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Mistis’ Adventures Part 162Carl and Julia woke up bright and early the next morning. Carl was so excited at Julia’s accepting his proposal that he had hardly slept. She, on the other hand, had slept like a baby, dreaming of how she hoped their life would be. She wanted at least 3 c***dren, and he wanted that many, or MORE. SHE wouldn’t mind the more, considering what it would take to get them. THAT WAS THE FUN PART!!! She had asked her Mom about how it felt to give birth. Her Mom had laughed, and told her, “Sweetheart. I’m NOT going to lie to ya. It hurts like crazy when it’s happening. The pain is worth it, though. When you take that little bundle of your love in your arms, and it nuzzles against you and takes your nipple in its mouth to suck the milk from you, it makes it all worth it. There’s nothing in the world that feels so right.””Then ya get to watch it grow up to be a man or woman, with YOU and your husband teaching it right from wrong, and it gets even better. SURE!!! There’s gonna be hurts in there. A careless word, someone trying to take it away from you, that don’t give a care about what happens to them. THAT’S PART OF THE DEAL!!! YOU GOT TO MAKE IT RIGHT!!! SOMETIMES YOU WIN, AND SOMETIMES YA DON’T. Ya gotta take the good with the bad. Like with what happened to you. I wanted to kill all 3 of em. So did your Granny, and your Daddy. We held back, ’cause we knew we wouldn’t do you any good if WE were in prison.” THANK GOD, the Police got there as soon as they did! Another minute or 2 and I would have fixed both of them boys. Police grabbed my arm an’ took the scissors from me. “Hold on, Ma’am, they told me. WE will take care of them for you. No need for you to get in trouble over the likes of them.” I hugged and kissed all of ’em before they left. Then I wrote a letter to their Chief, and tole HIM what fine, upstanding, young men he had, and how I appreciated their help.””We ALL sweated blood for the next 3 months. Believe it or NOT!!! Bobcat an’ Boomer was crying over it. Your 2 older brothers ,were AS worried, or maybe even more than Daddy an’ me. They almost had to be locked up. THEY was gonna go and wait outside the jail, just in case, and jump ’em if they came out. THAT’S why both of ’em took such good care of ya, and spent their time tryin’ ta make up to ya. They BOTH ‘fessed up to tryin’ ta get in ya pants. Daddy had to go outside, so’s they wouldn’t see his face, and’ I broke down an’ cried like a baby. Julia woke up and the first thing she saw, was Carl’s face, less than an inch above hers. He kissed her as soon as he saw her eyes open. She threw the covers back, and pulled him on top of her naked body, her legs open wide. “Make love to me, My Darling. Fill me up and give me our first c***d. I want to feel you, and it, inside of me, as soon as possible.” Both had gone to sleep the night before, without a stitch of anything on. Her touch, and her words, made him so excited, he was instantly as hard as a rock. He shifted down to lap at her well of desire, and she had her first orgasm as his tongue touched her. Her back bowed and her knees wet up to her breasts. “YES, YES, YES, MY LOVE!!! MAKE ME SCREAM AND BEG FOR YOU!!!” His tongue delved inside of her vaginal opening, and she screeched out loud. He pushed deeper, and she pushed on the back of his head with both hands, and wrapped both legs around him, squeezing with all her might. He withdrew his tongue from her pussy, and used it to part her pussy lips, and sucked her clitoris between his lips, and began to massage the captured flesh. For the first time, she squirted, filling his mouth with her savory fluids. He swallowed it and assaulted her again. She squirted several times, groaned, and fainted. She was smiling.He lifted her hips and put her special pillow under them. It was a bit thicker than any of the others, and served to lift her higher, and open her wider, she thought. In any case, he saw how much she loved to use it when they had sex, and used it every time. She had included it last night, when she brought the last of her clothing here. All she had left were a few odds and ends.He kissed her face, gently to awaken her, and when he saw her eyes were open he went between her thighs, to wrap her knees around his elbows, and began to push inside of her. He watched her face, intently. He loved to see her eyes get big, and her mouth open as he entered