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Author’s note: This is a series of erotic stories about a recent period in my life where I found possibly the perfect situation for a man in my circumstances. So what are my circumstances? In brief, I’m a divorced man in my 40s retired from a career as an international pilot, recently moved back to Australia from Dubai, and settling into a comfortable life. I’m in good shape at 190cm, 84kgs and a good swimmer, sailor and cyclist. I’m well read, like classical and rock and roll, and enjoy both dramas and comedies on the screen. The more interesting circumstances will emerge from the stories. I hope you enjoy them.

One of my neighbors is Di, (short for Diane) a nice-looking woman in her thirties whose husband, Mark, is a Fly In Fly Out (FIFO) worker in the mines in the northwest of Australia. He is away for 10-day shifts and then home for 8 days. But when Mark is ‘home’ he is often away with his mates fishing or on trips to sporting events. She is the classic neglected wife. But just how neglected I was soon to learn.

Both Di and her husband seemed to be a bit isolated from the neighbourhood, rarely out in their yard, interacting with neighbours. The few times I have seen her husband, we exchanged a few polite words, but certainly didn’t hit it off. Di seems friendly but hesitant to talk for long as her husband often interrupted our chats asking her to come do something. It seemed to me he was a bit controlling so I was resigned to staying out of the way – until one evening.

About 6:00 on a warm November evening, there was a knock at my front door. I opened it to see Di in a rather anxious state.

‘Hi Rick, I’m really sorry to bother you but my oven has stopped working and Mark is away and I can’t reach him. I’m in the middle of baking a lasagne and would like to get the oven working. I don’t want to call an electrician and pay a call-out fee as Mark gets mad when I spend money on something that he could fix. Do you think you could have a look at it for me.’

‘Hi Di. Of course, I’d be glad to. Let me grab a couple of tools.’

‘Oh, thanks. I really appreciate it.’

I went to get my toolbox, and followed Di around our front yards to her front door. As I walked with her I noticed that she was wearing some nice shorts and a halter top — clothes she didn’t wear when Mark was around. These clothes showed off her nice arse and relatively large breasts for a woman her height and build. She had a nice sway to her hips I hadn’t seen before and a lovely perfume wafted from her. I realized she was quite an attractive woman. Her blonde hair hung down to her shoulders and she had very deep blue eyes. Her body was in good shape with a very light tan. I’d guess her breasts were 36C, she had a slim waist and judging from what I could see, a very pert arse. I wondered why I hadn’t noticed how sexy she was.

When we got to her kitchen, I had a look at the oven and sure enough it wouldn’t heat up.

‘Di, the oven light isn’t coming on so I don’t think it’s getting any power. Can you please try turning on a light?’

‘Sure’, she said. The light in the kitchen went on so I knew the house had power.

When I asked her where the electrical box was, Di wasn’t sure. But as in many Australian houses, it was by the front door. I checked out the RCDs and sure enough one had tripped. I reset it, and it stayed on.

I tried the oven again, and sure enough the light came on, the elements started to heat up.

‘Well, Di, I think that should do it. Sometimes these RCDs trip due to a power surge. It all seems fine now, but if it trips again don’t hesitate to call me.’

“Oh Rick, that’s great! You don’t know how thankful I am. You have saved me from a tongue lashing from Mark for sure. How can I repay you?’

‘No worries, Di. This is what neighbours do for each other.’

‘Well, would you like something to drink? Mark always has some beer in the fridge We could have a short chat while the lasagne cooks.’

‘Di, that would very nice. We could get know each other better and this seems a good opportunity.’

As Di bent down to get my beer from the fridge, her shorts rode up her arse cheeks and into her arse crack in a very sexy way. Holding up a beer and bottle of wine she got from the fridge, she explained,

‘Mark, doesn’t like me drinking when he is away, but I sometimes keep a bottle of white wine in the fridge to help wile away the evenings. I think this is a good time to open this one. I’ve also got some nuts here somewhere.’

Di reached up to a high cupboard which again lifted her shorts up her delicious backside. I could feel the beginning of my cock hardening, as we moved to an outside table in their backyard, and settled down to our drinks and nibbles.

‘Rick, cheers to you for fixing my oven’, Di smiled and lifted her glass to clink my bottle.

