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The next two week were going to be hell in my book if I could not go over and visit Elna.

The first week was a disaster for my. I could not think about any thing else but Elnas sexy body and her hot pussy.

On Friday afternoon, after work, I was driving home and got stopped at a stop light behind a city delivery truck. I was sitting there waiting for the light to turn green, thinking about her sexy body and all of a sudden the truck rolls backwards and right into my front end. He though it had not done much damage, but with my smaller Pontiac Tempest, I was low enough that his dock rails totaled my front grill and radiator. (No cell phones back then) I walked to the business on the corner and had them call the police for me. Once the police got there and issued the truck drive the ticket, the wrecker had gotten there to take my car to the repair shop. I had also called dad, who was still at work, and he came and got me.

Now what was I going to do without a car. Dad told me that I could use his ” go to work” car and he would drive one of the company cars till mine got repaired.

The second week went by rather fast as I had to do some testing for my first year in college. I was busy every night going to the school to take the entrance tests and then having to go and talk to the consulars about my results.

I was thinking about going past Elna apartment after the Thursday evening tests, but I stopped at home first to change clothes. When I walked in the door mom was talking to dad about something. I went into my room to change and they both called to me to come out so they could talk to me. I thought that I was in trouble aa they had found out about what happen between Elna and myself.

When I got to the living room they were both sitting in their chairs and still talking. Mom asked me if I had heard about the fire at Elna’s apartment building. I told her NO!

They told me that the lower apartment kitchen stove had caught fire and done a lot of damage to that apartment. Elna’s had only a lot of smoke damage and some water damage.

Mother told me that Elna could not stay at her place till the insurance company cleared everything up and the damage got fixed to the whole apartment building. She then added that seeing they were going to be gone next week and I was going to be home alone, Elna needed a place to stay and I needed someone to cook for me, she had invited Elna to stay at our place till all was fixed. She said it would most likely be about two to three weeks and asked if I was I OK with that, as we had the spare bedroom in the basement she could use. I said, NO PROBLEM. I said that that would be fine as I know I would get tired of canned soup every night.

Mom then said, GOOD as she had told Elna that I would be over ASAP to pick her and her things up and bring here. I told them I would get over there and see what help she needed in packing thing to bring with her.

When I got to her apartment she was mostly packed and all I needed to do was take things down to the car and check to make sure the place was shut up so no one would break in. She hugged me and cried like a baby as she had had a lot of her things damaged and broken by the fire department. (This was no time to try messing around)

When we got back to my parents house I got her things into the room she was going to stay in and as I was leaving she took my arm and kissed me and I know things were going to be OK while she was there.

My parents, Elna and I went out to dinner on Friday evening before my parents left on Saturday morning. My dad gave me money to spend on food and such. He had also made arrangements so if we needed anything else to call one of his business partners.

They also reminded me that I should go to be on church ans Sunday school Sunday morning as, Elna would want to as she taught a girl class , and take her to lunch some place nice afterwards. (Dad gave me money for the bill)

Saturday morning we wished them a safe trip and they were on there we to Nebraska for a week. As they pulled out of the drive way I felt a hand reach for my ass and squeeze.

She looked at me and said, “I thought they would never leave, my pussy needs your attention.”

I turner towards her and kissed her and fondled one of her breasts. She keep massaging my ass through my pants and kissing me back. Her tongue was half way down my throat and I was doing the same to her.

I got her back into my bedroom, it was only 8:30 AM and I was already stripping her clothes off and removing her new sexy pink bra that she had told me she had purchased just for me to see her in. As I got the bra off, I noticed the size tag read 38 “D.” I looked at it and then at her breasts and just licked my lips.

She said, “Do you see anything you like.” I said, “I sure do.”

As she stood there naked from the waist up, I turned and noticed our next door neighbor coming out the back door for her house. I pulled Elna out of sight and told her we were going to have to be careful as Heybeliada Escort not to get caught. She agreed and we headed for her room in the basement. We were talking going down the hallway and I asked, “What about us when Mom and Dad come home?”

