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My name is Sue. I am 24, only 5’1″ tall, 96 lbs, very firm, high ridding 34 D breasts. My nipples and areolas are quite large and sensitive. The 3 ½ inch, very puffy areolas cover the whole ends of my tear drop shaped breasts. I have a very small waist, toned legs and long toes. I am also tanned all over. I work full time for a doctor doing medical coding. I love my job and the people I work with. I have my own apartment and live on an upper floor and it is within walking distance of work. I have my own office and computer, and it is nice and quiet so I can concentrate. He has a large practice with 2 other doctors and I do all of their coding also. It involves taking the diagnosis and medical procedures they arrive at and turning them into a number that the insurance and Medicare use for billing codes. I am remembering more and more of them but sometimes I have to look one up.

I try to stay in shape and run 3 days a week. There is a friend at work that likes to run and we go together most of the time. I also like to volunteer at the local VA hospital. I try and help out at the nurse’s station and don’t have a lot of contact with the patients. I usually go one day a week on Sunday when staff seems to be really short that day. I go in about noon and stay till 8 to help both shifts out.

Last week I noticed a patient walk by. He was in a bath robe and his neck was bandaged. It looked like he had a missing hand and the arm was in an elastic bandage. He also looked like he had a tracheotomy tube in place. He did not seem to see me as he walked by the first time but did look over my way as he came back. He stopped and looked for a few seconds, smiled and kept going. The nurse that was with me said his name was Jim, that he was a Corporal in the army and he had been shot in the neck in Iraq. The bullet passed through without hitting a major blood vessel and then through his arm just above his wrist blowing his hand off. A medic was very close by and saved his life.

His larynx was gone and his esophagus was also damaged. The doctors were trying to rebuild his trachea and esophagus but he would never talk again. I shook my head in sadness. A while later he came back again and acted like he was going to come over to me. After a few steps he changed directions and headed on down the hall. There was no one at the desk so after a few minutes I got up and followed him. I saw that there was a large sitting room at the end of the hall and I could see him there. I walked towards him and he looked up from the paper as I went through the door. He seemed a little surprised that I was there. I stopped in front of him and said hi my name is Sue and I know your name is Jim and that you can’t speak.

He blushed that I knew about him I guess and I asked if I could sit down by him. He nodded yes and moved over a bit on the couch. He spent some time looking me up and down. I dress appropriately for the hospital, and work, and don’t wear a regular bra but instead a lose, short camisole bra. Did I mention that I don’t have any arms or shoulders? Guess I forgot to tell you that. I can’t fasten a bra so wear the camisole to keep my nipples from sticking out. Years ago I started using my feet for hands and am very good at it now. The day after my 21st birthday I “lost” my arms, something I had wanted for a long time. I inherited a good bit of money at that time also and really don’t have to work now but I love my job.

Jim pulled a pad and pen out of his robe pocket and wrote the word military then nodded towards my missing arms. I said no and would tell him later more about it. I asked about his arm stump (I love stumps) and how it was doing. He mouthed ok. It was his right arm and I asked if he was right handed, he grinned and nodded his head yes then shrugged his shoulders. I told him it must be hard to learn to write with his left hand then and he grinned again and mouthed sure is. I asked if he was going to get a prosthetic arm and he mouthed yes and wrote as soon as all the swelling was gone in his stump. It looked like a lot of damage had been done to the arm and only one bone was sticking out from the elbow with not much muscle and tissue left on it the way it was wrapped.

I told him I had better get back to the desk and asked if it was ok if I stopped by his room sometime. He nodded his head indicating it was ok. I said good bye and headed back to the desk. Even though he had lots of severe injuries, I wanted to get to know him better. The rest of the evening was busy. I use my feet like hands and with the keyboard on the floor I can type on the computer with my toes very well. I got as much paperwork as was left to do finished and the nurse said I could go thanking me profusely for the help.

