles against my leg. Becky bit her lower lip and shoved her hand behind her apron and inside her shorts. The second her hand touched the top of her shorts I pressed in hard on Susie’s G-spot and started a chain reaction. Susie started bucking her hips and cumming from deep inside her vagina. Her hand picked up speed and started rubbing her clit at a supersonic speed. I exploded all over Susie’s leg and the wall behind her. Becky’s fingertips finally touched her clit and she went off like a firecracker, letting out a pretty loud scream. With that, Susie’s eyes flew open just as her clit started to throb. She spotted her friend Becky standing in the doorway, with her hand in her pants and her body jerking wildly as she rubbed her own clit. The two girls locked eyes and Susie, being past the point of being able to stop, let out a scream as she thumped on her clit. Becky, upon hearing Susie scream and seeing my cum running down her leg, had an immediate second orgasm and finally fell to her knees as she continued to rub through it.With all that screaming I half expected an entire bar full of construction workers to come running to the rescue. But, I guess the music was so loud in the bar that nobody could hear the screams of pleasure.Finally, when we had all settled down, the girls looked at each other and started laughing. Becky said, “Susie, what the hell?” Susie said, “What do you mean? Look at you!” They giggled again. I said, “Very nice Ladies!” They giggled again and that’s when I grabbed that small handful-of-a-tit on Susie’s chest, leaned in and gave her a deep kiss. My other hand found its way back to her pussy. As I stroked up her slit and over her clit, I said, “Thanks beautiful.” She flinched from me touching her swollen, super sensitive clit and smiled. I leaned down one last time giving her little puffy nipple a big suck and then turned toward her coworker. Walking over to Becky, I stood in front of her with my cock dangling in her face. Some remnants of cum were still leaking out and a drop landed on her knee. Reaching toward her she took my hands and I helped her stand up. Putting one hand on the small of her back, I drew her to me while pushing my other hand under her shirt and right up inside her bra cup. Squeezing her breast and rolling her nipple between my fingers, I said, “Thanks for joining us Becky,” and then I kissed her like a Frenchman. She said, “It was my pleasure,” and giggled. That’s when I lifted her shirt with my other hand and exposed the tit that was being fondled by my other hand. Cupping her B-cup tittie in both hands, I sucked her nipple, which was sticking out about three quarters of an inch from me tugging on it, in between my teeth and gently nibbled it. Then, taking a full mouthful, I gave her a few good nursing sucks as she said, “Oh my!”Then I turned, walked over to the sorting table and picked up my mail. Looking in their direction for one last time, I said, “Until We Meet Again!” smiled, gave one last look at the two girls and said, “Mmmmm, Mmmmm!” Then I walked out of the door, with my cock once again waving back and forth in the breeze, got in my truck and drove away.-Stay tuned for “Masturbating And More – After Hours at the Pizza Joint”-Your votes and comments are appreciated!

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