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Big Dicks

As long as I can remember, I’ve been obsessed with sex. I stole my brothers’ porn magazines, watched their videos when I was home alone, I even figured out how to get the “forbidden” cable channels without anyone knowing. But I was always a good girl. I didn’t want to hurt my family’s feelings and they were expecting me to come back from college with a teaching degree and then I’d marry a doctor or a lawyer or something equally impressive and then my parents could settle and wait for me and my brothers to provide them with grandchildren. My obsession with sex would be one of those things that horny suburban housewives are too busy to even think about.

We were a happy middle class family, but my parents took a blow during my first semester at college. I was a freshman, one of my brothers was a senior and my second brother was in graduate school. We were going through a recession and my dad’s company was badly affected, having to lay off many people. Mom and dad called us for a conference and it was decided that we should try to get some part time jobs to earn our own pocket money. It wasn’t a big deal. We’d all worked weekends and summers since we were in high school so why not now?

I started looking for a job, but I wasn’t the only student looking to earn some extra cash and there weren’t many jobs around. I’d been to restaurants and grocery stores, cleaning contractors and anyone who could possibly want to employ an 18-year old, but no luck. One day I’d been to the library in town to research a paper and in order to save money I’d decided to walk back to my dorm. It was only a 30 minute walk and I could do with the exercise since I’d put on a little bit of weight since leaving home. I walked past a sign that read “Girl aged 18-25 needed immediately. Great pay. Apply within.” It looked like a bar and I’d played around with mixing drinks at home when my parents had parties and I knew I could do it.

I could hardly see anything as I entered the premises. It was pitch black apart from a small light at the end of a bar. It seemed that I was right. This was a bartending job. My parents probably wouldn’t approve, but it was going to be a job, right? And beggars can’t be choosers.

“Hello?” I called out, still not seeing anyone. There was no reply. “Hello! Is anyone here?”

“Who’s that?” came a voice from within.

“My name is Rosanna McCauley,” I answered. “I’ve come about the job.”

The lights flickered on, lighting up the big room and I looked around myself. It actually looked a lot nicer on the inside than it had from outside. There were a lot of mirrors on the walls, making it look bigger and the décor was all leather, shiny metal and glass. Having never been inside a bar I thought it looked very classy.

“I’m Max Frank,” said the guy who walked up to me. He was 6’2″ and had a body that looked like he lived in the gym. He had a receding hairline and wore his long blonde hair in a ponytail. “Do you have any experience, Rosanna?”

His icy blue eyes looked straight into mine and I knew better than to lie. “Not much, I’m afraid. Only helping out at home. But I’m a fast learner.”

I couldn’t make out the look in his eyes. “Helping out at home?”

“Yeah… When my parents were having parties and my mom wanted to be able to relax with the other guests I’d help out.”

“Is that what’s going on in suburbia these days?”

“I know I’m only 18, but I never tasted.”

“Whoa… Back up there, little girl… Why are you here?”

“I told you. I’ve come about the job that’s advertised outside.”

“The stripper job?”

Stripper??? “Uh… I thought it was a bartending job.” I blushed. “Or waitressing.”

“Sorry girl. All our bartenders are male and I’ve got enough waitresses. I need someone who will take her clothes off and dance seductively on these tables and who will sit on my guests’ laps and giggle at their jokes if the guests are willing to pay.”

I knew that I should turn around and walk out of there, but Max’s description made my pussy tingle the way it only did when I was masturbating while watching porn. I felt compelled to find out more. “I could do that…”

“You could? Pure little Miss Suburbia?” Max looked doubtful.

“I’d like to try,” I bit my lip. “I’d really like to try.”

Max looked contemplative. “You know… It might just work. You have an air of innocence around you. You look like the girl next door. You’re probably the kind of girl our guests fantasise about when they come here. Dance for me.”

Max switched on some music and I started moving with it. He gave me some instructions about what to do with my arms and my face. He told me to slow down my movements a bit. He told me to exaggerate certain movements. He was soon nodding approvingly at me. “Now keep moving like that, but start taking your clothes off.”

