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Tap, tap, tap. Mark’s fingers pecked quickly at the keys of his keyboard. Most of his time was in fact, spent on a keyboard, monitor in view. Mark was your average nerd, and even made money on the computer. It wasn’t that Mark didn’t have any friends, it was just that he chose to be on the internet most of his time. He talked to his friends online, and even friends he met online. People had asked him about his life, in which he replied “I am very happy with my life, for I have a great social life, sex life, and I still make money.”.

When Mark wasn’t spending time on the internet, he was either shopping, working out, having fun, or something along the lines of supreme ness. Mark was in terrific shape, and looked good as well. When he worked out, he worked on cardio and stamina, and body building as well. He ate healthy meals, as large as they were. Each meal of the day consisted of enough food to feed a family of four per meal.

When Mark went to the club he did so with the intentions of making new friends picking up a new girl as well. He was very friendly and pretty charming too, making it very fun and easy for him to meet new friends. All his friends were great friends, willing to put themselves on the line for him, and him for them.

Mark’s online social status was also a high ranking one, for his charm and friendly personality went well with people from all countries. He was known on a lot of website’s forums and chats, and even helped run some. He also made web pages for companies and non-profit sites as well. He also did graphic designing and even made some of his own music (Techno). He also wrote for a multiple sites, erotic to fantasy, he wrote it all.

One day while talking on a chat site he frequently visited, he was doing the usual, talking and having fun. He had made jokes, told stories, and even heard both jokes and stories, all in all bullshitted. Mark was happily typing away when he noticed a screen name he had never noticed before. He assumed the person was new and immediately introduced himself. The person introduced her self as a female, 21 years of age and from the state next to his own. She had also stated her name to be Ashley.

Mark being the “internet whore” he was known as, quickly became friends with her in a heated discussion about nothing in particular. He found a lot of what she said, he had in common and liked her personality. Having tons of fun with her, he asked her if she would like to talk in a messenger so that they could go on webcam. She happily agreed, making Mark wonder what he was in for.

Mark was happy to see that Ashley was beautiful. She had shoulder length brown hair and brown eyes. Her lips were luscious with red lipstick. She appeared to be prepared to show herself off on camera. Mark noted that Ashley seemed to be very self confident, for she always bore a sexy smile. Also, that she had a great sense of humour and intellectual as well. After a little while longer, they ended up talking on the phone and having over all, a great time. This had led to them sending emails and talking to each other every day, keeping in touch.

Tap, tap, tap. Mark was in the midst of writing an email to Ashley, a wide grin plastered about his face. He had news, in which he was writing to her at the moment. He had recently discussed going to visit Ashley, or even her to visit him. Today was the day he had decided it was him going to see her, and he wrote her saying so. In the email he asked a day that would be good for him to come and visit, and how long he would be staying. She had replied about an hour later, and said any time was great and he could stay for as long as wanted. Happily, Mark sent one back stating he would be coming the next day and would be staying for two weeks. The next few hours Mark spent posting over multiple sites that he would be gone for a while, visiting Ashley.

The next day Mark awoke to the screeching of his loud alarm clock. He was suddenly up on his feet, the blankets being flung off the bed practically. Turning off the horrid sound being his alarm clock he went to the bathroom where he brushed his teeth, showered and then shaves. It was 9 am and his plane was destined to leave in an hour. As he showered, he whistled a tune he had learned when he was younger, thoughts of Ashley in his mind. Secretly, he longed to be with her. He had flirted with her in emails and on the messenger, but he never truly let her know his thoughts. She knew he thought she was sexy, but that’s as far as she knew.

After his shower he went to his room where he put on a pair of jeans, a tight t-shirt to show off his muscles and some spray cologne. He brushed his hair quickly and then grabbed a bite to eat. After that he had gotten into his car and made the drive towards the airport.

The ride to the airport was uneventful, though he stopped at a couple of Tim Horton’s to get some coffee. He was rather excited at the thought of meeting her and continuously thought about what he was going to say when he met her. He knew he’d forget Pendik Escort what he thought of, but it did its trick in helping the time go by faster.