I stopped by Jim’s room and used the toe of my shoe to tap on the door. Jim opened it since he could not shout out come in and I think was surprised to see me. He stepped back and invited me in with a wave of his stump. He left the door open and sat in his chair indicating for me to sit in the other one. I told him I would try and ask göztepe genç escort yes or no questions so he would not have to write so much and asked him if he felt ok today. He shrugged his shoulders and wrote surgery AM. I asked did that mean he was having more surgery in the morning and he nodded. He pointed to his neck and wrote food tube finish. He managed to get a scared look on his face and his left hand shook.

I almost laughed but was able to keep it in check and said so you are worried about it and he nodded his head. And they are going to finish hooking your esophagus back up to your mouth then? He crossed his fingers and smiled. I grinned back and said I felt sure it would go good for him. Will anyone be here with you after and he shook his head no. I asked if he would like for me to be here for him and he cocked his head looking at me for several seconds then slowly nodded his head mouthing thank you. I told him I had better get going home and I would see him in the morning.

We stood and I asked if I could give him a hug; he got a puzzled look again and I walked up to him and when I was very close lifted my right leg up and put it behind his thighs pulling him to me. He got the idea and put his left arm around me and we “hugged”. He was hesitant to get really close to me but I pulled harder with my leg and finally he quit resisting. I could feel his hard on pressing into me and I knew he could feel my hard nipples pushing into him. I whispered thanks for the complement into his ear and brushed a light kiss on his cheek then let him go. He was blushing and I acted like nothing had happened and turned and left. I had a huge grin on my face as I went out the door to his room.

Jim closed the door behind me and I wondered what might happen then. I knew what I was going to do when I got home! As I said it is not a long walk home for me and the summer days are long. It had cooled down so the walk was nice. As soon as I got home I called my boss and asked for the day off tomorrow saying that a close friend was having surgery. She said no problem and I thanked her a lot.

I had gone to dinner with one of the nurses at the hospital so I was not hungry. I went into my bedroom and using my feet and toes undressed. I headed into the shower, sat on the bench and got the water adjusted. I got wet and again used my feet to get soap all over me. I have a wash pad mounted on the wall and it has some soap built into it. I can lean back against it and move around washing my back and bottom. It is about 3 feet long and a foot wide. I then rinsed off, turned the water off and got out of the shower. I dried off and headed back to bed.

There is a big button on my bedside table that I turn the light on and off with. I turned it on as it was dark now and sat on the edge of the bed and opened the drawer to the bedside table. I picked out one of my large, rubber dildos with my toes and put it on the bed. I stood and put a towel from the bathroom down on the sheet not wanting to mess it up. I got back on the bed and put my bottom on the towel. My legs, ankles and toes are very limber and I can bend my leg and foot all the way up to my pussy. I slid my toe through my slit and it was still very wet and slippery. I had gotten that way early on this afternoon after I had talked with Jim the first time.

One of my girlfriends, ok lover, had glued some plastic sticks on to the dildos and they had a “t” handle on them. I can get it stuck between my toes and push and pull it in and out of my snatch. I got hold of it and pushed it in and as wet as I was it slid in all the way to my cervix. I pushed it in tight and just let it sit there for a few minutes enjoying the fullness of it. I finally started moving it in and out with my foot enjoying the movement very much. As randy as I was it did not take long to build me to a huge cum. As I was cuming down I lifted my other leg up and used my toes to play with my big nipples. I also ran them up along the empty place where my shoulder used to be.

My other foot still had the dildo stuffed inside and I started undulating my hips causing it to stimulate my cunt again. This time it was Jim doing me and I felt his cum in my mind as I came. After relaxing a while I laughed at myself for how Horney I was tonight. I must be getting close to another period. I was so relaxed I fell asleep with the dildo still stuffed in my cunt. I did remember to set the alarm.

I got up early the next morn and put some slacks and a top on and made it to the hospital and Jim’s room before he left. I think he was surprised to see me here so early. I asked if he had his shots yet and he nodded. I looked and his eyes were a little out of focus and I laughed at him asking how it felt to feel so good. He just grinned. I sat down in a chair next to the bed and asked if he would mind taking hold of my foot like it was my hand. He shook his head and I slipped my shoe off and put it up by his hand. It was warm and soft and he gently squeezed it mouthing thank you. I winked and said your göztepe olgun escort are more than welcome.

