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Older Is BetterAt 20 years of age, Janet was the youngest member of the management team. She had earned her way to the top with her creative marketing ideas and her excellent ability to free-hand artwork. It also didn’t hurt her career that she was 5’5″ tall, 105 pounds, with long brunette hair to the middle of her back. She had almond-shaped green eyes that perfectly accentuated the shape of her face. With her tremendous ability in art, she was a genius when it came to make-up. She had a figure that all of the females at the office would kill for. A firm and perky set of 34B breasts moving down to a yoga-tightened abdomen of 23″ and shaping back around to her best feature: her backside at 34″. She turned heads in every office and was the topic of conversation at every water cooler she passed. There wasn’t a single male employee under 35 who hadn’t asked her out. Even some of the girls had asked her out. But Janet had worked hard to earn her reputation and didn’t want to taint it with inter-office dating. Besides she was living with her boyfried of four years, Brad.The management team at Janet’s office consisted of three men and three women. The other five members of the team were in their late 20’s and early to mid 30’s. Being the youngest member of the management team, she worked hard to earn the respect of the other managers. She dressed impeccably and commanded respect even from the oldest of her employees.One of her labels as the “newest” management member was about to change she found out that week. A new manager was transferring in from another branch so that he could attend school nearby. She got a little excited at this news thinking that someone who would be attending classes like she was might be around her own age. To her dismay, the new management team member, Kevin, ended up being 30 years old.Kevin was about 5’10” tall and weighed about 210 pounds. He kept in good shape by working out at the gym, but the years and his busy schedule had taken a small toll on his waistline at 36″. Still he was definitely more fit than most 30 year old men. He had a very dark tan, Janet learned, because his favorite leisure activity was reading by his pool. He shaved his head completely bald and had a pierced left ear that he wore a small, brilliant diamond earring in. He had a bright smile that contrasted well with his dark skin. He was a good-looking man, Janet thought, but definitely too old for her. Besides she didn’t like bald men anyway, she had always been attracted to extremely thin men with long hair who looked like they just stepped off stage from a rock show. This described her boyfriend Brad to a tee.As they began working together on a few shifts and assignments handed down from the upper-management, Janet learned that she actually had a lot in common with Kevin. It turned out that Kevin had been a manager for the company since he was only 19 years old, and had a keen insight on many of the challenges she was facing as a young manager. Janet began to confide in Kevin often when she was having trouble in her role as manager.Kevin quickly took to Janet as well. She actually helped him refocus on his management and he appreciated the opportunity to teach. They became fast friends.The upper management was beginning to see the tremendous results that Janet and Kevin were having together and actually began consciously scheduling their shifts to coincide. And as so often happens in the workplace, becoming friends lead to so much more.It started one day when Kevin came in to begin his shift. He had obviously come straight from the gym because he was wearing a tight workout tank-top and workout shorts. Janet noticed him as he walked past on his way to the employee locker room, and was surprised to see how muscular his arms and shoulders were. She just had never noticed before because Kevin always wore long-sleeved shirts and a tie. She had always seen him as one of the best-dressed managers, but now she found herself wondering what he might look like undressed. She quickly put those thoughts aside and tried to act professional, not letting Kevin know that she had been staring at his massive arms wondering what it might feel like to have them wrapped around her. Besides, she already had a boyfriend. She had been seeing her high school sweetheart, Brad, since their sophomore year.The weeks passed by and the frequency of shifts that Janet and Kevin worked together continually increased. As the shifts increased, so did Kevin’s boldness. He, like every other member of the organization, couldn’t resist Janet’s looks. He figured that their friendship and professional relationship might ascend to the next level with a little prodding.Kevin invited the management team and crew over to his house for a summer-ending pool party. He knew this was his opportunity to finally see Janet in something skimpy. As great as she looked at work, he was tired of seeing her in her business suits.The party started off well and had a good company turnout. Kevin was well-liked around the office and everybody wanted to get to know the “new-guy” better. As it is with most corporate