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NYE get together turns into fem boi gangbangI had a group of friends that I would hang out with regularly and would always get together with for many occasions. I also had been bi-sexual and a fem crossdresser for many years but I dared not ever let my friends know about my secret life. They would never understand my lifestyle so I dared never speak about it. It was just my secret.I had been bi for a few years and crossdressed since I was much younger began getting curious. I always kept myself ready for “dates” with boyfriends by keeping my body shaved or waxed. Another thing I would do, just to be ready at a moments notice if the opportunity for hot sex came up, was to wear sexy things under my guy clothes. Mind you, once in a while, I would totally cross dress, including wear make-up, wigs, skirts, sexy dresses, high heels and then I would go out to gay bars or similar pick up places. Since it also just really turned me on, I would wear sheer bodystockings, thigh high stockings, corsets and sexy panties under my regular guys clothes. Another thing I’d wear was a cock cage. I have a very small penis when limp and I have a little, white plastic cock cage that I put on my penis just to deny myself any self pleasure. That helps keep me in a constant state of horny readiness by not allowing me to masturbate. The little white enclosure like plastic apparatus is about 1 inch and a half long and about 1 inch wide. That is small but believe me, my soft penis fits in there perfectly. I think my penis is actually quite cute. The cage also has another piece that encloses and squeezes my small smooth balls in their own cage. The only time it comes off is when I shower so I can clean it because I’m un-circumcised, or when one of my boyfriends requests I remove it for him to use my penis as he wants or for the rare occasion when I have sex with a female.One day, my friend James sent a group text to me and our other friends inviting us to his house for a small New Years Eve get together. We all agreed and waited for December 31st to come around.The 31st came and I began getting ready for the small party later that day. I showered, and shaved my face and where ever my body needed a touch up. After leaving all of myself totally smooth again, I got some nice dress pants and dress shirt from my closet. I then picked out a sexy, black lace front thong and equally sexy black thigh high nylon stockings. I loved these because they had ornate red roses woven into the tops of the stockings that went around my thighs. First to go on was my little cock cage on my tiny, soft, smooth penis. I put it on and put my small smooth balls into the attached enclosure then locked it with the small lock that came with it. I put the key away in my panty drawer and proceeded to continue to get dressed since I was still naked since getting out of the shower.I got on all my sexy stuff on and pants and shirt on, I put on some nice dress socks on which went over the nylon stockings I was already wearing. Finally I put on some dark brown dress shoes. I finished combing my hair and put on a little flowery smelling cologne, and that was that. I was ready to go.After arriving at my friend James home, I was greeted by everyone. Everyone was their with their husbands, wives, girlfriends, boyfriends and their families. It was about 6pm and everyone was drinking already. I started off with a beer, myself. Since it was a festive occasion, the alcohol kept flowing more and more freely the rest of the evening. Everyone was having a good time with lots of individual conversations or group conversations going on. Even though it seemed like a lot of people were there, in actuality there were like 10 adults the rest were their little ones.Funny stories were being told among myself and my guy friends that were there. The women were in the dining room having their drinks. One of my friends began speaking about drawing a mustache or penis or something like that on the face of the first guy to pass out if we all continued drinking to the point of getting falling down drunk and then taking pictures and put them online. This guy would do it too, he was like that, always causing trouble. We laughed and pointed fingers at each other, accusing each other of being sissies that couldn’t drink. That became like a dare so what do guys do when they get dared? They do dumb things. We were drinking a lot more heavily by 9pm. We were drinking beer, scotch, and Irish whiskey. Then we started doing shots of tequila. I really had to go to tinkle so I left the group to go to the bathroom. My cock cage has a built in slit at the tip so you can tinkle fairly easily. You just have to wipe it clean with tissue when you’re done. I finished, zipped up and went back to the group.As the night went on, midnight was about to come and we, drunk by now, all gathered in front of the living room tv to see the countdown. “10, 9, 8, 7…3, 2, 1, Happy New Year!” The New Year arrived and we all hugged and kissed. Well, no one kissed me, but I did