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This story, as is all stories, isn’t written for everyone. If you enjoyed it, thank you very much and you’re welcome, if not, thank you for visiting.


It was a hectic spring and summer. Our daughter Minn graduated from high school and was going off to college soon. I’m Anna and her dad is Tack. We’re in our upper 30’s. We’re both fit and trim, bike and go to the gym three or four times a week. He’s about six feet one and slim. Minn and I are about the same, five feet nine, normal slim, not skinny. Around the house I’m mom and he’s dad. When he and I are alone, he’s Tack and I’m Anna. Minn never uses our real names, except when introducing us, etc.

Minn will be 19 next spring, April. She’s our only child. Her dad and I outfitted her in new clothes. Found her a really good car and had it checked out. A couple of trips and everything is arranged at the college. Minn shined through school. She took part in just about everything she could and did very well. She made lots of friends and lots came by the house.

She didn’t get involved with boys much. We thought she might be gay but time pretty much dashed that possibility. After some mom and dad talk with her, just a little now and then so it wouldn’t be noticed and always with an upbeat, throwaway air to it, we figured out she was just shy with boys. She never talked about her sex education classes and would casually change the subject should it come up.

I suppose we were careful over the years to be sure she didn’t get pregnant or that kind of stuff. We thought we pretty much shut the door without realizing it and with the atmosphere in college these days she was seriously deficient. I started her on the pill about three months before graduation and she was embarrassed about that but she takes it like clockwork.

Tack and I talked about it and finally came up with something that might help but if not, it wouldn’t hurt other than being a bit embarrassing. It might give her a great story to tell down the road. Minn and I were out having lunch one day and sitting at an outside table, fairly private, and the time felt right.

“Minn,” I said, I know you’re pretty private about sex. That’s ok. For a long time I changed clothes in the bathroom or the closet. It took a long time for your dad to get me loose enough to just enjoy life and being together. We want you to be a little more prepared for college life and what you’ll run into. Your education is solid but you haven’t exercised your emotions much. Things can happen that you might not be able to cope with and we have a little time to help with that.

“So, your dad and I would like to make this offer. Think about it, ask questions, forgot about it and never mention it again, whatever you want. It’s private family business and it stays there. Your dad and I usually get together on Saturday or Sunday morning for some private time. About 7:30 or 8. If you would like to come over and visit with us you’ll see two completely necked people making out and enjoying ourselves. You can ask any questions and say anything you want and we’ll do our best to explain or show you.” I looked around for the waiter and said, “Let’s get a tea refill.” Minn’s eyes were moving around looking for anyone that had overheard.

A couple of days later Minn said, “If I come over do I have to stay?”

“Of course not,” I said. “Do what you want. It’ll be fine with us. If you want to peek in at the door, that’s great. Just don’t giggle your head off.”

“Ok mom,” she said with a smile. What do I wear?”

“We’re not wearing anything so you can come nude if you want. If not, how about one of those new underwear sets we bought or your short pj pants and the short top. Whatever you’re comfortable in. You may get a little warm so consider that in your choice. If you show your dad some skin or something it’ll turn him on more for me.”

Minn was smiling and she said, “I’ve always wanted to see dad. I mean, I’ve seen him, you know, excited with his pants a little bulky and wondered what he really looked like.”

“Oh I know how that can be,” I said, “If you come over I’ll try and work it around so you can get a good look. How’s that?”

“Don’t let him know I’m interested mom. I don’t want to embarrass him.”

“You won’t Minn. He will be absolutely thrilled,” I said, pausing a little. “Minn, we thought we would see if we could get you a bit excited, for as long as we can. You can see how you can handle the emotions. Maybe we could create a highly erotic atmosphere. If you’re having fun and enjoying yourself then that’s what we’re looking for. If you get really turned on and excited we would be very happy. Anything at all that causes you concern or you’re not comfortable with just whisper something to me or dad and we’ll move along.”

“I understand mom and if either one of you aren’t comfortable you let me know too.”

“Ok Minn, deal.”

Well, that’s how I got things going. Some fabricating Silivri Escort I guess, not much. Truth was I was trying to find a way to get them together without them knowing and this approach was the best I could come up with. I was a mom, a wife, and a girl. Neither one of them was going to mess with that combination. This one might work. Wow, they loved me a lot.

