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My Nurse, My Husband, and Me IIDisclaimer: I am not a writer so please be nice in your criticism, but constructive guidance is welcomed. This is only the 2nd time I have ever written. This story may be true or not true, you decide. But we have received some nice comments and private messages asking for more. Thank you for you comments.Since it has been several months since we posted the first chapter. Please read part 1 first, are blessed as our just continue to get better, who ever thought that getting older was a bad thing didn’t know how to live and experience the pleasures that you can have with a loving trusting partner. To better understand our life style is simple, we have faith and trust in love each other totally and are not afraid to explore new and exciting adventures. John and I have no secrets between us. We talk about everything and anything, our fantasies, our dreams, our feelings and wishes. A marriage is a union of two people trying to join together to become one in every aspect. We are a union of two that have joined into one. God, love is great when you are with the right partner. Hence, this is how we ended up to where we are today. My sister-WifeWhere I ended on my last posting is that Holly and I were doing our best not to kill my poor husband John with our sexual needs and desires. Not to mention the time that Holly and I spent together to give poor John some time to rest. You would have thought we were a bunch of teenagers instead of mature adults the way we acted together. Our friendship had grown to a love where the three of us are very comfortable being together. Holly had become part of our family and we part of hers when we were all together. Holly had a split life, her life at her home and the life she had in our home. In the beginning when I met John, I had gone through an angry divorce a few years earlier. My ex-husband had cheated on me and the way I found out was that I found the video that he made fucking his bimbo. Needless to say, I was devastated and my trust in men was nonexistence. In the beginning of John and my relationship I was a very non-trusting and a very jealous person, so I put him through hell with my insecurities. But over time as our love grew, so did my trust and bond to each other. We discussed our fantasies and dreams openly. In our life together, we don’t worry about the other being unfaithful. In our years together, John always said that my happiness was the most important to him and he would do anything to make me happy. And, I feel the same say way towards him, I will do anything for him. No matter what it would be? Basically that is the dynamics of our relationship with Holly. John knew I always had a bi-curious side and said that I was free to explore it. The only stipulation was that he wanted to be there to share the experience when I did, not as a participant, unless I wanted him to be, but more as a voyeur. I just had to find the right person at the right time. That is why the first time I was with Holly, he was more of a support role until I let him know that I wanted him to be part of it too. And I loved sharing the experience with him. Enough getting caught up and our insight on life and how messed up we are. And get to the serious scare we had on one Friday afternoon with my husband John. He didn’t have a heart attack, thank God, but you couldn’t have proved it to Holly and me at the time. Bottom line, basically, it was a combination of anxiety and stress according to the hospital ER Docs. As the Dr. explained everything to us, Holly and I stood beside John, laying in the ER bed, we were holding hands, scared and supporting each other. I was lovingly stroking my fingers through John’s hair and Holly gently stoking his thigh, John was laying on the ER bed while we were listening to the Doctor explain to us what had brought on the episode that landed all of us to be there, John as a patient and Holly and I for moral support, not just for John but for each other also. The Dr. kept looking at our concerned faces as he explained everything to us, Holly and I asking him questions and wanting answers. I know he was trying to figure out how we were all related between the three of us, who was who and what. Why two women, both scared to death that something was seriously wrong with him, we were holding hands supporting each other. I was wondering if he had any idea that we were all a family in our own silly way. Anyway, who cares, we don’t. The Doctor explained that the every day stress that we deal with in our business and the lack of exercise to expel that stress was the primary reason for his anxiety attack. I personally always thought that sex was a great stress reliever, and there was plenty of that lately. I guess not. But, I was always telling John that he needed to get to the gym, loose a few pounds, and start exercising, and that is what the Doctor was telling him now too. John is a retired fireman. He retired 12 years ago so he still has that, “I can do anything” mentality. Since he is older and his body is tired from years of abuse being a fireman and now he is working at a desk 8 to 10 hours a day, his manly man body shape has shifted south a little as well as adding a few pounds. All of this scared both Holly and me to death, we both love him neither one of us wants to loose him. He is my soul mate, the other half that makes me whole. And Holly, she loves us both and we love her. The three of us have come a long way in our relationship in the past couple of months since that afternoon when she