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My lactating auntIn the society where I was born and grew up, sex was not something to bediscussed but a very private affair between a husband and a wife. When Iwas 12 I discovered my own sexuality by chance. One day while taking bathand rubbing soap all over my body I felt that rubbing my penis with theslippery soapy hand gave me a wonderful sensation. So I continued to rubmy penis and all of a sudden I had my first orgasm which was overwhelming.Having discovered the joys of masturbation I became addicted to it whenanother fine day my penis shot forth my first cum which shocked me thinkingthat something was wrong and that excessive masturbation has caused it. Later I found out from a family medical book that it was normal for thesemen to come out during orgasm. So I was back to square one. By the timeI was 18, my penis was 7 inches in length and sometimes I wonder if it wasbecause of the frequent masturbation. However by this time I had learned alot about sex but all in theory never ever having even seen a real womennaked. I did have glimpses of my mother’s breast and enjoyed eyeing herbody which make my cock so hard. At this time I got a seat in theengineering college located in the same city where my mother’s youngestsister lived with her husband and 6 months old daughter. So it was decidedthat I should live with them so that they could keep an eye on me and alsogive some company to my aunt Sailaja whose husband Anand was out of townfrequently due to his works. At that time my aunt was around 34 years andmy uncle 48. Though my auntie was married at 20 they could not have ac***d due to my uncle’s low sperm count but after a lot of medication andspending a fortune they finally succeeded in having a daughter.From the time I discovered my sexuality my mother and aunt Sailaja hadalways been the heroines in my sexual fantasies. Aunt Sailaja was not onlybeautiful but feminine and very sensual too but so was my mother. Nowafter birth of her daughter she had become slightly plumb but all the samevery desirable with her big breast and base while uncle had become fat,bald and pot bellied. I was thrilled to be living in the city but muchmore at being able to live in the same house with my aunt. I actuallystarted to court her like I would a girl in a very subtle way not making ittoo obvious to her and I could see that all the attention I gave her waspaying off. At this time auntie was still breast feeding her daughter andI was looking forward to having a glimpse of her breast. But woe me, shenever breast fed in my presence so instead I thought of showing my body. Istarted lazing around the house with only my shorts and showing off my wellformed muscles and torso to her. I did see her looking at my body withinterest. Three months passed by and I settled down nicely bonding wellwith my aunt occasionally flirting with her which she did not seem to mind.One day when uncle was away on one of his tours I happened to be sittingwith auntie in the den after dinner watching the TV when the baby startedcrying. So she picked up the baby and after adjusting her sari she openedher blouse, lifted her bra and started feeding her. All these time I wasstraining to see her breast and I did get a glimpse which immediately gaveme an erection so I tried to hide my erection from her. After the feedingwas over I got another glimpse of her breast along with the turgid nippleswhen she removed the sleeping baby and laid her down. My cock was so hardand about to burst so I stood up to go to my room trying to hide the tentin my shorts but auntie saw it and I turned crimson while she smiled andlooked away. In the privacy of my room I masturbated with the images ofher breast and I came so hard my cock just kept on jerking remaining hardfor sometime. I wondered whether she deliberately showed me her breast asthis was never done when uncle was around. The next day when I went forbreakfast I realized that she had her sari loosely around her and I couldsee the shape of her blouse encased breast. Was she trying to show me somesign I wondered. So I took a bold step and made her see the outlines of myerection on my shorts. She blushed and turned away. I went to my room andafter pulling my shorts down I laid down on the bed closed my eyes andstarted to masturbate imagining that I was fucking my auntie Sailaja. Justas I reached my orgasm the door opened and my aunt Sailaja stood therestaring at my cock while I ejaculated. She had come to call me for dinner.I was so ashamed and tried to cover my cock when she abruptly closed thedoor and went away. I could not face her but I had to apologize so I wentto the kitchen and told her that I am sorry. She answered that it was okaybut that I should behave in future.Meanwhile Sailaja was dazed to see such a big cock as she had not seenany other cock except that of her husband which was much smaller. Shewondered how Varun who is just a boy could have a cock so big when herhusband’s is so small, how it would be to have such a big cock inside herand all these thoughts made her nipples erect. She could feel the tinglingsensation and the wetness in her vagina. Then she chastised herself forhaving these i****tuous thoughts. I must be out of my mind to think ofVarun in these ways she thought. But the sight of Varun’s big and longerect cock ejaculating so powerfully kept coming back to her mind. Herhusband had been neglecting her and fucking her maybe once a month with hissmall cock. She had seen Varun eyeing her breast and buttocks and wasalmost sure that he desired her. She loved the company and the attentionshe was receiving from Varun and she had secretly wanted him but she wasscared. She remembered the evening in the den during her husbands absencewhen in an impulsive mood she had exposed her breast to him even if it wasjust a glimpse and the tent in his shorts which made her so wet that evenwhile her daughter suckled her breast she wondered how it would be to haveher nephew Varun doing it and it gave her mild orgasms. She was a verysexual person and had resorted to playing with her vagina many times as sheknew that it would be a very big risk trying to have an affair with othersome other man. She consoled herself that she could always masturbate andhad resigned to her fate untill Varun her nephew arrived on the scene. Thethought that if her nephew would become her lover it would be within thehouse and no one would know gave her some hope thinking that since he wasyoung she could control him. He was handsome and his body was full ofmuscles. She had secretly watched his body when he was lazing around thehouse only in his shorts. If they were to become lovers they would have alot of opportunities as her husband was away most of the time on tour toother cities. She loved all the attention Varun gave her as it was anarranged marriage for her having married very young. She also felt thatshe was slowly falling in love with her nephew and it gave her a lot ofpleasure. She wondered if it was love or sexual attraction on her part asshe would always get very aroused.I came home in the evening to find that uncle had gone to on tour againfor a week. I was happy at the thought that I might be able to seeauntie’s breast when she breast fed the baby. As if on cue in the eveningwhile we were watching the TV the baby started to cry and auntie lifted herto her lap. I was looking at her actions intently when suddenly she lookedme in the eyes and smiled to herself while she opened her blouse, freed oneof her breast from the bra and started to feed the baby. Today the processwas slow unlike the other day when she did it hurriedly and I caught quitea nice look at her breast which was swollen with the dark brown aureolesand thick elongated nipples. My cock was so hard and the outline wasvisible but I made no effort to hide it. When I looked up to my aunt I sawher looking at my crotch area and I felt my cock twitch. She must haveseen it as she quickly looked away. After sometime when the baby finishedshe got up and laid the baby down on the crib. In the process I could seeher breast clearly. I stole quick peeks of aunt’s bare breast.. I wasactually shocked – and excited – at aunt’s sudden casual display of nudityin front of me. My cock had its own mind and was twitching by itself. Ithought I was going to come there itself when auntie suddenly asked me “Didyou liked looking at my breast?”. I turned red but managed to reply yes.Then she said “Do you also look at your mother like that?” I said no andshe continued ” Then why do you look at me? I am your mother’s sister andI am also like your mother.” So I told her I am sorry and will not do soagain. She just smiled and left the room. While going to my room I sawher door was partially open so I peeped and saw that she was changing intoher night gown. She was standing near the bed with just her bra andpetticoat. With a deft movement she unhooked her bra and kept it asidewhile her breast swung freely. Oh I was so horny by the sight that themoment I touched my cock it erupted while I saw her put on her gown. Iquickly went to my room but my cock was still erect. I recapitulated allthe images and masturbated again.The next evening we were watching an English movie that was beingrelayed by the cable operator. We were seated together on the sofa but nottouching each other. The movie was about a woman cheating on her husbandand there was a lot of lovemaking scenes. I got erect and she saw it. Herbreathing became irregular and I could sense that she was aroused. Sowhile the movie came to another lovemaking scene I leaned slightly andtouched her hand. She jerked her hand as if a scalding rod touched her. Shocked she said “Why did you do that? How can you, oh I am such a badauntie to you and I have not been able to teach you the right things. Whatwill I say to my sister?” You have not,” I said as I took her hand again.”You are a wonderful auntie and I love you.” And added under my breath”more than you can know.” “I’d like to be friends with you auntie and thatmeans being honest. Auntie…uh…this is hard to say but…God…you arethe most desirable woman on earth to me and I love you more than you know.I know you will hate me for pouring out my heart to you but I cannot helpit. Please don’t tell my parents, they will kill me, and I am sorry that Iam an unusual boy, if I have hurt you, I will never do it again”. I don’tknow from where I got the courage to blurt all these out but my darlingaunt said “I have seen you looking at me specially while I am breastfeeding or the other evening when I was changing. But it’s not right youknow…you’re like my son. However, I’m not sure you are that unusual. Ithink many boys have a crush on their mothers or their aunts.” “It’s morethan a crush aunt. I…I…I love you.” “Varun, I think you just needfinish your studies fast and I’ll tell your mother to get you married tosome nice girls, so concentrate on your studies now” She did not seemsurprised at my revelation. I replied “Auntie I know I am good at mystudies but I also know that I will only love you even when I become anengineer, but don’t’ you have any feelings for me?” “Alright Varun, I admitthat I have had feelings for you that…that a mother uh auntie should nothave for her nephew. But we have to control them. It’s not right. I amyour uncle’s wife and I cannot love another man. We have to live closetogether in the same house so promise me that you will control yourself andbehave properly or else I will have to tell your parents and keep you inthe hostel”. So I promised her that I would control my feelings and behavemyself.Varun and sailaja