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Mother-in-law and I Fall in Love part 5Through the weeks that passed, Linda and I had sex every night when we went to bed with me doing different things to her that she had never had done to her, and of a mornings, we had to settle to just having quikies so that I wouldn’t be late for work during the week, but weekends, we took our time like we did each night.As promised to June, Linda, and I, took June shopping for dresses, and Linda even got a few extra clothes to do her all day teasing in. The divorces went through with just a little bit of conflict between Linda’s and Bill’s, till it was revealed that I was not the only one to see Bill having sex with Brenda, then it went the way Linda wanted it to. Brenda’s and my divorce went more to my liking, but it did have a couple of things that I didn’t like about it, which was I do not get to see my son, but at least I didn’t have to pay c***d support since I didn’t get the right to see him, which I would have gladly payed, if I got to see him. The way the courts saw it, Bill could have easaly been the father, as well as me, and since she had custady of John, Bill had to pay for all of his needs, and if DNA test showed Bill is the dad, he could be looking at prison time and John, be taken away from Brenda as well, at which time I could get custody of John.Enough of that now.As far as to being able to talk to June about her watching Linda and me the first night they spent at my house, I didn’t get to talk to her for at lest a week after that and I cought her watching us a couple more times after that. June told me sh loved the way I made love to her mom and wished that her boyfriend would love her like that, but he was more of a wam-bam thank you ma’am, and sometimes she never got a thank you out of it.The cabin deal that I made went through with out a problem, and faster, than most property sales. Linda and I even spent a weekend at the cabin and did a little work to finish the generater room and got the generater to working with out a lot of trouble. Another weekend we spent up there, we got the pluming done and a pump put in to pump the water and got the filter installed. While we worked on it the two weekends, we saw some of the wild life up there which Linda really loved to see, and she got to see what it was like to be able and go outdoors with out any clothes on, which did make it hard to get some of the work done that we did get done.About one month from the move in day at the house, I got home from work to see Linda wearing some of her new clothes, which was a par of her short shorts that showed her ass cheeks and slightly see through enough that I could see she had no pantys on underneath, a tank top T shirt that I could see her areolas and nipples through the material.”What a sight for sore eyes my love.” I said as soon as I saw her when I walked in.”I’m glad you love it.” as Linda stood to give me a hug and a passionet kiss, that she usually gave me when I got home from work.I could see that something wasn’t right in her voice and look on her face, and when we pulled away from our hug and kiss, “What’s wrong sexy?””Let me get us something to drink and go out on the back deck and talk.””Okay.”We walked into the kitchen, with her going to the fridge as I went toward the back door, stopped and waited till she had our drinks.Out on the deck we sat down in the chairs at the table, I asked, “Now will you tell me what is wrong with my love?””First thing, June came home from work all upset, because she caught her boyfriend having sex in the women’s bathroom with a woman she dosen’t know and he didn’t see her when she saw them, and when she asked him who the woman was, as the two of them stepped through the doors that lead from the back to the store front, he told her, she was just some one there talking to the manager about a job at the store. June told him, he is not the manager and the manager is in his office behind customer service, and sticking his dick in a woman’s pussy is not what the manager would want him to do, to see if she can handle the job she would be doing in the store, because the store is not a whore house. He told her, he was not doing any such thing as she was aqusing him of doing, she then told him, she saw him with her own two eyes doing just that and that she is finished with him, so he could go fuck that whore all that he wanted to, and he is not to even try to make up with her since he has to lie about everything, then she turned around and went to the office and asked her manager for the rest of the day off and told him why.””What did the manager say, or did she tell you?””He told her no problem, take the whole weekend and get away for those days and let him know by Monday if she will be able to work or not, but her ex boyfriend will not be back to work after today, cause he does not need his store having that kind of rep.””Good for him. Now how would she have felt about her ex had he been honest with her?””She says, she would have been fine with it and it would have made her stay horny and took him to the women’s room and fucked him, had he been honest about it, but since he lied about it, it made her mad and forget about being horny.””That’s the way I felt when we caught Bill and Brenda, if you hadn’t have been there with me teasing me half of the day before we caught them.””That was me too, had it not been for teasing you and seeing you with that bulg in your pants all of that time.”After taking a drink of my ice tea, “Now I think something ealse is bothering