get hugs. I had çorum escort to go tinkle all the time now so I kept going back and forth to the bathroom but I was officially drunk so I stumbled a bit. Mostly everyone else was either really buzzed or very drunk but the partying continued. It was at this point that things began getting fuzzy for me. We were on our 5th or 6th tequila shots by now and still drinking the other alcohol. I only had some appetizers that were on the side table so the liquor was weighing heavily on me. A couple of my friends were what you could call “stupid drunk” and every other guy was headed that way, including me. We joked, laughed, danced, fell, got back up and repeated all of it again. My head was spinning but I was really loving the Irish whiskey on the rocks that I was drinking. I have no Idea how many I had. By now, it was about 3am. My eyes were swimming all over the place but I could see the group was a bit smaller. Some of the couples had left already but James talked the others into staying the night so they wouldn’t drive. I guess the others that left were ok to drive. I wasn’t in any shape to go anywhere. All the guys were sloppy drunk by now and we all still were joking and laughing but I have no idea what we were saying. Four of my friends stayed drinking with me, but their wives, who were also very drunk, all had gone upstairs to go to bed. They were all good looking women and I fantasized about having some drunken sex with any of them upstairs. Oh well, it was just a fantasy. Besides having the cock cage restraining my limp penis, too much alcohol always kept me from getting erections.At this point I was in a drunken daze and even though I had a full glass of whiskey, I couldn’t drink it. My friends however were beyond drunk but still drinking and very rowdy. I last remember someone saying something to me over and over but it was like I was under water. I was out.The next day, I woke up on the carpeted floor of the living room. I was covered with a blanket that had been thrown over me, but something was wrong. My head was pounding and fuzzy and I felt so much nausea. I looked at the sofa and to my shock, my pants and shirt were crumpled up on it. I moved my hand onto my ass and it was bare. My thong was gone and my penis was out, un-restrained. Panic set in and I popped my head up. Two of my friends were totally passed out also. One was on a recliner and one was on the loveseat. “Oh my god, oh my god! What happened?” I panicked more. Just then, I felt something wet. I reached back and with my fingers I touched my anus. I twitched a bit because it was rather sore …and wet! I touched the wetness and then brought my fingers out from under the blanket. It was cum! What happened? Everything was a blank. I barely remembered anything from the night before and then I remembered when one of the guys threatened drawing penises on the face of whoever passed out and take pictures of that and put them online. I gasped when I saw a couple of phones on the ground and on the sofa. One or more fucked me and took pictures or recorded it!Still in a panic, I very quietly got up. I was naked except for my thigh high stockings. I quietly got my pants, put them on and put on my shirt. My shoes were laying under a coffee table and my socks were missing. I got my shoes and put them on. My two friends that were still in the room with me were totally passed out. Without giving it a second thought, I grabbed the two phones I saw, tip toed to the front door, slowly opened it and exited. I closed the door so quietly. As far as I knew, no one woke up. I rushed to my car, got in and got out of there as fast as I could.My head was ready to explode and I felt horrible from the hangover but I toughed it out just to get out of there and get home!When I got home, I immediately went to my bedroom and fell on my bed. I passed out almost as soon as I hit the mattress. When I woke up, it was about 6pm. I still felt terrible from the hangover but I needed to get up, clean up and eat something. After getting myself together, I thought more about what possibly could’ve happened. I actually had been thinking about that since I had waken up. I had some soup and a couple of big bottles of water with some aspirin which made me feel better.I then remembered about the phones I took. I had left them in my car, I think. I ran out to my car and found them on the passenger seat. I grabbed them and went back inside. I got the first one and turned it on. There was no password! I looked at the other phone, turned on the screen and it also had no password! The battery was near dead, however so I connected a charger to it. The first phone still was at 45%. I wasted no time and went to the video/picture gallery.With high anticipation, I opened up the gallery and saw some videos of the night at James house. I went to what looked like the first one in the series of the night. There were about five videos. This first video showed me looking like I was passed out on a sofa. The guys were escort çorum looking for a sharpie but they were so drunk, they were uncoordinated and