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Brett Burgess was lying in bed with only a blanket protecting his modesty from the stares of the three women and now they were asking him to pull off the cover. He was in bed with his knees up under the blanket with his boxer shorts around his ankles. He was wearing only his college t-shirt and his socks.

Moments before he had been getting himself off alone in his room. Then the women had entered. First had come his mother. Her prim and proper image belied by the knowing smile she gave to Brett. Followed closely behind her came Dr Stevenson, Brett’s childhood doctor. A tall woman in her early forties with red hair and a stern professional face. The third woman was his mother’s neighbour and close friend Mrs Atwood. She was slightly younger than his mother and wore her hair neatly tied up behind her head. She had always been something of a second mother to Brett and gave him a reassuring pat on the leg through the blanket.

‘Brett dear’ his mother had said. ‘I don’t want you to be uncomfortable. I don’t want you to do anything that you don’t want us to do to. Do you understand sweetie?’

Brett nodded. Dr Stevenson was sitting on his left and she held his knee. Mrs Atwood sat on his right and held his thigh through the blanket. His mother stood at the bottom of the bed between his legs. She was smiling sweetly.

‘Brett, I am going to pull the blanket up is that okay?’ Brett’s head swarmed. His first thought was one of complete embarrassment He realised the view he would give them when the blanket was lifted. He would be completely exposed. They would have an unrestricted view between his legs and the way he was lying back with his knees up meant that everything would be on display. He was ashamed that he had been masturbating and the shock of three woman entering his room meant that now he was becoming flaccid.

A few weeks ago Brett Burgess and his mother had been brought closer together through a couple of intimate encounters. In the time following Brett had fantasised about her holding his genitals once more and bringing him to orgasm over her face. He obsessed about her once more holding his penis and his testicles. He imagined her well manicured fingers around him, her painted finger nails and her petite face, prim and caring with his warm cum rolling down her cheeks and onto her lips. He dreamt about her naughty smile and the mischievous way she looked at him naked, as if it was the most natural thing in the world for a mother to admire her son’s bare body. She was his mother but also a hot blooded woman who was aroused by her intelligent and athletic son’s nude form. She looked at him with a sense of entitlement, a sense of lust, but also a sense of the illicit, that was exciting to them both because it came from their genuine friendship and the mutual understanding and trust between them. Brett found himself reliving that moment in the bathroom over and over again under the covers in his bed. Sometimes he left his door unlocked. He fantasised that his mother would walk in on him. That she would catch him in the act and come in to finish him off. In his fantasy she would be bringing in fresh laundry and be surprised to find him in bed in the daytime. She would be more surprised still when she realised what he was doing. She would then smile and sit on the bed and help him out. Now on this day she actually had walked into his room while he was busy and she had brought her two friends in with her.

Dr Stevenson was dressed smartly in a light blouse and well pressed trousers. Brett thought how strange it was to see her out of her usual white lab coat. His mother and her were close friends and organised bake sales and charity events together. Brett went to her countless times as a kid for various bumps and scrapes. She had always been professional and supportive. But he suddenly remembered that on one of the last few times he had seen her just before leaving for college it had been slightly awkward. She had given him a check up as she had countless times before. But something had made him curiously aware that he was now an adult male and she was a female doctor and that at least part of her would be curious on some level to see how he had developed into a man. He remembered on that day that she had kept rubbing his arms and to Brett it felt like she was trying to feel his biceps. She told him what a handsome young man he had become and then she had asked him to remove his trousers and told him to cough. He hadn’t thought much about it since then but now she was sitting next him in his bed waiting for the blanket to be lifted off.

Mrs Atwood was a softly spoken woman who had recently been divorced. She was skinnier than his mother and had a smaller bust. Brett had sometimes seen her out running and she wore slim yoga pants. Brett had often thought that she had a shapely bottom. He could hardly believe that she was now sat right next him.