I asked him if he slept ok last night and was he still nervous. He shook no and then flexed his shoulders. I told him things would be fine and keep a positive thought. He smiled and nodded. I told him he should have called me if he was awake and he did a double take then started laughing silently. He drew my big toe up to his lips and kissed it. I got up and used my lips to kiss his. Two men came to take him to the operating room and I told him I would see him when he got back to his room later. Again he mouthed thank you and they left. I went out to the desk and there was a nurse that I knew so I told her I was waiting for him and any news she might be able to get during the day would be appreciated. She said she would be glad to.

The nurse asked if I wanted a cup of coffee and she fixed me one with a glass straw. She told me that she was happy that I had befriended Jim since he had no friends or relatives in the area. We chatted a while longer then she needed to go give meds. I went out to the room Jim and I first met and got a magazine to read. I was alone for a while then a patient came in and I could see out of the corner of my eye he was fascinated watching me use my toes to turn the pages. He had one prosthetic arm and a missing leg. We chatted for a few minutes then PT came to take him downstairs. My nurse friend Sue came in about 30 minutes later and said she had called the OR and everything was going ok but it would be 6-8 hours more.

I told her I was going to go on home for now and to please call if she heard anything more. I got back to my place and changed the bed and did some wash. I sort of made a mess last night. I use fitted sheets but it is still hard work; I love it! I fixed some lunch later and about 1 Sue called and said things were still ok. After surgery he would be in the recovery room for 2 hours then back to the floor. She said that Carol, another nurse that I had worked with, would be in at 3 and she would fill her in on letting me know what was going on. I thanked her and said that I was going to plan on working extra time to thank them for their help. Sue said they were always glad to have me around and appreciated my help.

About 6 Carol called and said Jim was in the recovery room. The surgery had gone very well and he should be back to his room about 8. She said he would be on a respirator for a while. I thanked her and said I would be over by 7:30. I was relieved and excited that all was good so far. I had just finished eating a bite and cleaned the kitchen and got ready to go. I wore slacks almost all the time so I can bring my feet up and not expose myself. The shoes I wore were the kind that I could slip my feet out of and I had no socks on. The tops I wore depended on where I was going and what I was doing. I could not wear a regular bra and either wore the camisole one or nothing. I wanted to not wear one but did because of where I was going.

I got up to the floor at 7:30 and he was not back yet. I sat at the desk with Carol and we talked when she was not busy. She gave me a sly smile when she found out I was interested in him. I was glad she knew and understood. Shortly after 8 the elevator door opened and a bed with several people pushing things got off. It was Jim and they took him to his room and got him settled. After about 30 minutes Carol said I could go in for a few minutes. He seemed to be awake but it was hard to really know yet.

I pushed the door open a little and went in. The head of his bed was slightly elevated. He had a tube coming out of his nose and his trach tube was hooked up to a respirator. I knew the tube in his nose was going to his stomach so that was great news that there was a path to it now. A nurse was checking IV’s and other stuff and smiled and said hello as I came in. This caused Jim to open his eyes and he got a big smile on his face seeing me. I moved close to his bed and he stuck his arm stump out and I moved close so he could touch me. I asked how he felt and he mouthed great! I told him I had heard everything went very good and he nodded his head and wiped his brow with his good hand giving another big grin.

The nurse had gone out and I leaned over and kissed his forehead. He mouthed thanks and I told him he was welcome and how glad I was to see him. I was resting my chest on the side rails and it forced my breasts against my top. Jim looked down and saw my nipples sticking out and grinned. I looked down and saw what he was looking at and made no attempt to move. I said he was a dirty young man and he nodded his head.

They had removed the elastic bandage from his forearm stump and I could see it for the first time. I asked if I could see it closer and he lifted it up closer to my face. It was mostly just one arm bone, the smaller one, covered with skin and a little muscle. It started about 4 or 5 inches above where his wrist used to be and up towards the elbow had a little more muscle göztepe şişman escort and tissue left. I thought it was the sexiest thing I had ever seen and in my Horney condition thought it would make a fantastic sex toy. I stuck my tongue out towards it and he got the message and moved it to my mouth. I took the tip in and sucked and licked it for a few seconds. I looked at the door and then said later. Jim mouthed thank you and I said I was going to leave him sleep now and would see him tomorrow evening and that I had to get back to work in the morning.

