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My Hubby’s Business PartnerdeleteddeleteddeletedMy story begins about ten years ago when my husband Ritesh had started the Garment Trade. Soon he met a man named Sarath who was also in the same business, and he was senior in the field so and my husband became friends. Sarath really helped to my husband’s Company. Being the same age as myself, Sajad and Sarath had the same ideas about life and Ritesh shared ambitions. They both loved the fast pace of commerce and wanted their pots of gold to be plentiful.Then one day, my husband told me that he wants to invite Sarath to our house to share a meal together. He told me that he would not sit in drawing room but in lounge. It was so strange for me as my husband never inviting male guest in the house and he keeps me in vial. I don’t know how he dare to brought male in home. That day was the turning point of my life and the reason I have to write this story. I am bursting to tell you! To tell the whole world in fact!Maybe at this point I should tell you something about me. I had grown up in a very small town in a very conservative family so I’m a little religious woman, and like me my husband also interested in religion activities. I don’t like to meet male other than our close relatives and I never allowed people to enter my house other than blood relatives.My body is thin although at the age of 36 and after birth of three c***dren. But have got meat on right places woman should have. My breasts are full and for the most part still as perky as they had been when I was twenty-five. I’m fair skin rather than other Indian women who are dark, with a long nose and regular features though I dressed conservative simply, like most Indian women normally wore shilwar (traditional baggy trousers) Qameez (long traditional shirt) suit. I wore baggy clothes and used Dupatta (head and neck scarf), d****d around neck and chest to covered myself well. Yet my boobs and bottoms were so generous that they could not be completely hidden from view.BEST CONTENT FOR YOU TODAY37:41I dressed in my finest but a very simple way. A black traditionally qameez (long shirt) with white shilwar (baggy trouser) and a large white Dupatta (head and neck scarf), d****d around my neck and chest to cover my chest in the most decent fashionSarath was also dressed in a very simple way. White traditionally qameez (long shirt) with white shilwar (baggy trouser).My husband formally introduced me to him, as I had never met him. Sarath was tall, slim and in excellent shape with wavy black hair, fair skin, light facial hair and hypnotic black deep, large captivated and powerful eyes, Authoritative personality. He was one of the most incredible men I had ever seen in my entire life.Over the course of the meal Sarath was sitting just opposite me at the table. Sarath made polite conversation with. He lived alone, because sadly his wife died few years back leaving him with two c***dren who are away from him in boarding school. As he told us that many noble ladies hoped to catch his eye for first two years. But From the time of his wife’s death until this day, the day that he met us he had not looked at another woman. He told us that he had buried himself within his work.Time seemed to pass more quickly now. My husband and I did not take a lot of time be convinced about Sarath that he was not a wife seducer, a trouble-monger of ill repute, but a fine upstanding gentleman with extremely honest, loyal, good and jolly decent manners.He got closer and closer to our family, I felt something for him from when I first saw him, I couldn’t tell what? I didn’t know what was that sort of fondness, as I never attracted to him or other man sexually as I was always one-man woman not only in my entire life but also in my dreams. No one male impressed me in any way in my life.So I gave it name of sibling and started call him bhya (brother) and he called me Bhabi (sister-in-law). The c***dren liked him very much. During oDuring one meeting, I was watching him, I noted that Sarath didn’t wear underwear, as a long, noticeable contour in the inside leg of his shilwar revealed what had to be an eight inch cock at rest. I was getting a turn on thinking of Sarath’s masculinity and the enormous size of his manhood. My heart began thumping as I considered what he must be like with a full erection and that was because my husband’s near five inch and thin cock. Above all these he never give me the real pleasure of sex, he always left me dry and un satisfied in bed but I never give at much attention because of my natural shyness and conservative mind. For most of our sixteen-year’s married life we had treated sex with a reservation. Other than that he was a caring man and a great husband. I had never once regretted marrying.I don’t want but from that day I was found myself always thinking about Sarath and It was when I was in my bed at night; there wasn’t a night when I didn’t think about him. How I stepped into this