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The cool interior of the house was a welcome relief for Billy as he stepped indoors. The intensity of the heat of mid December was stifling and BILLY was glad to be inside the air conditioned house once again. ‘Hi mum,’ he called out, really just checking to see if his mother, Jenny, was home.

When he received no reply, Billy knew that he was alone in the house and that he could make good use of the time he had at his disposal. He went straight to his parents’ bedroom and wasted no time in pulling a pair of his mother’s panties from her underwear drawer.

He had no particular fetish for women’s underwear, it was just the single minded attraction he had for his fifty year old mother. He thought his mum was pretty hot stuff, OK, she may not have the tight body of a teenaged girl, but her figure was still curvy where it counted and slim at the points where it was meant to be slim. Billy knew his mother’s underwear size was 16F on top and 18-21 below since he’d held her lacy brassieres in his trembling hands often enough, visualising how she would wobble when she moved, and wishing he could one day cup her weight in his hands.

Billy replaced the filmy panties in his mum’s drawer and slipped from her bedroom, he had other things to be getting on with on that hot afternoon and he needed to focus his mind on the task in hand, rather than fantasise about his ripe mother. He was studying photography, and it was his ambition that one day he should qualify as a photographer in his own right. He had some equipment at home and full use of the darkroom and chemicals at work so he was able to indulge his passion for photography to his hearts content.

Billy had taken innumerable exposures of outdoor scenes, mountains, the ocean, city landscapes, etc etc, but he was having enormous difficulty finding a live model to pose for him. He had managed to convince a couple of friends to pose for him, but they didn’t take it seriously and that showed through quite obviously in the contact prints that Billy produced of his works.

He had looked in the trade papers for models that advertised their services and was dismayed by their fees. That was the little problem he was mulling over that afternoon.

‘Hi, anyone home?’ Jenny called out as she burst into the house, eagerly anticipating the blessed cold of the air conditioning after the heat of the day.

‘Just me mum,’ Billy replied, walking into the kitchen where Jenny was pouring a glass of orange cordial.

‘Ah! That’s good.’ Jenny put her now empty glass down next to the kitchen sink. She turned and looked at her son. ‘How’s it with you today babe?’ she asked.

‘Er… fine,’ Billy replied, forcing himself to look straight at his mother’s pretty face. He was struggling though, since the abrupt change in temperature had caused Jenny’s large nipples to stiffen, they were plainly visible under her cotton sleeveless top in spite of the bra that covered her generous mounds.

‘I’ve had a long, hard day today sweetie,’ Jenny sighed deeply, showing the strain of the day through her knotted shoulders. ‘I think I’ll have a bath now instead of a shower,’ she continued, speaking more to herself than her son.

Billy took the opportunity that presented itself. ‘How about a massage then mum?’ he asked, trying hard to keep the hope out of his voice. He’d been giving his mother soothing massages since he’d given her a voucher for her birthday years before when he was just a kid. His intent had been to let her have time for relaxation, where he would give her massages. It was something that Jenny had never put a stop to in spite of her son’s increasing maturity. He was nearing twenty two now, and Jenny didn’t appear to think that her son massaging her was in any way inappropriate.

‘Hey, that sounds great,’ Jenny replied. ‘I’ll just take my bath first,’

Jenny padded out of the bathroom with wet feet, her footprints marking the route to her bedroom. Billy followed his mother into her room and watched as Jenny slipped her cotton robe from her shoulders. His cock thickened when Billy saw his mum’s back and bare buttocks but he couldn’t see her large breasts or pubic bush since Jenny kept her back to him on purpose.

Jenny lay face down on her bed and Billy sat next to her, reaching for the bottle of aromatherapy oils with trembling hands.

‘That’s lovely baby,’ Jenny sighed luxuriously as Billy smoothed away the tension from her shoulders. He poured more of the sweet oil onto his mother’s back, and began to knead and finger her smooth skin, taking great care around her spine because of a prolapsed disc. Billy allowed is fingers to stray down to his mother’s sides from time to time, his hands moving closer and closer to her breasts where they were squashed beneath her body.

Previously Billy had restricted his massages to his mother’s back and shoulders, but on this occasion he was very aroused, due in no small part to the fact that he’d been feeling the soft material of her panties and fantasising about how she Muratpaşa Escort would look wearing them. His prick was as stiff as iron in his shorts, the hot tide of lust making him reckless, and he allowed his fingers to creep lower and lower down Jenny’s exposed back towards the twin globes of her well padded buttocks.

