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Mistress Bria”Hello again Michael,” she said, walking closer to him.”Hi,” he replied, standing there.”Take everything off, now,” she ordered him. He stripped out of his clothes and stood before her completely naked. She stood in front of him and grabbed his genitals. “Ready to give these to me again?” she asked, giving his balls a good squeeze.”Yes. Do what you want,” he said.”I see you got some things ready for me. Good boy,” she said, glancing over the items he had placed on the desk for her. There was a length of rope, a full roll of duct tape, a pair of scissors and a stapler. She took the roll of duct tape. “Let’s get you quiet first thing.” She ripped a piece of tape off and placed it over his mouth, silencing him. She tore off two more pieces and put those over his mouth also, just in case. “You look very nice like that. You can’t complain that it hurts too much now, can you?” she asked. He shook his head. “Good. You are my object, my toy, I don’t care if it hurts – you are just mine to play with.”She picked up the rope and stood in front of him. “Get down on your hands and knees and face away from me now,” she commanded. He got on the floor as she asked, waiting on his hands and knees like a dog. “Spread your legs a little more.” He did so and she looked at his balls hanging there for a moment. She took the rope and looped it tightly around his balls a couple times, then tied it in a knot. His balls were captured tightly. She hoped that she had tied it tightly enough to cut off the blood supply to his nuts, choking them. “Just stay right there. Don’t move,” she said to him.She stood up behind him and slowly pulled on her end of the rope, putting tension on his balls, pulling them backward. She enjoyed watching them stretch toward her. She gave them slack and then pulled them slowly again. She did this a few times, each time pulling a little further. She let the rope hang loose, then yanked it sharply back, violently pulling on his balls. She played with the rope, enjoying the sight of his balls being yanked, stretched and bounced around in whatever way she felt like. She bent down and grabbed his balls. “These are mine right now. I might yank so hard they pop right off of you. I might just feel like doing that.” She stood again and pulled the rope slightly, putting a little tension against his nuts. She brought her foot up and caressed his balls with the toe of her shoe. She pulled a little harder on the rope, brought her foot up again and kicked him in the balls with the side of her foot. She expected him to collapse to the floor after that kick but he didn’t, to her surprise. He made a groaning noise but stayed on his hands and knees. She pulled on the rope again and pulled his balls toward her then kicked them harder than before. This toppled him right over, but she had a good hold on the rope. “No you don’t. Get back up here,” she said, yanking the rope and forcing him back to his knees.She took her end of the rope and tied it to the leg of the office chair. The chair was on wheels and she sat on it. “Pull me across the room now,” she said. He began crawling away from her. She watched as the slack went out of the rope and his balls began to strain as he pulled away from her. “Yah mule boy! Pull me till your nuts fall off!” The chair budged slightly. “There you go, pull harder; you can do it.” He began making noises, moaning and groaning as he strained. The rope was pulled tightly and his balls couldn’t possibly stretch any more. She wondered if he pulled hard enough if she might watch his balls actually get yanked off his body. Oh well, she thought, too bad for him. “Keep going, boy, move me all the way.” He kept pulling and the chair began to drag across the floor very slowly. “That’s it. You’re doing very well. Work those little balls and pull me all the way.” It took a while but he didn’t give up. He groaned all the way but eventually pulled the chair until his head was against the far wall. “Good boy. Stay right there.” She got up, leaned down and punched his balls. She untied the rope from the chair, pulled on it and kicked his balls again. “Sucks for you but they’re just perfect for abusing. Stand up.”He stood up facing away from her against the wall. She took advantage of the position he was in and put her hand against his lower back. She pressed him against the wall while pulling the rope backward toward her. His balls stretched between his legs and stuck out toward her slightly. She removed her hand from his back and slapped his balls back and forth a dozen times. She closed kaçak iddaa her hand and banged his balls upward toward his butt with her knuckles a dozen times, all the while keeping the rope pulled back so his nuts wouldn’t get away from her. He lost his posture and began to bend over at the waist. His hands went to his abdomen. She knew he was in pain. He groaned. She grabbed him around the waist with both of her hands and pulled him toward her. “Spread your legs wider.” He did so and his butt was sticking out toward her. She smiled and brought her knee up, hard and direct, striking him in the balls. He grunted loudly and bent over further. She grabbed the rope quickly and yanked it to keep him from going to the ground. He stayed up, bent over, hands on his knees. She dropped the rope and put her hands on his waist again. Again she brought her knee up swiftly and struck him in the balls. He grunted a passionate “umph” and nearly fell forward. She pulled on the rope again and he remained on his feet. “Stay right there,” she said.She untied the rope from his balls, letting them dangle free again. She cupped them gently, lifting them up and letting them fall into her hand then swung them around slightly. “These poor little things. I do like controlling them hun. Do you understand I’ve only just begun with you?” He nodded. “Good. Let’s keep going. Stand up and face me.”He faced her, looking down. She was amused that he wouldn’t look her in the eyes. She grinned and slapped his face hard. “That’s my boy,” she said. She grabbed his dick and pulled it, leading him to the desk. “Stand in