her. She always had the most erotic look on her face, and in her eyes, until they closed from her joy. Then she would start coaxing him to do her harder, and as her passion built, faster, until she reached her hardest climax. She would cum MANY times between his entry and her climax. She especially loved when he would cum 2 or even 3 times before she reached the climax. She was egging him on, to fuck her faster, as he was watching her face.He felt her vaginal muscles clinch, and he began to cum inside of her. “YES, YES, YES!!! FUCK ME, FUCK ME FUCK ME!!! GIMME THAT CUM!!! FILL MY CUNT FOR ME!!! GIMME A BABY-MAKER!!! KNOCK ME UP, HIGHER THAN A KITE!!! OH MY GODDD!!! GIVE IT TO MEEEEE!!!”Carl groaned with exertion, and his arms gave way, making him put his full weight on top of her. Her hips were moving relentlessly, trying to get the last drop of semen from him. He heard her whisper, “Please Lord. Give me a a baby.” then she kissed him. “I love you more than any man on Earth. Never leave me. I want you by my side, forever.”He, aware of the burden his weight was, on top of her, tried to roll to the side, but she held him where he was, and where she wanted him. His weight was reassuring to her, and she wanted him to remain on top of, and inside her, for as long as she could keep him there. They had made love twice before they had tried, in his case, to go to sleep. Julia had slept like an angel. That was at a little before 1 o’clock this morning. Now it was almost 6 in the morning. They had made love this time, and he didn’t feel tired, except from the sex. Julia lay there, enjoying the feel, and the idea, of his sperm floating around inside of her womb, hopefully finding an egg to invade, and make her pregnant.He stayed hard for much longer than he had expected he would, but, he finally had gone down, and the natural tightness of her pussy, and its continued contractions, forced him out of her. She allowed him to roll to the side, but held him just as tight as ever, rolling to her side, and refusing to relinquish her hold on him. His face nuzzled at her breast, and she move just enough to feel his lips take her nipple, and begin to suckle it. He was nursing her like HE was the baby. He finally lifted his head and, releasing her breast, kissed her.”I’m already covered, but YOU need to call Sharon, or Dolly, and let them know that YOU will be coming in a bit late, too. I need to let Wayne know that I’m NOT out over something that happened, yesterday, but, I WILL be coming in later.” He said no more, but then, he NEVER said anything negative about his work. He wouldn’t. He had long ago vowed to leave problems at work, AT WORK. AND never take any problems from home to the yard with him. During his divorce proceedings, he hadn’t said a word to anyone. All ANYONE, except Wayne, had known was, the boss was getting rid of his “rib.”He handed Julia her phone, and took his own, to make the calls. He told Wayne that some “important ” business had come up, that needed his immediate attention. NOTHING to do with what had happened, yesterday.Julia had called Sharon, and told her that Carl had told her that SHE was going to be late. She didn’t know, for sure, but, had a VERY good idea what he wanted to do.Carl had gone into the bathroom and turned on the shower, making sure to have clean towels, and had come back in, and scooped her up in his arms, and carried her inside the shower, allowing her to grab her shower cap, in passing. He sat her down and picked up the sponge, and filling it with her soap, while she donned the cap. He scrubbed her vigorously, but gently, kissing everything in his wake. THIS TIME, THOUGH, the only “hanky-panky” were the kisses. She washed him the same way, and, for the first time, when she attempted to take his penis into her mouth, he had pulled back from her, and waggled his finger at her. “Gotta save some for later, Sweetie.” he told her.He dressed in khaki shirt, with the sleeves rolled up 4 times, and khaki pants, and sweat socks. He asked her to wear the tan shorts, that came to just above her knees, and the pastel yellow, sweater, that showed her figure so well. PLEASE!!! NO BRA!!! She dressed as he had wanted her. The sweater was thin enough to show a darker spot where her nipples and areola were. To her, it seemed to be his favorite outfit. The only precautions she took were putting pads under her arms, in case she began to sweat, and a panty shield to hide