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Mixed bathsSo, I had my first session with my new friend. She is very much a newbie. Timid but eager. One of the many “late bloomers” from the countryside of Japan. Nothing much exciting to report. Our first meeting was in a little run down love hotel on the side of a hill in the mountainous area of her hometown. We spent 3 hours doing sensual play without penetration. While the sight of my pre-cum strung from the tip of my cock to inside her mouth was a pleasure we still have a ways to go before we get her up to slut levels.I had a good time and hope to be able to share more in the future but for now I just have an experience that I was reminded of. That dingy shower and bath in the love hotel room reminded me of an encounter I shared with my ex, Miki. This was after a lot of our other adventures and we had already been fucking with friends and strangers alike.Now some of you may know about the famous hot spring baths of Japan. But there also many plain bath houses around also, although waning in numbers… Many of these are nice but many are a little run down, the heyday for bath houses having ended in the 70s and 80s. Now the majority of these are segregated between men and women. But a few offer mixed bathing, or konyoku in Japanese. Konyoku is available at both bath house and onsen but the usual practice is to have a private room to rent with a Jacuzzi like bath. I had visited a couple with Miki in our travels. They were nice, often they had a nice view for a romantic evening.There were tales however of mixed bathing that was much more public. Curious I did some research and she enough came across a few. Most were in the far countryside, too far for a spur of the moment adventure. And besides they seemed to be on the up and up. No funny business.I did manage however to find a place that seemed to be a pervert haven and wasn’t too far from us. So I made a plan for Miki and I to visit on the weekend.Getting up Saturday morning I was a bit excited. The idea of trying a new twist on our sex play was very titillating. I had gotten up before Miki and was getting a few items ready. Change of clothes, towels and condoms. I stuck them in my bag and sat down to relax. She had worked the night before and I gave her time to rest. I was hoping she would need it. I had told Miki a couple days before we were going to a bath house and she had been happy with the idea. As per usual I didn’t give the details of what I hoped for. So when I woke her before noon she was a bit chipper and ready to go. As far as she knew it was just another day trip. Although she was completely used to sexcapades that could happen at anytime by this point. It took us about an hour and half to drive to central Saitama prefecture where the infamous bath house was located. We had stopped by a convenience store and grabbed some snacks. Neither of us wanted to be full while soaking in hot water. As we drove I casually brought up this place had mixed bathing, and that it was public. She didn’t really react to that and so I figured maybe it wasn’t such an unusual thing and relaxed as we got closer. It really was the middle of nowhere we had passed some factories and there were rice fields all around. There appeared to be some scrap yards as well but the high walls kept me from getting a good look inside and I couldn’t be bothered to ask Miki about them. I was focused on the directions I was getting from Google maps.As we neared I turned on to an unkept road that was a mix of mud and concrete. It followed along the side of a small river with unchecked grass growing tall and partially hiding any cars that would be driving along the road. We passed another scrap yard, this one with short walls filled with rusting bicycles and washing machines.I looked over at Miki and noted the look on her face. More a look of puzzlement than worry. “We’re really in the middle of nowhere.” She lazily observed.As we drew close to the bath house I could see it was a set of run down buildings. A house and a large tile covered building. There were signs for a restaurant but that seemed to be a converted living room of the house but it didn’t seem like it had been in business for a long time.I pulled the car over into a gravel parking lot where there were a few vehicles. Some were Kei trucks, the mini trucks popular with farmers and industrial workers. I noticed the license plates were from all around, not just Saitama. There seemed to be no one around as we got out. I grabbed the bag from the back and held Miki’s hand as we walked together to the tile building. We entered and immediately started to question my decision to come to this place. There were dingy old sofas and chairs. Heavily padded and low, one sofa of pleather and the other of a worn through corduroy both with a matching seat. There was black mold growing in the corners of the room, and old faded posters advertising long gone tobacco brands and beer with sexy women of the time in skin tight one piece bathing suits. Being midday there was plenty of light but during the night the place could probably double as a set for an abandoned building. Having committed to