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Big Dick

Nothing Gets Through Ch. 08 © 2009 All rights reserved Lani sat at her desk, eyes half-glazed as she scrolled through the table on the monitor. The numbers were stupor-inducing and she thought how handy an intravenous caffeine drip would be. As the numbers moved up and off the screen, her thoughts wandered to Dom. Why hasn’t he called? she wondered, then chided herself, Why haven’t you called him? For all kinds of dumb reasons, she decided. She was nervous; she was afraid he wouldn’t want to talk to her now that they had some distance from each other; she didn’t know his schedule and didn’t want to interrupt. She scoffed at herself. That was all bullshit. She was just scared and it was time to admit it. Surely she could gauge a time and call. If Dom couldn’t answer, he wouldn’t, and she would leave a message. It was a phone call, for heaven’s sake, not an international arms treaty. The really scary thing, she mused as the numbers floated by, was that she could probably fall in love with him. Lani knew she tended to overanalyze things and was trying very hard not to do that with Dom; in fact, she found herself doing the opposite. It was just so good to be with him. He seemed to like talking to her, although she had noticed that he kept most personal details to himself. That was all right, though. Lani sometimes found herself saying things and having second thoughts, and again, had tried to make sure she stayed on an even keel with Dom. It surprised her, though, as she thought about it, to realize that she hadn’t found out where he was from, or even if he had any siblings. That isn’t exactly state-secret level information, she thought. She shrugged, blinked, and tried to focus. They’d known each other all of forty-eight hours. He didn’t have to give his history within a certain time frame. She could be patient, because she wanted to know about him and would let him do it in his own time. Her cell phone rang and she absently picked it up. “Hello?” “Hey there, Hawaiian girl.” kocaeli escort She sat up and smiled at her cubicle wall. “Hi, Dom. How are you?” She pushed back from her desk and stretched her arms over her head. “I was hoping you’d call.” “Sorry I didn’t call before,” he said, looking guiltily at the floor. “It’s hard to find privacy on road trips.” “That’s all right,” she said, feeling ridiculously relieved that he had called at last. “I know how busy you must be with the traveling. Congratulations on the game the other night, by the way. I watched at Dee’s place.” “What? No Cherie?” he teased. “Oh, please,” she said, rolling her eyes. “Cherie doesn’t know a ball from a bat. Dee, on the other hand, is getting to be quite the knowledgeable student.” “How is the lovely Dee?” he asked. “I think Karl’s soft on her.” Lani laughed, and Dom realized he’d missed her doing that. “She’s good,” said Lani. “The usual neuroses, but no worse than me.” “You have neuroses?” Dom feigned surprise. “Oh, tons,” she said. “You already know about the rats. I’ll tell you the rest next time I see you.” Then she blushed bright red at the casual assumption she’d made. “So, you want to see me again?” he asked, more pleased than he wanted to admit. “Yes, yes, I do,” she said more firmly. In for a penny… she thought. “Well, that’s handy,” he said, “since I’d like to see you, too.” “Oh, good,” she said, sighing in relief. “I was…well, I was worried you might have rethought things.” “I’ve thought about things,” he admitted, “and I keep coming back to the fact that I like things with you.” Lani tapped her feet happily on the rug. “I like that, too.” “Oh, hey, did I catch you at a bad time?” Dom suddenly realized he hadn’t been paying attention to the time of day or the time zone difference. “No, no,” she assured him. “I needed a break. These numbers were swimming in front of my eyes.” She glanced up at the clock. “Actually, this is great timing. Talk to me for five more minutes and kocaeli escort bayan I can say I’m done for the day.” Dom laughed. “Happy to help.” They did talk a bit longer and Lani promised to watch the game that night. “I think I can even watch at home,” she said. “Cherie’s on a business trip.” “That is too good of a set up,” Dom said, “and so I won’t say a thing about what kind of business she’s in.” Lani snickered. “Neither will I. I can’t tell you how nice it is to be there without worrying about people in leopard-print briefs hiding in the kitchen.” Dom laughed out loud at the image, and Lani felt warm inside. He was so intense on the ice that it was a treat to hear him laugh like that, to let go just a little. “What if I wore leopard-print briefs and hid in your kitchen?” he teased. Lani blushed bright red at the picture in her head. “Oh,” she said after clearing her throat, “that would be okay.” Dom laughed again. “I have to go, Lani,” he said reluctantly. “That’s fine,” she said softly. “Thanks for calling. It was good to talk to you.” “You’ll watch the game, right?” he asked again. “Wouldn’t miss it,” Lani told him. x-x-x-x “I feel like a groupie,” said Dee. She and Lani were at the airport, waiting for the team plane to arrive. “Don’t be silly,” said Lani as she sipped at a hot chocolate. “Groupies would wear far less clothing than we have on.” Dee snorted, then got nervous again. “I know this was my idea, but maybe we should go.” Dee looked around the waiting area. There were a few other people, but it was pretty deserted. “I don’t want to seem…oh, I don’t know.” Dee bit her lip. “I’m feeling really stupid about now.” Lani had to admit she was apprehensive as well. Dom had said he wanted to see her, but she wasn’t sure this was what he had in mind. Dee had suggested it—spur of the moment, as always—and Lani had agreed with hardly a thought. I must have it bad, Lani thought with a sigh. I’d never do this otherwise. She hoped Dom would be glad izmit escort to see her. The team had done well on the road trip, going 3-1, but the one had come last night, when they’d lost with a few minutes left in the third period. The analysts had pointed out how no one should take too much disappointment away. The team had played well, but they were tired; traveling took something out of even the most seasoned athlete. She knew, however, that Dom wouldn’t take any of those excuses. He was supposed to keep the pucks out and last night, he hadn’t managed to do it. “We haven’t seen them after a loss,” Dee suddenly said. She got up and hugged herself, rubbing her arms restlessly. Lani said nothing, caught up in similar thoughts. “What if he’s angry? What if he doesn’t want to see me? Oh, damn, this was a bad idea.” “Dee!” Lani said, a bit more sharply than she intended. She took a deep breath. “Sorry, I’m tired. Anyway, the game was nearly twenty-four hours ago.” Weather had delayed the original departure time; Karl had kept Dee apprised of everything. That had made Lani wonder if Karl, at least, wanted Dee to meet the plane even if he hadn’t said so. “I’m sure they’ve put it away and are getting ready for the next one. They can’t dwell on the losses.” She stopped there, although she’d meant to say more. Her brother had dwelt on the losses; more, he had blamed her for them. So much so that now they rarely spoke, and even that was at family gatherings where the mask of civility was put on for show. Lani shook her head as though she could physically remove those thoughts. Now wasn’t the time mourn the loss of the relationship with her brother. “You’re probably right,” said Dee, who hadn’t noticed Lani’s sudden heavy thoughts. “See, this is my problem. I have these ideas and they sound great when I first think of them, and then I actually do it and feel ridiculous.” “You mean like the time you made me go rock climbing?” Lani tried to lighten the mood. It worked. Dee turned to her and smiled brightly. “But that was fun!” “There were rats,” Lani reminded her. Even now she shuddered. “They weren’t rats,” Dee countered. “They were little field mice or something.” Lani didn’t care; they had had four feet and moved way too fast.

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