just stumbled around. The video was shaky but very clear. One of my friends said, “ah he’s a pussy, just let sleep it off”. Another of my friends then wobbled up to me and said, “take a picture, take a picture”. The one recording said, “I’m vid-e-o-ingggg”. The friend that had wobbled up to me then posed with his crotch in front of my face and put his hand on the back of my head to give the impression that I was sucking his dick. They laughed and another friend took his phone out and began taking pictures. “Hohohold on, hooold on” another said, lets make him comfortable. The video then shows him walking drunkenly up to me and begin to undo my pants belt. Another friend rips off my shoes. I’m totally passed out and didn’t feel a thing. Now, my friend unzips my pants and pulls them down just a bit. “Hoooooleeee shit!”, he shouted. “He’s wearing panties!”. My three other friends all then got closer to see. “Oh shit, hahahahahahha!”, they’re heard saying on the video. “Oh my god”, another one says. My friends with the phones got closer and were recording. “Lets see”, my friend, drunk as a monkey, continued to pull my pants down aggressively, all the way off. “Wow, he’s a faggot!”, “Hahaha, oh my god”, “OH SHIT!”, they all had shocked reactions. The first friend who first pulled down my pants was looking at me, focused on my crotch and legs. He slowly reached down and pulled the front of my panties to the side and say my tiny cock cage hiding my baby cock. “Oh my god, no wonder, he’s practically goo-go-got a clit, hahahah!” “Stockings!” “Oh man!” “What the fuck!”, my friend recording shouted. “Shh-shooshh-shhhhhhhhhh!”, James said. “We’re gonna wake up the women. They were passed out upstairs so they were out for the count too.About then, the video shows me slowly begin to move and moan. “He’s coming around”, someone said. “Ohhhhmmm”, you can hear me say. My friends were giggling but staring at me still. My pants were off and I layed there in my panties, stockings and cock cage. My socks were still on, however. “Hey, hey”, someone was poking me. Then one of them says, “He has better legs than my wife”. “Looks just like a woman from the waist down”, another one says through giggles. I moaned again and opened my eyes. I lifted one leg and say my stocking. I giggled. I saw the sock on my foot, brought my foot down to me and yanked the sock off. I did the same with my other foot. I rubbed my legs together, put my head back and closed my eyes.Upon my friends seeing me act feminine, one of them said, “should we?” “Ohhhh, ohhhh”, another is heard saying as if he was being naughty. “He’s a faggot, he probably wants it”, James said. Only the fourth friend, despite being as drunk as the others, said, “I’m out, I don’t want to see this”. Apparently he left to go upstairs. My friend was still recording fairly well even though he could barely focus his eyes from how drunk he was. You then see me open my eyes again and say, “hi guys, who wants to fuck, I’m horny”. My friends were visibly taken back and looked around at each other. James said, “dont know about you guys but I’m fuckin horny and my wife is passed out”. James then says, “you recording?”. My other friend said, “ya, should I stop?”. I then spoke up and slurred out, “keep recording!” “She said it’s ok”, James said and laughed. He sat me up and proceeded to take off my shirt and layed me back down. I was practically naked. “Come here”, he told the third friend which was still there watching. “You used to fuck anything that didn’t look half this good, get some”. He was referring to me. “Ya, get some” I slurred again. “Just like a woman”, my friend recording said. I then reached out and grabbed James by the belt buckle and pulled him towards me. He stood swaying in front of me as I still layed on my back on the sofa. I fumbled open his belt, unbuttoned and quickly zipped down his pants. They rapidly fell down to his ankles. He had tan colored boxer briefs. I rubbed his cock from the outside of his underwear and it became hard almost instantly. I could feel his balls were huge. I reached in and pulled out his cock. I pulled his balls out and they flopped out and hung there. “Come here”, I whispered softly, my eyes were closed so I felt my way around. James, looking intrigued moved closer as my hand pulled his cock towards me and I put his surprisingly big cock head in my mouth. He stood there swaying still from being drunk, looking down at me. I began to caress his cock with my mouth and lick the tip. My other friends were watching intently, one recording and the other took a picture and giggled a drunk giggle.I didn’t plan this, but it was happening in our oblivious state. I sucked on James fat cock and he moaned. He then pulled his cock out of my mouth and hand and abruptly pulled me off the sofa and onto the floor. He caught me off guard, I was enjoying myself. He then layed me flat çorum escort bayan and got down on his knees. He lifted my hips up and pulled down my black thong panties passed my thighs and calves and completely off and tossed them at my other