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Bikini Babes

MY GIRLFRIEND HAS A PENIS???I met Gina at a club she was by herself at the bar and when I looked at her I was smitten I knows that sounds cliche but it was like that for me! I sat down a few seats down and ordered a drink a whiskey sour I believe it was took a few pulls to get up my courage then I offered to buy her a drink and she looked over at me with these incredible sea green eyes and actually smiled at me “Ok ” she said and ordered white wine which she sipped so sexily I asked her if I could sit beside her and she patted the seat next to her I couldn’t believe my good luck to find such a babe here and she likes me! I told her my name is Devon she said she liked my name…score… then I asked her where she was from and what she did for a living and she happily answered all my questions turns out she is a sales woman at this really chic botique at the mall and she also does hand modeling she had the most beautiful hands I had ever seen slender with long fingers I couldn’t resist and picked up her hand in mine “they really are lovely you know!” I stated then while looking into her eyes I kissed her palm and she blushed the most attractive shade of pink!We got along unbelievably well she liked a lot of the same things I did most actually and I couldn’t wait to ask her out on a date… We agreed to go out the next day it was the weekend so we were both free! I walked her back to her apartment she lived close by and it was a cool clear night the stars looked amazing so bright I told her how beautiful the stars looked how they framed her lovely face in a heavenly glow she smiled and said thank you and squeezed my hand we got to her place too soon I wanted to walk all night with her but we stopped in front of her steps leading up to the apartment I looked into her eyes and pulled her close she didn’t resist at all just slid into my arms so natural “I hate to let you go Gina!” I whispered into her perfect ear “Don’t worry Devon you’ll see me tomorrow I promise!” I lowered my face to hers and gently kissed her lips she kissed me back with enthusiasm opening her mouth and giving me her tongue WOW I practically came in my pants she was such a great kisser! We reluctantly parted and I said “I can’t wait for tomorrow!” “Me too!” she said smiling then she ran up her steps turned before going inside and blew me a kiss which I pretended to catch! I practically floated back to my car just thinking about tomorrow…I could hardly sleep that night for thinking about her and I finally fell asleep after midnight and I dreamed about those eyes looking up at me and she has the most amazing raven black hair wavy and shiny and very thick it cascades past her shoulders ending around the midddle of her back I longed to run my fingers through it! I awoke early wanting to get myself looking real good for our date today so after I showered, shaved and put on my sexiest cologne I got dressed and called her and after two rings she answered “Hello?” she breathed into the receiver “It’s me Gina! You ready?” “I’m a girl of course I’m not ready give me half an hour OK ” “If I have to!” “Don’t be too long OK I’ll be ringing your bell soon!” “See ya” she laughed into the phone! “K, Bye” I said and hung up… I cleaned out my car a little while I was waiting there’s always some crap in the back seat that needs to be chucked out! When I could wait no longer I drove to her place where she was waiting on the front steps. I parked and tried to walk over as cool as I could “Your late!” she said pretending to be angry with me but I just smiled and said “Sorry I had to drop off the other girlfriend she lives across town!” She took a swing at me I ducked it easy and pulled her into my arms then her eyes flashed as I drew her closer “Hi Gina” I breathed onto her lips “Hi Devon” she breathed onto mine as they parted to receive my kiss! After a really steamy make out I pulled back breathless and said “C’mon lets go for a ride! There’s a really sweet spot I want to show you!” “Wheres that Make Out Point?” “No thats for later” I put my arm around her but she gave me a little shot in the gut “Not happening pal!” she said “We’ll see!” I said laughing as I walked her to the car. I gallantly opened the door for her miming removing my hat and bowing “Your a nut but I like it!” She giggled. Driving away with her beside me this was going to be a great day for sure! The weather was mild for April sixty to seventy degrees nice for what I had planned I drove the car onto the interstate going south and she looked at me “No questions just let me take you there it’s my favorite spot I think you’ll really like it!” She just shrugged and dug through my cd’s till she found one she liked popped it in the cd player took off her shoes and put her pretty feet up on the dash reclined the seat a little looked over at me and smiled then closed her eyes and as we motored down that highway I kept stealing glances at her GOD she is so sweet looking even her feet are sexy and small with long perfect toes painted crimson red to match her finger’s she’s wearing these shorty short’s that are showing off her long shapely leg’s I had to remind myself to keep my eye’s on the road…we arrived at the shore about