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Melanie and Eva’Melanie andEva’ contains graphic non-consensual sexual scenes between adults and youngteenagers. This story is FICTION. It does NOT depict the relationshipbetween actual living people. It is NOT intended for readers under 18 orthose who are easily offended by pornography. It is NOT for the squeamish.If you are UNDER 18, or if you ARE offended by pornography, please DO NOTCONTINUE to read. If material of this nature is i*****l in your area andyou continue to read it, it is YOUR responsibility. All rights reserved:Permission is hereby given to distribute this story via electronic meansonly, for non-profit use. This header must remain intact. All rights forthis story remain the property of the author. ***********************************************************This story is dedicated to Melanie – she knows why.For some time I have had the good fortune to be employed in a job whichgave me ample time and scope to pursue my interests. I am interested inwomen and girls so it will not surprise you to learn that as a Caretaker ofa girl’s secondary school I was in my element. The pupils were between theages of eleven and eighteen and all the staff were female. Things couldnot have been better planned if I had written the script myself!I had a small office in the basement of the main school building and asno-one ever came there I had been able to fix it up as I liked. I had putin a bed and cooking facilities so that I was pretty self contained. Ikept myself to myself for the first few weeks getting the feel of the placeand checking the likely talent. I was looking for a woman or women toentertain myself with and keeping my eyes open at the same time foranything else going that I could turn to my advantage.I prowled around, ostensibly keeping up with my daily chores but reallyjust keeping an eye out for likely vulnerable talent. This place was likeParadise for me. The girls had got used to having me around and no longerreacted to my presence. That was excellent! The more I could blend intothe background the better. I needed a focus for my attentions so I kept myeye on the girls.There were two that I especially liked the look of. They were friendswho hung out together most of the time. They were about twelve with slightslender figures. They usually were dressed similarly in short skirts andtight tee-shirts. They were both too young to need a bra but it clearlywould not be long before they did as their nipples were evident as hardlittle cones, straining the front of their tight shirts especially in thecold or in the wind. They both had athletic young legs and tight littlebottoms, particularly well displayed in the cut-off jeans they sometimeswore. I made it my business to find out about these two. I would like toknow if they were more than school friends! They were just at the age whensexual desires and feelings were awakening and I wondered if they werebeginning to experiment!By nosing around and listening I learned that the name of the brunettewas Melanie. She had long dark hair hanging about halfway down herstraight slim back to her neat arse. In the light flashes of red wereevident. One morning I met Melanie alone in the corridor and I made itobvious that I was looking at the sharp little nubs of her immature tits.She blushed, dropped her eyes and hurried past. I smiled to myself.Her friend Eva who was also twelve had long wavy blond hair above asurprisingly well formed body. She was not overly tall but very proud inher walk and manner. Her little nipples were developed enough to get hardand I could often see them sticking out through her shirt although her tinybreasts were hardly formed. She had a startling air about her, a look thatseemed to me so blatantly sexual, that it was hard to believe that she wasdoing it accidentally. No little virgin twelve year old should look at youlike that and I don’t know many twenty year olds who can either.I kept my eye on these two and very quickly got to know their littleroutines. They spent a lot of time together but as they were in differentclasses there were many times during the day when they were apart. Inparticular they spent the games periods separately Melanie was particularlykeen on hockey while as far as I could tell, Eva’s tastes ran more to gymand netball.Needless to say I had arranged a series of places from which I could spyon the girls. It was not always easy as although the girls tended not tonotice me, the teachers kept a fairly close eye on me. I had two favouriteplaces, one was a small disused store-room which appeared to have beenforgotten about. It was in such a significant position, next to the girlschanging room that I could not understand how anybody would have forgottenit, much less left it unlocked! One weekend I cleared the room out andbored a couple of small holes in the wall. I made very sure that from thechanging-room side they could not be seen, appearing as part of the patternof the plaster. The lights in the changing-room were so bright that evenwhen I had a dim light on in the store room it was completely invisibleagainst the white patterned plaster.While I was about it as nobody was around I investigated the loft areasabove the changing rooms and found that there was a large opening leadingover the showers and the toilets. Just what I needed. I bored holes inall the appropriate places and checked to make sure that there was noevidence of what I had done. My purpose was not as obvious as it appeared.I was not interested in spying on the girls, I am not a peeping-tom. I donot find any interest or excitement in that. What I was after was to buildup an idea of the habits of my special potential victims My greatest hopewas to catch them in a situation where I could blackmail or terrorise theminto doing what I wanted. I figured that it should not take long. Thegirls were always hanging round the showers or the toilets.I spent many happy hours in my various hiding places and I soon got toknow the habits of the girls very well. I kept a special eye on Melanieand Eva and for a while they behaved themselves and did not give me anyopportunity to put my plans into operation. The best I saw of them waswhen they were dressed for gym. I never got the chance to see them nakedas they were very shy and made sure that they always changed either under atowel or wore their gym vests under their tee-shirts or blouses. I foundit fairly frustrating but I was really rewarded when they came out for gym.I knew when their