you.””Yes, but seeing June hurt like she is, bothers me for sure, but there is another thing that happened, that I’m going to have to do and I can not be at two places at once.”Linda took a drink of her ice tea, “Just before you stepped into the house, I had just got off the phone from talking to my brother-in-law. My sister is in the hospital, and not sure if she will make it through the weekend or not, and she is asking for me, wanting to see me.””I would say, we either pack up and the three of us go so that your sister and you can see each other and when you’re at their house, you can be with June incase she needs you, and if she wants to she can talk to me if she needs or wants too, and I can be there for you if you need me too.””No, because Harald, my brother-in-law, does not get along with June and her with him for one. I have a hard time getting along with him myself, and do not want to stay in the same house with him either for two. Knowing how he is and how you are, you two would be in a fight, and he would get what he has coming to him, but he would have you put behind bars afterwards, that’s for three.””Okay, how about we go and I get a hotel room for us then?””That might work, but I have another idea, which I think will work better for June more than anything, to get her back to her usual self, and more of what she want’s.””What is it she want’s?””Believe it or not, she is in buca escort love with you and want’s to have your k**s, cause she saw how good you were to Brenda and how good you are to me, and the way you treat her, is like no other man has treated her including her own dad.””I…””Let me finish. I know you have a love for her too, cause I’ve seen how you look at her which is the same way you look at me, and all the teasing she does to you and you just let her do it and not say anything to her about it, like her dad would have done. I even see how hard she gets you when she does tease you. I know you’re in love with me as I am with you. I also know that with a little bit of time alone with her, you will be in love with her as much as you are with me and you will not love me any less than you do now. As I said before I can not give you any k**s and she can for one. for two, Bill would cause a lot of trouble for us if you and I got married, even thou him and I are divorced. Believe it or not, he would cause enough trouble that you would have to quit your job or lose your job and to have a shot at having a good job again, we would have to move to another state where he couldn’t find us.”As we finished our tea, Linda told me what she would like for me to do for June while she was visiting her sister at the hospital.We went into the house, I refilled our tea glasses up with more ice tea as Linda, went to June’s bedroom door and asked June to come out to the back deck with us, so I filled a third glass with ice tea and took it out to the back deck and waited till the two women came out.Linda had June sit down next to me to put her between Linda and me, then she told June about the phone call she had just before I got home from work. When the two women came out of the house, I saw that June had changed out of her work clothes into a short skirt that barely covered her ass and as she sat down in the chair next to me, a slight breeze caused her skirt to lift in the front that gave me a view of her bare bald pussy, and she had on a tank top T shirt that matched the white tank top that Linda had on, and that she had no bra on either.The differance being, Linda’s areolas are a darker pink and can be seen through the material of the shirt, where as June’s areolas are a lighter pink and not as visable through the material of her shirt, but her nipples started trying to poke through the shirt as soon as she saw me and told to sit next to me and Linda’s nipples were trying to poke through as soon as we hugged when I got home from work.When Linda finished telling June about the phone call, she took a drink of her tea, “I told Ben here, how you feel about him and what I told you about his feelings toward you is true as he will comfirm to you later, I’m sure.””Okay.””Now, you and I need to pack a bag for the weekend, but you do not have to pack till some time tomorrow since this is just Thursday and I need to be leaving as soon as I can here, cause as you know, it will take around four hours to get there. I would like for you two to act like a couple from now till I get back, and I will let you know when I’m comming back if I can, but at the same time, do not be suprised if I don’t let you know. Now are you okay with this?””Yes mom, and I’m sorry about aunt Florance being in the hospital and all.””Thank you dear, and I will let her know your thinking about her.””I tell you what, as soon as Your packed and ready to go, let’s all go to a restaurant and get something to eat since it is getting late for one and your mom didn’t tell you, but I took tomorrow off, so you can either pack to go to the cabin tonight or we wait till in the morning to go to the cabin.””While you two decide that, I’m going to go in and get changed and packed.” Linda said as she picked up her tea glass then stood.As Linda went into the house, June asked, “Do I pack the way mom does when she goes up to the cabin?””If you want to you can, it’s up to you. Your mom wants us to act like a couple like her and I do, so you can go around like she does when she’s at the cabin with me.””And, how does she go around up there?””The same way as I do, nude is all the clothing we put on till we’re ready to leave there.”With