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I was nervous about running into mom or dad after PART ONE and PART TWO of this saga.

In my head, mom and dad would look at me and KNOW what had happened the night before– ex-con Uncle Joe jackhammering my tight twink hole–his salty sweat dripping from his face onto my cheek and into my mouth… and guttural, animalistic groans as he picked up the rhythm before exploding inside me and collapsing on my back.

Ugh, so hot yet so confusing…

The morning after PART TWO, I woke up super late… like noon.

I guess that’s what happens when you were up all night being plowed by your ex-con uncle ’til 3:30 am. By the time I’d awakened Uncle Joe was gone to work or one of his court-required classes already, and mom and dad were out and about as well.

Normally I’d take time home alone to rub one off in peace without worrying about mom or dad coming in my room to interrupt me, but I wasn’t even thinking about masturbating–I’d been sexually satisfied for the first time in my life.

While I totally enjoyed being manhandled and fucked by Uncle Joe, I felt guilty.

Was I taking advantage of him when he’s drunk??? And the fact that he’s my mom’s brother–I was thinking wayyy too much.

It was Saturday so I had to pick up Uncle Joe that evening from the courthouse for one of his meetings.

As usual I parked up front in my cute little Ford Focus and scrolled tiktok and Instagram until his group was let out.

As he walked toward the car, I could sense how awkward he probably felt about this whole thing.

There was Uncle Joe wearing that same stained, faded Pepsi t-shirt again with his biceps bursting out of the short sleeves and his pecs distorting the logo. His shiny bald head and toothie grin with one of his front teeth missing.

He had this nervous look on his face as he approached, and with his 6’4″ 220 pound frame, he basically has to stuff himself in the front seat whenever he gets in.

“How’s it going, Chadwick?” he asked nervously… and without the usual southern accent.

It was awkward AF…like, up to this point I was “Chaddy-bear,” “Kiddo,” or even “Chad,” but somehow after coating his nephews insides with his thick gooey baby batter, there was some weird FORMALITY involved now.

“I’m good, how was class…and what’s with this Pepsi t shirt you wear all the time?” I asked.

“Hey, it’s still bullshit but it’s better than being on a cell-block somewhere,” he answered.

“Oh, and I can’t really fit anyone else’s clothes at the house so I’m kinda rotating the two or three that I have,” he continued.

It seemed like right after that he loosened up a bit.

“Chadwick, I’m going to need your help getting on the internet to look for a place to move,” he chimed in.

Apparently, he was going to use his first paycheck and a loan from mom to rent a room somewhere so he could get out of our hair.

Aside from mom’s complaints about him leaving hair in her bathroom sink after shaving, he and dad had words a few times and he felt it was time to find a place closer to his job to keep tensions down.

By the time we got home mom was in the kitchen frying chicken and dad was in his usual spot–the recliner– glued to some sports bullshit on the TV.

I did a few searches on Craigslist to look for rooms to rent, but Uncle Joe apparently has certain restrictions on where he can live due to the specifics of his conviction and parole requirements.

By the time we were sitting at the table to eat dinner it was awkward, but not because of the tension between Uncle Joe and I.

Mom and dad argued the entire time.

It started pretty simple but escalated over time.

Mom was angry because dad isn’t around enough and she feels he doesn’t love her anymore.

My dad is a truck driver, so he’s away anywhere from one day to a couple of weeks at a time hauling to make a living. He’s been doing this for like 5 years or so.

While he makes pretty good money, it’s really starting to have an impact on their relationship.

I hurried and finished my food and headed to my room. From the looks of it Uncle Joe was doing the same.

He’d always eaten his food really fast, and often with his bare hands.

I assume this is the way it’s done in prison where you don’t get a lot of time at the table to eat. It was actually kinda sexy seeing him eat his food so aggressively.

Though my room is on the other side of the trailer, I could hear mom and dad arguing from their room until I finally fell asleep.

The next morning over breakfast I’d get news that would obviously Bostancı Escort change the trajectory of this whole arrangement and I’d surely get more nephew-uncle time with Uncle Joe who happened to be an ex-con.

Dad was going to take mom on his next cross-country truck driving trip and they were planning to spend a little time in Seattle along the way to spend more time together and “Invest” in their relationship.

This would leave me and Uncle Joe at the trailer home alone for a good three weeks or so without mom and dad.


With mom and dad gone the first few days, things were pretty chill between Uncle Joe and I. From what I could tell he wasn’t drinking anymore.

It became clear that without alcohol, he was either too nervous or too weirded out to try anything sexual with me–even though I was really throwing “it.”

I’d walk around the house in my briefs that accentuated my round, muscular twink ass…

I’d lay on my stomach on the floor with my legs open while watching television when I knew he was around… I was doing everything I could to bait him again somehow.

I’d occasionally hear him jacking off while watching porn on his phone. I could hear both the sloshing and heavy breathing of him masturbating, and the sound of the women wailing in agony in the pornos.

With mom and dad gone I’d just let Uncle Joe take the car for his appointments even though mom specifically told me not to do so. It just made things easier than me dropping him off places, then having to go back and pick him up.