It was about a month after she turned 18, April, that I noticed. Tack would sit at the end of the sofa reading the paper or some other paperwork with his pajamas on and she would camp on the other end of the sofa, back to the arm or corner doing homework or just reading something. She started with her winter pajamas and quickly switched to her summers.

The pants were the knit gray type, very flexible, low down on her hips. Seemed like a long way from her belly button to the top of her pants. They looked more like underwear than shorts. They were loose and not tight around the legs. A kind of slit on either side. You could easily slip a full hand or arm up either leg. They were slightly snug in the crotch but not clinching tight.

Her top was the same material, like a T-shirt but ended above her belly button. No bra. She would get on the sofa, put her books and paper work down between her feet, not stacked, and slide down just a bit which created a very nice camel-toe. Then she would bring her knees up and somewhat wide and lean forward between her knees to get something from her stuff.

Her nipples usually got hard and were prominent. Her breasts were about a C, depending on the bra, never less tho. About twice a week I didn’t wear a bra and wore the same type of T-shirt, normal length, and stayed that way through the evening so it would be normal dress. She would do her work using the books to hide her face so Tack could look without being caught. Sometimes she would slide her legs out and slowly move them back, knees up, moving her legs wide, so Tack would die in anticipation. It worked.

He slowly worked around, an inch at a time, so he was a little more facing in her direction, not much. He casually moved his paper down so the lower half covered his crotch so I couldn’t see, then he casually moved the paper out in front of his crotch so she could see his dick pushing up if she wanted to look. She did. This happened a lot.

One day as she was going to bed Tack happen to get up about the same time and she stepped over and gave him a shoulder hug and said, “Night dad.” He said “Night.” And off she went. That developed into a nightly hug. Then it developed into her an arms around his neck hug. Then it developed into his arms and hands just above her buns hug, pulling her in and him pressing forward hug. Then they got to some second, second and a half kissing hug.

I was having the time of my life. This was great. It was a fascinating show to watch. I never let on but did see a lot and they never caught me. I once caught her camel-toe and she didn’t know so she didn’t casually move her knees together or lower her book to hide. Best damn camel-toe around. I’d love to do that to someone I haven’t had sex with.

I knew I had to set this up when they moved to behind the sofa when they hugged. The top of the sofa was lower than the belly buttons but higher than the hip arch. They would hug and kiss going off to bed and talk a couple of minutes. I could see the angle of his arms around her back. Fingers had to be a little lower than the top of her butt crack. As they talked and laughed quietly they animated a little and I could tell their hips were moving around. They were hiding it. At some point she changed her night time slippers so she was higher up and he got flat footed so they could match hips better. His enormous dick was awash in her valley, plowing the land. More than once I almost ran over, pulled their pants off, throwing them on the sofa and saying, “Fuck already!”

A few weeks later Tack asked about her, saying she was getting ‘adult’ with her saying goodnight and should he change directions. I said, “Are you having fun?” He said, ‘yes’ and I said, “Is she having fun?” He said ‘sure’ and I said, “She’s growing up. She’s a woman. She wants to see what she can do.” And he said, ‘she kind of can feel me against her, you know’ and I said, “You want to run her off because you have a body part she doesn’t? Can you feel her tits?” He said ‘sure’ and I said, “Well, you enjoy her tits while she enjoys your dick.”

That got him and he said, ‘ok’ and then one day she mentioned if she was being too bold or out of line. I said, “Heck no, he’s a man and gets horny all the time. Let him enjoy. Try to be more effective on Friday nights because you know what we do on Saturday mornings.” She said, ‘ok’ and I hid in the basement stairs and peeked through the door crack on Friday nights.

This time I could see the back of the sofa clearly and she planted her tits into his chest and went after his lips, softly and Escort Silivri seductively. After a few moments he slid his hands right down on her buns, full on. She started this very slow grind against his hard dick with her clit and he helped, working her buns. She could swivel her hips up and down like her hips were a loose part of her. Her thighs and stomach hardly moved. Sexy as hell. Saturdays was more fun after that.

