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It had been a few weeks since my last date with Mistress Anne. I hadn’t found much time for hobbies… or play… since I’d been working really hard preparing for my finals, even though some of my study partners kept suggesting I should relax and take some time off in between exams as well. They probably had a point – I just felt guilty if I didn’t spend most of my days actually studying. Once my last exam was done, though, I suddenly had quite a lot of free time on my hands. As soon as I got home that last Friday of the semester, I started hoping that my domme would be available for play sessions with me soon.

I looked at her profile page online and noticed that she had put up some new photos of herself and some other people having sessions, so she was definitely active. Finally checking my e-mail inbox for the first time in days, I also noticed that Joey had sent us both a big folder with the photos from our session. I was just about to open it when Mistress texted me. Since she knew that this was my last exam day, I guessed this was not too much of a coincidence.

“Are you free this weekend?” she asked.

“Completely.” I replied, hoping she had something fun planned.

“Quick question: when was the last time you got tested?”


“Yeah, for STDs.”

Oh, right. I had actually had a couple of those tests done, since the last girl I dated was a med. student and was really strict about it – demanding clean tests from any prospective partner before so much as kissing them. That relationship didn’t go beyond the first couple of dates, but she did manage to convince me that it was a good idea to get tested regularly, even though I always use condoms whenever I happen to get laid.

I rummaged around for the printout with the latest results and took a photo of them, sending it to Mistress right away. It was a few months old, but I hadn’t had sex at all since then, so I hadn’t bothered going to the clinic again.

“Good. No sex partners since this one?” she texted me back, picking up on this very fact.

“None, Mistress.” I replied, slightly embarrassed, but quickly adding: “I can get a new test too if needed?”

“That’s fine. I trust you.”

I smiled, enjoying the feeling of trust that had developed between us in a way that went way beyond what I had grown up with. It was true: I trusted Mistress with things I would never have thought about telling my mother. I would never have talked to my mom about my sexual partners, or lack thereof. It felt different with Mistress. I could tell her anything. She never judged or belittled me.

The next message ticked in:

“I need you for something. Short notice, I know, but are you free tonight?”

“Yes, Mistress. I’ll get ready as soon as possible.” I replied.

It was already 5 p.m., and she usually planned these things some time in advance, so this was a bit of a surprise. A welcome one, though. I wondered why she had asked about the tests, and a nervous tingling started spreading in my stomach as I headed to the bathroom to prepare.

I proceeded to trim and shave both my face and my downstairs area, both of which had been neglected during the recent times of hard studying. I tried not to rush it, taking my time fixing my general appearance until I deemed it presentable. After all, she usually had me walking around naked when we were at the club. It occurred to me that since I’d wear my leather hood, I probably didn’t have to do too much to my face. Still, I just felt better when I was well groomed everywhere, so it took about an hour before I finally made my way out the door. I sent her a message that I was on my way, and drove on down to the club.

As I entered, I waved at the owner, Greg, and walked right through the cafeteria and into the club proper. I had really started to feel like this was one of my regular hangouts; I felt so at home that I just strolled right into the play area without changing first. I was thirsty, so I ordered a soda from the bar and sent Mistress a message telling her where I was.

There were several new photographs adorning the walls – one of them caught my eye because it was hanging on the brick wall behind the bar. Also because I recognized Mistress. It was a large blow-up in black and white, at least 50 inches in height, with a thin white frame. In the photo, I could immediately see the regal figure of my mistress sitting in a lovely Chesterfield chair.

I couldn’t recognize the person she was with, though. I stood there for several minutes, admiring the lighting, the setup and my mistress’ wonderful appearance, and I still didn’t see it. I tried to think about who it could be, kneeling on the floor beside her. She had several subs, so who could this one be? It was a man, clearly. Completely naked except for some kind of black hood covering the head, and a collar with a thin chain attached. I looked at it again and again, and my brain still couldn’t place it.

Mistress sat majestically bodrum escort in the chair with her legs crossed, holding the other end of the lead in one hand and her riding crop in the other. She looked amazing. That outfit, her posture… just, wow. She was a dominatrix through and through. The queen of dommes. She was so far out of my league. I wasn’t worthy to even…

That’s when it clicked. As if I’d had amnesia and a memory suddenly clicked into place. Or suddenly seeing the solution to one of those math puzzles, without understanding how it could be possible not to have seen it before. That was me. On the floor, next to her.

