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My Sexy sisterI sat at the breakfast table, staring at the off-white sheet of paper before me. My jaw hung open, as I was utterly mystified by the writing on the page. The paper didn’t have some special chemical formula for growing a bigger penis, nor did it have instructions for how to talk to a girl to get laid. With those things, I was still on my own. Nope, it was just a report card.My eyes drifted down the page, passing my name, Ray Davis, and moved down towards the grades. My heart dropped in my chest. In my mind I heard the repetitive, monotonous symphony as every note was a plain B. Once again I pulled it off, without trying mind you. B’s in all five subjects, just like every semester. Sometimes I hated a teacher, and cut class fifty percent of the time. I got a B in those classes. Sometimes I loved a teacher, and I attended every class. I got a B in those classes too. Sometimes I even went to tutoring for classes I needed help in. Without fail, another B.Now let me get this straight, there’s nothing wrong with getting B’s. In fact, I think a B is a rather good grade, considering D’s are acceptable in some places. The problem is that I’ve gotten nothing but B’s since I started high school, and now I’m twenty, keeping it real at the local community college, and I’ve yet to get an A, or a C, or anything else for that matter. When most people are in school, they tend to do well in some subjects, and tend to fall a bit short in others. But for me, I was eternally average: a jack of all trades, if you will. Hell, even my height was average, at just under six feet. Sadly, I just wanted to be good at something, or even bad at something. Not just average, I wanted to break the mold.My sister Elizabeth sat cater cornered across the table from me, still dressed in her pajamas, or what she considered to be pajamas. She wore an enormous bright pink t-shirt, which was loose enough around the neck to display some of her ample cleavage, and long enough at the bottom to keep the mystery alive. Was she wearing panties? I’ve yet to answer that question. She had long, flowing, sleek brown hair that reached down to about the middle of her back, and matching deep brown eyes to complete her soft toned face. She was almost a foot shorter than me, and extremely beautiful. She looked up from her own report card, and leaned over the table to see mine. As Elizabeth leaned, I got an incredible view of her cleavage. “No way,” she gasped, leaning further towards the paper. My dick twitched: anymore and I’d definitely catch a look at her nipples. “All B’s again? Are you some kind of robot?” I snapped back to reality: out of my lust, and into the shitty B world. “I don’t know how; it seriously happens every time.” I’m solemnly sighed. “No k**ding, any more B’s and you could open a honey farm.” She responded with a giggle.“Well, I’m done. I don’t want to do this anymore. I’m quitting school.” I decided I’d had enough. I just wanted to have one subject I was good at, or even bad at. I wanted to be unique, special, not just another cookie on the tray. I wanted to have my own color, and texture, and taste. “What are you talking about? Plenty of people would love to make straight B’s. Sure A’s are nice, but lots of people make straight C’s or D’s, or even F’s! Hell, I’ve made my fair share of D’s.” Elizabeth and I were really close, and whenever I was feeling down she always tried to pick me back up. Usually, I’d try to return the favor in some way. I decided to give her an ego boost. “Whatever, that’s bullshit.” I said. “The only D’s you’ve ever had are right there on your chest.” It was most likely true, since Elizabeth was freakishly smart, and probably made A’s like I made B’s. She smiled at the complement, and leaned in even closer. My eyes darted down to gaze at my eighteen-year-old sister’s glorious tits; her puffy pink nipples just cresting over the loose t-shirt fabric. It may seem wrong, but we were just messing around. We had always been very close, and grew even closer during our parent’s devastating divorce. Sometimes we would tease each other, but we never got serious about it. Still, this nip slip was just what I needed to break my miserable mood. “b*o,” Elizabeth breathed right in my face, “you’re perfect just like you are. You don’t need to get A’s to prove that you’re smart. I know you’ve got a good head on your shoulders.”“It’s not about being smart.” I said. Since she was opening up so much for me, I decided I should open up a little for her. “I just don’t like being such an average guy. I’ve got nothing I’m good at, nothing I’m bad at, and no defining features. I’m just another average Joe.”“That’s not true!” Elizabeth exclaimed. “You’re a great guy. You’re smart, funny, kind.” It was a pleasure to see her trying so hard to make me feel better, but a pain to see her so worried for me. I decided I should cheer up, more for her sake than my own. I didn’t want her to worry about me. “Thanks Lizzy.” I said. “You always know just what to say.” I still harbored a bit of turmoil deep down, but on surface I felt much better. I loosed a small white smile for her, and to my surprise she jumped across the table she had been leaning over and enveloped me in a crushing vice-like hug. “Don’t ever think you’re not special.” She whispered. “You’re the most special person in the world to me.” I didn’t know how I was supposed to respond to that, so I just held her tight and we hugged for several moments. I felt her breast firmly planted against my chest. My dick started to perk up, but if she noticed, she didn’t say anything. Finally, she spoke again. “Are you sure about quitting school?” “Yeah,” I replied, “I’m just not happy going there. They make me feel so mediocre. The only upside is I get to have you cheer me up each semester.” Elizabeth giggled, then released the hug and sat back in her chair. “Well then,” she said, “if you’re not going, I’m not going.” My jaw dropped, painting my astonishment clearly for her. “Wherever you’re going, I’m going too.”“But you just finished high school,” I responded, “and you’re ultra-smart. You’d do great a college. And you weren’t even going to community college, you were going to go straight to university!”