stopped by to vent her frustrations to me about her husband and loveless marriage. The three of us have talked numerous times about how blessed we are that we came together and where it has taken us. None of us ever dreamt that the events that took place that day would have ever really happen in real life. In life things like that just don’t really happen with the lasting effect that we still share. The way our relationship has blossomed into such a wonderful flower of love and mutual respect for one another. But it did, and that has allowed us the opportunity to experience such wonderful pleasures and feelings together and to be so very close and strong today. The stars were aligned just perfectly that day to allow the events to happen and giving all of us an opportunity to bring our lives together. Our friendship has grown into such a wonderful and caring relationship between the 3 of us. The feelings that we have for each other are not just the love we feel being together, but so much more. It is a love that is so different in so many ways from the norm and yet, it feels so natural to us. I just can’t explain it.Even though, Holly is still with her husband and still frustrated with their sex life, but he is a good father to their c***dren. She still hopes that eventually he will see the light and they can experience the same kind of love that John and I have. But what is most important to her is that she is there for her c***dren being a mom, and more than anything she wants them to grow up in a household with both a mom and a dad. She is still a great mother to her c***dren, and they come first and foremost to her and everything else comes second. Back to that scary Friday afternoon. When Holly and I brought John home, I could tell that he was embarrassed for what had happened. Holly being a nurse did her best to assure him not to worry about it and we did the right thing getting it checked out. But I still knew that what happened really made him think about his own mortality. Not to mention that it scared the hell out of all of us and specially me. I don’t know what I would do without him….Anyway, like the first time we all got together, ass-hole, Holly’s husband text her and told her that he was taking their k**s to his parents for the weekend again. And as before, didn’t ask her to go along. She had one patient that she had to see first thing in the morning and instead of waiting a couple of hours for her to get home, he went ahead and took the k**s and left without her. But this time, instead of pissing her off, she called me and was on her way over. Why, because that meant that she had 2 ½ days to stay with us. John was out with one of our clients and should be home around 11 or so. So I sent him a text, “Nothing on the books güvenilir canlı bahis siteleri for the rest of the weekend, so why don’t we turn off our cell phones and have a stay-cation?” (That is where you have a vacation but stay at home and don’t let anyone know you are there, Stay-cation)He was quick to reply, “Be ready, home in an hour or so.”Holly was here shortly after she called. It is always so nice to see her, even in her scrubs, my heart races and I get excited, she is such a lovely person, inside and out and I love her so much. As always when she comes over there is that great greeting kiss at the door, feeling her body press against mine always causes goose bumps to form and panties start getting wet. I told her that I already text John but he doesn’t have a clue that you are coming over, let alone for the weekend. We decided that a surprise was in order for him, I had her hide her car behind the Evergreen Trees behind the back of the house and we formulated a sexy plan to surprise him. Together we got ready for when John got home. We put on our sexy long lingerie gowns, stockings and heels. Of course we had a hard time keeping our hands of each other getting dressed. Her breasts are so nice and firm and those nipples, they are just perfect to suckle on. We teased and played with each other as we got dressed and ready for John to get home. Of course there was a lot of teasing and touching as we got dressed. But as good sister-Wives, we did keep an eye on the clock so we would be ready for when John got home, as hard as it was. She looked absolutely beautiful in her long sexy red gown, dark stockings and red 4” heels. John loves dark stockings so we wear stockings for him all the time, besides we feel so sexy in them. I had on my black sexy gown, stockings and black 3” heels. I knew he would go crazy when he seen us. Our plan was for me to take him into our serenity room. It is an extra bedroom that we fixed up into a massage / play room for our adult fun and games. The room has a massage table and a variety of massage oils and lubricants. Plus a large array of sex toys with eye bolts in the ceiling for our sex swing and a little bit of bondage. There is also a futon loveseat to get comfortable on so one can relax and watch what ever is going on in the room. We added that after Holly and I got together so John could relax and watch us. The closet is filled with all kinds of sex toys from dildos of all shapes and sizes, all kinds of different vibrators and some bondage cuffs and different kinds of restraints, to paddles, suction cups, blind folds and a few more things that are fun to play with. We have it pretty well stocked with about anything a person could want. HeheheOur plan was quite simple. Holly was going to hide upstairs in our room until I was ready to get her to join us. I was going to meet John at the door dressed in my black