gym lessons were, they did not have them together. Melanie’s class was first followed immediately by Eva’s so there was achance that they would meet up. I made it my business to be in my hidingplace well before the lessons were due to start.I was rewarded for my patience when Melanie came in with a group of herclass mates. She was wearing a tight white vest and it was very clear thather breasts had not really started to develop yet. As I had suspected fromseeing her in the corridor she had pointed little nipples that bulged thefront of her vest in sharp little cones but she was still veryflat-chested. What I had not suspected though was that she had asurprisingly plump little cunt-mound which I could clearly see bulging thefront of her tight gym-knickers. Her flowing hair was tied in a pony-tailand I could see the red lights in the dark tresses as they shone in thelight from the window. She had long slim legs with no puppy fat on thethighs although her plump little belly betrayed her age and lack ofdevelopment. I wondered how sexually aware she was! I certainly intendedto find out.No sooner had I feasted my eyes on Melanie than Eva came in to thechanging room. She was wearing a tight little yellow vest with tight whiteknickers. Her little pyramid-like nipples were prominent against her tightvest and I could see her well-made little arse as she turned her back totalk to Melanie. They both slipped on very short white pleated skirts overtheir tight knickers and tucked their vests in. I could not hear what theywere saying but they suddenly hugged one another and Melanie skipped out ofthe door leaving Eva. The changing room was very quiet, Eva now being inthere alone. I watched her as she wiped the sweat from her face with atowel and stood listening intently. No-one was around, the place wasreally deserted. I saw her go into one of the toilets. I could not see into there so I waited for a moment but she didn’t emerge. I slipped out ofmy hiding place and looked around. The place was still completely desertedwith no-one in the corridor or anywhere within earshot.I realised that this might be my chance and I slipped into the changingroom. Just to be sure I closed the door behind me and slipped the bolt. Now I would not be disturbed. I stealthily slipped into the toilet areaand stood listening outside the cubicles. Only one door was closed and inthe silence I heard loud gasping breathing. Eva was in one of the cubiclesand whatever she was doing was causing loud rhythmical gasping pants. Iwondered that she dared to make so much noise! She could not have beensure that the place would have remained empty. I continued to listen andher gasping panting breathing slowly mutated into harsh little squeals eachtime she breathed out I went into the adjacent cubicle, stood on the toiletseat and looked over the partition. Eva was lying back on the toilet withher panties round her ankles and one hand between her thighs rubbing at thetight little button of her clitoris. The other hand was up her vestfondling her immature barely formed breast. At first she did not realisethat I was there and continued fondling herself vigorously.I watched her, enjoying the sight immensely but I could not spend toolong in case anyone came. I knocked gently on the partition. Eva lookedup and saw me. She went deathly pale and froze with one hand up her tightvest and the other on her cunt. She looked up at me like a trapped a****l.”What have we here then?” I said, “unlock the door at once.” I got downfrom my perch and left the cubicle, unlocking the door of the toilets. Itwas clear that she recognised me as an authority figure. She jumped to herfeet and unlocked the door. “Come out here,” I ordered sternly. Sheobeyed and stood trembling and blushing a fiery red in front of me. “Youhave been a naughty little girl. Do you know where my office is?” Shenodded. Well after school I will be there. You make sure that you comestraight there and I will decide what I am going to do with you”. Shelooked helplessly up into my face and suddenly burst into tears and rushedout of the room. I smiled with satisfaction. I knew that she would cometo my office. She was too afraid and ashamed not to do as she was told.Later that afternoon I was in the gardens trying to decide whether toprune the rose bushes when I spotted Melanie going by herself into theshaded school orchard. I let her go and then quietly followed her. Therewas a stone bench beside a small pond under the trees and this was where Ifound her. She was oblivious to her surroundings. I watched her frombehind a tree. She sat and looked into the water for a while eating achocolate bar. The afternoon was warm and the cent of the fruit blossomwas heavy in the air. There was a gentle hum of bees and the wholeatmosphere was soporific. It was clear that it was affecting Melanie. Herhand stole to her chest and she began, almost u*********sly to fondle herundeveloped tit. Even from where I was standing I could see the responsivelittle cone of her nipple become erect. She moved to the other breast andstiffened that one also. She lay back on the seat, her legs spread as shecontinued to play with her little tits. From where I was standing I couldsee right up between her slim legs to the apex and to the white vee of herpanties drawn tightly across her fleshy little cunt. Her mouth hungslightly open and her eyes were glazed. Keeping one hand on her little titthe other stole stealthily between her slender young thighs and she beganto gently caress her little cunt with her knuckles through the thin cottonof her panties. She began to gasp through parted slack lips and her fingerslipped up the elasticated leg of her white knickers on to her cunt. Shebegan to gently rub, simultaneously, her cunt and her little nipple. Icould hear her gasping uncontrolled breathing from where I was standing. Iwaited until she was completely lost in her private fantasy world and Iquietly moved from my hiding place and stood in front of her. I did notsay anything but she became aware of my presence as my shadow fell acrossher. She opened her eyes, saw me standing over her and froze, one hand onher little tit and the other between her thighs with her fingers up the legof her knickers resting on her cunt. She looked up at me with terrifiedeyes. Her face became suffused with a deep flush that spread down over herneck and upper chest to the neckline of her tight little vest. She beganto cry quietly looking helplessly up at me.”I have to decide what to do about this,” I