“Exactly, I was planning on going to whatever university you were since you just finished up at community college. Now that you’re not going, I don’t want to go either.” She finished. Wow, I really didn’t know what to say to her then. It looked like she really wanted to stay by my side, but then I realized what her plan was. “Nice try, you almost got me.” I smirked. “You thought you could get me to go to school by making me think that if I dropped out, you’d drop out too. But it’s not going to work this time Lizzy. I don’t even have a clue what I should major in, and I really am miserable in school. I’m not going.”“I know. I don’t think you should go to school if it’s that awful for you. That’s why I’m staying with you, so we can both be happy. No way am I going off to university without you, and no way I’d force you to go if you won’t be happy there.” Elizabeth ended her speech and I just put my head in my palms and sat in thought for a moment. Yep, I definitely ruined my sister’s life. She was going to forsake college for me, and there was nothing I could do to stop her now. What was I going to tell Mom? “Morning guys!” Mom chimed as she ambled into the kitchen area. Great, perfect timing. I turned to wish her a good morning, but froze when I saw what she was wearing. At thirty-eight years old she could have easily passed for twenty-eight. Her enormous breasts filled her generously sized plain white bra, and her night black panties curved smoothly downwards in a V, ending her perfect hour-glass figure. No shirt, no shorts, and no words from me.Elizabeth giggled, “Morning Mom!” through a smile. Mom returned the smile. She looked similar to Elizabeth, but a little more mature in appearance, and just a hair taller. Mom then directed her smile at me. Upon seeing my confused face, she said, “Sorry, I was in the middle of changing when a coworker called and said she needed someone’s phone number.” She reached into her brief case, which was sat atop the kitchen counter. She brushed aside her dark brown hair, pulled out some papers, mumbled something about having it written down somewhere, exclaimed “Here it is!”, then turned back towards us. I was still giving her the same confused look.We were usually pretty liberal with clothing around our house. We would sometimes go around with only a t-shirt on over our underwear, or even just a towel after a shower. But very rarely did we openly flaunt our bodies around wearing just our underwear. However, clearly Mom didn’t understand my confusion. “What’s up Ray?” She chided. “Been too long since you’ve seen a girl in her skivvies?” “I don’t think that’s it Mom.” Elizabeth said. “I think he’s in shock because of his report card.” “All B’s again?” Mom asked. “How do you do it? Are you some kind of robot?”“Well,” Elizabeth interjected nervously, “I think the real reason he’s in shock is because he decided to quit school, and I decided to quit with him.” I really wanted to mention that the reason I was ‘in shock’ was because of Mom’s rocking body, but that would have been a little inappropriate, and of course I never got the chance. Mom was already screaming, and Elizabeth clearly needed to look up the definition of ‘subtle.” Regardless, it took quite a while to talk Mom down. All we really did was go over our conversation. Mom seemed to take it much better than we thought she would. We told her about how I hated school and how Elizabeth wanted to stay with me. Mom was in tears by the end.“You really hate school that much?” she whimpered. “Yeah,” I replied, “I just don’t feel like I’m a real person when I’m there. I feel like some kind of robot that just answers questions. I can’t stand it.”“And Lizzy,” Mom asked Elizabeth, “you really want to stay with Ray that much? You’d give up college for him?”“Of course Mom.” She said. “I don’t want to be that far away from him for that long. Ever since I was born he was right by my side. During the divorce, Dad said a lot of hurtful things to all of us, but Ray always held me tight and told me things would be okay.” I had forgotten since it was so long ago. Back when she was eight and I was ten, we used to snuggle up close and I would tell her that everything was going to be okay. I would say “Mom and Dad might break up, but we’ll always be together.” She would snuggle closer and we’d fall asleep. Ten years later those memories were refreshed in my mind, and I wanted to say something, but I was beaten to the punch. Mom sprang up and grabbed us both, her left arm around me, and her right arm around Elizabeth. Pulling us into a tight hug, she crushed the sides of our faces into her tits as tears flowed from her sparkling brown eyes. “I can’t believe it. I always knew you guys were close, but I never knew you loved each other this much. You guys are so beautiful!” Elizabeth loosed a mischievous grin and gave me a knowing stare. She knew how much I was enjoying my face rammed right up against Mom’s tits, and I’m sure she was enjoying it just as much. Elizabeth knew I was a pervert. She liked to tease me when I shot glances at her, Mom, girls on TV, girls in real life, or anything else even vaguely girl shaped. I’m pretty sure she was a pervert too, since she seemed to derive a lot of joy from constantly teasing me. Mom finally released us from her vice grip. She wiped away her tears and bore a new, determined expression. “If you guys are going to quit school then you’ll need jobs. At work today I’ll talk to my boss. We need a couple of data intake positions filled and I think you guys will fit right it. The pay is pretty good for a starting wage, and I’ll be able to keep an eye on you two.” Elizabeth turned to me. “What do you think Ray?” She asked with a searching gaze. Frankly, I was ecstatic since Mom seemed to take the news so well. At this point, I really didn’t care what job I got, and working with my sister seemed like a pretty good deal to me. “Alright, I think that will work. Go ahead and see if you can get us hired Mom.” The two girls exchanged ear to ear smiles. Suddenly Mom jumped, and quickly said, “I’ve got to get going, or I’m going to be late for work.” Then she rushed upstairs to get dressed. Elizabeth and I ambled into the living room and took a seat on the nice comfy leather couch. As usual, she took her seat right next to me, even though the large couch had ample space. I never thought about it, but she really was very attached to me. As we settled in she leaned over and rested her head on my shoulder, then drooped her arm around me so it was resting on my chest. In return I rested my hand around her shoulder, and we sat in each other’s embrace. I thought about turning the TV on, but I decided to sit here and enjoy afyon escort this for a little longer. Mom came racing down the stairs, puffing a simple “Have a nice day.” as she walked towards the door. When she saw us she paused, eyeing us for a moment. “There isn’t anything going on between you two, is there?”