I wasn’t the only one breaking mom’s rules…

Late one night about 2AM I was awakened by the loud sound of sex.

It wasn’t porn for sure.

I could hear the muffled sound of Uncle Joe’s voice talking dirty–muffled tho. I couldn’t exactly make out what he was saying.

…and the steady rhythm of the headboard ca-clack-ca-clack-ca-clack-ca-clack banging up against the wall in another room.

And the woman.

I could tell it was a woman because of her muffled screams…screams muffled probably by a tight headlock like the one he had me in not too long ago.

This went on for like 5 minutes straight and I just had to get up to get a better listen.

“Ca-clack-ca-clack-ca-clack-ca-clack” even louder went the headboard as I walked carefully from my room over to Uncle Joe’s room in the trailer.

“Take this dick you dirty slut,” he was saying as the squeaking of the mattress and “ca-clack-ca-clack” of the headboard kept its steady beat.

As I got closer I could see that his door was closed… DAMNIT!!!

But, laying on the floor I could see under the bottom of his door, and it was a sight to see:

Uncle Joe’s sweaty massive glutes and thighs pile-driving some woman—him on top of her as she lay face down, ass up for his enjoyment.

His muscled ass cheeks clapped ever so lightly as he continued with the stamina of an athlete.

It sounded as if the bed was about to break, and I don’t see how any of this could be pleasurable for whatever woman was in there under him.

Then all of a sudden his breathing got heavier and he picked up the pace even more, and I knew what time it was…

He pulled out of her holding his massive uncut cock with his right hand as rope after heavy rope skeeted out of him.

He roared like a lion as he expressed the pleasure of his orgasm.

Each rope of his thick cock snot shooting in the air before falling on her or the bed.

As with me, he collapsed on top of her.

I crept back to my bed and jacked off to the amazing scene I’d just observed.

He spoke nothing of it the next morning as I walked out of my room to find him walking out with her. She, a strung-out meth-head looking woman with the apparent magic straight men die for, between her legs.

Uncle Joe hopped in the car to go drop her off, returning some 30 minutes later.

The next evening I returned home from the gym to find a barbecue pit going outside, and several cars in front of our trailer and under the carport.

What the hell was going on?

As I got closer to the front door I could hear the chatter of several people inside.

OMG, Uncle Joe was throwing a house party–and without permission.

There was Uncle Joe, the woman I’d seen leaving earlier that morning, two other women who looked as if they hung in the same circle, and four guys.

“Hey everybody, this is my nephew Chad,” Uncle Joe said as I walked through the living room.

What the hell was he doing?

It Ümraniye Escort was one thing to fuck some skank while mom and dad were out, but to throw a fucking house party?

There was no way we were going to get away with this, especially since our neighbors are nosey AF and likely already texting mom with the details of the trailer park circus going on at our home.

“Uncle Joe, we need to talk,” I said to him and walked toward my room.

He walked toward me.

“I know, I know, I’m not supposed to be doing any of this but your parents are away and my buddy skins just made parole and was released today. I figured we’d have a little hoe-down and have everything all nice and tidy before your mom and dad got home,” he explained.

He reeked of beer.

Cheap beer.

The malt liquor they sell by the tall can at the gas station on ice by the checkout counter.

“Come on out here and hang out with me and my friends, I promise we won’t make a mess or cause any trouble. Please kiddo?” he asked.

“Okay,” I thought and decided to give it a shot.

I’ve always felt a little uneasy in “straight” spaces.

It feels like I’m the only gay amongst all the straights, and that they all know.

Just this awkward feeling.

Anyway, I plopped down at the end of the sofa near a guy I’d later learn was named “Skins” and was the “guest of honor” having just been released.

Apparently he and Uncle Joe were housed at the same prison and met there while incarcerated.

Skins, like Uncle Joe, was a site to behold.

Skins had tattoos everywhere.

On his face, on his neck, on his bald pale head.

One on his chest appeared to be the devil with a grin, horns out of his head, and a tail. These were intricate tattoos and here he was SHIRTLESS and chugging beers in our living room.

Skins wasn’t just as tall as Uncle Joe, but not as muscular. He was muscled, but with more of a lean build.

Again, he was shirtless and shoeless, wearing nothing but a pair of grey mesh basketball shorts that were a size too big so they were loose and sagged a little to show the deep V and a peek of the top of his thick brown bush of pubic hairs.

You can look at a guy’s crotch when he’s freeballing and tell that there’s nothing there but that material covering his dick.

And what a dick Skins had.

As he moved from the sofa to the kitchen, to the chair, I was watching his long dick swing from side to side.

At one point he’d gone to the restroom and returned with a little wet pee stain where he apparently didn’t “shake” his python when he was done.

There was the imprint of his thick hog with a few drops of piss leaking through the inside of his shorts.

The attendance of the hillbilly circus started to trickle out as time went on.

I sat, awkwardly, on one end of the sofa mostly to make sure nothing was stolen, or things didn’t get out of hand.

Eventually It was just Uncle Joe and his lady, and Skins and one of the ladies he’d been talking to most of the evening.

Then, Uncle Joe and his lady retreated to his room…stumbling drunkenly, but making it there nonetheless.

