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It was around eight in the evening when it all started. A pub in the town centre was packed to bursting as Suzy and Tina walked in and fought their way to the bar with more than a few admiring glances sent there way. Red hair, green eyes and both tall and gorgeous, it was no surprise that both attracted more than their fair share of attention over the next couple of hours and the booze flowed freely. They’d known each other forever, best friends ever since they met on their first day of school and now, twenty years later, there was very little they didn’t share or know about the other. But over the last few months what had always been a very friendly rivalry had become something with more bite to it. A week ago Tina had stolen a particular handsome guy from practically under Suzy’s nose and there was still a simmering resentment about it hanging in the air. It was, perhaps, understandable then that when she tried something similar this weekend Suzy put her foot down. What started as harsh words escalated rapidly into something that was threatening blows until Tina gave an angry “Fine, you take him, I’ll just go and find something better!” and turned to stalk away. Now, what drove her to do what she did Suzy could never quite sure but in an instant she’d reached out, grabbed the back of the flimsy cotton t-shirt and pulled as hard as she could. There was a ripping sound that seemed to drown out everything else in the pub and Tina was suddenly standing naked from the waist up and in shock as she tried to cover up even as a storm of LED flashlights from mobile phones and disposable cameras went off.

It was with this event in mind that two gentleman met in another, much quieter, pub a few days later.

“How’s it going?”

“Oh great, except for the fact that she’s still not talking about anything else other than revenge.”

“Hardly surprising.”

“No, and I can certainly understand it, but this is going to get really messy if it carries on man.”

“True, neither are exactly the sort to give in on something like this are they?”


“So I presume that the reason for the quiet drink is you want some help with sorting this out?”

“Yeah, I need your engineering skills I’m afraid.”

“Okay, what do you have in mind?”

“Have a look at this, tell me what you think.”

“Interesting. Pretty simple design though, this is how they’re normally built?”

“Yeah, but I want you to make it better.”

“Better how exactly?”

“Up the flow rate a bit and build it strong enough to let this stuff come up to neck height if you can!”

“Riiiiight. Well… in theory anyway that’s not actually that hard. Let me have a think about it and get back to you. I presume you want this as quick as possible?”

“I don’t exactly want to wait for them to sort this out on their own, that’ll involve hospital stays at this rate!”

“Okay, I’ll confirm this tomorrow but let’s say a week for construction and testing so.. how about I have this ready for a week on Saturday.”

“That’ll work. There’s something else I need to ask though.”

“Do I assume you have a more intricate plan than just this?”

“Yeah, I need your help on the night too. And do you mind if we borrow your place over on Garden Road?”

“No problem but you’re helping me clean the place up afterwards okay?”

“Deal. Let me get you a top up there.”

This conversation didn’t attract much attention as these two visited this particular pub on a regular basis and often discussed complicated builds like this although, if the barman had known exactly what devilish device they were discussing, he’d have been a great deal more interested. Over the course of the next seven days the engineer spent some considerable time and effort designing and building a device that put all others of its type that had come before it to shame. The final installation was a work of art with more pipework than a normal home plumbing system and a lighting system that brought out every single edge and bolt with a wonderful malevolence.

And so, almost precisely two weeks to the second after the girls had first entered that pub they found themselves blinking as black bags were yanked off their heads, their arms bound behind them as their unseen captors faded into the deep shadows around them as they stared at the large wooden chair bathed in light from the single spotlight burning overhead. The cloths between their lips made effective gags and neither woman made a sound as they waited for the scene to unfold. Their eyes went wide as a man, dressed immaculately in a tight black business suit and white shirt, stepped up to the chair, sat down and stared at them for a moment before speaking.

“You two have caused us some considerable trouble over the last two weeks. We’ve waited for you to sort this out between yourselves and have seen nothing to indicate you’ve even bothered to make the effort to talk to each other let alone reach a resolution. Kalaba Escort Therefore we have taken it upon ourselves to offer you a solution, at a great deal of time and expense I might add. So, you have a choice. If you still refuse to resolve the issue you will each be taken from this place, be given to an experienced domina and have your arse tanned until you can’t sit down for a week. Maybe that will convince you to end this foolishness. Do either of you want that?”

