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“New Sensation”


“…I’ll do it, I promise I will, but could you just…just pinch me a little first? Please?”

Verity looked down at Tawana. Tawana was on her knees, naked, her body oiled in a way that made the sleek ebony skin gleam, making puppy-dog eyes at Verity. “Oh, honey, you should know better than to think that’s going to work. In fact, I think you’re going to need to do a little extra duty now. Why don’t you start by doing a little dance?” She reached for the remote control and turned on the stereo, bringing up some bump-and-grind music. “If you get me turned on enough, I might let you lick my feet next.”

Tawana stood up. Her face was sullen, but she nonetheless began to sway to the rhythm. “And pinching?”

“When I say so. Not before.”


Tawana walked out of the room, slipping a crisp hundred dollar bill into her bra. She headed back towards the front desk, hoping to see another client waiting right away, but business was kind of slow at the Cinnamon Ranch tonight. Tawana went back into the waiting room and flopped down onto a couch, sullen and irritable. Not only had she not managed to get more than three customers tonight, but two of them had been tightwads, haggling over price for several minutes and generally making her life miserable.

Verity walked in, all smiles, which only irritated Tawana more. Verity was a new girl–just in from the coast, with black hair, green eyes, long legs, lily-white skin, and tits that had to fucking be surgical. Which, yeah, most of the girls had gotten a boob job somewhere along the line; but Verity acted like hers was all special, and that irritated Tawana.

In fact, Verity irritated Tawana in general, and Tawana had trouble hiding it; she acted like she was smarter than all the other girls, especially Tawana. If she was so fucking smart, what was she doing working in a brothel? But Tawana had tried that line on her before. Verity had just spouted off something about human sexuality being a powerful thing, and all about how important it was to embrace her feminine power, and then she got off onto some shit about “tantric elements” and the Kama Sutra, and then Tawana frankly lost fucking interest. Verity was basically just the same kind of whore the rest of them were, only she wouldn’t admit it.

But there she was, walking into the room with a smile on her face and a wad of bills in her hand that made Tawana seethe just to look at it. “What the fuck is up with that?” she said. “You know you have to split your take with the house.” Tawana didn’t mention the extra hundred dollar tip she’d managed to cajole out of her one nice customer of the night, secure inside her bra.

“This is after splitting it with the house,” Verity said, tucking the money away.

“No fucking way,” Tawana said, her irritation mixed with just a trace of awe. “What kind of sucker did you pull out there?”

Verity sat down across from Tawana, a smug grin on her face. “One of my regulars. He’d had a good night at the casino. Couldn’t wait to share the wealth. I told him the last time he was here, if he didn’t bring at least two thousand dollars cash to show me, he was out of luck.” Verity preened, just a little. “He brought three.”

“The fuck?” Tawana was more than a little pissed. “What’s so special about your cunt that you got ‘regulars’ bringing you three Gs whenever you snap your fingers?”

“Oh, it’s not my pussy that does it. It’s all in my technique. I keep telling you, it’s all about technique. That’s why I study in my off-hours. Kegel exercises, Kama Sutra–“

“Oh, god, not the fucking Kama Sutra again.” Tawana rolled her eyes.

“As it happens, no. I’ve been reading up on acupressure, and on how some dominatrixes use intense physical stimulation to overload the brains of their submissives, and–“

“And blah blah fucking blah.” Tawana stood up. “Sex is sex, honey. You found yourself a few high rollers who think your cunt’s gold plated, that’s fine. We’ve all ridden a few of those every once in a while. But you and I both know that–“

The manager ducked his head in. “New john coming in, get your butts out here.”

Tawana and Verity both headed out into the main area, where a nervous-looking young man waited for them. Tawana started Beylikdüzü Escort to strike a sexy pose, gave her best smile, but as soon as the guy saw Verity, he said, “I’m back! I brought the…” he reached into his pocket and pulled out a wallet bulging with bills. “Can you…” He blushed, and lowered his voice a little as he leaned in close to Verity. “Can you pinch me again?”

“Of course.” The two of them headed off into the back rooms together, leaving Tawana to fume.

‘Pinch’? What the fuck was up with that?


“Come on, please?” Tawana slurped at the soles of Verity’s feet. “Just a little pinch…” She licked in between Verity’s toes. “A few seconds, I’ve been good…” She took Verity’s big toe into her mouth, sucking it like a tiny cock.

Verity sighed. “I dunno, that doesn’t really sound like ‘begging’ to me, Tawana. That sounds more like ‘demanding’. You see the difference?”

Tawana wanted to scream in frustration, but she knew better by now. She reached down to Verity’s other foot and brought it up to her mouth as well. “Please,” she said, trying to put some urgency into it. “I’ll do anything you want, baby, but I just want a tiny little pinch, you know I’ll want more, I’m all yours all night, anything you want, just…just please, please, please…” Somewhere along the way, she’d lost track of her frustration and anger at Verity and had broken down into open, naked need, her body shuddering as she let her desire spill out.