it, if she buca escort got wet.They went down to the kitchen, made some coffee, and ate a piece of buttered toast. They took Julia’s car, and she would drop Carl back here when they finished. He directed her to all the jewelry stores in town, visiting several for a second time. Carl had, on 2 previous stops at one store, seen Julia looking at something. He had made a mental note of the item, and had gone to another store. When they returned for the 3rd time, the lady at the counter had greeted them by name, and asked what they wished to look at. Carl looked at the selections, and saw what he was looking for. It was a Bridal Set. One ring held a pear shaped diamond, that was surrounded with smaller diamonds, with four rubies. 2 at either end. The other ring was 6 diamonds, approximately 1/4 the size of the pear shaped diamond. He asked the lady if he could take a closer look, and she took it out and handed it to him. “Here you go, Mr. Landis. I had a feeling that it was what you REALLY wanted to see.” Julia looked at the rings. “OH NO, SWEETHEART!!! IT’S TOO EXPENSIVE!!!” He sat the empty box on the counter, and lifted her hand, placing both rings on her 3rd finger, of her left hand. It fit perfectly. There would be no need for sizing, and the possibility of damaging the beauty of the ring. They all admired how it looked on her hand. Her dusky skin tone emphasizing, and enhancing the rings beauty. He removed the ring, placing it back in the box. “We’ll take it!! Now I would like to see a pendant, earrings, and a tiara to match, please.”The lady, who had earlier introduced her self as Winnie, went to several cases, withdrawing several pieces for them to inspect. Hesitantly, Julia inspected each piece of jewelry. She chose, with Carl, AND Winnie’s approval, earrings, in the “Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow” style, a pendant crucifix, that was made with rubies as the second stone from the 3 upper ends, and the third stone from the bottom, to signify the blood of Christ, and a VERY delicate tiara, that had a simple circle of stones, to signify never ending love. Carl chose a wedding ring for himself. He had, after their third date, taken the ring he had worn with his first wife, kissed it, and put it in the safe, along with other things that had been hers. THIS would be THEIR ring. It was a masculine version of the ring they had chosen for Julia. It was six stones, in a much heavier band. He looked at the watch she was wearing. “How about a bracelet to complete the ensemble?” he asked. Julia looked aghast, at him. “You are going TOO FAR, NOW!!! This is extravagant enough as it is.” she admonished. Carl smiled, and shrugged his shoulders. “NO CAN DO, BABY CAKES!!! AIN’T NO SUCH THING AS “TOO MUCH” FOR MY LADY!!!”Carl turned to Winnie. “Could you call the Manager out for me, please. I want to write a check, and wish him to call the bank, for HIS peace of mind.” Winnie went to a heavy velvet curtain in the corner, and spoke briefly. A portly, but dignified gentleman came out and offered his hand to Carl, and then to Julia. “I’m Mr. Whitfield. Winnie told me that you are Mr. Landis. Am I correct?” Carl nodded. “How may I be of service.” Carl told him about his wishes, and Mr Whitfield nodded. “Most certainly. It wouldn’t be necessary, as I know of, and about you. You have one of the finest reputations in the county, if not the state. He turned the check book around, and pointed to the number to be called. There was a bit of small talk, and Mr. Whitfield handed the phone to him. The voice at the other end identified herself, and asked for his password. He replied, “Cream pie,” and was thanked. He handed the phone back to Mr. Whitfield.Mr. Whitfield read the numbers off of the computer screen, and repeated them, looking at Carl. Carl nodded. He was able to add them up in his head, along with the sales tax, as fast as it was done on the computer. Mr. Whitfield thanked Ginnie, the lady at the bank, and slid the checkbook over in front of Winnie. He filled in Carl of the similarities of their names. “The 2 of them are identical twins. Both came to me, seeking employment, a few years ago. Regretfully, I could only use one of them, and referred the other to the bank. She has been there for some time, now. Winnie has the loveliest hand writing I have EVER seen so she will make out the check for your signature. IF, AT ANY TIME, we can be of further service to you, PLEASE, don’t