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I had known Mr. and Mrs. Roundtree since I was a youngster. They were the “young couple” on our residential block. He was tall and lithe and lovely, and they were both quite friendly.

As I grew older, I would mow their lawn and be a guest in their home from time to time. And, of course, at a certain age I gazed fondly at Mrs. Roundtree’s figure. She had long legs, lovely flowing auburn hair and freckles. Her waist was trimmer than any other wife in the neighborhood, and her breasts seemed to want to burst from her blouse.

My youthful fantasies could hardly have been fulfilled any better. Once I stole her bra from the clothes line in her back yard and wrapped it around my cock, pretending my dick was nestled between her breasts. My mother found it and forced me to return it to Mrs. Roundtree, and that had to be the humiliation of my young life. But Mrs. Roundtree was gracious and only smiled, but she clearly knew that I was curious and willing to take a risk.

As I aged through college years and into my 30s, Mrs. Roundtree also grew older but she never lost her looks and her appeal. Her husband also aged and gained weight and seemed less and less like a mate for her. But that happens in a lot of marriages where wives age and still look striking while their men let themselves go.

Almost every time I was home, I would see them and speak and they would ask about my life and career. Mrs. Roundtree took quite an interest in my doings, and that only added to my longstanding lust toward her. Not a few times did I dream of her as I toyed with my cock and squeezed out streams of cum.

When I was in my late 30s, I was visiting my old home neighborhood and learned that Mrs. Roundtree had been in a car accident and was in the hospital. By then she must have been in her early 60s. My parents told me that they thought she was okay, and I decided to pay her a visit in the hospital.

The desk clerk gave me her room number, and nurses on her floor told me that she was fine and just being held for observation. Changes were that she would be released the next day. I was relieved to hear that, and I strolled down to her door.

The door was partially closed. I knocked softly, then pushed the door open and stepped into her room. There she was, asleep and resting gently it appeared. Her head was slightly propped up, and she wore a hospital gown with a sheet tossed over her legs. I approached quietly.

She was resting so quietly, that I decided to take a chair and just wait a while with her. I watched as her chest rose and fell with each breath. Even without makeup Mrs. Roundtree was the picture of loveliness. Age had treated her well. In fact, if anything, she had grown more attractive to me.

I stood and stepped over to her bedside. She was sound asleep, but I thought at any moment she might wake and open her eyes. Her gown was snapped in front, and the first few snaps where undone, I suppose where the medical staff needed access to listen to her heart beating. But for whatever reason, those few unsnapped inches revealed the swell of her breast, and I could imagine that it would not take much to reveal more to my view.

Should bahçeşehir escort I try? Would I ever have another chance like this?

I was nervous, so I moved to the other side of her bed so that my back was to the door. This would block the view of an incoming nurse. I leaned down and began the process of trying to take a look at more of Mrs. Roundtree’s breast.

Ever so slowly and gently, I lifted her cotton gown and moved it aside. I stopped and watched Mrs. Roundtree’s face for signs of rousing. She just kept breathing heavily and obviously asleep. I looked over my shoulder, then returned to my nasty deed. A slight bit more movement revealed the full frontal slope of one of her breasts. My cock snaked in my trousers and began its journey down my leg.

Another quick check of the doorway and of Mrs. Roundtree’s face, then I concentrated on a full reveal. I was close to her mountain top, close to her nipple, and close to danger if she should wake.

Again, with great and slow care, I moved her gown aside and totally uncovered Mrs. Roundtree’s nipple. My cock was dripping my now. In front of me was something I had dreamed of for years, the perfect globe of Mrs. Roundtree’s tit, full and still majestic, topped by the pinkest classic nipple I’d ever seen.

I gazed at it and reached down to satisfy my itchy cock.

Should I take a picture? No, I thought. What if that woke her? I had my fun, and that was that. I should cover her, shouldn’t I? Or, should I leave her exposed and take my seat again and enjoy the view?

Guilt got the best of me, and I hastily moved he gown back over her nipple, too my chair, and sat silently like a good boy. My violation was accomplished, and I was satisfied.

Five or ten minutes passed, and my courage returned. I wanted more.

I walked into the hallway and saw no visitors or medical staff in view. Back in Mrs. Roundtree’s room I wondered if I might actually steal the ultimate view. Could I steal a view of her pussy? I was already past the point of caution.

Her long legs were only covered by a sheet below her knees. I began unsnapping the lower clasps of her hospital gown and admiring the shape of her legs, so long and so shapely. Each unsnapping brought me several inches closer to her pussy. Since she was in a hospital bed, I assumed she would not be wearing panties, and I was right.

With one more look over my shoulder to check for intruders, I unsnapped the last fastener and stared down at Mrs. Roundtree’s pussy. I was in awe. I had never seen anything like it.

The clear line of her cunt lips rose to her mons where they were pushed apart by the extended sheath of her clitoral hood, a pink triangle protrusion that rose at least a quarter of an inch out of her opening. Beyond that there was another smaller triangular fold a slight shade of darker pink, and in the center of this second fold in her pussy was the almost white tiny globe of her clit. Her pussy was a classic if ever there was one. Not a flat crease or a dull straight line, Mrs. Roundtree’s pussy was prominent. It looked eager for action.

To my surprise, her pussy beylikdüzü escort hair was wispy and blondish red, situated handsomely in a way that did not conceal the multiple folds of her 3-D pussy. Dare I touch?

As I fumbled to get my cell phone camera, just then she moaned. I panicked, drew her gown over her privates quickly and rushed back to the chair.