said sternly, “you know samsun escort thatyou have been a naughty, dirty girl. You know where my office is. Comestraight there after school and I will decide how I am going to deal withyou. Now straighten your clothes, get back to your classroom and don’t belate after school”. She jumped to her feet, gave me a terrified look andfled from the orchard.I had a satisfied private smile. I now had the two sexy young teenagersexactly where I wanted them. I intended to enjoy the afternoon. I wentback to my office, had a drink and waited for my ‘guests’. I changed intoa tee-shirt and loose trousers with no underwear an just put on sandalswith no socks.A soon as school ended I knew that they would be along.’I had frightenedthem too much for there to be any doubt about it. Sure enough there was atimid tap on my door. I opened it and Melanie stood looking fearfully upat me. I motioned her inside but did not speak. In a moment there wasanother shy tap. I opened the door and let Eva in. The two teenagerslooked at one another in shocked surprise. Clearly they had not comparednotes during the afternoon. I lay back in my armchair and looked at theirfrightened faces as the gazed imploringly at me. I was in no hurry and Imade then wait. I could see them looking at each other and each wonderingwhat the other was doing here. I leisurely studied their cute littlebodies. They were similar in many ways yet different in others. Melaniewas average height for her age and her short pleated thin white skirtemphasised her plump young thighs. The hard little cones of her nippleswere evident against the thin material of her vest. She looked absolutelyterrified and could not look either Eva or me in the eye.Young Eva’s long wavy blond hair hung loosely around her shoulders aboveher surprisingly well developed body for her age. As I had previouslyobserved, she was not overly tall but her erect elegant walk and mannermade her look taller. She had a definite sexual aura about her as thoughher sexuality was more developed for her age than was Melanie’s. Herlittle nipples were developed enough and she was frightened enough for themto get hard and I could see them sticking out through her shirt althoughher tiny breasts were hardly formed as she looked me challengingly in theeye. I was not really surprised when it was Eva rather than Melanie whospoke.”You can’t do anything to us,” she challenged me directly, “we weren’tdoing anything wrong.””Interesting,” I thought, “they have clearly been comparing notes andboth know what they have been doing and why they are here. I wonder whatelse they have been doing together.””All right,” I said calmly, “let us agree that you haven’t done anythingwrong. I’ll just pick up the telephone, call your parents, explain what Ifound you both doing and ask them to come and collect you.” There was asilence and I saw the girls look at one another in sick terror. At thatmoment I knew I had them. To my surprise it was Eva rather than Melaniewho pleaded with me.”Please don’t you really can’t tell our parents, you just can’t. They’dbe so ashamed of us and we couldn’t bear it. It would be too, too awful”.Melanie added her plea in a tight scared little voice,”Please don’t ring my daddy, I’ll do anything if you promise not to tellhim”. Eva nodded in quick agreement. I was pleased with the way thatthings were going and I had plenty of time.”Bolt the door Melanie,” I ordered, “and you and Eva come and stand infront of me with your hands on your heads”. She quickly did as I hadcommanded and I looked with pleasure at the two teenagers standing in sucha submissive pose in front of me. Standing erect with their hands on theirheads brought out clearly the lines of their immature yet maturing youngbodies. Melanie was slightly plumper than Eva but their bodies werebeginning to show the shape of womanhood as their chests narrowed to tinywaists and then expanded again at the hips. “Put your hands behind yourbacks and stick your chests out,” I ordered. They both blushed as theywere aware of and embarrassed at the way this pose would draw attention totheir developing little bosoms. I casually examined their little tits andmade sure that they knew I was looking. Their blushes deepened as theirnipples hardened under my scrutiny.”I think that you are a pair of dirty little sluts,” I told the blushingfrightened teenagers, “dirty little sluts who play with themselves whenthey think that nobody is around. I think that your daddies should knowjust what dirty little sluts they have for daughters.” They both burst intotears and I enjoyed the way their sexy firm young bodies shook with theirconvulsive sobbing. I let them cry for a while, knowing that this was thetime to break their resistance so that I could do whatever I liked withthem, not only this afternoon but for as long as they were at school. Whenthey felt that there was no hope left, I said quietly.”There may be another way out so that your daddies don’t have to know”.I could see hope dawning in their tear-filled eyes. If they had known whatI had planned for them they would be begging me to phone their preciousdaddies!!! “I could punish you for your dirty slutty ways and then no-onewould have to know. But you would have to accept whatever punishment Ithought was right and you would have to do everything I said”. Hope turnedto doubt in their faces as they looked at one another. I did not hesitate.”It’s all the same to me,” I said, “I’ll telephone your daddies to comeand collect you and I can have a talk with them then.”There was an immediate and gratifying outcry from the pretty pair! “No,please,” we agree, “said Melanie, “we’ll do anything. Please don’t phoneour daddies.””All right then,” I said, “you have agreed to do whatever I tell you andto accept whatever punishment I think right for you. As long as you keepdoing that then I won’t tell your daddies, but as soon as you start givingtrouble or stop doing as you are told, then you know what will happen. Nowcome here the pair of you and stand on each side of my chair.” Theyhesitatingly approached me and stood beside me, close to me, one on eitherside, two pretty little frightened twelve year olds, a blonde and abrunette and mine to do as I pleased with. I could smell the gentleperspiration of their fear as they stood close to my chair.I reached out and putting my hands up their short skirts began to feeltheir bottoms simultaneously. They gasped and looked at each other. Itook my time luxuriously fondling and squeezing their buttocks throughtheir thin knickers