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This is an unashamed breast fetish story with themes of objectification, sensory deprivation, breast bondage, a bit of masturbation and some lactation. If you are not interested in these themes, this story may not be for you.

Valerie grunted as she hoisted her massive body up the stairs. She was glad the day was over. What a freaking disaster! Who knew she wasn’t only a fat and ugly pig but also dumb as shit with no talent to speak of! The art college would surely kick her out of this measly dorm in less than a week, now that they had terminated her! How was she supposed to survive in this situation?

She huffed and puffed as she waltzed over to her pink laptop. There had to be a job out there somewhere, something that even she could do!

Valerie searched the college’s classifieds as well as all of the offers from every local newspaper within a hundred miles. But nothing seemed to fit. Countless waitress jobs were on offer and quite a number of sketchy modelling gigs as well. But with her face and figure, there was no point in even trying to apply. Her gaze fell on one of the more sketchy ads, a ‘project’ searching for ‘nude breast models (large)’. She giggled. Her tits were practically the only part of her body that got praised regularly, provided that she showed them off in something else than the baggy sweaters she usually wore. She read the ad once again.

Project Hurting Hooters is looking for beautiful, large breasts that are willing to star in the nude and capable of taking some rough abuse. Generous compensation guaranteed. Download our PHH Assist App today to apply!

Was that really all that was left for her to do? Letting people play with her fat tits? And even that job would probably be unavailable to her, once those people saw the rest of her body. Oh well, it wouldn’t hurt to take a look.

She grabbed her mobile and downloaded the app. Her jittery fingers found the icon and opened it, just to be greeted by a boring and rather barebones form waiting for her input.

Fill out below and press submit to find out if you qualify for evaluation


Projection (depth):

Root circumference:

Separation (spacing between breasts):

Nipple diameter:

Nipple length:

Nipple color: (pink/light brown/dark brown/black/other)

Complexion: (lily white / rosy / tanned / cappuccino / chocolate / black / pitch black / other)

Lactating: (yes/no)

Wow, they really were taking this breast-thing seriously! If only the bra shop around the corner would take measurements with similar attention to detail. Valerie’s interest was piqued. She got some tape and started to fill out the form.

Of course she knew that her breasts were at least an EE if not F cup, whatever that meant with regards to ‘root circumference’ and ‘projection’. They were fucking monsters, phenomenal melons that refused to be tamed by even the most elaborate bras! And she also knew that her boobies were most definitely lily-white, with small, rose-colored nipples. But for most of the requested information, she had no fucking clue. Thankfully, her trusty measurement tape helped to obtain the missing data quickly.

Once she had entered all the details, her laptop displayed a green screen that said:

Breast-Id: 21FF-0010666


maraş escort bayan Phase 1: cleared

– Phase 2: Pending

Follow instructions.

Attention: No personally identifiable information permitted.

A few moments later, a notification alerted her of an unread message.

The text explained in rather crisp sentences what she was supposed to do next. She was instructed to ‘Initiate Phase 2’ using the app, which she nervously did. The only thing that happened after she pressed that big, green, inviting button was that a QR Code appeared on her screen, and that she was asked to wait for another notification.

For three days Valerie wondered if she had fallen for a silly prank, that whoever created the app had compelled her to perform hilariously stupid measurements on her boobs for no good reason. She was afraid that the pranksters somehow managed to film her and that they would spread the recordings to embarrass her. But then her phone vibrated and notified her of the next step. Maybe it wasn’t a prank after all.

She was instructed to go to a nearby, anonymous post service and scan the barcode there. Valerie was torn whether she should be happy or freak out. She decided to go with happy and headed out to visit the place.

Everything went incredibly smoothly. She didn’t need to talk to anybody, in fact she never met a single person on the entire trip. Once she had scanned the barcode on a central, automated terminal, she received a post box number and a code that allowed her to retrieve a small package. There was no sender nor a recipient on the box. Valerie had no clue how this was even possible. But when she saw her phone screen change and acknowledged the receipt of her shipment, she was convinced that everything was in order.