It had only been moments before that Brett had been overtaken by images of his mother. Sometimes he replayed Kurna Escort the memory from the bathroom exactly as it had happened. Other times he would embellish. He would make her do extreme things. He would imagine that she was capable of perversity that surely no suburban housewife was capable of. He dreamt of her taking hold of him again with her mouth. Her small neat lips struggling to take him all in. He fantasised about pushing himself all the way into her mouth and down her throat. She would be on her knees in her smart and modest dress. Her hair tied back neatly behind her head and she would be looking up sweetly and mischievously into his face.

On this day he was imagining something truly quite depraved and was near the point of climax when the soft knock came on his bedroom door. He had stopped. A momentary sense of guilt had overcome him. He felt like he was betraying her. She was this kind and caring mother. She was a respected woman in the community. A churchgoer and admired by all their neighbours. She trusted him and shared her hopes and fears with him. And now in his mind unthinkable sexual acts were taking place.

‘Brett honey’

He had heard her call.

There wasn’t enough time for him to get out of bed, to get decent.

‘Are you decent dear?’ she had asked. She asked it in a sweet and natural way. But there was also something else about her voice. Something different. What was it? Brett had no way of knowing that there were two other women with his mother

‘Just a second mum…’ he said. But it was too late. The door was already opening. Brett had realised that this would be the first time in his life, not counting the very recent event this summer, that she had caught him masturbating. When Brett had lived at home before his mother had always been very discreet and proper. He guessed that there had probably been occasions when she might have been aware what he was getting up to, but if there was, she never gave any indication that she knew. It was always politely ignored.

Brett lay frozen in his bed as his mother’s well groomed head had appeared from behind the door. She wore her hair at shoulder length. It was dark brown and well kept. She was wearing a modest blouse with a high neckline and a small pendant was tied around her neck. She wore stern librarian that sat at the edge of her small nose.

‘Having a little rest dear?’ she had said eventually.

Brett nodded.

‘Brett,’ his mother had said, ‘I don’t know if you remember, but a few of the girls have come over this afternoon for the Tupperware party.’ Brett’s mind raced. He suddenly recalled that she had told him about this earlier in the week. He had forgot. He had been so engrossed in his fantasising that he hadn’t even heard the women arrive at the house.

‘Would you have some time to help us out a bit?’

She smiled sweetly. At this stage Brett had no idea that Dr Stevenson and Mrs Atwood were also standing outside his room.

‘I know you are very busy with your thesis and what with all that running, dear, so I understand if you don’t have the time to help us out’

‘Er…’ Brett managed to mumble. She had then come into the room followed by her two friends. Brett now found himself sat between the two women with his mother standing between his legs.

‘I am going to lift the blanket up’ his mother said. She kept his eyes fixed on his and began to pull up the blanket. Brett felt the fresh air come in over his legs. All three women were looking at his crotch. Brett stared at his mother. A part of him began to feel exhilarated again that she was going to look at him. He felt so nervous that he could feel his legs shaking. His breathing had become shallow and he saw Dr Stevenson once or twice look at his expression from the corner of her eye.

Just as his mother had started to clear the blanket she paused.

‘Brett, before we go any further there is something we should tell you’. Brett already felt himself becoming erect and he desperately wanted them to see him now. He felt an irrational need overcome him. He wanted to show these women all of himself. He wanted to let them see him at his most intimate.

‘You are probably wondering why I have brought my friends in here today’ she continued with a coy smile. ‘Well, I mean, I want them to take a look at you. I want them to enjoy what we enjoyed the other day. Do you remember that sweetie?’

Brett nodded and then said: ‘You told them? I thought that, well I thought that would be something we would keep between us…’

‘Oh I am sorry dear. But it is nothing to be ashamed about. As Dr Stevenson and Mrs Atwood will tell you it happens a lot more than you might realise. A lot of sons are nude around their mothers and I can tell you mothers like to see their sons’ penises.’ Brett noticed how she said this with almost no irony. Both her friends were equally serious. ‘Mothers are very curious to see, and only we don’t want to make Kurna Escort Bayan things awkward with our sons. We don’t want them to feel like we are invading their privacy. But you have to know that it is fairly innocent fun for a mother to see her son in the nude. Even with an erection.’

The other two women nodded their agreement.

‘Maybe I got a bit carried away a few days ago honey. But it is nothing a mother hasn’t done for her son before. I felt it was quite an honour actually.’

