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Hello, this is my first attempt at writing a piece of erotic fiction and I would welcome your feedback on the story. Please take a moment at the end to tell me what worked for you or what didn’t.


Falling snow covers the forest; a small doe wanders up to a cabin and stops. Her head held high and ears alert, she carefully steps forward.

Our skis stand next to wet backpacks and dripping coats. The fire cast dancing shadows on the ceiling and walls as gentle music and the scent of wood smoke fill the room. We sit close wrapped in a thick blanket sipping hot chocolate laced with Irish Cream.

I kiss your cheek and whisper, “I love how you taste.”

You laugh, spilling a few drops of cocoa to your breast. Slowly I lower my head to lick the drops from your skin. You giggle as my hair tickles your neck. My lips explore your breast looking for more sweet drops and I hear a little sigh. You lift my head and offer me a bit of bread dripping with honey. I smile and kiss your fingertips. We take another sip of our cocoa and watch the fire dance.

“I had fun this afternoon,” you whisper.

I answer with a sigh, “Hmmmm… so did I.”

We started the afternoon next to a small campfire warming ourselves after a morning of cross-country skiing. We still had a few miles of trail to cover before the end of our day out. As I finished my last bite of cheese, you brushed a crumb of bread from my face and I leaned forward to kiss your lips. You pressed closer to me and I felt your hand on my thigh. The heat of your kiss burned into my body. All too soon the kiss ended with a quiet little moan.

I looked into your eyes and smiled.

We kicked snow over the fire and helped each other into our backpacks. You grabbed my bottom and whispered that you wanted to make love right there in the snow. I laughed and kissed you hard before dumping a bit of snow in your hair. After a few moments of squealing and flying snow, we stopped, kissed, brushed each other off, and finished clipping into the ski bindings while giggling about making love in the snow.

Our skis glided thru the fresh snow with only a whisper of sound; clouds of breath frosted our hair as we skied in silence. A wide-eyed doe gazed at us for a moment before vanishing into the trees. We stopped before skiing down into the valley; I wrapped my arms around you and looked out over the visa. You leaned back and sighed. My heart pounded with want.

A handful of snow broke my trance and I chased you down the slope. After a wild pursuit between the trees, we both tumbled to the snow. We laughed on our backs while snowflakes fell into our mouths. You rolled over and covered my lips with yours. I pulled you closer. Our skis fought, trying to twist our legs into impossible shapes. With a groan we rolled apart and laughed again.

With a little laugh, I said, “I want to make love with you.”

“The cabin is just over the next hill,” you whispered.

“I want to make love to you now, here in the snow,” I breathed in a hoarse voice.

With a sly little smile you released your ski bindings and started to pull off my pack and said, “I hope you remembered to pack the sleeping bag”

“I have the bag and I put a small blanket in your pack,” I chuckled as I helped you pull your pack off.

We tore open the packs and rolled out the sleeping bag and blanket on the snow while kissing and fumbling with zippers, buttons and laces. The cold air on our skin added fuel to the fire glowing in our bodies. My lips found a hard nipple and I sucked it into my mouth. You buried your fingers in my hair. I heard a quiet sigh and felt your hands move down my back before pulling me up to your lips. We kissed while sinking to our little cloth nest. You reached between us, gently searching for my cock.

Snowflakes melted on my back as you found your target and kissed me harder. I could feel your legs wrap around my hips as I searched for your opening and the warmth of your body. You made a little gasp as I entered you and your arms wrapped around my shoulders.

As the snow collected in your hair I moved in and out of your body. Our moans and sighs blended with movements of hips and thighs. Your fingers dug into my back, your legs clung to my hips; I pushed harder and faster. Snow spills into our little nest and melted around our bodies. My heart pounded harder as my fever built; I felt your body shake and your head rolled back. We cried out together, our bodies flowing together, yours engulfing mine as I poured into you.

We slowly melted apart, our bodies steaming as snowflakes melted on overheated skin. Soon we were rushing to retrieve clothes thrown carelessly in the snow–a top here, tights there, a snow-filled boot, gloves half buried by snow; a cap hung on a branch–and struggled to pull them over fast-cooling skin while we giggled like teenagers. Quickly the packs were stuffed and slipped back on between kisses, hugs, and shivers. Stepping back into our skis, we kissed once more before skiing across the valley and up the last hill to the Alaçatı Escort cabin with its promise of a hot shower and a fire.

