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Miss BrobeckIf I were asked to name the most unusual experience I have ever had, I would not have to consider my answer for even a moment. It would be the time I spent one spring, many years ago, with the curious Miss Susan Brobeck. The funny thing is, I spend a fair bit of time trying to chase fantasies and explore new territory. And yet the most unusual adventure of all landed serendipitously in my lap, so to speak, without a single bit of guile or effort on my part. That this is so often the case is one of the more delicious paradoxes of life, is it not?It was my first year out of college. The previous summer I had started my first professional job, as a biomedical engineer, living in San Diego. I was single, living alone, and took half of a small but clean duplex near the University. Although the accommodations were modest, it was my first taste of self-sufficiency, and it was exhilarating. I spent evenings and weekends spending my new-found professional salary with friends at restaurants, bars, and so on, having a generally grand time. Retirement be damned – I had a long time before I had to worry about saving. To me, 401K was a bingo number, and IRA was my great uncle’s first name. I was young and attractive, and had my triumphs and tragedies with the ladies. But win or lose, always enjoyed the chase. The first time I met Susan she was unloading her belongings into the other half of my duplex with the help of a few friends (2 male, 2 female, if I recall correctly). I was both pleased and surprised. I was surprised because I hadn’t even known that the previous tenant had moved out. I was pleased because the previous tenant had been a greasy, hacking 50-some-year old man who named Morey who wore Hawaiian shirts and sandals with socks, and spent most of his time at the off-track betting facility nearby – probably fitting in quite well there. Not that I have anything against 50-some-year old men – I hope to be one myself someday – but certainly a gorgeous college girl has to be considered an upgrade.And she was beyond gorgeous. When I walked up to her and introduced myself as her new neighbor, she smiled and held out her hand. I briefly shook her hand, and in that moment was hopelessly hooked. Her hand was soft, slender, and exquisitely feminine. She was tall – about 5’10” – and had long black hair, tied up in pony tail. She wore simple sneakers, cutoff jeans, and a cotton t-shirt (it was moving day, after all). He legs were tantalizingly long and velvety smooth. But the thing which immediately struck me was the soft beauty of her face. Not only was she pretty in feature and form, but the complexion of her face was perfect – her skin fairly glowed with a radiance and vitality. Now I know this isn’t something a guy notices first in a girl – the clarity and health of skin usually ranks below tits in male conversation, for example – but in this case her skin was so perfect as to present a truly striking image. This framed emerald green eyes, which sparkled with dazzling brilliance in comparison to her dark hyacinth hair. And yes, she did have nice tits too.Overall she was a stunning beauty. It took me a while to recover my composure, and offer to help move her things. So this was my new neighbor. Wow. Some of her friends were cute too, but in my mind Susan outshone them all. When moving was done, I shared a bit of pizza she had ordered with her other friends, then I stepped back to my place with a renewed sense of the wonder of life. I occasionally saw Susan coming and going over the next week, and of course made an effort to strike up conversation. She was friendly and engaging, and I really felt like we were hitting it off. So far so good. Of course, I hadn’t been forward enough at that point to ask if she was attached, and she hadn’t let on either way. A guy can always hope! It was about a week after she moved in that I walked out of my place one day, and happened to see a man at her door. Seeing as how it was 8pm, that seemed sort of like a date. But he was actually much older than her – maybe 35 or so – and didn’t really seem her type. He drove a Audi which was parked next to her car, in the driveway She opened the door and admitted him, as I walked to my car. When I returned home an hour later, his car was gone, and I could see her outline behind her curtain, apparently drying her hair in silhouette. So much for the date. At that time, if had someone actually told me the purpose of his visit, I would have dismissed it as laughably ridiculous. I had not the slightest suspicion of Susan’s little secret.We conversed a few times over the next week, but that point, I didn’t know her well enough to ask about any visitors. I felt like we were getting almost close enough that I could ask her out on a date, but as she was my neighbor, I didn’t feel like I had to hurry. Also, I didn’t want to mess up and create and awkward situation if she