‘That is right, Brett’ Dr Stevenson said. ‘You will not believe the amount of sons, and mothers as well actually, that I speak to about this. Often young men come in for a check up and for one reason or the other they share with me their fantasies about revealing themselves to their mothers. Young men like yourself often get aroused being naked in front of me. I think it gives them some sort of release. It gives them an indication of what it might be like being without clothes with a woman their mother’s age. I always reassure them that there is absolutely nothing wrong with intimacy of this kind. It is healthy actually’.

His mother and Mrs Atwood nodded in agreement.

‘And well I can tell you many women come in and tell me exactly the same things about their sons. The feelings of guilt that they have in being curious about seeing their little boys, now grown, in the nude. I always encourage them to initiate situations where their sons might feel comfortable exposing themselves. In fact I encouraged your mother.’ She looked at Brett’s mother as if to confirm that this was true.

‘I think where many women hold back is that they secretly want to see their son’s erection also. It is a matter of pride, as much as genuine female curiosity in the male anatomy. When your mother told me that you let her not only watch you climax, but bring you to climax, I thought that was extremely mature of you both. Between all of us in this room Brett, the world would be a lot less of a fucked up place if mothers and sons were no longer forced to feel ashamed and embarrassed by what is after all one of the most natural, and healthiest acts.’

Brett listened unable to believe what he was hearing. He was getting extremely turned on by Dr Stevenson especially because he now realised that her behaviour during his last checkup was what he had suspected. She was gently caressing his leg.

‘Brett’ began Mrs Atwood. ‘As you know I have been divorced for a while now. My three boys have moved out. We were talking downstairs and I confess, all this is a bit new to me. I had often wanted to see my sons, and I mean there were the occasional times of them getting out of the bath and so forth, but nothing like this. I never got to see them erect. I regret this. I can’t tell you how much. I confessed this to your mother earlier. I told her how long it has been since I have seen a penis. Anyway we got to talking and she suggested that you wouldn’t mind if I was to join Dr Stevenson in coming up here.’

Brett nodded. He was bewildered. He couldn’t believe that his neighbour Mrs Atwood had really come into his bedroom while he had been masturbating and that she wanted to see his penis. He couldn’t believe that she really had a need to see him naked. He felt his penis twitch with excitement, and his heart was beating uncontrollably in his chest.

‘So what do you think?’ his mother said at length. ‘Can I lift the blanket?’

‘Yes.’ Brett almost shouted.

His mother lifted the blanket. She lifted it from the bottom and folded it over his bent knees so that it formed a tent. They could look at him but he couldn’t see past his knees. He watched their expressions as they took in the sight of his genitals. He immediately felt himself begin to stiffen. His mother was the first to look up and smiled approvingly crinkling her nose. Dr Stevenson looked up next and made a small pouting gesture with her lips as if to say she liked what she was saying. Mrs Atwood was blushing. She didn’t look away at first and then eventually cleared her throat.

‘My, my Brett’ she said. ‘I have raised three sons, so I have seen it all before as I told you’. She paused for a second finding the words. ‘Believe me I have seen all sorts of things you can imagine. But I never saw them erect and I am particularly impressed with what I am seeing now.’

She rubbed his leg again before pausing and looking at his mother.

‘May I?’ she asked. Brett’s mother nodded. He saw her take her hand off his knee and move it down behind the blankets. Brett sat there motionless, unsure what was going to happen. The three women all had similar expressions smiling down at him. Then he felt Mrs Atwood’s fingers upon him. With one finger she gently stroked his penis. He flinched. Mrs Atwood blushed some more. Dr Stevenson gripped his leg more firmly.

‘Lie still Brett’ she said.

‘Remember honey,’ his mother said. ‘At any point if we go too far you must say. But you must Escort Kurna also stay still. Mummy and her friends want to have a bit of fun.’

Brett felt another of Mrs Atwood’s fingers on his penis. For a few seconds she kept them there and applied a small amount of pressure. Then she picked him up gently. Like she was lifting something delicate. She lifted him fully up and then with the a firmer little push sent his penis falling onto his leg. All three women smiled. His mother gave him a gleeful little wink as he became stiffer.

