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Clair Taylor is a successful real estate agent after only twenty-two years of selling homes and paying the dues to an unforgiving profession that requires so much time and effort to make the sale; she has managed to find the stability that she always searched for, but not at a cheap price. Her marriage to Ken had been rocky throughout the years.

The lack of attention and intimacy played a big part. When the choice of her marriage or her career came up, she let Ken know that real estate was her life. Now at the age of thirty-eight (with a body that did not reflect that age and as many put it a body of a Hollywood star) the long hours of work had paid off. And though at a high price, to her it did not matter as long as she was the top sales person. To keep the focus on her career she put her daughter in a private school for girls, the best that money could buy. It was a prestigious boarding school, so Clair would not have to see her daughter for months at time almost which gave her more time to spend at work.

Megan, at the age of seventeen and in the last year of studies in this exclusive all girl school, was becoming more uncontrollable in school and drastic measures needed to be taken. Megan thought that if she continued to always be in trouble they would eventually expel her. The truth was that the exclusive school had a reputation of turning out perfect students and was known for not giving up on troublesome students. The incident that broke the camel’s back was a confrontation Megan had with a teacher. Now the schools director knew it was time to summon

Megan’s mother and take extreme measures. Miss Dayton, the school’s director, called Clair at the office and explained the trouble they were having with her daughter. After the long explanation, Clair replied that the reason that her daughter was in that school was that they should deal with all problems. She also remembered giving the written permission needed for the school to do what ever it felt necessary. Miss Dayton replied, “That’s why I request you to be present at the conference tomorrow, we are going to work with both of you to solve the problem. Because you are as much of the of the problem as she is. The conference will begin at eight in the morning; be prompt or you will regret being late.”

The telephone clicked and Clair thought to herself, ‘how dare that woman speak to me in that manner! As if she were some child!’ The money she paid

the school made her deserving of some respect. She was going to show this school director just who was in charge. The next morning Clair purposely took her time in the shower. The warm water always relaxed her as she shaved her legs and pussy. This always excited her as she felt the bare skin between her legs. When she would groom herself this way, most of the time it would take her a very long time in the shower. This was due to the multiple orgasms that she would experience touching her self. The last man that she was in bed with had been Ken; although many men had wanted to fuck her. Even some of her female clients had made propositions to her. Clair was always frightened of catching some type of disease.

She stepped out of the shower feeling complete and decided to wear her dark blue power suit with the short skirt. That particular shade accented the tone of her fair skin, the skirt ended just above the knees and showed off her shapely legs. As she put on dark-colored panty hose she got one long last feel, as she rolled the hosiery up her well shaped legs. Next, she put on the white buttoned blouse and skirt with heels. Seeing herself in the mirror, she admired herself and she felt more excited seeing her beautiful reflection. Those shoes always made the difference they were the highest heeled shoes she owned. It made her feel powerful, seeing herself in this suit.

Any time she had worn it, she always felt so aggressive and strong. She left the house at eight in the morning and with the heavy traffic by the time she arrived at the school it was well past nine. She was over an hour late for the conference. In her mind, she could picture herself tearing into this so-called school director and showing her a thing or two. It had been a habit of hers to rehearse the tactics that she would use in her mind. She even thought of some of the responses that the director might reply with and came up with some answers. All this was to stay in advantage of her opponent and this time was no different.

As she entered the school building, she couldn’t help to notice that most of the teachers were older women. As she walk into the school office she was really revved up and ready to tear into anyone who got in her way. She approached the woman sitting behind the desk and in a demanding tone told her that she was here to see the schools director. The woman spoke into the intercom and announced that someone was here to see her, and the reply was, “Yes, that must be Mrs. Taylor. I have been expecting her for over an hour.” The woman pointed to the door behind her and as Clair started to walk to the door, she was met by the schools director.