New World. I was typical conservative Indian housewife with our set of values. I spent a lot of time thinking about him while he probably had no idea that I wanted him so badly. I love him. I had always loved him but I’ve done it in silence. I had been feeling guilty because I dream about best friend of my husband.At that time my frustrations were so painful when I met Sarath I could not look at him because I was frightened of him, frightened of myself, my feelings for him. He never bothered to pester us with uninvited intrusions to our house, although I wanted to meet him every time, every day, but not meet him. I was like a tormented c***d. I had no explanation what this man did to me; all I knew was that I was dying to make this man mine and there was no way in the world it could be possible. I could not foresee any way of achieving that.Ritesh got a huge loss in his business because of over investing when the market was dead. Before he could control, it was too late his business was beyond irretrievability. Ritesh had fought his business with everything he had. Then, just as surprising he decided to go to America to seek his fortune. In many respects, it was the best of times and, naturally, the worst of times. But the problem was that he needed to leave us behind all alone during his stay in the states.My husband Ritesh had lost his parents. Although my’ parents were available for our care. But in Indian custom, the parents or relatives of the female would not stay with their daughter and son-in-law. My husband turned to Sarath, his very good friend and adopted brother for help. I was a little uncomfortable about this situation because I was not sure how I’d keep distance from Sarath, but agreed with my husband after a little argument. My husband was fully convinced that Sarath was a thorough gentleman and not a scoundrel or opportunist at all. Thus, he asked him to take care of us in his absence. Needless to say, he willingly stepped into the breech to be a good caretaker and helper towards us in case of our need during my husband absence.He assured us that he would do his utmost to make sure that all our needs, and attention. My husband thanked him profusely for being such a good friend and benefactor and told me and the c***dren to look to Sarath for love and guardianship until he came back for us, that Sarath had promised to take care of our needs.Ritesh went to the USA but didn’t t inform us of his arrival to the states. It was so strange not to hear from him. We feared the worst. We tried to get information but couldn’t and after a month he himself informed us by telephone that he had been caught by the US immigration and has gone to be imprisoned for seven years.The incidence was a big shock for us. We had to face lot of problems, and it had paralyzed me. I sobbed in the nights, mourning for my husband and my misfortune. I moped around the house, hardly doing anything, hardly going anywhere. For the next few months, Sarath helped me with all the things that I had to do while at the same time comforting me. All I wanted that time was to have someone to hold, and Sarath was the only one who done just that.All my desire in life was brushed to one side momentarily as I took over my new role. I was more concerned about the uncertainty and insecurity of my small family. Although it was a big shock for us at the time, but time heals every things. Now Sarath was a more frequent visitor to us. Sarath held regular meetings with me and discussed the problems as well as worked out solutions in the smooth running of our home; Sarath had gained quite a reputation as a member of our family. We gradually became friends and got to know more about each other. Sarath now became my hero when he came to our aid like this. Weeks and months went by as Sarath and I got to know each other better.I would sometimes invite Sarath over for an evening meal. I was also calling him more frequently for different kinds of help like the c***dren’s school matters and financial support for my family in our day-to-day activities. Several times we traveled from one place to another together for different reasons in his car. When we where traveling together in his car, so many time he touched my belly, breasts, and bottom accidentally. Every accidental touch of any part shook me and sent series of shivers down my body. I was expecting his response after each touch but he was amazingly unresponsive. Once Sarath and I went to my c***dren school and there was a cool brisk breeze blowing. It caught the bottom edge of my qameez and lifted it. I felt that for a split second, Sarath saw the usually secret top of my shilwar, my shilwar covered hips.It was not problem both for us to stay alone in kitchen. As So many times he came and stood close by my side, not too close but close enough when ever I was making coffee or tea for him. So many times he brushed with me or brushed with him, and I was expecting his response after each touch but he was amazingly unresponsive. Self- praise