So the next Saturday morning Tack was on the outside of the bed facing me, me facing him. We were about 20 minutes into some very nice foreplay. I was playing with his dick. It was about eight and a half inches long, six or seven inches around, with a rather large head and nice foreskin. He was running his fingers through my patch and playing with my nipples. Both of them. We were sort of waiting to see if Minn came over but didn’t waste the time.

Tack said, “Do you want to keep the sheets on or kick them off?”

“Oh, I didn’t think of that,” I said, “I think we should kick them off. If we’re all under the sheets we won’t get much done with Minn.” Tack jumped up and pulled the sheets all the way down and onto the floor at the bottom, his dick swinging erotically, not out but up. It was a very large king size bed and quite sturdy. The bed side lights were on but not too bright. Tack had music on in his office nearby and the soft sound drifted in.

Just as he finished pulling the sheets down on the other corner Minn came in. Her dad said, “HI Minn,” and gave her a close hug. Fleeting, not a holder but I saw him press in casually. Then he turned and came back and climbed on next to me where he was. Minn was looking at me, biting her lower lip, smile wide, eyebrows very high and eyes pulled open. She had hugged a necked man with a hardon and felt him up against her covered clit and his bare dick head on her tummy.

I waved her over and patted the bed near us. She had on a black knit bra. Very alluring, showing some nipple bumps. Her breasts swayed reflectively when she moved. She had on her pj pants. I couldn’t tell if she had on underwear or not. The pants were those gray knit stretch type she wore in the summer, very sexy. I sort of wanted to slip my fingers up there.

I was on my side facing Tack but turned at the waist for Minn. I had my hand on Tack’s dick and I could feel it stiffen and looking, noticed him admiring Minn’s everything. Minn couldn’t see his dick with my hips hiding him. I was turned on more than I was a few minutes ago.

We were totally necked, tits and buns prominent. Minn was on one elbow, up from her pillow and I’m sure she could see Tack’s pubic hair. I kept his dick pulled down slightly, out of sight. I didn’t think she knew how big it was and with her there he was going to be at extra full mast.

I rolled over on my back, legs down. Minn could see his full dick, my hand lifting it upward and slowly jacking up and down. Playing with the head with my fingers when I got to the top. She was mesmerized watching. Tack bent over and got one of my nipples in his lips and played with it for a few moments. He slid his fingertips down to clit and played with the folds, opening and closing them. I had opened my legs some.

It was probably the first time she’s seen live sex this close, or ever even. Tack knew not to constantly stare at Minn so he concentrated on me. He slipped over between my legs pulling away from my hand. I moved my legs, knees up and wide as usual. It’s more automatic than on purpose. I was inviting him in. He kneeled, his thighs spread slightly and up against mine with his dick sticking out. My feet were up off the bed about a foot. Minn moved over closer, one leg against Tack’s knee. They glanced at each other and smiled.

I leaned over to Minn and whispered, “Ok if we start?” She nodded a ‘yes’. I said, “Move around where ever you want. It’s fine.” She was right at me with an excellent view of everything. I planted my feet and lifted up my bottom. Tack slipped a small flat pillow under and I lifted my feet again. We liked it that way. It helped him when he was on his knees and also lying down.

He put a hand around his dick, about in the middle, and rubbed the head around on my clit then down to my pussy lips and played around down inside then pushed in about two inches. Minn moved over until her hips were pressed against me. As much as Tack and I have done this it always gives me shivers when he goes in. Minn was biting her lower lip. I had a fleeting thought that it might be a tell for her when something is really erotic.

Tack’s eyes were closed and he started a slow swivel with his hips, moving closer each time. It usually didn’t take him long to get all in. If he really pushed into me I suppose he could hit nine or nine and a half inside. I was already lubed. We only lubed me instead of both of us. That way his lubed dick wouldn’t get lube all over the place. Sometimes I did oral anyway. Lubing me worked Silivri Escort Bayan just fine for both of us although we did wait until he did oral. Minn was watching his dick slide in and out and my face. I had my mouth open a lot.