Clair started to sound antalya escort like an old gattling gun rattling off all that she had rehearsed in her mind. The sound of the heavy wooden door slamming shut with a force that shook the walls inside the office made Clair stop rattling off what she was saying. Miss Dayton spoke with a smooth but firm tone saying, “Mrs. Taylor, you have come onto my school property and have been rude to my staff. You come into my office disrespecting me. As late as you have arrived thinking, you must think that this school is here to serve you at your leisure. Let me inform you how wrong you are. If you would have been on time you have been informed to as how we decided to deal with your daughter. As for you, now I can see why Megan acts the way she does.

At this time I am going to deal with the root of the problem. Yes, Mrs. Taylor; you, too, will participate to the same extent that your daughter is disciplined.” Clair just stood motionless and could not believe what this woman was telling her. Miss Dayton walked behind her desk and picked up some papers and handed them to Clair. She looked at them and recognized that they were the papers she had signed when she enrolled her daughter. She looked up at the director and replied “So?”. Miss Dayton told her that the papers were legal and that they state if at any time the lack of cooperation of the parents that the school had the right to seek a legal resolution. Due to the actions of her daughter, they could both wind up in a costly legal battle.

This procedure also assured them that her daughter would not be accepted in any other school or college. Miss Dayton continued, “That would be shame that after all the money you have paid for your daughter’s education so far. Include also the money you will have to pay to end the contract. Think about this carefully, Miss Taylor. Is the risk really worth it? You are not the first to be in this position and I am sure you won’t be the last.”

Clair was defeated. She looked down to the floor agreed to submit to the discipline. Miss Taylor said, “First things first. Now, Megan has received fifteen swats of the coaches board on her ass and you will submit to the same. Now. Mrs. Taylor, please remove your hosiery and any underwear beneath your skirt.” Clair was stunned and asked if it was really necessary. The reply came for her to obey or get out. Slowly, Clair removed her shoes and reached under the skirt to roll down her panty hose. Next, she removed her panties.

As she held them in her hand, Miss Dayton asked for them and Clair obediently handed them to her. Miss Dayton then asked her to put her shoes back on as she needed to go to the coaches office. As they walked out of the office, Clair felt so naked walking around with out underwear and hosiery. Meanwhile, Miss Dayton held the underwear in her hand and anyone could see the pantyhose dangling from her other hand. Once in the locker room, Clair was told to sit on a wooden bench outside of the coaches office while Miss Dayton went inside to talk to the coach. Clair sat on the low wooden bench and crossed her naked legs nervously. Miss Dayton was inside for what seemed like hours. Eventually, she came out and told Clair to wait to be called in. Some girls were approaching and they started to giggle as they walked by. ( They knew that anyone sitting there was going to get it from the coach.) Suddenly there was a voice from the office, “Mrs. Taylor, please come in.”

As she stood up she could not stop thinking of how it was going to feel being paddled. Her ass tingled, the feeling must have been a combination of the hard wooden bench and the thought of the punishment she was going to receive. Once inside she noticed that the girls coach was a very young woman, about twenty-two and young enough to be her daughter. Clair though this to herself. This added to the humiliation she felt but stood silently in front of the desk the young woman was seated behind.

She began to speak, “Well, Mrs. Taylor, let me cut all the formalities and get to the issue at hand. You know very well why you have been sent to my office, bare-assed underneath that skirt of yours. Earlier your daughter was standing were you are. Also like you naked underneath her skirt. Just like her, you will learn why we apply the paddle to the bare ass and why we do not allow any underwear after the punishment.”

As she stood up and began to walk around the desk she went to a cabinet and opened the drawer pulling a large thick sorority paddle with holes all over its business end. As Clair saw what she was holding in her hand, Clair’s mind started to panic but her proud nature was not going to show fear or shed a tear. The coach started to speak, “Now, please bend over the desk, Mrs. Taylor.”

Obediently, Clair stretched herself across the desk grasping the far end with both hands. “Now, remain in that position until I give you permission to get up or I will have to add more licks to what you will receive, do you understand?” Clair staring at the wall in front of her nodded, ‘yes’. “Well then let’s begin.” The young woman antalya rus escort placed the paddled on the desk next to Clair and then reached down to grasp the hem of Clair’s skirt and worked it past the fullness of her ass.