is not canlı bahis recommendation but let me do it that my body was really made for a sin and even a saint would lose his self-control in close proximity to me.I meaningfully stared passionately into his lovely eyes, he also kept his eyes on me, and sometimes he smiled while looking at me but nothing more than that. Days passed us by.On different occasions Sarath approached me with small gifts for the c***dren, and me these I accepted with grate thanks. Each time he came to us he made up some business reason. He brought special gifts like chocolates for my c***dren and so on for me perfume, body lotion. I started to hug him lightly whenever he returned from a long visit away. I have to admit, that I wished so many time to let my hands linger a little to feel his body, but I never did try.Now Sarath was like a member of our family and he used to have dinner at our place often. We talked for hours and I felt so comfortable in his company. We discussed a lot of things, my family, my family problems, and my c***dren. We would sometimes sit in my house late at night alone, and talk but never anything personal. I never saw him in a romantic mood. Once on a rainy night when we were sitting in our drawing room after dinner and were raining like a hell outside, I asked him, ” When will you be remarrying, bhya (brother)? Tell me what kind of girl should I look for you?” (This is common in India that sisters search bride for their brothers)With out any hesitation he answered “Like you.” he smiled nonchalantly at smiled nonchalantly at me, I froze for a moment. So, that night I’d seen Sarath eyeing my full breasts for the first time.“Like Me? What do you mean?” I moistened my lips and asked with a nonspecific smile.He answered; “I mean pretty, attractive and beautiful like you.” I looked stunned at me for a moment, clearly embarrassed. I did not know what to say and stared at me for a few seconds. Then a whimsical smile crinkled my lips as I answered quietly, “Sarath, you make fun of me, Dear. I am not beautiful.”“You are the most beautiful lady in my eyes, you look great to me always!” he said to me passionately.“Thank you, Sarath!” I uttered quietly. I was blushing from head to toe.“Only thank is not sufficient, do some thing for me,”“Sarath, you’re doing much for us and I owe you? I don’t know how can I repay you?” I walked up and reached for a glass of water from the table beside his.“No, Bhabi don’t say like this, I did nothing for you.”“I admit Sarath, I could do nothing because I’m a woman and know I would have face lot of troubles, if you didn’t help me,”“This is my duty,”“Anyway but you should tell me, How can I repay you?” I asked again.“Search a lady for me like you,” he replied.“You put me in trouble, my sister has been married and I don’t know where I should go for search woman like me, is there not other way to repay?” I replied him jokingly. I walked up and reached for a glass of water from the table beside him. Sarath touched my arm very lightly and just from his light touch on my arm my heart was pounding and my legs felt weak.“Ok! Bhabi if you insist so, then I’ll tell you at some other time,” he replied.“I may go now its too late now,” he said.“It’s ok, as you wish” I said with frustration, when I drunk. I sighed with frustration. Sarath gave me a surprised look and then completely ignored me and walked to the main door of the house left me alone. I wanted ask him to stop but I didn’t want him to think of me as a whore. I knew already that I didn’t want this to be totally from my side, I wanted him to respect me as he did all the time. I wanted to talk to him. No, that wasn’t it. Not really. I wanted to touch him. And, I wanted him to touch me. But he didn’t response me and I was thoroughly disappointed and realised that may be I’ve lost my beauty and I couldn’t attract him. So that night when I went to bath room for changing and wanted to use washroom.” No, I’m still beautiful,” as I watched my nudity in the mirror. I was glad to see that my fair body was still much attractive at the age of thirty-six. Though I was 5′ 6¨ tall, my weight never crossed fifty-four. The very least sag of my breasts added ripeness to it. My light pink nipples on my milky white were most prominent. I was really proud of my narrow waist that measured 32 inches. I had almost no tyre like layers of fat like most Indian women of my age have, a very little fat around my waist and that only smoothened the curve from the waist to hips. My belly has nearly flat. Skin on my belly was silky smooth and only blemish it had was the stretch marks from c***dbirth. But those had become very faint and were barely visible. My thighs were a bit heavy but looked nice. My butts were really heavy, about 38 inches. Though this was a bit too much, as they curved out on the sides and to the back the look was nice. I knew it added sexiness to my body. I felt very proud that my body was undoubtedly the best.I was wonder that how he had ignore a sexy body like mine. Is