front of the desk here and put your balls right against the front of it.” He stood in front of the desk and spread his legs enough to let his balls hang right in front of the edge of the desktop. “Now. I want you to slam your own balls into the desk a few times. Swing your hips back, then hard forward so your balls smack the desk. Let me see you do it.” He pushed his hips back, then quickly forward so his balls swung and smacked the hard wood of the desk. “Yes. Just like that.” She grinned. The motion nearly looked like he was trying to fuck the desk. “Keep doing that until I tell you to stop,” she ordered. He began pumping his hips and smacking his balls against the desk. She loved the “thump” sound they made every time his balls made contact with the wood. “Don’t pussy out on me. Keep doing it. Hard.” He smacked his balls as hard as he could into the desk. “Good,” she said and pulled her phone out of her pocket. She began checking her messages on her phone while his balls kept smacking into the desk. She wasn’t paying attention to him. He looked back and saw she was focused on her phone. He kept swinging his hips, thumping his nuts into the desk over and over. She looked up at him and asked, “does it hurt?” He looked at her and nodded yes. “Good. Don’t you stop yet.”She replied to a few messages while he was pounding his nuts against the desk. “Do it harder now,” she said. He swung his hips as hard as he could, smashing his balls into the wood. “More,” she ordered. He kept going. “Stop now,” she said. She pressed his balls against the desk, slowly pushing harder. She pulled her hand away then smacked it against his balls hard, hitting them against the desk. She made a fist and punched his balls against the desk. His hands reached down and he fell on top of the desk. “Oh I bet that hurt like hell. Move your hands though hun.” He pulled his hands away. She smacked his nuts against the desk again. He reached down and grasped his balls, moaning.She grabbed the roll of duct tape and tore a long strip off. “Put your hands back here together,” she said. He held his hands back and she wrapped the strip of duct tape around his wrists, binding them. “Much better.” She positioned the chair behind him and sat down. She lifted her foot up and placed it against his balls, sandwiching them between her foot and the desk. She stepped her foot in and squished his balls against the wood, then lifted off and did it again, gently at first. “I could crush your balls right now,” she said. He nodded. “Would you like that? Would you like it if I crushed your balls? Broke them?” He didn’t respond. She pressed her foot against his balls. “Would you like it if I destroyed your balls?” she asked again. He didn’t respond. “Ah, my little boy isn’t so sure now, is he? Nervous?” He didn’t respond. “Didn’t really know what you were in for? That’s ok. I know what you need.” She lifted her foot off then brought it into his balls sharply, squishing kaçak bahis them against the desk. “Poor little nuts,” she said.”You wanted pain. I’m going to give you just what you need, and I’m going to love it,” she said. He was leaned forward onto the desk, laying on it. She thought he may not be able to stand up at the moment. She had kicked into his balls fairly hard and surely gave him a good amount of pain. She lifted his balls backward then let them fall against the desk. “I think they’re dying already. They look pretty sad.” She let them fall a few more times. She took them in her hand, pulling and squishing them. She liked the way they felt rolling around in her hand. “Stand up, face me,” she ordered.He faced her again, mouth taped over and hands bound behind his back. She shook her head slightly. She could do anything she wanted to this man. He couldn’t stop her.She picked up the rope and duct tape again. “Let’s go downstairs,” she said. She guided him in front of her and they walked down the stairs. She gently pushed him toward the garage door. “We’re going in the garage. I’ll have some fun in there with you for a while.” She opened the door for him and guided him through and into the garage. She looked up and was pleased to see the rails for the garage door opener. She stood behind him and removed the tape from his wrists. “Hold your hands together above your head,” she said. He put his hands above his head. She unrolled a new piece of duct tape and ripped it off the roll. She placed it over his eyes. She did this with two more pieces, guaranteeing he was completely blind. “Better,” she said. She pushed him slightly, positioning him better underneath the rail. His hands were still above his head and she tossed one end of the rope up and over the metal rail. She took the rope and bound his wrists with it. Now he was extremely vulnerable in front of her. He could do nothing except stand in the middle of the garage with his arms bound above his head.She had her eye on the stack of wooden stakes against one wall of the garage. She pulled one stake from the pile. It was about three feet long, about one inch wide. She was struck by a brilliant idea. She kneeled in front of him and placed the stake on the floor at his feet. She pulled one of his feet off the floor and slid one end of the stake under it, then did the same with his other foot. She made him spread his feet to each end of the stake. She wrapped the duct tape around each ankle and around each end of the stake. She stood up and admired her work. His legs were held apart and he had no chance of moving them. Here in front of her was the perfect human toy. “You are not a man anymore. You are not a person. You are my toy, my object. Nothing else. I can play with you however I want. I can do whatever I want to you.” She reached down and began stroking his penis sensually. She was getting a response. He slowly began to become aroused. She kneeled down and sucked his penis into her mouth, sucking it in and out. He became fully erect. She stood again and continued stroking his penis for a minute. She then picked up another stake and swung it, striking his erect penis with the end of it. She stroked his penis again. It remained fully erect so she struck