We had a lovely chat about backgrounds and found we had a number of things in common. We both liked swimming, and like me Di had been a competitive swimmer in her teens. We Çankaya Rus Escort also both liked Bob Dylan, Midnight Oil and some classical music.

As I finished my beer, Di got up to take out the lasagne and offered me another beer.

‘I should probably head home,’ I said, ‘and let you get on with your dinner’.

‘Rick, we’re having a great chat, how about just one more beer? I’d really enjoy the company! In fact, would you like to stay for dinner? There’s plenty of lasagne and I’m planning on making a garden salad. It’s the least I can do for you getting me out of tight spot. You don’t know how severe Mark can be when I do something wrong.’

‘Di, I don’t want to put you out but the lasagne smells delicious and is making me hungry. I don’t have anything planned for dinner so sharing yours would be lovely, thanks. How about I take my tools home and get us a nice bottle of red to go with the lasagne? I have a nice Shiraz from the Barossa Valley, which I think you would like.’

‘I’d be really glad to have your company, and I find you very easy to talk with.’ Di replied. ‘I don’t usually drink more than a couple of glasses of wine but your red sounds great. If you get the wine, I’ll make the salad.’

I returned with my bottle to find Di had set the table, put out two wine glasses and was busy finishing off the salad. I opened the wine, and enjoyed the view of her moving around the kitchen bending down several times showing off her lovely arse, and causing more commotion in my pants. Perhaps because of the wine or maybe she was just feeling more comfortable, she stopped pulling her shorts back down to cover her arse when she stood up and seemed oblivious to the effect she was having on me. She set out the salad and the bread, and brought our plates to the table, leaning over the table and showing that she wasn’t wearing a bra under her halter top. As she sat down opposite me, I filled our glasses and offered a toast to a new friendship.

It was a delicious lasagne, and we enjoyed the food, the wine and the conversation. We seemed to hit it off and there were no awkward silences, just lots of stories of our past and laughter about things we had done when we were young.

I helped clear away the dishes and stacked them in the dishwasher as Di put away the leftovers. I filled our glasses again and suggested we move inside, as I had noticed Di’s nipples had hardened from the cold during dinner.

‘Why isn’t a handsome man who is handy with his hands, helps in the kitchen and knows a good wine like you married,’ she asked, as she sat next to me on the couch.

‘Well, I was married for about 10 years, but it didn’t work out’

‘Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to pry into your private life.’

‘That’s OK, we got divorced over a year ago and I’m really happy to be out of the relationship. I don’t mind talking about it so no need to be sorry. To be honest I do miss the company of woman, so it’s great to be here with you enjoying a lovely meal, a nice wine and a friendly chat.’

‘If you don’t mind me asking, why did your marriage not work out.’ asked Di guardedly.

‘It’s a bit of story, but if you are interested I’m happy to tell.’

I’d really like to hear, if you don’t mind.’

‘Well, we had a great marriage for about 8 years. We met in Sydney because we were working for the same airline. Carmen was born in Spain and was your classic Spanish beauty, long black hair, shining dark eyes, fantastic figure, and a very sexy Spanish accent. She spoke three languages and had done a lot of traveling. We were both smitten at first sight, and ended up in bed on our first date, where she took my breath away. I hadn’t slept with a woman who was so into sex, she was very vocal in telling me what she liked and wanted, she was open to anything and I hadn’t experienced a woman who was so loud when she orgasmed. And she was insatiable, she just wanted to keep going until I couldn’t keep it up anymore. We seemed to really hit it off and she was great fun.’

‘Both being involved in international airlines, me as a pilot and Carmen as a stewardess, we traveled to many of the great tourist spots in the world, Rome, Paris, London, Moscow, Hong Kong. Just about every place you can think of. We also skied in the Swiss Alps, sailed down the Croatia coast and hiked in Scotland. Carmen loved to travel and is a good athlete. We enjoyed our jobs, made good money and loved doing things together.’

‘We also had a great sex life, and Carmen was very adventuresome in bed. I guess many years ago before people realized that women can have a sex drive as high as men, they might have called her a nymphomaniac. Carmen had a really high sex drive. She wanted to make love pretty much all the time and anywhere we could, so we had some real adventures.’

I stopped to take a sip of wine and noticed that Di was watching me very intently, and her nipples had hardened again.