Mark now sat on the plane, his feet cramped against the seat before him, his own seat rested back with a small pillow for comfort. He rented some T.V. to watch for the flight, and ended up watching a sitcom called, “How I Met Your Mother”. They attempted to serve him peanuts and a small juice box, which looked rather like a kids meal then a proper meal so he had declined politely. Over all, the flight was OK, but served to cause a major pain in his back.

* * * *

After receiving email that Mark would be visiting her tomorrow, Ashley prepared for his visit. She had spent the rest of her day cleaning the house, and even set up a room for Mark to sleep in. She then made plans for the next day. She was sharing the same feelings as Mark, for she was equally excited to meet her online friend for the first time off of the computer.

The next day she was to meet her friend at the airport, and had all morning to get herself ready to do so. She had allowed her hair to lay straight, compared to her usual bun or curly hair. She wore a white blouse that showed off some cleavage, and a pair of tight jeans. She had also decided on her black boots, which ran half way up her leg. She thought she looked pretty sexy in the boots, and found not too many people could disagree. She did not fear to show herself off, as she worked as a dancer for a night club for a month or two.

Finally figuring everything out she headed off for the airport, ready to meet Mark for the first time. She wanted to be there at the gate when he arrived, so she would be one of the first people he saw off the plane. For this, she made quick haste, excitement pushing her faster and faster.

When Ashley finally arrived at the airport, she breathed a sigh of relief, for she had almost been pulled over for speeding. She found a spot and then parked, checked her hair and make up and then walked towards the airport. As she walked she noticed a bum lying sitting against the wall, causing her to giggle. She thought she’d point him out to Mark thinking he would find it funny as well.

Ashley bought two coffees, one for herself and one for Mark. She new he would be happy to have something to drink after a long flight. She then found a spot to sit while she waited for his plane to land.

* * * *

Mark just had his plane land, and was one of the first people off the plane. He carried a small bag with him on the plane, consisting of his entertainment for the flight. Mark walked out of the plane and out of the gate, where to his excitement he saw Ashley waiting for him on a bench. She had sat cross legged but quickly stood up when she had seen him.

They both moved rather quickly towards each other, Mark placing his bag on the ground to receive a hug and peck on the cheek from Ashley. He returned the favour, in which she blushed immediately afterwards.

“Hey Ashley. I see your looking nice as ever.” He said, and she smiled and nodded lightly.

“Hi Mark. You’re not so bad looking yourself.” She said, leaning forward to inhale deeply. “And, you smell nice too.” It was Mark’s turn to blush, which he had only done once or twice in his life.

“Here, I brought you this.” She said, handing Mark a coffee. He accepted it and thanked her warmly, taking a sip from the coffee right away.

“So you do know me quite well then.” He said smiling, giving her a wink.

“Oh yes, more then you’d think.” She said returning the wink. “So shall we leave?” She questioned.

“Oh, yeah we can leave. I just have to do one thing before we go to your house, if that’s where you wanted to go.” He said, picking up his bag. They both started to leave the airport, talking as they walked.

“Oh, and what do you plan on doing?” She asked, quirking her brow in question.

“I have to stop by somewhere and get you your gift.” He said smiling, to which she said, “You don’t have to get me anything.” He smiled and did not relent, for she had bought him coffee and he intended to get her a gift as well.

After only several minutes of talking they both came to realize one thing: they had both expected the other to be a little weary or shy, but instead they both got along quite quickly as if they’d been friends for years, not just months. Once in a while, Mark would take glances of her body, interested to know what she looked like naked. She had noticed his glances, and only smiled and giggled inside, for she knew she was hot and didn’t mind the glances.

From the airport to her house would normally have only been a maximum of ten minutes, but Mark had somewhere to go first. He seemed to know where he was driving to her surprise, but when she asked he had said it was his first time in the city.

So he is good with directions, she observed. Ashley was surprised when he did not pull up to a store, but instead a house. He had smiled and told her he would be back in minutes, Pendik Escort Bayan not even.

True to his word, Mark came outside the house, but appeared to have nothing more then what he went in with. This had her confused and he saw the look on her face when he entered the car. This time Ashley drove the car and he sat in the passenger side. She was buckling up her seat belt when Mark said, “I got something for you. We’ll call it your early birthday present, or belated even.” He said with a smile, his hand reaching into his closed leather jacket. He then pulled out one of the largest bags of marijuana she had ever seen. It must have been at least four ounces of it.