hesitate to call. PLEASE, have a wonderful day.” He shook hands with Carl, but Julia pulled him to the counter and kissed him on the cheek. “Thank YOU, Mr. Whitfield. You also, and pass our best to your family, as well.” He turned and went back to his office.Winnie made out the check and put it and the printout of the receipt together so Carl could see them. Carlton Q. Landis. It was the first time Julia had seen his middle initial. Carl saw her looking, and told her, “I’ll tell ya about it, later.” Winnie had come around the counter, and was hugged and kissed by both of them. It was only 10:30 so they went and had brunch. He told her, “The Q stands for Quentin. I’ll tell you the rest another time.”They ate, and Julia took Carl to the house…THEIR HOME, NOW!!! She kissed him and told him that she loved him, and hoped he could resolve whatever was happening at work. She backed out of the driveway, and left, waving to him. Carl took time to go inside and put their purchase receipts in the safe. Julia had, as he had expected, wanted to show her “trophies” to the other people in the office. He, in a way, felt sorry for Tony, Ham, and Bob. They were the only 3 men in the firm. 14 women worked with them. 3 of them, now, were the big kahuna’s. Mary, as owner, Sharon, as Manager, and now Julia, as Assistant Manager. Heaven help if all 3 of them got on the rag at the same time. He laughed at the thought.He went out and climbed in his pickup, and drove to the work site. They had decided to delay the second house. Essie and Francis had indicated that they wanted to live in the same house, if possible, as her grandparents, and her parents. All had been overjoyed at the idea. Bruce and Annie were going to remain at Pete and Doris’s house for the time being, also. A house was being planned for Milt, June, and their “chilluns,” and Jeff and Patti were going to stay with THEM. In the meantime Pete and Doris were having the times of their lives, spoiling the grands, and telling their parents to “shush and mind your own business,” when they objected. Milt and Junes oldest, a boy of almost 4, named Douglas, and dubbed “Doug,” had adopted a stray dog. A mutt that was half again the size of Pup, but was as gentle and good-natured as any dog they had ever seen. He and Pup, along with the dog they had finally named Critter, played together, running through the pastures and fields, chasing squirrels and rabbits, and barking at each other. The boy had discovered that he could ride “Stranger,” the stray dog, like a horse. The new house was going to be built about 50 yards over toward Billy and Cathy’s house. Cathy, June, and Patti were as close as Cathy, Sue, and Annie. What devilment one couldn’t think of, the other 8 COULD. Heaven help anyone who failed to figure in Essie, Robbi, and, to a slightly less extent, BETTY.Carl arrived to see 4 or 5 guys that were picking up, and cleaning the waste from the completed buildings, and loading it on a trailer, loaned to them by Tod. He would put it away for a time it might be needed. He had a large, and growing, pile behind the big barn. He kept it covered with tarps so it wouldn’t rust, or rot. Carl sat and watched them for a second or 2, and waved back at them when they waved. They were too far to hear them, so he didn’t say anything. He noticed that the window over the desk was closed for the first time he could remember, and he could hear the AC running, so someone must be inside. Both trucks were gone so it wasn’t Floyd, or Wayne. He went in and it was Chloe. She was wearing her usual jeans and T-shirt, and had her sock feet up on the desk, a pair of earbuds in her ears, listening, and singing with, a song. “Can anybody find Meee, somebody to Loooove!” she sang out. Her voice made up in volume, what it lacked in talent. She had her eyes closed, but opened them when she felt the blast of hot air. She smiled and swung her feet to the floor, as she rose, and pulled the buds from her ears. “Howdy, Boss. I wanted to talk to ya when ya got here, private like. Gotta few minutes?” she asked. Carl sat in the vacated chair, and she pulled another one from the stack, sitting in it.He smiled at her. “For YOU, I’ve got all the minutes you want. Whatcha got on? YOUR MIND?” She had proven to be one of his best hands, which was, along with despising it when anybody he perceived was being bullied. escort buca THAT was why he had gotten so hostile, yesterday. He would