‘I think that’s enough now honey,’ Jenny said as Billy kneaded her soft fleshy arse cheeks. She heaved herself up onto one elbow and looked at her son directly and Billy couldn’t help but look at her breasts as they hung heavily, swaying with her abrupt movement.

Billy flushed with embarrassment when Jenny stopped him from progressing further with the massage. His discomfort was heightened when he saw his beautiful mother looking at the tented front of his shorts where his thick hard on was pushing the material outwards.

He stood wordlessly and rushed from the room. He was confused by what had happened. Billy loved his mother dearly, as any normal son would, but he also had a deep sexual urge for her. He thought she was beautiful and desirable, he knew there were problems with his parents’ relationship and he was desperate to support his mother during her time of need, all of the childish love he felt for her somehow mixed in with the growing lust.

Some time later Jenny knocked on her son’s bedroom door. ‘Can I come in?’ she called.

‘Sure mum,’ he answered somewhat abashed. He hadn’t seen his mother since he’d fled her room, his stiff cock betraying his arousal.

Billy was examining his camera equipment when Jenny entered. ‘Can I talk to you honey?’ she asked in a quiet voice.

He had an idea of what his mother wanted to talk about and blushed a deep, hot red. ‘Er, sure… I guess,’ he replied.

‘I think I owe you an apology,’ Jenny said, confusing her son a little. Why was his mother apologising to him? He was the one who had the hard cock over his own mum. ‘The massage…’ Jenny was blushing herself now. ‘I shouldn’t have let things go so far,’ she continued gamely. ‘It’s not fair on you, I should have known what would happen but I still think of you as my little boy. I didn’t think that my body would have such an effect… I’m sorry…’ She tailed off, not knowing how to continue.

‘Please mum,’ Billy aid hoarsely, his throat constricted with emotion. ‘I didn’t mean to touch you like that… You’re so beautiful… I love you…’ He tailed off this time, not knowing how to articulate the strong feelings he had for his mother.

There was a long pause as they both looked at each other, both struggling with the intensity of the moment. ‘OK baby,’ Jenny spoke first, breaking the mood. ‘Show me some of your stuff.’

Billy and his mum spent the next few minutes looking at his photographic work. ‘You do have a talent for it,’ Jenny said sincerely after examining several dozen prints.

‘Yeah,’ Billy replied, his earlier discomfort slipping magically away as he spoke with enthusiasm about his passion. ‘I need a live model though, and they’re hard to come by, generally too expensive,’ he said, not realising how his words could be interpreted.

‘Perhaps I could model for you.’ Jenny spoke without thinking before adding, ‘Oh! Sorry darling, I shouldn’t have said that,’ when the impropriety of her words registered. She’d just broached the awkward subject of the massages and now she was virtually throwing herself at her son by offering to pose for his camera.

That would be so fucking cool, Billy thought to himself as his mother left him in his room, alone with his thoughts.

Billy fantasised about his mother’s body, picturing her big, swaying tits and his cock grew stiff immediately. He pulled his throbbing prick from his shorts and lay back on his bed. As he tugged viciously at his hard shaft Billy imagined his mother lowering her sticky pussy down over the dome of his prick, bending forwards to let her big jugs dangle onto his face. It took less than a minute of hard yanking and fevered imaginings before his hot semen gushed forcefully from the eye of his penis.

He cried out with the pleasure of his release, the thick spunk spattered across his belly and chest when he had let fly indiscriminately, not caring where it landed. When he was fully recovered from his shattering climax, Billy wiped the sticky goo from his wrist and hand, using his t shirt as a mop.

Another hour or so passed when Billy heard the sound of his mother’s raised voice coming from the lounge. He went to investigate and was just in time to hear his mother shout into the phone before she slammed the phone down hard upon its cradle.

It appeared his father was going to be late again, judging by the one sided conversation he’d overheard. This had become more and more of an occurrence just lately and merely served to fuel Billy’s concern for his mother’s well being.

‘He out again mum?’ Billy asked, following his mother into the kitchen where she was fumbling with the top of her pain relief bottle.

‘Yes,’ Muratpaşa Escort Bayan his mother replied shortly, throwing the tablets down her throat.

The tears welled in Jenny’s eyes as she struggled with her frustration and anger. Her shoulders heaved as she gave in to the sobbing that overwhelmed her. Billy stood helplessly and watched his mother’s heartbreak. He did the only thing he knew to do, and went to her, wrapping his arms around her and hugging tightly.

