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Do you take this woman to be your Slut and your Bitch?


Nikki was reading the mail on the walk back up the long driveway from the road. As she was prone to do when she was sure the mail had been delivered and there shouldn’t be traffic on the dead-end country road, she went naked. She loved the feel of the sun on her body and the feeling of freedom she felt. The boys, Butch and Sam, their dogs, ran around her. When she was naked, they were generally nearby because in the family structure they had established, naked meant she was available for mating.

On entering the house, “Joe” she called, “Michele is getting married.” Michele was a friend they had introduced to sexual sharing of both sexes, exhibitionism, and eventually to dog-sex. “This is odd. The invitation contains two invitations. The first is for a ceremony on a Saturday early afternoon at a church followed by a late afternoon reception at a local hotel ballroom.”

“The ‘first’?”

“Yeah, then there’s to be another ceremony at a meeting hall outside of town later that same night at 8:00 PM. Even more interesting … this is what it says after the notice of the second ceremony:

‘You are cordially invited to this second ceremony to honor the joining of Michele and Tim into the lifestyle they have chosen. Michele and Tim know you to be of a similar preference and hope you will be able to christen their union at this ceremony. But they also ask your discretion and confidence regarding this event because, due to the nature of the ceremony, only a select group of people are being invited. We hope to see you at both ceremonies and the reception. Love, Michele and Tim.’

Nikki smiled as she considered the second invitation, “If I know Michele, this should be fun.”

“Yeah, when we started opening her up, we sure discovered a slut.” Joe’s mind went to those shared time at the Mexican resort where Michele was working.

“Wedding present?”

“You decide, dear. A slut will know what to give a slut.” Although their relationship lacked the formal route Tim and Michele were taking, their own life was full of a wide variety of sexual encounters.

“Okay. I think a normal gift to leave at the church and then another … maybe matching collars for her and the dog, for the second.”


The church was nice, candles and white satin bows at each pew. Her maid of honor and two bridesmaids looked beautiful in their dresses. The men were handsome in their tuxes. There were maybe 40 people in the church, almost equally divided on each side. Her father was pacing in front of the doors going into the church waiting for Michele and wondering was could be keeping her. She had sent everyone into the church, took a deep breath, raised her dress and slipped off her white panties. Then she unzipped her dress, dropped her sleeves and removed the white lace bra. She pulled the dress back up, zipped it, and looked at herself in the mirror. And took another breath. She wasn’t so nervous about marrying Tim, she loved him tremendously and was completely committed to him. That was what the second ceremony was to attest. It wasn’t the second ceremony even, more it was that she didn’t know who had been invited to witness it. Also, some nerves about Tim’s last request, no underwear today. Now she had no underwear. Under her dress now was just her, stockings, a garter and the heels. She hoped her breasts didn’t bounce too noticeably.

She walked up to her father waiting at the door. “You’re beautiful, Michele. We are so happy for you and Tim. He’s waiting.”

“Yes, sir. Sorry for keeping him waiting.” She still marveled at how easily she had slid into this lifestyle. Tim was everything, though she had to be careful not to raise eyebrows in other company, which is why she shot her father a quick look to see if he might react to her submissive words. He didn’t seem to, though, but gave her a warm smile and put out his arm for her.

Her dress was floor length and trailed behind her. She felt it, too. She was beautiful. And she couldn’t forget that her husband-to-be instructed her to be naked under the dress, although nobody else would know, she did. She had accepted his instruction for a while now. It felt natural to both of them. Not forced, awkward, or threatening. Natural. The way it should be. So, if he said no underwear, there was no underwear. As her Brides Maid and mother attended to her in getting ready, though, she had to have it all on. It would have raised questions, otherwise. That was the reason for her having to delay in order to remove them.