tried to act like a normal aunt and nephew after theirconversation. However, there was a sexual tension in the air now becauseboth of them knew how the other felt. They tried to laugh it off, makingjokes about it. Unfortunately that just served to remind them of thatevening, intensifying the tension. Sailaja started thinking more and moreof her nephew. All the attention Varun was pouring on her was not in vainand Sailaja also started to fall in love with Varun. She enjoyed thesubtle flirtings from varun specially when she was aroused she wouldimagine making love to Varun knowing fully well that it would be i****t butthe thought of i****t seemed to heighten her arousal. Her husband Anandwas of no help as he was interested only in making money not fucking. Thismade Sailaja all the more interested in Varun even though he was hernephew. Varun was faring no better, he was so obsessed with his auntsailaja that he even stole her bra and panties and would sniff and lick it.A month later Varun’s uncle had to go to USA for a month’s training andthat was when Varun decided that the time was ripe. After his uncle leftVarun opened the topic of his love to his aunt when they were sitting inthe sofa watching the TV. “Auntie, why is it that the more I try not tolove you I become even more in love with you? You see, these days I dreamof you every night and in my dream we are very happy” Sailaja was sort ofexpecting this. Deep in her mind she knew that something was might happen.”Varun, I thought that you have got over it by now”. Sailaja teased him”No way! And now I don’t think I can ever get over it”. Sailaja asked”What were we doing in your dreams?” “Holding hands, laughing, huggingetc.etc.” Replied Varun. “Oh, so holding hands makes you happy huh? Youcan hold my hand”. It was a dream coming true for Varun and he quicklywent and sat besides Sailaja and held her hands . At this Sailaja asked”And what else were we doing in your dreams?” “That I cannot tell, youmight get angry” Varun replied but at the insistence of Sailaja Varun said” In my dreams we were hugging”. And saying let me show you he embracedSailaja and kissed her on the mouth. Sailaja stiffened and resisited butVarun would not let go finally she opened her mouth and their tongues met.Varun was in a daze as he felt her tongue and tasted her saliva. Sailajafelt guilty and pulled away. “No Varun, you must not do that, it is wrongbecause I am an old married woman besides you are my nephew and you arejust a k**”. Varun replied “Auntie that was my first kiss and I willalways treasure it no matter what comes I cannot help but love you more andmore each day, and no you are not old, don’t ever call yourself old please””Varun stop it, otherwise I will have to tell your mother to put you in thehostel”. Sailaja said but she knew in her heart that she loved his kissand endeared it even more. She longed for him to make the move despite herresistance knowing fully well that she would not throw herself at him. IfVarun wanted her he would have to force himself on her. Meanwhile Varuncould no longer control himself so he once again embraced his aunt andtried to kiss her. Sailaja struggled and tried to get away from hisembrace but it was not forceful so Varun kissed and licked her on the neck.Then he kissed her on her lips once again struggling to maintain his holdon her. Sailaja resisted but opened her mouth and kissed Varun back. While kissing Varun slowly moved his right hand and touched her rightbreast. He found the her turgid nipples and started to fondle her breast.At this Sailaja once again pulled away roughly and started to scold Varunonce again to stop it. Instead varun moved on top of her and through allthe struggling once again started to kiss her lips and knead his aunt’sbreast through the bra and her blouse.The sensation was too much for Sailaja and she slowly started to relaxallowing Varun to play with her body when her milk laden breast started toleak. Varun was so excited and his cock was jutting out under his shorts.The moment he felt his auntie’s breast milk in his hand he lifted the looseend of the saree and started to open her blouse hooks while Sailaja triedto prevent him. Removing the hooks was to tedious so he cought hold of herblouse and tored it. The act shocked and excited Sailaja and she gave aloud gasp. Then Varun pulled the bra up exposing both the white milk ladenbreast with the dark chocolate nipples and big aureoles. He groped boththe breast with his hands and his lips descended to the nipples. Themoment he sucked the nipples his aunt gave a groan and milk started to jutout into his mouth. Suddenly the baby started to cry and Sailajaforcefully pushed him away. She tried to cover her breast with the sareewhile picking up the baby and quickly ran to her room.I actually cursed the baby as my golden chance was broken neverthelessafter giving some time for her to breast feed the baby I went to her roomand knocked. She told me to go away but I kept on calling telling her howsorry I was until she came and unlocked the door. Then I pushed myselfinto the room and embraced her once more. “Oh my auntie, I love you somuch and if you don’t love me then I will commit suicide tonight” Shescolded me for having such thoughts but when I tried to kiss her shewouldn’t allow me so I pledge my undying love for her and started towardsher. As I approached her she turned to run, but I quickly grabbed her bythe arm and pulled her close to me. She struggled with me and that waswhen I knew things were going to get ugly. I grabbed her by both arms andturned her so she was looking into my face. “Varun!” She yelled, “Stop itright now!!” She looked like she was going to start crying. This roughnesswith her kind of turned me on even more. Tears were welling in her eyes.My cock was fully erect and poking her in the leg. She tried to pull awaybut I held her tight. “I want to show you something, auntie…” I said toher softly. She started crying and shaking her head no but I forcefullykissed her on her lips but she kept her lips tightly closed. I tried tomake her open her mouth and in the process she managed to turn away. Itold her I loved her so much and asked why she couldn’t she just give meone proper kiss? She seem to think for a second when I kissed her again.This time aunt’s lips were much softer and more relaxed, slightly parted. Ifelt her pointed tongue gingerly touch mine at first, then we began duelingwith each other as we embraced intimately. Her warm, soft body was pressedtightly against mine, and my cock, which had been rising for some time,pushed against her lower belly. God, she must feel it! I certainly feltthe swell of her tits against my chest. This time the kiss went on and on.My heart was pounding, and my head felt feverish with excitement andpleasure.Sailaja broke the kiss and opening her mouth to speak, she found thatshe could not get the words out. Finally she managed to stammer “Pl…………..please, Varun ………………pleaseeeeee! This……………..this is so wrong! Please ………….please…………you …………you’re my nephew!” With her handsome nephewstanding immediately next to her Sailaja shivered as his hands touched herbreast. To her shame, despite all this, Sailaja began to feel herselfgrowing aroused by her nephew’s kisses and attention to her breast, shecould feel the heat growing in her Vagina as tears coursed their way downher cheeks. Varun would have non of her refusal instead he kept on kissingher all over her neck and face while his right hand palmed her breast. Then varun drew her sari pallu away and pulled her bra up exposing her milkfilled succulent breast. At this sailaja attempted to break away but Varunwas too strong for her and he pushed her onto the bed. Immediately hismouth latched on to her nipple and started sucking. Sailaja moaned in lustand shame as her milk started to gush out suddenly. For Varun it was adream come true and for the first time in his life he was actually suckingthe milk of his auntie.The sweet taste of milk coming from the nipples into his mouth and thefeel of his auntie’s body as he laid on top of her with his cock wedgedbetween their bodies was just too much for the youngster that his orgasmhit him and he ejaculated inside his shorts. Sailaja could feel hernephew’s cock on her abdomen and she knew he had come as it started tojerk. Somehow she thought it was good that the end has come without hercommitting i****t and adultery despite her excited state. But that was notto be, unlike her husband who wilted the moment he ejaculated, Varun’s cockwas still hard as steel. Varun started to pull at her sari to removed themunsuccessfully so he just got up a little and pulled her sari and petticoatup exposing her milky white thighs and her soaking panties. At thisSailaja struggled once more and in the process Varun succeeded in removingher panties. Though she struggled Sailaja wanted varun to succeed andwilled him on in her mind. In one swift motion he removed his short andundies and his erect cock sprang free. Now he positioned himself betweenher legs as Sailaja cried softly with tears rolling down her cheeks. Thisbeing the first time Varun found it hard to find the entrance to his aunt’svagina but finaly succeeded and he started to hump away.Never had Sailaja felt anything of this size stretch her so widely,having only experienced her husband, who had nothing in comparison to whatshe was now experiencing. Fear and panic set in as she broke the kiss andpleaded “Ohhhhhhhhh, Varun……………owwwww …………….nooooooo……….stopppp ……..stop! Varun …….you …………you’re toobiggggg! Varun………… ………. you’re too big!” With herhands Sailaja then tried push at his muscular shoulders, trying to push himoff her and prevent this i****tuous mating. “Oh, please ……..stop…………pleaseeeeee! Varun …………….stop, Varun………stop…………..we must stop! This is so wrong ………..ahhhhhhhh, no……….. Varun……………nooooooo!” Sailaja sobbed as the thickcockhead twitched within her. “Oh, God ………………….ohhhhhhhhh,Varun……..ohhhhhhhh, ………’re so big ……….so biggggggg!”Sailaja groaned as her long trim legs wrapped tightly around nephew’shumping ass. “Ohhhhhhhhh ……………ahhhhh…………………ohhhhhhhhh, Vaarruuuuuun!” she screamed as amind-shattering orgasm shook her entire body. Never had she experiencedsuch mind shattering orgasm before. She felt her nephew’s cock twitch inher well filled vagina which seemed to be stretched to the maximum as hetouched his own orgasm and spurted jets and jets of baby making sperm intoher womb. Reality hit her, causing tears of shame to flow from her eyes.Sailaja realized the awful sin she had just committed, committingadultery with none other than her nephew. She sobbed as she looked at hermarital bed, soiled now with the slimy semen and her vaginal secretionsthat oozed out of her vagina as Varun’s cock kept pumping into herwell-fucked slit. The horror then struck her as Sailaja realized that thiswas quite an inappropriate time of the month. Trying to get out from underhis body and rush to the bathroom, Sailaja was frantic as Varun’s stronghands pulled her shoulders and forced her back onto the bed and started tofuck her again.. “Please …………..Varun, I ………..I need todouche! You ……………you didn’t wear a condom! I could getpregnant!” she sobbed. Instead of being released as she had hoped, hernephew doubled in his effort of fucking her. “Oh, Godddddddd…………………nooooooooo!” she sobbed as her lover unceremoniouslyrammed deep into her vagina touching her cervix and pushing it back withhis cock. This illegal bahis siteleri time his cock was not so hard but hard enough to moveinside her vagina which was dripping wet and well lubricated with his spermand her secretions. In time his cock