He sniffed his mother’s fresh scented hair as he held her in his arms, the soft sweetness of the oils he’d massaged into her supple sin earlier reached his nostrils. In spite of the fact of having ejaculated only an hour earlier, Billy’s treacherous cock thickened against the fresh jeans he’d put on.

Before he realised what he was doing, Billy was kissing the top of his mother’s head and running his hands over her voluptuous body. He kissed Jenny’s mouth when she looked up at him and was surprised when his mum responded, returning his kiss eagerly.

The lust fired through Billy’s when his tongue danced with his mother’s own snaking, wet tongue, and he ground the his stiffness against Jenny’s soft body as they kissed.

Suddenly, as though coming to her senses, Jenny pushed her son away. ‘No.’ She said firmly. ‘This is so wrong. You’re my son for God’s sake.’

Billy stood, the hurt rising in his face as he looked at his mother in confusion. He turned and ran from the kitchen, slamming his bedroom door behind him with the rage of frustration biting deep. He threw himself onto his bed and lay in the darkened room, his mind whirring with a jumble of confused thoughts all fighting for supremacy.

He had no idea of how much time had passed since the moment of madness with his mother in the kitchen, but he guessed it must have been at least half an hour, judging by is mother’s slightly slurred speech when she asked to come into his room.

‘No, go away,’ Billy answered his mother’s knock.

‘Please honey, we need to talk.’ Jenny opened the door and came in anyway, despite Billy’s obvious reluctance.

Billy rose up from his lying position as his mother’s silhouette slipped quietly into his room. She closed the door and sat on the edge of his bed, Billy could smell the scent of her once more as she settled in close to him. ‘I’m sorry baby… so sorry.’ It was only the slight slurring of the sibilant s, which betrayed his mother’s state. She must have knocked back a couple more of the pills after his hurried exit. They were intended as pain relief, but one over the edge could cause her to become drowsy and a little disorientated.

‘Yeah, me too,’ he spat back at her shadow vehemently, trying to hurt the object of his torment, to make her suffer as he was suffering.

‘Your dad, he’s such a bastard to me.’ Jenny carried on regardless. ‘He never shows me affection… hasn’t touched me in months…’ The intimate reference to her sex life disturbed Billy a little. He had no problem rationalising his own lustful longing for his mother, but he found he was strangely prudish when it came to hearing about his father and her.

Billy remained silent, not knowing where his mother was heading with this. ‘You’re so tender, so loving and warm,’ his mother placed her cool hand on his thigh in the dark. ‘My body responds when you massage me… I know it’s wrong, so terribly wrong… but when I saw your erection today…’ Her words stumbled and Jenny fell silent.

His mother’s words stunned Billy. So she did become aroused when he massaged her, just as he had earlier, her body responded to him she said. What did that mean? Did her pussy juice at his touch? He could recall the sight of her hanging breasts when she’d moved to face him on her bed, were her nipples puckered and stiff at the time? He vaguely recalled that they may well have been. She might have blocked his maturity from her mind, pretended to herself that he was still just ‘her little boy’ but all the while his touch had been awakening sexual urges within her body, urges for him, her son.

‘What do you want mum?’ Billy’s voice trembled as he spoke. Trembled with the anticipation of what may follow.

‘Love, darling,’ she said simply. ‘Love and affection; is that too much to ask?’

‘I love you mum.’ Billy whispered the words into the darkness. ‘Oh my baby,’ sighed Jenny. She kissed her son lightly on the cheek, somehow finding her target in spite of the blackness.

A moment later the tender kiss on the cheek had turned into a full embrace, and Jenny’s tongue was probing her son’s mouth as the dam holding back the waters of her passion burst. A deluge of lust flowing from it’s breached walls.

‘Mum, oh mum,’ Billy moaned as his mother’s eager fingers pulled at the waistband of his jeans.

‘Take them off darling,’ Jenny hissed, her voice full of urgency. She had seemingly regained clarity, no doubt as the adrenaline rushed around her system, combating Escort Muratpaşa the depressing effects of her drugs.

Billy struggled to his feet, pushing past Jenny in his haste to rid himself of the restrictive jeans. He blinked when his bedside light flicked on. His mother had switched he light on so she could admire her son’s naked glory, and she sighed when the soft lamp illuminated Billy’s firmly muscled body.