lifted eye brows and a nod of her head, “Can we leave tonight and go to the cabin?””I don’t know why not.”June got up from the chair, turned toward me, leaned over putting her arms around my neck, leaned in and gave me a kiss like she has not done since moving her and her mom into my house, using her tongue, then she moved her head slightly and sat on my lap, right up next to my harding dick, in a full on hug, “Oh thank you love.” then she stood and rushed off into the house at a run.Two minutes later, June stuck her head around the corner to see me in the kitchen putting our empty tea glasses in the dishwasher, “Do I need to change clothes before we head out love?””Not unless you want to.””Okay, thanks.”A few minutes later, Linda called out, “Babe, would you meet me in the master bedroom?””sure, on my way.”Stepping into the bedroom, Linda asked, “Is this all you want to take is the usual right?””Sounds good to me.””Okay, good. My bag is ready to go out to my car, then as soon as June get’s your things in that bag, it will be ready to go out to the pickup.”I saw as soon as I stepped into the bedroom, that Linda had changed into a white blouse and put on a bra, and had changed into shorts that was a bit longer than the one’s she had on, when I first got home from work, and I could see a panty line when she turned around.Going into the restaurant, we went in like we did other times when it was the three of us, Linda on one side of me and June on the other side of me. Again we were seated in a corner booth with a half circle beanch seat and we sat the same way we walked in like we had sat before in the same booth.Leaving the restaurant, June and I walked Linda to her car and I watched as the two women hugged each other for a moment, “Make sure you take car of Ben Like I do while I’m gone and if he tells me you didn’t see to his sexual needs, I will have to flog you myself.” with a grin on her face.”Yes mom, I will do my best.””Good, now my love, I have a word for you. You better take care of her the same way as you do me, in and out of the bed.”Yes my love, I will do my best.”We kissed each other with passion for a little bit then gave each other a big hug, “I know you will, and I’ll see you two as soon as I get back.””Here, call this number when you get there, and if you need to talk to us over the weekend I hope to have a signal so you can reach us when you do call to let us know you’re there.””Okay, so if I call and you have no signal it will let me know right?””It will go to a voice mail for me to get it when I do have a signal.””Good.” with a final hug and kiss, “You be careful and I love you.””I love you too.”Linda got into her car then as buca escort bayan we watched her start the car and then back out and leave the parking lot before June and I walked around to the driver’s side of the pickup.Pulling in at the cabin, I stopped and shut off the engine, “This is it love.” then opening the door.”It is cooler here than at home.””It’s the night mountain air.” when June was out of the truck, I shut the door and walked around to the other side and got our over night bag out then we walked up on the porch with her holding onto my arm.Once we were inside the cabin, I sat the bag down next to the door, “I’ll be right back in a moment, so just wait here till I get back in.”I then turned and went out and around to the generater room, got the generater started and the electric switch turned on, then went back into th cabin, turned on a light, put some logs into the fire place and got a fire going to take the night chill off from inside the cabin.”Wow, you and mom have made this place look like home since I saw it last after you got the keys and brought me up here. I just love what you two have done to this place.””I’m glad you like it. Now we better go out and get our food, so we can get it in the fridge over there.”Once we had the food in the house, I opened the breaker box and turned on the water pump, then checked to see if it was pumping or not while June put the food in the fridge.With everything checked out and working, we both then put clean bedding on the bed together, the way Linda and I would when her and I stayed those two weekends up here.”I think a glass of wine is calling my name right about now to help me relax some, how about you love.””That does sound good.”I stepped to the kitchen earia and filled two glasses up with some wine then went over to the living earia, where June had sat down on one end of the love seat, that Linda and I had put in the cabin, in front of the fire place.As I handed June one of the glasses of wine, she said, “I must say, it has got warm in here with the fire going in the fireplace.””I was thinking the same thing myself.” as I sat my glass down on an end table at one end of the love seat.I stepped over to a beanch at the foot of the bed, took off my shirt, then I stripped off my jeans, socks, and boots, placing my shirt and pants on the beanch.June watched me strip off, sat her glass down, stood up and stepped over by me, reached down took a hold of her shirt tail and pulled it up and over her head and off. She then put the shirt on the beanch on top of my clothes, rubbed her tits and lightly pinched her nipples, “Do you like the way my tits look?””I love the way your tits look. They are just right down gorgeous, just like your mom’s are. I may have trouble telling them apart in the dark, unless they feel different from her’s.””To find that out you will just have to wait and see.” then she unfastened her little short short skirt and let it fall down around