The ceremony was nice, everyone clapped when they kissed at the end. Pictures were taken and the new husband and wife were driven to the reception where everyone stood and cheered when they walked in, greeted a few people on their way to the head table, and were seated at their places of honor. Everyone seemed to have a great time, the food and drinks were good, the dance music was excellent and Michele seemed to have a never-ending line of dance requests. Then the garter moment came and she remembered she was without panties. Despite Tim’s teasing to raise her dress higher, she managed to keep it to just above the garter which she had lowered to just above her knee.

Tim enjoyed the teasing moments, but knew the time for exhibiting his new wife was to come later. So, he was content at the moment to merely tease his wife and those around them.


At 7:15 PM they made their exit as if leaving for their honeymoon. Which they would delay until the next day after the second ceremony. They were driven to the next location about 20 minutes away. There were already other cars there. She had no idea who was invited but she did know what this ceremony would represent and consist of. She admitted her nervousness to Tim, who understood and reassured her. It was one canlı bahis şirketleri thing to be this way in private and another to announce it to others. But she was also without question very excited.

A mutual female friend of theirs met them and hustled Michele to a side room to get ready and locked the door. They had shared each other with their boyfriends before and were very familiar with each other, both as friends and as lovers. She hugged Michele and asked, “Are you ready for this? I know we’ve shared and I know you’re into more than I have ever been. This is so exciting, Michele. Your commitment ceremony is like nothing I have ever heard of. This is going to be so exciting. I love you and am continually amazed by you.”

With that she turned Michele around, undid her veil, unzipped her dress and gasped. “Michele, you weren’t wearing a bra?”

Michele giggled, “That’s not all.”

She helped Michele out of the dress and laughed. “Michele, you are wicked. No underwear on your wedding day.”

“Tim’s choice. That’s the way he wanted me. He said that just knowing I was naked under the dress would keep him on edge. Like he needs any help with that.”

“With you around, no man needs any additional reason.”

Michele stepped out of the dress. Now just in her white thigh high stockings, white heels, and white lace choker around her neck. Her friend brought out a short veil and attached it so her back would be only partially covered. Finished with that, she stepped back and turned Michele to the full-length mirror that had been brought in just for this event. She looked at the reflection alongside Michele and sighed. “God, I’m getting so wet looking at you now and knowing this is the way you are walking down the aisle for your ceremony in front of your guests.”

“You’re wet? I swear I feel like it must be dripping down my thighs. How many are out there?”

“You don’t know?”

Michele shook her head, “Tim handled the invitations for this ceremony. He wouldn’t tell me who will be here. I assume only a few of his and our closest friends we have played with in the past.”

“Honey, there’s 16 or 18 people out there. A few single guys, but mostly couples. And 4 dogs, yours included. And ….”


“No, it will be better for you to just see.”

Then there was a knock on the door, “Girls, everyone is here, seated and waiting. Anytime you’re ready.”

She took Michele hand, “I’m going to go take my seat. Just come out in a couple minutes.” She stopped and looked at Michele, “Honey, you’re shaking, are you okay?”

Michele nodded and knew she was blushing, “I’m shaking from excitement. You can’t imagine what this feels like.”

“No, I can’t. But I will be watching.”

After a few minutes, she opened the door, looked around quickly, and walked deliberately to the door of the larger room. She took a deep breath, started pulling the doors open and heard the music start. Once opened, she gasped out at who was standing in front of her. Her father. He looked from her eyes, down to her breast where he focused for a moment, then to her stomach, her trimmed pussy where he seemed to focus longer. Then back to her eyes, “My baby. Hours ago, when we stood together at the church, I told you how beautiful you were … and you were. Baby, now, here, like this, wow, you are soooo beautiful. I gave you to Tim earlier to become his wife. Are you ready for me to give you to him, again? As his slut?”

Michele was shocked and showed it, “Daddy, I didn’t know ….”

“I know we’ve been very careful for a long time. But we won’t need to any more, will we?”