the experience, and having heard some voices coming from down the halls we walked toward what seemed like the reception desk.There was no one manning the reception desk and so we stood around for a few minutes wondering what to do. I was wondering if we could just walk in when finally a middle aged woman came out, she looked at me and I could feel her wheels turning as she considered what to do. She saw Miki beside me and after what seemed like minutes finally said “it’s ¥1050.” pointing to the sign. I paid the ¥2100 for the two of us and the desk lady disappeared again to where she had appeared from as we walked past.Walking down the halls it was not any better. It was obvious no one cleaned the place, or barely did.We got to the end of the hall and turned. There were two entrances one was clearly labeled men but the other had “woman” written in pen on a piece of paper pinned to a non descript curtain over the ladies entrance. She looked at me dubiously. I laughed and said “what the hell is that?” She laughed as well. I told her I would wait while she checked it out. She picked her head in and came back barely a minute later. She said there was a couple of shelves for her things and the bath was barely bigger than the one we had at home. She said there was a hallway that led to another area kırşehir escort and she could hear men and running water. But she hadn’t poked her head down there.I asked her what she wanted to do. She said she didn’t want to go in that room by herself. I said I would probably get in trouble if I went in, not really believing it.But, seeing as how my goal was to get her naked and parade in front of strangers I said why don’t we just use the men’s area together. She nodded and we went in. It wasn’t so bad as the hallway as it seemed someone at least swept up in here.There was no one in the changing room but there were a few piles of clothes in the cubby holes. A little worried there were no lockers we said screw it and started to get undressed. We had also left a lot of our valuables in my car so weren’t super concerned. As we got naked I thought I could here a female voice coming from down the hall. Miki looked and me and smiled. “Maybe she has nice tits” she teased. I made sure to slip condoms into my towel roll when Miki wasn’t looking. Again I was pretty sure she knew what was up but enjoyed the risk aspect of it. We grabbed our towels and headed to the entrance to the bath. I was nervous both from dingy conditions and unsure of who and what was in the next room. But I was glad, since being nervous kept me from having a raging hard on.As we entered I could feel many eyes zero in on me. The slight chubby that has been growing despite the nervousness instantly disappeared as the room fell quiet. I noted the lady sitting in one corner, fairly large and if not in 50s fairly close to it. She was flanked by three men, two sitting on either side with their hands on her body and another nearby. I was guessing that one was her husband or boyfriend.I said a sheepish konnichiwa and did the quick bow of the head that is the common greeting. Miki followed suit and did the same. Everyone seemed to relax slightly, but only slightly. We worked our way over to the showerheads and turned them on. We quickly washed ourselves and I felt some slight relief as some eyes drifted to Miki. If you haven’t read any of my other stories, I’ll tell you real quick she was about 150cm, just under 5 feet tall. She had little A cup apple tits and narrower hips figure. She was cute as a button though with big pouty lips and pert round ass.For many a foreigner they wouldn’t look twice, unless they had yellow fever. But she was quite nice for Japanese men, and she was also naked, wet and lathered up. We rinsed off and didn’t even bother with the small modesty towels and left ourselves exposed to the room.I placed the our big towels against the wall near a spot that I thought didn’t intrude on anyone’s space. Also the towels were within easy reach. I pulled Miki with me as we entered the water, it was barely warm at all. But we weren’t there to enjoy the bath.In the corner with the older lady one of the men had drifted away. I think he may have slipped out as we showered. Any hanky panky that might have been going on had stopped though and they were just chatting quietly.Most of the men were looking away or keeping their eyes closed with their heads tilted back, pretending to enjoy the water. One guy I looked at locked eyes with me. I looked back and nodded in greeting. He was probably in his 40s, a bit shorter and with a wiry frame. He sidled over to us and sat opposite with Miki between us “what country?” he jumped right in with. “Canada” I told him. “It’s cold there” he says. “Yeah, that’s why we like hot spring baths” I say. He smiles and says “it’s your first time”. I’m like “yeah, how about you?” I’m an alligator he says and chuckles lightly. Miki asks what an alligator is. He grins even wider as he eyes her up. “It’s an old guy that likes to hang out here all day. Like an alligator.””So you must come here a lot?” I ask him. “Do you see many women?” “Not so many, usually couples, like them.” and he nods his head