and running my finger down the cracks of their arses.”Spread your pretty legs, the pair of you,” I ordered. They were toofrightened not to comply. “Don’t look at each other, look into my eyes.” Isaid, fixing my eyes on their frightened tearstained faces. They bothstood awkwardly beside me with their plump young thighs apart and my handsup their skirts. I moved my hands slightly forward and, caressing theirperineums through the tight material of their knickers just behind theirplump fleshy young cunts I began to work them up with my fingers. Notaltogether to my surprise they both began to breathe more deeply and aflush spread from their embarrassed reddened cheeks to their shoulders andchests. They had played with themselves but they had never been touched bya man before. I knew from watching them that they could become veryexcited when they were playing with themselves and it was clear to me thatthese were two teenagers who were just beginning to discover their bodiesand in whom sexual desires and longings were no longer a potential only buthad actually awakened. They were compelled despite themselves to play withthemselves to experience the new powerful feelings of which theirdeveloping young bodies were now capable but the feelings frightened themand the act of playing with themselves shamed them and made them willing toagree to anything to stop their daddies finding out what their daughterswere up to. I move my hands back to their arses and firmly held a buttockof each girl.”I think that you two dirty little sluts should strip.” I said casually,”take off your vests.” There was a pause and they looked at one another andthen back at me. “I wont tell you again,” I said, “I am not going torepeat everything twice.” They saw that resistance was hopeless and slowlyand reluctantly peeled off their tight little vests and stood with theirhands reflexly covering their little nipples as I felt their plumpbuttocks. I laughed. “Hands by your sides, sluts,” I ordered and theyreluctantly dropped their hands. I looked with pleasure at theirdeveloping little chests. Melanie’s tits were hardly developed but hernipples were large and puffy-looking although not yet erect. I looked atEva. Her little nipples were developed enough to get hard although hertiny breasts were hardly formed, just sweet little mounds. I moved myhands back between their legs again and began to work them up just behindtheir cunts lightly brushing the dimples of their arseholes through theirknickers. The simultaneously gasped and I felt their legs begin totremble. I looked at their breasts as I gently tickled between their legsthrough their knickers. Now they were both rather similar. Melanie’spuffy little nipples set in rather large pink areolae for her age hadbecome stiff, hard and pointy while Eva’s nipples, although appearing alittle smaller had become hard and pointedly erect. The swellings of herdeveloping little breast mounds were more evident now. I moved my handsfurther between their thighs and gently and deliberately drew my middlefinger down the grooves of their cunts. Their blushes deepened.”OK sluts,” I said taking my hands from between their thighs, “come andstand in front of me.” They complied quickly, clearly relieved to be out ofreach of my exploring fingers. “Take your skirts off, sluts,” I ordered.They looked helplessly at each other and did as I had commanded. Now thepretty pair stood in front of me just dressed in thin tight white gymknickers. I gestured to their feet and they took off their sandals andwhite ankle socks leaving their pretty feet bare. “Now sluts,” I said, “asyou spend so much time playing with your cunts, lets have a look at them.Get your knickers off.” It was a measure of my control and their fear thatthey didn’t hesitate but, blushing with embarrassment and trembling withfear they slid the thin garments down their slender legs and stood beforeme completely naked. “Spread your legs,” I ordered and the nakedfrightened teenagers stood with their thighs apart about two feet in frontof my chair. I inspected their cunts. Eva’s cunt was completely hairlessand her cuntal groove seemed to be slightly open a little bit as I hadsuspected when I had run my finger down it. The outer lips were fleshy andwell made and the pretty inner lips were just visible in her little pinkslit. Melanie’s cunt had whisps of dark pubic hair on her cuntal mound butthe groove of her cunt was closed. Like Eva, she had plump fleshywell-made outer lips and a prominent mound.”Have you two little sluts ever played with each other’s cunts?” Iasked. They gasped and looked mortified but did not answer. “Well?”, Iasked. Eva said hesitatingly and shyly,”We have never been together or touched each others pussies. We haveonly touched ourselves. Please forgive us and let us go.” I ignored thatof course.”Let’s get it right straight from the start,” I said, “you have cuntsnot pussies. You must have seen one another in the showers,” I said, “howdid it make you feel? Now get on and tell me the truth before I losepatience.” They looked at one another and suddenly Melanie said in a rushedbreathy high-pitched frightened voice.” I have always been attracted to Eva. She looks so pretty.” Evablushed deeply.”Show Eva your cunt, Melanie,” I suggested. It was clear that Melaniewas now completely under my control and was too frightened even tohesitate. She turned to Eva and spread her thighs. The groove of her cuntdid not even open. “That’s no good,” I said, “spread your cunt wide openwith your fingers.” The blushing teenager did as she was told and stood infront of her young friend and I with her plump young thighs well apart andher fingers holding the fleshy lips of her cunt gaping open. I looked atthe embarrassed girl and then looked own at her pretty cunt. Her sweetlittle cunt was completely bare except for a small area at the top on hermound where there was the beginnings of dark pubic hair. The inner lipswere fairly large, and the left side was longer than the right. As she wasaroused and embarrassed as well as ashamed, I could see the tiny bud of herclitoris protruding slightly from the outer lips. “Well, Melanie,” I said,”what a dirty little slut you are, standing there with your cunt wide openfor anyone to look at. I wonder what your daddy would say if he could seelittle Melanie now?” She was silent, just standing there shaking spreadingher cunt and blushing so deeply that her shame spread over her chest escort samsun as faras her nipples which, despite herself had formed hard excited