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Mistis’ Adventures Part 97The big day was here for Sue, and the rest of her family and friends. She had anticipated this day for the last 13 years, and it had finally arrived.She had not had to go to school, and spent the day in a Beauty Shop, getting herself ready for tonight. She had been given a permanent, a facial, manicure, and pedicure, and had had her hair styled. She looked in the mirror at each stage, to see what progress had been made. She had gone to buy a dress, and, unknown to her, Pete had taken money from the bank the other day, and given Doris $1000 to fix her up with whatever she wanted. She had bought the dress, a pale yellow strapless, with a silk skirt, and everything she needed to make it look right for her She had tried it on in the dressing room, with the assistance of her Mom, looking at herself from every angle, to make sure it looked like she wanted. She wished that Rick was with her, to get HIS opinion. The only problem with THAT would have been them keeping their hands off of each other. THIS dress would be perfect. It gave hints as to what was inside of it, but didn’t show TOO MUCH. Most of the boys she went to school with had seen her in her altogether, before. Many of them had split her fuzz at different times. The local swimming hole had been a gathering place for as long as any of them could remember, and, for the most part, one of a dozen parking places. In nice weather, especially during summer breaks, there always seemed to be any place from one or two, to a couple of dozen couples, plus the usual “lone wolves” out here skinny dipping. Even those who bothered to bring, or wear, a bathing suit, seemed to misplace them sooner or later. Very few of the girls, or boys, in her High School admitted to being virgins. SHE had lost her cherry when she was 13. The last girl in her class had just lost her cherry during spring break this year. She had gone to a party, and had drank a little too much. The other girls had stripped her naked out behind the fence in their back yard, and the first boy had fucked her, AFTER she had sucked his dick, and let him cum in her mouth. She had been fucked 9 times before they had stopped.Tonight, she had told her parents that she was going to a party that they were having for themselves. It was going to be in the back of the orchard, next to the river. It was Senior Class ONLY! Wood had been hauled down there for the bonfire, the grass had been cut, and a fire ring had been built, and several coolers had been carried down holding a variety of soft drinks. OTHER things would be carried down by whoever had bought them A couple of the boys had already bought kegs of beer, and others had said they were bringing everything from wine to moonshine. They would bring “appropriate clothes” to change into after the graduation was over with, and not mess up their good clothes. They would be out at about 9:30 and would party until late. Most of the parents had suspended curfews for the occasion, so, as long as there wasn’t anybody injured, there wouldn’t be any problems. MOST of the parents had done the exact same things when THEY had graduated.Sue and Doris finished with making Sue more beautiful than usual, and stopped to look at some shoes to go with the dress. Doris had found a pair of French Heels that fit her perfectly, and were a bit brighter yellow than her dress. She tried them, and bought them. Her outfit was READY! She would, most likely, be the belle of the ball. There were several other girls that were as attractive as she was, but SHE had certain qualities that made her, in the eyes of her classmates, something special. Even the other girls agreed that she stood out. She was the class Salutatorian, and was know for her inquisitive mind by the teachers. She had lost out on being the Valedictorian by a hundredth of a point. The Valedictorian had a GPA of 4.0, and she had a GPA of 3.99. Both had many offers of Full Scholarships from several colleges. The other girl was going to a big Ivy League University in the fall, and she was going to an A&M College. The other girl was going to Major in Political Science, and she was going to study Veterinary Medicine. Her counselor had almost wept with joy when she told her. She had made Sue promise to keep her up to date on her studies. She had gone through all 13 years of school yalova escort with Doris AND Pete. Their families had known each other for 3 generations, and she considered Sue one of HER k**s. She, the Counselor, had earned a Doctorates Degree in c***d Psychology, and Masters Degrees in Early c***dhood Development, and Education. She had retired a few years ago, and tired of not helping c***dren, and had taken this position to have her hand in helping the k**s. She was one of the few people to know ALL of her families secrets, and willing to discuss them with Sue.Sue and Doris returned home to see Rick, Billy, James, and David sitting on the front porch with Pete. They all had tall glasses of ice tea, and were laughing about something. Sue took her time getting out of the car. She didn’t want to mess up anything before tonight. It was still 5 hours until she would get ready to go to the ceremony.She stood up as she dismounted from the car, and was greeted by 5 open mouthed gazes from the porch dwellers. They had ALL thought she was beautiful, but, now, SHE WAS A DREAM STANDING BEFORE THEM!!! Pete, always proud of his daughter clapped his hands, and told her, “You out done yourself, Baby Girl. You are FANTASTIC!!!” Rick looked her over, from top to bottom, and said, “If I wasn’t already in love with ya, I would be NOW!!!” Billy, David and James simply gave her “wolf whistles.” To her, THAT was the BEST compliments they could give her. It showed their total approval. She stepped up on the