‘Oh my,’ she giggled in appreciation. ‘You are a fine specimen.’

Billy stood shyly, embarrassed by his mother’s words of admiration. She stood and pulled her naked son into a tight embrace, Billy could feel her spongy breasts through the material of her t shirt. They kissed again, Jenny’s fingers curling around Billy’s seemingly ever hard prick.

Billy was shocked at his mother’s touch. It felt as though a jolt of electricity had passed through his body. Was this happening? Truly; was this real? His mother was fondling the full, solid length of his manhood and it felt superb, far superior to any imaginings he’d had in the past.

Jenny stopped her caress and Billy gazed in wonder as she peeled the t shirt over her head, her breasts bouncing into view. She locked her brown eyed gaze onto her son’s eyes and slipped her thumbs into the waist band of her shorts. Billy’s breath caught in his throat as his mother pulled her shorts over her broad hips and, with a wiggle, allowed them to fall in a heap to the floor. She stepped out of her discarded shorts and pressed her fully naked body against her son’s bare skin for the first time.

‘I don’t want to fight this any more,’ she whispered. ‘I love you, and I know you love me. I’m a woman with needs and if this is wrong in the eyes of the world… well to hell with them.’ Jenny kissed her son’s tight chest muscles and hugged him close once again.

His mother’s whispered words were music to his ears and Billy felt a wave of love wash over him. This wasn’t the childish love of their past, but a fresh bloom flowering in a new garden. This was a garden of grown up love, where he could show his mother the physical affection she so obviously craved, as well as providing emotional support for her.

Jenny squatted on her haunches in front of her son. Billy’s thick cock stood arrogantly erect, totally without conscience, not caring that it was about to be lovingly licked and sucked by its owner’s mother. It had a singular mission in life, and that mission was shortly to be accomplished.

Jenny licked her son’s big, shining dome. She savoured the taste of his slick pre cum as it leaked from the eye of Billy’s excited prick.

‘Oh my God mum,’ Billy groaned. ‘That’s so good… Jesus.’

‘You like that, huh?’ Jenny grinned wickedly as she manipulated her son’s big cock with her hand. Pulling the skin back and forth as she yanked on the stiff shaft.

Jenny moved to her knees in front of Billy’s body when her thigh muscles began to scream in protest. She slurped and slobbered over her son’s cock and he groaned loudly with the pleasure she was giving him. She kept up her vigorous hand job as she paused in her sucking from time to time; she smiled with satisfaction when she saw the rapturous look of delight on Billy’s sweet face.

The first gush of his ejaculate caught Jenny by surprise, her son’s thick cock spitting his hot semen onto the roof of her mouth. She let the spunking cock spring from between her lips, gouts of Billy’s seed spattering onto her face as it sprayed wildly, completely beyond her control.

Billy groaned as his spunk clung wetly on his mother’s cheeks and chin. Stringy strands were shining in the low light as they dangled from her hair. ‘Oh my God!’ Jenny exclaimed. ‘So much cum. Baby, you are full of surprises.’ She laughed as she attempted to wipe the sticky goo from her face.

Jenny rose and then lay back on her son’s bed after she’d used her t shirt to wipe most of the goo from her face. Billy could only watch in wonder as his mother spread her thighs for him, he was shocked once again, this time at the sight of his mother’s pussy gaping red and swollen, her lust obvious as her sopping wet labia lay testimony to.

‘Lick me baby,’ Jenny said lewdly. ‘Lick my cunt.’

The sound of the obscenity coming from his mother’s mouth galvanised Billy into action. He threw himself down on the bed, and with no finesse whatsoever, buried his face into his mother’s musky vulva.

Billy tongued at his mum’s wet opening, tasting her syrupy juices for the first time. He used his fingers to part the folds of her sticky labia and then dabbed at her stiff clit with the tip of his tongue.

Jenny went berserk as her son pleasured her orally. She mouthed strings of obscenity at him as her body clawed towards its release. She had been without physical attention for weeks and every nerve ending in her body was striving towards a shattering climax.

Billy tongued, licked and fingered his mother, following every urgent command, every whispered instruction as he pushed his beautiful mum further towards her orgasm.

‘Oh, fuck…Fuck…I’m going to come.’ Jenny panted, her thighs awash with her juice as Billy continued in his efforts between them. ‘Lick my cunt. OH! You beautiful bastard… Lick my cunt baby,’ she cried as her thighs quivered and trembled, her orgasm rushing her.

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