little cones.”Now, Eva, show Melanie your cunt just as she has,” I ordered. Eva didnot hesitate having heard what I had said to Melanie. She spread her plumpcunt lips with her fingers and pushed her crotch forward a littledisplaying herself to her friend so that Melanie could have a good look. It was clear that where Melanie was rather shy, Eva was much more forwardand blatantly sexual. As I had observed earlier, the groove of Eva’s tightlittle cunt gaped open slightly while she was standing at rest and now withher fingers widely spreading her cunt lips and displaying herself to herfriend and to me it gaped widely. Her rather fleshy plump inner lipsprotruded and the nub of her excited little clitoris was obvious.I motioned to the pretty pair and they came and stood on either side ofmy chair. I reached out and began to gently rub their hard little nipples.They gasped but did not dare to pull away. “Hold your cunts open sluts,” Iordered as I continued to feel their immature tight little breast mounds.They stood beside me their thighs apart, holding their cunts gaping open tome as I felt their tits and I began to smell the sweet smell of excitedyoung cunt. I moved my hands down to between their open thighs and gentlybegan to caress and tickle their moist and quivering little openings. Theystood there holding themselves open as red as beetroots as I took my timefingering them. I slipped a finger inside the outer lips of each girl andgently moved it until I felt resistance. Then I began to slowlyfinger-fuck the two pretty blushing teenagers very gently just going in asfar as their intact hymens. They began to gasp and in spite of themselvestheir hips began to move against my fingers as they slowly moved in and outworking up the inexperienced but excitable teenagers as they exposedthemselves to me. When their breathing became ragged I suddenly withdrewmy hands leaving them standing there trembling and gasping, holding theircunt-lips wide apart.I took Melanie by the hand and pulled her towards me and sat her on mylap. Without giving her time to think I put my hand straight between herthighs and began to finger her hot little cunt. I began to work her up asI considered the blushing Eva still standing with her thighs spread andholding her cunt gaping open, thrusting her crotch slightly forward so thather prominent cuntal mound was well in evidence. With my other hand Ibegan to feel Melanie’s immature hard little nipples.”So,” I said, “you two claim that you have never played with eachother.””Never,” Melanie gasped, “that would be so dirty.” I laughed and beganto gently finger-fuck her.”You don’t mind playing with yourselves though do you, sluts?” I askedmockingly. I left Eva standing watching, her cunt spread wide with herfingers, displaying herself to us as I continued to feel her pretty friend.Melanie’s cunt was beginning to become really moist now and her juices weresoaking my finger. I brought my hand to her lips so that she could smellherself on my fingers. “Suck my fingers,” I ordered. She shook her head.I wound my fingers in her soft dark her and, holding her head still so thatshe could not move I insinuated my smelly fingers between her soft red lipsuntil I came up against her teeth. “Open!” I said. She just looked at me,wide-eyed. I casually began to twist and to squeeze the hard cone of hernipple. She gasped and her teeth involuntarily parted. I slipped myfingers in and Eva watched in horror as her, now compliant, little friedcleaned her own juices off my fingers. Continuing to gently feel and twisther hard little nipple I took my hand from her mouth, slipped it backbetween her parted thighs and began to finger-fuck her again. She was verymoist now and her hips were beginning to wriggle on my lap as her raggedbreathing deepened. Her thighs were very widely splayed now giving me fullaccess to her wet cunt. It was clear that sexual storms were beginning tobuild in her young inexperienced but excited body. I didn’t want her tocome yet so I left her cunt, slid her a little forward on my lap giving mea route to the dimple of her arsehole, and began to gently tickle her softperineum with my wet and slimy finger. I moved my finger further backuntil it brushed the dimple of her little arsehole. She gasped and I movedmy hand back to her cunt, collecting more slime on my fingers.”Now, keep your hands by your sides, your thighs open as they are andsit still,” I commanded. I could smell the exciting moist frightenedgirl-smell in spite of her anxiety. I moved my fingers to the back of herslit, to the delicate area between her cunt and arse and gently began tohalf stroke, half tickle her. She gave another shuddering gasp but did notdare to close her thighs. I moved my finger to her arse hole and slowlybrushed across it.”Please don’t,” she gasped, “it’s so dirty”.She shuddered as I probed her virgin arsehole with the tip of my middlefinger and I could feel the resistance of the outer ring of muscle. Although she was clenching her arse cheeks and hoping that I would notnotice, she was undone by the cuntslime I had collected on my fingers. Herarsehole muscle suddenly gave way and my middle finger popped an inch deepin to her tight back channel. I left it there and moved my thumb into heropen cunt. Keeping her impaled on my fingers I looked into her eyes. “Well, Melanie, aren’t you a dirty little girl – letting a man stick hisfinger up your arse. What do you think that your daddy would think of hislittle Melanie now?” Eva watched with horror as I began to finger-fuck herfriends virgin arse with my thumb buried in her tight cunt.”Oh!” she gasped breathily, “it’s so dirty, please take your fingerout.” I just laughed and continued to finger-fuck her tight arse as I felther little nipples. As I fucked her tight arse with my wet finger Idropped my lips to her immature little breasts and began to suck her tighthard little nipples. She gave a deep gasp and her impaled arse wriggleddeliciously on my finger. Eva stood in front of us displaying herself andwatching her friend having her arsehole thoroughly finger-fucked. The twofriends looked helplessly at each other. “I think that you should kissMelanie, Eva,” I said. She looked at me but did not move. I put my handbetween her thighs so that they were forced to spread and cupped hersplayed and open cunt in my palm putting my hand between hers. I pulledher towards me. “Now kiss her, you little tart,” I ordered, “and do itproperly!” They were both too intimidated to protest and their soft younglips