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Mistis’ Adventures Part131The next day, Carl’s crew came and got an early start. By 7 in the morning, all the equipment had been serviced for the day, fueled up, and left to idle to let it get warmed up for the days work. Some of the men knew the Kelly’s, and some had met Dave, or, at least put in applications to work for him. He had the reputation of being a square-shooter, that took VERY good care of his people. In some areas, he and Mr. Landis, or, as he preferred to be called, Carl, were two of the best bosses that could be found. BOTH had quirks, but, who didn’t? If something out of the ordinary came up, both appreciated guys, or gals, that could, and would, think on their feet, and, if necessary, take reasonable chances. They got these kinds of people by paying OVER scale, and giving bonuses, and promotions to those that did, or brought in jobs under deadlines. They WOULDN’T allow any corners to be cut. NO substandard work or materials were allowed, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES.This morning it had been foggy, and a little on the chilly side, due to the rain they had been hit with the other day. Few had thought, because of the time of year, to bring a thermos of coffee with them. Those that had discovered it was gone long before the chill was.Partly because of this, and the way it had turned out, the men were completely shanghaied by the arrival of an old International pickup with 3, COUNT ‘EM, 3, BEAUTIFUL ladies inside. They had, by way of warning, heard the growl of a motor coming up the lane from the County road. Gradually it became a white over pea green pickup, WITH sideboards on it. NOBODY used sideboards any more. Some of the youngsters had to have it explained, what they were, and what they were for.The pickup came to a stop beside the trailer that Carl was going to use for an office. The doors opened and out slid 3 HOT looking ladies. Two that looked like twins, and another tall, slim, and VERY beautiful lady slid out. All 3 were gorgeous. “HOWDY, GUYS!!! Any body here like a hot cup o’ coffee? Got some hot tea for those that like IT better. Step up an’ name yer poison!” A large coffee maker was strapped to the side boards, with a small generator powering it, and a box strapped to the other side with a smaller coffee maker in it, along with an ice chest holding milk, cream, and lemon were in the center, strapped to the tailgate. The 2 ladies that had NOT been driving held 2 boxes each of sweet rolls and donuts.The lady driving introduced herself as Sue Kelly, and her ‘twin” as her older sister, Annie. The long, sweet looking lady was Esmerelda (Just call me Essie) Mayfield. Essie added, “Before anybody loses any money on bets, I’m a half inch shy of 6 feet, an” I’m a school trained ballerina. Studied fer 4 years. Didn’t like city life, an” moved home to live in the country. This is our house. Mom an’ Dad, 2 sets of Grands, my little bro, an me. We’re Arkies, movin up here ta live. These 2 ladies live across the road with THEIR family. They run a dairy. Sorry guys. All o’ us is engaged. Look all ya want, but don;t expect more than that. You’ll probably be seein’ more o’ us. One o’ our swimmin’ holes is right back o’ here, but we promised Mr Landis, Carl, that we wouldn’t go swimmin till yer quittin time. We don’t wanna distract ya from yer work. I wanna live in a nice STRONG house when it gets cold or stormy. Just as important, we don’t want anything ta happen ta OUR guys. In case some o’ ya are a little on th’ slow side, YOU’RE OUR guys, now. All o’ us, from my Grandad, down ta Sue, here, are ALL gonna treat ya like family. Sue’s the youngest of our gang. Just so’s ya know, she’s also the best shot. Just a word to the wise. All o’ us love huntin’ an’ fishin. I jus’ thought we should let ya know, jus’ in case. If’n ya see somethin tall, hairy, ugly as sin, an’ stinks ta high heaven. BEAT IT OUT. Don’t think about it, RUN!!! Boogers is real, an’ they’re dangerous. They ain’t friendly folk, any more than a mountain lion, or a grizzly. Carl called las’ night, and porta potties are bein’ brung out fer ya. DON’T go out in