Verity wriggled her toes. “Now that’s better,” she said. “That is some quality begging, Tawana.” Despite everything, Tawana felt obscurely proud. “But you forgot that you needed to be licking my toes while you begged.” Tawana’s face fell. She started to lick again, but she could tell it was already too late. If it hadn’t been too late beforehand. She could tell Verity loved drawing this out.

Verity pulled her feet out of Tawana’s hands, stood up, and went to a rack of toys on the wall. “Come over here, get up against the wall, and spread your legs,” she said, pulling out a riding crop. “I think we’ve got a little more work to do on your attitude.”

Tawana did as she was told. It was the only way she was getting pinched.


Tawana knocked on Verity’s door, hating herself for doing it, and hating Verity even more for being right. “Tawana,” Verity said as she opened the door wearing nothing but a silken robe. “What a surprise! I normally don’t think of you as one to socialize much with me after hours.”

Tawana fidgeted a little at the door. The bitch wasn’t going to make this easy for her, that was for fucking sure. “Can I come in?” she asked.

Verity gave a little smile, like she knew exactly what Tawana was up to.”Sure, I’m off-duty.” She opened the door wider, and gestured magnanimously towards the interior of the suite. “So what brings you by this morning?”

Shit, Tawana thought. She’s gonna make me say it. “The last couple of nights, you, um…you kept pulling johns. Nine or ten, all big spenders. I was wondering, I mean, um…”

Verity gave a poisonously sweet smile. “Did they all think my cunt was gold plated, was that it?”

Tawana almost turned around and walked out right then and there; but she thought of those wallets packed with hundred dollar bills, and instead, she said, “That one guy, he said something about ‘pinching’. Is that–I mean, you talked about dominatrixes, are you getting guys into S and M?”

Verity shook her head and walked over to her dresser. “No. They want something only I can give them. I’ve been calling it ‘pinching’, because…” She took out a set of what looked like very pointy thimbles, and began to put them onto the ends of her fingers. “It’s a new sexual practice. I don’t think anyone else has ever tried it. I’m combining sex with acupressure, stimulating certain pressure points in order to heighten sexual pleasure. It’s a whole new sensation, and the guys I’ve been doing it to just can’t get enough.” She held up her hands, each one with a glittering silver cap at every fingertip. “But you saw that for yourself last night.”

“Can you…” Goddamn bitch is gonna make me fucking beg, Tawana thought. “Can you teach me how to do it?”

“Sure,” Verity said.

Tawana Escort Beylikdüzü practically gaped. “Really?”

“Sure. I’ll do better than teach you. I’ll show you how. Go ahead and take off your clothes. You’ll need to be naked for this.” Verity slipped her own robe off her shoulders, revealing a perfectly-toned body.

Tawana stripped her own clothes off without any modesty either; she didn’t really swing for other women, but she’d done enough three-ways in the past not to mind too much if this involved a little intimate contact. And she certainly didn’t feel embarrassed next to Verity’s body; Tawana might not be into Kama Sutra shit, but she knew the importance of staying in shape.

“Alright,” Verity said, walking over to a rack with a few sex toys on it. She pulled a harness off the rack, and began to put it on. “The first few days trying to do everything while wearing these little caps was a bitch,” she said. She selected a dildo, and slipped it into the harness. “Go ahead and get onto the bed,” she said. “The technique works through stimulation of the erogenous zones while I apply the acupressure, so I’ll need to slide this into you for a bit. I could also eat you out, or have you play with yourself, but I think we’ll stick with the strap-on for now.”

Tawana understood most of that, so she got onto the bed and then onto her hands and knees. Verity knelt behind her, applied a little lube to the dildo, and slipped it into Tawana’s cunt. “Now,” she said, “you don’t need to stimulate too much, or for too long. Just a little fucking does the trick.” She started to thrust the dildo in and out slowly. “With guys, of course, you’ll be letting them fuck you. It’s got to be missionary, though. Doggie style or cowboy doesn’t work, because you need to be able to touch their back.” Tawana just nodded, keeping her mind on the lecture with little difficulty. “Like this.” Tawana felt Verity touch her back with the tips of those little caps, pressing down on the flesh directly on either side of her spine; the little metal points dug in one finger at a time, firmly but not painfully, first one hand (one, two, three, four, five), then the other (one, two, three, four–)

Five, and everything went white. Fireworks exploded behind Tawana’s eyes, she stared sightlessly ahead as her cunt clenched around the fake cock, and she was vaguely aware of her own voice grunting, then moaning, then screaming, but it didn’t matter. Nothing fucking mattered. She’d never felt this good in her fucking life, never come this hard; it wasn’t even like coming, it was beyond coming, beyond fucking, it was like a spiderweb of pleasure radiating out from those ten little points on her back and cocooning her in sheer fucking bliss. She didn’t know how long it lasted, it was like time stopped while she came and came and came, and nothing mattered but feeling this good, nothing mattered at all because she felt this good, Tawana never knew anything in the world could ever feel like this–

Her arms and legs gave out from under her and she fell forward onto the bed, breaking contact with Verity’s fingers. Her throat felt hoarse, her limbs felt weak and rubbery, and she’d actually dragged Verity on top of her, her cunt had clenched so tightly around that dick; but all she could think about was wanting more, wanting to feel that pinch again.