His order took me by surprise, I felt a little shy all of a sudden, but I couldn’t say no now. Then I’d never get the job. I slipped out of my coat and Güllük Escort sweater. Next I kicked off my sneakers. I looked over at Max and he indicated that I should take off my t-shirt next. I was wearing a boring white sports bra, but he didn’t seem to mind. Next I pulled off my jeans, revealing my white cotton panties with little pink hearts. I kept dancing and Max motioned to me to take my bra off and I did. If anyone I knew had walked in I would have died of shame, but only Max was looking at me. As I threw my bra on the floor and wondered whether to go completely naked Max turned off the music and applauded.

“You’re a natural, Rosanna,” he said with a smile. “Your moves are a bit awkward, but with a little bit of training you’ll be fantastic. You could do with losing some weight, but dancing for hours on end will tone you up in no time.”

He mentioned an amount that was beyond my wildest dreams. No other part time job paid anywhere near as much. “That’s your basic pay per 6 hour shift. Then you get to keep your tips on top of that, so the better and sexier you are the more money you’ll earn. All my girls work at least 2 shifts a week and a maximum of 4. If you take the job you’ll come here tomorrow and on Sunday to train with one of my top dancers. If you pass the test at the end you’ll be fitted for a uniform and the job is yours. I’ll send you home with a sample g-string so that you can shave your pussy enough, or just shave completely, that’s what most of the girls do because I won’t accept any little hairs showing. You may even consider waxing. The g-strings stay on all the time while you’re on these premises and if anyone tries to feel any area of you that’s covered by that material they’re thrown out, as are you if you don’t report it before one of the guards catch it. I don’t accept any whoring during working hours, and that includes making dates with customers. If anyone wants to fuck you and you want to charge for the privilege you talk with Suzy. I don’t care what you do in your spare time. I don’t know anything about her business and I don’t want it associated with me in any way, but as I said, what you do in your own time is your own business.”

“The girls who work here prostitute themselves?” I gasped.

“As I said, I don’t know anything about that and I won’t discuss it with you again unless I catch you trying to turn tricks during working hours, in which case you’re fired.”

I felt another deep tingle in my pussy. This was so exciting. I was going to dance naked for a living and the thought of men wanting to pay to fuck me had me turned on beyond my wildest dreams. I was going to talk with this Suzy woman.

“What time do you want me here tomorrow?”

“We open at 8 and I want you out of the way by then. Come in at 6 and I’ll have one of the girls work with you.”

The next day was Saturday and I couldn’t wait to start my training. I’d tried on my g-strings and quickly decided to shave my pussy completely as it left very little to the imagination. I took great care in the shower to ensure that I was completely smooth and that the only hair on my body was my long blonde hair. My roommate had gone home for the weekend so I had complete privacy to study my body in the mirror. I was 5’7″ and average weight for my height. I had a little bit of extra fat on my body, but not enough to give me a tummy or a fat ass. My tits were firm c-cups and in the cool air my pink nipples stiffened up and stood out nearly half an inch. I looked as good as any of the girls who modelled in the porn magazines I’d drooled over.

I was at the club at 6 sharp and was met by a girl with raven black hair. She introduced herself as Yvette and she took me straight to have shoes fitted. The shoes were 4-inch stilettos and I knew that my biggest challenge would be to stay on my feet in those. On the plus side, they made my legs look really long and very toned. Max came half an hour before the club opened and he gave me some pointers to work on before the next evening. He also invited me to hang out in his office for a couple of hours that night and watch the other girls through the one-way mirror. I watched the girls performing on stage, alone and in pairs. I watched them dancing on tables, never once losing a garment, teasing the guests and enticing them to buy lap time as well. By the time I came back to my dorm that night my panties were soaking. I just had to pass my test the next day.

I worked hard all Sunday, trying to perfect the moves that Yvette had taught me, getting used to taking my clothes off and dancing in those shoes. On the Sunday evening Yvette worked with me for another hour and then I had to do a table routine for Max and a redhead woman. Max then asked me to do a lap routine for him and I could tell by his smile that I was about to pass. As a new girl I was offered Tuesday and Thursday nights to begin. Those were the least lucrative nights and thus least popular. As my reputation grew I’d be given weekend Güllük Escort Bayan slots, but I had to work my way up to that. I knew it wasn’t ideal to be working on school nights, but by this time I was so turned on by the idea of being an exotic dancer that I couldn’t turn it down.

