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Darren and Helen had been married for five years now and to say they were stuck in a rut would be an understatement. Their sex life that had once been an active if unadventurous one had now deteriorated to non-existent. After the birth of their daughter neither could say they’d kept the desire for one another a priority and slowly they’d dropped into a routine.

With the baby, Helen took maternity leave and after a long break only returned to work part-time leaving Darren as the main breadwinner. Originally he threw himself into his work to provide for his family but now it was an excuse to stay away. The late hours had at one time been truly worked and it had justified his promotion in the company. Now the late hours were spent drinking with his workmates deep into the evening.

When he returned home drunk stinking of booze it used to cause blazing rows between them but lately, she couldn’t even raise her voice. She was glad he was passed out asleep on the couch so she could look after the baby. Even the obvious spell of perfume on his clothes didn’t raise her anger anymore, they were welcome to him.

When they were younger they both kept in shape and had originally met at the gym, the physical attraction between them obvious from the start. The baby and his boozing lifestyle had ended either of their physicality and she felt undesirable and depressed.

Her brief days in the office did brighten things slightly, being back among the girls. For the first time in ages, she laughed out loud and her old self would peep through. But her demeanor worried her friends and as much as they inquired she always replied she was fine.

Catching her crying in the toilets was the last straw for her co-worker Lucy who pulled her into a private office and finally made her talk. The drudgery of her marriage, her depression after the baby, and the constant cheating of her husband spilled out. The tears fell as she explained how ugly and useless she now felt, forcing Lucy to hug her tightly.

Lucy plunged her hand deep into her handbag and produced a small card, “my friend got me in touch with this woman.” She passed it across to Helen, “her methods might be strange but meeting her was the best thing that ever happened to me.”

Helen peered at the card, ‘Miss Danvers Marriage Counsellor’. “Oh, I don’t think marriage guidance will help with us,” She tried to raise a small smile, “bit too far gone for that.”

“Oh she’s so much more than that,” Lucy gripped her hands. “I was in your position and she turned it all around, I’ve never felt happier and I really do owe it to her.” She wiped a tear away from Helen’s face, “please just visit her and give her a go, you won’t regret it.”

When she returned to her desk Helen popped the card into her purse and pondered over whether she should call. Later as she sat on the couch watching the soaps alone again, she vowed to see what this woman could rescue of her life.


The house was not at all what she expected, an immaculate garden surrounded a quiet suburban house. More the home of an older aunt than a marriage expert, the large burly servant was also unexpected. She followed him and was seated outside a dark wooden door marked study, she felt like she was back in school awaiting the headmistress. Upon entering she stared at the woman before her, she had never seen a headmistress like this before.

She was striking, with long red hair cascading over her beautiful porcelain skin and red ruby lips, her piercing green eyes gave her goosebumps. When she rose to greet her she seemed even more magnificently tall, arousing but severe.

She reached a long delicate hand out to shake, “you must be Helen, I’m so glad you decided to come.” Her devilish smile arose, “I’m Miss Danvers.”

Helen felt her hand gripped tightly and was sure she trembled, “my friend Lucy recommended you highly.”

Miss Danvers returned to her plush leather chair, “such a lovely girl Lucy, so glad she’s doing well.” “We never advertise, were very exclusive, our business only grows from positive word of mouth,” her confidence oozed from within. She picked up a small handbell and shook it, the peal rebounding through the room. “Would you like tea?”

At the noise, the servant reappeared and after Helen’s nod of appreciation, he was sent again from the room. When he returned the conversation was confined to small talk and they settled down to drink their tea.

Miss Danvers leaned forward, “now Helen, tell me everything about you.” She stared unblinkingly into her eyes, “don’t miss out on anything, I want to know how you got to this point today.”

For how long she talked Helen could not say but the words flew from her. she felt safe and comfortable in her presence. Her bottled-up emotions exploded, the tears and anger she’d forced down emptied. Why she told a complete stranger all this she could not fathom but she felt elated that she had.

Miss Danvers picked her up in her arm and hugged her, so tightly she took her breath away. manisa escort “You are so very special Helen and I will do everything in my power to make you understand that.” She held her face tightly in her hands, “we need to rebuild your confidence in yourself that he has taken away.”