“Nope,” Elizabeth declared, “just staying close to my brother.”Mom replied, “Hmm, it’s a shame. You two look cute together.” With that, she walked out the door. “Did you hear that?” Elizabeth’s voice teemed with excitement. “Mom just said we were a cute couple!” Despite the fact that I was sure Mom was teasing, it still seemed a bit weird. Weirder still was my little sister’s obvious excitement at the thought of us together. “Yep, I heard.” I said, treading lightly. “But I’m not sure she said the word ‘couple’.” I didn’t want to say anything I might regret. “Do you think we’d make a good couple?” Elizabeth looked into my eyes, searching deep within them. Yep, I was pretty much fucked here. Saying yes would be weird and saying no would be mean. I did my best to keep the waters calm. “Well, I guess hypothetically, we could theoretically be a potentially cute pairing.” Sweat rolled down my face as I juggled my words carefully. “Is there someone else you like more?” she pried. What was I supposed to say? Once again if I say yes it might sound mean, but if I say no, as in ‘I don’t like anyone more than my sister’ it might be just a tad creepy. Elizabeth sensually suggested, “Maybe you like Mom. I saw you ogling her today. Are you a momma’s boy?” My face flushed red with embarrassment. “Of course not.” I was trapped. I had no idea what to say, so I just stopped talking. Finally, Elizabeth pushed herself up and straddled me. She cupped her hands around my face and leaned in close. “I think,” she whispered, “we’d be the cutest couple ever. Do you agree?” I opened my mouth to say something, but for the life of me I had no idea what to say. I felt her hot breath in my mouth, her warm hands on my face, and the weight of her body pushing down against my crotch. I think I opened my mouth to object, but that didn’t matter, because as soon as my lips parted, they felt the warm wetness of her lips push against them. We held that position for what seemed like hours, and while I was surprised, I made no attempt to push her away or break the kiss. My cock started to harden, and I’m sure she felt it, but she just kissed me harder. Finally, my sister broke the kiss and said, “Ray, I’ve loved you for as long as I can remember. Sitting close to you and hearing your heartbeat are the best moments of my day. My heart races whenever I see you,” she paused, took a deep breath, and asked for a second time, “so what do you think? Would we make a cute couple?”I knew I should talk her out of it. I should explain how i****t is wrong and we shouldn’t kiss. I should end the feelings she had for me, and the feelings I had for her. But I didn’t want to, because at that moment I realized that I also loved her. I loved how smart she was, how pretty she looked, and how she was always there for me, especially when I’m at my lowest. “I think,” I finally choked out, “that we’d be the cutest couple ever.” With that, our lips met again. We made out on the couch for several minutes, exchanging moans, spit, and our love for one another. I boldly snuck my hands up her shirt and groped her glorious breasts. My fingers delicately teased her nipples, and rolled around her areolas. She broke our kiss and leaned back so I could get my arms in at a better angle. By chance, her repositioning caused my rock hard cock to spring from the side of my gym shorts to straight outward, pressing hard against the elastic. “Oh my,” Elizabeth gasped. “that looks really uncomfortable. We should let it out to relieve the pain.” She reached her nimble fingers into the elastic waistband of both my shorts and my underwear and tugged straight downward. I lifted my ass to allow them to slide down to my knees. My cock stood proudly between us, and my sister gasped, “It’s so big!” I’ll leave its exact size to the imagination, but I will say that I was always very happy with my size, and apparently Elizabeth was too. All I will say is this: it was several inches longer than average, way thicker than average, and my balls were absolutely enormous. Elizabeth was letting out little moans of satisfaction as I was still playing with her tits, and she was apparently very excited to play with her new toy as well. She started slow, by feeling every bump and curve from base to tip. She tickled here and there on my balls, and finally said. “Alright, let’s see you cum.” I only nodded as she brought her hand to her mouth and licked it several times, covering it with her juicy saliva. Reaching back down she said, “Cum whenever you want b*o.” She stroked slowly at first, grinding her hand across every bump and vein. “Oh yeah, these would feel so good inside me.” When she reached the top, she whisked her palm around the tip sending an explosion of pleasure up my spine, then she would descend down my shaft again. She kept going faster and faster until her hand was a blur. “Oh yeah, you’re so big. You’d fill me up so nicely, from my outer lips all the way to the lips on my womb. You can shoot whenever you want b*o. Shoot a nice big one for me. Splatter me with your thick baby goo.”“Oh shit,” I interrupted, “I’m about to blow! Get a tissue or something!” Elizabeth just giggled and aimed my cock upwards right towards her face. “Go ahead and shoot b*o! Cover me in it! I want to be covered in your thick baby batter. I want you to cum all over my face, and tits, and my whole fucking body! SHOOT IT NOW! COVER ME WITH YOUR FUCKING CUM! MAKE ME YOUR LITTLE sister CUM DUMPSTER WHO LIVES TO PLEASE HER brother’S FUCKSTICK! I WANT IT SO FUCKING BAD! MAKE ME YOUR BITCH! MARK ME WITH IT!” With that, I came the biggest load I had ever cum before. I had been proud of my size, but I always found the ejaculate amount to be annoying to clean up. However, now I was incredibly proud to shoot so much when I came. My first shot flew in a high arc well over my sister’s head, landing somewhere behind her. The next one left a huge white glob in her dark brown hair. Two more coated her face in my slimy seed. Another one hit her under her chin, then slid down her neck and onto her chest. I saw it slide down in between her tits and might have slid even further than that. As they grew weaker, several covered her pink t-shirt all the way down the front, leaving me hassling and staring into the eyes of my cum covered sister.