he blind? Doesn’t he see? Doesn’t he like woman? Can’t he do? If he doesn’t turn near this body, then he is a saint or impotent.I was sure that He knew I was interested in him, and he had been interested right back. He was toying with me, flirting and playing it cool while I sweated it out. I was debating whether or not to just go over there and attack him. I decided to wait, and make him come to me. I was not going to fold so easily, and the game was becoming too much fun for me.I changed and slipped into bed. My mind was in turmoil. I wished Sarath were there by my side. I tried but for me, sleep wouldn’t come I could not sleep for long that night. My sex was on fire, quivering inside and I was radiating heat and desire. Thinking about Sarath, I explored myself lightly sifting with one hand, while the other squeezed and pinched my tits. My hand reached further down between my legs, which I spread and braced against the door of my tiny hiding place to touch myself.With one finger I lightly traced the contours of my nether lips, and the gushing wetness from my pussy aided the process. As my fingers brushed against the small fold of skin at the top of my lips, I gasped as a delicious shudder of sensation speared me from my pussy, straight to my tingling nipples and waves of pleasure washed over my body. Squeezing my tits and pinching my nipples harder, I pressed the nub of my clit harder, stroked and circled it with my fingers, plucked at it and flicked it till the nub became hard and firm, and pussy juice streamed out of my cunt.The torment didn’t ease and my fingers slipped further and dipped into my pussy.I began thrusting a finger slowly in and out of my throbbing cunt, adding another finger to the first one I rubbed my clit with the heel of my palm while my fingers fucked in and out of my sweet, well-used pussy.A sudden rush of sensation overcame and I had to bite down on my lip to keep from screaming as I climaxed and came with surprising force.What the hell am I doing,” I muttered to myself that night after masturbating three times. I tried every effort a conservative woman like me can do to convey my need for him but Unfortunately, he didn’t see me as anything other than his friend’s wife. But it didn’t stop me dreaming about him.I am very fond of watching movies. We used to watch movies, but from the time my husband has left for USA so there was no one to accompany me to movie halls. Sarath knew my fondness watching movies so once On Saturday afternoon he offered me to watch movie. I thought that company of Sarath would be a great for watching movie and on one Sunday afternoon Sarath, all k**s and I went to a movie. I’d dressed so sexy in red shilwar, black qameez, and red dupata around my shoulder. I thought I was mistaken at first. No, it couldn’t be – nor could it? Was he staring at me? It was at first time that I noticed, as I caught him staring and glancing my cleavage hips, and other parts of the body. As we got down in front of the movie hall, I felt very proud walked side by side with him. I never used dress like this but that day I was wearing a red silk shilwar and black qameez, with red dupata, which I had specially tailored for me so it hugged my figure and showed off my small waist and curvy ass to perfection, without being too revealing. As we got down in front of the movie hall, I felt very proud walked side by side with him. I felt thrilled like a woman going out with her husband. Few men and couple looked at us and I knew what they thought, really a nice family.We were seated in the last row in the upper floor. The floor was almost deserted. When the hero kissed heroine for the first time, he couldn’t help touching my hand. I was totally enchanted as he touched the tips of my fingers with his fingers but I thought that was an accident and looked at him. I felt Wonderful as he softly touched my hand. Sarath took my hand in hers and held it tightly. This was an unexpected turn of events the c***dren were too curious and busy watching the movie, to care about Sarath and me.A little later, I touched his hand softly to let him know that I loved what he did. I wasn’t sure how much of my emotions could be shown and gradually disengaged my hand.As the romantic scenes continued one after the other, he held my hand and massaged it gently in his hand. I felt so very secured at his strong hand. After a while I realised I was completely moist with love, so much so that juices of my love was dripping down my thighs. Once he clutched my thigh with his nails dipping in my skin thorough my shilwar. As the scene was over, both of us realised that we were emotionally and physically carried away too much and withdrew our hands.As the movie was over, we both rushed to the exit. As we were heading back home, I was getting a turn on thinking of Sarath’s masculinity and the enormous size of his manhood. Then I decided to end up all this tonight. We went bahis siteleri to home and it was almost 10 pm. I said to him, “Sarath! You’re not going home as we have to dinner together.”