“Admiring yourself?” I heard her melodious voice behind me.

I turned and enjoyed the view of her – the magnificent woman who now adorned the wall in a photo with my unworthy self positioned by her feet.

“Admiring you, actually. You look so beautiful… classy, commanding… worldly… sexy… the mask and the outfit… that posture… I mean, it’s all just… wow.”

She didn’t respond right away. She was wearing her mask and the room wasn’t very well lit, but for a second, I almost thought I could see her blushing.

“You really mean that, don’t you?”

“Yes. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone so… I mean, I’m lost for words. You’re the kind of woman who would make any man want to worship the ground you walk on. I can’t believe how hot you are.”

“All right, you charmer… You don’t look so bad yourself, up there on the wall.”

“It’s weird… I didn’t really recognize myself at first…”

“Strange, isn’t it? This world of ours… Have you looked at the other photos Joey sent yet?”

“No, I’ve been so busy with exams… but I will.”

We stood there for a little while, admiring the result of Joey’s work. The lighting was perfect, with lovely shadows scattering over us in just the right places. My body was perfectly positioned, on all fours with my head slightly raised as if to look up at her. Her feet were not completely planted on me, but one of them definitely seemed to rest on my shoulder, as if she was keeping me down with with a gentle touch. I was naked, but the photo was so classy that it couldn’t possibly be described as simple porn. This was art.

Eventually, she turned and took my hand to lead me away.

“It’s good to see you – I wasn’t sure if you could make it on such short notice.”

“I’m ready, Mistress. I’m just going to change, put my hood on… and…”

“That’s not necessary. You won’t need it today.”

“Okay…?” I said, curious.

She walked back toward the entrance, pulling me along until we came to one of the bathrooms. We went in, and I was surprised to see that it was occupied. I was just about to apologize and back out again, but Mistress held my hand in a firm grip, pulling me inside and locking the door behind us. Standing before us was a young girl with long, red hair tied into thick dreads.

“Ricki, this is my sub, Michael. Michael, this is my sub, Ricki.”

“Pleased to meet you, Ricki.” I said respectfully, offering her my hand.

I noticed that she gave Mistress a quick glance before accepting it, but she then shook it and said:


Mistress went on:

“I’ve been playing with Ricki for a while now and concluded that it’s time for her to try something new. I’m gradually expanding her horizons, you see, and today… well, she’s going to do something she’s never done before. That’s why I needed you.”

She looked at me. They both did. I wondered where this was going. Why was I here? Why were we in the bathroom?

“What would you like me to do, Mistress?” I asked.

“Oh, it’s simple. First, undress and step into the shower. Get the water running.”

“Yes, Mistress.”

I complied. Sure, that was a simple enough task. Even though I wasn’t wearing my hood at the moment and there was a third party present… if Ricki was her sub, I thought, Mistress must trust her. That was enough for me to feel comfortable. I took off all my clothes and put them on a shelf, then stepped into the walk-in shower, which was separated from the rest of the bathroom by a glass wall.

As the water started running gently down my naked body, I looked through the glass at the two of them. At first, they just stood there for a minute, talking between themselves. When she was ready, Mistress picked up a chair, placed it nearby and sat down. She looked at Ricki and said:

“Your turn.”

“Yes, Mistress.” the girl replied meekly… and started to undress.

She had a small, slim figure – you might even say petite. Not really skinny, she was more shapely than that, but not by much. Her breasts were fairly small, but suited her frame pretty well. Her skin was pale, and as was revealed when she took off her clothes garment by garment, covered in tattoos. Colorful shapes of dragons and other fantasy animals stretched from her chest to her thighs, then circled her hips and came back up the bodrum escort bayan other side. It was like they were wrapped around her whole body. She also had piercings – several of them. Rings in her lower lip and her nose, her ears, nipples and even her eyebrows.

Tattoos, piercings, dreadlocks… not exactly my ‘type’, if I had such a thing. I was the straightest guy in my class in high school – this girl looked like a hippie… or a biker chick. Or something. Something far from the girls I would normally ask out on dates, at least. Apart from the style, though, which was something I wasn’t used to, I had to admit… Ricki was gorgeous.