an hour later at this secluded internet casino spot that not too many people go to because you have to walk in a ways to get to it and most people have too much crap when they go to the beach to make this walk but Gina was game and we set off walking I had packed a cooler and had a beach blanket for us to picnic on later as we walked her hand slipped into mine and I led her to my spot she gasped when we got there “Devon this is incredible! We have the whole place to ourselves! How did you find it?” “Glad you like it! I found it years ago just snooping around the area I don’t tell anybody about it so it’s kind of my place!” “Our place now?” she asked sweetly I kissed her softly “Our place!” So we walked down a bit and made camp far enough away from the water just in case the tide came in.Gina grabbed my hand and barefooted we walked down to the water but the water was still too cold to walk in so we just walked along the waterline we talked about ourselves and our c***dhoods though she didn’t elaborate too much on hers just general information but that was OK I had enough stories for the both of us and soon we were far down the beach so we turned around and started back by the time we got back I was ready for a drink and so was she! I didn’t bring any alcohol just in case someone just happened by but the iced tea really hit the spot after we finished our drink talking all the while we lay back on the blanket facing each other I told her how beautiful I thought she was and how wonderful it was to be with her in my favorite spot! She smiled and caressed my face with her hand and we kissed pulling each other close our hand’s exploring each other bodies I was touching her upper thigh when suddenly she began kissing my neck then down my chest across my stomach to my waist line her hand unzipped my fly and reached inside taking my cock in her hand and squeezing it gently then she pulled it out of my pants and brought her lovely face close to the head of my penis “Gina are you sure about this?” I asked Gina just smiled and winked at me then put her lips on me OMG but she knew what she was doing my cock jumped as the blood began filling it up and as she took me in her mouth all I could do was groan let me tell you her mouth was heaven! While she was sucking me she began massaging my balls I had to hold myself back because I felt like cumming…Gina must have been a sword swallower in a previous life because she took me deep into her throat her lips were against my pubes and she began swallowing which contracted her throat grabbing my cock and I just couldn’t hold out any longer I came and came hard shooting my junk down her sweet throat she was amazing she had to be needing air soon but she gamely milked my member until it was dry! Then she let herself slide back off me until I popped out of her mouth then she turned to me with the most radiant smile I had ever seen and moved up my body till we were face to face again…”You are amazing!” I said cupping her pretty face in my hand’s “Guess you liked that huh?” she purred at me “I just had to have you hope you didn’t mind!” “You tasted real nice I didn’t want to stop!” “I noticed” I said as I pulled her close “Wish I could do something for you!” I breathed into her hair “You already have don’t you see?” “Hold me!” was all she said and I did I pulled her close and held her tight against me with the sound of the waves lapping the shore line we just stayed that way till the sun set on the horizon… I reluctantly took her home that night I didn’t want our day to end! I walked her to her door and she turned to me and threw her arms around my neck and kissed me deeply I pulled her to me again and we kissed for what seemed like hours “Gina how about dinner tomorrow?” “Pick me up tomorrow night at 7:00” “I may be early I already miss you!” She Kissed me again and went inside I made sure the door had closed before I went to my car can’t be too careful these days… I was singing to the radio on my way home thinking about where I was going to take her for dinner Hmmm that Italian place Villa Roma has great food and the service is the best thats it I made up my mind about that now to decide what to wear?….I had trouble falling asleep that night I kept seeing her face and feeling her lips on me Damn she took me by surprise today what a woman! That was a great day best I’ve had in forever I couldn’t wait for tomorrow night to come! I finally fell asleep and I dreamed about her those amazing eyes looking up at me, the clean smell of her hair those gentle hands as they caressed my face no doubt about it I was falling in love with this truly wonderful woman! I awoke with a smile still on my face… The day went fast as I had a lot to do house cleaning, laundry, shopping and all the little things that need doing I imagined doing those things with Gina and just like that I was smiling again! I began getting ready early shower, shave,polish my shoes put on my best cologne got out my coolest outfit had to impress Gina with my style you know! I showed up a half hour early because I just couldn’t wait any longer to see her. She opened the door on the first knock and flew into my arms kissing güvenilir casino me passionately “Your late!” she said laughing “Sorry I caught all the