“You see every marriage needs a leader, someone in control, and looking at your marriage neither of you takes the lead, You’re passengers on a long boring journey which you feel you cannot jump off.” She dangled her long smooth legs over the desk as she spoke, “In my opinion, the woman should always be in control, we are more naturally inclined that way. No matter what history has tried to distort.”

With her last word she dropped her heels to the floor and stood looking down on Helen, “but first we need to improve your life thoroughly, that includes diet and fitness.” She flashed her green eyes towards her, “when did you last go to the gym.”

Helen stuttered her answer up to her, “before the baby, over a year maybe two.”

Miss Danvers spun and flickered her long fingers through her Rolodex and produced another card, ‘Miss Danvers Female Only Gym.’ “Here, start tomorrow and ask for Cassie.” The enticing smile had returned, “she’s a lovely girl and she’ll soon have you back in shape.”

Helen was slightly shocked at the speed of the conversation, ‘but I have work and the baby.”

Leaning down Miss Danvers looked deep into her eyes, “I know exactly your working days and hours and I can give you the address of several reputable creches in the area who owe me a favor.” She tapped her gently on the nose, “stop looking for excuses and become the woman you deserve to be.”

At her touch, Helen’s face brightened, “Yes I will but what about my husband.”

“Let’s worry about Darren later, you are my main concern.” The red-haired woman lifted Helen to her feet, “I know you might be worried about the expense, I’m not cheap but that’s because I’m very thorough. I also guarantee if I don’t succeed I will half the cost.”

Helen swayed on her feet, she felt like she was in the middle of a whirlwind and its name was Miss Danvers.

“Now I fully expect to hear a glowing review of your first day from Cassie,” Miss Danvers hooked her arm around her waist as she maneuvered Helen to the door. “Once we have you feeling fitter I’ll be back in touch.”

Once the fresh air hit Helen she felt like she’d stepped out of a dream. The angst she held within had drained from her body and she felt excited for the first time in ages. Tomorrow she could leave the baby with her mum but she might have to ask about the creche if it goes well.


As Helen entered the gym in trepidation her expectations were shattered again by the bubbly cute blonde who bounced towards her. “Hi I’m Cassie you must be Helen.”

At the strength of her grip, Helen winced slightly, “hi yes Miss Danvers sent me.”

With a flash of her million-dollar smile, Cassie flicked her long blonde hair, “oh I know, I work here full time as a personal trainer but any client of Miss Danvers goes straight to the top of my list.”

Helen returned the smile, “she does seem quite remarkable.”

“Oh you have no idea how surprising she can be,” Cassie bounded away laughing. “Come on let’s make a start.”

She gave Helen a quick tour of the premises, she stared in wonder at the brand new gleaming gym equipment. Never had she been inside a gym without men before and the atmosphere was so much more relaxed. Cassie caught on quickly, “it’s ok, this is a totally male free environment.”

“I know, it’s so quiet and relaxed,” Helen’s eyes darted all over the building.

“The only time men are allowed are on special occasions, purely for our entertainment.” The mischievous glint in Cassie’s eyes said more than words. She led Helen through to the changing rooms, “here’s your locker key, once your changed meet me out in the gym and we’ll get started.”

Last night was the first time she’d really closely observed her body since giving birth and it brought her to tears. She’d brought her most self-conscious gym clothes with her, hiding all the excess fat she’d accumulated.

As Helen stepped nervously from the changing room Cassie stood examining her outfit, “when I’m finished with you you’ll be training in nothing but a thong.”

The joke broke Helen’snerves, “sorry been so long since I did anything.”

Cassie hugged her hard, “don’t worry.” She dropped the scales in front of her, “step on babe.” Noting down the weight in her pad but never out loud, she showed it to Helen. “This is your weight today and I promise you each week we will see the progress and soon you won’t even need me.”

Cassie strutted ahead of Helen, her buns of steel swaying before her. “Now I’ll give you your daily routine and as we go on I’ll give you some extra techniques you may enjoy.” She stretched forward with her blonde hair touching the mat, “now get ready to sweat and ache.”