met. I could see that their mouths immediately opened and they beganto explore one another for the first time. I let them get on with it as Ipressed my finger further up Melanie’s tight arse until she was completelyimpaled and my finger was stuck up her to the root. Simultaneously I beganto finger Eva until her cunt began to moisten, partly from the stimulus ofmy fingers but at least as much, I suspected, from the excitement ofkissing her pretty little friend. I slipped my hand behind Eva and withoutgiving her time to move or protest I stuck my wet finger straight up hertight and clinging arsehole. I heard her give a loud gasp into Melanie’smouth but she did not dare to break the kiss. Now I had the both littlevirgins impaled by their cute arses on my fingers and it felt great. Iknew that I could do anything I liked to them and that they would doeverything they were told. They continued kissing and looking into eachothers wide eyes as they submitted to having their arses fondled and theirtight virgin arseholes fingered. I pulled them gently apart by thearseholes and they got the message. They broke the kiss and, panting,looked breathlessly into each other’s eyes.”Now you two,” I said, “go over and lie on the bed and start making out.Put your arms round each other and start kissing and rubbing your cuntstogether. Then, while you are kissing start feeling one another’s cunts. Ishouldn’t have to teach you this. Now just get on with it.” I releasedtheir arses and they went to the bed. Eva lay down and reaching up, pulledMelanie down into her arms and began to kiss her. It was clear who was thedominant one here! I knew that Eva had had no practical experience of sexbut her knowing look and sexual awareness indicated that she would not needvery much practice. Now that she had been given complete freedom she beganto enjoy herself with her submissive pretty little friend. Keeping theirlips joined, she rolled Melanie onto her back and parted her thighs. Placing herself between the thighs of the young brunette the little blondebegan to agitate her hot little cunt against that of her victim. I gotmyself a beer and sat and watched. Eva was really into the swing of thingsnow, rubbing her bare little cunt against that of her friend. They wereclearly both becoming excited by the friction and their kisses deepened andbecame more languorous. Eva moved from between Melanie’s thighs and layfacing her, still kissing her, with her friend in her arms. I saw her takeMelanie’s hand and put it between her parted thighs on to her own barelittle cunt while she boldly put her own hand between Melanie’s slenderyoung thighs and began to thoroughly feel her cunt. Melanie quickly caughton and soon the two kissing little beauties were masturbating one anotherwithout inhibition and gasping loudly. They were too excited to continuethe kiss and their lips parted as they lay together looking into oneanother’s eyes and frantically playing with each other. The sound of theirragged breathing filled the room and suddenly Melanie came in Eva’s handwith a deep gasp and a little squeal, closely followed by Eva. Their hotsweaty little bodies were covered with the post-orgasmic blush as theytrembled in each other’s arms looking deeply into one another’s eyes. Evapulled Melanie closer and began to kiss her continuing to gently feel herwet cunt. Melanie just lay passively and submitted to being felt by hermore aggressive partner. When they had recovered I said to Eva,”Leave Melanie alone lying on her back.” Eva obediently moved away fromher friend and looked at her. Melanie lay on her back with her thighsapart. “Pull your heels up to your arse and spread your thighs, Melanie,”I ordered, and her thighs obediently spread showing me the pink slit of herwet cunt. “Now, Eva,” I said, “kneel with your thighs on either side ofMelanie’s head. She did so and looked questioningly across at me. Icouldn’t believe that the inexperienced teenagers hadn’t worked out yetwhat I wanted them to do. I got up and went over to the bed so that I wasstanding by Eva.”It is very simple Eva,” I said, “I want you to bend forward until yourhead is between Melanie’s thighs and I want you to kiss and suck her cunt.”Eva looked at me in horror.”I couldn’t,” she whispered, “that’s so dirty.” I just laughed andputting my hand on the back of her head I wound my fingers in her softblonde her. With gentle pressure I moved her down so that her face wasbetween Melanie’s splayed thighs very close to her cunt.”If you don’t want your arse thoroughly spanked Eva, then get on withit,” I ordered. Still nothing seemed to be happening so I gave the whitefirm buttock a sharp slap. The sound echoed through the room and theoutline of my palm and fingers became evident on the smooth white skin ofher buttock. Eva gasped and her mouth went straight on to Melanie’sexposed cunt. She began to kiss and lick it obviously terrified of anotherslap. I let her get on with it for a while and then said quietly into herear, “Now start sucking her cunt. Stick your tongue as far inside her asyou can and keep licking and sucking or I will slap you again.” Thefrightened little blonde hastened to comply with my orders and she veryquickly got the hang of things. Before long Melanie was having her cuntvery thoroughly tongued and sucked. Melanie’s hips were writhing and herheels were pressing into the bed as the sensations spread from her excitedcunt through her hot young body. I whispered again into Eva’s ear, “Now,relax your thighs and drop your cunt so that it is on Melanie’s mouth.”Again the blonde immediately complied, not ceasing in her attentions to herfriend’s hot hole. I moved up and whispered into Melanie’s ear, “you canfeel what Eva is doing to you, now do the same to her.” Melanie immediatelyput her mouth to Eva’s cunt and began to kiss and lick the wet open slit.”Start sucking her cunt, Melanie,” I ordered, “stick your tongue as farinside her as you can and keep licking and sucking until I tell you tostop.”I went back to my chair and slowly drank my beer watching withsatisfaction as the two pretty teenagers sucked each other off. AgainMelanie came first, closely followed by Eva. They rested for a moment, notdaring to separate and then began to tongue one another again. Soon theywere sucking one another off furiously again and it was clear that anotherorgasm samsun escort bayan was not far away. They both came again and Eva lay panting on thegasping Melanie sweating as their hot faces pressed against each other’scunts. It was clear