red lights!” I said laughing along with her so I swept her into my arms again and said “You ready to go have some fun?” She just nodded and hugged me tight… We got to the restaurant and we were escorted to the table that I had reserved for us special it was the best table in the house with a great view of the lake I slipped my man a twenty to get that spot and Gina was having a great time I could tell all smiles and we had time to talk about ourselves a bit she was a little vague about her c***dhood but I didn’t press hey sometimes you just don’t want to talk about some stuff!We both ordered; Gina got the fish which I recommended I got the chicken alfredo and we both dived into our ceasar salads she was so much fun to have dinner with talking and joking with each other even the waiter got into the act! We shared a dessert this chocolate mousse tart with hot fudge drizzled all over it we had fun feeding bites to each other and when the meal was finally over we walked arm in arm to my car. The drive back to her place went too fast and I didn’t want her to leave me so when we got to the top of the steps I gave her a really long kiss holding her tight and she responded molding her body to mine! When the kiss broke she looked at me smiled and said “would you like to come in for a drink?” “Absolutely! I’m real thirsty after that tart!” “You should be you ate it all!” “Did not!” “Well OK most of it!” I said laughing again She took my hand and led me inside we walked up two flights to her floor and walked down to #339 “Thats a lucky number!” I said “All the numbers are three’s or divisible by three I like that!” “Oh” she said “feeling lucky are we?” “Very!!” I said wiggling my eyebrows Groucho Marx style! She giggled ” Come on Romeo lets get that drink” “Yes M’am” I said copping a feel of her cute ass on the way through the door! She didn’t seem to mind that at all in fact I’m sure she liked it! All systems go! She made us both drinks and we made ourselves comfortable on the couch in the living room which was beautiful very tastefully decorated she showed an uncanny sense of style everywhere I looked I asked her if she had an interior decorator and she just laughed “No this is all me Devon you really like it?” “Love it!! No k**ding I’ve got to get you to help me redo my place all my taste seems to be in my mouth except for the ladies that is then I can really pick em!” “What do you mean?” she joked “I picked you!” “Potatoe Pototto lets not qibble about who found who I’m just glad we’re together I have never had this much fun with anyone before I really love being with you you know!” “I know!” she said slipping up next to me and kissing me really nice i pulled her to me and let my hands roam over her body we were both really hot for each other in no time “Why don’t we go into the bedroom Gina you can show me how you decorated in there too!” “Are you sure?” she asked me her eyes probing mine “Never been surer about anything!” I said “Ok follow me I’ll give you the grand tour…As soon as we got into the bedroom I swept her into my arms lifting her easily and she laughed putting her arms around my neck “Tour postponed?” she giggled “Yeah for now!” I said carrying her over to the bed I gently laid her down and lay next to her I began kissing her and taking off her clothes for every piece of clothing I removed from her she had to take something off me too soon we were both in our underwear I kissed her deeply and went to remove her panties “Wait Dev I have something to tell you before we continue I have to tell you my story see I wasn’t always called Gina when I was born my parents named me Giovanni I always new I was different from the other boys I never felt like a boy I was small and pretty looking and my mother adored me but my Dad could tell early on that something wasn’t right with his little boy and he was right I wasn’t who I was born as… I was a girl and my early years were very confusing as you could imagine when I got into my teens my father got a job in another state and we had to move well that was my chance to finally be who I really was I let my hair grow and took hormones to counter act the male hormones I never was very hairy to begin with so that part was easy and before I knew it I looked like the other girls of course the boys noticed me which I didn’t mind of course but I never let them get any farther than heavy petting and oral sex on my part which was ok with most guys if they suggested anything further I said I was saving myself for when I got married and that always did the trick until now that is now I want more I want to be with someone that I love and who loves me too if I need to get an operation to be with you than thats what I’ll do whatever you need from me I’ll be! My first thought was “My girlfriend has a penis???”