As Clair felt the skirt being lifted, the cool air gave her ass cheeks goosebumps but that feeling would come to an end once the paddle would do its business. The young woman paddled Clair’s white ass cheeks softly with the paddle, it was large enough to cover both ass cheeks at the same time. Suddenly a loud popping noise resounded through the small office. The loud cracks continued to repeat until finally the burning sensation Clair had started to feel became more intense and painful. She grit her teeth as the young woman paused and said, “Half way through. Do you have anything to say before we apply the remaining swats?” Clair could only shake her head because of the fear that if she would open her mouth the only sound that would come out would be crying sobs. The young woman continued but now at a much slower pace and applying each swat with much more force than before.

Clair never imagined that such pain but due to her fear, did not dare move. Now that the swats were more spaced out; she could here some girls outside of the door. The idea that they might come in and see a grown woman being spanked on her bare ass was too much for her. Suddenly there was a knock on the door, the young woman stopped and told Clair that she had the last two to go before they were finished and not to move. She laid the paddle on the desk next to her as she went to answer the door. Clair’s mind went into a panic thinking that if the person at door was to come in and see her naked red ass they would know she was being paddled.

Clair could see out of the corner of her eye that it was a young student and the door was opened wide enough to allow the student to see her exposed red ass lying across the desk. After a brief exchange of words, the door was shut. The young woman picked up the paddle again and explained to Clair that last two swats are going on her upper thighs so she would feel it every time she sat down. And she was right, the next one landed on the upper thigh at the point were Clair’s ass cheek started. The last one landed just below it and the pain was now becoming unbearable. It was finally over and Clair now was trying with all her might not to cry although some of the tears had already escaped her eyes. The coach gave her permission to stand up and compose herself. The young woman instructed her to go back to Miss Dayton’s office for further instructions. As Clair walked out of the office, she noticed the young student and an adult woman sitting on the wooden bench. Clair could not help but notice that the woman was not wearing panty hose either. As she walked away, she thought to herself, “Was this woman striped bare underneath like herself?”

When she entered the main office again, this time in a polite tone; she asked the same receptionist that she needed to see Miss Dayton. The woman behind the desk, in a firm and loud tone replied; “You just received a paddling from the girl’s coach?” Clair’s face showed embarrassment and in a soft whisper; replied “Yes.” “Mrs. Taylor, please speak up, I could not hear you.” Again, Clair, with tears starting to form in her eyes, answered; “Yes, I am the one who got disciplined by the coach.”

The woman then told her that she should sit down on the student benches, as she pointed to a bench just like the one outside of the coach’s office. She wished that she would not have used such a loud tone of voice, it seemed that when she said that some of the people in the office had looked over at them. As she sat on the bench, she felt great discomfort when the weight of her body forced her burning ass onto the hard wooden bench. As she sat there, the throbbing of the ass and upper thighs felt more intense. The benches were low that the angle of her legs exposed her thighs underneath. It felt like the time would not hurry, as she fidgeted trying to reposition herself into a more comfortable position. She could not distract her mind of the stinging of her bare ass on the hard wooden bench.

It had been some time that she had been sitting there when the coach that had paddled her ass came into the office. Clair could not stop staring at her and she noticed more about her than before. Now in the well lit office, the dark tan made her look very attractive. As the coach talked to the womanbehind the desk Clair started to notice what beautiful and firm legs she had, and wondered how much more nicer they would look dressed up. Although, the baggy gym-shorts took away from the possibilities of such enormous beauty. She started to feel a long lost tingle between her legs, something she had not felt in many years. In her mind she asked herself, ‘why did the excitement exist for such a young woman?’

As a student would fall in love with a teacher, she started to fall in love with her disciplinarian, that was one of her reasons. She continued to think of the possibility of the coach antalya ucuz escort getting excited at seeing her bare ass presented for a paddling. Still in a daydream, she continued to ponder the thought of the beauty of the young woman and what a beautiful body she was concealing beneath the loose clothing she wore. The repeated calls from Miss.