that they were so afraid of me that even after twoshattering orgasms they did not dare part. The room was full of the smellof their excitement.”OK, Sluts,” I said, “have a rest. Just lie down beside one another andfeel one another’s cunts while you get your breath back.” The two girlscollapsed side by side gratefully on the bed trying to bring themselvesunder control but still not daring to resist any demand their hands stolebetween each other’s thighs and they began to gently feel each other. Ilooked at them with amusement. The two little sluts were becoming so lostin one another that they were forgetting me! Things were about to changeand it was time to move on. While they were occupied with each other Islipped out of my clothes and went and sat on the bed beside them. Theyfelt my weight on the bed and this jerked them back to reality. They bothgave a gasp and pulled their hand from between each other’s thighs, lookingat me tensely. I motioned for them to separate and I lay down between themon the bed. I could see the girls looking apprehensively at my hairy bodyand stealing glances at my long thick semi-erect prick as it lay across mythigh. My prick is just over eight inches long when erect and is verythick. I am circumcised so there is a large threatening head like a smallorange. I have correspondingly heavy balls and thick pubic hair extendingall the way back back to my arsehole. When I am excited, and I have seldombeen in a better situation, there seems no end to my power to keep orregain an erection and I am capable of several ejaculations in a session.”Now then, you little sluts” I said conversationally “have you ever seenor felt a prick before?” The both shook their heads.”We have never had a boyfriend,” Melanie whispered, “our families areboth very strict and they are careful that they always know where we are. Ilaughed.”They don’t know now though, do they,” I chuckled, “no-one knows!” Theyshuddered. I looked at Melanie who was gazing at a blank wall by the bedin terror.”Look into my eyes” I ordered. She looked dumbly at me. ” I want youto feel my prick and balls gently until I tell you to stop”. She lookedfearfully down. My prick was semi-erect lying across my thigh with a blobof pre-cum staining the bead-spread. She did not move. “I don’t want tohave to repeat myself” I said warningly. She reached out with her smallhand and gingerly touched my prick about half way up the shaft. I made herclose her hand around the shaft and showed her how to wank me. My prickrapidly became fully erect under this treatment. She looked at thethreatening sight with horror.”Well done Melanie,” I mocked, “you are giving your first wank.” I laywith my hands behind my head and let her slowly wank me. “Are you enjoyingit?” I asked. She shook her head. “Just you keep on wanking me until Itell you to stop” I ordered. “Get both hands on my prick”. My prick wasbig enough and her hands small enough for her to easily get both hands on.She continued giving me a slow delicious wank sobbing as she did so. “Iwonder what your daddy would think little Melanie now” I mocked. Shepaused. “Just keep wanking” I growled “I didn’t say that you could stopbut keep wanking me with one hand and gently feel around my balls with theother.” I let her get on with it while I had a drink. Her eyes were fixedwith horrified fascination on the big prick that she was wanking andfeeling and on the pre-cum that was beginning to trickle down over herfingers Eva was watching in horrified fascination..”Eva” I said quietly “you seem very interested in my prick. Don’t youthink that you should give it a little kiss?” She looked at me in horrorand disbelief and shook her head violently. I wound my hand in her hairagain and pulled her face close to mine. “Listen, this is your lastwarning. Do everything I tell you without hesitation or I will telephoneyour daddy and tell him what you have been doing. I will not tell youagain.” Melanie was listening to me with horror but continuing to wank me.I looked at her still holding Eva by the hair. “Wank me a bit harder,” Iordered, “Grip it a bit tighter and use a longer stroke.” She began to gether tentative movements under control and was soon giving me a reallydelicious slow wank. She now seemed to know instinctively how hard to gripand how fast to go. I patted her on the head. “That’s a good littleslut,” I said, “just you keep on doing it like that.” I turned back to Eva.”Now, kiss my prick,” I ordered, pulling her blond head down my body by thehair until her mouth was close to the threateningly stiff organ thatMelanie was tossing off. She slowly brought her lips to my shaft aboveMelanie’s wanking hand and put a timid little kiss on my prick. She thenwithdrew her mouth and looked up at me.”That’s not nearly good enough” I said “do you know what a blowjob is?”She shook her head dumbly – and I think that she was probably telling thetruth. They had both clearly had had very sheltered upbringings. “What Iwant you to do is to kiss the end of my prick” I said firmly. She shookher head. “I won’t tell you again,” I warned her. I felt her breath onthe end of my prick and then I felt the slightest touch of her lips. Shepulled away as though it was red hot. I smiled down at her. “Now, openyour mouth and take the end of my prick into it” I said. She lookedhorrified and shook her head, shrinking away from me across the bed but Istill had my hand wound in her soft hair so she could not get far. Ipulled her towards me by the hair so that her head was resting on my thighso that she was looking up at me with my prick rearing up in front of hereyes as Melanie was tossing it off. “This is your last warning Eva, or Ispeak to your daddy. Take the end of my prick into your mouth.” I kept myhand wound in her soft hair and moved her head to my prick. I felt the endof my prick brushing against her closed lips. I moved her head around,smearing pre-cum all over her mouth. “Right, Eva, open your mouth wide”.She gave a convulsive sob. I twisted her hair a bit tighter and felt hermouth slowly opening on the end of my prick. “Wider” I snarled. Sheopened her mouth as wide as she could and the tip of my prick was justtouching her lips. I slowly pushed the big end of my prick past her lipsand her teeth and into her mouth. I put about two inches in and justrested there. “Now, Eva, close your lips around my cock while Melaniekeeps wanking me.” She gave a great shudder but did as I commanded. “Openyour eyes and look at me” I snapped. Her blue eyes, now misted with theshadow