the woods, alone.Annie asked if the trailer was unlocked. It was, and the generator for it was turned on. The men carried the coffee makers, pastries, and ice chest inside. The ladies all climbed into the pickup and were gone. Shortly Carl’s truck came up the lane, and he was told about their earlier visitors. He laughed, and asked if everyone got an eye full. He divulged that those same 3 ladies had invited HIM in completely naked. He assured them that if they came by a little early, going for a swim, THEY would get a treat. They always went skinny-dipping.With this to look forward to, the men hit the ground running. Each person knew what he needed to do first, and set to it. Trees were cut, brush cleared, and the digging was started for the cellar. A short while later, another truck came with the re-bar for the cellar re enforcement. 4 of the men started tying, and welding the pieces together, and it seemed like no time till Carl told them it was lunch time. They heard another motor whining up the lane. Here were 4 older ladies bringing them hot lunches. “You boys look like ya been starved. Let US take care o’ ya. Hot grub is better than a cold sandwich, any day o’ th’ week. We’re Clara, Doris, Irene, and Gail. We’re the better parts o’ th’ famblies. Some o’ th’ men folk will be here in a little while, to see ya. Ever’body git a plate an fin’ a place ta sit an enjoy. Got all ya kin eat, sa eat hearty. Got dessert fer ya, too. Hope ever’body likes peach cobbler, and cole milk.” The men agreed that this had to be the best job any of them had been in on. One of the men asked Clara how many of them were there? Clara studied for a few seconds. “Johnny-on-the-Spot, there are about 37 or 38 of us, but a few were out doing other things. Some of them would likely show up on horseback some times. They had 15 k**s that loved to ride, and did as much as they could. Another was a nurse, another was an accountant, and two were students. “DON”T be surprised if ya git kissed an hugged. ALL our famblies are big on kissin’ an’ huggin. Men AND women. I’m jus’ surprised ya didn’t all git kissed an’ hugged this sakarya escort mornin”No sooner than she had spoken than the man that she was talking to asked. “Are these some of your k**s?” Clara looked over her shoulder to see Essie, Betty, Sue, and Annie, followed by Bruce, Royce, and Lannie coming around the end of the trees. A second later Carol, Misti, and Sam followed. Royce, with his ever present sense of humor, punched the button on a cassette player, and a Cavalry Charge filled the air. A second later it was followed by the opening strains of “Dixie.” One black guy looked up at them, a funny look on his face. Royce, Betty, and Essie saw him. “Don’t worry. None of us are meanin’ anything by it, except pride to be southerners. Colors don’t mean a thing ta us. You’re as welcome in our homes as rain on a dry day. If’n ya got a family, we’d be proud ta have ya over sometimes. We LOVE meetin’ new folks.” Both the ladies went over and hugged and kissed him. Royce hugged him and put his arm around him. “If ya want, I’ll not play that around ya any more.” All were introduced around, except for Annie, Sue, and Essie, who they had met, earlier. The guy that operated the bulldozer was sitting on the track, eating, and Betty brought him a fresh glass of ice tea. His name was Floyd. It surprised him to learn that this lovely lady was not only the Mother of 3, but had operated a bulldozer in the past. They sat talking and soon it was learned that the man was a widower, and had 3 c***dren that were grown. “NO. No grands, YET! The oldest was 30 and in the Air Force, the second was 28, and was living in Tennessee, and his baby was 25 and a school teacher in Kansas. His “baby” was a football coach, and stood 6′ 3″ and weighed in at 240 lbs. He had been All-American in college. Betty got a laugh from his description. “Men in OUR family run to the big side, too, but not THAT that much.” She discovered that he lived with another man in the crew, and outside of hunting and fishing, only watched football or movies on TV. Betty took his dishes for him, kissed his cheek, and told him, “We’ll have ta