Side by side we skied up the gentle slope, speaking in hushed tones, not wanting to break the spell we wove only moments ago. Darkness already filled the valley below as we crested the hilltop. Pausing one last time, we shivered in the fading light and breathed in the cold fresh air. I took your hand in mine and whispered, “Thank you for loving me.”

With a laugh, you pushed me down into the snow and dashed off to the cabin while I lay back, letting the flakes fall onto my face.

I stayed in the snow for a few moments, watching the flakes fall and enjoying the quiet of the forest. After I rolled over to follow you back to cabin I spotted the little doe in the fading light and smiled, thinking she might have watched us playing in the snow.

By the time I reached the cabin, you had already kicked off your boots and shed your backpack. Laughing at the snow still covering my clothes you said, “Bring in some more firewood and build up the fire while I get the bread in oven, then we can take a shower.”

After carrying in a bundle of wood, I stirred up the coals we left buried in the fireplace and added a couple of large pieces of oak and shut the glass doors. I could hear you singing softly in the little kitchen as you punched down the bread dough before shaping it into a round loaf. On my way to the kitchen I dropped my coat and turned on some soft rock music.

You already had a small pan of milk on the stove warming up for cocoa and you were still shaping the bread with flour covered hands when I stepped behind you, wrapped my arms around your waist and kissed you on the neck.

As you made a little sigh, you closed your eyes and leaned back into me and whispered, “That feels wonderful but please wash your hands and finish making the soup so we can get in the shower. I’m freezing.”

With a little laugh, I gave you one more kiss and smacked your cute bottom before washing my hands and checking on the crock-pot of chicken stock. After a quick taste, a bit more salt and a little basil, I added the wild rice and vegetables. Just as I was finishing my little culinary task you started giggling behind me; when I turned to see what was so funny you planted a big kiss on my lips and floured my face and hair with your hands!

I grabbed you around the waist, spun around and plopped you up on the counter top with my body between your legs and started to tickle your ribs. Laughing and squirming, you gently bit my lips and squealed that the milk was starting to foam over.

After mixing in the chocolate, kissing, tickling and chasing each other around the little kitchen, we finally headed for the bath. I followed you around the corner watching you tease me with your swaying walk. A couple of quick sips of cocoa, a kiss, and a little squeeze, we finally turned on the water and start stripping off our wet clothes.

I love watching you undress, you always put on a little show; first a little shake, a button here, a little turn, a zipper, a bit skin, a wave of the arm, a deep bend, a warm wet panty tossed in my face and you hopped into the shower.

I struggled out of the rest of my clothes and followed you into tub-shower. Snuggling up behind you, I reached around and gently cupped your breast in my hands and whispered in your ear, “You are in so much trouble.”

“Me?” in your most innocent voice as you reached back to find my already hardening cock pressed against your bottom.

With a sly little smile you turned to me, kissed my lips and placed my cock between your legs.

“Why would you say I’m in trouble? What did I do wrong?” you giggled as your pussy rubbed my hardened cock.

All I could say was, “You… , do something wrong, never… no… na uh…” and then I slapped your wet bottom and made you yelp and jump off my cock.

“Ouch! Now you have to kiss my ass and make it feel all better!” you pouted and then bent and turned your back to me. After giving the other cheek a playful little pat, I kissed both cheeks and tickled your pussy with my fingertips until I heard a little sigh.

With a laugh I said, “Here, let me wash your hair.”

After a few minutes of shampoo, kisses, and roaming hands, we had our hair clean and rinsed. You sat down on the little ledge to shave your legs and I asked if I could help. You handed me the bath gel and a pink razor as I knelt down between your legs with the water spraying down on my back. I soaped up your left leg and carefully ran the razor along your thigh and calves being careful not to nick your knee or ankle.

Before starting the right leg, I kissed each toe, your calf, knee, thigh, and your dripping pussy.

Laughing you pushed me back and said, “We’re gonna run outta hot water if you don’t stop that!” And you grabbed the gel and razor, and quickly shaved the right leg while I watched for a few moments.

With a bar of vanilla scented soap and Alaybey Escort bath sponge I started to lather up my body while you finished shaving. As you stood up I rubbed my soapy body against yours and reached around your waist to wash your back and bottom. I used the sponge and my hands making sure to trail my soapy fingers up and down between your cheeks to tickle as much as to clean.