Once she was naked and had put away her clothes on the shelf next to mine, she kneeled in front of Mistress, who had made herself comfortable on the chair just outside the shower.

“Now, Ricki, are you ready…?”

“Yes, Mistress…”

“Good. Now, you already know what to do. I don’t want to hear a word of protest – in fact, I don’t want to hear you say a word at all until the task is done. Is that understood?”

Ricki nodded and stood up. Then she came to join me in the shower.

Close up, she was even prettier. Beautiful blue eyes, full lips, and freckles sprinkling her fair skin all across her lovely face, down her shoulders until they disappeared under that impressive assemblage of inked figures.

“Gosh, you’re pretty…” I said, slightly mesmerized.

She gave me a quick smile before coming up to me. Wanting to be polite, I took the shower head down from the wall behind me and started to rinse her back with warm water, so she wouldn’t get cold. I still wasn’t sure exactly what was going on, and Ricki acted nervously, casting glances around as if not really knowing where to look.

“Ricki, stop procrastinating.” Mistress said from the other side of the glass wall.

Ricki nodded, took a breath and looked up at me. Then she slowly kneeled down, still looking me in the eyes. Her hands started stroking my stomach, then slid down around my butt, then my thighs…

“Ah..!” I exclaimed when she started stroking my cock, which hardened rapidly as a response to her touch.

“Now, boy…” Mistress began to explain. “This isn’t really for you. You’re just a tool I need to get this done. Here’s what’s going on: Ricki has touched a man’s cock before – I made her do that last week. She has never put her mouth on one, though. That’s what she’s going to do now. Ricki?”

The girl leaned forward and kissed my cock gently before pulling back. Her hands were still stroking me in places, although she didn’t seem to have a plan beyond that.

“Well done, Ricki. Now for the next step. Go on.” Mistress commanded.

Ricki leaned forward slowly. Hesitating, she looked up at me, almost as if she was asking if she was doing it right. She put one hand gently around the shaft, then kissed the exposed head of my cock before pulling back again. Mistress kept steering her actions:

“Not bad… but still only one small step. You know what the next one is, Ricki. Open your mouth. Don’t think, just do as I say.”

Ricki closed her eyes, then leaned forward, opening her mouth. She put it on me and I felt that lovely feeling of soft wetness directly against my sensitive glans, the feeling of my cock inside a girl’s mouth. Before I got used to the feeling, though, she pulled away again, spitting as if in disgust and shaking her head. Mistress explained.

“Confused, boy? Well, you see, Ricki here is a lesbian. Currently, I am pushing her boundaries in the bisexual direction. She has now touched a man’s cock, had one in her mouth… and by the end of this shower, she will have made a man cum. Using her mouth. Isn’t that right, girl? Oh, that’s right, you can’t talk… because your mouth is full of man-cock. Continue.”

Ricki obeyed. She leaned forward, taking me in her mouth once more, holding it there. My stomach churned and I felt a nervous tingling all over. Was this really okay? I kept rinsing her body with warm water, trying to avoid soaking her hair. I whispered to her:

“Are you… I mean, you don’t have to…”

“No no, I want to… to please Mistress.” she whispered back to me, placing her hands on my stomach.

She looked me over, as if trying to figure out how the thing worked. Then she looked up at me. I recognized that look. That look of insecurity and hesitation. I knew what she felt. Nervousness – at doing a new thing, something challenging. Eagerness – to do what her domina commanded, to fulfill her wishes and please to the best of her ability.

“Just… help me out with… how do I…” she whispered again.

“I’ll show you. Here…”

I started jerking off with slow, gentle movements, while dipping myself in her mouth every few seconds. With that delightful feeling of a mouth on my cock while I masturbated, it wouldn’t take long before I came. Especially since it had been so long since I’d had sex… I was really sensitive down escort bodrum there, and any kind of stimulation was likely to make me cum in just a few minutes.

“That’s her job, Michael. Keep your hands off yourself.” Mistress corrected me, not allowing the current strategy. I had to let Ricki do it, apparently, since our mistress continued her command: “Go on, girl. Give my man his orgasm.”