porch and gave each of them a kiss, and told them, “THANK YOU!!!” Doris also kissed each of them, and went into the house, calling Sue in with her. “Stay in here, now. I’ll turn on the AC so you don’t get sweaty. We’ll start getting ready in a little bit. Remember that next to your wedding, this will be one of the biggest days in your life.Sue went into her bedroom and hung up her new dress, and put her new shoes under it. Pete came in to look at it. “MY little girl has grown up on me. Soon she’ll be running off to college, and getting married. I just hope ya stay close enough to see often.” She cuddled up taking her Father in her arms. “Daddy. You act like I’m runnin’ away from home. I’m NOT. I’m goin’ to school in town, and WE will be only 5 miles away when we get married. Rick has said he’s gonna ask to build a house on that place that Dave said looks so beautiful, over by the river, if no one takes it before then. You go out on the front porch and holler real loud, and I’ll be able to answer ya.” NOW! Let me take my clothes off so I won’t get sweaty, and ya’ll come in the kitchen. We’ll talk and drink ice tea, ’till it’s time to get ready to go.”Pete went out, and Sue stripped her clothes. Her only worry, now, was how to make Rick keep his hands off of her. She didn’t know if she could resist letting him, OR the others, fuck her if they tried. She knew first hand about Rick and Billy, and had heard about James and David. Mom had said that David was something else. They ALL talked about him and James. Cathy had told her that BOTH of them were something else. The way SHE had let on, it sounded like she was going to have to try them out for herself.Sue went into the kitchen to see them all at the table. She walked in naked, and all of them felt her ass for her, receiving a kiss and a smile. Mom had stripped naked already. “Just so ya KNOW! If ya want some pussy, ya gotta fuck ME, and leave Sue be. She needs to not mess herself up before the Graduation, tonight. She’s fixed up except for her makeup, and final touch-up on her hair. She don’t need cum drippin out of her pussy.” The men laughed.Doris offered refreshments, and snacks to them. She, Pete and the other k**s were going to go out for supper at a restaurant after the graduation, and would like to have them all join them. They could meet the other k**s, and get acquainted with them. Rick made a comment about going with Sue, but she reminded him that it was for the Seniors ONLY! NOBODY ELSE WOULD BE THERE. Rick remembered what she had said the morning he had proposed to her, about being able to go when, where, and with whom she wished. He had agreed, so it was settled.Doris told them, ” You need to go to supper with us. Sue’s big sisters will be there, and they all said they are itchin’ ta meet cha. Annie, the next to oldest girl, yalova escort bayan is so much like Sue, they have ta wear signs so we know ’em apart. The only differences are Sue’s hair is longer, and Annie don’t shave. Except for between her thighs. The top part is trimmed so it tickles her boyfriends. She’s 4 years older than Sue. Doris went and opened a drawer in the living room chest, removing a large photo album. Doris thumbed through it quickly and set it in front of Rick. There were four pictures of a beautiful girl on the page. The first had her with long brown hair, the next it was cut in a pixie style, both of them in dresses. The next was the same girl in shorts and a T-shirt, and obviously NO bra. Her nipples were plainly visible. The last picture was the girl COMPLETELY NAKED. The resemblance was uncanny. If not for being told, he would have sworn it was Sue. He turned the page. THERE was a picture of her and Sue standing together next to a pond, and BOTH were naked. Sue was just a hair bigger in the chest, it looked like, and “Annie” might be a hair taller. He looked at a few more pages. None of the girls in the pictures were shy, it looked like. There were just as many pictures of them naked as there were of them dressed. All the girls were EXTREMELY beautiful. Sue leaned over his shoulder looking with him. “See what I tole ya? I’m the only one not to be a Homecoming Queen in High School. Annie was named twice. Her Sophomore year, and her Senior year.” Her full name is Anna Maria. Daddy liked a singer by that name. He thought she was the most beautiful girl he had seen, till he looked good at Mama. She busted the bubble for im. Look at the boys, too. You’ll meet em tonight.”The album was passed around and Sue or Pete told them the names of the offspring in the pictures. They were ALL very good-looking youngsters. Billy’s phone rang. It was GAIL! “You off gallavantin’ around the country? Too busy to come home? Dad an’ me are sittin’ on the front porch waitin for someone to let us in.” He told them they would be there in a few minutes. He told the others what Gail had said, adding that Robbi must have locked the door when she left. Her and Bruce were going to change clothes at Bruce’s apartment and go straight to the Graduation after their Lab was done. They told everyone “bye for now,” promising to be at the stadium early. They were driving the tractor, with the trailer, across country. The same route Sue always used to visit. Billy understood about the creek being dangerous during storms. It was narrow, only about 40 feet across, and nearly 30 feet deep. Water marks showed up almost at the top. It WOULD be dangerous.They made it back in less than 10 minutes. The couple was on the porch with a pile of suitcases and boxes. Abe grabbed the IN-Laws and hugged and kissed them all on their cheeks. Gail followed suit, except SHE kissed them on the LIPS. James and David both felt her tongue in their mouths. They ALSO noticed that she WASN’T wearing a bra. Abe told them, “We sold the house, yesterday we closed. The girl