have ya out some weekend. We’ll treat ya so many ways you’ll have ta like some of em. Tod, my hubby, is the one that taught me how ta sc**** dirt. He’s good on all machinery.” She returned a minute later with a bowl of peach cobbler, and another cup of cold milk. “Eat up, Darlin. Ya need some Mama cookin’ in ya. Whistle if ya want more.”Carl looked out the window of the trailer, Irene standing beside him. “Looks like a good crew to me. Ya must be proud of ’em.” Carl nodded his head. “Got a couple with a, few rough edges on ’em, but, they’re learning. That Black k**, Francis, is one of ’em. Got a good head on ‘im, ain’t afraid o’ work, an’ fast as light’nin. He gets ‘is nose outta joint if ya call ‘im Frank. Tells ya right off, his Mama named him FRANCIS. He was raised in St. Louis, an’ got inta trouble. His folks sent him here ta live with family, and he straightened right out. He don’t know it yet, but I’m plannin’ ta give ‘im a raise, and get ‘im training with Floyd to run equipment. Floyd can teach ‘im ta run ‘dozers, excavators, an belly pans. Got another man back at the yard with a busted leg, that’ll teach ‘im how ta run backhoe, and side-boomers. Get ‘im trained, he’ll be worth ‘is weight in gold.” He pointed out another young man. “That’s Luke.” One o’ th’ best welders I ever seen. He does arc, acetylene, an aluminum. Jus’ flies off the handle for no reason, though. Almost had ta can ‘im a couple o’ times. One day, he’ll get ‘is ass stomped. Mebbe that’ll calm ‘im down. Hope it does. He’s a good hand.”Irene was standing next to Carl, and, impulsively, leaned over and kissed him. “Can ya lock th’ door?” Carl looked over at her in return. “Are ya sure? I ain’t been with a lady in 4 or 5 months. Might be hard ta stop, onst I got started.” Irene simply smiled and told him, “You let ME worry about when ya got enough. Only reason I asked about th’ door, was I don’t want ya’ gettin’ distracted.” He stepped over to the door, and called to a younger man. “Yeah, Boss. Watcha got fer me?” Carl told him, “I’ve got a conference with one of the principles, here, and don’t want us to be disturbed. She wants ta make some amendments on the blueprints. Keep everyone out until I give ya the high sign, please.” The foreman touched the bill of his cap to the lady, and said, “Sure thing, boss. Not ’till ya gimme th’ word.” He went back out, closing the door behind him.Irene turned to Carl one more time, putting her arms around his neck and pulling him in for a long kiss. Carl’s arms went around her in return. They kissed several times, each harder than the one before. Irene backed off smiling, and fanning herself with her hand. “BOY HOWDY!!! YA KISS LIKE YA WANT ‘EM TA STAY KISSED, DON’T YA? YER CURLIN’ MUH TOENAILS FER ME.” Carl smiled at her observation. “Sweet, beautiful ladies deserve the VERY best.” Irene cocked her head to one side, “WELL, Kin I do anything less, then?” Her hands went to a zipper in the front of her dress, and started pulling it down. It unfastened at the bottom, revealing nothing but her was underneath the denim dress. Carl was bug-eyed at the sight. He knew from the other night, that she was much older than the other ladies, but her shape, and fitness was that of a MUCH younger woman. Her hair was a silver-grey, and was up in a knot at the back of her head, but was soft as silk. NOT the courseness of an old person. She saw he was looking at her hair, and told him, “Amazin’ whut a jar o’ salad dressin’ will do fer yer hair. Better’n any shampoo. That’n a hot towel does th’ trick, ever’ time. Works the same on th’ south 40, too. Keeps it nice an’ soft fer ya.” Keep it shaved off twixt muh laigs, though. Jus’ in case yuh like ta eat at the “Y”.” His hand went down and cupped her Mons. It was just large enough to be soft in the palm of his hand, and the pubic hair WAS as soft as the hair on her scalp. His middle finger parted her lower lips, and sought the opening to her pussy. “OH, YEAH, HONEY!!! FINGER FUCK THAT OLD CUNT!!! LET HER KNOW YA LIKE HER!!!”She busied herself divesting him of HIS clothes, and soon he was as naked escort sakarya as she was. She had kicked her deck shoes off as she came