“Is this a request or an order?” he enquired jokingly.“This is an order from your Bhabi.” I said naughtily and then said,”After half and hour the c***dren went to sleep. Then I went into the kitchen and made us each a nice cup of tea. We sat and talked while we sipped our tea, and asked him, “Sarath, you didn’t tell me, how can I repay you?”He looked at my eyes and said, “Shall I tell you, Bhabi, how can you repay?“Yes I’m waiting eagerly,” I said.“You can pay me all my attention I gave you only if you let me kiss you once,” he said shyly.Hear this I became stunned and wonder if he wants kiss me why he waited so long while I’ve gave him a lot of chances. I was embarrassed and I looked away. But then he moved very close to me. As I kept silent he said, “Please don’t say no, I know, I’ve red your eyes,” he said softly, as he said this, my excitement hit the roof. At the same time, I wanted a little pause before taking a plunge into the ocean of forbidden pleasure.Its true I was waiting for him to make the first move. But didn’t know it would came too quickly. I didn’t know what to say. All I could do was to stammer,” Do you think this is a worth?” I asked him.He gave a broad smile, “its worth more than you think.” he replied, Slowly he grabbed my hand, he pulled me to him, he kissed me on my cheeks and I snuggled up close to him. Immediately I felt his warmth and I was breathing. My body molded into him and I savoured the feel of warm body. We groped each other for a few minutes; it was an almost strange emotion for me, as I hadn’t touched someone with any sort of affection my entire life. I lifted my head, brought my mouth on his lips offering them to him. Then he pulled me in his strong arms and kissed me deeply in my lips. His kiss was so passionate that I immediately lost control and the kiss turned wild. My lips parted and I stuck my tongue in his mouth. My darting tongue made him wild and as his tongue moved in my mouth, His tongue played with mine and his one hands sought out my breasts, my nipples rock-hard under my thin qameez, and his other hand pressed my butt through the thin fabric of the shilwar, qameez. I never experienced such vigor in a man’s physical love and felt as if I was being swept away by a tidal wave. Now that was my turn so my tongue went into his mouth and our tongues swirled around each other’s mouth. I grabbed the back of his head, forcing me to kiss him harder as I continued rubbing my cunt against him. My breasts were crushed against him. He took my hand and placed it on the big, gigantic cock in his shilwar, I touched his strong manhood, which was almost bursting out through his shilwar. As the kiss and fondling each other continued, my passion grew stronger and I gasped, it felt so good I felt like I could cum right there.He turned me and came up behind me and kissed my neck. He stroked my ass, cupping his hands around it, whispering, “I love you Bhabi (sister-in –law). I could feel his hard cock through his shilwar pressing against my ass and he started humping me slowly, his lips tracing electric current along my neck. His fingers played with my nipples, which ached, for his kisses.“Ummm” I moaned, “Tell me Sarath. Tell me what you want to do to me” I looked back him in the face.“I want to fuck you,” he whispered softly and breathing deeply.“Do me what you want,” I turned and held him in my arms and placed his head on my breasts. With only the soft fabric of qameez and between his face and my breasts, he nudged my breasts with his nose and lips. Such an affectionate touch of a man was such a new thing for me that I was overwhelmed in joy. I showed my affection by running my fingers through the thick hair on his head and softly patting his back. I was shaking and my shilwar was dripping wet. It took all of my will to wait one more minute, then I could not control myself any longer, I had to have him, now. So I whispered in his ear, “It’s better we move to bedroom.”“Yes, lets we move,” he said and lifted me up into his arms like I’m weightless doll and walked towards the bedroom As he did, I put my arms around his neck. As soon as we were inside I threw my arms around his neck and kissed him passionately, saying, you are welcome to my bed.” he kissed me back. Once we entered in room, He pulled me on top of him, my breasts pressing against his chest as his hands gripped my ass and squeezed hard. His cock was pressing eagerly between my thighs against my pussy, feeling wet but was it he or me that was making me wet.We kissed hard and deep one of his hands on my back as the other pushed under my shilwar to feel my butt crack and buttocks.He started kissing all over my face like a hungry a****l then I teased him by saying, “I am now quite aged, dear. Do you really fancy this old woman’s body?”