Taking the sponge from me you turned me around and washed my back and legs before I turned back around to let you to soap up my balls and cock. As my cock hardened again I kissed your neck and slid my hand between your legs to gently rub your pussy.

I felt the bath sponge fall from your hand as your arms wrapped around my neck. Stepping forward, I pressed your back against the shower wall and you lifted one leg to my waist. With my right hand I held your leg and slowly entered your charged body. With a hoarse moan my lips found yours and you wrapped your legs around my waist as I pushed deeper into your tight pussy.

Reaching down with my left hand, I grasped your bottom and lifted and lowered your body as I pushed in and out of your body. You broke our kiss and put your chin on my shoulder and sighed in my ear, “Hmmm… you feel so good inside me… please don’t stop… mmmm… aaaaah…”

Your legs tightened around my waist as I kept pushing deeper and faster. I could feel the first rush of my climax just as a freezing spray of cold water hit my back. A sharp cry told me you felt the cold water too.

A frenzy of body parts untangling as the fever of passion quickly melted into a cloud of shrieks, cries and curses before the water could be shut off and we jumped out of the shower to wrap up in dry towels and try to get warm. I wrapped my towel and arms around you and held you close to share what was left of our body heat. And we started laughing and kissing.

Towels and kisses worked to drive away the chill. Your skin felt cool and soft as I rubbed lotion on your back and shoulders. You made a gentle sigh. Turning you, I kissed your lips and rubbed lotion on each arm, before bending to cover your legs. I felt your hands on my shoulders as I lifted one leg to lotion your toes, foot, ankle. A little more lotion on my hands and I worked my way up your calves past your knee, to your thigh, gently brushing the lips of your pussy as my hands traveled to the top of your long leg.

Your fingers dug into my shoulders and I felt a shudder flow thru your body. Still holding your leg, I leaned forward to lick the drops from your pussy. The shudder grew to a tremble. You moaned softly. With one last lick, I released your leg and picked up the other. Kissing each toe, I lotioned your foot, ankle, and calf. You wiggled your toes as my tongue tickled the top of your foot. My hands smoothed lotion over your knee and up your thigh, and teased your wet lips once more.

Rubbing more lotion on my hands, I kissed your cheek and spread lotion on your hips and bottom, the slight swell of your tummy, the space between your breast, your neck and collarbone, and finally your breast.

With a little smile, I kissed your closed eyes and held you close. You sighed as you pushed away and turned to dry your hair. Bumping hips and laughing, I shaved, you sprayed a bit of perfume, we fought for the toothpaste and kissed.

Wrapped up in oversized robes, we headed to the kitchen and the smell of fresh bread and hot soup. You filled two big cups with soup, I pulled the bread out of the oven and we warmed up our forgotten cocoa. And you kissed my cheek as I added a bit more Irish Cream to my cocoa.

We added a couple pieces of wood to the fire, placed two cups of soup, big chunks of warm bread and Irish Cream spiked hot cocoa next to the sofa and cuddled up under a warm blanket.

Taking sip of my soup, I said, “I love being with you, playing in the snow, kissing you, touching you… making love.”

You smiled, kissed my cheek and whispered, “This has been a wonderful weekend, let’s never go back, we could stay here skiing and playing in the snow… and in bed.”

The aroma of fresh bread and soup reminded us to eat. Soft music, the crackle of the fire, the clink of spoons and dishes replaced words. Silently we sipped soup, shared torn pieces of bread, little kisses, and watched the fire dance.

Empty cups sat next to half eaten pieces of bread as we settled back and took small sips of cocoa; I felt your hand resting on my thigh as you leaned against my shoulder. Your hair tickled my nose as I nuzzled the side of your head. The stereo played “Your Body is a Wonderland,” and my hand drifted to your waist and slowly wandered up under your robe to cup your breast. You snuggled closer to my heart and moved your hand under my robe. “…Your skin like porcelain, One pair of candy lips and…” plays in the background as my cock hardens to your touch.

You slowly turned, closed your eyes, and kissed my lips as the song played. Our tongues met between parted lips, tasting and teasing. Your Aliağa Escort hand pushed open my robe, pressed against my chest. I held you in one arm and caressed your hair. I shifted my hips to ease the pressure in my groin and slowly untied your robe, slipped my hand around your waist, and down over your hip.