friend. He hastily moved himself into position between my legs, and put each one of my legs on each of his shoulders. Then he pulled his big erect penis downward and wasted no time penetrating me with it. My head went back in pleasure as I felt James cock enter my anus. His was actually one of the biggest cocks that have ever penetrated me!As James began to pump me furiously, my other friend said, “Shit, I’m getting some of this”, and almost fell trying to quickly get over to kneel by my face. As soon as he knelt, he unzipped and pulled out his cock. It was a veiny cock and un-circumcised like mine, only it was about five times as big. It wasn’t as big as James but it was probably a good seven inches. He put his hand on my forehead, turned my face towards him and shoved his cock down into my throat. “Uhhhhhhh!” he squelched. “That’s what I’m talking about”, he said gleefully. He slid his cock in and out of my mouth as I did my best to suck it. I was very horny, but the alcohol kept me from getting an erection. The cage wouldn’t have allowed me to get one anyway.I propped my head up and grabbed my friends balls and pulled down on them as I got a better angle to suck his cock. Meanwhile James fucked my anus. My head bobbed back and forth on my friends cock, then I’d pull it out of my tight mouth making a popping sound as the end of the tip finally exited my wet lips. I swallowed my saliva and proceeded to suck his balls that I had been holding in tightly in my hand. He seemed to like that. I then went back to sucking his entire cock. Just then James began to twitch and moan, he was cumming inside of me. He panted heavily as he came and I felt the familiar warm spurts of hot man milk shoot deep in my rectum. If I was really a woman, I surely would have been impregnated with cum shots like these.James pulled out of me and pulled his underwear and pants up. I wiggled in delight as I continued to suck my other friend. James walked away and I didn’t see him for a while. I continued to suck and my other friend continued to record all of this action. Then James returned with some big wire cutters. “I wanna see that little clit of your, sissy”, he said. He knelt down again and cut the little lock off of my cock cage. He then threw the lock on the nearby table and then took off my cock cage. “Wow, I never saw such a small dick, mine hasn’t been that small since I was four!”, James ridiculed me. I don’t know what he did with the little cock cage. “You are a great fuck though, should’ve done this sooner!”, he said. The friend I was sucking reached over and flicked my tiny limp dick, “hahahahahaha, what’s that little thing?”, he scoffed. I sucked him harder to take the attention off of my poor little itty bitty dick.It worked because, he began to close his eyes and breathe heavy. I sucked him for a few more seconds then he began to shoot. His warm cum hit the back of my throat as I continued to suckle his cock like a professional whore. My mouth filled with his bleachy smelling, but yummy cum. I gulped down the nutritious cum. He and James gave each other a high five as if I was a conquest. James looked at my friend who was recording and said, “aren’t you going to get any”? He laughed and gave the phone to James so he could keep recording. He then got down on the carpet where I was, grabbed me and picked me up like a rag doll and bent me over the sofa seat. My knees were on the ground. He also pulled his cock out, I waited patiently. He stroked himself for a minute to get good and hard then introduced it inside of me. He grabbed my smooth hips and happily fucked me doggy style. I put my head down and enjoyed the ride. As he fucked me from behind, my two other friends cheered him on. It was a big joke to them and I was now something to be used and ridiculed. I cooperated eagerly. Since James had already cummed in me, my anus was lubed and taking this cock easily. He enjoyed me as he fucked me, my black stockings still on my smooth legs. Not long after starting, he paused and began to shoot in me also. He thrust his cock violently into me as he leaned over and rested his body on my back. “Uggghhhh! Uhhhgggh! Uggggghhhh!”, he grunted as he felt the ecstasy of cumming in me. He pulled out when he was finished, I collapsed back on the ground and passed out again. It was all on video and I remembered none of it.After seeing the videos, I decided I was too mortified to ever see my friends again and I’m sure they felt the same way. We were all drunk out of our minds and never expected that they were going to fuck me silly.The next day, I copied the video onto my laptop and sent the phones back to my friends by mail. I left the videos on the memory cards. Why and why did I copy the video onto my laptop? …it was a hot video. Maybe they also would like something to remember me by and so that’s why I left the video on the phone. I would still be too embarrassed to face them again, but they fucked me, I liked it of course, and they ever contacted me, I’d be open for a reunion. 😉

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