Cassie escort manisa had not lied, every inch of her body seemed to be sore. As she delicately placed herself in her office chair Lucy smiled over, “back in the gym, I know that feeling.”

Even smiling seemed to hurt, “yes first day with Cassie yesterday.” Helen whispered over, “she looks so sweet but she’s quite ferocious.”

Lucy laughed out loud, “she’s a fighter so I was told, she trains in martial arts.” “Better do as she tells you.”

Helen leaned close in, “did you go through this too.”

“God yes, sheer hell at first but the results are worth it,” Lucy stroked Helen’s face. “Seriously you’ll soon feel so much fitter and stronger.”

With a smile, Helen returned to her work, glad that typing didn’t require too much effort. Yesterday was her first exercise session and today is the first day of her healthier diet. Again it had been provided by Cassie and she hoped to prove she still had some self-control to follow it through.


After week one Cassie showed her the change in her weight, already there was a drop and it boosted her determination. “Now I also want you to take a daily run, not long just an hour a day to burn that body fat.”

It wasn’t till the running that she fully realise how out of shape she had become, gasping like a geriatric. On her days off she could run anytime and still fit in her gym appointment but on her working days, she had to run in the evenings. Even then Darren had never come home early and found her missing, he barely noticed the change in her.

In the space of a few weeks, the change had become noticeable, friends commented on her appearance again. Lucy would smile over in work and nod appreciatively at her and men started to glance in her direction. Her mum had been a godsend throughout, looking after the baby which allowed her to exercise. She was happy to help as she could see her old daughter coming back to life.


Alongside the exercise program, Miss Danvers had enrolled her in a course at the local college for ‘Female Empowerment and Assertative Training.’ It had clashed with one of her workdays but strangely she was allowed time off work to partake without any problems. Lucy sagely smiled when she heard, “Miss Danvers has tentacles everywhere.”

Where the exercise was for the body the class was purely for the mind and it educated her on the history of women, where the teaching in school placed women, and where they really should be. She felt stronger with each lesson and the camaraderie in the group made her proud to be a classmate.

With each passing day, she grew angrier with Darren’s behavior towards her and determined to put a stop to the quagmire they had dropped into to. Tired with the neglect of his husbandry duties, not just sexually, the house had started to look jaded and shabby. Rather than wait for him she set about redecorating without his input or opinion.


It had been nearly two months since her last meeting with Miss Danvers and although Helen had definitely changed in appearance, she was as stunning to the eye as the first time.

She smiled her dazzling smile towards her embryonic guest, “well aren’t you looking fabulous.” Miss Danvers leaned closer over her desk, “I do hope you’re enjoying your courses because I’m only hearing good things about you.”

Helen blushed, “yes I really am.” She stopped short and slightly embarrassed replied, “but I’m afraid I threw him out after an argument.”

Miss Danvers deep laugh reverberated, “well that was only a matter of time and he did have it coming.” Her shark-like teeth nibbled her ruby red lip, “so far we’ve concentrated on making you the woman you should be, the next step is making him the man he should be for you.” “If you still want him?”

She pondered slightly longer than she should, “yes he is the father to my daughter and he used to be so much better.” For a split second Helen had thought of throwing him away for good.

“Good that’s settled, I’ll put the next step in motion,” Miss Danvers rose towards Helen. “Next week there’s a special class for you back here and this will have you ready for when he returns.” She walked towards the door with an arm wrapped around Helen’s waist, “and he will be ready to do everything for forgiveness, trust me.”


Darren sat morosely staring into his flat pint, the drunken conversation spat around him. His two friends from work joined him in the daily tirade of displeasure towards the female population. His friends tried to cajole him into joining a new men’s group called ‘Men on Top’ which had been gaining some press locally, but his current state seemed pathetic enough without that. What had started as an excuse to not go home to yet another argument had just become routine, the sanctuary had lost its gloss.