She laughed a throaty little laugh that exuded sex and desire. “Then, I think it would behoove the both of us to go back to the relationship we had before your mother and father left for Nebraska.” You mean that we will not be able to see each other. NO see asid, just have to be careful when we do get together.

“That will be hard,” I said.

She laughed again, squeezing my dick as she did. “It already is.”

I blushed. “You know what I mean.”

She looked at me with desire written all over her face. “In the words of that country song several years back, ‘shut up and kiss me.'”

I turned and pressed my lips against hers. Her tongue quickly found its way past my lips and over my teeth. In an instant our tongues met, dueling once more as though our very lives depended upon the outcome. Elna and I groaned simultaneously as I began sucking on her tongue. When I released my suction her tongue quickly retreated back into her mouth, allowing mine to become the invader. We battled back and forth like that for quite some time, sucking on each other’s tongues like there was no tomorrow.

She pulled away and lay on her back, both of us panting loudly. “Wow,” she said breathlessly. “You sure know your way around a woman’s mouth!”

I knelt over her and began licking and kissing the nape of her neck, occasionally moving up the sides of her neck to suck on her earlobes. I treated each side of her neck with tender loving care. Once when I sucked a bit too hard, she told me to be careful. “Don’t want to leave a mark, honey,” she said. “Those old biddies at church have enough to gossip about as it is.”

I kissed her on the chin, moved upward and trapped her lower lip between my own lips, sucking it into my mouth. “Ummm,” she moaned as she wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me closer. “So, good,” she breathed huskily. “So good.”

I moved up and licked behind her left ear. This caused her to groan even louder. After paying homage to her left ear, I kissed and licked my way across her face and did the same thing to the right ear. Then I began my downward journey.

I licked every inch of Elna’s skin on my way to her breasts. I paused just long enough to take a deep breath before I continued. I licked the tops of her mountainous mammeries. I licked and kissed the sides. I then lifted each one in succession and licked the undersides, paying particular attention to the creases where her breasts met her chest.

Elna wiggled beneath me. “Ummm,” she groaned. “You do that so well. I almost feel like I could cum just from that.”

Hearing her say that spurred me on. Me? Making my Elna cum?

My pecker flexed repeatedly. I left her bountiful boobs and made my way to her belly button, wetting her stomach with my saliva as I went. Her whole body jerked and twitched noticeably when I wiggled my tongue around inside her navel. I guess she’d had enough of that because she arched her pelvic region as she pushed my head away.

“Time to claim your prize,” she told me, her voice dripping with lust and desire.

I felt her pubic hairs brush against my chin. Unlike the sparsely covered twats of my high school conquests, Elna’s mound was covered with a dense, but well groomed, blanket of dark brown, almost black, hair.

Elna reached down and spread her pussy lips apart. “Stick your tongue in there,” she said. I did as I was told as I did wished to learn more from her.

“Now fuck me with your magic tongue,” she told me.

Being inexperienced as I was in the art of eating pussy, I was a bit unsure of exactly what she wanted me to do. But, not wanting to come across as a complete idiot, I did what I thought would satisfy her. I began sawing my tongue in and out of her hole. Sometimes slowly and sometimes fast. On the back strokes, I would curl my tongue and drag it across the upper part of her hole. On the down strokes, I would stiffen my tongue and forge straight ahead.

I must have been doing a right good job because she grabbed both of my ears, stuck both of her legs straight up in the air and screamed like a sex starved female. Her whole body convulsed uncontrollably. I stopped what I was doing and looked up at her. Her eyes had rolled back to where I could barely see the pupils. She pulled my face into her cunt until I could hardly breathe.

“Don’t stop! Don’t stop!” she yelled. “I’m almost there!”

I resumed licking at the entrance to her love tunnel, her legs still straight and her toes pointing to the ceiling. Elna was still twitching all over when she began pumping her legs like she was doing sit-ups, her feet touching nothing but the air above us. She would lower her legs until her heels bounced off my shoulders and then, up they would Escort Heybeliada go again, stiffen and come back down.

“I can’t stand it,” she yelled. “I can’t stand it.”

I stopped once again and tried to pull away, but she tightened her hold on my head and squeezed her thighs together. I couldn’t move.