fire a bully faster than for anything else.Chloe reached over, first, and put her arms around his neck and pulled him to her and kissed him. Longer and harder than he had any right to expect. She released him and sat back in the chair, smiling at him. “Thanks for saving my bacon, last night, Carl. I could see myself getting ready to pull a train for both crews, till you and Dave showed up. I NEVER heard anybody give “what for,” to a crew like you two did. They was crawling up their own ass holes, lookin’ fer cover.” Carl smiled back. ” Most crews would have been fired on the spot, just to CYA. Most of the time, our crew, AND Dave’s crew, are the best behaved you can find. I don’t know what got into them, but I plan to keep an eye on them. I hope, also, that YOU can find it in your heart to forgive them. They’re really a great bunch of guys.” She waved her hand as if shooing a fly. “I might as well tell ya.” she started. “Wes, and 2 other guys, Zeke, and Cotton, both drew their time this morning. They was cussin’ about ya takin’ the side of a Lezzy. Dave was by here a little bit ago, and said HE had lost 4 of his people. They was pissed at the way he talked to them. All else he said was “GOOD RIDDANCE!!!”Carl was almost surprised that more people didn’t quit. Chloe wasn’t finished. She went over to an ice chest, and fished out two bottles of beer, and two cokes. “Which do ya want, Boss?” he reached over and took one of the beers. She put the cokes back in the chest, uncapping both bottles. They both took a drink. ” I owe ya an explanation.””I got run out of my house when I was 16. I didn’t date because all the boys wanted was a shot of ass. I wouldn’t give it to them, and they spread it around that I was a Lesbian. Thing started getting bad, then it got worse. We was at a family gathering, and some of my cousins tied me between some trees and took all my clothes, taking turns with me. There was 7 of ’em. Some of the others, including 3 uncles, decided it looked like fun, and joined in. This was on Friday night. Ever’body was going in and out of the camp site, an told my folks that I was with the others, and I was down at the dock, fishin’. They kept on for all that night, and the next day. They had stuffed my panties in my mouth, so I couldn’t yell, an’ ever’ time they pulled THEM out, they stuck their dicks IN. THEN they rolled me over and started fucking my ass. They tole me my pussy was too nasty to fuck any more. They would fuck me in the ass, and then stick their dicks in my mouth, and make me suck my own shit off of their dicks. I started puking, and got it all over my uncle, and he slapped me around, and poured a bucket of water over me. My Dad came and was just in time to watch my brother cum in my ass, and stick HIS dick in my mouth. I was so weak I couldn’t stand up, and HE fucked me, TOO!!! We went home that next morning. Nobody except Mama, did anything for me. We got home, and Dad give me $500 dollars an’ a old car that was near a wreck, an’ had bald tires. He tole me not to come back unless I was pregnant.” “I left, and ain’t been back since. That was 12 years ago. I caught the clap 4 times, and had an abortion, and started living with the girl I live with, now. She goes haywire and has shit-awful fits when she gets pissed, and she gets pissed a LOT! I want to get away from her, but, from things she says, I think if I do, she’ll try to kill me. I’m scared to death of her. I like guys, but I’ll be the first to admit, I’m hard to please. Falina got me hotter than hell, and Francis put the icin’ on the cake. He made me weak in the knees. First time I’ve enjoyed gettin’ fucked in a LONG time. Brenda knows some of it, and I go in an’ talk to her sometimes. This mornin’ she told me what, and how, YOU done her. I decided that, first chance I got, I was gonna get YOU to fuck me. She tole me about Julia, and how you/re head over heels about her, so I don’t want anything from you but a good screwin’. PLEASE!!!”Carl, remembering what he had seen last evening, made up his mind immediately. She was a very attractive woman. Her breasts were nicely shaped, if somewhat on the small side, for her thick build, but, from the waist down, she was ALL woman. He remembered looking at her Mons. It was nearly HUGE, and looked as soft as any he had seen ANYWHERE. It was even larger than the ones on Misti, her Mom, Carol, OR Sharon. Chloe’s was almost the size of a tennis ball. She put the