swelled to its original hardness andshe could feel her vagina being stretched as he moved in and out of her atthe same time he latched his lips on to one nipple and started to suck themilk out of her breast. The sensation was just too much for sailaja andshe hit another orgasm. Varun had come twice so this time his cock couldendure longer. The novelty of his first fuck was just too good and thatkept him in excited state. After draining one breast of it’s milk Varunwent on to drain the other as he kept up with his fucking. MeantimeSailaja touched orgasm after orgasm as Varun kept pumping his cock all thewhile sucking and palying with her breast or kissing her. She was soexhausted with so many orgasm that after Varun came inside her again shecould not get up feeling too drained from her sexual release that she justlaid on the bed. Varun cuddled her and whispered terms of endearment asthey rested for the time.Only after sometime when the baby started to cry she got up to feed herbaby only to find that Varun had completely drained both her breast dry andthere was no milk. So she went to the kitchen to prepare the feedingbottle while Varun slept on the bed in her husbands place. In the kitchenwhile preparing the powder milk for the baby sailaja felt the sperm comingout of her vagina and running down her thighs. She was consumed with guiltand she cried out in despair at the adultery and i****t she had committedjust some time back.. As she fed the baby with the feeding bottle she wasfilled with guilt that Varun had drank all her breast milk and she had noneto feed her own baby for whom she was lactating. In the quietness of thekitchen she wondered why this had to happen to her. She resolved toherself to throw out Varun from her marital bedroom the moment she wentback and out of the house the next day. When she went back to her bedroomshe found Varun innocently sleeping. As she viewed his taut body and hissemi erect cock her Vagina twitched and her resolve to throw him out meltedas she was overcome with love for her nephew. Quietly she laid herselfnext to him.A few hours ago they had been aunt and nephew. Now they were much more,they were lovers. They were sharing a bed, both sleeping and basking inthe musty aroma of their lovemaking. Sweet restful slumber that isavailable only to those who have performed the ultimate act of love -i****t. He stirred sleepily and opened his eyes to see that it was stilldark and looked at the clock next to the bed. It was 4:00 AM. He sat upin bed and looked at the lovely figure of his aunt lying next to him,breathing softly, sleeping peacefully. She was still covered partially. He leaned over her and gave her a light kiss on the lips. She moved tokiss him back and then put her arms around his neck. In the stillness ofthe night, they were kissing deeply, quietly as not wanting to share thismoment with anyone else. It was theirs and theirs only. Their tonguesloved each other. Their hands caressed each others body, exploring,teasing, loving. Nothing needed to be said, they each knew what the otherwanted, needed, desired, and yes, craved. Nipples were erect and hard asher breasts were crushed between their hot bodies. Now the bra which wascovering her breast were being pushed up. She thought he has to learn tounhook a bra and she herself unclasped it. The nipples were being suckedand gently bitten and pulled between his lips. She released her milk forher lover and he sucked on drinking every drop of her sweet milk from hersucculent breast. She felt his hardness on her thighs and after pulling upher petticoat along with the sari she parted her legs as he positionedhimself over her.Still no words, just the soft sounds of hot, wet kisses. Tendersucking, the rustling of bed sheets as he moved to get on her. She breaksthe silence with her soft whimpers as her nephew’s hard manhood gainswelcome entrance into her birth canal now giving him the ultimate pleasure.The pleasure that a man feels when a woman totally surrenders to him byparting her legs and allowing him to invade her most intimate recesses withhis manhood. But this woman was his auntie. He could see her face in thefaint light. He knew she was enjoying the coupling. Her moans and hercaresses on his body added to that assurance. He was kissing her deeply.She was sucking his tongue with her mouth and his hard cock with her hotpussy. He had never felt so hard. Her whimpers became louder her nailsdug into his ass cheeks as she urged him on and pushed him into her hotpulsating and wet vagina. She was coming! They moaned and thrashedloudly. The pumping became more intense. He exploded in her just as shewas reaching her climax, their love juices were mixing again. She moanedloudly as her last spasm hit her body, then she relaxed. Again satisfied.Her lover had taken her again. Her lover was her nephew.It was the best sex she had ever had. He held her in his arms andgently massaged her sexy ass. She moaned softly as he kissed her eyes andher lovely full lips. She could smell the odor of their lovemaking, sheclosed her eyes to enjoy the moment when she was overcome by guilt. Neverin her life had she ever had such wonderful joyous sex. It seems as ifthis was to be her wedding night when all her sexual dreams would befulfilled. She felt love and tenderness for her nephew even as his semenmixed with her own secretions once again flowed out of her vagina into hermarital bed. Now though she was a little scared she was beyond carewhether it was her marital bed or whether she would become pregnant fromthe i****tuous coupling with her nephew. She realized what she had beenmissing all these years of her married life and now she wanted to make upfor all the lost years.I woke up the next day to find myself sleeping alone in my auntie’smarital bed with a rock hard erect cock. I remembered the events of thenight before and I wanted to fuck my auntie again. So I got up and wentstraight to the kitchen where I found my auntie cooking breakfast. She wasdressed up in a new saree and looked so radiant. As soon as she saw me sheblushed and looked down on the floor like a new bride. I went to her andhugged her whispering “I love so much my dearest auntie and I will love youforever.” She would not look up to me so I lifted her face and kissed hermouth in a slow and sensual manner. Immediately she responded to my kissand our tongues found each other as we exchanged our saliva. I started tofeel her back with my hand as her soft breast pressed against my chest Ipressed my erect cock into her abdomen. “You are so beautiful and you arethe woman of my dreams” I whispered into her ears as I brought my righthand to her left breast and cupped it at the same time trying to rub hernow erect nipples through her blouse and bra. Her breath quickened and Isensed that she was getting very aroused as I whispered sweet terms ofendearment to her while feeling her body and enjoying the sensations. Iwanted to make love to her there and then and she was responding very wellas I started to remove the loose end of her saree, and kiss her neck andbetween the visible portion of her breast. Suddenly the baby lying on thecrib started to cry and she broke the embrace to pick up the baby.She sat down on the chair and turning her back to me she was freeing oneof her breast from the blouse and the bra. I went to her side, as she wasjust about to feed her nipple to the baby’s mouth. She looked up to see mewatching and blushed again. I knelt down and freed her other breast. Theturgid black nipple of her breast sprang free enveloped by large darkchocolate colored aureole. Even though we had make love the night before Ihad not examined her breast properly which I was now doing in greatdetails. I felt the texture and the tautness of her breast, which was nowswollen with milk. The nipple was drooping downwards. I put my headforward to suck on her left nipple but she pushed me away. When I lookedup she turned her face away and told me that I had drained all her milklast night that she had to feed her baby with powder milk so I should notfeed on her milk. But I told her that I love the taste of her breast milkand that she should start feeding her baby with powder milk or whatever Ileave behind as I am now her lover her breast and the milk within nowbelongs to me. Saying thus I latched my lips to her nipple and started tosuck.Obviously she did not mind as she gave a loud gasp and immediately hermilk started to flow into my mouth as I savored the taste of her sweet milkand started to drink. I cupped her breast in my hand as I sucked on one ofher breast while the baby sucked on the other. I sucked hard and drank allthe milk that was jutting out of her nipple. At first the flow was strongbut after sometime the breast on which I was sucking was getting empty andthe flow became a small trickle. I collected her breast milk in my mouthwithout swallowing and when I had a mouthful I released her nipple andkissed auntie slowly releasing her own milk into her mouth. She realizedit suddenly and tried to twist her mouth away but I was ready for that andI held her head firmly until she drank her own breast milk from my mouth.We continued to kiss even after that as she kept breast-feeding her baby.When the breast on which the baby was sucking became empty the baby startedto cry. Obviously she was still hungry and wanted more. Auntie thenscolded me in a playful manner for emptying her milk and went to preparepowder milk for the baby. She was putting her breast back into the bra andblouse when I told her to leave it open as I wanted to watch the breastsway along with her movement but she would have none of it.I waited until the baby was fed properly and was back in her cradle andplaying by herself. I went to her side again and started to hug and kissmy aunt embracing her fully. Obviously she wanted to make love as much asI wanted for she suggested that we go to her bedroom. In the bedroom Istarted to slowly undress my aunt as we necked and felt each other’s body.I wanted to see her naked as the previous night she was partially clothed.After her saree, blouse and bra were gone I started to tug at the stringsof her petticoat but she asked me not to remove it, as she was very shy ofher body. So instead I undressed completely and stood before her with myerect cock standing straight up as she lay on the bed. When she saw myerect cock she blushed again like a shy bride on the first night.Then I insisted that I want to see her naked also and started to removeher petticoat. She protested again saying that no one has seen her nakedand that she was very shy of her body. I said at least uncle must haveseen you naked but she told me that they never became naked even when theymade love, at the most her breast would be free sometimes and uncle wouldonly lift her petticoat and remove her panties. I insisted that I want hernaked and enjoy the act of making love to her like real lovers. She didprotest but later gave way to my insistence laying quietly with her eyesclosed when I removed her petticoat and then her panties I could smell thedistinct odor of sex. When I looked up her eyes were tightly closed andher face was burning red from embarrassment. Her legs were close togethertightly and I could only see her thick pubic hairs. So I started to parther legs but she pulled me to her in a tight embrace. I wanted to exploreher body but my cock would not allow me, as it wanted to enter her vagina.I kissed her on the mouth and tried to feel her vagina with my hand but shekept pulling my hand away. I was determined to feel her sex so I pushedher hand away and almost forcefully felt her vagina. She was so wet