“Wow.” We said in unison. “That was incredible.” Elizabeth remarked. “I’m literally covered in your jizz. You’re like a fucking firehose.”“Yeah, no k**ding.” I replied. “Do you shoot that much every time?”“Nah, I usually shoot a lot, but this is definitely the most I’ve ever done. I probably have you to thank for that.”“Thanks b*o!” She said through a pearly white smile.“I think you might have gone a little crazy there for a sec.”“I was just caught up in the heat of the moment.” She gave me a sensual stare. “Anyway, we should probably get this cleaned up.” I checked our surroundings and found cum everywhere. Obviously Elizabeth was covered in it, but there were streaks here and there on the couch, and a massive puddle underneath us. Elizabeth climbed off me and wiped her face, congealing most of the goo on her hands. She brought her hand to her mouth and gave it a taste. My dick twitched again, even though I had just finished cumming. “Hmm,” she considered, “a little bitter, and fairly salty, but overall I love it. You taste great b*o!” Once again I was speechless. My little sister was getting hotter by the second. I was on the verge of pushing her over and mauling her when she said. “Alright, let’s get to cleaning.” I looked at the cum covered couch, then back to her cum covered body. “Why don’t you go clean yourself up while I clean up the couch?” “I don’t know Ray,” she smirked, “I’m not the only one covered in cum.” I looked down to see little streaks of jizz running down the front of my shirt, and a fair bit on my gym shorts. “Let’s clean up the couch, then we’ll clean ourselves up together.” It was quick work cleaning up. Just some damp paper towels and a bit of scrubbing. Afterwards we sprayed air freshener all over the couch to mask the scent. Upon finishing, we went to the laundry room to leave our clothes in the washing machine. As we undressed, we each snuck several peaks at the other. Despite the fact that we pretty much knew the other’s physique, I was still embarrassed to be naked with her. She was extremely sexy from head to toe. Her ample bosom and luscious ass were to kill for. On the other hand, I was neither muscular nor fat; just an average build for an average guy. My only prominent feature was my manhood, which at this moment was on the verge of returning to life. I had just caught a glimpse of her puffy pink pussy, crowned by a well-trimmed light brown bush. Finally, we both left the room red in the face, and walked upstairs to take a nice relaxing shower. Except the shower wasn’t relaxing at all. First, getting the semen out of her hair was a nightmare. I seriously thought we might just have to cut it off. I also got hard again halfway through, and found it extremely difficult not to make a move on her, since she insisted that we get the cum out of her hair first. Finally, after we cleaned up every sticky drop, it was time to have a little fun. “Alright, now I’ll clean the rest of you.” I said as I started wiping every inch of her body with soap and water. Despite the fact that most of the cum on her body had already washed off, I still wanted to be as thorough as possible, especially around her breasts. I even teased her nipples with my tongue, slowly circling her areole and then nibbling the center. This elicited some ‘oohs’ and ‘ahhs’ from Elizabeth. I continued to lick down her body, giving her belly button some generous attention, until I reached the grand prize. My upper lips met her lower lips and I was greeted by a light juicy taste. I dug my tongue inside and was greeted by another surge of moister, and another moan from above. I kept going until she moaned with every twitch of the tongue, and when she was getting close, I switched my attention to her small pink clit. I nibbled and bit until her moans turned into screams.“God b*o you’re sooo fucking good at this.” She exclaimed. “I can feel everything. This is fucking fantastic! Keep going, I’m almost there! I’M… GONNA… CUM!” And with that she sprayed my face with hot refreshing juice, which tricked down my chin and was washed away in the shower. At this point my dick was fully restored and ready to go, and Elizabeth seemed to notice.“Wow, looks like our little friend needs some attention.” She cooed, as she reached to take hold of the fierce purple head. Before her hand made contact, I changed her plans by grabbing her by the waist and hoisting her up. I was surprised by how light she was. “You can take care of it if you want,” I said, “but I’m not done with your pussy yet.” With that, I flipped her upside down and continued gobbling away at her delicious pussy, only to fuel her moans further. I felt her hot breath run across my cock, and let out a tiny moan of my own when her tongue tickled my urethra, then her lips closed around the bulbous head. She tried to squeeze it into her warm wet mouth inch by inch, but the girth was giving her trouble. She only had it in about half-way when she finally gave up and started to bob her head up and down, creating a heavenly sensation along my shaft. We held the standing sixty-nine position for only a couple of minutes, but luckily that’s all we needed. My arms were getting tired, and I’m sure the blood was rushing to her head, but this blowjob was so intense that we barley needed any time at all before I was ready to blow. I pulled my tongue out of her soaking wet snatch to say, “Watch out s*s, I’m about to cum!” To my surprise, instead of releasing my cock from her mouth, she tried to fit more in. “Don’t try to swallow!” I cried. “Don’t forget how much cum there was before!” I didn’t dissuade her at all. In fact, she tried even harder to fit more in. She opened her throat and tried to swallow, but still barely had more than half inside when I came. It might have been quick, but my little sister trying to swallow my cock was just too hot for me.Once again in firehose fashion, my cock exploded like a cannon. This time however, the blast channeled right down Elizabeth’s tight little throat. She took the first few shots like a champ, but soon the buildup was mounting, and I felt her cheeks puff up as her mouth filled with cum. Finally, on my last shot, semen bubbled out from her lips and nose, dripping to the floor of the tub with a series of loud splats against the porcelain. I pulled her afyon escort bayan upwards off my manhood and shivered as my cock exited her mouth with a pop, and several more globs leaked from her lips as I flipped her over and put her back on her feet. Her lips couldn’t be seen past the white cream coating them, but just then I noticed her red flushed face. “Oh shit!” I cried. “Are you choking?” I was worried since I didn’t know exactly how to do the Heimlich, but I figured I’d just have to wing it. “Nngh!” She couldn’t get a word out, so she shook her head furiously. I guess she wasn’t choking, but she was still twitching and holding her breath. Finally, she gasped and looked me right in the eyes. “Holy shit b*o, that was a lot! I almost swallowed all of it, but some of it leaked out of my mouth.” She sounded disappointed. “Oh, so you were trying to swallow it just now. I figured you were choking.”