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mother shhhhh shhhhhvisit on to see top rated story like theseIt was January 1985 and I was your normal almost 16 year old… always full of energy and ready to do anything fun and exciting. At nearly six feet tall, one of my favorite things to do was hiking and camping in the mountains, near our home. Ever since I was born, my mom, dad and I have taken trips up into the mountains to hunt & fish. We’d spend days camped in a tent next to our favorite lake…. most times without seeing another human being. But this year we didn’t get to take our usual trip because dad was working six days a week. All year long, I’d looked forward to the trip and Mom could tell that I was really depressed about not going.Mom and I have always been very close. She wakes me up and puts me to bed every night with a hug and a kiss. She’s an attractive woman but I’d never specifically focused on her in a sexual way. Don’t get me wrong though because, like most boys, I’ve sometimes made a special effort to catch an occasional peek at her when she’s changing or getting out of the shower. About two months before the ‘incident’ that I’m about to tell you about, I’d been lucky and gotten a good two or three minute look at her while she was drying her hair after her shower. I was looking just as the towel she had wrapped around her came loose and fell to the floor. She didn’t bother to pick it up so I got a long and lingering view of her naked body. I could see that she had a very nice figure with firm, perky tits and a sexy, well rounded ass. Her pussy was covered with a soft and delicious looking pelt of jet black hair that gave me a violent hard on. She’s not fat and not skinny… just healthy looking and in good shape. Her long black hair and green eyes are a family trait that all the women in our family have. I guess I’d say she was average height and weight.It was Friday morning and I was eating my breakfast when mom came into the kitchen and dropped a little surprise on me.”Good morning, sweetheart!” she smiled at me as I sat there in my depression.In acknowledgement, I answered” Hey mom”.In a cheery voice, she asked, “What would you say if I told you that you and I were going to the mountains this weekend?”It took a few seconds for what she said to sink in and then I exclaimed, “Are you serious?” I was suddenly so ******d that I about pissed myself.”Yes, I’m serious. I know your dad won’t be able to come, because he’s working six days a week, but I figure you and I could still have a pretty good time without him. What do you say?””I say I’m going to go pack right now!” I jumped up, without finishing my breakfast, kissed her on her cheek and took off for my room.”We can leave as soon as you get your things together.”, she shouted up the stairs. I was dressed, packed and ready to go in less than 10 minutes. As I carried my gear downstairs I saw that mom had already packed her things and had them sitting by the door. We loaded them into the car and off we went.Being that we live so far north and it was the middle of January, it was blistering cold outside. Not quite freezing, but still in the low 40s. It’d be colder in the mountains but perfect camping weather.After a three hour drive, we got to the spot where we always park our car. We got out, gathered our equipment and had a quick bite to eat, before we started the five hour hike to where we do our camping. It’s a long hike but the view of the peaceful lake and beautiful surrounding mountain wilderness is its own reward. My mom may be 38 but she’s in good shape and can carry her own share of the gear. We’d packed pretty light… just a small tent, sleeping rolls, cooking supplies, the clothes we were wearing and fishing gear. Everything was tucked neatly into our backpacks. My rifle was slung over my shoulder, just in case we ran into an aggressive a****l.We’d been hiking for about 4 hours when the sky quickly became overcast with dark, heavy clouds. It was close to 4 in the afternoon and it looked like we were going to get rained on so we moved up the hill until we found a small nearly level spot to set up a camp. We still had another hour to hike before we got to our favorite fishing spot but now we’d have to wait till morning.Just as we set our packs down, it started to rain and, almost immediately, the rain became a cold, drenching downpour. The temperature was near freezing so our wet hands were soon hurting from the cold. By the time we got the tent set up, our clothes were were completely soaked and neither of us had a dry spot on us. Wet to the bone, cold and shivering, we ducked into the tent and collapsed on the tent floor. In this downpour, there was no way that we were going to be able to start a fire, to warm up and dry out. That’s when we discovered that, in our frenzy to get the tent set up, mom’s sleeping roll came up missing. I