toward the other corner. “They come here regularly. Maybe once or twice a month. But mostly it’s just a few on the weekends.” His description reminds me of some weekends I spent at the adult theater back home in my youth. I feel a bit at ease knowing that perverts are the same all over the world. As we chat a bit more I put my hand on Miki’s shoulder. When our new friend isn’t talking to me I look over at the other woman in the room. I can’t help but imagine fucking her and my dick gets a little chubbier, unable to repress the thought of spreading her legs right there in the bathhouse.After a brief second or two of silence from my GF and the alligator my attention is broken away back to them. He had taken the liberty to place a hand on her leg by her knee while they were talking. I feel a rush of horniness in my chest as I see this and my slightly inflated cock starts to rise toward my belly button.Feeling a bit betrayed by my body, I am a little embarrassed but ultimately this is the reason I came here. Miki, always supportive of my sexual desires, wraps her fingers around the shaft without a word or pause. She continues talking to the wani (alligator) and he responds automatically to her and moves his hand up her leg while she strokes me. I break my gaze from that for a couple of seconds to look back at the other woman. The man that was talking with her had now got his hands back on her but she is looking in our direction, the lurker is as well.I turn back to Miki and our wani friend has already gotten up to her crotch, massaging her cunt lips and outer labia with his fingertips. Miki is completely focused on me however. She leans over and whispers “why don’t you touch her body?” and lets go of my hard on.I get up from where I’m seated on the edge and head over to the woman and her playmate my hard cock swaying when I walk. I say a quick konnichiwa and sit down in the water trying not to draw too much attention to my hard on.They nod at me as I sit and the man, easily in his 50s, continues his exploration of her body. I look across the couple of meters to Miki and see our wani friend has inserted a finger into her. She looks me directly in the eyes leaning back on her hands as he diddles her, her tiny tits thrust forward with her brown nipples jutting out.I look back to the woman beside me and put my hand on her leg. She looks at me with inviting eyes, while the older gentleman moves his hands down from her breast to her kocaeli escort stomach and then crotch. I feel like the ice has been broken and now things are back to normal.I look back to my girlfriend and now she has the alligator’s cock in her hand as he fingerbangs her. She has closed her eyes with head leaning back. He obviously has some skill in this and I can see the slickness on his finger at it slides in and out. I get out of the water to sit next to the milf and fondle her tits. She has put her hand on the older gentleman’s member, stroking it while he fingers her. But she keeps looking at my gf and me. I get bolder and start twisting and pinching her nips while exploring other parts of her body.She says to me “He’s put his finger in your woman.” I nod and say “yeah, she seems to like it.” This seems to do something for her and she strokes the old guy vigorously. He leans in to suck on the breast near him. I follow his lead and take the other side.I can hear a commotion coming from Miki and break off to look over at her. The wani has both his middle and ring finger in her now. He is moving around inside her like he’s trying to dig out a lost ring. The sound of her pussy is so sensual, the wet slurping filling the room.I think our older gentleman was really enjoying himself. He seemed to be trying to push his middle finger as deep in her pussy as possible and making small circles. He broke off quickly and got out of the pool to stand on the edge next to the lady. He grabbed her head and pulled it to his crotch with its massive bush. I don’t know if that was making it seem so, but he didn’t seem to have the largest dick. The woman easily swallowed the shaft and he held her head to him. He let out some grunts and I could hear slurping and swallowing sounds from her.I had taken up the empty cunt with my fingers as the old man shot his load down her throat. It was sopping wet with slick pussy juice. He pulled away and patted her head saying “thank you, it was a pleasure” and quickly heading to the showers on the wall to wash off.Not a minute later the 3rd man who I had forgotten about stood up in the space the older man had left and shot his load on to my finger cushion’s face. She opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue to try catch some of it but left most of it where it landed. He sat down nearby but not next to us.I looked back to my gf and she was laying back on the floor tiles with her legs spread hanging off the edge into the water. Our wani friend had grabbed my towel and put it under head as a pillow. He had switched his technique and was going for a slow internal massage of her g spot while sitting on his haunches.My new friend had grabbed hold of me and said “just as I they say, gaijin have big ones.” I smiled at her and