It was now pretty dark in the living room with nothing other than the light of the television illuminating the room.

I sat on one side of the sofa by myself while Skins and his lady whispered sweet nothings back and forth to each other that I couldn’t hear…

Then I saw his left hand go up her skirt and into her panties.

This motherfucker was fingering this bitch on our sofa??!!!

Then I could see her right hand stroking his growing baby maker through the mesh material of his shorts.

This didn’t last too long as they stopped when we all heard a car horn blow outside.

Apparently her ride had arrived.

As she got up to leave he grabbed her arms begging her to stay the night.

My question was: If she was going to stay the night, where?

Neither of them had permission to spend the night.

It was one thing for Uncle Joe and his lady, but two complete strangers?


Anyway, she eventually left and he came back sitting on the sofa chugging more of those tall beers that come in the can.

He eventually dozed off, but his dick didn’t.

I could see that fat schlong still semi-hard through those mesh shorts as this lanky, muscled trailer trash, recently released bull sat their legs agape with his arms stride across the back of the sofa and his head tilted back…snoring.

I’m not sure if it was adrenalyn, how horny I was, Anadolu Yakası Escort or all the beer I’d consumed, but I was going to risk it all and reach over and touch his dick.

My heart was beating with anticipation.

I inched a bit closer to him on the sofa as I watched his tight 6-pack stomach inflate and deflate as he enjoyed his trip to sleepytown.

I glanced over…


I could see his dick still throbbing with his heartbeat as his blue balls were still alive and well even though the rest of his body was asleep.

His lean body covered in tattoos and a thin layer of sweat glistening in the dark room…

With only the light of the television lighting the whole situation, i reached over and grabbed his dick through his shorts.

My heart was about to beat out of my chest…

His breathing pattern didn’t change.

I began massaging that python through his shorts as it began to grow.

I continued to rub it as it grew more and more…

Eventually the tip of his now fully-erect penis was coming out of one of the legs of the shorts.

He was uncut, too.

Just like Uncle Joe.

I continued massaging it.

I noticed a dollop of precum gurgling out of his piss slit as I kept rubbing his cock.

At that point I don’t know what came over me and I carefully slid the coffee table out of the way and climbed between his hairy tattooed thighs and licked the pink bulb of his cock that was now peeking from behind his foreskin.

He trembled, but was still asleep.

I kept licking around the bulb, then licking inside the creases of his foreskin as more and more precum oozed out of his meat stick.

Using only my tongue I lapped up the tip of his penis guiding it into my warm, wet mouth and began sucking on it like a cow from it’s mother’s teat.

His cock was now throbbing full mast and standing up.

It was beautiful. Perfectly smooth with a single vein running from tip to base… and a bush.

A natural bush of brown pubic hair.

I let his cock fall from my mouth, spat in both my palms and began going HAM on his dick.

Doing the two handed jerk off while sucking at hoover level with my mouth.

While I was trying to be quiet before, the sloshing of this sloppy blow job was clearly audible.

His breathing pattern changed and he woke up…looking down into my eyes with this confused look on his face.

Was he about to beat the crap out of me?

That’s not what his eyes said… he was confused-yet-satisfied.

He grabbed the back of my head and pulled me back onto his massive pole as he exhaled with his eyes rolling backward.

This is what he NEEDED.

A warm, wet mouth to satisfy all his frustration.

Now I was really going to town on is babymaker.

Every so often I could tell I had him to the point of no return where he was about to come—his defined abs contracting…

His heavy balls spasming with joy every time i deep-throated him.

At one point I deep throated him allllll the way down to the base.

My nose was in his pubic hair bush and the mesh pants as they were still up at this point with his cock pulled through one side of the shorts.

I was edging him…

Finally I thought he’d had enough and it had been too long since I had a big heavy throbbing cock up my tight, warm sweet twink ass…

I pulled down my shorts and briefs and straddled him…

Easing down ever so slowly so that the bulb of his penis I’d been nursing earlier was now up against my tight sphincter.

I eeeeeased down onto his cock and I watched as his eyes rolled into the back of his head almost convulsing.

His cock wasn’t as wide as Uncle Joe’s but it was longer.

I could feel his baby maker in my stomach.

I went up once again, then dowwwwwwwn.

My smooth, hairless cheeks clenching his cock–milking it for all it was worth.

On my way down he took a deep breath and exhaled while moaning loudly ‘Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck” as his body began convulsing.

It’s almost like he was having a seizure…

I quickly put my hands over his mouth as he continued grunting like an animal.

It was so loud I didn’t want him to wake uncle joe.

I could feel his warm gooey spunk being shot like a cannon with each convulsion…

He roared like a wildabeast.

I could see his abs tightening with each rope of baby batter being ejected from that beautiful penis.

I matched his convulsions with tightening my tight ass around his meat stick.

He was out of breath.

He closed his eyes.

Catching his breath…

“Don’t tell anyone about this–especially Joe,” he said when it was all over.

I told him I wouldn’t…

Though I don’t think it would’ve been a problem anyway.

I absolutely love your feedback, comments, and direct messages. This was fun to write.

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