gown with stockings and heels ready to play which always turns him on. I was going to lead him to the serenity room, sensually strip him, tie him down on his back on the massage table with just a little bit of slack so he could move his hands a little bit, and then blindfold him. Then Holly and I were going to give him a very sensual massage and use him like a cheap date on Friday Night for our pleasure, since it was Friday anyway. But that didn’t happened. We have a lot of stress in our work. We are paid on commission only, not salary. Just because we have a sale, there is a lot of work to keep our sales together. Lately the sales have been tough and keeping things together has been even harder. It is just a never ending story of how problems will arise and we have to come up with solutions. Our 2 dogs started barking so I knew John was home so I hurried down to the family room since that is where he would be coming into the house to surprise him. Sitting on the couch facing the door so he would see me right away I had my right leg crossed over the left pulling my gown up showing my stocking clad leg up to my thigh, I knew that would be a great way to get his attention to begin with. My 3” heel dangling from my toes as I slowly bounced my foot up and down. The black Olga gown with the lace and mesh top showed the full roundness of my breasts. The lycra material stretched snuggly around part of my breasts showed my hard nipples poking out in anticipation of what was to become a sex filled weekend.When John walked through the door I knew something was wrong with him. His skin was a pale gray color, he was perspiring heavily, he never perspires like that, and he just looked all around bad. I sprang from the couch and ran to him. His breathing was a labored so I had him sit on the coffee table and rest as I screamed for Holly to come quick. I knew he was having a heart attack and going to die. I could hear the loud clicking of her heels on the wood floor and then down the stairs down as she hurried to us. Listening to her come down the wooden steps in those 4” heels sounded like a heard of elephants as each heel hit a step then the next and the next. John meanwhile was telling me that he will be okay. When Holly seen John she switched into nurse mode, started checking his pulse, looking into his eyes, and asking him a lot of questions. Since she was dressed in a red gown that showed all of her best assets quite well and heels with dark stockings, John sat there looking at us both smiling. Holly looked at me and said, “His pulse is fast, get me an aspirin.”John, looking at both of us with a big smile on his face, “Ahh, I can’t imagine why my pulse is so fast looking at the both of you?” While he moved his stare from Holly then to me and back again.I ran and got him an aspirin and he took it right away. He didn’t have any real pain in his chest or numbness in his extremities, but Holly said that we should get him to the hospital just to make sure nothing serious is going on. I knew she thought he was having a heart attack too. He was starting to feel a little better but we weren’t taking any chances. I could not stand to loose him, my world would crumble apart if something ever happened to John. There was still concern about his health in Holly and me. We ran upstairs to put on something a little more appropriate for the hospital. I pulled my gown over my head as I kicked my shoes off, grabbed a summer dress lying on the bed that I had on earlier and pulled it over my naked body, never thinking about what I would look like wearing it. It was one of my summer dresses that I wear around the house, not something that I would wear out to the mall or public. It is just about mid-thigh in length and cut very low in the front which shows off a lot of cleavage or more like most of my boobs and with the dark stockings, hum can you say streetwalker? The good thing is I didn’t put my heels back on and I put on flats. Holly just through on her scrubs that she had on when she got to our house and nothing under them either. And slipped her tennis shoes on over the stockings she had on. I glanced down at her feet and she just kind of shook her head in a, I know. I drove to the hospital, we live in the country and an ambulance is over 10 minutes away, it is faster to drive yourself to the ER. Because of the way John looked they took him right in the ER and started hooking him up to all kinds of wires and drawing blood. Several hours later and one Valium which had him totally relaxed, we were greatly relieved and a couple of prescriptions for happy and anxiety pills and being stared at by everyone there we took John home. On the way home John started laughing, he felt and looked a whole lot better compared to a few hours ago. Finding out that it was only an anxiety attack he felt kind of silly but also relieved. But his laughter started slowly and got louder and louder as I drove us home. Holly sitting in the back seat and I kept asking him what was so funny. Smiling he looked at us, “The two of you.”I reached over while driving and squeezed his thigh telling him how much we loved him and how he sacred us to death and it isn’t funny.