asked “what’s your name?” “Masako” she told me. She didn’t ask me mine. Figuring she wasn’t in the mood for taking. I leaned in and avoiding some of the cum, I sucked on a nipple.I stuck another finger in her scooping at her spongey spot stroking inside her cunt. She put one hand on the back of my head to pull it to her breast. She said “you have long fingers.” I laughed and said “uh huh” in agreement.After a bit she asked out of the blue if I had shared my gf before. I told her of course I had. “So you do it with other people?” she followed up. “Yes” was my only answer. “Look” she said. Our alligator friend had moved of his haunches and positioned himself to fuck Miki’s mouth while he fingered her. I could tell Masako was really enjoying the scene as well. As I fingered her in pulled her lips to mine and stuck my tongue down her throat. She responded vigorously with her own tongue. I could taste the saltiness from the gentleman seated to our right. “Oh you’re such a pervert!” She said and stroked my cock like she was trying to pull of the skin.” I noticed our watcher was stroking himself again and said “is that your husband?” “Yes” she answered. “He likes to watch”. As she said that she slipped off the edge of the bath into the water so she was able to suck on my cock. I was able to watch the stranger fuck Miki’s mouth with this situation. Masako had only been going at it for a minute at most when I noticed wani was about to blow. He was making grunting noises and jerked erratically. I grabbed a tuft of Masako’s hair and gently but firmly pulled her away from me and said “look”.Wani had pulled out of my girlfriend’s mouth at the last second and was cumming on her tits. He collapsed in heap leaning against the nearby wall. Masako had been rubbing herself in the water and turned back to my dick as it was obvious the show was over.Wani eventually gained some composure. He scooped up some water and apologized to Miki saying “sorry about that”, “I was so excited”, “I made such a mess”, “please forgive me for my rudeness” and scooped up some bathwater to rub his load off her body. Miki smiled at him and said “don’t worry about it”, “it was no bother”. He quickly gained his feet and said thank you for the fun time to the room in general and no one in particular and moved to the changing room. Masako had been busy with her face in my lap. Her technique was good but she couldn’t take it deep so I knew I was never going to cum like that. She also played with herself vigorously and the water continuously lapped at the sides of the bath with the waves she made. She stopped suddenly and looked up at me and said “I’ve never had a gaijin one before.” and crawled out of the water up on top of me. She positioned my dickhead against her inner lips and sat down. I could see the look of lust on her face and reveled in it. I then thrust my hips up driving myself fully into her, since she had stopped about halfway. I don’t think she had expected it and her mouth dropped open in a look of confusion, slight discomfort and pleasure. From there on she rode me on the edge of that bath. Occasionally going for the deep thrust by slamming her round ass on to my hips. A bit painful on my back on that tile but worth it . Her slightly pancake like tits jiggled and swayed and reached out and grabbed one to pinch the nipple on it.Miki had made her way over to us and lay down on her side next to me. She put her hand on Masako’s hip and smiled at me. Even though we were in a bathhouse my crotch was soaked not with water but sticky pussy juice.Masako’s husband had come around to where Miki was and positioned konya escort himself behind Miki and placed his cock against her entrance. She shifted a leg to make it easier for him and he slid inside her. She didn’t even look at him. For some reason that was incredibly hot to me. The fact she would take a strangers dick like that showed me how much of a slut she had become for me. I could tell Masako was the same. She looked over at Miki as well as she took her husband’s dick. The pure lust was obvious and it was then that I realized she had been coming for the last little bit. Masako had little movements in comparison to Miki whose whole body tensed up when she came. If it hadn’t been for the copious amounts of pussy cum I wouldn’t have figured it out. I just figured she was really wet.Masako collapsed on top of me and stuck her tongue in my mouth as her hips stopped gyrating. “Cum inside me” she said. “I’m not there yet” I told her. “Get off me and I’ll come at you from behind” I instructed her.As she positioned herself at the edge of the pool I looked at Miki and her body shaking from the fucking she was getting. I reached over and stroked her hair and then pushed it out of the way as I straddled her head. My wet balls landed on her cheek and she twisted her head to flick her tongue at them. I moved my hips around so my shaft and balls and wiped pussy cum all over her face. I backed off enough so that I could get my dick in her mouth and savored her tasting Masako on me. I looked over to see how Mr. Masako was doing but couldn’t see much through his big bush of pubic hair. He seemed happy though.I then