With that she took his extended arm and walked down the aisle, a different aisle, looking at and recognizing everyone present including Joe and Nikki. As she got near the front, she saw her mother in the first row smiling at her. Once at the front, her father turned her to him and they hugged and he whispered in her ear, “We love you, baby, and we’re so excited about this step in your relationship. We were surprised about the dogs but it got your mother hot. She’ll want to visit you soon.” And he smiled at her and patted her bare butt, handing her to Tim, once again.

It was then that she saw her dog, Cody, sitting at Tim’s side. She faced Tim, he took her in his arms, kissed her and stroked her sides, landing at her bare butt. She looked into his eyes and said, “I love you so much.”

“Are you ready for this, Michele?”

“Oh, yes, I definitely want this, sir.”

She turned and for the second time today was a looking at the same minister. He looked her up and down and smiled at her. Another shock. “Tim, Michele, Cody, and honored guests. We are here this evening to witness a unique commitment. Earlier today we witnessed Michele and Tim become joined before us as husband and wife. Tonight, we witness this husband and wife further commit their relationship in a very special way that further defines their relationship to each other and beyond themselves. I have discussed this new commitment at length with both of them and am completely convinced that they openly and freely of their own will and knowledge take this new step. You, their special guests, are honored by them as friends, relatives, and lovers that they wish to share their new relationship with. Tonight, we witness Michele’s free-will submission to Tim as his slut and to Cody as his bitch.”

He looked around the room and it was hushed in total silence, waiting for what was to come.

He then focused on Michele, “Michele, do you willingly and openly before these witnesses, of your own free-will and without coercion or force of will through emotional or physical threat or action, submit yourself to Tim?”

She looked into Tim’s eyes, took his hand and answered, “Yes, I do.”

“Michele, do you also willingly and openly before these witnesses, of your own free will submit yourself to Tim as his Slut?”

“Yes, I do.”

“Michele, as Tim’s canlı kaçak iddaa Slut, will you submit yourself completely in mind and body, willingly and openly whenever, wherever, and with whomever he so directs you?”

“I do.”

“Michele, finally, do you accept Tim not only as you husband, best friend, and lover, but also as the sole person who controls your body and actions?”

“Yes, I do.”

The minister turned to Tim, “Tim, do you accept Michele as your Slut, to care for her, to watch over her, to protect her when you use her and have her used whenever you do, wherever you do, and with whomever you do?”

“I do, with all my heart.”

A smirk forms on the minister’s face as he again turns to Michele, “Michele, do you further also willingly and openly before these witnesses, of your own free-will and without coercion or force of will through emotional or physical threat or action, submit yourself to your dog, Cody?”

She lowered herself so she was sitting on her heels in front of the dog and answered, “Yes, I do.”

“Michele, do you also willingly and openly before these witnesses, of your own free-will submit yourself to your dog, Cody, as his Bitch?”

“Yes, I do.”

“Michele, as Cody’s Bitch, will you submit yourself completely in mind and body, willingly and openly whenever, wherever, and with any other dog as Tim so directs you?”

“I do.” And she kissed Cody’s snout.

She stood up again and faced Tim. The minister was looking at her legs and she knew that he and those in the first row, at least, could see that her pussy was leaking so much it was running down her thighs onto her stockings.


Tim released her hand and she went right to her mother and father who held her at arm’s length and looked her over. Her mother said, “Honey, that really was beautiful! I admire your commitment, I really do. The world was different when your father and I started our exploration. Have fun.” She reached her hand out to Tim and brought him in, “And, never forget to mind him!” She gave her daughter a hug and kissed her on the mouth, not a motherly kiss. “Young lady, slut, there will be more of that later.”

She turned to Tim and jumped onto him and wrapped her legs around his waist. “I do love you so much. I suppose I should be self-conscious, embarrassed or something being the only naked person here, but with your commitment to me, I trust you. I love you.”

Tim put her down, holding her hand, and announced, “Everyone, we have a bar setup, but first I need to get my wife something. Then, please help yourself and we’ll get the next part of the ceremony started.”