Mark sat in the car beside Ashley, his eyes widening in amusement as she received her gift. Mark didn’t think that was at all what she was expecting. She leaned over the car and hugged him tightly, giving him a kiss on the cheek that sent electricity through his body. He had wished she would do it again, but instead she thanked him for the gift.

Mark smiled and then told her that was not all that came with the gift. “In one of my bags, I’ve got a pickle jar and a two litre pop bottle. I’m going to turn them both into a four litre bong.” His plan was to make a hole in the bottom of the pickle jar, and place the pop bottle on top of the jar. From there he would tap the two things together to form a large bong. Of course he would need a bowl, which he had as well.

Ashley’s eyes widened in excitement, “You mean you’re going to make me a Rocket too?” She asked, smiling like a giddy school girl.

Mark nodded his head and got his wish, for she kissed him once more on the cheek. He quietly mumbled that it was more then ok, and she thanked him again.

Mark and Ashley found the drive was fun, and quite exciting, for they braved stopping in the middle of town to smoke a joint or two. Someone had knocked on her window during the smoking and she instinctively slammed on the gas, sending them speeding through a red light. They were almost t-boned on the way through which caused them both to laugh and breath faster. Finally they pulled up to her house and Mark smiled at what he saw. It was small house, meant for a couple of two, maybe a kid. She led him up the stairs and carried a bag, after a heated debate on whether she could or not. Mark had tried to say she didn’t have to, but she insisted that she help. She lead Mark into his room, which he found a small single bed and a dresser for his clothes. He put his stuff down and followed her to her living room.

They both sat down on the couch and Ashley turned her head to look at Mark. “Want to go in my hot tub?” She asked, smiling.

“You’ve got a hot tub?” He asked surprised. “I’m definitely up for a soak, cause my back is killing me.” He said, smiling.

“Well, if you’re extra nice and lucky, I’ll give you a massage you’ve never received before.” She said with a wink. “I’m going to go and change, I’ll meet you down here in the living room.” With that said, they both headed upstairs and into there appropriate rooms. Mark was the first one down, so he waited on the couch for Ashley.

When Ashley came down the stairs, she gained his attention by clearing her throat. When he looked over at her she smiled brightly, his jaw practically dropping before him. She was dressed in a deep dark red two piece swim suit, her nipples easily seen through the thin material. She blushed when she noticed he was looking her body up and down, and she did a quick spin for him. “So, what do you think?”.

He pretended to think, his hand moving to his chin to rub lightly. “Well, the suit itself is breathtaking, but you. Words cannot describe what I am thinking about you.” He said with a wink. This caused her face to turn a deep red, nearly as red as her blood red suit.

“Thank you.” She said cutely, almost like a young girl might. When Mark stood from the couch, she grabbed his hand and led him out the back door. When she opened it, Mark was surprised at the size of her backyard. It was larger then the house itself. She had a nice lawn, and a deck for a hot tub. On the deck there was a table and chairs, with a barbeque as well.

She pulled him quickly to the hot tub, and stepped into the pool, slowly sinking into the bubbles. Mark quickly followed after, for she still had his hand and pulled him in. He smiled contentedly as he relaxed and sank into the water, a heavy sigh falling from his lips. Ashley had just looked over at him and giggled, for he looked like he was having an orgasm.

Suddenly Ashley gasped, causing Mark to sit up straight quite quickly. His eyes opened upon sitting up, and his tone sounded fearful. “What’s wrong?” He asked looking her over to see if she was hurt.

Ashley simply giggled and stood from the hot tub, “I knew I had forgotten something. I’ll be right back.”. Once she had said that she stepped from the hot tub and walked inside the house, shaking her little round ass as she walked. Mark only sat there in complete wonder, thoughts of Escort Pendik why she had left so emergency style like.

His thoughts were answered, for she had just stepped from the house, bottle of champagne in hand with two glasses as well. This caused Mark to smile, “Well, I cannot believe you forgot that as well.” He said with a smirk, to which she just rolled her eyes.