A delicious tickling sensation spread through me at hearing her say the words “my man”. Then an even better sensation spread through me as Ricki put her mouth back on me.

“Aaawhhh… damn, that’s so good…” I moaned as Ricki started slurping at my cock.

It still felt a bit weird, though. Her grip was a bit too tight, tugging at me instead of sliding her hand up and down the shaft. With her mouth, she made sucking motions as if sucking on a straw… which is not the best way to make a guy blow his load. At this rate, my orgasm would arrive in hours, not minutes. Still whispering so Mistress wouldn’t notice too much, I started to give her some more pointers:

“Loosen your grip a little… just… let your hand glide up and down…”

She adjusted as I said, and it immediately felt better. Her hand was now jerking me off slowly, gently, while her mouth worked my most sensitive bit. I kept going:

“Keep your mouth loose too… don’t try to suck really hard at it…”

I kept the shower on her while giving her these tiny pieces of advice on how to do the stimulation that worked best on me. All men are different, so you can’t just watch a blowjob video online and immediately be an expert; telling Ricki exactly what worked for me would definitely make her job easier. It still took her a while, but eventually, I remembered one last thing I’d learned from an anatomy book.

“The head… it’s basically like a woman’s clit… same kind of nerve cells, so the same kind of stimulation could…”

Ricki’s face lit up. Suddenly, she started darting her tongue back and forth, quickly licking the underside of the exposed head. A few seconds later, her tongue made circular movements around the whole thing. I immediately felt my orgasm building.

“Oh… shit… yeah, that’s it… Keep doing that… and your hand too… then… I won’t last long…”

I started moaning loudly as Ricki’s hand jerked me off, sliding up and down the whole shaft while her tongue licked across that sensitive head. My legs started jittering as the stimulation reached its climax and initiated the first orgasm I could remember having in ever so long.

“Uuuuurhrh….” I groaned, leaning back against the wall.

On a whim, I grabbed her hair with my free hand and pulled her backwards just as I came. Thick streams of cum shot out of me and hit her face and neck, running down her cheeks and onto her chest. Ricki looked up at me just as I managed to open my eyes and look back down at her. Man, was she beautiful. Even more so now, kneeling there in front of me with my dripping cock in her hand. Several seconds later, globs of cum were still leaking out of me, running down her fingers.

“Well done, you two…” we heard Mistress’ voice from the other side of the glass. “Michael, you may wash yourself off. Ricki, stand up and come here.”

Ricki did as ordered while I put the shower head back in its holder on the wall and turned around to make the water run down all sides of me. As I faced the wall, I snuck a peek at the two of them to see what was going on. Mistress touched Ricki’s breasts, then held her fingers up to her submissive’s face.

“Open your mouth.” she said.

Ricki obeyed and Mistress put her fingers in between the submissive’s lips, making her suck her fingers clean. “You may as well get used to the taste now, girl, because the next time I have you give someone a blowjob, you’re going to take the whole load right in your mouth. Remember that.”

“Yes, Mistress… thank you, Mistress…” Ricki replied meekly.

“Michael, get dressed and meet me out front. Ricki, wash off and join us when you’re done.”

Mistress left the room and I quickly finished showering, letting Ricki take over. Not knowing if I should say anything to her or not, and feeling almost embarrassed at being left alone with her, I put my pants on and hurried out. Then I finished dressing in one of the other rooms. I debated internally whether I should put on my hood or not, but eventually decided against it and just went back out into the cafeteria.

Mistress stood in line at the counter. She spotted me as I came out and pointed quickly at a table in the corner before turning back around. I sat down to wait, taking a moment to process what had happened so far. It felt pretty great, but it was over so fast that I hadn’t really had time to think too much. It was just: Get over here. Get jerked off by this girl. Get dressed. It occurred to me that it was probably as Mistress had said – this session felt more like it was about Ricki than me. I also wondered how she actually felt about this whole thing; how much of this was actually part of her play with Mistress? How much had they talked about this beforehand?

Just as I was thinking this, Ricki came out of the play area. Wearing a black leather dress and black shoes, and with a determined look on her face, she came right over and sat down at the table.

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