They walked to the bar, Michele looked the bartender straight in the eye and ordered her drink. They went back to mingling with the guests. Over half the people found some reason to touch her somewhere, sometimes innocently, sometimes a stroke of her butt. But she was having fun and so were they. Her dog, Cody, followed them around and occasionally pushed his nose into her butt and gave her a lick, attracted by the leaking juices. When they were done with their drinks, Tim gave their glasses to someone and led her to the front, again. She noticed that while they were mingling someone had brought forward a straight back chair and a large mattress.

Tim got everyone’s attention and announced, “Everyone, please, if you would return to your seats for the start of the next part of our ceremony. Thank you. As you certainly know, it is customary after the vows are exchanged for a kiss to be shared. Like we did this afternoon. A kiss is fine for a husband and wife but certainly not appropriate for a submitting slut. Michele, slut, undress me.” She began by unbuttoning his shirt, the cuffs, pulling the shirt out of his pants and taking it off his arms. She then took the bottom of his undershirt and raised it over his head. She looked into his eyes, smiled, and undid his belt, the clasp at the top, and unzipped him. She kissed his mouth and pushed his pants down to his ankles. She again sat on her heels, took off his shoes, helped him step out of his pants, removed his socks, then looked up at his face as she took the top of his underwear in her fingers and pulled them down. The room was again totally quiet except for a few chairs moving, hoping for a better view. She reached out and kissed the head of his cock and stood up in front of him.

He stepped back to the chair, sat down and put his hands out to her. She walked to him. He put his hands on her hips and turned her to the people, pulled her back to him, “Straddle my legs and crouch down, take hold of my cock and feed into that hungry pussy. Whose pussy is this, slut?”

“Your pussy, sir. I am yours, all of me, to do with as you please. May I sit on you, now, sir?”

“Yes, sit on me and fuck me in front of all these witnesses, in front of your mom and dad.”

“Oooohhhh, GGGGoooooodddddd, yyyyyesssssss!” Just sitting on him in front of everyone, knowing her mom and dad were watching her start her life as a slut sent her right over the edge.

And, she did start fucking him. Lifting herself and dropping back down. Doing all the work. Looking out over the people, looking right into their faces as they watched her fucking her new husband and sir. She looked right into her mother’s eyes and saw lust. The same in her father’s. When Tim came, everyone clapped and cheered. Tim had her get up and told her to get her other male ready. She crawled over to Cody and kissed his nose, his lips and licked his tongue when it came out. All the while she was stroking his belly and rubbing his sheath. She lowered herself to his belly and kissed, licked and sucked the reddish tip of his cock as it started peeking out of his sheath. She then crawled over to the mattress, turned around so everyone could watch and called Cody to her, slapping her butt. Cody went immediately to her ass, sniffed, licked and then mounted. canlı kaçak bahis Within a few stabs he penetrated her and started his fast pounding into her pussy. She gasped and raised her head seeing someone standing in front of her with a cock in his hand. She looked up and saw the minister. See grabbed it with one hand, using the other to balance herself, and engulfed his cock. She groaned around the cock in her mouth as Cody got his knot into her pussy. As Cody started spurting his seed into her, the minister was shooting his into Michele’s mouth.

One of Tim’s single friends came up next and offered her his cock which she immediately took into her mouth and sucked it down to the base. Cody was tied to her and she was gently rocking on his cock/knot (one of the tricks Nikki has taught her), hitting her g-spot and sending her into another orgasm as she somehow maintained her sucking on the cock in her mouth. Finally, Cody’s knot reduced enough to slip out with effort. The cock in her mouth finished at the same time and Michele turned around and took Cody’s cock into her mouth and licked and sucked it clean of their combined juices.

She knelt up and looked around, seeing her new husband walking towards her with two drinks. He gave her one and held his hand out to help her up. They mingled with a few people while she finished her drink, gave the glass back to him, kissed him and knelt back down on the mattress. Tim announced, “Honored guests, she is being a good slut and bitch because she doesn’t know who or what might be taking her next. If anyone wants her in a different position, just instruct her.” He patted her butt.