andslippery. First I felt the smooth slippery outer lips. I pushed myfingers further inside and felt the velvety inner lips of her vagina.Meantime, I was sucking hard on her left nipple and a little breast milkwas coming. I got on top of her at the same time I took her hand andplaced it on my cock telling her to insert it. She guided me to her holeand my cock went in smoothly. Oh the feeling of her vagina as it wrappeditself around my cock was just exquisite that words fail to describe thefeelings. I started to pump in and out, at the same time I played with herbreast, sucking her nipples or kissing her mouth or neck. She wrapped herarms around me in a lover’s embrace as we fucked. She was moaning out loudnow unlike last night as I increased the tempo. My cock started to jerk asI neared orgasm so I told her that I am going to come. ” Oh, Varun, come,come inside me, oh oh…. ahh…. Oh…I am also going to come,ughhhh……hhhhhh” she cried out as we reached our orgasm and I felt hervagina tighten around my cock as it jerked and erupted a fountain of semenshooting inside my aunt’s womb. Together my aunt and I groaned and smackedour nakedly erupting bodies against each other as we tried to keep ourorgasmic frenzy at the dizzying fury we were experiencing, but all toosoon. We were forced to slow our movements as we exhausted ourselves’ withthe totality of our fucking. Finally, auntie stopped her movementsaltogether as she regained control of her orgasm-wracked body, her cuntstill blazing with the sensitive walls of her vagina pulsing slightly toforce the final drops of her cum out through the quivering pussy lips stillholding tightly onto my now slowly shrinking penis slowed my thrusting, thefinal remnants of my sperm collecting at the tip of my Cock, my penisglistening with the thin film of her juices.For some time, neither of us said anything as we breathed deeply andloudly, each lost in our own thoughts. I thought that this time she didnot worry about getting pregnant as my cock filled her womb with millionsof potent sperm. After the orgasm I rolled down from her and embraced herand told her “Auntie I love you so much and I am so happy for having theprivilege of losing my virginity to you. Now I know that I will love youforever”. She looked up to me and with tears in her eyes said ” Varun, Iknow it is wrong and I should stop it but I can’t because I love you too! Ireally love you so much and I feel I belong to you now even though I ammarried to your uncle. I know that this feeling is wrong and I should havesuppressed it when it started after you came to live with us but I was solonely and I felt so good to have you around.I wish I were also a virgin so that you could tear into my hymen andfill me up to the brim. I have never been this much happy and I never knewthe real pleasures of making love until last night, but I am afraid, reallyafraid of the consequences if someone came to know about us, I am afraidfor you and your future, I am afraid for myself and I am scared that Imight get pregnant with your c***d though my fertile period was two daysback you know, I could still get pregnant, Oh Varun, I am so happy but atthe same time I am really scared. What is going to happen to us?” So Ireplied ” Auntie, you know that I love you more than anybody or anythingand I will always love you, don’t be afraid, I am not bothered about younot being a virgin or being married to uncle. I only want you and I wantyou all for myself only, I am with you and together with our love we canovercome all the obstacles, even if you become pregnant we can think of away out, maybe we can say it is uncles c***d”. “Oh Varun you do not know,uncle makes love to me maybe once or twice a month only and his sperm isnot fertile, that is why we had such a tough time for all these years andonly recently we could have our baby. Moreover he has not made love to mefor almost a month now so there is no way I could say that it is his c***dshould I be pregnant, hopefully I am not and will not become pregnant, butmake sure that this is our secret only and that no one can ever come toknow about it otherwise I would die” She told me.I promised her that this will be our secret and we have now becomelovers but only when the two of us are alone, at all other times I willbehave like a good nephew. We continued the talk for sometime and as wetalked we were feeling each other’s body. She told me that until the dayshe saw me masturbating she never knew a cock could be so big, that she hadnever seen any adult cock before except that of uncle’s which was aminiscule compared to mine, that my cock filled up her vagina to the brim.Never had she experienced such total fullness in her life and she felt thatour union is a complete one.After sometime my cock became erect again as my hand roamed her body andfondled her breast. Auntie giggled and asked how I can become erect againso soon? She even told me that uncle’s cock was quite small and that hehad difficulty getting an erection. At my insistence she told me thatuncle’s cock was just about 3 inches when erect and that she was amazed tosee such a big cock on me. I asked her to touch my cock. She said no so Itook her hand and placed it on my cock. Tentatively she started to wrapher fingers around my cock and exclaimed, “Varun, it is so big and solong”. She seemed amazed and enthralled by my cock that she was handling itlike a china doll so I told her to that she can handle it roughly and shestarted to increase the pressure on my cock. I placed my hand on hervagina and felt her thick pubic hair slowly going down to her vaginal lipsand finding it so wet I started to rub my semen mixed with her juices whichwas coming out all over her vaginal lips.I had read my share of porn novels, which normally circulates around atthe college. I had also seen a couple of porn videos at the hostel with myfriends so I knew what to do while making love. I wanted to trycunninglingus of which I had read so much about so I started to kiss my waydown her body. First I licked and sucked her breast and slowly her abdomenand then her belly button. When I started to wriggle my tongue inside herbelly button her breath became labored. Slowly I inched my way down to herpubic region but when I started to lick and kiss the area just above herpubic hair she became alarmed and started to say ” Varun, what are youdoing?” at the same time she started to pull me up to her so I went up ontop of her and told her that I want to lick and kiss every inch of her bodyincluding her vagina at which she balked. “How can you even think of suchan act? I am so dirty down there and it is full of our secretions cheee !!I am smelling so bad and it is so dirty!” She said and frowned. So Iexplained that if I can kiss her mouth then why not her lower lips, and thesmell is exotic and I want to taste her vaginal fluid. That this isnormally done by everyone, who loves each other and that oral sex likethis, is one of the ways of enjoying our sexual pleasures. But she did notseem convinced and ask me how I know so much so I told her that I have readit in books and novels and even seen it in blue films. At this she scoldedme for being dirty and even called me perverted but I was not to bediscouraged. I kept on telling her how much pleasure it would give both ofus and that I would also love it if she took my cock in her mouth.Finally when she relented a bit though not really willing I started myjourney down again kissing and licking her body as I went down. I madesure that I played with her breast and nipples for sometime as well aslicking her bellybutton in order to raise her levels of excitement. When Ireached her vagina she kept her legs together tightly so I had to pry itopen. For the first time in my life I saw a real Vagina. As I parted herlegs forcefully her vagina opened first the outer lips and then inside Isaw the inner lips, which were cringed glistening with our juices openingup like a flower. The smell was strong, exotic and oh so arousing that Ithought my cock would erupt anytime. I saw my semen was leaking out of herhole. The whole time auntie kept her eyes closed and her body was tensed.I bent down and licked her outer vaginal lips swiping the whole area withmy lips first. The strong smell of sex filled my nostril. She tried tocurl up and told me to stop trying to push my head away but I had a firmgrip on her and her legs were on either side of my body so she could notescape. Again I licked her vagina and covered the entire vagina with mylips as my tongue snaked out and played with the velvety inner lips. Itasted my own semen along with her secretions. I pushed my tongue insideher vagina and was rewarded with a rich flow of our juices. I savored thetaste, which was slightly tangy and swallowed all our love juice. I rubbedher vagina with my face and licked her clitoris.At that time I was not sure if it was her clitoris but I assumed it tobe so from my reading of porn materials. It was a little stub poking outfrom her vaginal hood. I flicked it with my tongue and sucked it slowlyencircling it with my lips. She started to moan and move her hips. Lateron she told me that despite the thought of what I was doing to her downbetween her legs with my tongue was shameful and obscene, but her nerveswere ablaze with rising lust and she made no effort to prevent me fromcontinuing to lick her there and give her this exquisite pleasure. Gonewas the resistance, now she was accepting my mouth on her vagina andenjoying it. She started undulating her hips to get closer to my mouth andsuddenly she started moaning out loud as she reached her orgasm in a veryshort time. During her orgasm some slimy clear liquid flowed out of hervagina which I licked up enjoying the sliminess in my mouth as it blendedwith my saliva and then swallowing all of it. I continued sucking andlicking her vagina flicking her clitoris with my tongue or using my wetlips to play with it when she went to her second orgasm. This time againher fluid flowed out to my waiting mouth and I licked it up. After herorgasm subsided I got on top of her and pushed my cock inside her vagina. Iwatched as it slipped inside her hole and her vagina enveloped me fully asI started to pump earnestly. Again another orgasm hit her and she clung tome continuing to moan. I kissed her mouth and our tongues encircled eachother exchanging the flow of saliva coming from our mouths.I kept up my rhythm as I fondled her breast sucking and licking hererect nipples. Her nipples were distended and I was rewarded with hermilk. I enjoyed the sweet taste of her milk and kept drinking from it eventhough the flow was just a trickle. I sucked her breast milk into mymouth, kissed her slowly releasing her own milk into her mouth. This timeshe eagerly sucked it from my mouth and drank it all when another orgasmhit her. She twisted her mouth away as she moaned and thrashed about. Shelifted her legs and entwined them around me trying to get my cock deepinside her vagina. Now I fucked her like a demon, building the sensationshigher and higher. This sensation was unbelievable, it was several ordersof magnitude higher than I had experienced before, and briefly I wonderedif I could stand the incredible feelings that spread out from my groin andwracked my body! I was also reaching my own orgasm so I cried out that Iwas coming. She cried back and told me to come inside her and fill her up.As my cock erupted youwin giriş she touched another orgasm again and she almost fainted.I felt that my whole being had turned into liquid fire and was flowing outof my prick into my auntie’s womb, nothing existed except my wildly pulsingcock inside my