I wondered all the next day at work how Jim was doing and looking forward to seeing him later. The day went fast and I headed home to take a shower and change cloths. I ate something and headed to the hospital. His door was partially open and I stuck my head in slowly and got a big surprise; he was up in a chair and off the respirator! Jim gave me a big smile and waved me in with his sump. He pointed at a chair and I hooked it with my foot and pulled it over to his chair. The nasal gastric tube was still in place and I asked him how he felt. He nodded his head rapidly indicating he was fine. I asked him how long the tube had to stay in and he held up one finger and I confirmed it would come out tomorrow.

He grinned and mouthed yes. I asked how soon he could eat and he wrote liquids only for one week starting tomorrow night. I was so happy for him and leaned forward and kissed him on the forehead. As I was backing off he looked up at me and pursed his lips, I laughed and we kissed. I could see him looking at my chest as I sat back and I looked down and could see my very hard nipples pushing the fabric out. Looking him in the eye I said that’s what you do to me. He looked down to his waist and we both saw the sheet covering him was tented out a lot and he wrote same here.

I asked if he masturbated and he slowly nodded his head and wrote thinking of you. Looking him in the eye I said I do that also. He did a double take and looked at my empty sleeves and mouthed how? Grinning I said I would show him sometime. Laughing he mouthed now and I said no…I did not have my toy with me and we both laughed hard. I asked him if he would like for me to get him off sometime and he pointed to my feet indicating if that was the way. I said yes, no problem.

Looking at him with a serious look I asked him if he had figured out I liked not having arms. He immediately mouthed yes. Does it bother you since you lost yours and he shook his head no. After being quiet for a few he wrote like you that way. I told him thanks, I was glad and I liked his arm stump also. He lifted it up, looked at it then pushed it towards my mouth. I kissed the tip then took it into my mouth and sucked on it, our eyes locked on each other. After about 30 seconds I let go and told him this was the first time since my arms were gone that I wished I had one hand to be able to hold his stump and feel it. He nodded his head in understanding. He touched my chin then moved the stump tip down my throat and on to my blouse and across my nipple his eyes following the path.

He lowered it then laid it on my bare thigh (I only had shorts on) and rubbed it up the inside. It felt like an electric shock had hit me. I noticed there was a wet spot on the sheet where the head of what must be a very long cock must be resting. I had wondered more than once how long and thick it might be. As my eyes got back up to his face he had caught me looking and all I did was lick my lips.

The nurse came in and said she had some things to do and so Jim and I said good night and I left. On the way home a sudden thought hit me and when I got home I started searching for something that I had not ever used. I found it in my closet and it was a tablet type of computer. I thought it would be great for him to use to communicate instead of trying to write with his left hand. I got it plugged in so the battery could charge over night. I could not use it because the keyboard was too small for my toes. I got on the bed and used one of my toys thinking about Jim and I being alone together sometime.

I stopped on the way home from work the next day and again Jim was up in a chair. The nasal/gastric tube was out and he had pajamas, a robe and slippers on. He stood as I came in and we hugged. I moved the bag I had around my neck and told him to reach in and take out what was in there. He pulled the computer out and we sat down. I told him how to turn it on and told him I thought he could write better with it. After it powered on he saw the keyboard come up on the screen and right away typed great! with his one hand. I asked him if he knew how to type and he said yes. He then typed how much do I owe you? I said nothing as it had been given to me but I could not use it.

He got busy typing then turned it so I could read it. He said that they had measured him for his prosthetic arm today and it should be ready in a few days. I told him that was great news and I was looking forward to seeing him with it. He typed do you want me to touch you with it and I said you bet and guess where the first spot is? He moved the tip of his stump to my nipple and I said good guess. I asked him if he would like to see how I looked sometime and he typed yes he would but only if I was ok with it. I told him no problem; I could see him so it was only fair that he saw me.

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