She felt someone kneel behind her and a hard cock touch her asshole. The she felt oil being applied to her hole and the cock push against her and it almost popped past her sphincter and into her back channel. She looked over her shoulder to see who had decided to take her ass and screamed out, “Daddy! My god. You’re taking me, too? Oh, yes, daddy, that is so good. Fuck your little girl. Does it feel naughty to fuck your precious, little girl, daddy?”

“Quiet girl and turn around.”

She did and saw a naked, bald pussy in front of her. She bent down and started munching and looked up, “Mother! Jeez, you guys. You’re tag teaming me? Hhhmmmmmm, it is good pussy, though, mom.”

“Stop talking about it and get to eating it.”

And she did. She used her lips, tongue and teeth. Licking along the length of the pussy, sticking her tongue up inside, chewing on the lips, and nipping the clit. Her mom was moaning and groaning very quickly. But Michele kept her on edge and not letting her over. She was waiting for her father to get close to cumming and let them cum together. Which they did shortly.

The next two to use her were dogs. Someone led one to my backside and he fumbled around for too long and she had to help him find her hole. Once finally in, he went like a banshee. The other dog was brought to her head. She looked up and reach underneath, but there was no sheath. Somebody laughed and she looked closer, it was a female. She coaxed the dog down, turned it around, lifted its tail and found what she was looking for, determined not to disappoint anyone. This was going to be a first and from the hush around her, she could tell nobody had expected that she would actually do it. Instead, she plunged her tongue into the dog cunt and started licking and probing. She had no idea what the dog was feeling or if she was doing anything to get it off but all of the sudden the dog started pushing back onto her tongue and she had the answer. Moments later the bitch whimpered and wandered off. She was replaced by a male dog and that Michele knew exactly what to do. Got them both off about the same time.

This went on for hours. With that many people for her to fuck, suck and/or lick she was going to be there for a while, but Tim was very supportive and kept her in good supply of drink and water. Somewhere in the middle, Joe and Nikki came up and double teamed her. While Joe used her cunt, she was using Nikki’s. At one point she heard Nikki call out to Tim. She said, “Tim, you know who we are?”

“Sure. I invited you. Michele talked about you two a lot. How much you opened her up. I doubt she would possibly be able to do this tonight or in the future, if not for you.”

“Tim, thanks, but we just let the Michele we saw come out. The reason she could and did come out was that she was safe and was respected. Please remember that, for her sake. She loves you and trusts you so much that she is giving her free will to you and allowing you to dictate her sexual life. That is an awesome responsibility. If she is hurt, you would lose much more than just a slut. I know you know what a beautiful person she is because that was the person you originally fell in love with. Before she would have submitted to you. My wish for you two, take care of each other, have all the fun you can, but keep her safe and respected. She’ll give you her soul if you do.”

“Thanks, Nikki. You really are a wise woman. And you’re right, I know the difference and what we do will be safe and good for Michele as much as for me.”

Michele looked up to Nikki and whispered, “Thank you.”

Nikki turned to Tim, “Can I suck you cock now?”

The rest of the evening was a blur. She did it, though. Had every cock, pussy and dog that wanted her. She looked around and there were very few people left. Tim helped her stand on unsteady legs, “Come on, honey, let’s go home. We can get some sleep, get cleaned up, and sleep more on the plane.”

“My clothes.”

“They’re taken care of. Your folks are still here and will take us to our place.” He walked her outside and across the parking lot to the car. As they stood next to the car waiting on her parents, he said, “Honey, thank you. Tonight, was wonderful, you were perfect. I will take care of you, love you, and respect you. And we are going to have sooooo much fun.”

Standing in the parking lot naked next to my new husband, the man I had just submitted to, I felt freer than I ever imagined.

* * I will be posting a story taking Michele on her honeymoon. * * Thanks for reading.

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