“Who said you are old?” he retorted. “To me you are the prettiest woman.”I was damn elated at his praise but hiding my feeling told him, “Then tell me why you waited so long?” I asked.He said, “I love you but not like that, you know? Your husband’s been my best friend for a long time and I just don’t want to lose him,”I wanted to see his cock; I raised myself up and unknotted his shilwar. I slide his shilwar when he lifted his hips to help me and I finally took it off, and as I pushed him away slightly I got my first view of his fully erect dick. Wow, what a gigantic size it had! It was thick and beautiful, the veins in the shaft large and strong. His head was a swollen purple-red, pre-cum beginning to ooze from the tip. His balls hung low, hairless as the rest of his pubic area. He was clean-shaven, and like my self, took great care in removing every hair from the genitalia. And it was so thick! I tried to encircle it with my fingers, but failed. Anyhow I took his cock and slowly began to move his dick back and forth my thumb caressing the tip of his cock’ head. He in turn was fondling my covered breasts and playing with bum crack.He whispered in my ears “Please let me see your lotus bud fully open, Bhabi,” I took off my qameez, folded it and then made no move to undress. His eyes widened to see my breasts, my erect nipples showing through the silky material of my bra. He took me in his arms. I was completely swept away by his manly embrace and as he put his lips on mine, I welcomed him by parting my lips. While he kissed me with enormous strength, he unsuccessfully fiddled with my bra hooks. Taking my hand behind I unhooked my bra. As he pulled the bra out, I pushed my breasts forward as if I was offering my treasured mounds to a deity.He gave an amazed look at my breasts and adoringly touched them with his hands. He took his time to observe every square inch of my tits and very lovingly moved his fingers over them. He very lightly licked the silky smooth skin of my breasts and that sent shiver down my spine. He looked fascinated with my long nipples and started sucking it. This ignited fire in me and I pressed his head hard on my tit and fiercely pulled at his hair. He alternated his licking and pressing between the two boobs and I deeply moaned. His Skill of licking my nipples with his tongue, made me wild and I urged him to bite hard and tear the nipples off. He did bite me hard and I screamed in pleasure.He demanded that I take off my shilwar to let him see me completely naked. I unknotted my shilwar string allowing it drop at my feet. Now I was naked before him, totally as naked as the day I was born. I want to correct that this is a country where still arranged marriage are still the rule. The couple doesn’t even see each other until the wedding night, majority of the couples even don’t see each other naked when they fuck, may be thousands young people are starting to find their own matches and experiment with sex but this country of more the one billon peoples.Now he laid me on my bed on my back and sat between in my spread legs as I was expecting him to fuck me now but he bent on my belly and his mouth moved down kissing and licking all over my belly. He spent a lot of time licking inside my deep navel. I was moaning breathlessly. He tightly pressed and squeezed the fleshy waves and curves around my hips.He went down to my thighs and hid his face between my thighs and rubbed his face all over it. I was wishing and dying for his mouth to reach my pussy.He touched my pussy with his lips. It was like he gave me an electric shock! I bounced up off the bed shaking the bed violently. I asked wildly, “Sarath, what are you going to do? Are you going to kiss between my thighs?” My heart nearly stopped that I have never touched there by tongue.He said to me excitedly ” yes, Bhabi You will love it,” he assured me looking up “I’m going to lick and suck your pussy my sweet Bhabi, I have found the treasure, for which I was dying for, for so many years, Lay back and let me have a feast, for what I see here it’s going to be a scrumptious meal!”I giggled excitedly and said, “This is dirty Sarath, don’t do this,” but in my heart I was praying for him not to stop,” in my heart I was saying to him, ” that is Bhabi’s cunt, it is yours and your mouth feels so good on it. Eat it! Lick it! Taste it and suck it well! Drink all my juices they are yours too. For years too, I have been longing for this kind of loving attention from you.He dived again into my pussy and pressed his lips very hard onto the middle of my pussy in a very hot, deep kiss. Then he went on kissing all over my love triangle. I think he must have planted at least one hundred kisses all over it. Then, from the bottom of my pussy he ran his tongue licking deeply and forcefully upward. My whole body jerks and quiver. I was yelling in utmost ecstasy. He continued his licking and wiping my entire vulva with his tongue several times. I went into a state of trance and I could feel my bahis şirketleri cunt muscles get tensed and relaxed.I said: ” Sarath, my husband never did this to me before and I can’t tell you how good that feels. You know all erotic spots in the body of a woman to arouse her. Don’t stop it is so exquisite. You are strumming all my nerve ends. It is excitement I am experiencing new way of life.”I was about to cum in his mouth; I thought time was right to get fucked. I moaned “Oohhh Please, Sarath” I pleaded “Don’t tease me any more do it. Do it now’ I started beating his butt with my feet and almost sobbed in frustration.