“I thought I might choke, but I really wanted to see how much I could take. Next time I’ll try to swallow it all. Damn I think you might have completely filled up my stomach! I seriously think you shot a gallon. That can’t be normal.”“Yeah, I’m not sure it’s healthy.” I replied. My balls were seriously aching at this point. “I think I might need a break.” “I bet, you should make sure to drink plenty of fluids.”“I was getting plenty from your pussy. You were like a water fountain; I think you might have even had the shower beat.”“Well you had your tongue buried inside me. How’s a girl supposed to respond? And where did you learn to eat pussy like that anyway?”“I don’t know; I’ve never done it before. I was just running off instinct I guess.”“Well, you’re got some good instincts b*o. You know just how to treat a lady!”We took our time to wash up and dry off, donning only shorts and t-shirts to lounge around the house in. For the rest of the morning we just cuddled on the couch and watched TV. I thought I smelled the faint scent of semen, but I figured it was just from Elizabeth’s breath. She made me drink plenty of juice, insisting I stay hydrated. Around lunchtime we dozed off and slept for a while in each other’s embrace. I awoke to Mom closing the front door. She was in the foyer and I could hear her footsteps approaching the living room. I realized that I could still smell semen in the air, only now it was stronger. I shook Elizabeth awake and whispered, “Hey, Mom’s home. Go brush your teeth, I can still smell cum on your breath.”Elizabeth rubbed her eyes, still half asleep, then groggily mumbled, “But I already washed my mouth out. My breath shouldn’t smell like cum anymore.” As she spoke I realized the smell wasn’t coming from her at all. In fact, it came from across the room. Racking my brain, I recalled my ejaculation from earlier, and remembered my first shot. That’s right, it went straight over Elizabeth’s head.Oh shit! I shot it over her head! I quickly jumped up and ran across the room to see if I could find where it landed. Between the couch and the TV, we had a small ebony coffee table. In between the coffee table and the TV, right in the floor, there was a massive glob of dried cum that we missed cleaning earlier. Elizabeth came up behind me and, seeing the glob of cum in the floor, came to the same conclusion I did. We looked at the hallway to see Mom turning the corner into the living room. From the entrance, the coffee table obscured her view of the glob of semen. “How was your day guys?” She said cheerfully. “Good news, my boss gave me the okay on hiring you guys for those data intake positions I was talking about!” “Great, when do we start?” Elizabeth walked towards Mom. I could see her hips shake nervously as she approached. She seemed to be trying to walk Mom out of the room, so I suppose after she got Mom away, I was supposed to clean this up. It seemed like a good plan to me. “Tomorrow you can start training,” Mom replied, “and next Monday you’ll start working for real.” “Awesome!” Elizabeth said with feigned enthusiasm. “Let’s go to my room and pick out an outfit I can wear on my first day.” “Sure sweetie.” Mom looked excited. “I already have a few ideas. You’ll be turning tons of heads.” Elizabeth turned to look at me. “Don’t try and peek Ray. Keep it clean!” She winked and started down the hall. I had to give her credit; her plan was awesome. Mom never entered the room, and even if I hadn’t already picked up on it, now it was clear what she wanted me to do. Unfortunately, at that very moment, Mom started sniffing the air. “Hmm, do you guys smell something.” She asked with and inquisitive expression on her face. She slowly stepped into the living room. My heart raced, and I stepped forward in between her and the glob. “I don’t think so,” I said nervously, “what does it smell like?”“Kinda like…” She seemed like she didn’t want to finish the sentence. She walked around the coffee table, and now I was the only thing keeping her from seeing the dried white goo. I had to stand with my feet together to keep it obscured. “Hey Mom,” Elizabeth called from down the hall, in the direction of the stairs and the foyer, “I smell it too, I think it’s coming from in here.” She came back to see if Mom took the bait. “No,” Mom replied, “it’s definitely coming from in here.” She was right up to me now. I think it’s you Ray. She sniffed a couple more times, then whispered, “Baby, it’s normal to touch yourself, just make sure to wash up properly afterwards. You smell pretty rank.” She flashed a quick smile. “Got it Mom.” I whispered back with my face burning red with embarrassment. “I’ll be sure to do that from now on.” “Now don’t be embarrassed. If you can’t talk to me about this stuff, then who can you talk to?”“You’re right, thanks Mom.” Mom turned to look at Elizabeth, “Now let’s go look at those outfits.” She raised her voice back to normal levels. “Cool Mom.” Elizabeth replied. “Let’s go.”