“Keep going, baby,” she cried. “Keep going! Fuck your sex slave with that golden tongue of yours! Fuck me until I die!”

I continued pleasing her with my tongue for what seemed like hours. I was tired, but I was enjoying myself too much to quit. She must have had at least a dozen orgasms. Finally, her body gave one last huge jerk and her legs fell like a hammer onto my back. She mewed like a kitten as she continued to twitch. It was like an earthquake had occurred inside her and now the aftershocks were taking control.

Elna loosened her grip on my head and I pulled away from her hot box, my face covered with her juices. I licked my lips several times. She sure tasted delicious. I swiped the palm of my hand over my face and across my chin, gathering her love offering as I went. I licked my hand until I was satisfied I had gotten it all.

I rose up on my knees, moved over and lay down beside my still trembling goddess. There were tears on her cheeks. “Are you okay, Elna……? I mean sweetie. You’re crying. What’s wrong?”

She scooted closer. She caressed my face. “Oh, honey. Nothing’s wrong. These are tears of joy.”

I kissed her softly on her forehead. “For a moment there, I thought I’d done something wrong.”

“No, baby, you did everything right.” she smiled weakly. Are you sure you’ve never done this before?”

I held up my right hand. “Scout’s honor,” I said no girl would let me try doing that to her. They all said that was dirty and foul.

She blinked slowly. Her voice slurred almost as though she were drunk. “I……haven’t cum……like that……like that since we fuck last……”

I wrapped my arms around her and we dosed. I was awakened by the phone ringing. I jumped up and ran to the kitchen to answer it. It was one of mom’s friends calling to see if I would be needing anything while they were gone. I told them I will be just fine, thank you.

I looked at the clock and it was 1:15 already. I went back to wake Elna, but she was sitting on the toilet calling me through the open door with her finger. She held out her hand and pulled me towards her. I went willingly and as I got to her side she took my limp cock into her mouth and started sucking life back into it. I stopped her quickly and told her as she had relived herself so did I need to piss. She spread her legs to each side of the bowl and said,”I hope you got good aim.”

I pissed a river between her legs without getting a drop on her. She wiped me off and returned to sucking me to a full erection. She said she did not want to miss a drop of my precum.

Once hard she took hold and led me into the oversized shower stall.

In the shower she lathered up my body and washed every inch with a soft wash cloth. I returned the favor and them when she was rinsed off took a nipple into my mouth and suckled on it while inserting a finger into the hairy bush between her parted legs. She had me stand up and took hold of my ridged cock and worked it back and forth. All of a sudden the water started to get cold so we got out and dried each other off.

We stayed nude till we had to get dress and meet with her insurance agent about the settlement of her damage. She was going to end up getting a new apartment as the two story house she lived in now was not going to be repaired, but destroyed. Her insurance agent said his company would pay to fine a new one and pay any difference in rent for two years because the fire was not any of her doing.

After the meeting we went to dinner and a movie that a church group was showing we got home about 10:15 PM and went to BED.

You bet, she had me stripped naked in a minute and I the same of her. (She had told me that she always walked around her apartment nude.) I told her that it felt good to be that way but I could not because of my parents. She agreed and said I could be at her place anytime I wished and enjoy the pleasure of being naked with her.

Getting back to the story, Elna started to kiss my nipples and told me she was going to repay me for my pussy eating.

Turning back to my erect cock, she continued to roll my balls between her fingers. She took my cock and started to make me smile. She said to lie back and enjoy the night.

I was no longer embarrassed about his situation because her fingers were doing things to him that he’d never experienced before. They were so soft, yet could produce enough pressure that tingly explosions were running up and down the shaft of my cock.

She was pleasantly surprised that her ministrations on my balls were causing my dick to swell even more. She said, “My word, it’s getting bigger by the minute.”

I could only Heybeliada Escort Bayan nod, and cooing like a small bird as his sexual level continued to grow. While I couldn’t move my arms at all, I was wiggling all of his fingers and toes.