“Don’t worry, I’ll fuck you till you scream, Bhabi, you can be sure of that. ”He quickly moved over me, on top of me between my widespread thighs, and rested the head of his cock at my entrance. I spread my thighs wide as could as I do for him. He started rubbing his hard cock into my slimy slit, teasing me. “Do it now” I said in a half whisperBut he didn’t hear me and was rubbing his hard cock into my slimy slit, teasing me. “Stop teasing me and put it in Me.” and once again I reached down feverishly to grip his hard erect cock, placing his cock head in my pussy hole.I felt his knob and bucked my pussy up to meet it. My hands reached over his hips as he slowly started enter into me. He finally he gave a bit more force and pushed really hard and the huge thing penetrated me. It pained a lot and as he pushed the whole gigantic thing fully in I felt that as if my passage would tear open. At the same time it gave a maddening pleasure to me, I shrieked and a strong Aaaahhhh sound came out of my mouth. Oh, what a strong thrust it was. “Oh yeah. That was good. I needed that.” I said, breathless. I hooked my leg and my heel dug into his back.He slowly thrust in and out, in and out. I moved my legs a little more widely for him. So he could get all the way in he grabbed my leg and bent my knee and brought it by his side. He pumped back and forth with a slow pace several times, Very slowly all the way out and all the way back in. I was sighing and gripping me tightly, my legs striking the air at each gentle inward thrust. I felt his knob knocking on the door of my womb, which made me grunt. He was getting now pace. I felt that my cunt sucked his cock like a baby sucking a feeder nipple.He kept moving within me, in a steadily increasing pace. I felt like he was getting harder and harder inside of me. I loved the feeling of his cock sliding into me; I felt extreme sexual pleasure the way he was sliding.“Bhabi, your pussy is so fucking tight, I could stay in you forever, ” gasped Sarath as he continued to flick his cock like bit of flesh at the entrance to my pussy.“Yes and I ‘m proud of it but you’ve also a thing to be proud, Sarath.”“I think your husband left you sleep too much in nights,” he again teased me.“And what you have in mind?”“Yes! Bhabi, I wanted you’re little pussy from the day I saw you first. And would try my best to show you how I want you,” He told me how he had been watching me and wanting me from the day he had first set eyes on me. . Sarath grabbed my legs and pushed them so that my knees were bent against my tits. I was wide open now for him. He thrust me deep. My hips lifted off the bed and my leg tensed on his shoulder.I couldn’t stop myself to confess, “You don’t know, Sarath, that all that time, you were the one I wanted. You have always made me feel horny. I have always wanted you since you first sat opposite to me at our dinner table. Even with Ritesh there in the room my knickers were getting wet thinking what you could do to me.”I became wonder when he stopped and pulled his cock from my pussy so I shouted,” what are you doing?”“Be patient” he replied.” Turn around, Bhabi, Get on your knees, I want to fuck you from behind.I turned over and bent on my knees upping my ass like doggy. “Like this?” I asked.He quickly knelt behind me and aimed his cock at my pussy and I felt the head of his cock touched my wet pussy hole. He teased my pussy with his swollen cock. He thrust forward and his entire cock entered in my pussy. I moaned loudly and in a few seconds I was pushing back against him.I began to push back in just as his tip slid out of my pussy hole. He fucked me in long, slow, steady strokes. With every stroke I raised and pushed my ass to meet him.Her tits were hanging as pendulum, so I reached in front to pull and pinch her nipples, while fingering her clit and cunt, she moans so loudly from the pleasures I steals from her and I began to fuck her deeply in her ass. She feels so full and her juices flow freely for me to ride her, she me not to stop,I was asking his to fuck me hard, deeper, rub my clit, fuck me hard, fast and deep. This was incredible fuck I’ve ever received.Sarath fucked my pussy like this for many long minutes before he rolled over on his back while holding on to me. With his cock still in me he asked me to ride his cock. He lay on his back and I climbed up on his lap, rubbing my wet pussy lips against his hard cock, moving up and down but not putting it in. I was teasing him and myself with his cock, playing with it, pressing my cunt against it and moaning as I moved up and down against it. “Oh Sarath this feels so