turned me down. So I internet casino wanted to make sure she was unattached and interested first. I thought I should give subtle compliments on her appearance to sort of indicate an interest without being too blatant. The next time we crossed paths, she was exiting with a female friend (hot looking, by the way) just as I was getting out of my car. I recognized the other girl as one of the friends I had met on moving day.”Hi Susan, what’s up?” I called out.”Oh, I just finished midterm exams, and Rachel and I are going out to celebrate a bit with a night on the town.”The two of them were dressed to kill, with short skirts, dolled up hair, and long silky bare legs leading down to black spike-heel pumps which seemed to consist only of a few thin straps. I could feel an embarrassing erection stir just from the sight of them, and I had to consciously try not to look too intently. The glow of the sunset was reflected in Susan’s smooth sculpted skin, and I couldn’t help thinking she looked like a perfect goddess.”You both look nice…” I couldn’t think of what else to say, so I blurted out “that’s a great color dress for you, Susan, it really brings out your nice complexion.” Jeez, how lame was that – I sounded like I was trying to write for s*******n magazine.But I was surprised at their reaction. It seemed somehow a significant comment to them. Rachel sort of looked surprised at Susan, and Susan gave an wink back to Susan and said something like “See I told you.” In retrospect, it makes perfect sense, but at the time it seemed to add to the mystery surrounding Susan.It was a few days later that I noticed another strange car in the driveway at about 8pm. I hate to admit it, but I sort of hung out in the vicinity of my window for a while. At 8:20pm a young man emerged from Susan’s apartment. He was tucking in his shirt, which could have meant anything from an errant shirttail to a wild naked sex orgy with Susan. This combined with the previous incident piqued my curiosity.I began to make a point of casting a gaze in my neighbor’s direction each evening around 8pm. I was astonished at what I discovered. It seemed that every evening, around the same time, a fellow showed up at her door, entered, and then departed soon thereafter. As soon as I discovered this pattern, and became intrigued with learning more. I gave up pretending to myself that I wasn’t obsessed, and started to regularly sit by the window starting at 7:45 just to watch. They usually departed well within a half hour. Sometimes it was only 10 minutes or so. It was not always the same fellow, but it was not always a different fellow either. I figured there were about a dozen of them all together.I became intensely curious about the purpose of these visits. At times my imagination ran wild – could she be involved in a secret d**g distribution ring? Perhaps an international spy? If she was a hooker she was the Quickest Hooker in the West, that’s for sure. At other times I dismissed the more fanciful explanations, and figured that maybe she gave music lessons or did haircuts, or something mundane like that. But in none of my musings did I ever guess anything as bizarre as the truth!A few weeks into this the entire mystery unraveled, and my adventure began. It was a Thursday evening, and I was at my usual post, sitting at the couch. It was 8:20 and nobody had shown up to see Susan – a first as far as I knew. I had been mainly watching the driveway, but suddenly from the corner of my eye I caught sight of Susan herself. She was heading straight for my door! I quickly picked up a magazine and pretended to read it so I wouldn’t be just standing by the window staring out when she walked by. She knocked and I answered the door. As usual, she looked absolutely fabulous. She wore a light green tank top, leaving plenty of bare midriff on her tall elongated body. Her belly button was stretched vertically along her taut, thin tummy. A short skirt hung low on her hips, and high on her thighs. Those long beautiful legs, so exquisitely graceful and feminine, led down to her sexy pedicured toes and those nasty “fuck-me” type spike heels. As always, her face looked so incredibly kissable and soft that she seemed beyond sexy – closer to divine.”Hi, Mark, can I come in for a moment?” she asked.Well it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out my answer. She came in an I motioned for her to sit down on the couch. “Please, have a seat…can I get you anything?”. At this point I set my magazine down on the coffee table, and realized with a start that I had been holding it upside-down. Holy shit! How embarrassing. She seemed to notice, with a suppressed smile, but I pretended that I didn’t notice her noticing. Why is it that the more beautiful the girl, the more stupid the mistake? Oh well, still it was nice having her in my apartment for the first time.”No, but thanks,” she replied. güvenilir casino “I just came to ask you for a favor.” At this point I noticed she was maybe behaving a little oddly. Not exactly uncomfortable, but not comfortable either. “Sure, whatever you want.”She smiled and looked down at the floor. “Well perhaps you should hear the favor before agreeing so easily.” Long pause. Still looking at the floor.”Well, OK” I said, not sure if this was an admonishment or not. “So…what’s the favor?”