parties, it started bolu escort out as a very conservative night, but Kevin made sure the bar was well-stocked and free drinks were served all night.Kevin and Janet had spent the evening sipping on a few drinks and mingling with many of their coworkers. They really didn’t speak to each other very much and actually found themselves on opposite sides of the party quite often.After a couple of hours, a few of the employees fueled up with enough “liquid courage” to finally give the swimming pool a try. Like dominoes, everyone quickly followed suit.When it came time to slip off the overclothes and hop into the pool, everyone’s eyes locked on Janet. The men and the women were both curious about whether her body was as good as it seemed. Kevin watched from over his drink as Janet removed her loose-fitting top and undid her skirt so that she was left in her form-fitting pink bikini. A few of the guys in the pool responded with mock whistles, to which Janet gave them a quick smile. But, Kevin soon found out, the show was really just beginning.Janet d****d her clothes over a lounge chair and tied her hair back with a quick flick of the wrist. She began confidantly striding over to the stairway entrance of the pool, and in so doing gave Kevin a great view of her perfect ass as she stepped down each of the four steps entering the pool. To Kevin’s delight he saw that Janet was wearing a thong! He couldn’t believe his good fortune. He and many others were shocked that Janet would wear something so revealing to a company function. Kevin immediately felt a stirring in his loins, and realized he had better get in the pool as well if he didn’t want his guests to see him pitching a tent.The party continued on with most of the guests now enjoying a break from the late afternoon heat by sipping their drinks in the pool. With alcohol consumption, of course comes the need to relieve yourself. Kevin waited for Janet to have to do the inevitable to make his move. As he saw her step out of the pool, towel off, and head toward the main bathroom, he hopped out of the pool and followed her into his house. She stepped into the restroom and Kevin waited patiently outside the door.Janet opened the door and was surprised to see Kevin standing right in front of the doorway blocking her exit. He was in nothing but his swim trunks and his muscular frame took up a large portion of the doorway. Janet was a little surprised and tried to side-step around Kevin but he moved in front of her and grabbed hold of her by the waist with his muscular arms. She melted into his arms and her head tilted back immediately to accept the kiss she knew was coming. Their lips met with a fire and intensity that neither of them had felt in years. After what seemed like hours, Janet composed herself and gave Kevin a soft push away.”We can’t do this,” Janet said. “Half of our crew is here and I have a boyfriend.””I’m sorry,” Kevin replied. “I can’t help myself. I have been attracted to you ever since we first met at the office. I’m sure you hear that line all the time from all the guys that hit on you at work, but it’s the truth.””Well, I find you attractive, too, but that doesn’t change the fact that we are co-workers and I have my boyfriend to think about. We should keep our relationship purely professional.””You’re right,” Kevin conceded.The party kept on going and Kevin and Janet only spoke a few more times as the night went on as their groups intermingled. As the evening wore on many of the guests began to head home for the night because they had to work at the office in the morning. Around 10pm there were only about 8 people left at the party, luckily for Kevin, Janet had remained.Kevin invited everyone inside as the night air began to get a little chilly. He popped in a movie and refreshed everyone’s drink. By this time most of the guests were at least a little, if not a lot, on the tipsy side. Kevin only had seating for about 6 in his entertainment room so a couple of people were sitting on the large pillows on the floor. One of them was Janet. About twenty minutes into the movie Janet complained that she was a little chilly, and Kevin saw another window of opportunity. He was seated in his favorite chair. It was a giant over-stuffed swivel recliner that was almost as big as a love-seat, but not quite. He invited Janet to join him in the seat under the blanket he had d****d over his lap. Janet looked around the room to see who was still there and might be watching. To her surprise most of the guests had fallen asleep within the first 20 minutes of the movie starting. She figured as long as no one was really awake to see, it couldn’t really hurt to sit there with him for awhile before she headed home to Brad.She climbed up next to Kevin and was surprised and comforted by how much sitting room the large chair provided the two of them. Kevin d****d the blanket over them both and they both went back to watching the movie.As the movie went on Janet kept thinking back to the kiss in the hallway, and how Kevin’s thick arms had completely engulfed her and made her feel so tiny and escort bolu feminine. Kevin was so much different from her boyfriend Brad. Brad was