of defeat gazed up at me. Her mouth was stretched around my prick.I began to move my prick around inside her mouth and I could see the headbulging first one cheek and then the other. I slowly moved it in and outabout half an inch. She looked completely crushed with her sweet red lipsstretched around my big prick and her blue eyes fixed on mine. “Now, Eva,for your first cocksucking lesson. Run your tongue around the end of myprick and gently suck”. She automatically followed orders. It was areally delicious sensation, just like being held in a velvet vice. “Idon’t want to have to do any work. Move your head backwards and forwardsjust keeping my prick inside your lips and taking it in as far as you can.Run your tongue around the end and keep gently sucking while Melanie iswanking me off”.It was amazing how quickly she picked up the idea. I looked down atthis little virgin giving me a very competent blowjob only five minutesafter I had started teaching her. “You are a natural cocksucker Eva” Isaid “now take my prick deeper into your mouth”. It was too much to expecther to deep-throat me but she was taking about four inches of my prick intoher mouth and sucking gently. I thought that that was pretty good for abeginner. I was surprised that I had lasted so long with this littleblonde virgin sucking my prick while her little brunette friend wasfondling my balls, wanking me gently. I could feel the pressure beginningto build in my balls. Eva and Melanie knew that something was happeningbecause they felt my prick suddenly harden as it spasmed. I tightened mygrip on Eva’s hair and held her mouth fixed on my prick. It dawned on herwhat was about to happen and her eyes widened in horror. I just smiled ather as I came in a rush of cum that filled her mouth, ran down her throatand trickled out of her lips. She looked wide-eyed and terrified with hermouth clamped to my prick and spunk running down her chin. I let go of herhair and she stayed just as she was. I think that she was in a state ofshock. I pulled her off my prick and threw her some tissues. “Cleanyourself up” I said and turned to Melanie who still had her hand claspedmotionless around my softening shaft looking at it in horror. Eva wipedher face and dried her tears. “Now, Melanie,” I said, “use your prettylittle tongue to clean up my prick and balls.” She took one look at my faceand knew that it was useless delaying. I picked up my drink and lay backas I watched the little brunette virgin licking around my semi-erect prickand, for the first time, licking my balls. I just lay back relaxed anddrinking while I got my strength back and I just let her get on with it. With me, it doesn’t take long and soon I started to harden again.I lay back with my head on a pillow as Melanie cleaned my prick andballs with her moist red tongue. I reached for a pillow and stuffed itunder my arse raising it from the bed. I looked down at Melanie.”You saw Eva sucking me off just now, well now it’s your turn.” I wasvery pleased when the submissive little brunette immediately took the endof my prick between her soft red lips and began to suck me off. She was aquick learner and had gained from watching Eva. Soon she was sucking meoff quite deliciously. “Wank me into your mouth, Melanie,” I said and shebegan to add a delicious slow wank to a pretty competent blowjob. Irealised that these two were a naturally talented pair of sexy little slutslacking only experience. I turned again to Eva who seemed to haverecovered from the trauma of having a man come in her mouth for the firsttime.”All that activity has made my arse hot and sweaty Eva,” I said, “I wantyou to get down between my thighs and clean me up with your tongue.””I couldn’t,” she gasped predictably, “it is so dirty, it would make mesick.” I just laughed and, seizing Melanie by the hair, I moved her up bymy thigh so that she could continue wanking into her hot sucking littlemouth and still leave the area between my thighs free. I spread my thighsgiving easy access to my balls and arsehole. I pointed down the bed,looking significantly at Eva. She gave a convulsive sob but movedreluctantly down the bed until she was between my spread thighs. Gentlysobbing she moved her blonde head forward until I felt her soft breath onmy balls. I felt her begin to lick my perineum, moving reluctantly towardsmy sweaty arse. I put my hand on her blonde head, winding my fingers inher soft hair head and pulled her firmly between my thighs until I felt herlips on my arsehole.”Now just kiss my hole, running your tongue around the rim and pushingit as deeply up me as you can”. She sobbed but complied and I relaxed backas she sucked and kissed my sweaty hole pushing her hot tongue deep insideme. She was crying quietly, her slim body wracked with sobs. Thesensation was incredible as I looked down at the two submissive, dominatedlittle sluts, a blonde between my spread thighs sucking, kissing firmly anddeeply tonguing my sweaty arse and a sexy little brunette wanking me intoher hot mouth as she sucked me off. “It doesn’t get much better than this,” I thought, “as I watched my twolittle fuck-toys working hard on my sweaty body. Things couldn’t go onlike this for much longer though and I began to feel the familiar pressurein my balls. I reached out and grasped Melanie by the hair. Her eyeswidened as she realised what was going to happen. I came convulsivelyaided not a little by Eva’s hot little tongue pushed hard up my sweatyarse, filling Melanie’s mouth and throat with hot cum. I held her by thehair, making sure that her mouth stayed on my prick until she had swallowedit all. She looked wide-eyed at me and sobbed with distress on my prick. Ithought that they had had enough for one afternoon. Taking a blonde andbrunette head by the hair in each hand I moved them up the bed until theywere lying sobbing beside me. I gave them some tissues to clean themselvesup. I let them go and have a quick wash and clean their teeth while I gotmyself a beer. I let the sexy pair stand and watch me wondering what wasgoing to happen. “You know where my office is and I know what you havebeen doing to me and to each other and to yourselves. I can still tellyour daddies all about you two.” I said, “you are my little fuck-toys aslong as you are at this school. Whenever I tell you to be here, you willcome, or you know what I will do. Now get out!” They scuttled for the doorand as it closed behind them I lay back on the bed and smiled with Tafod Arian

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