auntie’s spasming vagina, we were coupled by a sense ofbeing one, our arms and legs intertwined, nephew’s cock up auntie’s vagina,boy sperm in auntie’s belly, boy tongue in auntie’s mouth, saliva blending,sperm and pussy juice mixing, moaning and crying out in our passion, myauntie and I were fused together, and at that moment we were one beingmated for life! I think I lost consciousness, anyway, I was out of it forquite some time, floating somewhere in a warm golden afterglow, finallycoming down to earth to realize my auntie and I were still locked in ourerotic embrace, my cock was still inside her, although soft now, her legswere still over my back, and I knew that I had just experienced theultimate sexual ecstasy in my mothers arms.She stirred under me, lifting her legs off me, I was so happy I knewthat she was mine and mine alone now. After I rolled down from her shejust laid there listlessly, too tired from all the orgasms she just had. Almost in a whisper she told me to massage her body. I got up and massagedher body. After sometime she then told me that each orgasm was strongerthan the other was and as the last orgasm came, her body seemed to go numbthat was why she asked me to massage her body. She had never had suchexperience in her life let alone has so much orgasm at one go. She eventold me that in all her married life she never experienced orgasm duringsex. Only when she played with herself she got orgasm after which shewould feel guilty and ashamed. I told her that from now onwards she willget all the orgasms she wants from me. As usual we heard the wails of thebaby from the other room ending our sexual union. Oh the baby can bereally annoying.I got up and went to the bathroom to brush and go for my morning dutyafter which I took bath to refresh myself and went to the kitchen. Auntiehad finished preparing breakfast and she asked me if I wanted any, I toldher that I would have it together with her. She told me that I would haveto wait then as she had to bath the baby and then herself. I agreed andjokingly told her that I would like to watch her take bath, at which shelaughed and said, not on your life. Little did she know that I plan tomake her do whatever I wanted in future. After she had finished the choreof cleaning the house and taking bath she came out of the bedroom dressedin a light blue saree. I told her she looked beautiful, she just smiledand told me to come for breakfast. I went and embraced her, she smiled atme so I kissed her on the mouth, she responded eagerly, I hugged hertighter and crushed her breast on my chest, and she finally broke the kissand said that we better have breakfast. After breakfast when I stood upand hugged her from behind while she was washing the dishes she said “Can’t you wait for a while? Let me finish my work and then we can have allthe fun you want”.So I sat on the chair watching her as she went about her work enjoyingthe sway of her body as she moved about. Finally when all the work wasdone she fed the baby from the feeding bottle and the baby went off tosleep. We took the baby and the crib inside the bedroom; we embraced androlled into the bed together. When I started to kiss her she told me tojust hold her quietly, she wanted enjoy the sensation of being held and gooff to sleep. As I held her I placed my hand on her breast and very slowlyand languidly felt them. She just curled up and went off to sleep and evenI drifted off to sleep.After sometime when I woke up, my left hand, which was under her, wasnumb. So I slowly pulled it out so as not to disturb her and sat up on thebed. I watched her as she slept peacefully. She looked young and sobeautiful; I watched the rise and fall of her breast as she took herbreath. I wanted to remove her saree and watch her sleep naked. So I triedto remove the loose end of the saree without disturbing her but she wokeup. When she opened her eyes and saw me looking at her she smiled at me andlifted her hands to beckon me to her. She told me that she had the mostbeautiful dream but she wouldn’t tell what it was. Slowly we undressedeach other and we made love languidly enjoying the sensations of ourbodies. When her orgasm touched its peak she raked her fingers on my backand cried out my name. I intensified the action of my cock on her vagina.She reached another orgasm; oh she was multi orgasmic! Finally when I cameinside her vagina shooting my sperm into her womb she already had fourorgasms. We made love the whole day. I wanted her to suck my cock but shetold me that she would do it later on though she felt my cock and examinedit in great details.The next day our genitals were so raw due to too much of lovemaking butthat did not desist us from continuing to fuck our brains out. At one timewhen I went down on her I collected my semen and her juice in my mouth andkissed her delivering our combined juice into her mouth. That was thefirst time she tasted my semen though from a secondary source. She becamemore sporting now and even commented that our juice tasted salty but nice.I loved to suckle on her breast so much that now the baby was mostly onother milk. Coming home from college I would lie down on her lap andauntie would open her blouse and bra to release her breast. She would thenlift one of her breast and put it into my mouth like she would breast-feedher baby. I would suckle on it while I played with the other breast. Ijust loved the taste of her milk, which was sweet. In the beginning itwould be thick but thin down as the flow went on to a trickle. I suggestedthat she should not wear a bra so that I can access her breast anytime butshe told me that since she is lactating her breast becomes heavy andwithout the confines of her bra her breast would sag so much and go out ofshape.We were constantly making love just like newly married couple. I wouldtease her and say that she is now my wife and that she cannot let uncletouch her. The day when her period arrived I was eagerly sucking on hervagina when I felt the taste of blood. I lifted my head for an instant tosee a thin trickle of her period. I licked it up and continued to suck andlick her vagina. Auntie was already feeling so horny that she did notrealize I was licking her period. Later on when I came up to fuck her shesaw the blood on my face and balked. I told her that I enjoyed it. Shefound it kinky but did not nag me like she would do in the earlier days. But when the period came in full flow the next day she did not want me tofuck her. Her period continued for four days during which time I kept onrequesting her for a blowjob. She relented and finally got down to suckingmy cock. I watched her as she took my cock in her lips and started to lickthe cock head. I coaxed her to take more of me inside her as I enjoyed thesensation of her mouth and her tongue on my cock. She became aroused andeven more daring that she started to take more of my cock inside her mouth.I pushed and she gagged. She told me that my cock went down her throat. That’s the way to deep throat I replied to her without actually knowing. She took me inside her mouth again, I felt my orgasm building up so I toldher that I was going to come and I would love it if she swallowed my semen.She pulled out a letting the tip of my cock stay inside her mouth whilecatching hold of the base with her hand. I shot my load into her mouth,which she gulped down. Finally when my orgasm ended she let go my cock andlicked the tip clean. Auntie told me that she enjoyed her first cocksucking and she would now do it for me anytime I wanted.She found the idea of licking and drinking the gooey slimy salty semenvery erotic. At one time when I was going down on her I was pushing myfingers inside her and licking her vaginal lips when I saw that on removingmy fingers her vagina gapped for sometime before closing up. So the nexttime round I withdrew my fingers and latching my mouth onto her vagina blewair into her. It took two full breaths to fill her up and when I removedmy mouth the air came rushing out. She found that the sensation was reallygreat so I kept doing it sending her from one orgasm to another. (ActuallyI have not read about blowing inside a vagina in any porn stories on theweb–try it, I am sure all of you would really enjoy it–you can le me knowyour experience about this act also).When her fertile time came she did not allow me to fuck her, as she wasafraid of pregnancy, so she gave me blowjobs. I brought home a packet ofcondoms and we tried fucking with condoms but I found out that thesensations of her vagina on my cock were lost due to the condom. Theblowjobs were better than the fuck with the fucking condoms. At this timeI told her I wanted to try anal with her. She was not the least interestedhowever due to my constant insistence she agreed one evening. I took outthe KY jelly and rubbed it generously on her anus with her lying down onall four like a dog. I inserted my finger and pushed the jelly inside heranus. The puckered brown ring was tight. I got a rock hard erection asthe thought of taking her virgin anus passed my mind. Like in the pornnovels that I had read I had prepared her anus by inserting my finger andmaking her anus come to term with the intrusion. The anal ring, which wastight in the beginning, began to relax allowing my forefinger to entercompletely. I rubbed the jelly all over my cock and then I positionedmyself to insert my cock into her anus. I told her to relax so that thepain is lessened during the first entry. I pushed my cock against herpuckered anus and at first the cock head entered. She screamed out in painthough only a small portion of my cock was inside, I stood still giving hertime to relax and adjust. She kept telling me to take it out but Iremained still until she found that the pained had dulled and after coaxingher I slowly pushed inside half of my cock. This time the pain was lessthough she complained bitterly. Finally I was inside her to the hilt andmy pubic hair was mashed against her buttocks. This was unlike vaginalinsertions. Her anus was really tight and my cock felt nicely squeezed. Istarted to finger her vagina to make her relax all the time keeping my cockstill inside her anus. I whispered terms of endearment to her all the timetelling her to relax and try to enjoy the sensation. After sometime shestarted to relax again and I began to slowly move my cock back.She gasped as I pushed it back inside her. She told me it was painfuland she did not enjoy it, I kept feeling her body and playing with hervagina moving my cock slowly in and out of her anus. The sensation on mycock was too much and I erupted inside her anus spewing my hot semen intoher intestines. After I removed my cock she curled up and began to crytelling me that it was so painful and that she had allowed me to do it justbecause she loved me so much and wanted to please me. I felt sorry for herand I promised her that I would not insist on anal sex unless she wantedit. When she went to the toilet and sat down fresh blood came out of heranus along with my semen. We were both scared that something might havegone wrong, obviously my cock must have torn the ligaments in her largeintestine and we did not try it again. We concluded that the vagina is amuch better place to play with.At one time when I was gong down on her I had this brilliant idea so Igot up and went to the kitchen leaving my aunt wondering. I came back witha large brinjal (Eggplant- indian variety which is smooth and long). Sheasked me what I was up to and I told her to just relax and enjoy. I lickedthe brinjal and coating it with my saliva slowly inserted into her vaginaas I licked her vaginal lips and her clitoris. She