good,” I said. He grabbed both of my tits in his hands.I then got up, grabbed his cock, placed it at the entrance of my cunt and slammed down on it so hard. I screamed, “ohhhh, Sarath you’re so huge.” His cock was hard and hot. I lifted myself up and came down hard. I was out of control and yelled, do me! Do me!” I was sitting straight up as I rode his cock. He had his hand on my waist as I went up and down, my tits bouncing and my long hair flying all over the place. I then leaned forward, so that my clit rubbed against his cock. Oh, Sarath! That’s it! Oh Sarath! I love you. He I then put his finger in my ass hole, moving it deeper and I shuddered and shivered. An orgasm was sweeping through me and I rode him even harder. Fuck me, do me, fuck me ohhh Sarath. Here its comes, I’m coming.” I collapsed against him. His cock was still in me still hard as he entered me first time.“Lay back,” he said again firmly. He then lifted me up and lay me down on the bed on my back. He grabbed my legs and pushed them so that my knees were bent against my tits. I was wide open. He put his swollen cock at my entrance and then thrust into me with a loud grunt and then started ramming my hot wet cunt.“Ufff I feel so tired. Now it’s hurting me,” Sarath.“Do you want me to stop?” I said.“Oh no! Please don’t stop, I love you, Sarath, I love the way you make love. Please never stop. Oh, Sarath, its so good.” I begged him, and I Grabbed his hands, and laid them on my, throbbing breasts I wanted him to fondle them. And my both hands reached around his ass grabbing his hips.“That feels so good,” I said. “Play with my tits,” He filled his palms with my breasts, the large mounds overflowing their captors, and plumping them together brought them to his lips.Looking down at me with a fiery look in his eyes, he kept his eyes on my face as he bent to take one of my milky breasts into his warm mouth. He lightly flicked my breasts with his tongue; licking everywhere but my nipples.I squirmed in agony, while he continued to feather my tits with love bites while my nipples burned to be suckled. His tongue flicked over my nipples like a tiny whip, and constantly teased and tormented my nipples till I cried out for his mouth to please suck on them. He sucked the nipple first slowly and gently, still flicking it with his tongue and then increased the power of his suction, till the pleasure bordered on pain, and I screamed from the sensations.He continued to rock his cock into me in a slow, unhurried fashion while ministering to my tits, but I had had enough and tightened my pussy walls around his thrusting member, slowly but forcefully, which made him groan and thrust into me a little faster.“Please, Now finish it Sarath. You want to fuck me more but I can’t go with that cock of yours anymore” I begged.He rode me toward the sky, hard, gentle, rough, and till my bearing ran out and with one last, sharp thrust upward I impaled myself on him and swirled into the oblivion of my orgasm. Laying there immobile, I watched his beautiful face, as he thrust almost violently into me as his climax raced through him…making him stiffen and roar in ecstasy, “I’m want to come Bhabi, where should I come?”” Don’t care, I had tied my tubes, Come on, cum inside me, I want to feel you do It.” I murmured between subbing.A Moments later he ejaculated deep inside me. He pumped me long, before shooting his load into me. I shuddered and came just as the first molten shots of spunk blasted from his balls deep into my already flooded hole. He squirted inside. He was pulling my hair, it was perfect, and he was riding me like a mare.I waited patiently until he collapsed onto me, and I locked my legs around his hips, holding him to me – in me, and then kissed him deeply. We lay exhausted in each other’s arms, drenched in each other’s juices, breathing heavily. His cock was still stiff inside of me, and seemed reluctant to return to softness. I could feel his cum leaking out and running down my ass. We both lay panting and catching our breath on the bed as we recovered from our first round.“Oh! I have not done, I’ve never thought, I’ve never heard about sex like this, who would be believe?”“Are you going to tell some one about this?”“No, but that was incredible.He was an expert He made slow, gentle love to me, pleasuring me in every way than a man can pleasure a woman, and I in turn did the same to him. We made love for hours, and I don’t know how many times I came, but it was a lot.We made love for almost 3 am. He woke me again nearly at five in morning and fucked to his last drop.I got to know after making love with Sarath, it became obvious that my husband hadn’t a clue about how to treat women properly, while Sarath knows all how to treat and please a woman in bed and out of the bed.Life was great after that night. We started having sex few days in a week. We’ve spent several evenings playing out fantasies. There are lots to write, if you asked for it.

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