Both women shook their heads vigorously, red hair whipping their cheeks from the force of their denials.

“Good, then here is the alternative. Look to your right.”

A low thunk was heard and a bank of spotlights blazed into life revealing what looked like a solid plastic cell. Almost five feet long and six feet wide it seemed to loom ominously in the harsh light. The front door was open and, on the edge that would lock to the rest of the cell, a series of steel rods could be seen tucked away into the perspex, looking more like a pressure door seal than a cell. On each side of the cell small metal circles could be seen distributed every foot or so in a grid pattern. What was odd though was they could see nothing other than the cell: the sides and top were extended with a black metal surround that hid any details of what lay beyond the cell.

“One winner, one looser, and all these issues left in this building. The winner is the first to get the other into the cell, close the door and press the red button which locks the door. You may not punch, kick, bite, scratch or draw blood in any way. Anyone who breaks this rule will be instantly disqualified. Do you understand the rules so far?”

Suzy nodded immediately, Tina hesitated for a moment then gave a short sharp nod of her head.

“Good. Now for the rest. You’ll fight naked and the entire event will be filmed. If there is any repeat of the incident that occurred two weeks ago the video will be put on youtube for everyone to see.”

There was a quiet clink and both women suddenly found themselves uncuffed. They paused for a moment then Suzy, with an air of resignation, reached up and pulled her tight white t-shirt up and over her head before starting to unbutton her jeans. Tina sighed through her gag and started to do the same. Soon both were standing naked in front of their judge and, they were now sure, a battery of cameras capturing every little detail. Not that either had a single thing to be ashamed of, both were stunning and, more importantly at that moment, neither had any obvious advantage. Tina may have had a slight reach advantage but Suzy had longer legs and was a fraction faster.

“Just remember, this is the only chance either of you will have to get out any ill feeling over this incident and whatever led up to it. But if it looks like getting out of hand for whatever reason you will BOTH regret it dearly. Do I make myself clear?”

They nodded and Suzy actually gave a small bow in his direction. They waited for him to speak again but were surprised when the light above him shut off, leaving them in darkness for several long seconds until yet another bank of lights burst into life illuminating the floor around them and revealing a large empty space with a soft foam mat covering an area maybe twenty feet by thirty, the cell waiting with the door open at one end. They both took a long look around then jumped back from the other, both reaching behind their heads to remove the gags.

“See what you’ve done? This is all YOUR fucking fault!” Tina snapped as they started to circle each other.

“MY fault? If you hadn’t been such a bitch and stolen Tim away from me…”

“If you can’t keep him don’t blame me if his eye wanders!”

“Just because I don’t go around flashing my tits at every cute guy…”

“Oh fuck you, stop trying to act like this is all my fault, you left me naked in the middle of a pub with everyone in the fucking world taking pictures!”

“You mean there was someone there that HASN’T seen you naked?”

The last jab was too much and Tina launched herself at Suzy with a snarl. Her arms locked around her waist, her head under her armpit and she lifted. Suzy gave a gasp, unable to believe just how easily Tina had managed to pick her up as Tina started to walk towards the cell. Suzy reached out for Tina but couldn’t manage to find a grip and with every second that past she was getting closer to that cell. In desperation she wrapped her thighs around Tina’s waist and squeezed as hard as she could.

Tina cried out in pain as she felt the air leave her and she dumped her burden to the mat below as hard as she could. The mat took the worst of the impact though and somehow Suzy managed to hang on with her legs, dragging Tina down with her. Tina landed face down, Suzy to her right still hanging on with her legs and trying to squeeze the life out of her. Tina tried to crawl out of that death grip but all she managed to do was drag Kalaba Escort Bayan both of them nearer the cell. Suzy shifted, her crotch now tight against Tina’s side as she increased the pressure and Tina cried out again as the pain intensified. She tried to twist around to grip her opponent but could barely move. The air was being slowly pushed from her lungs and her vision was starting to go red as her breath came in short pants. She twisted her head and, suddenly, saw Suzy’s feet just inches from her left hand. Desperately she lashed out, grabbed a foot and dug in, her fingernails racing along the surface of the unsuspecting sole.