“Hey mister, you forgot too!” She said, trying to justify herself.

“Not my place to remember.” He teased, lending her his hand to help her into the tub. He watched her sexy form lower itself into the water, setting the champagne and glasses on the side. She sat upright still and she reached into her top piece of her suit. She pulled from the confines and to his surprise, matches. Then Mark saw it, a blunt sticking out of her hair.

Mark’s eyes widened in surprise as she pulled the nicely rolled blunt from her hair. She handed it to him as well as the matches and gave him the honour of lighting it. As he got the blunt lit, Ashley had poured two glasses of champagne for them. Mark inhaled deeply on the blunt, a large cloud of smoke rolling from his mouth as he exhaled. Ashley gave a little clap, impressed at the size of the large cloud. She took the blunt from him and inhaled with all her might. Mark nearly spat out his drink when she blew the cloud into his face. He swore he was getting even more baked just by her taking hoots.

After a while, both Ashley and Mark had buzzed caused by both substances, making for one large buzz. They both had constant smiles, and there eyes were a little squinty with a hint of red. They were both laughing and enjoying themselves when Ashley moved over to his form. She had leaned against him and wrapped an arm around his back. Mark looked down to see Ashley’s wet form cuddling up against his own and he smiled down at her.

“Mark, do you remember our role play we did with the hot tub?” She asked, smiling up at him sweetly.

Mark thought for a moment and nodded his head, a smile grew slowly on his lips. “I believe I do remember it. I remember you were wearing, well the same thing you’re wearing now.” He said smiling down at her.

She nodded and smiled brightly, “You do remember. I’m impressed, you pot head.” She said smiling, poking him in the ribs.

“Hey, you’re one to talk stoner.” He smiled and chuckled. Silence suddenly befell them both as they looked into each others eyes. Mark thought he should kiss her, her pouty lips so inviting. Ashley thought the same, so she leaned forward at the exact time he did.

Their lips met in a slow and tender kiss, Mark’s hand moving to cup her cheek softly, his thumb sliding back and forth on the soft surface. His other hand moved to her back where he pushed softly on her back, causing her form to push into his own. He could feel her nipples pressing into his chest, for they were harder then ever before. After a few minutes they both pulled apart at the same time, and Ashley then said, “So, would you like that massage?”.

Truthfully, Mark had forgotten about the massage and was happy she had remembered. With a nod, he turned away from her, his arms wresting up on the edge, his head resting on his arms. Ashley moved up to him from behind, and placed her hands on his shoulders. She then began to lightly dig her thumbs into his skin, and then switched to kneading his back, back and forth. She squeezed, rubbed, and massages his back like none other. She was smiling for her performance was getting her moans and gasps.

“Wow, you have hands of a goddess.” Mark said quiet breathlessly. The alcohol and weed was putting him in heaven with the addition of the massage. As good as the massage felt, he suddenly felt quite tired, causing him to yawn. At his yawning, she stopped her ministrations causing him to whine and then turn to face her. He didn’t really want her to stop, but he agreed silently with her that the effects were not worth him passing out on her.

“I think maybe it’s time we got out and thought of making some dinner?” She suggested, to which Mark agreed happily. He was pretty hungry, and it must have been around supper time anyways. They both climbed from the hot tub and he helped her bring in the champagne by carrying the two glasses.

Just as Mark stepped through the door he jumped as Ashley had grabbed his ass. Mark retaliated in putting the glasses down and chasing after her. When he finally caught her, upstairs, he held her in spot and grabbed a handful of ass. “Gotchya” He said, laughing now.

Ashley simply replied by kissing him lightly on the lips. Mark stood there for a moment, slightly in shock that she kissed him again. She had taken this moment to free herself from his grip and then ran downstairs.

“You cheater!” He bellowed after her, sprinting down the stairs. All he heard was frantic giggling coming from the kitchen, so that is where he ran. He found her cornered in the kitchen, her back pressed against a counter. Mark walked forward slowly, a menacing smile spread about his face. As he neared her she attempted to stop him from reaching her, but failed. He wrapped both arms about her hips pressing them against the counter. He then allowed his arms to hold her and began to tickle her mercilessly.

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