“Just let me put my bag on the counter.” Mom said as she turned to walk past me. Oh shit! I tried to move to keep the goo obscured from her view, but my effort was in vain. Her peripheral vision caught sight of the sizable blob, and her eyes darted down to see what it was. “Oh my god.” She mumbled, staring at the mass of dried semen. She looked at me uncomprehendingly. “You did this out here?” She mumbled again, only asking herself. Then she looked at Elizabeth. “You were here too.” Then it clicked for her. Yeah, I was pretty much fucked. “OH MY GOD, ARE YOU TWO FUCKING?” She cried. “No!” Elizabeth exclaimed as she ran up to my side. “We were just messing around! Honestly!” Mom stayed quiet for several seconds, then spoke very softly. “You do know what i****t is, right? And you know how society sees it, right? You could get in a lot of trouble.” “We were just experimenting,” Elizabeth said through tears, “it wasn’t anything serious.” I couldn’t bare letting my sister handle this alone anymore. I mustered up some courage, and finally spoke up, “We know what i****t is, we know how society sees it, and we know the risks. But you said it yourself, even if you were just teasing. You said we’d make a cute couple, and I think Lizzy and I make the cutest couple on Earth.” Elizabeth was dumbfounded, clearly not expecting me to just come out and say it, but Mom just put her head down and tilted her lips into a small smile. For the second time that day, Mom pulled us into a vice-like hug and spoke once again with tears flowing out of her eyes. “You guys are really in love, aren’t you? Well if you know the risks then I don’t want to stop true love from blossoming.” She released us and, wiping her tears away, said, “If you guys are going to be working together, and dating, and making love,” both of us blushed, “then I only had one request for you. Please don’t be too loud at night.” And with that, she set her bag down on the counter and walked away towards the stairs. “I’ll meet you upstairs to look for an outfit Lizzy.” With that, she strode down the hall and out of sight. Yep, Mom was definitely bat-shit insane. Instead of getting mad, she gave us her blessing! At any rate, I wasn’t going to argue. I turned to my sister and said, “Well, that went better than expected.”“No k**ding,” Elizabeth replied, wiping the last of the tears from her eyes, “I thought she was going to explode. I was so scared when you came right out and admitted what we were doing. I knew you had big balls, but I had no idea they were this big!” She gave my crotch a gentle squeeze. “I’m going up to look at outfits with Mom now. We’ll be down in a bit for dinner.” “Alright, I’ll get this cleaned up then.” With that, I pulled her up for a gentle kiss, then spanked her soft ass as she turned to walk away. “Ooh!” She yipped, and quickened her pace. Once she reached the hallway, she turned and looked me in the eyes. “Love you Ray.”“You too Lizzy.” I replied, and noticed that her eyes weren’t burning with lust like earlier. Her expression was calm and loving; not the shallow love of a new boyfriend and girlfriend, but the deep love that can only be shared by two people who have known each other for many years. Dinner was a little awkward that night. Mom kept prying into our lives; asking questions about how long we’d been dating, and how far we’d gone. It took a while to convince her that we just started today, but eventually she was willing to accept the truth. Since she was so open-minded and accepting in regards to our relationship, we decided to be up-front about everything we had done that day. I thought Mom might be revolted by the end of our story, but rather she seemed to be quite impressed.“Incredible,” she mused, “you two are really talented lovers. A standing sixty-nine position on your first day!” She looked at me, “And Lizzy tells me you’re quite well-endowed. I knew I raise a hunk.”“That’s not even the half of it Mom.” Elizabeth chimed in. “I honestly think he cums a gallon. He filled my belly completely!” “I almost forgot!” Mom replied. “I’m so proud of my little girl. Most girls won’t swallow her man’s cum to begin with, but trying to swallow one of his humongous loads; that’s dedication!”“Thanks Mom, but it really wasn’t a big chore or anything like that. His cum is delicious!”“I bet it is. I’m sure someday you’ll be able to swallow every drop.”I just sat quietly and ate as the two girls continued their conversation for the next few minutes. It was really weird hearing Mom, and even Elizabeth, talk like complete sluts, but as long as Mom wasn’t mad, I didn’t plan on complaining at all. After dinner we watched TV together for a while, but Mom suggested that we go to bed a couple hours earlier than normal. “You two need to be well rested tomorrow. Training is really important, and we need efficient workers. I didn’t tell you, but the whole reason we need positions filled is because every member of one of the data intake teams quit a few days ago.”“Why’d they all quit at the same time?” I inquired.“They were getting fed up with their boss. Don’t worry, I’m sure you guys will be fine.”With that, we all headed upstairs for a good night’s rest. At least, that was the plan. “I had my phone out looking at news before going to sleep, which was my nightly ritual. Within fifteen minutes I heard a knock on my door.“Come in.” I called, setting aside my phone. The door cracked open and Elizabeth slid inside before closing the door again. She wore one of her huge pajama t-shirts, this time a vibrant lime-green monstrosity that certainly didn’t say ‘time for bed’. She had a nervous look on her face as she looked me in the eyes and parted her lips. “Hey b*o,” she said, “I was thinking that maybe we could stay up for a while. After all, we took that long nap this afternoon, so I’m sure we’ll be fine on sleep.”“Sure,” I stammered, “I guess that makes sense. What do you want to do?” She put her face down for a moment, then looked at me again; this time with a face of confidence and determination. In one swift move, she pulled off her shirt and dove onto the bed. Lying next to me completely naked, she whispered, “I want to finish where we left off. I want you to make me yours. I want you to take my cherry.” She rolled on top of me and straddled my crotch. Leaning over, she gave me a deep kiss, then pulled herself back up and slid my semi-hard cock out of my underwear. “Oh yeah, I think I’m ready.” She said with sparking eyes. Her pussy glistened as she started stroking my cock. She dug her hand deep inside her lips, then pulled it back out: covered with her natural lube. She worked her hand up and down my shaft, slowly pumping until my cock was as hard as steel. Then she grinded her pussy up and down my solid shaft, fully coating it in her hot juices. “Have you ever fucked a girl before?” She asked with a deep lust in her eyes. “No,” I admitted, “you’re my first.” She smiled from ear to ear. “I don’t know why the ladies don’t swarm you, but that’s all the better. We can give escort afyon our virginities to each other. Are you ready?” I only nodded, I was way past ready. She held my dick perpendicularly to my body and lined it up with her ripe young pussy. Her arms