Suzy let out a shriek of laughter and instantly let go of her victim to pull her feet away from those torturous fingers. Both women rolled away from each other, panting from their exertions (although Tina was by far the more winded at this point) and planning their next move. Suzy knew that her best bet was to hit back quickly, while Tina was still recovering, and getting her hands and feet under her pounced forward, landing on top of her and triggering an all-out grapple for control on the mat. Suzy was on top of Tina, her legs either side of her ribs and holding Tina’s left hand with both of hers before she realised she’d forgotten about the other hand as Tina drove her fingers into the exposed rib cage and started wiggling her fingernails against the tight skin.

Again Suzy howled with laughter, but this time she kept her head. Leaning forward she half-collapsed on top of Tina, her breasts landing on her face and smothering her. More importantly, Tina’s left arm was now pinned by Suzy’s body, leaving both hands free to fight back. Immediately ten fingers danced their way into Tina’s armpits and her laughter joined Suzy’s as she too fought the urge to pull away, knowing that to do so would just leave her more vulnerable.

Tina wrenched her left arm down but only succeeded in trapping the whole arm under Suzy’s body. She also shifted slightly to the left and found her mouth and nose completely blocked by Suzy’s breast. Tina’s eyes went wide as she hunted for breath, knowing that if she couldn’t find air pretty damn quickly she was likely to wake up imprisoned in that plastic cell. She arched her back, kicked her legs and brought both feet up under Suzy’s arms and clasped them around her back. With a massive effort she rocked forward, her weight and Suzy’s suddenly combining and they rolled together, ending up with Suzy on her back, hands trapped by the strong thighs as Tina started a squeeze of her own. Suzy gasped and tried to apply the same trick but Tina was waiting for her. As the legs came up she brought her hands to meet them, hooking the legs under her armpits and placing the soles at the perfect hight for her fingernails.

Suzy’s eyes bugged out as she realised what had just happened but it was too late. Ten fingers were now at work on her captive soles and she could do nothing to prevent it, in fact all she could do was howl with laughter. Tina chuckled and started to scrape her fingers up and down the length of each foot. Suzy shrieked and shook as if she was being electrocuted, each touch seeming to bore down into her nerves all the way to her brain. Her head thrashed as she writhed underneath her tormenter her hands clenching into fists as she tried desperately to free an arm. Tina shifted targets, her fingers now digging in between the toes, wriggling and scraping against the oh-so-sensitive flesh. She quickly developed a pattern, ten seconds of intense foot torture then a pause. Every time Suzy tried to use that pause to gulp down air, Tina would squeeze that little bit harder with her thighs, making it that little bit more difficult for her to breathe.

Suzy knew that if she didn’t do something she was doomed and, as Tina lowered her lips to the tasty toes and started to lick, lap and nibble at the helpless flesh, Suzy jerked her feet down, pulling Tina closer to her. It didn’t stop the tickling assault, but it did produce an inch of space between Tina’s legs and Suzy’s arms. She gave a great heave and pulled both arms clear, reaching up and back to dig in to the soft, tender flesh over Tina’s hips.

It caught Tina completely off guard and she exploded into laughter which was, of course, somewhat muffled as she still had Suzy’s foot in her mouth. Tina jerked backwards, pulling away from the hands, and her feet popped out from underneath Suzy to rest on her chest. Not one to let a golden opportunity go past Suzy wrapped her arms around Tina’s legs and lowered her own mouth to the exposed toes. The result was that both women suddenly found themselves on their backs, their feet at the mercy of the other and terrified to let go with their arms for fear of loosing their grip on those feet and leaving themselves without any leverage at all.