her feet, stepped out with one foot, then lifted it up and took it off of her other foot and laid it on top of her T shirt on the beanch, then she did a twirl, stopped facing me for a second, did a twirl again, stopped with her back toward me, bent over forward with her hands down on her ankles, spread out her legs, looked through between her legs up at me, gave a wiggle of her butt, then stood up straight and twirled back around to face me again, “Does my love see any thing he likes?””No, but I sure saw something that I love, that is for sure.””Mmmm.” then June walked back over toward the love seat.With the show that June put on gave me a boner that was not going to go down with out some help, and it lead the way as I followed her toward the love seat.We sat down side by side on the love seat, “You got a hard, I mean, got me thirsty, as well as, hard, just watching you sexy.””I must say I’m thirsty too, and even got turned on even more by doing what I just did. I have never done that for a guy before.” then taking a drink.After taking a drink of my wine, “You sure could have fooled me, it looked like you had done that a lot for a man.””No, I never have. My ex does not know what for play is, he thought that if I showed him my pussy to him, I was ready right then to have him plow into me with his five inches, and after a few pumps, like about ten at most, he got off and was done till when ever we got together again. He thought for play was just a bunch of hog wash.””Little does he know then, just how much fun he’s missing out on.””I think he spent more time with the whore in the lady’s room at work, than he did with me the whole time we were together.””May I ask how long the two of you were together?””About six months now. I wonder if he has been fucking other women the whole time we were suposed to have been together, thinking about all afternoon.””That is a good question.” then I took a drink of my wine again.We sat there talking, with our arms around each other and drinking our wine slowly till we had two glasses each drank. The first part of our talk was about her ex boyfriend and her, then the second part of our talk was about what we both like and dislike about sex, as far as, what turns us on and what turns us off, which June, is a lot like her mom is, in her likes and dislikes.After finishing two glasses of wine, I put a few more logs on the fire, then we went to bed, where we started kissing and hugging. I kissed down June’s neck to her shoulder and down to her tits, where I sucked and nibbled on her nipples while playing with her tits with one hand and squeezing her butt cheeks, with my other hand for a little bit, before moving my hand to her pussy and teased her clit and fingered her pussy some.After a time, I kissed my way down to her belly button and lightly licked it and around it, then kissed and licked my way down first one leg, then back up and over the top of her bald pussy to her other leg and down to her ankle, before kissing my way back up her leg.Kissing up June’s other leg, I kissed and licked to her iner thigh then up toward her pussy lips, on up beside the slit then over to the clit, where I gave it a few flicks of my tongue real fast, then slid my tongue down between the lips of her pussy, sucking up all the pussy juices that was coming from her pussy, that was very sweet to me. To me they were even sweeter than Linda’s pussy juices and her’s was sweet with the slightest hint of salt, or tang, what ever one wants to call it.The whole time I spent kissing and licking from June’s ear lobe down to her ankes and back up to her pussy, she was moning, and when I sucked and licked her clit, she let out a much louder mone before she went to crying out that she was about to cum if I didn’t stop. She tasted so good I couldn’t stop licking and sucking on her clit and pussy, and true to her word, June cum with a flow of cum, then she sprayed cum all over me and into my escort buca mouth, and I could not drink it all up or swallow fast enough, that I thought I was going to drown for a second there, and had to back away for a few there, till she stopped spraying cum.When June recovered from her orgasm, she looked at me, then shot up straight on the bed, “Oh Ben, I’m so sorry! Are you okay?!?”With the look on June’s face and the shock of what she did made me laugh as I said, “Yes I’m okay, and do not be sorry, for having such a good orgasm as you just had.””Are you sure you’re okay. Looking at your face and hair, it looks like I just peed all over you.””No, you did not pee all over me, you cum all over me.””Are you sure that is what I did?” seeing she was about to cry, I moved up and started hugging her.”Yes, it’s called, squirting.””I have never done that ever.””Well now, you can say you have, and I must say, I loved it, and it was sexy as hell.””You think it was sexy?””Yes it was. It also tells me that you got off with such an amazing orgasm by what I did, which makes me happy that I could do that for you, or to you, one of the two anyway.”Running her hand down the side of my face, June then leaned in and kissed me with a passion she has not kissed me with before and in a French kiss at that, the way she did just then.As we kissed, we laid down with me between her legs and holding myself up on my elbows, so I wouldn’t crush June, while we kissed and I rubbed my hard cock around over her soking wet pussy and she started moving her hips, to help in the aid of my rock hard cock to rub her pussy. Shortly, I felt her hand on my hard cock, and she guided it to her pussy