positioned myself behind Masako and slid myself inside her. It was pretty standard and wriggled in pleasure but she struggled a bit as the tile was cold, the edge of the bath bit at the joint between her legs and torso and my cock poking her cervix. She said to Miki “He really hits that spot.” Miki laughed and said “it does doesn’t it”.Mr. Masako was really getting into it now too. “Aren’t we all a bunch of perverts!”, “I can’t believe we can enjoy this unusual situation.”, “Please use my wife.”, “She is your fuck toy”, “your girlfriend is such a treasure.”, “Her pussy sends me to heaven.” and a lot of similar kinds of stuff.Masako played off this as well. “Fill her insides with your cum, dear”, “enjoy her sweet young pussy”, “I want to have this big dick inside me forever.”, “I will become his slave.”, “His power is too much to turn down”, and to me “please abuse me”, “use me like a toilet”, “I deserve to be shamed”.By this point I had flipped her on her back, and she seemed more comfortable for it. But being egged on I pulled out of her cunt and placed my cock against her asshole and maybe a little quicker than was comfortable plunged into her ass. “Oh he’s fucking my ass” she cried to her husband. “Raw?” Mr. Masako asked “oh this is so delicious. I can hardly stand it.”He had been pounding away at Miki and I was thinking he might blow inside her, I half wondered how she would react if he did it. But was really hoping agreed love it. Besides I was absorbed by Masako at that moment.Now here’s where things go a little sign the unexpected road. Mr. Masako abandons Miki’s cunt and gets out of the bath to sit next to Masako’s head. “Your such a dirty slut”, “you don’t deserve such pleasure”, and so on. I’m really digging these guys. They really no how to have fun, I’m thinking to myself.I pull out of Masako’s ass and push back into her cunt. While I pound away Mr. Masako has a clump of her hair in his fist holding it tight. She’s reaching out with her tongue flicking at his cock. “I want it.” she says. “Please use me like the toilet I am.” And this finally sends me over the edge. I grunt and send a glob of cum deep in her womb and then being overwhelmed with how awesomely dirty the situation is I pull out and slip into her gaping asshole and pump a shot of cum along the way which shoots up her belly, followed by a few more string of cum in her ass.Mr. Masako has a wicked look on his face as he sees this and says “I’m ready.” Masako opens her mouth and squeezes her eyes shut. But instead of a glob of cum a stream of piss jets out of him. Masako struggles to drink it down but it pours out of her mouth and down the side of her face. Surprised and shocked my cock also twitches a bit and I give a few more thrusts as I want to join in in giving this woman what she wants.Then as the stream starts to subside Masako reaches up between his legs and slips a finger into his asshole and seems to wiggle it around. Seconds after, he shoots some watery globs of cum in her face. As he falls away from her to sit down, spent, she rolls on her side and licks and slurps at the contents on the tile.Yet again wanting to give her what she wants I pull my cock from her ass, get out of the pool and have her suck my cock as well. She fingers her holes teasing the cum out of them. When I look at Miki she seems shocked but is smiling.Afterward we exchanged some pleasantries, say how amazing it was and exclaim that they are an amazing couple. They tell us they usually don’t do that here. Mostly they play with a few guys and go home after they cum on her. They invite us to their home which is not too far but in the opposite direction of us. We turn them down and they give Miki their phone number to try to arrange another date in the future.I think in an effort to sell the deal before at leave they say I can also use Masako by myself if I like. This piques my interest and we laugh about it and I stick my flaccid cock in her mouth as a kind of joke and thank you. Surprisingly she manages to get it to half mast in a few slurps.But we say our goodbyes and make our way out of the dingy bathhouse. There is no one around as we leave and we make it to my car without saying anything. As we are driving away Miki says “wow! That was crazy. Did you enjoy it?” I said yes, but told her how I secretly hoped Mr. Masako would have cum inside her. She teased me a little saying his cum would still be coming out of her if he had, and laughed. But then she said “I can’t believe she drank piss like that. Just so you know, I’m never doing that.” “I didn’t think you would” I tell her. “It’s a very specific thing. You either want to do it or don’t.””Actually, it was fun today” she continued, “but I don’t think we should meet them again.” I was a little disheartened but could understand her reasoning. I had brought her pretty far from normal with my sex adventures. But I think that was just too fat for her.In the end, we never contacted them. I thought of maybe going by myself but couldn’t bring myself to ask Miki to set it up. Probably better to have not gone down that pervert path. I had enough kinks as it was.

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