Knowing that she couldn’t put it off any longer, Elna let go of his balls with her right hand and wrapped that hand completely around my dick. Ever so slowly, she began to rotate her hand around my dick.

“Oh jeez,” I said continently, “that’s GREEEEAT.”

She said, “Honey, you’ve got a world of pleasure ahead of you in the next few days.”

While keeping her right hand rotating on my dick, she then used her whole left hand to massage his balls. My eyes were now closed, but the look on my face was pure bliss.

About a minute later, she stopped rotating her hand, and began to slowly stroke my cock up and down. After the first few strokes, she repositioned her right thumb so that it rubbed up against the super sensitive spot on my dick, just on the underside at the base of the tip.

The increase in pleasure almost sent me over the edge. She, though, wanted to prolong the moment of climax, so she took both hands away. I let out a low groan at this point. She couldn’t help herself, and giggled just a little as she watched my hips move up and down in a fucking motion.

I opened his eyes, looked at her and said, “Please, you can’t stop now.”

“I won’t,” she said, “but I want you as hot as possible before you cum.”

I was happy to see her reach again for my cock. Rather than stroking me, she grabbed my cock in her left hand, and put the palm of her right hand on the tip. Then she moved her right hand in a circular motion so that she could rub me right on my pee hole.

I had never known that this tip of my dick was so sensitive. Not able to control myself, I said, “Fuck Elna, no one’s ever done that to me before.”

“I’m sure I know how to do lots of things to you that none of those young gals have ever done to you,” she replied.

The electric sensations emanating from the tip of my dick ran down the shaft and through my entire body. I was acutely aware that while my orgasm was not immanent, when it came, it would be great.

She could feel my dick to continue to grow in her left hand. This process was all about pleasuring me, but she could feel her nipples straining, as well as the juice that was building up in her cunt.

Sensing that I was ready for more, she began stroking my cock, from top to bottom with a hand over hand motion. I felt like I was entering a never-ending pussy. Her hands were so smooth and soft, yet she was applying the right amount of pressure that he knew his cum was not far off.

Light moaning sounds were all that I could muster. She had performed similar sexual maneuvers during her lifetime, but this was truly special for her. I was responding to her hands in a way that no other man ever had. She could even see that the head of my cock was in the shape of a large purple mushroom, and my whole body was shaking in anticipation.

“Looks like your ready, huh” she asked.

I couldn’t say anything, just nodded my head a little.

Elna let go with her left hand, and jerked him with her right.

This didn’t take long. After about 10 vigorous strokes, I screamed and shot four powerful streams of cum about 2 feet straight up, some landing on her shoulder and neck. The orgasm that shook my body like nothing I’d ever felt. It took me about a minute to calm down.

Elna too was amazed at the shear magnitude of what she’d just seen. She had anticipated that I was going explode, but she definitely did not expected the throbbing in my cock after the cum had shot out of it.

There came a point when sanity did return to each of us, and Elna couldn’t help but say, “Sweetie, you may have had the best orgasm I’ve ever seen.”

With a sheepishly proud grin on my face, he replied, “You had everything to do with it.”

The next thing I remember was Elna waking me on Sunday morning and saying that we needed to get ready for Church. I turned over to reach for her and she was out of bed and heading for the shower. She said we were running almost late and had no time to play around before church.

I got up and took a quick shower and got dressed in my “Sunday go to meeting clothes.” She was dressed and waiting as I came out of the bedroom and out the door we went.

All the people at church wanted to know about the fire at her apartment house and everything.

She told them all and thanked them for asking.

After church I asked her where she wanted to go for dinner and she said how about Lake Lawn Lodge in Delevan, WI. I said OK and off we went. It was about an hour drive and we tried to maintain a hands off drive so out clothes looked good when we got to the restaurant. It was hard as she had my cock out of my pants before we got out of town and was pumping it to see if I could still drive and enjoy her playing.

Luckily I had some paper towels in the car so she could catch the semen as it almost shot all over both of us.

We got to the lodges restaurant and had to wait about about ten minutes to get a table. We sat on the deck over looking the lake and ordered an ice tea while we waited. (No drinks till 6:00 PM in Wisconsin back them, state law)

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