got so excited and cameagain and again. She grasped my hips and pulled me to her side andadjusted ourselves so that we were in 69 position. She started to suck onmy cock as I kept on pushing the brinjal in and out of her vagina as I keptlicking her vagina and flicking her clitoris. Both of us came togetherwith a mind blowing orgasm, our bodies shuddering as we held each othertightly. Later she told me that to be filled up with the brinjal and mymouth licking her vagina was really mind blowing. Actually we discoveredthe joys of sex together experimenting with each other and telling eachother what each of us want or likes. Since I attend class during the dayshe would wait anxiously for my return and make love almost through thenight. At times I would just be sucking on her breast and drinking hermilk with both of us enjoying the pleasures of just breast-feeding. I didlove to feed on her milk and got addicted to it.We were in love and sometime she would tell me that she must be mad tofall in love with such young man and at that her own nephew. After I toldher about the blue films she wanted to see one. So I rented a VCR and twofilms from the local video shop. The first was a lesbian film. Thelesbian lovemaking on the screen shocked and excited her. She wassurprised to see the strap on dildos that they were using on each other. Until then she never knew that dildos existed. I told her that one of myfantasies is to see her making love to another woman and that she shouldimagine that one of the women on the film is she and try to imagine how itwould feel. The thoughts obviously excited her as she started to hug andkiss me telling me to play with her breast and her vagina. We startedfucking as we watched the movie. The next was an i****t film of a motherand her son. She enjoyed that one also very much.After the movie and our fucking sessions, she said, “Varun, your motherand I look alike in many ways, are you attracted to your mother also?” Thiswas the first time she had brought my mother into our discussions. Ireplied “Auntie, you know I love you so much, why do you want to discussthese?” “No, you answer my question” she insisted. So I told her that Iwas attracted to my mother. She asked me if I ever tried anything on mymother. Candidly I told her that even though I use to try and see her bodyI never tried anything on my mother, as I was afraid. She then told methat when they were young, they use to sleep in the same bed and that mymother use to play with herself every night. One day when my auntieconfronted mother instead of stopping or being more discreet mom taught myauntie how to pleasure herself. That was when auntie discovered her ownsexuality. They had touched and felt each other’s breast sometimes butnever got intimate and that she remembered it so vividly today after seeingthe lesbian film. I asked her to try it out with my mother when she comesto visit next month. She laughed and said, “Am I not enough for you thatyou want your mother also? You horny bastard!” But later on she admittedthat the thought of trying it out with my mother had passed her mind andexcited her.My mother was a little more plumb but not fat. I found myself veryaroused by the thought that started to fuck auntie again. While fuckingauntie I closed my eyes and imagined that it was my mother whom I amfucking and the thought was so exciting that I came almost immediately. Amonth has almost passed by without knowing how fast it went as wediscovered the joys of being in love and making love. We experimented witheach other to enhance our pleasures. Now she would willingly go down on meunlike the first time when she thought it was so dirty but dreaded the daywhen uncle would be arriving back from his foreign trip. Auntie warned methat when uncle was around it would be strictly aunt nephew relationship,she was scared. We started discussing on how to seduce my mother. Auntiewas excited at the idea of making love to another woman and I at thethought of fucking my own mother if our scheme succeeded though we werescared at the consequences if it misfired. Auntie told me my mother was avery sexy woman and she seems to be always horny when they were young. That will be our advantage I hope.We had been dreading the day uncle would return, however, we were quitehappy when he finally arrived because he came back with a lot of foreigngoods and presents for both of us. In fact that day when he was suppose tocome we got up early and had a very good love making session starting withoral sex and finally ending up with fucking each other raw. Before we leftthe house I had my breast feeding session with the baby watching us asauntie opened my pants and played with my cock. Both of us were feelingraw specially auntie who was complaining that both her breast and hervagina was so raw due to our accelerated love making for the last two daysthinking that our freedom is coming to an end soon. Then we took bathtogether and along with the baby we went to the airport to receive him. For now I was fully satiated and occupied with all those foreign gadgets.In the evening I slept in my own room alone imagining what uncle and myaunt might be doing. I felt pangs of jealousy as the thought of themsleeping together in the same bed crossed my mind. Slowly I drifted off tosleep.The next three days was sheer torture for me as uncle stayed homerelaxing after his foreign jaunt making it difficult for me to even be nearauntie. After all the intimacy we shared being able to see her but losingall the liberty was frustrating. On the fourth day when I came back fromcollege my aunt was alone with the baby so I went and hugged her. No wordswere spoken as I started to kiss and feel her body with my hand. As usualI made her sit down on the bed and layed my head on her lap. She openedher blouse and bra and lifting her breast fed the nipple into my mouth. Like a starved c***d I sucked on her nipple greedily as I was rewarded witha rich flow of her breast milk. I kept up my sucking and drank all themilk that flowed out of her breast as she opened my pants and started tofondle my cock. After three days of abstinence my cock was full of jismand it was so hard. After draining one of her breast I got up andundressed her completely and as she layed on the bed fully naked Iundressed myself. I dove right to her vagina and started to lick her. Shewas wet and her vaginal juice was flowing out like a fountain, aunt keptmoaning out loud as I licked her and inserted my fingers to her vagina. Immediately she reached her orgasm as she moaned out loud and her juicecame flowing out of her vagina. I licked it up and moved on top of herdirecting my cock into her vagina. Like a receptacle her vagina engulfedmy cock and I filled her up.She embraced me as I lowered my mouth to her breast. I suckled herbreast drinking her milk as I started to pump my cock inside her vagina. She pushed her hips against mine as I rocked her. She achieved anotherorgasm and raked my back with her fingers. I kept pumping into her vaginaas her orgasm subsided and another one build up. I collected her breastmilk in my mouth and fed it to her by kissing her. She eagerly sucked itfrom my mouth and then she went into another orgasm. I was now fastapproaching my own orgasm. So I spoke out for the first time since westarted to make love telling her that I was going to come and I want her tocome with me. All she did was moan out louder and raise her hips to meetthe thrust of my cock. My cock jerked inside her vagina and erupted into afountain as I told her that I was coming. She also cried back saying thatshe was coming and both of us clung to each other as we revered in oursweet communion. After the orgasm died down I rolled down from her whileshe laid there limply taking deep breaths. I cuddled her and she cried. She told me she missed me so much. I hushed her and made her relax tellingher that I will always be there for her. Finally good sense prevailed uponher and she got up to get dressed saying that uncle might come home early.Then I told her that my semen is still inside her and if he wants to makelove then he would know that another man had just fucked her. She startedto despair and go to the bathroom to wash up, so I told her that I wouldclean it up with my mouth sucking out all the semen from her provided shewould drink it from my mouth. She smiled and readily agreed saying thatshe missed the taste of my semen. When I opened her legs her vagina was sosoppy with my semen and her own juice. At first I just licked whatever wasoutside, teasing her clitoris.She urged me to go faster. Then I placed my lips on her vagina andsucked hard to be rewarded with thick glops of my own semen. I collectedit in my mouth and kissed her transferring it to her as she eagerly lappedit up. The process went on until her vagina was cleaned up properly withmy mouth and in the process she had another orgasm. I wanted to continuebut she told me that it was enough. So we got up dressed and came out fromthe bedroom. We sat in the kitchen as we had tea. She told me that unclemade love to her twice in the last four days. It seems he had taken somemedication in the US to increase his fertility and he wanted another c***dsoon. I became serious and told her that she cannot have his c***d and ifshe wanted another c***d it will be mine. She told me that she cannotconceive right now as her fertile period was not due for another week. Itold her she should tell him that her fertile period was now and let himmake love to her but when her actual fertile period came she should sleepwith me so that when she becomes pregnant uncle would think that theamerican medicine had helped him to impregnate his wife. I explained toher that I love her whole heartedly and for me she is the woman of my life.Knowing that we love each other so much I want to have our love c***d. Shewas scared, afraid but did not know how to refuse me. So she did notreject the idea nor did she give her consent.Meantime uncle came home and greeted us. I left them thinking in mymind that I must get my aunt pregnant with my c***d. Having been sointimate with her for so long I knew when her period started and when herfertile egg would come. I resolved that I should talk to her again at thefirst given opportunity and convince her. I wanted my auntie to sire ourlove c***d out of her own desire to do so.The idea of the possibility of impregnating his aunt was such a turn on for Varun. That night he went off to sleep toying with different ideas of how to convince Sailaja to let him impregnate her. Meantime his uncle found out that breast feeding delays pregnancy so he told Sailaj to stop breastfeeding the baby as he desperately wanted to have another c***d before they became too old. This bit of news Sailaja told Varun the next day in the morning while he was having breakfast before going to college. Varun was very disappointed but now the baby girl Yashoda was 11 months old and could go on with being breastfed. Sailaja told him to come home early that day as she had things to talk to him. Varun came home in the afternoon from college to find auntie relaxing after completing her housework. On seeing Varun she smiled and beckoned him to her lap and as soon as he laid his head she opened her blouse, unhooked her bra and offered her breast to be suckled. As Varun sucked her long nipples milk started to come canlı bahis which he drank greedily. “Oh my poor baby, drink all you want while it is there” she said. “Oh yes baby, suck it like that” Varun fondled the other breast and admired her pendulous breast with the blue veins. His cock became erect while breastfeeding from her breast