in, and rubbed her foot on the floor, checking if it was clean. It was, and she laid down on the bare floor, pulling him down with her. The only thing he had on was his socks. He guided her onto her back and leaned down to kiss her some more. His hands went wild, caressing, rubbing, and touching every part of her. Except for a small bit of sag to her breasts and butt, she could pass for a much younger woman. His own ex-wife had been nearly 40, and wasn’t as well-kept as this lady. Even knowing her true age, made her that much more amazing. She was almost 15 years younger than her husband. This knowledge made it even more vital to go beyond limits to make her happy. He kissed his way down her body, cupping her breasts and sucking her nipples, making her breath catch, several times. He kissed her stomach, getting nearly the same reaction, except that for this, she moaned out loud. As he went lower, her reactions intensified. When he finally licked her clitoris, she started squirming, and whimpering lowly. His tongue invaded her vagina, making her push back to his mouth, and put her hands behind his head to pull him closer, still. If her pubic hair hadn’t been so soft, he would have looked like someone had sandpapered his nose and upper lip.”OH,YEAH, SWEETIE!!! RIGHT THERE!!! DAMN!!! THAT FEELS SO GOOD!!! EAT ME SOME MORE!!! OH, GOD THAT’S SO GOOD!!! MAKE THAT LITTLE BOX NICE AND WET!!! I’LL USE IT TA FUCK YA CROSS-EYED!!! CAN’T WAIT TA FEEL YER COCK INSIDE MY PUSSY!!!He took her at her word, and raised up, holding her legs open with his knees as he kissed her face and lips even more, and even more tenderly than before. She responded by wrapping her legs around his waist, and telling him, “SHOVE THAT CRITTER INSIDE ME, SWEETIE!!! PUMP ME FULL OF YER CUM!!! I ALREADY KNOW THAT ONCE WON’T BE ENOUGH!!! I WANT AS MANY TIMES AS YA KIN MANAGE!!!”He started to put his hand down to guide his dick inside her, but, HER hand was already placing him in the right spot. He eased his hips forward to go inside her, and found that she was as wet as any woman he had EVER fucked in his life, and was already holding him to go inside of her. If his ex had been this good, he would have NEVER let her leave. She had turned to a money-grubbing bitch, that had changed bedrooms, and had kept the door locked when she was in it. On top of that, she had been a lousy fuck. All she EVER did, was lay there with her legs open just enough, and complain if it took more than 5 minutes for him to cum.He hadn’t told her, but her sister was a much better piece of ass. If she would have known about THEM, she would have told the judge, trying to get more money out of him. He would have to do something nice for HER.He eased all of his 7 inches inside of her, and she carried on like he was twice that. Her legs squeezed his waist and she sobbed as he pushed inside of her, humping her for all he was worth. THIS woman deserved to be fucked as good as he could manage. He railed her missionary for at least 15 minutes, and she rolled him over, to ride HIM. She bucked and ground her pussy all over his pecker. She leaned down to kiss him all over his face and neck, muttering that he should take pity on a lady. HE should have told HER, HE could fuck like this. He caught one of her breasts, and was squeezing one, and sucking and kissing the other. The nipple between his lips was as hard as a rock, and the other breast was as soft as a bag of goose down. Her pussy felt like it was sucking his dick, and chewing it at the same time.She gulped, and lay still on top of him. This was too good to stop, now, so her rolled her over on her back, once again, this time locking her knees around his elbows, and raising up on his toes to long-dong the hell out of her. Her legs locked around his waist once more, and she levered herself up as close as she could push her groin to him. Her ass was going back and forth as he went in and out of her. She was gasping for air, and trying to speak. “OH MY GOD!!! UH UH. FUCK ME!!! UH UH. MAKE ME, UH UH, CRAWL, UH UH, OUTA, UH UH, HERE!!! UH UH. FUCK, UH UH, ME, UH UH, ‘TILL, UH UH, I, UH UH, CAN’T, UH UH, WALK!!! UH UH.” Suddenly her eyes went