ducked outside and did a quick look-around but it must have been washed down the hillside. Now there was only mine and it was the only thing we had that was remotely dry.In a shivering voice, mom said “Turn around for a minute, honey. I’m going to strip these wet clothes off and get into the sleeping bag to try and warm up.” I swiveled around and listened as she undressed and plopped her wet clothes in a pile in the corner of the tent. Any other time, I’d haveloved sneaking a peek at her naked body but, as I stood there freezing my balls off, I didn’t even think about turning to look. As soon as she was undressed, she crawled into the down-filled sleeping bag and told me to do the same.She could tell I was a little reluctant and said, “Come on. Get those wet clothes off and get in here. You’re going to get pneumonia. I’ll close my eyes. Hurry!”As I stripped down to my underwear it dawned on me that I was about to get into a one person sleeping bag with my naked mother. I wasn’t sure if it was the cold that was making me shake or the thought of getting next to her naked body. I looked down and saw her staring up at me, “Hurry up and take those wet shorts off, too! The only way we’re going to survive this night is with edirne escort our body heat.” I knew that she was right. We were both experienced enough to know how to survive and, at this altitude, I knew that the temperature would drop into the teens, or lower, by midnight. I quickly slid my wet shorts off and tossed them on the pile with our other clothes. She unzipped the bag and in the little light that was available, I saw her full tits, with their hard nipples staring back at me. She slid over as much as she could but the bag was built for only one person. As I slid into the bag, I had my back to her because the last thing I wanted was to have her feel my dick rubbing down the entire length of her body but the problem was that there was no way we could fit, this way.”Hold on a second.” she said, as she flipped over onto her side, facing away from me. “There. Now get in next to me, facing me.” It really was the only way we would fit together in the sleeping bag . I still had a hard time getting into the bag and literally had to grab hold of her to pull myself down into it. Just as I’d feared, my dick was pressing into her upper back! I wasn’t hard (thank God) because I was way too cold. She didn’t say anything as I moved further down into the bag with my dick and balls dragging against her back the whole time. As my dick reached her butt I got quite a surprise. I’d assumed that she’d kept her panties on. I was wrong. My cold wet dick was sliding down the crack of her ass. After zipping the bag up, I pulled back to get my cock out of her ass crack and it dropped between us. She giggled, some…. to try to lighten the mood, I guess.”I’m sorry mom” I said softly. I was finally all the way in the bag but now my cock was pressed against the soft, firm left cheek of my mother’s ass.”Don’t be silly. It’s my own fault that my sleeping roll got washed away and who cares if we don’t have clothes on. You don’t have anything that I haven’t seen before. Right?” She was still shivering badly.”I guess you’re right.” I said. I ran my hand up and down her arm and shoulder trying to warm her up. She reached around, grabbed my hand and pulled it across her chest. My heart skipped a beat as she placed it right between her tits. She said, “Hold me tight against you. It’s the only way we’ll get warm.” So I did. (Gladly)I began rubbing my hand all over her cold chest. I tried to not be too obvious about it, but every now and then I’d cup her entire breast in my hand. I was running my hand all over her, from her neck down to her lower belly and back up. I was still pressed tightly against the full length of her body, as we lay there spooned against each other. After about 20 minutes, she finally stopped shivering so much but told me to keep holding her. I was still running my hand up and down her front and I noticed that every time my hand passed over her tits, her nipples were still hard as rocks. Several times she twitched, as my spread fingers rippled over them. A couple of times, my hand accidentally (truly) went a little too low on her belly and made contact with her pubic hair. I was still chilly but I was starting to have the time of my life. That is, until something started to stir down below.I stopped rubbing her and froze. My dick was getting hard! “Oh my God!” I thought. She’s going to freak out. My dick was swelling and getting harder by the second. A few seconds later, it was pushing firmly against her ass cheek, which was still wet but warmer, now. Even though it wasn’t yet five in the afternoon, I was hoping that she was asleep and wouldn’t notice that I’d developed a hard on. With no room to move away from her, it was trapped between us. She shifted a little and