“No, that isn’t it. I was watching everyone that walked into my room and the look they gave you two trying to figure out what was going on.” He said as he laughed even harder. “It was so cold, that room had to be 65 degrees. I kept looking at both of you, your nipples were sticking perabet güvenilir mi our far enough I could of hung a hat on them. I’m not sure but I think they paid more attention to your tits than me. And that one male nurse that came in, I thought he was going to break his neck looking up your skirt and your legs with the tops of your stocking showing when you were sitting in the chair.” Both Holly and I started giggling, we never noticed we were too concerned about John. Then John continued, “Then when he wanted you to listen to my heart, he put the stethoscope on you. You leaned over and he was staring at your tits hanging down and swaying as he had you move from the top of my chest down to my stomach listening. I know he was disappointed that they didn’t fall out of your top. Not that he didn’t try.” Holly was starting to chuckle louder now. She started talking about how nice it was that all the doctors kept coming in to check on John. John smiled, “Oh yea, come on did you watch them? I did, I was looking out through the glass doors towards the middle of the ER Department. I would see a Doctor or nurse talk to another one then they would walk towards my little room, there eyes going back and forth between the two of you. They always stood on the opposite side of me facing the two of you, did you notice that? When they would be looking at the chart, they were really staring over the top of it at the both of you, or should I say, at your tits and nipples that was on display?” He started laughing again. Holly leaned up from the back seat and kissed my husband on his neck and ear whispering, loud enough for me to hear, that she was so happy that I was okay. I reached back and stroked her hair and told him, me too. Then in a sultry voice she said, “But John, our tits and nipples, others may stare and look, but they are only for us to play with.”As I was pulling into the garage I smiled, “I second that, so let’s go and play then.” We all laughed and got out of the car. As we walked into the house Holly and I was on each side of John and his loving arms around our shoulders holding us with our arms around his waist, we walked him right up the stairs to our bedroom. John kissed me first then he kissed Holly with equal passion. “Thank you both for taking such good care of me and you have no idea how good that makes me feel.”I think I seen a slight tear form on the corner of his eye as we both hugged him again each kissed him on his cheek. I looked at Holly and she was looking at me. “I think we need to put him to bed and help him relax and remove some of the stress from his body, what do you think Holly?”“Yup, let’s get him in bed and help him relax for a while.”We both started to unbutton his dress shirt and slid it off of his shoulders. After it fell to the floor, Holly started to unbuckle his belt and I dropped to my knees on the floor to remove his shoes and socks one foot at a time. By that time, Holly had his pants opened up and together we slid his pants and underwear down to the floor, which he stepped out of. Now totally naked we guided him to the bed. Holly propped up the pillows for his head and shoulders to rest on as I pulled the bedding down to the foot of the bed so he could rest on the sheets. We got him comfortable lying in the middle of the bed. We were on both sides of him kneeling on the bed as we both at the same time leaned forward and kissed him on the corners of his mouth. John reached and gently grabbed each of our breasts and gently massaged and rolled our nipples through our cloths as we continued to kiss him all over his face, mouth and neck. As the stress and tension from the scare of the day started to leave my body and I am sure Holly’s too. Both she and I kissed each other as John continued massaging our breasts and gently rolling our nipples between his thumb and finger. The tingling feeling that I had earlier in the day returned between my thighs and was quickly followed by the dampness of my excitement. I felt Holly gently push me up on my knees and as I looked into her eyes I seen the familiar look of lust that I had seen many times before in them. She leaned towards me and reached down to the hem of my sundress and started to slowly pull it up and over my head. When it was removed and she tossed it to the floor, I reached down to the hem of her shirt and pulled it up and over her head. Both of us were kneeling on the bed over John. I was naked except for the black stockings and Holly was naked from the waist up as we were staring into each others eyes. John reached up and gently pulled us both down to lay beside him. He whispered to Holly, “Take off your pants.” then he pulled me in and kissed me with the passion I love so much. My eyes went to Holly as she raised her hips off the bed and slid her scrubs down over her hips. The little tuft of hair above her sex was glistening from her dampness excited me beyond belief. John put his arm under Holly’s shoulders and practically rolled her towards him, she put his left thigh between her legs as she rolled against him. He did the same to me as he guided us to where he wanted us, his lips kissing me passionately. Our tongues battling in the others mouth as the passion rose between us, then he would gently pulled away and kiss her as I nibbled on his ear and neck. The feeling of his right thigh between my silky smooth stocking covered legs was incredible as I slowly started to hump myself against him. The feeling of my breasts pressing into his chest sent a chill through my nipples to my inner core. I felt his thigh pressed between my legs against my sex and excited clit as I started to slowly hump against his leg. My juices were flowing freely onto his leg making it slick. Holly was doing the same as I was, the excitement of watching