extremely thin and only a few inches taller than Janet. Kevin was massive compared to Janet’s petite frame. His arms were easily as big around as one of Brad’s thighs. Without thinking about it Janet leaned into Kevin’s shoulder to be nearer to those muscular arms.As she inched closer Kevin saw his opening and placed his arm around her shoulders, and she snuggled up closely to his chest. Kevin glanced around the entertainment room, and found that all of the guests but he and Janet had now fallen asleep. He slowly slid his free hand over to Janet’s midsection and began to lightly caress her midriff with his fingertips. He watched for Janet’s reaction so he could stop if she was unreceptive. To his delight Janet just closed her eyes and snuggled up closer to his chest. Kevin knew it was now or never.He continued caressing her firm belly and slowly worked his way up to her bikini top. He slid his hand over the top of her left breast, and again watched Janet’s reaction, so he could decide whether or not to continue. Janet rotated her body so he could get a better angle so he began to slip his hand inside her bikini top. Kevin worked his way back and forth between Janet’s perfect 34B breasts. Spending several minutes on each nipple. He lightly tweaked and pinched each nipple and had them standing at full attention.Kevin now decided to go for all the marbles. He slowly slid his hand back down Janet’s taut belly and worked his way toward her bikini bottoms. To his complete shock, Janet actually spread her legs for him before he even got past her pierced belly-button. She d****d her left leg over Kevin’s leg, and her right leg over the side of the chair. Kevin made his move quickly before her conscience could snap her out of it.He slid his hand under her bikini bottoms and brushed his fingertips along her clean-shaven mound. He lightly flicked her clitoris a couple of times but couldn’t resist the temptation to place a finger inside the hole that was radiating so much heat toward his hand. He pushed his middle finger inside her in one swift motion, and she was so wet there was almost no resistance.Janet immediately wrapped both of her arms around Kevin’s single arm, embracing his arm in a vice-like grip. She began rotating her pelvis around to match Kevin’s probing strokes with his finger. Within minutes Kevin had Janet on the verge of orgasm. Janet knew that she couldn’t allow this to happen with so many of their coworkers right next to them. She knew she would be much too loud and might wake one of them.Janet grabbed Kevin’s hand and whispered in his ear, “Not out here. There’s too many poeple, and we might wake one of them up. Can we go to your room?”Kevin thought he had died and gone to heaven. He immediately stood up from the chair and picked Janet up like she was nothing. He carried her to his bedroom and gently placed her on the bed. He turned down the lights and locked the door behind him. He stepped over to Janet at the edge of the bed and slowly began kissing her.Janet returned the kiss and began to remove her bikini. Once her bikini was off she embraced Kevin and pulled him onto her and the bed in one motion. She began pawing at his shorts trying to get them off. Soon they were both lying naked in a firm embrace their lips trying to quench the fires that had been stoking for weeks.Kevin slowly kissed his way around Janet’s neck and ears. Then he worked his way down to her chest, spending several minutes on Janet’s firm nipples. He began moving down her tummy and softly kissed around her belly-button ring. He then confidently made his way to her now soaking love nest. He began by softly thrusting his tongue inside her, which brought immediate moans of approval from Janet. She reached out to hold onto the hair on his head like she always did with Brad, and found nothing but Kevin’s clean-shaven head. She moved her hands to her pelvis and began grinding herself to the rhythms of Kevin’s tongue. Kevin then inserted a finger deep iside her, and curled the tip of his finger and put immediate pressure on Janet’s g-spot. Brad had never done this to her and Janet came instantly and violently. She locked her legs around Kevin’s head and thrust her lips and clitoris against Kevin’s tongue. She finally relaxed after the most intense orgasm she had ever had.Kevin was a little surprised that Janet had come so quickly and was afraid that he might have spoiled his opportunity for further action that night. Janet was panting and out of breath but managed to ask Kevin, “Where did you learn to do that?”To which Kevin replied, “Well, with our age difference I’ve probably been doing this sort of thing a little longer than you. I’ve learned a few tricks over the years.””Oh. I’ve never come that quickly before. Even during sex, and I’ve NEVER had an orgasm during oral sex. That was fantastic. I am so wet right now, I need you inside me!” Janet gasped.Kevin worked his way back up so that their eyes were at the same level. He used his thighs to bolu escort bayan push Janet’s legs slightly farther apart and placed his now throbbing member against Janet’s soaking wet slit.Janet tensed slightly with anticipation. She actually found