‘We made love in lots Keçiören Rus Escort of unusual places, like in a first-class cabin at about 35,000ft, on a beach in Croatia, in a change room in Harrods in London, and in the showers at several airline lounges in different cities. Carmon even had me masturbate her during a service in a cathedral. I felt I was in heaven with her.’

I noticed Di was blushing at my description of my previous sex life.

‘I hope I’m not embarrassing you, Di?

‘No,’ she responded quietly, ‘well, maybe a little. But it sounds like an ideal life and she sounds like a dream wife.’

‘It was for several years until I found she was cheating on me. We had a great life before that, and a really good sex life, or so I thought, but it turned out she had a stream of lovers she would hop in bed with whenever I was away flying. Apparently, I wasn’t enough for her so she went looking and found plenty of willing partners.’

I could see a strange look come over Di’s face, not so much sympathy but more empathy, like she knew what I was feeling.

Putting her hand on my arm, which was resting on my thigh, she said quietly, ‘I’m really sorry, it must have hurt a lot’

‘It did, and when I confronted her she said she wanted an open marriage, which I think meant she could screw anyone she liked. Well, that wasn’t my idea of a good relationship. So, I asked for a divorce and she said yes, with very little hesitation.’

Di had now started absent-mindedly started stroking my arm and her fingers were also caressing my thigh. She watching my face very intently and her eyes seemed to be a bit teary.

‘That was a year ago,’ I continued, ‘I moved back to Australia a few months ago and bought into this neighbourhood with my payout. I’m happy here but I find at times I really miss Carmen, especially sharing my bed with her. I miss the company of a woman and it’s been a while since I’ve made love to a woman. But it is great to spend the evening with you. So that’s my story. How about you? How did you and Mark get together and end up here?’

Di’s face was flushed and her upper chest had reddened slightly. Her nipples were really sticking out and she seemed to be squirming a little on the couch. She continued to stroke my arm and thigh and had turned to face me on the couch, with her legs folded up – slightly touching my thigh. As I reached to pick up my wine glass, I could see that her shorts had ridden up so they no longer fully covered her crotch. The edge of her panties was now visible as was a slight hint of blonde pubic hair. My cock was now fighting with my shorts to find a path to straighten. I adjusted my position on the couch and my cock straightened down the same leg that Di was stroking, although her hand wasn’t high enough on my leg to feel it. I’m wasn’t sure whether she noticed my erection or not, but I felt much more comfortable.

‘Rick, my life is nowhere as exciting as yours but if you are interested, I grew up in a strict Catholic family. My parents were both heavily involved in the church and I was sent to a Catholic girls’ school for all my schooling. I wasn’t great at school but did OK. My Dad didn’t think I needed to go to university but instead should either get a job or become a nun. Well, I wasn’t interested in spending my life as a nun, so I went to secretarial college and then got a job with a mining company. This is where I met Mark and we started to date. He’s quite handsome and seemed to know what he wanted in life, and that included showing a lot of interest in me. At the time I was quite flattered by this, but looking back, I think he was a bit wild and this excited me.’

Di stopped to take another drink of her wine, which I think was loosening her up quite a lot. I added, “Not sure, if you know of the label ‘Good Catholic girl’? It means a girl who is a good Catholic while in school or at home doing what she is told and stays a virgin, but craves to be wilder and is really excited by what she has been missing. This sounds a bit like you, Di.’

‘Rick, I hadn’t heard that description but it fits me pretty well. Mark, was very affectionate and we had a good time together. He is also a Catholic and got very friendly with my Dad. When Mark asked me to marry him, I was really flattered and he even went and asked my Dad, which was really outdated but my Dad thought it was the proper thing to do. And we got married. I’m bit embarrassed to say that I had told Mark that we couldn’t have sex until we were married. Although he tried to convince me to have sex with him since we were going to be married anyway, and we did lots of kissing and he played with my breasts and down below, I was a virgin on my wedding night. Mark got quite drunk at our wedding and my first time wasn’t very pleasant as he was very pushy and then fell asleep soon after. I thought this was what all women went through and was sure it would improve because I thought we were very Etimesgut Rus Escort much in love.’

‘But it turned out that Mark isn’t all that interested in sex, at least not with me. We do it the night he gets home from his shift but then he is either away with his mates or isn’t interested. I’ve been brought up to not be pushy and don’t feel comfortable taking the lead when we have sex so usually it was just quick sex until Mark is finished and then we go to sleep. Well, Mark does anyway. It often takes me some time to fall asleep and some time I cry myself to sleep because this isn’t what I expected marriage to be like.’