that bought the pharmacy decided to buy the house, too. Now her and Mr. Baldwin are next door neighbors, now. They already call the hedge their “Lover’s Leap. One night they;ll stay at HIS house, and the next night will be at HER house. FOR NOW! She’s 4 years older than Cathy, and he’s 10 or 12 years older than her. They hit it off, right off the bat, and have been talking about gettin’ married. He lost his wife a few years ago, and she’s in the middle of gettin’ a divorce. They said that as soon as she gets finalized, they’ll get married. That’ll take about 6 months, if I remember right. They made us promise to come for the wedding, and to bring Cathy with us. Both said to apologize to Billy for not gettin to meet ‘im. They both want to. We put everything in storage till we figure out what to do with it. The girl kept most of the furniture when she bought the house. We told her it was an early wedding gift. We got most of our clothes, and a few other things her with us. I didn’t call before, ’cause we knew ya didn’t lock the doors here. That’s why Mama called ya’.”Billy checked the door. It WAS locked. “Robbi must have locked it when she went to school.” he explained. “I’ll get new keys made for ya. tomorrow.” They carried the stuff upstairs, escort yalova and put it all on the bed or on the floor. “Cathy’s at work. She will get here about 7 this evening, so we can go to the neighbor girl’s Graduation. You’ll want to meet her. Her and her family are some great folks. That’s where we were when you called. Across country it’s only a little less than a mile to their place. He has a dairy. That’s where I went that morning to deliver the twin foals. Their name is Kelly. Pete, Doris, and Sue. Rick can tell ya’ more than I can.” Abe and Gail started putting their things away, and to freshen up after their trip. The rest of them took things out of suitcases and boxes, and got hangers for what was needed. Cathy had a box or 2 full down in the basement. Most were good ones, instead of wire hangers. They were situated in a very few minutes, and Gail, remembering where she was, stripped naked to go downstairs. She looked the 4 of them over with a twinkle in her eyes. “Daddy fucked me 3 times last night, and once this morning, so if any of ya want some pussy, just pat me on the ass, or squeeze my tits. I’ll give ya a shot either here or upstairs. I’m as warm-blooded as any of ya. I forgot how to say “NO” to ya. Tonight, for sure, I’ll want some from who ever is ready.” Billy looked at the time. It was almost 4:00 “Why don’t we call the Moms and tell them to get their things together and come over here. Betty and Tod will want to see the newbie folks too. THEY”LL want to see the k**s, especially the NEW ones. We need to call William, Jerry, and Mike, too.Every one called a different number. In a very few minutes, all were going to be here. THIS would be a REAL homecoming.By 4:30 everyone was there. Mike was home so he could take Misti to the Doctor, and had got home just a few minutes before getting their call. Misti had been told that she was almost ready. The girs were fighting like sisters, inside of her, and she felt them kicking and punching each other. She wanted them to get it out of her system before they were born. Sam reminded her that SHE had started dancing before SHE was born. As the others arrived the house broke into total chaos. Everybody was hugging and kissing each other. The house rang with laughter and joviality. Betty, Liz, and Clara hadn’t even bothered to put on their clothes, but carried out what they would wear to Sue’s graduation. The workmen had watched the 3 ladies walk out naked in front of them. They had seen it already, but, it was STILL fun to watch. Misti was wearing athletic shorts, and a T-shirt, and Sharon and Mary were in housecoats and sandals. William was carrying George, and Carol was carrying Sarah. Sharon, Betty, and MIsti kissed the parents, and apologized for not being able to offer something better, but… Misti giggled in her usual way. The shorts were Mike’s, and she hadn’t worn any panties under them. She pulled the legs up and open, giving them a look at her still beautiful pussy.Liz had looked around for Abe. Clara tapped her on the shoulder, and tilted her chin upstairs. “Carol already has him. She didn’t get any from him, before, and she’s findin’ out what WE found out. Both went up the stairs. Sure enough the suitcases were out of the way, and the pair were going 69. Carol was already moaning, attesting to Abe’s prowess. They watched as Abe rolled her over to turn around, and start his downward journey. Both of them had made the trip with him, before, and knew just what she was experiencing. The heard her gasp as his tongue slid inside her pussy, to lap her juices, and saw her bucking as he licked her clitoris. She had already cum several times, and the best was yet to come. He ate at the “Y” long enough to call it a banquet, and started back up. He made her beg for his dick, as he sucked her nipples, and kissed her throat. She was holding his dick and befgging him to put it inside of her. He pulled a pillow down and placed it under her ass, and spread her legs. He locked his arms under her knees, and slowly slid into her. He was surprised at how tight she was, so soon after giving birth. It took him several tries to go all the way inside of her. He began pumping and she went berserk. She was begging him and declaring her love with every breath. Suddenly they both stiffened. Clara went to get a wet towel for them, as did Liz. When Abe collapsed, they rolled him off of Carol, and carefully washed her. Liz sucked Abe clean, and used the towel to wash her own face afterwards. Both of them thanked the 2 Mothers.She could take a short nap before they had to go.

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