wide. “OHMYGOOODDD!!! I’M CUMMING!!! SHOVE IT DEEP!!! DEEPER, DEEPER!!! SHOVE IT TILL IT COMES OUTTA MY ASS!!! OH MY GOOOODDDD!!! She levered herself up as close as she could and he felt her legs relax a bit, making it go deeper, still. She gulped the air like a fish out of water, and pulled him down to kiss her orgasm into him.She held him as tight as she could, grinding her pussy into him. It was more than he could ignore, and he returned her push with one of his own, squirting his seed deep inside of her. OH MY GOD!!! OH MY GOD!!! OH MY GOD!!! GIMME ALL YA GOT!!! DROWN MY PUSSY WITH YER CUM!!! OH GOD!!! WHERE’S IT COMIN FROM? FEELS LIKE YA GIMME A GALLONS WORTH!!! I LOVE IT!!! I LOVE YA, I LOVE YA!!! She collapsed and lay there, a smile playing over her face. “THAT’S what I call a GREAT fuckin!” Let’s rest up a little bit, an I’ll give ya a blow-job ta git yer motor runnin’ fer number 2.”The ice chest was next to them, so he reached over and scooped a cup of ice for her to use, instead of water. “Look in the bottom an see if Essie sneaked in a can or two of beer for us. If there is, we can wet our whistles. He felt around, under the ice, but al he found were 2 Cokes. “Better’n nothin’.” she observed. They split the can, each taking a drink and passing it over to the other, until it was gone. They would look at each other and chuckle. “Now ya know why I like ta fuck so much. More fun than a barrel o’ DRUNK monkeys. Lay back, Honey. It’s MY turn, now.”She straddled him and bent over to take his dick in her mouth. She let her teeth scratch him lightly. It was the first time any woman had done him that way. It was more exciting than he would have thought. Her lips and her tongue were enough to be fantastic, but, the tiny scratching of her teeth just added to what he was feeling. He tensed up in preparation of coming, but she pulled free of him at the very last moment. sakarya escort bayan “OH NO YOU DON’T!!! I want it in my CUNT, NOT my MOUTH!!!” She lay beside him, kissing him, and playing with his stiff dick, careful not to excite hm any more. He could feel his pulse in his temples. She scooted toward his feet and raised up enough to clear him, settling down with his dick inside her ass. “Don’t want ya gittin any ideas about rimmin my asshole. Ain’t cleaned it this mornin, an’ don’t wancha ta taste shit. I DO wancha ta cum in my ass, though. I don’t let too many fuck my ass, so’s it stays nice an’ tight. After the fuckin’ ya already gimme, i want a nice load in my gut, too. Lemme lean for’d sa ya kin see yer dick goin’ in an’ outta muh asshole. Yuh might enjoy seein’ it as much as feelin’ it.”She leaned forward, and raised up, using her thigh and leg muscles to lift herself. It looked like she was turning inside out as she lifted up, and he felt her ass tighten as he went inside of her, over and over. The feel of her contractions, and the sight of watching his cock go in and out of her ass made him blow his second load much quicker than he would have liked. It too was fantastic.He watched her take a plastic bag from her purse and extract a wet washcloth, and another with a rolled bundle of toilet paper. She looked over and giggled, then kissed him. “I cheated. I knew I was gonna have ya fuck my ass, when I came out here. I jus’ didn’t know if ya would fuck my ass till ya fucked my pussy. How much more kin ya stand? Ya ready fer some more pussy, yet?”His answer didn’t need words. His cock was still sanding straight and tall. He pulled her over and kissed her like he meant it. He pushed lightly to put her on her back, and went to his knees between her spread legs. She smiled. “Nothin spells lovin like a hard dick. LOOKY HERE!!! MY OWN PLAY PURTY. KIN I KISS IT?” She bent over and kissed the crown, and licked the length of it. Her tongue felt so good. Before he could get tempted, he moved away and lay down between her legs and returned the caresses in kind. He tasted the mixture of his sperm and her juice. It was exciting all by itself, but he had other green pastures in mind. He licked up and over her pussy, using his fingers to spread her tiny lips apart, and lick her clit. She gasped, and he locked his lips