and she started to massage his cock. They went to his room and made love for a long time. Finally she told Varun that they have to stop the i****tuous sex and that this was their last time together.Varun was devastated but she told him that if he loved her as much as he professes he should follow her wishes. She made me swear that he will do nothing against her wishes and that whatever happened should remain a secret between just the two of them. The next day was the most miserable day of his life and nothing seems to get better and a week passed making him feel even more miserable. She was behaving as if nothing had ever happened between them and now she was just down the hall nursing yashoda. His whole body ached with longing for her. His cock was as hard as a rock and throbbing painfully as he pictured the baby nursing on her big, beautiful tits. He could almost taste the wondrous elixir as he recalled the night he had first savored it.A flash of jealousy and anger shot through him. Jealousy in that the baby had his aunt’s breasts any time she wanted them while he was once again forbidden to partake of their delicious contents. Anger in that he had been allowed to partake in the forbidden pleasures of i****tuous love and now he was forbidden to share this love with his aunt. And he had thought they had shared such a deep, enduring love. Couldn’t she see how much he wanted her, he asked himself as the love pouring out of his heart flowed across the room to her like a river? No more, he sobbed. This went on from weeks to months and he knew that his aunt had stopped breastfeeding the baby. It was now more than three months since he last had intimacy with his aunt. Now he had resigned himself to his fate after trying so hard to win back her love and the intimacy they shared. She seemed determined to stop all this. On the other hand his uncle seems to be trying hard to get her pregnant again but to no avail which seems to make him short tempered. He could see that his uncle was taking out the anger on sailaja and she appeared to be cowering under his anger. She became even quieter and would not even look at Varun when he tried to talk to her. Varun always remembered the hot lovemaking they shared once upon a time. Nursing from his aunt was awesome, but making love to her was so much more. Denying him her body was like feeding crumbs to a starving man. Strangely, it only made things worse having her so near, yet unable to take her into his arms and make wild passionate love to her.Then one day his uncle left for Europe for two weeks and he thought this was the best time to try his luck with his aunt again. That evening he approached her and said “Auntie, please look at me and tell me that you do not love me nor do you want me anymore. If that is the case I shall go away forever from your life, I cannot stand it anymore with you so close yet so far away” At this Sailaja immediately broke down and started crying. Varun went to her and put his arms around her and said “Shush auntie, don’t cry””I’m sorry” she went on. “I could tell how much pain you were in. And my heart was breaking for you. But it wasn’t easy for me either. I wanted to come to you so many times, but I did not want to corrupt you any further.” She said. “The other day you asked me if you could impregnate me and that is not a small thing. I know that if we continue our relationship there is every possibility of you impregnating me and that is not as simple as making love” She went on to tell him that she felt miserable doing this to him but that it was for his best. Sailaja went on” Every day I yearn for you and I would cry when no one was around but I thought it was better for you to forget me and go on with your life, you are young and there is so much ahead in your life. On the other hand your uncle took out his frustration on me for not being able to impregnate me. I even contemplated suicide also but for the sake of my daughter I desisted from the act”Between sobs she explained how she endured the agony and mental pain everyday, how uncle mistreated her for not getting pregnant and that finally yesterday when uncle told her that he was going to Amsterdam for two weeks she decided that she will continue her relationship with varun if he was still willing to take her back”You mean, you mean that, that we, we…””Yes, we can, can be lovers again,” she told him as she watched his face lit up. “God, I wish I had known,” he complained, reaching out and hugging her tightly and kissing her deeply “I’ve been so god-damned miserable all these months, I just wanted to die.””I’m sorry,” she murmured, “but I thought that was for your own good.””It’s okay, auntie,” he grinned, “but now we have to make up for it.””I have to tell you something,” she said as she delicately fondled his quivering cock.”What?” he asked “Something very important,” she smiled innocently.”What? What?” he implored her. “I want to have your baby,” she said softly.”Huh!” he grunted. “What did you say?””I want to have your baby,” she said again as he gawked at her, not able to believe what he had just heard.”A baby? You want to have my baby?,” he babbled inanely.”Yes, I want to have your baby,” she said again, giving his cock a suggestive squeeze.”A baby,” he muttered. “A baby.””Yes, I want to have a baby,” she said seriously. “Your baby.”He couldn’t believe his ears. Surely she didn’t mean it.”MY BABY!” he blurted out in disbelief. “Yes, I want to have YOUR baby,” she smiled happily.”You want to have MY baby?” he groaned.”God, auntie, I love you,” he groaned, gently pushing her down onto her back.”Wait” she said there is also a condition”Even before you tell me any condition I agree fully” Varun repliedShe smiled at him and said ” This time we shall make love as man and wife not as illicit lovers, I want to be married to you before you come to my body again so that this time you will come to me as my husband””Oh auntie, but how? Where will we get married? Who will perform the marriage for us?””Tomorrow we will go to the next town where there is a priest in a temple who performs marriages for a fee. We shall go and pay him his fees and get married in his temple” She went on to explain that she would leave her daughter Yashoda with a friend for two days. Since the baby was now almost one and a half years she will not be a problem. Moreover the baby gets along well with her friend as she has taken care of the baby for her many times before also.Varun was so happy that he kept on pledging his undying love for her and kissing her. He wanted to make love to her but his aunt firmly told him that he will have to wait until they become man and wife. He kept begging her so finally she agreed that they can neck for a while but without any intimate touching. Finally she told him to go to his room and sleep and save everything for the big day tomorrow.Knowing that he will be making love to his auntie again he was so happy but he had difficulty falling asleep. The thought of marrying his aunt and her permission for him to impregnate her was like a divine gift which made him even more excited.Sailaja on the other hand was also very happy now that she had finally decided to continue her relationship with varun after duly getting married. She had been apprehensive before because he was still young and may not be able to control himself but now she was certain that he is completely dependable as in the last couple of months he had quietly respected her wishes and never tried to blackmail or force himself on her. She prepared for the trip the next day packing her wedding saree and along with sexy bras and panties not that she thought she would be wearing any of it once they got married. She found herself getting so wet thinking of the making love to Varun. Her nipples were also erect. Poor thing, she thought as she remembered how much he loved her succulent breast full of milk as now she had stopped breastfeeding and her breast was dry. She decided to shave her vagina and as a present for him tomorrow. She took out the mangalsutra that she had bought the other day and packed it along with her wedding saree. Magalsutra being the a necklace which the man will tie around the neck of the woman he is marrying which is the sacred tradition in India.The next day Varun got up early and went to his auntie’s bedroom but she was also already up and getting the baby ready to be kept with her friend. Varun went up behinf her and hugged her. She turned back and kissed him fully on his mouth and asked ” How is my husband to be today?””You go and get ready while I go over to my friends house to keep the baby there” She told him. “In a few hours from now on I am going to be your wife, so save all your loving and get ready” After breakfast they left for the next town in a taxi which is four hours drive. Before going out Sailaja warned Varun that in any public place they were to behave as aunt and nephew and that he cannot touch her or do any such thing as it would be a scandal if anyone knowing them should happen to see such a thing. Varun behaved well but when they reached the town they booked into a hotel as husband and wife. As soon as they were inside the hotel room alone Varun embraced his aunt and kissed her rubbing his whole body against hers. Sailaja kissed back equally probing her tongue inside his mouth and exchanging their saliva. Sailaja then told him to break the magalsutra which was tied by her husband and his uncle. Varun took pleasure in breaking the mangalsutra from Sailaja’s neck. They then freshened up and packing their wedding dress they proceeded to the temple which was slightly isolated where Sailaja had made arrangements through phone for their marriage. At the temple the priest was waiting for them and told them that the puja (ceremony) can start as soon as they are ready. Sailaja went to the dressing room adjacent to the temple to get ready while Varun who was already in Kurta pyjama (traditional Indian dress for men) waited outside. After sometime Sailaja came out in her wedding dress and they sat down near the fire for the marriage to begin. This was a place where people eloping would get married so ther was no questions raised. A band was also there to play the wedding music. The wedding took about an hour after which they were declared man and wife. The relatives of the priest and the temple staffs came to bless them and they quickly returned to their hotel by evening with Sailaja wearing the new mangalsutra tied on her neck ny her nephew Varun and kumkum( red colour) on her forehead signifying her marriage. Since the place was famous for sun aways to get married the hotel staff were not surprised to see them coming back in their wedding dress and the hotel manager quickly sent up a glass of milk to the room. As soon as the waiter left Varun went to embrace her auntie and said ” My wife””My husband go and wait on the bed for me”When varun sat on the bed Sailaja came covering her head with the saree and the glass of milk in her hand which is as per the hindu tradition for a bride to first approach the husband. Varun quickly drank the milk and pulled sailaja on to the bed. There he started to attack her like a starved man attacking his food. He tore away her blouse and freed her breast from the bra…after such a long time he was able to see and fondle his aunt’s breast again. They had become slightly smaller as they were no more producing milk but the long nipples were already erect.He quickly took one in his mouth and started to cuk on it at the same time fondling the other breast and rolling the nipples in his thumb. Sailaja moaned at the ministrations, there