As the doors were about to open the redhead pulled me backstage and started fitting me for clothes. Each girl had a handful outfits that she could use each night as they would invariably get sweaty and have booze spilled on them.

“What do you want to be called?” she asked me.

“What’s wrong with Rosanna?”

“Nothing at all, but most girls don’t want anyone to know their real names.”

I thought about this for a while. “Call me Roxie.”

The redhead smiled. “That’s more like it. I’m Suzy, by the way.”

Suzy? “Err… Max told me to ask you about… uhm… other stuff…”

“Other stuff?” she eyed me suspiciously. “I only do the clothes at this club. That’s all.”

“But what about…” I started.

“Nothing else. Anything else would be illegal and I don’t do that.”

With those words she turned around and went back to work and I left the club for the evening. I hardly slept for the next couple of nights. I was nervous and excited about my debut. I’d been told that I’d only be doing private shows the first night and that I’d probably not be very busy as I wasn’t a well-known name. That was fine by me. I could tell from the training sessions that it was going to be hard work until my limbs got used to it. I got there half an hour before opening on the Tuesday and Suzy showed me how to do my makeup. She then took some photos of me wearing only my g-string and then she helped me into my clothes and took some more photos. Before I knew it my picture was plastered on the TV screens in the club along with the photos of the other girls on duty that night. My first outfit for the evening was emerald green and matched my eyes. It consisted of a miniscule skirt, a corset top, a bra and the g-strings. I was also wearing black stockings that stayed on with the g-strings.

I didn’t have to wait long for Max to come shouting my name. “Roxie. Big Ray has seen your picture and he wants a table dance. He’s one of our biggest spenders so you give him and his party a really long show. They’re at table 23 and Big Ray is the guy with the purple tie. Get this one right and you’ll be making a huge tip.”

My legs felt like overcooked spaghetti as I walked towards table 23. The club was only half full, but I could feel the eyes staring at me as I made my way to the table. The show on the stage had just ended and no other girls were dancing at that moment so I had everybody’s attention. This had to be good. As I approached table 23 I spotted the guy with the purple tie. He was very overweight and sweating profusely. Normally I would have been repulsed by him, but knowing that he was paying to see me naked made me feel that I had power over him. I started feeling horny and got into my role. I could see that he was sitting with his legs widely parted and I remembered something Suzy had told me. Instead of sitting down on the table and then slowly standing up I tried a much more risky mount. I put one foot between his thighs and used the leather seat as a step and hopped up on the table. Big Ray nodded appreciatively, I knew I had his full attention.

I slowly slipped the corset top off, putting on a show for everybody around the table, but keeping my eyes locked on Big Ray. I knew that it was important for my career to make a connection with the man paying the bill. After a little more teasing my skirt came off, much to the cheer of most men in the room who were now all watching my show. After a few more provocative moves I started pulling my bra off. I teased my audience with my bra and then I let it fall while I was on my knees, right in front of Big Ray, giving him the first look at my tits. There was a cheer when I stood up again, showing my tits to the room. Max was out making the rounds and he smiled encouragingly at me. As my dance came to an end he gave me a hand signal that meant that I was to give Big Ray a lap dance on the house. By now I had a lot of money stuck in my g-string, but I had to stay professional and pretend they weren’t there. I’d been told that a stripper who looks like she’s counting her money was a great turnoff so I kept doing my thing. As I squirmed around on Big Ray’s lap I could feel his erection against me. I was sure that he could smell how wet I was and I didn’t care. I was living the dream I never knew I had. I was turning men on for a living and I was good at it. Before Big Ray stuffed my substantial tip into my g-strings he fondled my tit and pinched my nipple. That was not strictly allowed, but I’d been told that VIP guests were given those privileges as long as they stayed big spenders and didn’t try it on under the strippers’ g-strings. And I was secretly turned on by this physical contact which Escort Güllük was much more intimate than anything I’d experienced to date.

“Are you by any chance one of Suzy’s girls?” he whispered to me as I picked up my clothes to go back to the waiting area.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I said, half true. “I’m one of Max’s dancers.”