I started to meet his trusts and got into sync without slamming our hips together. Minn moved a hand down to my bun and just left it there for a long time, watching and feeling. After a while she moved her hand up to my middle and went around in circles. On one circle she brushed the bottom of one breast and I could see she was watching me to see my reaction. I smiled some more. She dribbled her fingertips down to my tuff and fiddled there a moment then down to my hood and finally down to the tip of my clit. She was just a small distance from Tack’s dick doing what it does. Minn was playing with my clit and it was absolutely bonkers great. She knew where our buttons are.

Tack could really fuck. He had spent some time with my clit before Minn came over and I had spent some time with his dick with some oral. It was a few moments before I realized Minn was running her fingers over my breast, some quick brushes across my nipple. Maybe she was gay.

I couldn’t help myself. I turned towards her and tilting my head we fell into a very nice tongue kissing session while she felt my breast with her full hand, frequently playing with the nipple. After the kiss, Tack and I looked at each other and beamed a ‘wow’.

Tack leaned over, planting his elbows. Sliding his legs down and a little wider he picked up speed and I wrapped my legs around his butt. Minn bent over and spread her mouth over my nipple and sucked softly. We went on like this for fifteen or twenty minutes. Old folks like to fuck long time.

I whispered to Minn to slip her hand down her dad’s butt all the way to his sack and she could feel what he does. She opened her eyes wide and slowly bit her lower lip but she did it. Feeling him move and knowing his dick was sliding in and out down between us brought some nice smiles.

Tack and I were sprinting and slowing, sprinting and slowing, trying to match our orgasms together. We’ve had lots of practice. When he goes off he grunts and really gets in. I gag and open my mouth for more oxygen and thrust my hips up.

I felt it coming and so did he. Every time he pressed way in I pushed his butt with my heels. He would pause while he was way in and do it all again. I could always feel the semen coming through his dick but never felt it hit when it came out. My orgasm would wash over my entire body, filling my mind and filling my muscles. It was a magnificent rush I hoped I would never get used to or ever lose.

Tack lay down my body with his dick still in, getting his breath. No hurry. My feet were against his knees, my knees lying over very unladylike. It’s pretty much a tossup as to who works harder. We’ve argued the point over the years. I suppose it depends on who’s on top and has the duty. We’ve been lovers a long time and have wiped the check marks off the wall way back, farther back than you might think. Don’t believe everything you read.

We finally remembered Minn. She was rubbing her dad’s back and upper buns. She said, “That was really something. I didn’t expect you were going to have those. I thought you were just going to demonstrate what it looked like. Did you both really, you know, orgasm?”

Tack said, “You bet your ass,” and gave me one of those ‘thank you mam’ kisses and got up and left the bedroom. I told Minn, “Watch,” and pointed down to my vagina and squeezed a little. Some semen dribbled out and Minn opened and closed her mouth a couple of times and bit her lower lip. I reached off to the side and got my small, soft, cloth covered sponge, put it against my pussy, closed my legs and turned on my side towards Minn. All in one smooth movement. Practice.

I said, “He’ll be back. He’s doing man stuff.” We just looked at each other for a moment. “Are you having fun? Anything you want to ask?”

“Minn said, “Oh mom, that was so, I just don’t have the words. Thank you very much. And dad too. I was watching your face when you were . . . can I use the F word?”

“Sure,” I said. “We use it. It’s about the only one that really describes it exactly.”

“When you were fucking,” Minn said. “That’s why I was playing with your breast and nipples. It was fun for me and I was just adding some for you. I was really turned on.” We were smiling at each other.

I said, “We wanted to turn on your sexual senses. Get your feelings going and let you see what you have to work with. If it’s ok we want to do that some more. If you want to stop or do something else that’s fine. It’s possible to get turned on so much you lose your direction. This has been a lot of fun, seeing you react and your expressions, they were to die for. ”

“Yes. Please do, “Minn said, “Mom, I’m having fun and I like being turned on like most everybody else does. I almost wet my pants watching you and dad.”

“Well, dad is the one to turn you on unless you’d like some girl stuff. You seem to know where my buttons are.”

Minn said, “Maybe sometimes it might be fun to see what happens but I’d kind of like a chance to touch dad’s dick, if you don’t mind.”

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