. “Well first let me explain something.” She seemed to search a moment for the right words. “I bet you think girls are excessively vain and concerned with appearance, don’t you?””Well, I guess there is a little truth to that, from what I’ve seen.” I hoped I wasn’t offending her. I was just being honest.”A lot of truth really,” she confirmed. “And I’m no different. Have you maybe noticed any feature of me that perhaps I could be vain about?” Apparently I looked blank. “Something I recall you commented about in the past?” she hinted.That jogged my memory. “Your skin” I blurted out. “Yes – I mean … I don’t mean to be too forward, but really your skin is something absolutely marvelous. I’ve never seen such a perfect face, I…” I trailed off realizing that maybe I was being too effusive, considering I barely knew her. But god it was so true – what a beautiful face. My cock faintly throbbed in my pants just from thinking about her beautiful face.She smiled modestly, but I could tell she was gratified by my noticing. “Yes, that’s what I thought you would say. That’s what many men – and women – say to me. I know it shouldn’t matter – that I must seem silly in my vanity – but somehow this has become something I need. To maintain the youthful beauty of my skin. Can you understand that? I’m not so unusual really – after all, fortunes have been made by the promise of youthful beauty, haven’t they?”I nodded in assent.”But I am unusual in one aspect.” She paused, with dramatic effect, but still looking at the floor in front of me. “I have discovered a secret that actually works.” She looked up at me, and it was apparent that she was dead serious.’Oh my god,’ I suddenly thought. I have been selected as victim for an infomercial. She has actually dressed up, and come over here, to lecture me on some feminine beauty product? I had visions of multi-level marketing, time share condominiums, and so on. I really didn’t want to know, but it would have been too impolite not to ask. “, what’s your secret?” I said, trying not to appear as reluctant as I actually was. I was ready for a load of advertising BS. I was mildly pissed off that rather than being actually interested in me, she was apparently seeing me as a marketing prospect for some bogus snake-oil product. Besides, what the hell did I want with some dumb feminine facial cleanser?Again she looked down at the floor. “My secret, Mark, is semen.” She looked up plainly with a deadpan ‘well there it is’ expression on her gorgeous face.Slowly the wheels turned in my brain, which was functioning at about 20% capacity due to the presence of a sexy female in close proximity. “Beauty treatment”….”semen”…..”do me a favor”…. The conclusion I was coming to was to bizarre for me to ask if it was true.”Well. That’s different,” was all I could manage.”I know, you probably think I’m crazy. But you saw it yourself. You noticed it yourself. I swear, it seems like every person I meet notices my skin above all else – they tell me I am ‘radiant’ and ‘youthful’ and so on. And I know the reason. It’s the semen. Sometimes I can’t believe I do what I do to get eternal youth. I feel more than a little perverted sitting here and telling you this. But I swear it absolutely works, and I look – and feel – great because of it.” She gave no indication that she was k**ding. It seemed she had completely committed herself to this Faustian pact with the male fluid. There was a long pause in the conversation. I could hardly imagine what to say next, but the implications were obvious. So at last, I cautiously ventured forth. “So…let me guess what you want from me…”She smiled. “You got it.” I couldn’t help but laugh out loud. “Well Susan, if I had tried to guess the ‘favor’ before you told me, I’ll have to admit that wouldn’t have been my first guess. Wow.””I know, I know, it’s a little unusual. But it isn’t that big a deal, really.”I was still shaking my head. “So what do you want me to do, keep a bottle here and bring it over once in a while? Lord knows, living alone, I generate my share surplus.””Well first of all, that wouldn’t work. I have found that it loses its rejuvenating power almost immediately. It is very delicate stuff. And secondly, I don’t think it would be fair to ask you for something without giving anything in return.” She was staring at the floor again. There was something else. A moment ago I had thought I knew the big secret, casino firmalari but now I was curious all over again. “So…” Suddenly it hit me before she even said anything. Holy shit. The visitors. The 15-20 minutes. The were generating the stuff in