around it, assaulting it with the tip of his tongue, until she was bouncing up and down, groaning with pleasure. her hands and legs were holding him as close as she had the strength to. His dick was aching to be released inside of her, but he resisted as he drove his tongue inside of her vaginal opening like he would do his dick in a few more minutes. Neither of them saw the door crack open. Clara looked around at the other 2 women. “Tole ya so. I ain’t seen her in a bitty, soes I knew good and well that she was gittin’ laid. She’s in here and under Carl. He’s eatin her puss like he wants somethin. There’s a puddle in the floor, soes it ain’t the first time they fucked. We better git in an’ close the door, ‘fore we draw a crowd.”All three of the women moved as noiselessly as ghosts, spreading out so all could see their friend getting her pussy walloped. Liz, taking in the situation in a glance went to her knees at Irene’s head. She moved enough for Irene to lay her head on her knees, and reached out to grasp her ankles and pull them in toward her own face. She had never noticed, before, how nice Irene’s legs and crotch looked. Her legs were beautiful, and her crotch looked so inviting. She made a note to find out if Irene liked to spend time with other women. This could turn out to be educational. On a whim, she moved Irene’s legs further apart. Now she could see the brown tinted lips parting for Carl’s dick to go in and out of her tiny pink pussy. Carl might get an argument over her cream pie. IT looked YUMMY!!! Her pussy didn’t look like it was big enough for Carl’s dick, either. She HAS to be tight. Liz was filled with admiration for the older woman’s ability. She was going to divulge her observation to David. HE would REALLY enjoy a pussy THIS tight. SHE might be the tightest pussy of the whole bunch. She WOULD have to go some to be tighter than Carol, Cathy, Misti, or Sam, though. STILL, it would be fun to hear HIS opinion. Irene opened her eyes to see Liz holding her legs and cradling her head. She drew in a breath to speak, but Liz silently shushed her, and lipped the word “ENJOY!” Irene smiled and nodded slightly to agree. Just then her eyes got big and a moan escaped her lips, from deep in her throat. “FUCK ME!!! PLEASE FUCK ME HARDER!!! I’M GETTING READY TO CUM AGAIN, MY LOVE!!! FUCK ME HARDER!!! OH, GOD, YES!!! JUST LIKE THAAAATT!!! Her ankles pulled loose from Liz’s grasp to wrap around Carl’s waist, as she ground her pussy into his groin. He had his hands on her shoulders, unaware of their audience, and pushed as deep inside his lover’s body as he could and released, what to him, what seemed to be the biggest load, yet. He ground his lips into Irene’s and tried to speak, but was too out of breath. His head was spinning from the effort.He felt 3 sets of hands on him, but couldn’t see who it was. The hands rolled him over, and he felt something warm around his dick. He couldn’t yet focus his eyes to see that far. He laid there gasping for breath, realizing that he HAD to get up, and see to the guys. He finally caught his breath, and got his eyes focused. The warmth he felt was the one called Clara. She was sucking his dick and balls clean. Doris and Liz had hold of a leg each, and were eating the cream pies he had left inside Irene, out of her. As he watched, Clara reached over and took an obviously wet towel from a bag, and wiped HIS face, then his crotch, smiling at him the whole time. Then she passed the towel to Doris, who wiped HER face and handed it to Liz, who did the same. Last thing was to wash Irene’s crotch, which made her cum several more times. Carl was thanking his lucky stars for being friends with Dave. THESE WERE THE KIND OF FRIENDS EVERYBODY NEEDED!!!Clara and Doris kissed him on either cheek, while Liz kissed him on the lips. Liz spoke softly but clearly. “WE believe in share and share alike. Eat good, take vitamins, and,if you don’t already use it, get some Viagra. We’ll ALL be back for OUR turns. We got more of us at the house, too. so expect lots of company while ya do this job. We’ll ALL be makin’ yer days! WE PROMISE!!!”

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