Just as I sat and regained my composure, Mrs. Roundtree blinked her eyes and awoke. She didn’t see me right away.

“Feeling okay?” I asked.

“Oh, my goodness, where did you come from?” Mrs. Roundtree asked me. “It’s nice to see you.”

I answered, “It’s very nice to see you, too.”

As she woke, she didn’t seem to notice or care that her gown was practically open all the way down. She shifted her body to the side in a way that caused her other bosom to be almost fully exposed to me.

“Did you hear about my accident?”

“I sure did,” I answered her, “Are you alright?”

Mrs. Roundtree took a deep breath, which caused her breast to roll a bit more into view, and told me, “It wasn’t much more than a fender bender, but they insisted that I come here for observation. So far, I’ve just had a good rest.”

I replied, “That’s probably for the best. You never know if you took a bump or strained something, so why not let the doctors check you?”

Just after I spoke, her room door opened and in came Mr. Roundtree. “Hi, dear,” he said, “are you feeling good?” She told him that she felt fine. He looked at me and said, “Hi, it’s nice of you to visit.” I thought to myself, if only he knew how nice it had been!

As Mr. Roundtree took a seat, his wife moved a bit more, and low and behold, her breast and full nipple was on display. She did not appear to notice what had happened, but I sure did. I looked over at Mr. Roundtree, and I could tell that he saw it, too.

Mrs. Roundtree began talking, explaining how she’d been treated and poked and prodded by the hospital staff, while Mr. Roundtree and I listened with my eyes locked on her exposed tit.

I was surprised that Mr. Roundtree made no move to cover his wife, so I studied her nipple while he watched, too.

Soon, a nurse came in and walked to her bedside. “What have we here?” the nurse said, as she covered the naked breast. I don’t think Mrs. Roundtree ever realized that she had been on display, but Mr. Roundtree clearly did, and he clearly didn’t mind my enjoying the view.

After assuring myself that Mrs. Roundtree was going to be fine, and hearing that she would be released the next day, I excused myself and traveled back to where I was staying and promptly engaged in some of the best wanking a fellow can have, regretting that I had no photos to remember the structure of Mrs. Roundtree’s extraordinary pussy.

The next day, I wondered if I might be able to repeat my good luck. Once again, I visited Mrs. Roundtree in her hospital room, but she was not asleep.

She was glad to see me, “Oh, how kind of you to check on me,” she said. “I’ve had lunch, and I’ll be able to leave soon.

“Is Mr. Roundtree coming to get you?” I asked.

“Yes, avcılar escort but only after his work, so I’ll be here until after 5:00 o’clock.”

As we visited, a nurse entered and brought Mrs. Roundtree’s clothes. She placed them at the foot of the bed and said, “You can get dressed whenever you like. Call us if you need assistance.”

We talked another few minutes, and then Mrs. Roundtree said, “I suppose I should try to get dressed.”

“Shall I leave the room?” I asked.

“Oh heavens no,” she said, “That won’t be necessary. I can do this without embarrassing either of us.?

Again, my cock started to wiggle and balloon in my pants.

Still in a hospital gown, snapped up properly this time, she reached forward and took a pair of white panties from her pile of clothes. Under the sheet she folded those long legs and wiggled and drew up her panties as I watched.

Next, she slipped off the hospital gown, using her sheet to conceal her private areas, then, still under her sheet, she wrestled herself into a bra. She tossed her legs over the side of the bed, with her back to me, and put her arms into a blouse. Still sitting, she tossed her pants in front of her and tried to stand.

Just then, she sat back down, “Oh, my,” said Mrs. Roundtree, “I felt a little dizzy.”

I cautioned her, “They say that being off your feet for a day or two can make you feel funny when you first try to stand again.”

“Yeah, I guess so,” she said.

“Do you need help?” I asked.

“Please, if you don’t mind,” she replied.

I didn’t need a second invitation. I walked around to face her sitting on the side of the bed in just her panties and bra with her arms in an unbuttoned blouse.

I suggested, “Let’s just try to stand,” as I took her by the arm and she slowly stood up straight. My view now was almost as good as the day before. I braced her with my hands on either side of her waist and looked down to see her white panties. “Can you stand on your own?” I asked.

I released her arm and sat on the chair facing her. She stood still for a bit, testing her balance. Straight ahead of me were those long long legs, topped by her panties. Between her legs was a clear crease covering her pussy lips, and at then a prominent spot where her generous folds and rocket-mounted clit were pushing her panties forward.

“Feel okay?” I asked.

She blinked and sat back down on the bedside, “I think so, but I do feel a little woozy.”

“Don’t rush things,” I advised. I was certainly in no rush for her to put on any more clothes.

She stood again, and as she did her blouse opened to reveal her bra cups, and I could see the pinkish location of each nipple. She reached down and adjusted her panties, pulling them taut and making her slit and protrusion even more visible. Had I not seen for myself, I would have been puzzled by the way her inner lips pushed and puffed her panties out. I stared at the spot and wanted more than anything to see it bare again.

Just then, Mr. Roundtree entered the room, and she said, “Hi, we’re just getting ready to go home.”

He looked at his wife with me sitting in front of his her and enjoying the view of her in bra and panties.

“She was dizzy,” I explained to her husband.

“Yes, I’m glad you were her to help her,” Mr. Roundtree told me. Then he added, “Maybe you can come by the house tomorrow while I’m at work to be sure she’s doing well.”

He read my mind.

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