Di stopped to empty her wine glass, and I filled it up again. I was keen for her to keep talking as I think she needed to tell someone what her life was like.

‘Even though we are both Catholic, Mark insisted I go on the pill, so we wouldn’t have an unplanned pregnancy. But there was little chance of that as we had sex so seldom it would have been a miracle for me to fall pregnant.’

‘Mark also become increasingly controlling of my life even when he was away. He wouldn’t let me have my own bank account since all our income is from his job. He also gives me a weekly allowance, and insists I keep all the receipts so he can see what I was spending. I have only one credit card which is in joint names so Mark can track my expenditure. When my Dad gave a gift of some money, Mark put it in our one account, and said we are saving it for when we have kids. Rick, I don’t think I want to have kids with Mark.’

Di burst into tears when she said that, and I put my arms around her and let her cry on my shoulder.

‘Oh, Rick!’ Di cried, ‘I’m so unhappy in my marriage but my family and Mark are dead set against divorce so I really feel trapped. This isn’t what I thought marriage would be like, I miss having close friends, and my sex life isn’t at all satisfying.’

She looked up with a tear-stained face but a real hunger in eyes and pulled my head down to lock her lips onto mine with a passionate kiss that took me by surprise, although a very pleasant one. She held the kiss for a long time and then pulled away.

‘Oh, I shouldn’t have done that!’, she cried out. ‘But I couldn’t help myself. I am so turned on and feel so safe being in your arms.’

I looked closely into her eyes and saw the passion she was feeling and lent down to return her kiss, this time teasing her lips with my tongue until she accepted it into her mouth and returned it with her own tongue. I could feel her body trembling as I stroked her bare skin between her halter top and her shorts, running my fingers down her spine and just under the waistband of her shorts.

‘Oh, that feels so sexy’, she purred as I pulled her head onto my shoulder, and caressed her neck with my lips. Feeling a shiver run down her back, I nibbled her ear and teased it with my tongue.

‘Oh, Rick, that feels fantastic’

I moved my hand down to her leg and caressed her thigh below her shorts. With each caress, I moved my hand higher up her thigh and slowly under her shorts. Di moved her legs slightly apart, opening a space for me to stoke the inside of both her thighs. Not one to turn down an opportunity, I continued to stroke her thighs edging underneath her shorts, while continuing to tease her neck and ear. Di’s breathing was getting deeper and her skin was starting to glow and slightly perspire. I kissed her again passionately and explored her mouth with my tongue. She was clearly getting very aroused. And she wasn’t alone. I’m sure she could feel my hard cock pressing up against her leg.

Taking my cue from her reactions, I stood up and pulled her to her feet.

‘Di, I’m not sure we should continue with this, we might regret where it leads.’

‘Oh Rick, I don’t want to stop, it’s been a long time since I have been so turned on.’

Di moved closer and reached out to stroke my hard cock through my shorts,

‘And I don’t think I’m the only one who is turned on. I really want to see where this leads. But I think we can find a more comfortable place to continue this,’ as she took my hand and led me up a flight of stairs into a master bedroom. Di turned to face me and pushed her body hard against me, rubbing her vulva sexily on my cock.

‘Rick, I love the way you touch me and the way your kisses excite me. Will you please make love to me?’

I don’t know many men who can turn down an offer like this one. Certainly I can’t, or didn’t want to. I kissed Di, running my hands down her back to her arse. I held her hips against mine so I could grind my hard cock against her vulva, and squeeze her arse cheeks. She slipped her tongue between my lips and kissed me deeply.

We continued to play with each other until finally I put my hands up under the front of her halter top and fondled her breasts. Di moaned deeply and pushed her breasts into my hands, so I pulled her top over her head and dropped it on the floor. Her breasts were as beautiful as I had imagined, full and standing up firmly. Her nipples were beautifully pink surrounded by large dark areole. I lowered my head to lick each nipple while I massaged her breasts with both hands. As licked one nipple, I tweaked the other, making her nipples grow hard like cherries. She moaned each time I licked her nipple and squealed each time I took it in my teeth and give it a sharp nip.

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