herself a little concerned and wondered what Kevin would feel like. She had seen enough nude magazine’s and done enough girl-talk to know that her boyfriend Brad was of average size, but he was definitely on the smaller end of the spectrum. He had been the only guy she had ever slept with and he was about 5 1/2″ long and not very thick. This had suited her just fine. She had always been afraid of anything larger because of her petite size.But now she had this hulk of a man over her, who actually doubled her body weight, and was several inches taller than Brad. She was very worried that she was in for some pain. As Kevin pushed his cock into her, he was very gentle. Janet was so wet from her orgasm just a few moments earlier that Kevin was actually able to push all the way in in one stroke. Janet was pleased to find that although Kevin was quite a bit bigger than Brad, it wasn’t painful. In fact, she felt fuller and more turned on than she had been since her first couple of times with Brad when they were just 16. She decided Kevin was about 6 1/2″ long and about as thick as her wrist. Almost twice as thick as Brad.Kevin could feel how tight Janet was. It felt like having his cock caressed by a velvet vice. He took it slow at first so she could get used to the thickness. Kevin hadn’t been with a woman this young in years. He had forgotten how nice it was to be with a girl that still had a firm stomach, and a tight pussy. All the women he had been dating in their late 20’s and early 30’s rarely had these attributes.After about 10 slow strokes Kevin began to quicken his pace a little. Suddenly though, after only about a minute of love-making he felt Janet tense up under him, and was worried he was hurting her as he worked faster. He pulled back a little bit to give her some relief. At this moment Janet reached down with her right hand and began furiously rubbing her clit and wrapped both legs around Kevin thrusting him all the way back inside her. She was being rocked by her second orgasm in minutes. She grinded her clit firmly on Kevin’s pubic bone as wave after wave of pleasure sent electric pulses through her body. Kevin’s thickness intensified her orgasm and her pussy gripped him in a love-making death-lock. She had just had the two most intense orgasms of her life within minutes of each other. Kevin had made her come instantly during oral sex, which she had never even come once before. And now he had made her come with only a few thrusts from his perfect member. Janet began to wonder what she may have been missing the last few years of her life.She gently pushed Kevin over to the side, and once again Kevin was a little afraid that he may have ended his night by being too smooth. But to his delight Janet immediately straddled him and impaled herself on his now aching cock. She slid all the way down his shaft, and then began rotating her hips so that her clitoris was grinding at the base of Kevin’s pubic bone. After only a few minutes of this, her body shuddered with a third orgasm. Janet was in heaven. She had never come three times with Brad before. In fact she was usually lucky to actually come before or with Brad at all. He always seemed to come so quickly.Now Kevin was absolutely rock hard. The sight of seeing this firm and fit twenty year old grinding herself to orgasm on his pole, had him in a frenzy. He lifted Janet off of him and rolled her back over onto her back. He placed his stiff cock back against her opening and softly pushed back inside her. He began slowly at first but worked his way to full length thrusts after only a few strokes. He had Janet lifting her legs off of the bed with each successive thrust of his swollen shaft. Just then Janet had her fourth orgasm and reached back down again and began furiously rubbing her clit as she almost doubled over into the fetal position due to the intensity with which she was cumming.This only turned Kevin on all the more. He increased his pace as Janet relaxed back and attempted to wind down from her orgasm, but Kevin wouldn’t allow it. He kept quickening his pace and sliding his cock in deeper and harder with each thrust. Janet could feel another orgasm building inside her, and couldn’t believe that this man was capable of doing this to her, or that her body had had this potential all along. As Janet burst into her fifth and final orgasm she could feel Kevin’s cock swelling even larger inside her. After the last few electric pulses zipped through her body she knew Kevin was about to release his load. With one last deep thrust Kevin slipped his cock out of Janet’s soaked and beaten gap. On instinct, Janet reached up with her left hand and began stroking Kevin’s throbbing cock to bring him to orgasm. This is how she had always finished Brad off, but this time was different. Kevin’s shaft was so big she couldn’t get her hand all the way around it, and he shot load after load of hot steaming cum all over her stomach and chest. It seemed to go on for minutes. His load easily was more than any two of Brad’s. He then got a towel and wiped their bodies down, and they fell asleep in each other’s arms

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