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Session 30:

“Would you tell me what you think of my relationship with Marcie?”


“What do you think of my relationship with Marcie?”

“I think it’s great.”

“Would you tell me why?”


“Why do you think my relationship with Marcie is great?”

“Marcie is really fun and cute, and she really likes you.”

“Are you jealous at all?”


“Would you tell me if you were jealous?”


“Are you jealous?”

Again, that pause. This time, however, I knew to wait it out.


“Why are you jealous?”


There was another long silence, and I decided to play it safe.

“Would you tell me why you’re jealous?”


“Why are you jealous?”

“Because I…because I want to be a part of it.”

Interesting phrasing.

“Do you want to sleep with your brother?”


Wait, what? That was…way too easy. We weren’t in a hypothetical, we weren’t in a world where incest was normal – we were in the real world, and she’d just said she would sleep with me.

I thought for a second, and then realized how I’d phrased the question.

“Would you ever sleep with your brother?”


“But do you want to?”


I heard once that the only way to get someone to do something is to make them want to do it, so hey, this revelation wasn’t something I was going to complain about.

But the way she’d worded her desire…she wanted to be “a part of it”. I felt like I was missing something.

“Do you want to sleep with Marcie?”

Her response was so quiet I barely heard it.


I grinned. Now, the million-dollar question.

“Do you want to sleep with your brother and Marcie at the same time?”

Again, the pause, and again the quiet response.


Session B38:

“You live in a world where hooking up with a brother and sister at the same time isn’t weird.”


Damn. For some reason, I thought that would work.

Actually…why had I thought that would work?

I got Marcie to give me head while I thought about it.

In my mind, she would immediately have agreed to that hypothetical; she’d have nodded, I could have slowly woken her up, and I soon would have had some idea of how effective making a ridiculous hypothetical come true was.

Just as I was about to cum (sucking cock is something that Marcie is particularly skilled at), I realized why I’d thought she would agree to it immediately, despite its far-fetched nature:

Because Lucy had.

Lucy had agreed to the ridiculous hypothetical I’d posed to her; the idea of a world where incest wasn’t taboo. I hadn’t had to coax her into it; the moment I’d suggested it, she’d nodded.

As Marcie silently swallowed my seed, my mind briefly went blank, but when I regained focus, I realized what the difference was.

Lucy’s fantasies had been long and detailed. The idea of being allowed to fuck me was clearly something she’d been thinking about for a while – that hypothetical hadn’t come out of nowhere, it was something that she’d been building up for Şeyhli Escort a while now.

All I had to do was alter Marcie’s fantasies…which was, of course, something that I’d gotten good at.

“Okay,” I said, and Marcie sat up with a blank expression, ready to listen and obey. “Hypothetical…

“You’re having a sexy dream.”


“In this dream, you’re going down on Lucy.”


“…while I fuck you from behind.”


I opened my mouth to say something, but closed it again – worst-case scenario, she wakes up thinking she had a dream about going down on Lucy.

After a long silence, a tremor went through her whole body, a pulse of arousal. I was sure she was going to wake up.

Instead, she moved her head – so slightly I almost didn’t notice it.


I grinned.

“The next night, you have a similar dream. This time, you and Lucy are both blowing me at the same time…”




Session B39:

“Would you tell me what you dreamed about last night, Marcie?”


No surprise there. Marcie hadn’t kept a secret from me in a long time.

“What did you dream about?”

“I dreamed…I dreamed that you had tied me up, and your sister was torturing me by sucking on my nipples. I dreamed that she had another mouth on her knee, and was licking my clit while she sucked on my nipples, and then you came inside me and I burst into a thousand pieces but you called me your perfect little slut and I came back together again…”

Marcie’s dreams can get a little weird, but the gist of it was there. Three days ago I’d told her to have recurring dreams about threesomes with me and Lucy, and it sounded like it was working.

Now, the next step.

“Okay Marcie, hypothetical: we live in a world where it’s not weird to hook up with a brother and his sister at the same time.”


Wait. What?

Session B43:

“What does my sister taste like?”

“I don’t know.”

I rolled my eyes. Duh, Marcie.

It wasn’t her fault, of course. When people are under, they’re extremely literal, and Marcie was pretty distracted at that moment. Every time I slid into her, she briefly had trouble breathing, but my questions never let up.

“What do you think she tastes like?”

“Sweet,” she gasped in monotone. “Sweet, and a little bit tangy.”

“Do you like the taste?”

“I don’t know.”

“Do you think you will?”

“I don’t know.”

I thrust forward and my entire length entered her. Even through the trance, she gasped.

“But…I can’t wait to find out.”

Session B39:

“Okay,” I said, sitting back thoughtfully. Maybe I needed to build up to it. “Hypothetical: we live in a world where…”

How on earth do you slowly build up to sleeping with a pair of siblings? I had a lot riding on the answer to that question.

“Hypothetical: we live in a world where you can make out with a brother and a sister in the same night, and no one will judge you.”

Nod. Okay, great. Baby steps.

“Hypothetical: we live in a world where it isn’t Escort Şeyhli weird to date one sibling after you’ve dated the other.”