The rest of the evening went by quickly. I was as requested as any of the other girls and when I counted my tips that night I realised that I’d made more in one night than I’d made in a month in any of my other jobs. I couldn’t wait for Thursday.

I soon discovered that working late nights was not conducive to good exam results and I scraped by my exams. By the time I went home for Christmas I’d made so much money I could afford to fly and then I caught the airport bus to the bus depot where my parents picked me up. They were disappointed with my exam results and when I blamed it on my waitressing job they suggested I quit, but I said no. I was sure I’d get used to the hours eventually, although secretly I was a bit worried as Max had been talking of giving me more nights as I was proving to be one of his more popular dancers.

I returned to college a week before classes started and there was a message from Suzy on my answer phone. I called her back and we agreed to meet in the park the next day. I was early, but she was already there.

“Roxie,” she started, “you once wanted to know about my other activities. I’ve been observing you and I feel that you can be trusted to be let in on my secret. I’ve been getting requests from men, guests at the club, who would be willing to pay generous amounts of money to have sex with you.”

“Oh,” was all I could say. I didn’t want to show how excited I was. “How generous?”

She mentioned a sum and it was all I could do not to fall over. I didn’t think prostituting oneself paid that well. “That’s generous. And that’s just for a fuck?”

“Well, it’s not just a fuck. They could pick up any whore off the street for that. They want you for an evening. Or a day. Or a weekend! You’ll be invited to a hotel room or a corporate apartment or even a dinner party. You’ll dress for the occasion. Not like a hooker, but like a classy date. Building up your wardrobe will take a considerable chunk out of your early earnings. You will then be wined and dined by your patron. He will then take you to the privacy of his bedroom where you’ll be expected to perform. He’ll want you to strip for him. He’ll want you to take his clothes off. A lot of men want to be bathed and serviced before fucking you. You will make him believe that you’re loving every moment of it even if you don’t cum, and a lot of the time you won’t cum. But you’ll make him think he’s the world’s greatest lover. When he’s done fucking you he’ll give you an envelope with half your fee – you are not to open this envelope while in his company as you’re selling the illusion that you’d fuck him whether or not he paid you. I’ll have been given the other half as deposit and I’ll give you your share of that when I’ve been given a satisfactory report. I take 20% of your earnings as commission. What do you think?”

It sounded like a lot more hard work than I’d initially thought, but I wanted it. I wanted it all. I’d been teasing men with my dancing for long enough now. I wanted to move on to the next step. I’d realised that the club was a great place to advertise my goods, but now was the time to take this thing to the next level. There was only one problem. I mentioned this to Suzy.

“What’s the problem?” she asked with a suspicious look on her face. “Don’t tell me you’re not clean. You will always use condoms of course. There’s no negotiating out of that. If I find out from a patron that you’re willing to fuck without a condom I will drop you.”

“That’s not it,” I sighed. “In fact, you’re not going to get anyone cleaner than me. I’m a virgin.”

“No shit!” Suzy looked surprised. “That’s a first for me. I was sure you’d fucked around seeing how you tease all the guests at the club.”

“Is that going to be a problem?”

“Definitely not a problem,” Suzy smiled. “Rather the opposite. You can make a lot of money off your virginity, unless you’d rather lose it to a boyfriend or something…”

“I don’t have a boyfriend. I want to fuck. I want to learn to fuck and be fucked.”

“I’ll ask around. I’ll also let some people know that your virginity is for sale at the right price. I’ll let you know.”

The next few weeks were surreal. I kept wondering which of my regulars had made enquiries with Suzy. Some of them had a new light in their eyes when I performed for them and I wondered which ones knew that I was a virgin and that my virginity was for sale. I was soon working three shifts a week and I’d been given a solo show on the stage on Saturdays. I had to come in early for two weeks in order to rehearse the stage strip, and I nailed my first performance, earning me a standing ovation and more tips than I normally earned in a whole evening. Max was overjoyed with me and tried to talk me into a fourth shift, but I declined. I had to keep up with my schoolwork and Suzy had mentioned to me that I should try and keep one or two nights a week open for any “dates” arranged by her.

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