his penis again with the stake, hard. She watched as the stake forced his penis to bounce wildly. She looked at the red marks on his penis. She sucked on it again, then brought her fist upward into his testicles, giving them an uppercut knockout punch. She sucked his dick some more. It kept its erection. She picked up the duct tape again and wrapped it around his penis, then around his waist, affixing his penis tightly to his abdomen. She grabbed his balls then and pulled them downward.She stood back and raised the end of the stake to his balls. She used the stake to bounce his balls up and down. She flicked it down and then upward sharply and smacked his balls with the wooden stake. This made a loud “snap” sound and made her grin. She did it again. She kept slapping his balls upward with the stake, watching them bounce up and down. She walked behind him and slapped his ass with the stake. She then took the stake in both hands like a baseball bat and brought her arms back all the way and stood for a moment like a hitter in the batters box. She swung the stake at his ass as if she was trying to hit a home run. It made a tremendous smack sound when it made contact. She quickly came around to face him and brought her knee up sharply into his testicles. She lowered the stake as much as güvenilir bahis she could and then pivoted it quickly into his balls, smacking them hard.She lifted her hand to his face and traced her index finger along his temple, down his cheek and neck, along his shoulder and down his chest. She stopped at his abdomen and opened her hand there, pressing gently. “I know it hurts there. It’s what you need. You might be worried and anxious. You might be having second thoughts about letting me do this to you. You might be regretting giving up control. Michael, I know you need this. I know you need me to take over and take complete control of you. You don’t know why you need the pain, but you do need it desperately. I’m going to give you exactly what you need and maybe some things you didn’t even know you needed. You can’t say no, you can’t stop me. This is what you need.” She grabbed his hips with both of her hands and held tightly while she brought her leg up hard and fast and struck him in the balls with her knee again and again.She gave him a moment of rest and stood back from him. She was perfectly silent, listening to his heavy breathing. She didn’t need to say anything more to him, she knew what to do for him and it was all physical from here on. She prepared herself for her pending attack against his balls. She told herself it was what he needed – relentless and ruthless. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, then another. Her breathing soon became heavy panting. She clenched her jaw and gritted her teeth. She looked down at his feet, then slowly raised her eyes upward. She conjured up the most evil gaze she could and gave it to him, staring at his face. Still gritting her teeth she angrily made a fist. Her heartbeat had risen and she was now feeling a commencement of a fountain of rage. From somewhere inside her psyche she wondered where this feeling was coming from then decided she didn’t care. She was going to let go and let it take over. She felt like she was becoming someone else, changing like a chrysalis. “Take me, what the fuck,” she said internally. She forced her eyes shut again then took one more deep, hot breath. She held it, opened her eyes quickly and said, “fuck you for making me feel this,” she raggedly whispered to him through clenched teeth. Her head was pounding.She punched him first on his outer thigh. She hit him like she would hit a training bag at a gym. Maybe she was testing her swing. Didn’t matter. That was the last punch that didn’t hit him in the balls. Gritting her teeth, she swung her arms and hit his balls over and over.There was a moment when she felt like she was watching all of this happen from across the room. She was in awe of the devil woman, so full of rage. Her face was unbelievable. She didn’t know so much anger could show through in a woman’s face. She watched as her arms pumped non-stop, forcing her fists into the hanging man’s balls over and over. Surely the balls were broken. No testicles could withstand that onslaught of rage and physical emotion. She watched as the woman backed up and brought her leg up, kicking his dangling balls with her full strength five times, ten, twenty. She lost count. More punches. Grabbing. Twisting. Grab and pound. Two-hand effect. She watched as the woman kneeled in front of the hanging man, grabbed his balls and bit each one of them, felt her teeth crush down and punish each testicle. She saw the woman remain in that kneeling position and uppercut the man’s balls, driving them hard into his body. She wondered if by some miracle his balls would simply disappear back into his body. She was hitting them that hard.She came back to herself and abruptly stopped her attack. She looked up at him and saw tears coming from behind the duct tape. “He needed it, he needed it,” she told herself. No second guessing. She took the tape off his penis, letting it hang free again. The erection had long gone. She took his penis in her mouth again and worked it in and out, trying to bring his arousal back. After a long few minutes his penis reacted again and became erect in her mouth. She began stroking and sucking it. She wanted to make him cum now – she had to do it for herself. Soon she was watching his abdomen flex and knew he was going to cum any second. She stood next to him and stroked his dick until his cum squirted forward onto the floor. She removed the tape from his eyes.”Are you angry with me?” she asked him. He shook his head no. She released him from his bondage, untying and untaping everything. She gave him a big hug.”Thank you,” he said.”No. Thank you,” she replied. She felt tears welling up inside her but forced them back. It was stupid, there was nothing even to cry about but they did want to come. She turned and left without saying another word.

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32



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