But the alternative of going home to her nagging and the baby crying in that dreary manisa escort bayan house had no appeal to him. The company of friends who understood him and the occasional attention of women who only wanted fun was his escape from the monotony. Even though he’d piled on some weight and was far from his prime he still held some interest to the ladies. After the silence of his marriage, it felt good to be flirtatious with attractive younger girls, it made him feel like a man again.

The local pub had been replaced by the hotel bar after his wife had the sheer audacity to throw him out. He’d moved in weeks ago and had become a regular leaning against the counter but if she felt he would suffer she was wrong, The opportunities to drink himself into a stupor or cheat undetected had been made easier by her own actions.

Let her support herself alone and finish the decorating he’d fallen into which had caused the final argument. He’d drunkenly spilled the paint and trampled it all over the downstairs carpets, which is why he was awoken by his suitcase hitting his face. The previous night’s drink hadn’t even worn off as she pushed him violently out the door, he’d seen her angry before but never physical. She verbally tore him to shreds as she threw him out, he could only glare back dumbly as she slammed the door in his face.

In his short stay in the hotel, he’d become adept at seeking out the prey, the lonely businesswoman sitting alone, the friends out for a quiet drink and the hoard of weekend stag do lunatics. The statuesque redhead sipping a martini fitted none of these groups, she’d be unique wherever she was. Darren downed his drink for one last bit of dutch courage and sauntered over, “Hi can I buy you a drink?”

When she turned to face him, he knew he needed more than courage. Simply the most stunning looking woman he had ever laid eyes upon stared back at him with a mocking smirk on her flawless face. She waved the full drink in her hand, “already have one.”

The barmaid shook her head in pity towards him, silently pleading for him to take his leave. His next few flirtations hit a brick wall and the confidence ebbed away from him. She made him feel like being back in school trying to talk to the hottest girl and failing badly. Her luminous green eyes made him sway, “do any of these lines ever work on women.”

The remark hit him like a punch and he almost staggered off his chair, “I’m not hitting on you, honestly.” His next words were stopped cold by her hand sliding on his thigh and gripping it tightly.

She leaned close to his face, her cool breath on his face, “be honest for once in your life, did you come over to me because you found me sexually alluring?” Darren nodded automatically, “well I’ll be honest back to you, I’m a very sexual woman and I fear I may be too much for you to handle.”

With each word from her lips, his heart thumped louder and he placed down his drink to hide his shaking hand. She edged nearer to his face and whispered softly, “I’m in room 30 if you feel you can perform to my expectations.” Darren stared wide-eyed as she slipped from her seat and slunk alluringly across the room to the lift, her long red hair swinging behind her. It took him several minutes to pump up the required confidence before he ran frantically to see her again.

When he awoke he was naked and alone and as he scanned the room through blurred eyes he concluded this was not his room. It took him a while to clear his fogged-up mind and slowly feel some pain ebbing through his body. Looking back over his shoulder he could see scratch marks on his back and his bright red arse radiated heat and clearly was the epicenter of the soreness.

In a panic, he clambered to the floor and in desperation hunted for his clothes. His growing anxiety was soothed by the carefully folded pile left on the chair underneath a small note.

Printed clearly it read. ‘I do hope you enjoyed last night as much as I did, if so call this number.’ For the first time since he awoke the seductress came swimming back into his brain, her face, body, perfume, and that intoxicating voice. What had happened between them also flashed starkly into his mind and he slumped to the ground. She had fucked him anally, for the first time in his life he knew how it felt to be on the other foot. The source of that throbbing pain was now horribly apparent, she had taken him and he had let her.

Daren dove into the shower to clear his mind and remove her scent, each recollection brought back memories of last night. The warm water ran over his sore anus and stopped any chance of forgetting what he had partaken in. His cock grew instantly as the images flickered through his mind and the recollection of how hard she had made him cum. The loud moans that she had made him produce resurfaced and he prayed whoever was next door would not see him leave.

Once dressed he was appalled at the state of the sheets he was leaving behind but flee he must, peering out into the corridor for a free run. Once the road was clear he made his escape and never looked back. The bar would have to be out of bounds just in case she returned or god forbid told any of the staff. The barmaid did seem to know her, they exchanged smiles. The thought that he might have to leave the hotel completely now grew.

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