real time, not bringing it over stored. “So what exactly do you mean…” I was still thinking when she blurted it out. “What I am proposing, Mark, is that you jack off on my face.” She spoke deliberately and clearly. “That way, I get absolutely fresh semen, you get a thrill, and we call it even.” She looked directly at me and smiled politely. “I like to think of it as a ‘mutually beneficial arrangement’. ” She sat back, and seemed relieved to have it over with. I wondered how many times she had been through this. Apparently at least a dozen, if my count was accurate.”Wow” was all I could say. I was in shock, trying to absorb it all. It was then that I noticed that although my upper head was having trouble grasping this fully, my lower head had apparently gotten the message loud and clear. An enormous erection strained anxiously my pants, creating a huge visible bulge. It yearned to spring free and get down to business. I looked up at Susan and saw that I wasn’t the only one who had noticed. She was staring at the bulge, smiling smugly. Her look conveyed a confident “gotcha.” And she was right. My dick was taking over my thoughts.”I guess that’s a pretty hard request to resist..” I stammered, searching for the right thing to say.”Well then don’t resist it” she said confidently. I think she knew at that point that she had made a sale.”OK” I gave in. “Heck, I’ll try anything. So…umm…when do you want to do this…thing?” “Right now” she said, startling me slightly. Then I realized – it was 8:30pm…nobody had shown up yet. She had come over due to a cancellation, or a no-show. One man’s loss is another man’s gain.”Wow.” I resolved to stop saying ‘wow’ so much. But shit, what else could I say? “You mean right here? Right now?””Yes, why not? But let me say a few things first.” She had of course done this before, and it showed. She pitched into her spiel. “First of all, this is not a relationship. I don’t want you to treat me any differently. We are not lovers. This is not exclusive. This is simply a mutually beneficial arrangement. Second, this arrangement will last only as long as it pleases both of us. It is ‘at will’, and either of us can call it off at any time, no hard feelings.” She giggled a bit at her little pun. “Agreed?””Well, sure, OK.””Now since this is your first time, I understand you may be a little nervous. Let me explain what I expect, and hopefully that will put you at ease. It is important that the ejaculate be fresh, and that it be as large as possible. Please refrain from masturbating or having sex for at least 48 hours before you see me. If your ejaculate is too small, then I will have to terminate our arrangement. Is that clear?””Yes ma’am” I said, in mock deference. But it was clear who was calling the shots – so to speak.”To increase the size of your ejaculate, you may do whatever you wish. Generally the ejaculate will be greater in volume the more excited you are. You may wish to get nude and masturbate for some time, and bring yourself to the verge of climax several times over a period of 10 or 15 minutes. This will create a very large and fluid ejaculate which spreads easily and covers my entire face.”I was getting even harder listening to her talk like that. “I will generally be doing something else, like watching TV, reading, whatever. I don’t have time to necessarily give you my full attention while you are building up your ejaculate. I would rather you take your time and build up the largest possible load, rather than feel pressured for time by having me waiting and staring expectantly at your cock. I will, however, dress attractively and remain in the room with you, so that you can look at my body if that pleases you. That may assist you in working up the largest possible wad of cum. You may also bring pornography or toys if you like. I have a VCR, and I have batteries. Please don’t be bashful on my account. I want you to be maximally excited when you ejaculate, so you squirt out lots of hot wet cum all over my face.”My cock was absolutely throbbing in anticipation at this point. I was afraid of losing it in my pants just from having this incredible knockout girl talk dirty to me like this. Even her matter-of-fact delivery was an inexplicable turn-on for me.”When you are ready, just say ‘ready’ and stand up. I will immediately come over and kneel in front of you. I will try to present the part of my face that I want to bathe in cum first. I generally try to change it every day – for example I might start with the left cheek one day, right cheek the next day, and so on. But after the initial spurt has hit this spot, please move your cock around and try to paint semen all over my face, as much as you can. Please keep going until the last spurt is out…I don’t want to waste any fresh warm cum.”Oh god I was in heaven. I could feel a small drop of pre-cum at the tip of my penis, and I hadn’t even taken my pants off yet

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