icing on the cake, with a big grin, and an invitation. “In case ya might’ve fergot what I’m offerin’ ya, Here’s somethin’ ta remind ya.” She stood and dropped her jeans, and lifted her shirt over her head, stepping out of the jeans and tossing them, with the shirt on the desk in front of him. He held his hand out to her, and she took it, placing it first on her breast. “See how soft my tit is? An’ it gets me horny as hell to have ’em felt up by a man OR a woman.” She spread her feet a little, opening the gap between her legs wider, “Feel my pussy, too! It’s nice and soft. Tight, too. Francis was the first man to fuck me in almost 6 years. He weren’t so big as to stretch it fer me. I still remember that all of ’em that gang-banged me, kept talkin about my fat pussy. It stayed tight fer the first dozen or so that fucked me. Ever man since has tole me the same thing. How soft, tight, and wet it is.” He put his finger into it, and felt her clamp down on it. He felt that it would be nearly impossible to get a second finger in her, without more stimulation. He lingered, enjoying the feel of her pussy contracting around his finger. “If you want, we can do what you want, tomorrow, at my house. We can use one of my beds to make it as comfortable as we want, and have a shower, when we do. Does that sound okay to you?” She smiled. “I’ll be looking forward to it.” He remembered another thing she had revealed to him. “If you can get them out, without her seeing you, I think I can find you a new place to live, too.” He dialed Julia’s number. She answered on the second ring. “Howdy, Lover!!! I was getting ready to call ya. I went by to show Brenda my rings, an’ she told me about your problem at work. She also told me that Chloe felt like she was trapped by that other gal. Her “girlfriend.” Why don’t you “sneaky Pete” her stuff out of her house, while that other broad is at work, and bring her over to our house. She can stay with us for a while, at least until she feels safe. We got loads of room, and Brenda says she’s a real sweet gal. I’d REALLY like to meet ‘er.” Carl was dumbfounded. HE had intended to ask if Chloe could use JULIA’S house. This would be as good, or even better. He could have Floyd to keep driving the truck out, with Wayne, and he could take his pickup to the site, with Chloe riding WITH him. If the “girlfriend” came to the yard, looking for Chloe, OR her car, they wouldn’t be anywhere to be seen. Brenda could tell her that the guys had given Chloe a bad time, and she had quit. “NO!!! She DIDN’T said where she was going.” Chloe wouldn’t have to shop for anything. He and Julia would pick up whatever she needed FOR her. He told Julia what he was thinking. She told him, “THAT’S what made me fall in love with ya’. You’re not only a great guy, and fantastic in the sack, but you’re smart enough for both of us. Bring ‘er over as soon as ya can. I can’t wait to meet ‘er. Bye Bye. I love ya.”He turned and revealed their plan to Chloe. She told him she would be at work until closing time, tonight. Around 10:00. Carl withdrew his hand from between her legs. His finger was soaking wet. “We might as well go and get it, now, then.” They went and climbed into Carl’s pick up. She had put her clothes and boots back on, and they went to her house. Carl carried his gun, just in case, and they made two trips each to gather, and load what she had. He was amazed at the dearth of clothing she had. Only one outfit that could be called “dressy.” Designer jeans and a nice, Western style shirt. She also had feminine, cowgirl boots. He notice too, that she only had 4 pairs of panties, and not a single bra. Chloe told him, “We don’t go out very much. She gets jealous REAL easy. Hit a guy with a beer bottle the last time we went out. All HE did was ask me to dance. Bouncer threw us out.”He went straight to his house, and took her things to the bedroom across the hall from his and Julia’s bedroom. It had a full bath, with a whirlpool tub, and a separate shower. His first wife had fixed 3 of the 6 bedrooms up like that. She piled her things on the bed, and they went to the yard and got her car. She was driving a Jeep, 4 door. It was dusty, but otherwise as neat as a pin. It suited her, he thought. He told her that when they got back to buca escort bayan the house, he would open the garage door, and for her to drive in. That way her car would be out of sight. His first wife had driven a Ford Explorer. He