was no time for finesse, they were like a****ls ravaging each other’s body as they pulled at each other’s clothes with labored breathe. Quickly he pulled her saree along with the petticoat to her waist, pulled down the panty and exposed her shaved cunt. He was delighted to find her vagina already dripping in her own juice in anticipation. Quickly he freed his cock and plunged into her like a knife cutting butter. “Oh, my darling wife, my cock is back to where it belongs” he cried out as his cock was fully embedded”Yes my darling husband, welcome home” she moaned back to him”I am fucking you in your wedding saree, this is the same saree you wore in your first wedding isn’t it?” “Yes my darling, with this act you are defiling my first marriage and legalizing your marriage with me” she replied.They fucked like a****ls as if there was no time . He thrust his cock fast and deep into her vagina as he mauled her breast and kissed her mouth. She humped back in equal frenzy as they sped towards their own orgasm. Suddenly they reached their orgasm together when Varun cried out” Oh auntie, I am going to come” “My husband, come to me, come inside me, fill me up with your potent sperm and make me pregnant again””yes I will fill you with my semen and cleanse your womb to make you pregnant again” varun said as he came shooting his semen inside her vagina and flooded her. Sailaja also came and she arched her buttocks up to meet his thrust as he injected his semen and filled her womb with his potent sperm.After the frenzied fucking they took rest as Varun cuddle up his aunt and whispered terms of endearment into her ears. She was satisfied and contended to be in his arms. She had made peace with herself and with him by marrying him and legalizing their act. She did not consider it i****t anymore.After some time Varun undressed himself and became completely naked. Then he started to undress his aunt firstly by removing the saree and the petticoat. Then he removes the torn blouse and her bra which was hanging loosely. Once again he started to fondle her breast at which Sailaja said “I am so sorry that my breast is dry, your uncle found out that breast feeding delays pregnancy and forced me to stop breast feeding because that wimp of a man could not impregnate me.””Don’t worry my darling wife, now I am here to impregnate you as many times as you want and your breast will be constantly flowing with milk for me and my babies””Oh my nephew husband, I want nothing more than that….I love to breast feed you, I love the feeling of your mouth sucking out milk from my breast…make me pregnant fast so that my breast shall once again fulfill your desire” Saying that she started to slide down to his cockShe took his cock in her mouth and started to lick it back to life with the ministrations of her tongue. Quickly it swelled and became hard filling her mouth. She took it out and marveled it while at the same time she noticed the distinct addtition in size and leght. He has become much bigger she thought. While she teased his manhood back to ripeness, he bent down to the drooling wetness between her lovely legs. Inhaling deeply, he drank in the succulent aroma of her overheated cunt that was now leaking with is semen mixed with her juices.He loved all the smells of his aunt: The delicate fragrance of her exotic perfume: The lingering aroma of soap from her shower: The scintillating scent of her sex. The erotic fragrances filled his nose and sent a charge of excitement coursing through his cock. Leaning down farther, he stuck his tongue out and ran it up and down the sopping slit of slippery flesh savoring the hot sweetness of her overflowing cunt as she mewed out her approval. Lapping at her pussy, he slurped his way up and down the fleshy gash until he found her bulging clitoris sticking out of its sheath. Suddenly, he attacked the jutting knob of slippery tissue, roughly slashing at it with his tongue as he sucked and pulled on it with his lips. “Oh, my husband,” she whimpered, humping her cunt up into his face.Nipping and nibbling on the slippery clit with his teeth, he could sense that his aunt was already on the verge of a cataclysmic eruption of pleasure.”Yes…my husband yes…there,” she murmured as he felt her whole body suddenly tighten and begin to shake.Locking his lips down around the slick, little button of flesh, he raked his tongue back and forth across it furiously as she writhed underneath him.Making his auntie come was so crazy. He was making his auntie come with his mouth. How many nephew could marry his aunt and take her to sexual heights, he giddily wondered as he reveled in the wickedness of bringing his aunt and wife to fulfillmentShe thrashed about under his wicked ministrations, Then, finally, he heard her groan loudly and felt her come. Her hips bounced up and down, splattering his face with more and more of her thick, aromatic juices that were pouring out of her pussy as she groveled in the throes of her delight. He found it was impossible to hold onto her wildly gyrating hips as she shamelessly raked her cunt up and down his face, wantonly disregarding her vows of motherhood. That they were auntie and nephew no longer mattered. They were now more than that, he thought as he felt the intensity of her joy overcome her. So very much more than that… She kept grinding her pussy down into his face until at last he felt the throes of her climax begin to weaken. Then, just as he felt the last throes of her orgasm tickle through his aunt’s cunt, Varun scrambled up to his hands and knees. Hurriedly crawling up her body, he grabbed his throbbing cock and aimed it at the slavering gash of pink wetness between her legs. Fitting the big, tapered head of his oozing cock into her waiting hole, he felt the hot, softness of her hungry cunt engulf him. Grunting, he quickly shoved all of his aching peter down into the hot, clutching inferno that burned inside her ravenous pussy. Unable to control himself, he began to rock back and forth, hammering his cock into his aunt savagely. Not only did she want him to fuck her, he thought as he passionately attacked her, she wanted him to give her a baby. The evil wickedness of such a thing was driving him crazy. He was going to make a baby inside his aunt, he groveled, pounding his cock into her as hard and fast as he could.But despite the ferocity of his onslaught, she took it and begged him from more.”Yeah…Varun my husband, fuck me hard,” she babbled as she dug her long, red fingernails into his bounding ass, clutching him, pushing and pulling on him, and goading him to fuck her faster and faster. “And give me a baby.”The fucking sound reverberated through the room as he furiously fucked her. How could they engage in such evil, he wondered, as his brick-hard cock slashed into her cunt, his belly slapping against hers over and over again. Grunting and gasping for breath, he worked frantically as she writhed beneath him. They were a****ls rutting in the filth of their own i****tuous sty, but he was hell bent to fulfil his auntie’s satanic wish, no matter what the horrific consequences might be.She was his aunt. He loved her so much that he married her and wanted her to have his baby. Jerking his hips back and forth like a madman, he hammered his cock in and out of his aunt’s hot hole,. But she wanted it. She wanted him to fuck her. She wanted him to fuck her and make her belly big, he told himself.They fucked. As man and woman, they fucked. They fucked, not as aunt and nephew but as lovers. They fucked as if they were the only two people left on earth to repopulate it. The fucked as if their lives depended upon generating new life inside his aunt’s womb. No one, or no thing mattered now. It was only the two of them. The two of them alone in their own wicked world. They would make up their own rules now. No one else mattered.As they fucked, the enormity of their violation came to him and he could feel the molten pool of cum inside his balls begin to bubble and froth impatiently. Now, straining to hold back it back, he could feel the rapidly building pressure inside his aching balls growing greater by the second as he hammered his cock into his aunt’s tight sucking hole.He had to give her what she wanted. He would fill her with his hot essence and she would take it into her womb where she would make another baby with it. They would make a beautiful baby together.He knew that he couldn’t last much longer. His muscles were already screaming out in pain, begging him to stop. But he couldn’t, not until he had finished the evil task, finished the depraved rite and planted the unholy seed inside his aunt’s fertile womb. Her hands were all over him, clawing, scratching, and clutching as she urged him on.Finally he felt it coming. The burning tightness inside his balls was rapidly building toward an explosive upheaval.Then it happened. His giant cock erupted in a fiery explosion as it lurched and spurted out a gigantic gush of his thick, hot, sperm-laden cum into his aunt’s ravenous cunt.Then a microsecond later it fired again, drenching the clutching, squeezing channel of her cunt with his sticky, hot potency a second time. His whole body was awash with pleasure as his monstrous penis spewed out its toxic semen into the sucking depths of his auntr’s gluttonous cunt.Crying out in agony and pleasure, he buried his cock deep inside the clutching heat of her ravenous cunt and unleashed its cargo of toxic cum into her as she cried out with joy.Groveling below him, she welcomed his eruption by pulling and clawing at him, drawing his jerking, spurting monster even deeper into the fiery core of her motherhood. Their lips touched momentarily in a soft, loving kiss before they were crushed together by the passion of the moment. Their slashing tongues only accentuated the v******e of the kiss as they intertwined and danced a wicked, i****tuous dance of love. The unholy kiss went on and on as he emptied his heavy, cum-filled balls into her ripe, fertile garden.His giant cock convulsing with pleasure, he felt the spasms of her tight, clutching cunt grip down on him. The scorching sheath of her vagina tightly clung to his cock while the ripples of her orgasm undulated through her cunt. His cock spurted and spurted, shooting out its vile load of thick, venomous cum into her with mighty lurches as they both reached for heaven and found it before they collapsed…”YESSSssssssss my husband,” she hissed as she pulled him to her and hugged him tightly.He found her lips with his and they kissed hungrily as their orgasms raged through them. But even as they kissed, his cock continued to jerk and send hot, steamy spurts of fiery cum into her ravenous vagina. And as his monster cock emptied its vile load into her hot, hungry cunt, he could feel her squeezing and milking it, sucking it dry with her clinging pussy as they devoured each other’s lips. Kissing her soft, yielding lips, he could imagine his sperm swimming through the meaty darkness of her vagina. Swimming through her cum drenched cunt, their tails frantically flailing as they searched for her virgin egg. It was as if she were giving up her virginity to him. Giving up her egg. The egg that had never felt the touch of a sperm. And it would be his sperm that would **** the egg and bring forth life from it.He knew that she must be coming with him as he felt the muscles of her cunt clutching at him spasmodically, clenching the tightness of her cunt down around his erupting cock and trying to suck out every last drop of his precious semen. Send me your response — [email protected]

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