hole, and when I felt it at the opening, I pushed in and down, sinking my very hard cock to the hilt, with her pussy being so wet from the pussy juices in it, where I stopped and held it there, just loving the tight feel of her pussy and loving the way it pulsated around my cock.”Oh baby, I need you to fuck me, the way you do mom, real bad right now.” as she wrapped her legs around me and started trying to pump me in and out of her pussy.I started pumping in and out with slow strokes and slowly speeded up as I pumped in and out of her pussy, then after a few fast pumps, I raised her leg up and over, turning her over onto her belly, then pulled her up onto her knees to fuck her doggy, with out pulling my cock out of her pussy.After I felt her have a small orgasm, I pushed her down onto her belly stradling her legs and pumped in and out of her pussy that way for a few minutes then she squirt again and I had to pull out till she quit squirting, with the way her pussy just clamped shut like.When she finished squirting, I spread her legs some and stuck my cock back into her pussy and started fucking her again with the same speed, as I did when she started squirting.After a few pumps, June squirted again, forcing my cock out of her pussy again with it clamping down like it did the first time.After she finished squirting and came back down a bit, I rolled her over to her back and stuck my hard cock back into her pussy again and started fucking her again.All this time she had been moning loudly and crying out with pleasure when she cum each time. After pumping in and out a few times with June on her back, “Oh fuck me babyyyy…! I love you so much. I want you to pump all of your cum into my pussy baby, please!”After a few minutes of fucking, “Oh yes, I’m fixing to cummmm. please do not stop fucking meeeeee… I’m cummmmminnnnnnnnnggggggggggg! cummmmm with meeeeeeeeee!”I felt her pussy clamp down onto my cock, just as I was feeling the cum in my balls start to travel up my hard cock, and as June’s pussy clamped down on my hard cock, I felt my cum shoot out the end of my cock head just as I felt her cum gush out around my cock and her pussy lips coating my dick and the inside of her pussy hole.I pushed my cock into June’s pussy just as far as I could, as she clamped her legs around me and pulled me in as far as she could get me, trying to get me in even deeper than I all ready was.After what felt like minutes, which I’m sure was just seconds, I finally quit cumming, and June did too, I collapsed down on top of her using my elbows to help me keep my waight off of her, and leaned in and we kissed in a French kiss with more passion than we had before.Pulling away from kissing as we tryed to catch our breath, I laid my head down next to June’s neck, kissing her neck lightly for a few minutes, till I felt my dick soften and slip out of her pussy, then I rolled over onto my side next to her, while still holding her to me and she turned, to keep a hold onto me with both of her arms.”Oh wow my love, that was the best loving sex that I have ever had in my life.””I know you made me cum so much like your mom does till I think I’m not going to stop cumming for a few seconds there.””Good, I’m glad to make you feel that way.”We laid there in each others arms and fell asleep and didn’t wake up till day light the next morning when we did it all over again.June and I stayed till sunday afternoon at the cabin running around in the nude like Linda and I would do when we were taking a break from the work we were doing up there, and Linda didn’t get back home till Friday the following week, so June and I had sex every morning and ever night and several times on Saterdays and Sundays, both at the cabin and at home.When Linda got home she caught June and I in the middle of a good sex session, so we told her she could join in if she wanted too, which she was glad to do and we spent the whole weekend in a threeway, and had to figure out where we had left our clothes for June, and I, to go to work on Monday morning.June did get pregnant by me and delivered a baby boy and to keep Bill from causing us any trouble, June and I got married before Joe was born. I ended up buying a king size bed so the three of us, Linda, June, and I, could sleep in the same bed on the weekends with one of the women sleeping with me through the week and the following week the other would sleep with me.June had vacation time coming as I did, so we took vacation at the same time and the three of us went to the cabin and spent a week up there, taking a king size bed with us and gave the bed that was in the cabin to charity.June and I now have a daughter named Liz just three years younger than Joe, and Linda loves being a grandma as much as June and I love being parents. Linda and I are very much in love with each other, but so is June and I. I’m in love with both my mother-in-law, and in love with my wife June.We have not heared a thing from Bill or Brenda, or anything about them.Oh, all most for got, Linda’s sister recovered, but not with out a fight and when she did recover, she left her husband, since he was the reason for her to end up in the hospital to begin with, fighting for her life, and now lives closer to us, like one block down and one block over with a man that treats her like a queen and loves going to the cabin with us and being free and Linda’s sister, (Florance) loves it too. Her ex husband, he is behind bars for atempt of murder.I hope every one injoyed this story in some kind of way.

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