said, “Sorry, honey, but there isn’t any more room.”I was so freaked out, at this point. She was awake and could feel my hard-on! I knew that this was going to be a long night. “It’s ok mom” I nervously said, “I’m gonna try to go to sleep”. “Good idea, honey.” she said as she patted my hand, which was now resting right below her tits. One of them was actually lying over my fingers. She shifted a little and my now stiff dick slid up and over her ass cheek, ending up in the crack of her ass, again, but this time it wasn’t soft or cold. That actually felt more comfortable but it also made me get even harder. There was no place for me to go. I couldn’t back away from her and I couldn’t turn over. I was stuck there with my full hard on gradually pressing deeper between the warm, soft cheeks of my mother’s ass.After five minutes of torture, I guess she could tell I was having a hard time going to sleep. I felt her reach back and pat my hip. “Honey, you know that’s completely normal, right?” My eyes about popped out of my skull, like a cartoon character. “Yeah mom, but this is a little embarrassing!” I blurted out. She laughed and said, “Don’t be silly. You’re a guy! It just happens.” There was a brief silence and then she asked, “Would it be more comfortable if it wasn’t pinned between us?”I thought about that for a second and had no idea what she had in mind so I said, “Maybe.” She moved up in the bag, slightly, and, as best as she could, she spread her thighs open and arched her back. That pushed her ass back against me and, at the same time, made it slide up toward the head of my trapped hard on. Before I knew what was going on, the head had slid down far enough to drop below her ass crack but, now that it had more room, it went straight out from my body and jutted right between her opened thighs…. right at her cunt!! She lowered her leg over it and said, “There. Is that better?”I didn’t answer but it was fucking fantastic!! Now I don’t have a small dick by any means. At the time, it was a little over nine and a half inches and fairly thick. And right then, all nine and a half inches was longer and thicker than it had ever been!! It was firmly nestled between my mother’s warm wet thighs and was actually in direct contact with her warm, hairy pussy. I could feel her cunt hairs touching and tickling my cockhead. This was more comfortable escort edirne but it was feeling way too damned good for me to be able to ignore where it was.Another five minutes passed and my breathing kept getting faster. I started rubbing her stomach and up her chest to her neck. On the way back down I deliberately flicked my fingers over her nipples and shifted my hips a little, pressing my dick deeper between her thighs. I could tell that the head was sticking out past the front of her cunt and was beginning to seep a lot of pre-cum.Another minute passed and then my mother said something I’ll never forget. “Honey, if you need to release yourself, go ahead. I think it’s the only way we’ll get any sleep tonight. I don’t mind. I know it happens.”I about blew my load right there. “MOM!!” I said, “There’s no way! I’m sorry this happened but it will go away.” I knew I was lying to myself and so did she.”Look, you’re your father’s son. I know him and I know you. Neither of us will sleep with you in this condition so just do it. I don’t mind.” Besides, we’re going to need all of our energy tomorrow.” She ran her hand up and down my hip and pressed her ass into me.I knew she was right. Tomorrow was going to be an exhausting day, especially if this rain freezes. And there’s no way I’m going to be doing any sleeping with this huge hard-on. Reluctantly, I said, “OK mom, if you’re sure you don’t care. … but I’m going to need therapy after this weekend.”She laughed out loud and said, “No, I don’t care…. seriously. Just do what you gotta do and let’s get some sleep.” She was holding onto my thigh and applying pressure to pull me toward her.That was all the convincing I needed and I started grinding against her…. slowly sliding my dick back and forth between her wet thighs with my balls pressing against the back of them, each time I pushed back forward. My hand was applying more pressure, as I slid it across her stomach and back up to her tits. To my surprise, she tried to help by slowly grinding her ass back to meet my forward thrusts. By now my precum was flowing freely so, in no time, my dick and her thighs were slick with it’s wetness. My fingers flicked over her nipples again and I heard her gasp. I got brave and took her tit fully in my hand and then started taking longer strokes…. pumping a little faster and harder.That’s when fate came knocking.I guess it was inevitable, but I didn’t really expect what happened. With the pumping back and forth and my dick and her thighs getting more slippery, my dick slid up and did a full length slide between the lips of her