Both women dug in, Tina with her fingers (Suzy’s legs were after all still trapped under her armpits) and Suzy with Escort Kalaba lips, tongue and teeth. Tina’s laughter now rang clear through the room as she closed her eyes and shook her head trying to deny the sensations flooding through her. Suzy found her laughter muffled by the feet before her but she also knew she’d loose if they stayed like this. Simply put she was relying on her mouth to tickle her opponent and every laugh was robbing her of both energy and the opportunity to use that weapon. Grunting with effort she held on tighter, placed her teeth right on the pad of Tina’s big toe and stated to run them over the flesh. Tina went ballistic and began thrashing in earnest, although she never let go of Suzy’s feet. Timing her movements carefully Suzy started to rock them around until they were lying at a right angle to the cell, their heads on either side of it. Then, again trying to concentrate on timing each movement, she added long licks of her tongue to the hapless sole each time Tina thrashed towards the cell.

Sure enough, with Suzy helping them along, they started to roll towards the cell door. It was slow, painful progress but they didn’t have that far to go. Within a minute they were within inches of the opening and Suzy tensed, ready to try and disengage from Tina and muscle her inside the prison. She never got the chance. Tina had obviously been aware of what was going on and, now that they were this close, dropped a hand down Suzy’s legs to her butt. Fingers skimmed over the flesh and Suzy let out a howl of protest. Tina’s other hand stole down to her hip and dug in, kneading the flesh hard and adding to her troubles. In desperation Suzy broke free and threw herself backwards, ending up half inside, half outside the cell but free from the ticklish torments, if only for a moment.

Gasping for air Tina followed her, crawling up over her body, pushing her further inside the prison. Suzy reached up and wrapped her arms around Tina’s back, pulling her down and kissing her deeply. The shock caused Tina to freeze for a second, long enough for Suzy to raise her fingers and tickle the inside of Tina’s thighs. The laughter ripped through her and was immediately muffled by Suzy’s mouth as she maintained the kiss. Her thighs came up and wrapped around Tina’s legs, pulling her fully inside the cell. Both women knew, albeit somewhat dimly though the fog of exhaustion that was now surrounding their minds, that this was it, all they had to do was break free just for a second and they could end it.

It was at that moment that Suzy made the biggest mistake of her life. Her hand slipped off Tina’s thigh and just for a moment her fingers grazed her clit. Tina stiffened like a current had just been pushed through her as the memory of her humiliation at the bar burned through her like a supernova. Worse, although of course Suzy had no way of knowing, was the fact that Tina had actually enjoyed that brief touch far more than she’d ever have dreamt possible, and in other circumstances they may have just collapsed into a passionate embrace right there and then. But the wounds were still too raw and to Tina it was another attempt to humiliate her.

She wrenched her head free of the kiss, sudden strength burning through her. She moved back, brought her head down to Suzy’s stomach, pursed her lips and blew a giant raspberry against her trembling flesh. Suzy gasped, her laughter silent as she shook her head in protest. Again Tina blew and again Suzy reacted as if she’d been shot. Ten times in all Tina tortured her with the simplest of tickle tortures until finally Suzy gave a giant grunt and collapsed to the ground, all fight gone even if only for a moment.

Tina twisted and dove for the door only to find her right ankle caught in a grip of steel. She looked back and saw Suzy hanging on grimly, her fingers already twitching and fluttering against the flesh. Despite herself Tina howled as the fingers touched her soles and her leg shook like a tree in a hurricane as she tried to free herself. She raised her free foot to try to kick her way free but remembered the rules just in time. She felt herself slide back a little, slightly further inside the cell as Suzy started to reel her in like a fish on a line.

All the anger, all the rage, all the pain of betrayal and humiliation she’d felt over the last two weeks came surging to the surface at once. Her eyes narrowed to slits, every muscle tensed and Tina let out a guttural, raw scream of “NO!”

With one last desperate jerk she snatched her ankle from Suzy’s grip, her leg shooting out of the way and she slammed the door shut inches from Suzy’s despairing fingers. A burst of adrenaline shot through her and she scrambled to her feet, keeping a shoulder against the door to prevent it opening again and slammed a hand on the red button. There was a hiss and the steel bolts moved home, sealing Suzy in her perspex prison. Tina lent against the plastic and gasped for air as Suzy did the same on the floor of her cell. It took both women almost a minute to realise that something else had changed. On the black plastic number had appeared counting down from 100. A strange gurgling noise could be heard and now a voice burst from hidden speakers: their judge handing down the rest of the sentence.

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32



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