had kept it, and the stall next to it was empty. There would be no reason to open the door, and make it possible to see it. He could go out and see if anyone out of the ordinary was around, and then she could come out for them to go to work. He had the pool if she wanted it for recreation, or on days off, and, if they wanted to go, or do anything else, they could go in Julia’s car. It was a Lincoln sedan, and had the windows tinted to legal limits.They took care of the car, and went up to get her situated. Carl had yet to show her where the washer and dryer were, and where other things she might need were located. It didn’t take long to get that done, and Chloe asked if she might go ahead and take a shower. He laughed and told her, “THIS is YOUR home, now. You have full run of everything here. Food is in the pantry, or in the freezer in it, if you get hungry, and you know where everything else is. The only thing I haven’t shown you is the pool. It’s right outside the back door. There’s s jacuzzi right beside it, if you want. It might be a little hot, so be careful.”She looked at him, and shed her clothes as fast as she had in the trailer at work. She sat on the bed to pull her socks off, and stood naked in front of him. SHE had followed his lead when he removed his boots in the garage. “I’d REALLY like for someone to wash my back, if possible.”Carl took the hint and shed his clothes almost as fast as she had. He had drawers to slow him down. He got towels for them and adjusted the water to a comfortable temperature. Her hair was soon as wet as everything else. She had taken the sponge, and started washing him first. She went down his back, first, and did as Julia had, nearly every time. She reached between his legs, and scratched around his dick, and balls. Then the strip between his balls and his ass hole. It made his knees weak. His dick became semi-hard from her scratching, but, that only increased when she stuck her finger IN his ass hole, to wash it as carefully as had ever been done to him. She laughed at his growing excitement. She turned him, and kissed him, slipping away when he tried to return the kiss, and began scrubbing the front of him. She was more than thorough, until she finished washing his pecker. She made quick work of his legs, and returned to rinse his groin. As the last of the soap ran down the drain, she took him in her mouth, to stimulate him to full hardness. She didn’t take long, as she already had him nearly as hard as he had EVER been. She worked him with her tongue and lips, taking the time to give full attention to his swelling balls. She sucked him in, allowing her teeth to scratch him, as she fucked her own face with his prick. Soon she was rewarded with a hot load of cum spurting into her mouth. She sucked even harder, and swallowed every drop of his cream. She smacked her lips and smiled. “Now you won’t cum so fast when ya git in my pussy. I want a nice, LOOONNNGGG fuck with you in my saddle. By the way, did I tell ya I sold my pussy for 10 bucks a throw for the first 4 years I was on my own? THAT’S how I got knocked up, an’ caught the clap so many times. I got the syphilis, too. THAT’S when I found out I was pregnant. I got the abortion so the baby wouldn’t be born with it. I was gettin’ screwed 4 or 5 times a day.” She dried them both off, and washed out her mouth, using mouthwash to finish. She swept the clothes into the floor, turned down the bed and sprawled spread-eagle on it. He got on top of her and started kissing her. He went from her lips, and eyelids. to her ear lobes, and the nape of her neck. She looked at him through half-closed eyes. “You’re everything they said you was. I’m ready to cum right now.” He answered by sucking her rock hard nipple into his mouth, and licking it, as his lips held it tight. Her back arched, and she inhaled a sharp breath. “OH GOD!!! NOW YA DONE IT.!!! He felt her shiver as she got her first nut. He switched to the other nipple, and felt her jump under him, her hands forming claws to pull him closer. His next destination was her belly button. It looked like the ones on the models in the lingerie, or swimwear commercials. He licked the inside of it, and she groaned in response, her legs stretching out.He was reaching under her to squeeze the globes of her ass cheeks, and lift her up to his face. He licked across her Mons, making her squirm, and down to her ass hole. His tongue dipped inside making her “call monkies.” OOOOHHH!!! OOOHHHH!!! LICK MY ASS!!! MY GOD, IT FEELS SO DAMN GOOD!!!” She was moving like a leaf in a windstorm at his latest intrusion. He lowered her a tiny bit, and went in for the “kill.” His tongue sought, and found the opening to her vagina. He licked it a few times, and drove his stiff tongue deep inside of her. This time she screamed out loud. He pulled back and used his tongue to part her pussy lips, revealing her clitoris. His lips then captured it, and his tongue went to work on it. She cried and begged him to “EAT ME UP!!! EAT MY CUNT TILL IT BEGS MERCY!!!” He replaced his tongue inside of her pussy, licking inside of it as far as his tongue would go. He was actually having to hold her down to keep her on the bed. He knew that he would have to go on top of her to fuck her, soon. He was aching for his own release, as he was making her cum so much, and so often. Sweat was pouring from both of them. He gave a long kiss directly on her pussy, and she fainted. He pulled down two of the pillows, and placed them one on top of the other, under her ass. Her breath was very rapid, and she was groaning. He lifted her legs to pin them behind his elbows. He put the head of his dick where it was just caressing her vaginal opening, to push inside of her.”Is this a private party, or can anybody play?” Julia was standing naked at the foot of the bed. She stepped around and he could see her nipples were fully extended from HER excitement. Her breath was coming fast, and she was flushed. The moisture from HER pussy, glistened in the light from the ceiling making her thighs shiny. Her eyes never left the spot where his dick was touching Chloe’s pussy. She reached down and spread Chloe’s pussy a bit wider. “Show me how you fuck her, Sweetheart! Shove that beautiful cock inside her hole. Make her scream as loud as she was a minute ago. Fuck her till you fill her cunt with your cum. THEN I WILL EAT HER PUSSY OUT!!! AND SUCK YOUR DICK, TOO!!! NOW, SHOVE THAT MEAT STICK IN HER!!!”Carl raised up in his toes, and, as her eyes fluttered open, drove his dick inside of her. He had to pull back and re insert four times, before he was inside her balls deep. “Tight twat on ‘er, ain’t it. I figured that she wouldn’t be that tight.” Chloe was busy grinding back at Carl, and had her hands full of HIS ass, begging him to “SHOVE IT IN ME!!! GOD!!! Fuck me MORE!!!” Carl was doing his best to do what she wanted. He was making her whole body jump with his thrusts. She was shaking and quivering on her own. She screamed a few more times, much to Julia’s delight. Her legs, already locked around Carl’s waist, squeezed even harder, as she pulled him down by his shoulders and kissed him as hard as she had kissed anybody in her life. He tongue swabbed out the inside of his mouth, as she sucked air through her nostrils. She released him long enough to tell him, “Ya got another slave, Sweetheart!!! Any thing, any time, any thing ya want!!! Jus’ tell me.” Carl couldn’t answer right away. He was pouring what felt like gallons of cum into her. She was grinding that fat Mons into his pelvis, in an attempt to keep it deep inside her, but there was too much for that. He filled her and it was running down the crack of her ass, and onto the bed. Julia watched until the last spasm shook his body, and he collapsed. She rolled him to the side, and took his dick in HER mouth. She cleaned him as good as she could, leaving traces of hi cum around her mouth and chin.She used her finger to wipe her face, and sucked it clean, too. Chloe was still propped up on the pillows, and Julia made full use of them, starting at her ass and going upward to get ever drop of their mingled juices. She licked slowly, savoring each drop of their combined fluids. It took several minutes for her to finish, and had caused Chloe to cum several more times. That Julia had paid special attention to Chloe’s clitoris, hadn’t hurt anything, either. As Julia raised from her “cleaning chore,” Chloe pulled HER up and kissed her the same way she had kissed Carl.”HI!!! I’m Chloe! YOU must be Julia. I recognize you from your picture. Brenda showed it to me. You’re MUCH more beautiful in person, though. Thank You for letting me stay with you. I’ll try not to be a burden.”Julia smiled and kissed her back. “I can see us being BFF’s!!! WE are gonna have FUN!!! I better get Carl some vitamins, though.

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