….Not a deal breaker I can live with that!She was looking at me with those incredible eyes of hers and I was trying to keep a straight face and not smile until I told her something too… “Gina as long as we’re being honest with each other I have to come clean casino firmalari to you also! Sweetheart I’ve always been bi-sexual for as long as I can remember I felt this way I prefer the girls most of the time but there have been times when I have met a guy and we hit it off and I’ve slept with him so to be completely honest in my eyes you are the perfect woman for me the best of both worlds besides I’m already in love with you can’t you see!” Gina’s eyes opened wide “Really Dev you think I’m perfect?” “In every way Gina in every way!” I took her in my arms kissed her and whispered in her ear “There is one thing you could do for me though!” “What Baby anything!!” “Take off your panties so I can make love to you silly!” She sexily removed her panties and she looked so beautiful my breath caught in my throat “Come here you!” I said pulling her close and as I kissed her I let my hand wander down her body over her perfect breasts down her flat tummy and beyond I reached between her legs and she parted them for me I found her penis tucked up under her you wouldn’t even have known it was there until I took her in my hand and stroked her slowly Gina moaned and reached for me too I was already rock hard as this was such a turn on for me and I asked her “Do you have any lube for us “In the drawer here next to the bed but I already am lubed up I did that just in case you were cool with everything!” “You had me at hello! Gina…You had me at hello!!!” my impersonation of Renee Zellweger from that Tom Cruise movie Jerry Maguire cracked her up and I took that opportunity to get on top of her well she moved herself so I could line up with her and with her legs high up on my back I prepared to enter her all the while looking deep into her eyes she opened her mouth and stuck her tongue out real sexy like I sucked it into my mouth and as we kissed I entered her and it was as sweet as any woman I ever made love to but even better I felt her own cock up against my belly and I began rubbing it against me rolling it up and down and sliding my own cock even deeper into her Gina absolutely loved it her arms around me tightened and drew me closer I kissed the side of her neck making my way across her jaw line to her lips I felt her push against me and i wanted to make her cum so I began undulating like a worm against her rubbing her cock between us while giving her sweet little ass a work out! Her breath came faster and faster and her hands tightened their grip on my shoulders and with that she threw her head back bucking her hips and moaning calling my name saying “FUCK ME FUCK ME DEVON!” it was so incredibly hot that I came myself blasting a load deep in her ass I had an idea so I pulled out and shot the rest of my cum all over her splashing her all over her face then down her heaving breasts to finish on her stomach both our cum’s were mixed together so I got back down on top of her sliding my cock on top of hers sliding our bodies together so that we were both covered in our cum and after my eyes cleared I looked down at Gina and she had the biggest smile on her face “That was fun huh?” “I didn’t know I could cum that way that was amazing how did you know to do that?” “Just an idea and obviously a good one!” then she said “We’re going to need a shower sweetheart!” I just smiled “Later Gina we’re going to be a lot stickier before we’re done!” “Really!” she said Then I slid my hard cock back into her and she gasped “Okay lets go!” Hours later exausted we finally took that shower then we crawled back into that bed and fell asleep in each other’s arms!That was ten years ago…Six months after that night I proposed to Gina at our favorite restaurant; that Italian place where we went on our first date I got down on one knee and pulled out a two carat diamond I took her hand and asked her to marry me! Tears were streaming down her pretty face when she said yes the whole restaurant stood up and applauded us…That June we were married at our favorite spot on that beach with all our friends present she was a vision in white no bride ever looked lovelier than my Gina we said our vows and I told her no woman ever looked more beautiful than you do this moment I told her that she changed my life and made me realize true love for the first time in my life and that all the roads that I had traveled had led me to her! A single tear ran down the side of her lovely face as she said her vows to me how she knew I was the one when we met and how she had never felt so comfortable with anyone before that she could finally be herself and be loved for herself how she would love me forever! It was a magical day! It was a glorious night and all the nights thereafter have been a wonder!…Gina’s family took me in like I was there own her mother treats me like a king I swear its always a pleasure to visit them and her father even likes me we were talking one night and he said that his Gina had never been so happy before she is complete now and that I was the missing piece of her puzzleand that he would be there for us whatever we needed! It meant a lot everything he said and I do my best to take care of and to love that wonderful girl of his! She’s the most amazing wife a man could ask for and now she’s even a terrific mom we adopted a little girl named Tyla who adores Gina and who is the apple of Gina’s eye… You never know what this life is going to bring you I’m just so grateful that it brought me Gina…P.S. …Love you Gina always & forever! Devon

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