very wet pussy! She gasped and her whole body shuddered. I stopped moving. My hand froze on her tit. Nothing was said for a few seconds. By the amount of heat that was coming from her pussy, I could tell she was really turned on. It was very hot and she was very wet. “Honey, please don’t stop. I know you were almost finished. Just finish and let’s sleep. It’s ok, I promise.”I started again and immediately realized that I was now sliding my meat back and forth between the hot slippery lips of my mother’s cunt. After three or four ******, she was squeezing them tight and moving with me!! Her warm, soaking wet pussy was secreting loads of her slippery cock lubricating juice! She began making ‘fuck me’ sounds and I was soon picking up the intoxicating scent of her sex…. and it was driving me nuts. I pinched her nipple softly and heard her moan a little. The rock hard head of my dick was sliding over her clit and cunt opening, ending up sticking out 3 inches past the front of her cunt on my in strokes and I could feel the cap catch on her swollen clit, as it slid back over it. It was making her quiver and secrete even more pussy juice. Her movements were matching mine and becoming more forceful. She was arching her back, to push her clit down so it would make better contact with the head of my cock. I could feel the cum boiling in my balls and I fought to keep from cumming. This was too good and I needed to get control of myself. Otherwise, I knew I was going to cum too fast and it’d be over.Then mom said something that hit me like a ton of bricks.”Honey stop for a second.” I did. “If you release like your father does there’s going to be a lot of your stuff, right?”I panted my answer, “Yeah, I suppose so.” I just knew she was having second thoughts. “Do you want me to stop?” I asked.”Oh no, please don’t stop now. But I do have one thing to ask of you and it might sound very selfish of me.” she said.OK, now I’m curious. “What is it mom? I’ll do anything you want.””Well, I’d rather not have to sleep in a puddle of your stuff tonight so, if it’s ok with you, as long as you’re going to… um release your stuff… would you do it inside me? I know it’s a horrible thing to ask but put yourself in my position.” She was trying to sound matter-of-fact and as if she was making a reasonable request but I knew better. She wanted me to fuck her!I almost blacked out. Right now, there was nothing in the world I’d love more than to sink my cock into her and fuck her bowlegged. Though she’d made it sound like a reasonable request, she’d really told me that she wanted me to fuck her and cum inside of her pussy! I’m not much of an actor but I tried to make it sound like I seemed a little distressed and unsure of doing it. After a proper hesitation, I said, “Um, sure mom. If you want me to, I guess so. I guess I wouldn’t want to sleep in it either.”She replied, “Thank you sweetie. Now let’s get this over with”. She wiggled her ass to signal me to get going… and I did but the pause in action had given me a little time to strengthen my control over my cum reflex. Now I was in a state of complete a****l lust and mentally drooling with anticipation. I had her tit in my hand, pinching her nipple hard between my fingers. I felt her arch her back and lift her ass, which was her way of saying, ‘Here you go, Big Boy. Put it in me’. I shifted my position until the tip of my cunt juice slippery cock was aimed directly at her opening.She pushed down just as I pushed to edirne escort bayan go into her and my cock slid in like a hot knife sinking into warm butter. Though mom didn’t know it, I’d already had more than my share of sex, so I was really surprised. I couldn’t believe how tight her cunt was. She moaned. I moaned. I laid there for about 30 seconds, not moving… savoring the feeling while strengthening my resolve to make this last for as long as possible.Even as I lay there, not moving, I could feel her cunt muscles milking my dick. She was squeezing me to get all the pleasure she could and I knew she was about to get a whole lot more than she expected. I was going to cum in her, all right, but I was going to make the most of it, before I did, because this might never happen again.After holding back for a few more seconds, I pulled back and thrust in hard. She gasped, “Oh my God!!” as I went balls deep into her. My dick had bottomed out inside of her! I gave a little extra forward thrust and then started fucking her deep and hard. My balls were slapping against her thighs as I drove my cock up into her tight, juicy, cock strangling cunt. I was fucking her like a wild a****l, grunting and groaning as I continued thrusting my cock up into her. I quickly realized that she was fucking me back almost as hard. Though she was trying to muffle them, I could hear her grunts and moans of pleasure. I was trying my best to not cum but she was fucking me so good