He felt Mrs Atwood touching his balls now. She ran her fingers over each one in turn and then taking them in her hands she lifted his ball sack up and as she had done with his penis she let it fall back with a jerk to his body.

Brett saw Dr Stevenson looking for something in her bag. She then produced an iPhone. Brett saw her switch on the camera. She was going to take a video. Brett looked up at his mother in concern.

‘Is it ok if Dr Stevenson takes a little video?’ his mother asked. ‘She won’t include your face. Just your bits’ she said almost jokingly.

Brett was unsure what to say but eventually nodded his consent.

He felt Mrs Atwood take hold of his testicles again. But this time she pulled them up off his scrotum. Then the women pulled his legs even further apart so that he was now fully revealed to them. He saw Dr Stevenson pass the iPhone over to his mother who brought the phone right down. He felt one of their fingers press against his anus and begin to apply pressure. All three women giggled.

Suddenly there was another hand on his penis. It felt different. It was more assertive somehow and she began to stroke him. He became fully erect and he felt a finger rubbing his penis head. The finger on his anus began to push into him at the same time that one of the women began to squeeze his balls. He gave a small whimper.

‘Too hard honey?’ his mother looked up.

He shook his head. The squeezing became even harder. He could barely breath.

It seemed to go on and on. It was unbearable and ecstatic at the same time and then just when he felt like he could go on no longer it all stopped.

The women all sat up. He could see the iPhone was still recording. Dr Stevenson and Mrs Atwood stood up and went behind his mother. Brett was desperate for them to continue.

‘Please don’t stop’ he uttered. ‘Don’t stop’.

His mother disappeared behind the blanket again and he felt her warm mouth take him in. Mrs Atwood’s eyes were wide open in awe. Dr Stevenson looked giddy. Brett couldn’t bare it and ripped the blanket away. He wanted to see. He wanted to watch his mother’s kind and caring face, and her small mouth wrapped around him. She looked up and deep into his eyes when the blanket was removed. She took most of his penis into her mouth and began to suck him off with a rhythmic motion. Slowly she reached up under him and with almost no build up she shoved her thumb into his arsehole. Brett cried out. The thumb went in deeper and the sensation became deep and pleasurable. His vision narrowed in on his mother and he could only see her now. His penis filled her entire mouth. Her head went up and down her small lips sucking hard. Brett began rocking his hips with her trying to thrust himself deeper into her mouth. Slowly millimeter by millimeter he felt himself going into her. Her eyes began to widen and he could see tear drops forming on the edge of her eyes with the effort.

He felt her thumb begin to come out of him. He didn’t want it to stop. He was thrusting quickly with his hips now but he still wasn’t all the way in her mouth. He began to slow down and timed one last push upwards as her head came down he reached across with his hands, and cupping her head, he pushed himself all the way into her. He felt his penis head slide into her throat. It was ecstasy. He felt possessed. He felt like he must orgasm now. But then as quickly as he slipped in he felt his mother taking her mouth off him. She was choking a little. Her small warm mouth left him.

She wiped her lips with the back of her hand clearing her throat.

‘Wow honey,’ she said. Her face looked so happy. Brett had seldom seen her looked so pleased. ‘I don’t think I have ever felt a man like that. Your mother is very’ she winked at him ‘very excited. But you must now give these other ladies a turn’ she said turning to her friends.

Brett had almost forgotten they were there.

Mrs Atwood took him in her mouth and she was much gentler than his mouth had been. Brett felt himself begin to get more control. He looked up at his mother who was now filming. She blew him a little kiss. She looked truly in awe of him. Mrs Atwood licked his whole shaft and tried to take his balls in her mouth. It was sensational.

But Brett couldn’t believe it when Dr Stevenson took his penis head in her mouth while Mrs Atwood was still busy. He then felt what he thought was Mrs Atwood’s finger going for his anus again. But it was warm and wet and he realised she had brought her mouth to his arsehole.

Brett gripped the bedsheets. He was going to lose control. He felt himself beginning to cum.

‘Cum for mama’ his mother said. ‘Like you did last time honey. Show mama’s friends what you can do.’

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