struggled to keep the mass from falling to the side. Teasing my angry purple head, she very slowly admitted the tip into her tight virgin cunt. I was already about to explode, and I couldn’t take waiting much longer. I really want to grab her hips and start thrusting wildly from below. It took a great deal of effort to keep myself still, since I didn’t want to hurt my little sister. That’s why her next move surprised me so much. All at once, she dropped herself down until I hit bottom. I looked to see if her face cringed with pain, but the look on her face was of pure delight. After we both moaned with pleasure, she slowly panted, “Surprised? I’ve been practicing with dildos a lot recently. I broke my own hymen ages ago so that our first time can be pure bliss.” I was falling more in love with her by the second. I grabbed her hips and started thrusting hard and fast. I could feel every bump inside her as my cock pushed all the way to the bottom, then pulled out all the way until just the head was inside. The grinding was killing me, and my balls ached to release their hot seed. Apparently Elizabeth was feeling it too. “Oh fuck b*o that feels FANTASIC! You’re so fucking huge I think I might rip in two, but I don’t care! I want it! I want your massive cock deep inside! I wanna feel your thick cock fill my tiny pussy every day from now on! I want your think cum to fill my womb every day from now on. You’re the best fucking brother in the whole world! I wish everyone could feel what I’m feeling now! Oh fuck, I love you! I love your think cock! I love your fucking cum hose! Give it to me! I want it inside me! GIVE ME YOUR BABY!”I just couldn’t take it anymore, and couldn’t bear to pull out. I kissed my slit against her cervix and shot wave after wave of hot jizz inside her as she squirted her cream all the way up my chest and face like a sprinkler. “OH FUCK YES I LOVE IT! I CAN FEEL IT ALL THE WAY IN MY BELLY! IT’S SWELLING UP LIKE A BALLOON! OH FUCK OH FUCK OH FUCK FUCK FUCK! I’M COMPLETELY FULL! I’M FILLED TO THE BRIM WITH MY brother’S i****tUOUS SEED! I HOPE HE GIVES ME A c***d!!!She collapsed on top of me, and we laid in the aftermath of our lovemaking for several minutes, trying to catch our breath. Finally, I managed to ask her what she was screaming about. “Is it true? Do you really want to have a c***d?”“Of course b*o, I mean we are a couple now. We even have jobs. I think we’d have an awesome baby!”“Yeah, I guess you’re right.” I took a moment to look ourselves over. We were lying in a pool of our combined cum, her cream and my jizz mingling to create the ultimate smell of sex. “Damn, we’re gonna need to wash the sheets now, and we probably need to take a shower too.”“That’s fine, we’ll just need to be quiet so we don’t wake Mom up.” I reflected for a moment on how loud Elizabeth had been screaming during our lovemaking.“Somehow I don’t think that will be an issue. She’s probably wide awake by now.”“It’ll probably be fine. Mom’s been really cool today. I’ve never seen a more open-minded and loving woman.” Elizabeth sounded like Mom’s number one fan, but I had to admit that Mom was really caring, and had been extremely tolerant of our relationship.“Yeah, Mom is pretty great.” “I know, right? And that’s just her personality. Her body is off the charts! I’ve seen you ogling her, and I’d bet you’d like to tap that too.” I didn’t respond, since I really didn’t know where she was going with this. “Mom’s been so lonely after Dad left. I bet she’d love to have a man in her life again, but she probably doesn’t want to date anyone just in case they turn out to be abusive too. She’s always looking out for us, so I wish we could look out for her too. I wish we could find her a good man. Anyway, let’s get going.” We pulled the sheets from the bed and took them downstairs to wash them, not bothering to put on any clothes. As we passed the living room, we saw Mom sipping a glass of water. “Hey guys,” she said, “I was thirsty, so I came to get I drink. Hope I’m not interrupting anything.” She grinned and scanned our naked bodies. I hid myself behind the sheet, but that just revealed the massive semen stain we had left on it. “Wow, that much? Impressive.”“And that’s just what leaked out.” Elizabeth bragged as she patted her belly. “You’ve got one incredible partner missy.” Mom said. “Thanks Mom, I wish you had one too.” Elizabeth replied as she strode to the couch and sat next her. “It’s not fair that your partner was such a loser. I wish we could find someone for you to love, who would love you back just as much.” “Thanks sweetie, but I don’t think such a man exists.”“I think he does.” Elizabeth wore a knowing grin.“Oh really, and where do you think this man might be?”“I think he’s in this very room with us right now.”“But the only man in here is your brother.”“I don’t mind sharing if you don’t mind.” The girls shared a heartfelt smile, then Elizabeth turned her attention to me. “Come here b*o, I think we might have found just the right man for Mom.” “Hold the phone.” I said unbelievingly. “Did you two plan this?”“Maybe.” They said in unison, with sinister grins across their faces. “Alright, well I guess if you’d go through all the trouble…” I dropped the sheet and walked over to my two ladies. Elizabeth scooted to the side to make room for me in the middle. I sat down and hung my arms around them. “If you want me to love both of you, how can I say no?”They both leaned in and kissed me on each cheek. I turned my head to the right and made out with Elizabeth for a moment, then turned left, readying myself for Mom. Our lips parted and our tongues danced wildly together for the longest time. Eventually, Elizabeth must have grown bored, because she came up beside us and entered her tongue into the mix too. As we moaned and swapped our saliva back and forth, Mom ran her hands across our bodies. She felt Elizabeth’s ample bosom and soft ass, and she stroked my reawakening cock and immense dangling balls. Elizabeth pulled Mom’s slim black nightgown up, revealing her fully naked body underneath. We broke the kiss to take it off, but instead of coming back together, Elizabeth and I attacked her giant milky white tits. Her nipples were little daggers as we pulled them into our mouths and sucked them like infants. Mom hollered and moaned as we defiled her, and we all loved every second of it. Soon we moved down and shared her tight glistening pussy. We rolled our tongues up and down her lips, and plunged them inside to release a sweet, albeit pungent scent. That smell had nothing on the odor currently wafting through the room however. The sheet laying in the floor smelled strongly of heavy and hard sex, and it violated our nostrils with its sharp dirty scent. You could almost taste the sex in the air, and we could definitely taste the delicious flavor of Mom’s smooth shaved flower as she squirted her cream all over the faces of her beloved c***dren. “Finally,” Elizabeth cooed, “I think she’s ready for a real man. A good man.” She pushed me up and pulled Mom down so I was laying over her. She positioned my cock against her beautiful twat, and without giving either of us a second to think, she pushed my ass ‘til I was balls deep in my own mother. “Oh fuck baby!” Mom cried. “That’s so fucking good, you fill me up sooo much! God this is so fucking hot! I’m getting plowed by my own son! Baby you’re so big!”