“You get all that?” Verity said in her ear.


“Sixteen.” Tawana tried to keep all her focus on the numbers. If she just kept her focus on the numbers, on “Seventeen,” if she just thought about counting and not about the burning sensation in her ass, “Eighteen,” if she just thought about counting and not the searing pain of each new stroke of the crop, “Nineteen,” if she just thought about counting and not about how much she needed the pinch, how fucking much she needed it, because if she asked for the pinch again, or if she stopped counting, or if she cried out, then Verity would just start over at one again. “Twenty…”

“Good girl!” Verity said, finally putting the crop away. “I’m very impressed, Tawana! Now, sit down.”

Tawana whimpered, but nonetheless sat down flat. Her ass burned where it scraped against the rough carpet, and she tried to sit perfectly still even as she Beylikdüzü Escort Bayan squirmed from pain; but she dealt with it the best she could, staring up at Verity with a pleading gaze.

“God, that was hot. I mean, that really turned me on.” She stepped forward, straddling Tawana’s face with her cunt. “In fact, I don’t think I’ll be good for anything else without a few little licks down there. Think you can take care of that, Tawana?”

Tawana whimpered. “But–I–“

Verity grabbed Tawana’s hair, and pulled her head forward. “I’m sorry,” she said. “You were saying?”

Tawana’s words were muffled by Verity’s cunt.


Tawana knocked on Verity’s door again, trying to quell the shaking of her body. When Verity opened the door, Tawana practically forced her way in. “Welcome back,” Verity said. “Want to try another lesson?”

“I…” Tawana just nodded. “Yes, please.”

“OK,” Verity said, letting her in. She walked over to her dresser and grabbed a book. “Today, we’re going to look at the anatomy of the back, and how to find the right nerve clusters to press.” She opened up the book to a diagram of the spine, and its surrounding muscles.

Tawana looked at it in aching incomprehension. “I thought…” she said, her voice trailing off as she remembered that burning pleasure, as she felt the aching need to relive it. “I thought we were going to, you know…practice again.”

Verity shook her head. “Don’t be silly,” she said. “There’s not a whole lot you can learn that way. You need to be able to locate the pressure points in others, and it’s a little too distracting when someone’s using them on you. Now, what you want to do is get to the point where you can locate vertebrae by touch. See–“

“Couldn’t we practice first? Just a little?” Tawana couldn’t hide the need in her voice, and she knew it.

“You don’t sound very interested in learning, Tawana,” Verity said in a mock-chiding tone. “I thought you wanted to know how to pinch men for fun and profit.”

“I do,” Tawana said. “It’s just, I thought that maybe…you know, I…”

“You liked it.” Tawana nodded mutely. “You want me to do it to you again.” Tawana nodded again, unable to make eye contact. “Right now.”

“Please…” Tawana couldn’t help herself, she blurted the word out.

Verity shrugged off her silken robe. “The last guy who wanted me to pinch him paid five thousand dollars for the privilege, Tawana. I split that with the house, of course, so I only got twenty-five hundred, but still…that’s a twenty-five hundred dollar experience you’re asking me for. For free. Despite the fact that yesterday was the first time you’d ever spoken to me in a civil tone since I met you.” She lay back on the bed, not even bothering to look at Tawana. “That about sum it up?”

Tawana climbed onto the bed with her, crawling between Verity’s thighs, lowering her face down to just inches away from Verity’s muff. “Please,” she said, surprised at how easily the words rolled off her tongue, “I’m sorry I’ve been such a bitch, Verity, just please pinch me, I’ll do anything you want, I’ll eat your pussy, I’ll lick you out, just please, give me just a little pinch, please, please…”

Verity lazily reached out a hand and pulled Tawana’s head down to her crotch. “I tell you what,” she said. “You start licking…mmm…and I’ll decide when it’s twenty-five hundred dollars worth.”


Verity stepped back. “You’re getting better at that,” she said, looking at the way Tawana’s face had gotten slick with her juices. “I think we might be getting close to your reward.”

“Oh, thank you!” Tawana fell forward and kissed Verity’s feet again, not even recognizing the fact that she hadn’t been commanded to this time, just so grateful at the thought that Verity would be pinching her soon that she couldn’t even express it in words.

“But don’t think you’ll be getting off this easy tomorrow, Tawana,” Verity said as she strapped on the dildo. “I’ll be wanting something…extra special from you if you want to be pinched again.”

“Anything, yes, anything you want, Verity, anything you say, I just, yes, please, yes…” Tawana’s resistance was totally gone now, she was bent over and presenting her pussy lewdly, just waiting for that moment when Verity found those perfect spots again and gave her that perfect pleasure.

“Tomorrow,” Verity said, sliding her fake cock into Tawana’s cunt, “I think I’ll want you to bring me another girl to play with.”

As she felt those steel-tipped fingers digging into her back, Tawana knew she’d do it.


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