” …Swimming a deep sea, Of blankets…”

A moan escapes from our lips as we broke the kiss and you lowered your mouth to my chest. My hand slid up your side to your breast while you teased my nipple with little flicks of your tongue. I squeezed your breast before sliding my hand down along your stomach to the inside of your thigh and up to your already dripping pussy.

With a little sigh your legs opened slightly allowing my finger to slip between the wet folds of your pussy. My index finger traced small circles around your swelling bud, while my other fingers teased your lips.

“… Your body is a wonderland, Your body is a wonder…”

You turned your head, closed your eyes and opened your legs a little wider. I laid your body down to my lap, caressed your cheek and hair, your hips rose to my hand and my fingers slipped into you.

Your hand closed over mine and pressed my fingers deeper before drawing them to your mouth. You licked each fingertip and guided me back to your pussy. My heart pounded as I slid my fingers slowly in and out of your warm pussy. As you started to tense, I removed my hand and carefully sucked each of your fingers, you uttered a cry of frustration.

Turning your body, you took my stiff cock in your hand and teased it with your tongue. I reached down to squeeze your bottom and you gave it a little wiggle.

“…Your body is a wonderland; Your body is a wonderland…”

I felt your mouth lower over my cock. I buried my hand in your hair, carefully pressed your head down, urging you to take me deeper in your mouth… I moaned and released your head.

Sensuously you ran your lips and tongue the length of my cock. I gave your bottom a little slap… another… and a third, before slipping my finger between your cheeks, teasing around your tight ass. Your hips rose to my finger and I pressed in my fingertip you sucked my cock even deeper. I felt my balls tighten as the first rush squirted into your throat, you raised your head and the second splashed your lips, before you closed your mouth around my cock’s head and sucked the last drops from my body.

As the mist cleared from my mind I felt your mouth gently sucking and licking my slowly softening cock. I reached out to touch your cheek. You smiled and said, “Mmmmm… You got so big… you filled my mouth…” and then you kissed me with your cum covered lips.

With a little laugh you licked the cum off my lips and kissed me again before I could say a word.

I held you in my arms as my body recovered and whispered, “I love you, my sweet, sexy little ski bunny…

You held me closer and smiled.

I caressed your shoulder moving down your waist and hip, feeling the warmth of your skin. Leaning close to your ear, with a hoarse voice I said, “I want to lick your pussy and tease your bottom… I want to nibble on your lips and slip my fingers into your bottom… I want you to cover my face with your juices and feel your ass tighten on my fingers…”

“… never loved someone the way I loved you…”

You moaned and closed your eyes and whispered,” Hmmmmmmmmm… I wanna cum all over your face…

With a kiss, I pulled the cushions from the sofa to the floor and laid you back over them. Starting with your eyelids, I kissed my way past your lips and cheeks, one side of your neck, down your collarbone to the sweet valley between your breasts. With one hand I pulled the belt from your robe and sucked a nipple into my mouth. Taking hold of your wrists, I raised them above your head and loosely tied them to a sofa leg. Still kissing your breast, I pulled the belt from the other robe and covered your eyes.

“… fallin in and out of love with you…”

You wiggled your hips and sighed as I tied the cotton belt. Taking the bottle of Irish Cream, I tipped a couple of drops on your lips and kissed you. Pouring a little more into an empty cup I set the bottle down and started to kiss your breast again before dribbling a little Irish cream on one nipple and licking it off. Cup in hand I slowly kissed my way down your belly to your sweet pussy.

After giving your pussy a long slow lick, I kissed the insides of your thighs and down your leg to finish with a kiss for each toe. Your hips and shoulders rotated, your breath deepened, my knees slid between your legs. I bent down to kiss your pussy, ran my hands over your hips and breast, before laying down between your legs and running my tongue between your swollen lips. You lifted your knees and clamped my body between your legs. I sucked your lips into my mouth and ran my tongue up and down the length of your pussy.

“… Oh baby I,I,I,I’m Fa-a-allin’ …”

Your body shuddered, your hips rose, pressing my mouth harder against your cunt. I moved my head up and down licking you from the top of your pussy to your bottom. I flicked my tongue up and down the top edge of your bottom and you raised your hips… as my tongue tickled you bottom, in a hoarse voice you commanded, “Lick my bottom, lick me, I want you to lick my tight ass!”

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