her slowly humping herself against his thigh as soft moans escaped her lips as she gently massaged his chest and nipple. He broke their kiss and turned his head towards me, moving his hand up to the back of my head he pulled me tight against his lips probing my mouth with his tongue. I was becoming more and more excited as I moved my body on his feeling pleasure all the way down to my inner core. I slowly slid my hand down to his cock and wrapped my hand around it feeling its firmness and girth in my hand. Feeling his wetness leaking out the little hole on the top was making it slick, I slowly started to slide my hand up and down the long shaft smearing his pre-cum on it’s length. John released some of the pressure on the back of my head and kissed his way to my neck and gently nibbled on my ear. He whispered in my ear, “Kiss her!”I slowly leaned across John’s body and he guided Holly to my lips as we kissed and our passion grew. Each trying to probe the others mouth with our tongue. I felt John slowly slide his hand down my back to my hips. His fingers started to slowly slide between the cheeks of my bottom, as his finger slid over my little brown hole my excitement grew as I twitched. I moaned when he ran little circles around it. I noticed Holly twitched and moaned too at about the same time I did. He must be doing the same thing to her. I felt her passion increase in her kissing as John continued to stroke circles over our little brown holes. By now both Holly and I were humping John’s leg at a faster pace. I wanted to cum, I could feel it building deep inside of me, it was getting harder to maintain as my orgasm was rabidly approaching while John stroked our little back doors. Neither one of us, Holly or my self are unfamiliar with anal sex, as a matte of fact it is hard to tell who enjoys it more, her or I. John has had both of our bottoms to play with and we love it when he does, not to mention a couple of anal toys that Holly and I like to use on each other. As I felt John’s fingers slide a little bit farther down, I felt his fingers begin to penetrate my sex. I felt Holly lurch up and kiss me with more passion, I knew she was getting close. She was really humping up and down John’s thigh and moaning as we kissed. Holly quit playing with my breasts and I felt her hand next to mine on John’s shaft then slide off down to his balls. By now John was rock hard and his precum, like ours was flowing freely down his shaft over my hand and down to his balls. John started to slide first one then two fingers into my pussy. tipobet I could feel myself getting close to Cumming now too. Then when a third finger started to penetrate me, I moaned into Holly’s mouth and her into mine. I am not sure who was moaning the loudest or humping John’s thigh the hardest, Holly or myself. We started licking and sucking each other slips and faces as are breathing was fast and shallow. I was so close to my orgasm when I felt John’s thumb on my little brown hole I knew what was going to happen and it did. He pushed it into me and Holly at the same time. Buried past the first knuckle on his thumb and three fingers buried in my pussy I started to shake as finally my orgasm over took me. Holly quit kissing my face, her body tensed and she screamed as her orgasm overtook her body. John started screaming and shaking, at the same time Holly started screaming, hearing them scream was all I needed and my body exploded in a massive body shaking orgasm. The only thing that I could do was lie there on John and shake as my orgasm slowly subsided, as I started to regain my breath as well as Holly holding his still hard dick in my hand. There is something great about tender love making that is slow to build up and when it hits and you finally cum, it is just so fulfilling. Poor John on the other hand, laid there moaning and still had a raging hard-on and I finally figured out that his scream was that of pain, not pleasure. The pain was inflicted by Holly, her orgasm was must have so intense, she squeezed his balls. I looked at poor John laying there moaning, kissed him and said, “Honey, today is not your day.” Then I kind of giggled which I am sure didn’t make him feel any better. Holly on the other hand started apologizing all over the place. She got up on her hands and knees and started to kiss him on the lips, face and neck begging for forgiveness. She was visibly upset and I think she was afraid that we would kick her out. That won’t happen in a million years if I had anything to say about it, and I do. He just moaned and kept telling her that it was okay. Finally he stopped saying anything, took her by both arms near her shoulders and looked directly into her eyes, “Are you really sorry.”“Yes!”John with his most serious stern look asked her, “Do you want to make it up to me for smashing my nuts?” I’ve seen this before in negotiations and knew that he was pulling her leg. I wanted to see where this went. “Yes John, I am so sorry. I will do anything to prove it to you.” Holly had a very serious look on her face. You could tell that she was so concerned and scared. Her husband must be a real prick.John laid there in our bed, rolling his eyes as he took his hand and started rubbing his chin like he was deep in thought. By this time I was most certain that he wasn’t hurt that bad and had some devious plan he was going to try to pull off. “Okay, until you leave to go home, you will do what ever I tell you to do without hesitation or question. Okay?”Holly looked at me for support or help. I just smiled and looked at her, “You’re on your own honey you’re the one that tried to castrate him.” There was no support from me except a warm loving smile. Besides, I still wanted to see what John had in mind. Holly smiled slightly then said, “Okay, all I have to do is whatever you want me to do, right?”