that I knew that it wouldn’t be very long before I did it anyway.Mom was fucking me back, hard, now, and actually said to me, during her heavy breathing, “Come on honey. Cum inside momma. Let it out. Oh, yes baby. Fuck me. Fuck my baby’s big cock in my pussy.”I was so far gone that I didn’t even realize what I was saying, when I said, “Yeah, Mom. I’ll fuck it into you, alright. Then I’m going to pump a nice hot load of cum deep in your pussy. I hope you took your pill today.”Though I didn’t know it, at the time, my last remark suddenly brought my mom back to a reality that she’d overlooked. She instantly realized that she had been off her birth control pills for 5 years… ever since my dad had a vasectomy. Her pussy tightened up even more as she panicked and said, “Oh God, honey, I forgot about that. Pull out. Don’t do it inside me.”Just as the words were leaving her mouth the first massive spurt of cum exploded from my cock and into her pussy. I cried out, “Oh mom! It’s too late! My cum’s already in you! I’m cumming!!” My balls were erupting their full contents into my mother’s cunt as I squirted blast after hot blast of my gooey cum into her. She was sobbing for me to stop but I was beyond hearing, now, as I pretended to not hear her. Instead, I rammed it deeper and held it there, pumping wad after wad of sperm-rich cum deep inside of my mother’s cunt. I held her tightly and I pumped the last five or six squirts right into her cervix. I released her nipple and felt her start trying to pull off of my dick but it was still deep inside of her and I was holding onto her….. preventing her escape. When I was finished cumming, I’d shot every last drop of my cum into her sopping wet, cum filled cunt. As I began to loosen my grip on her, she moved to get her cunt off of my already softening cock. I didn’t see why she was in any hurry to get it out, now, because she had to know that I’d already pumped the full load into her.As she pulled forward and away from me, my dick flopped out of her, making a soft, wet splat against her ass cheek. I caressed her shoulder and tenderly kissed the back of her neck. She patted my hand but didn’t say anything. After a few seconds and in a still breathless voice, she spoke, “I’m sorry. I forgot that I stopped taking the pill. . . . . But I’m being silly. What are the chances of me getting pregnant?”, she giggled nervously. I kissed her shoulder and neck as the head of my softening dick rested just below her cum filled cunt.I heard her pussy making gurgling noises as some of my goo gurgled out of her. She quickly put her hand down there and apologized for the noises. Now she was embarrassed and I almost laughed. I’d instinctively known that she wanted me to fuck her and I’d given her a good hard one but now she knew that she stood a 50/50 chance of being pregnant with her son’s baby. She was wiping herself with her fingers as she said, “Wow, it really is a good thing I let you do that in me. Look at how much came out! Imagine how much must still be inside me!”Her ass cheeks tightened up and her body quivered, as she thrilled at the thought of knowing that her cunt was now filled with a massive load of her son’s cum. She lifted her hand and she had a handful of my creamy goodness on her fingers. I thought I’d die when I heard her start licking and sucking on them. “Mmmm” she moaned softly. When she was finished licking them, she giggled and said, “Mmmm, Good stuff”. “Now, let’s get some sleep, OK?””Sounds good to me, mom.” I lied, as I wrapped my hand over her firm tit and began slowly caressing its nipple. I was planting soft, wet kisses on the back of her neck and holding her body close to mine. I lay there in pure ecstasy, remembering how good my cock had felt while I was fucking it in and out of my mother’s tight, juicy cunt. Even though she’d said, “Pull out. Don’t do it inside me.”, I’d felt her pussy clamp down on my cock and she’d continued milking my cum into herself. She’d been holding her ass back against me and pushing her pussy down on my cum spewing cock throughout my entire orgasm into her, except for the last couple of squirts that had been deposited inside of her, anyway, before I released her.Now she let out a soft sigh, leaned her head back into my neck kisses and her body relaxed… kind of melting into mine. Her nipple was still hard and I was tracing my finger tip around it, teasing it to stay that way. I continued softly kissing up and down the back of her neck and running my tongue over her skin….. her body quivering with pleasure.If she hadn’t known it before, I’m sure she was now absolutely certain that her son had been no virgin. She knew that she’d just been fucked, hard and deep, with a cock that knew what it was doing and where to touch her.remaining story you can continue on so don’t forget to visit these website

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