“Hypothetical: we live in a world where you can date a pair of siblings at the same time.”


Dang it. What was I missing?

I thought back to when I’d come up with the scenario that my sister had unexpectedly agreed to. In that instance, I’d been coming from the opposite end – weirder scenarios.

“Hypothetical: we live in a world where people have curtains for heads.”

Shake. Good.

“Hypothetical: we live in a world where Richard Nixon is married to every woman on earth.”


“Hypothetical: we live in a world where metronomes cause blizzards.”


“Hypothetical: we live in a world where it’s not weird to hook up with a brother and a sister at the same time.”


God damn. For the first time since I’d started these sessions, things were actually easier with my sister.

Session 31:

“Okay. Hypothetical: you have a sex dream about me.”

Nod. I wasn’t expecting anything different, of course – after all, this was reality. I couldn’t even remember how long my sister had been having sex dreams about me now – sometimes I’d get up in the middle of the night and stand outside my sister’s room.

That sounds creepy, but I would just listen. It didn’t happen often, but occasionally I’d hear a soft moan. It was so fucking hot, knowing that she was in her bed, dreaming about me, turned on, wishing I was in her bed.

“In this dream, you’re naked, and I’m fully clothed.”


See here’s the thing: I was on the verge of a breakthrough, I just knew it. And so I’d got to thinking…having sex with my sister would be amazing, of course. It’d be something I’d dreamed about for literally years now, something I’d been working towards for 31 sessions (and counting).

But it wasn’t everything I’d dreamed of.

Fucking my sister would be amazing, and if that was all I ever got to do, I’m sure it would be great.

…but why stop there?

My fantasies weren’t just of cumming inside my sister. That was obviously a big part of them, but my wildest fantasies included so much more. I didn’t just want to get off with my sister.

I wanted to own her.

So, while I waited for Marcie to dream about screwing the both of us, while I made sure that my plan would work, I decided to take things one step further.

“You’re kneeling in front of me. I’m standing above you dominantly, and something tells you that this is your place. This is where you belong.”


If I could change my sister’s reality to one where a brother and sister can have sex, why not take it one step further? Why not create a reality where sisters are devoted to their brother’s sexual satisfaction?

Why not transform my sister into everything I’d always dreamed of – a dedicated servant who spent all her time working out different ways to get me off?

It was within my grasp; I felt like I’d be a fool not to go for it.

“Do you like this dream?”


Lucy answered in the same monotone as she always did, Şeyhli Escort Bayan so perhaps I was imagining it, but I felt like there was a a slight breathiness to her response.

“You like being submissive, don’t you?”


“You like the feeling of being my own personal slut, don’t you?”


“Say it.”

“I like the feeling of being your own personal slut.”

“You want to be your brother’s slave, don’t you?”


“Say it.”

“I want to be my brother’s slave.”

Session B39:

I was tempted to get Marcie to go down on me again while I thought, but I wanted to keep a clear head. I kept running into some invisible wall, over and over, and I couldn’t work out why.

Lucy had agreed to a hypothetical world where incest wasn’t wrong. She’d agreed to it without hesitation, and then when I’d probed further, it was obviously something she’d thought about in great detail.

Giving Marcie recurring dreams about sleeping with the two of us hadn’t worked – I’d been hoping that by putting the images clearly in her mind, it would result in an easier acceptance of the hypothetical…but that hadn’t worked either.

So what was the difference?

Session 31:

“The next night, you dream about being a sex toy for your brother.”


“You dream that your sole function is to get him hard and get him off. During the day, you wait around the house, and when he gets home you greet him naked and do everything you can to please him.”

Nod. My dick was threatening to burst out of my pants, and my sister’s breathing was getting faster. Maybe she had a submissive streak already, or maybe she was living the dream as I described it, imagining herself asleep and getting wet at the images racing through her mind.

“Whenever he wants to cum, what will you do?”

“Present myself to him.”

“Whenever he wants to get off, what’s your job?”

“To get him off.”

“Do you like the dream?”


“Do you want it to come true?”


“How much?”

“So much.”

Session B39:

“Hypothetical!” I said. A thought had just struck me. “You have a sex dream about me and Lucy.”


“Do you like the dream?”

There was a brief pause, but her answer was clear.


“Does it turn you on?”


“But do you want it to come true?”


There it was. There was the difference. She was having these dreams…but they were just that. Dreams.

They weren’t fantasies.

Lucy had fantasized about a world in which she could fuck me, a world in which she could have guilt-free access to my cock. I’d given Marcie the visions, the dreams…but I hadn’t given her the desire.

With a sigh, I cleared the hypothetical and started again. It would be a lot of the same imagery, a lot of the same ideas…but this time, I had to make her want it.

Session C9:

“You would be happier if you had sex three times a day, wouldn’t you?”

“Possibly. It would depend.”

What? That wasn’t what I’d expected.

It took me a few seconds to realize what I’d said.

“A week. You would be happier if you had sex three times each week, wouldn’t you?”


I mean, I’m sure he’d be happier having sex three times a day as well, but that…well, actually, maybe I could make that happen.

Baby steps, though. Baby steps.

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