“That is right.”“What if I don’t want to do something?”“Then you receive a punishment. It is your choice.”“What kind of punishment?”“What ever I decide is appropriate.” I could tell that John was starting to get tired discussing this. Holly looked at me and I smiled at her and nodded my head letting her know that everything would be okay. So with a slight smile on her face, Holly said, “Okay, I will do what you want until I leave to go home.”John smiled and said, “Then you agree?”Holly smiled back and said, “Yes, I agree, I am yours until I go home.”John smiled and said, “Great, now go and get me an ice bag for my balls, they hurt.” Looking at me he said, “Whew that was tough.”Holly and I both laughed and we went to the medicine cabinet in our bathroom and I gave her the ice bag. She hurried down stairs to get some ice for my poor husband’s balls. It was going to take her a couple of minutes, so I asked him what he had in mind and if he was really hurt. He just smiled and shook his head no. Holly carefully put the ice bag on his balls and started making little cooing noises asking him if it felt better. She was kind of exaggerating being the tender care giver. I started to chuckle too when John turned to me and said, “Hey, you could be next. I am the sick one here, lady.” Then a big smile came across his face.Grinning back at him, “Oh, you think that Holly and I will be at your beck and call, do you?” As Holly sat there on the bed gently holding the ice bag on John’s testicals he smiled and said, “Well, yes, yes I do. This should be my weekend to be Lord and Master of the Kingdom.” By now Holly knew that John really wasn’t hurt and knew that she had been had, which I knew she really didn’t care. And now she could see him working on me, trying to get me to go along with what ever he had in is depraved mind. To which neither Holly nor I really cared because we knew it would be full of fun and excitement. Besides, we both have a submissive side anyway. “What do you have in mind if I do agree?”“The same thing I just told Holly. You will do what ever I say or want without question.”“And if I do question or refuse?”With a great big smile on his face he spouted off, “Holly and I will punish you, just like you and I will if Holly refuses a request.” “Really? That is what we do anyway. We always try to please the other that is why we are so good and happy together. Sounds to me like the same rules we agreed to when we first got together? We have to try something new but can stop if we don’t like it. And the same rules apply to both Holly and me this weekend?” John laid there looking at me and Holly, “Yes on all accounts but you have to try it before we stop.”I looked at Holly, “What do you think?”She smiled and said, “I already agreed.”“You do know that you don’t have to do anything that you don’t want to, right? And this punishment shit John shit, don’t even let that go to your head. If I say enough, then that is enough.”“Betty, you and I both know that neither of us would intentionally hurt nor be mean to the other. But this is my fantasy can’t I at least think I am in control? Can’t you just kind of go along and humor me, please?” John had this pathetic little boy expression on his face like Holly and I just took his favorite toy. We all started laughing. I nodded at Holly and we both at the same time said, “Yes Master.” Then I looked at him and said, “You are in charge until we say you aren’t.” Then we all started laughing and hugging. Holly gave me a really big hug and a very serious kiss as a tear started to run down her cheek. She all of a sudden she turned very solemn and said, “Betty, do you have any idea how much I love you and John? How much I feel like a woman and how alive I feel being with you two? If I wasn’t married and had a family, if you would let me, I would move in today and live as your sister-Wife just to be with you both.” I saw a tear start to form in the corners of her eyes as she was saying this. It only confirmed the love that I felt for her in my own heart as I reached out and hugged her. John reached up and hugged us both and summed it totally, “The three of us are so blessed that we found each other.” I wiped the tear that escaped from Holly’s right eye and looked at John, “Okay, we are yours for the weekend, but you had better treat us well, or you will be on your own buddy now that we are sister-Wives, it is two against you.”Holly smiled, “Betty, to strong, we need him.”Laughingly I said, “I know, but don’t tell him that.”John laughed, “You know I can hear you two. Okay, now that that is out of the way.” He reached down took the bag of ice off of balls, “Holly dear, take this into the bathroom, turn on the hot water in the shower and dump out the ice. Besides, the cold is shrinking my peter.”Holly laughed and headed towards the bathroom. I asked John, “Okay, now what?”Smiling, “Everyone in the bathroom, it is time to get all cleaned up in the shower. Let’s see what kind of trouble we can get into there to start with.” He grabbed my wrist and pulled me off the bed behind him heading to the shower to get all nice and clean. To be continued.I hope you enjoyed this portion of the story or my life story, which ever. Please let me know your thoughts and if anyone would like to hear more about our life together.

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