Dayton brought her back to reality. Clair reacted, “Yes, ma’am.” Miss Dayton asked her to come into her office to discuss the final stage of the punishment. As Clair stood up, she thought how much better it felt to have her burning ass off that wooden bench. As she walked into the office she wanted to reach back and rub her sore ass cheeks but did not want to give anyone in the office the pleasure of knowing that her ass was still stinging. Now, as she approached Miss Dayton’s desk; she was more subdued. Miss Dayton began to speak and complementing her that this time it was more pleasant the way she entered the office. She continued speaking and started to explain that the punishment for only for being late and disrespectful. Both you and your daughter paid the price, next session will be with both of you together and that will cover the penalties for now. If you do not want to repeat these sessions you should strongly talk to your little girl, is that understood? Clair was still in a trance mostly thinking how badly she wanted to rub her sore ass. When the question was asked the second time Clair replied immediately, “Yes ma’am.” Then as the woman continued to speak ,telling her that Monday at eleven in the morning was going to be the final phase of the session and strongly recommended that she not be late if she did not want to double the consequences.

As Clair left the office and walked to her car she could not stop feeling the desire to rub her burning ass. When as she sat on the warm seat it burned even worse making the drive home uncomfortable. She started the car and headed for home. Once at home she just cried and headed to the bathroom to inspect the damage. She removed the suit and then the skirt leaving her naked from the waist down. The image in the mirror now reflected a different woman than this morning. The sight of her ass even frightened her more, both ass cheeks and upper thighs were cherry red, she continued to think to herself, trying to not think of the pain, that it looked worse than it was. She got some of her skin cream to sooth the burning and to avoid any permanent damage to her skin. As she rubbed the cool cream on her ass she began to break down and cry like a child. She was confused in her thoughts about the recent events this morning and about her not being able to understand her feelings for the woman who had caused all the humiliation and physical pain.

The next day she arrived at her office early, and as she sat behind the desk that day where many times she had felt so powerful and secure; she reflected that now those feelings were no longer there. The actions of the day before made her feel so insecure now, but the thoughts of the woman that made her submit to the discipline some how excited her and could not clear her mind of it. About a little after ten in the morning she thought to call the school and talk to the coach. She planned out what she would say to try to get to know that person better and fulfill the curiosity of this attraction that she had for her. Suddenly her hands were working faster than her mind and she picked up the phone and started to dial the school s number. When the voice at the other end answered, Clair’s mind froze for a moment. Then, as if she woke from a dream; she asked for the girls coach.

The receptionist then replied, “Oh, you must want to speak to Jackie Paz,” and put her on hold. The time spent on hold was short but Clair’s mouth was dry and her hands, cold and clammy. The voice returned informing that she was not available and if she would leave her name and number the Miss. Paz would return the call before the day was finished. Clair gave the several numbers were she could contacted at and hung up the phone. For the next couple of hours Clair could not concentrate on her work, anytime the phone would ring she would feel her heart skip a beat. Almost at the end of the day, the phone rang and Clair answered. The voice on the end said that she was Jackie Paz.

Clair was frozen in her thoughts and as Jackie repeated her self Clair reacted and a soft but stuttering voice replied, “This is Mrs. Taylor. I just called to, to, ( suddenly her mind went racing for words ) to see if we could meet to discuss some issues that I think that, that I would to discuss with you.” Jackie explained that if they are going to meet it would have to be after Monday which the last discipline session that she would have to attend. She continued telling Clair that the reason for this was to not show personal involvement during the penalty phase she was going through. If their date was in some way a reason for Clair to try to get the coach to lessen the discipline, well she just wanted Clair to understand it was not the first time a parent has done this. Clair replied explaining that it was not her intention to change what she had coming and also acknowledge that it was deserved but agreed to meet with her after the session. The date was set for the next day after the dreaded discipline session. They both agreed to meet at a local restaurant and the conversation ended.

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