“Oh yeah Mom,” Elizabeth joined in the dirty talk, “he’s a fucking horse, isn’t he? I couldn’t fit all of him inside me.” I wanted to join in too, but I could only bring myself to moan and grunt, so I let the girls handle it. “Oh fuck yeah baby, you’re so much bigger than your father, and such a better lover! I’m all yours now! Fuck me whenever you want! My cunt is your own personal cum tank! Use it whenever you want!”“It goes without saying that mine is too b*o. Use us whenever you want. Pour it inside and make us your own personal bitches.”“Yeah, that sounds amazing! I WANT TO BE MY SON’S BITCH! I WANT HIM TO FUCK ME WHENEVER AND WHEREEVER HE WANTS! I WANT HIM TO SHOOT IT INSIDE ME SO MY BABY CAN MAKE ME A BABY! HEAR THAT? SHOOT IT! SHOOT IT BACK WERE YOU CAME FROM! VIOLATE THE SACRED PLACE WHERE YOU AND YOU sister WERE MADE! I’M ALL YOURS, SO CUM WHENEVER YOU WANT!!!”With that I let it go inside of her. I pushed my cock right to her cervix and let my firehose do its job. Cum surged out of my heavy balls and into Mom’s precious womb. Soon cum started leaking out, but Elizabeth was on the job. She ravenously sucked up the flood of jizz, and licked and nibbled on the place were Mom and I became one. Finally, my orgasm subsided and I slid out of my mother, eliciting another avalanche of cum from her stretched out cunt. “God that was so hot.” Mom panted. “I really mean it Ray. I’m yours to take whenever and wherever you want. And I want your baby.”“That makes two of us,” Elizabeth joined in, “so hurry up and knock us up!” At the sound of that my cock stirred again. I had another round in me, so I figured I might as well give them what they want.“Okay then,” I ordered, “Mom, get up and lean over the couch with your ass sticking out.” Mom woke up from her post-orgasmic bliss. “Yes sir!” She yipped, and did as I ordered.“Now Lizzy, you get under Mom and stick your ass out too.”She smiled and said, “I like where you’re going with this.” Then she assumed her position. I walked behind them and analyzed my situation. I had two juicy cum-filled cunts that desperately needed attention stacked right on top of each other. I brought my cock up to my sister’s soaking cunt and shoved in in to the base. “Nggh!” She moaned. I started pumping relentlessly, shoving my enormous cock as deep as it could go, and slapping her clit with my massive balls with every thrust. “Oh fuck b*o, this is so fucking good! I don’t think I can take this for very long! I’m about to… I’m just about to… I’M GONNA FUCKING CUM!!!” She sprayed her pussy juice all over my balls, my legs, and the floor, but I didn’t stop for even a moment. Without missing a beat, I pulled out and thrusted into my Mom’s waiting cunt. Not losing any pace, I started viciously pumping into her as hard as ever. “Oh my god you’re a fucking a****l! Fuck I needed this! I love your fucking cock slamming against my cervix! I love your fucking bull balls slapping my clit! I love you! Fuck me! Fuck me harder! MAKE ME CUM!!!” Mom sprayed her cunt cream all over the place, with the greatest concentration landing on my sister’s little white ass. Once again without missing a beat I switched back to fucking my sister. “Oh fuck it feels so good to have it back! I love your cock reaming me! I love getting fucked like a bitch! I wanna be bred by my brother! I wanna have your baby in me as you cum inside and drown her in your filthy father cum! I want to deliver my baby at the same time Mom delivers her, and everyone in the hospital think we’re fucking sluts! I WANNA CUM!!!”Switching back to Mom I decided to speak for a minute. “How does it feel getting fucked by your son?”“Fucking heavenly! It’s the best pleasure on earth to have your son breed you like a sow!”“What would society think Mom?”“They don’t like it, but that’s just ‘cause they’ve never tried it! I think every son should fuck his Mom. Every son should get to cum inside and make his mommy pregnant like you’re doing to me! I wish everyone would just chill out AND LET THEIR SONS MAKE THEM CUM!!!”Switching back to my sister, I asked, “How does it feel to fuck your brother?” “I’m a bitch in heat, and I’m not fucking him ‘cause he’s my brother! I’m fucking him ‘cause he’s the fucking alpha male! His gonna pour his seed into me and breed me so fucking hard! He’s gonna give me a litter of his strong c***dren! I want your seed! I want to bear your offspring! I’M JUST A BITCH IN HEAT WHO WANTS TO GET FUCKED!!!”I was getting close, so I started alternating between then after every four or five thrust. “What if a stronger man came and tried to take you away from me? What if he was more alpha than me?”“That’s impossible!” Elizabeth cried.“You’re the best man on earth!” Mom screamed.“Even if he was stronger!”“And bigger!”“And richer!”“And kinder!”They screamed in unison, “YOU’VE ALREADY MARKED US, SO WE’RE YOUR BITCHES FOR LIFE!!!With that, I came. I pumped several shots into my precious sister, then and several into my gorgeous mother. Then I pushed it between them and let my last few shots go right up the middle. Elizabeth’s back was coated, and Mom’s front was covered. A huge puddle of our combined cum pooled at our feet. After our orgasms subsided, the girls collapsed and fell into the puddle of jizz and cream. I walked over and grabbed the sheet, then returned and laid downed between them, pulling the sheet over us. They cuddled up next to me, and we were ready to drift off to sleep in a pool of our love. Right before I drifted off, I felt Elizabeth grab my hand.

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