The box contained a letter and a bunch of strange devices that looked rather intimidating. Valerie opened the envelope.

Initiate phase 3 using the PHH Assist App. Follow instructions to fill out form. Make sure all readings are correct before submitting for evaluation.

The app asked her to take ‘Device A’ and push it as hard as she could against the center of her left breast, right below her nipple. Then she was to press a button on that device and read the value.

Valerie yelped as a spring-loaded steel rod poked forcefully into her flesh. The pain wasn’t all that bad but she had been totally unprepared for it. The little device now showed the number ‘0.215’ in a small window. Puzzled, Valerie went back to the instructions and found out that she had just measured the ‘springiness’ of her boob flesh and that she was to repeat the exercise on her other tit as well.

Multiple other measurements were taken by the giggling girl with an assortment of devices. Valerie enjoyed the utterly ridiculous exercise tremendously and had plenty of fun. She measured the ‘minimum circumference’ of her breast roots with a healthy dose of determination, reducing the size of the supplied metal band she had wrapped around the base of her bulging tit until her pliable flesh took a decidedly purple tone. The stretch test of her nipples using ‘Device D’ was also rather painful but equally fun.

Determined to do this right, she took most measurements maraş escort at least twice, including the one that required her to flatten her boobs as much as possible with a supplied breast press, which didn’t really work all that well on her springy, young globes.

When she was asked to glue some odd-looking markers vertically and horizontally over her breasts and take some pictures with the app, she finally lost it. But of course she followed through, even when she was asked to jump up and down as hard as possible while her phone filmed her weird, jiggling antics.

The instructions really didn’t tell much about the reasons for each measurement, but Valerie was pretty sure they simply took every imaginable data point of her tits, including their consistency, the sagging factor, her pain threshold and any other conceivable property of her bouncing monsters.

More curious than nervous, she finally pressed ‘submit’ once she had completed everything required and was rewarded with probably the most flattering compliment she had ever received in her life.

Breast Id: 21FF-0010666

Assessment: Passed

Grade: Superior +++

Compensation: Eligible for maximum rate.

250$ per hour payable in bitcoin

Maximum rate! A neutral assessment based on hard data just proved that her tits were literally world class! How much better could it get? Valerie was ecstatic. This was the greatest thing ever happening to her, and best of all, she would be rich! A few of those engagements per month and she was all set and wouldn’t need to find any other work!

Suddenly she became aware of something odd. During the entire procedure, she had never been asked to provide anything remotely personal, no name, no birth date, no address, no nothing. Not even an email address. This company literally knew nothing about her, except a very detailed measurement report of her boobs! And that was enough information to hire her for a ridiculous rate! The most personal piece of information, apart from her breast size and consistency, was probably her pain threshold, and even that had been measured using her breasts, in this case by making her twist her nipples as far as she could possibly tolerate. They even referred to her file by some breast id for goodness’ sake! She truly was just a pair of grade-A boobies for them and nothing else!

Valerie wasn’t sure how she should feel about that. On the one hand, whoever ran that weird project had simply reduced her to a pair of breasts, with no own personality to speak of. On the other hand, she had a really bad track record when people judged her by ‘personality’, which most of the time ended up in some sort of body shaming or worse. Why should she feel bad when someone finally was nice enough to judge her purely by her best attribute, her phenomenal tits? When she thought about it, she had to admit that she actually welcomed being reduced to her funbags, compared to the judgemental experiences she had to endure day in and day out.

Suddenly the display on her phone changed again.

Retrieve chip card from packet and follow instructions once notification is delivered.

A chip card? Valerie took the empty cardboard box and searched it thoroughly. And sure enough, there was a white escort maraş plastic card with a ‘PHH’ logo on it.

Valerie had to wait almost a week and was again starting to worry that she just fell for an elaborate prank when finally, on Saturday early afternoon, her phone announced that she was expected at some address she had never heard of. Valerie packed a few essentials and drove there using the PHH app to navigate.

She was led to an underground garage that seemed mostly empty and then through a nondescript, locked door that opened once she touched the card to some reading device. Fancy, pulsing-blue light strips showed her the way. Doors opened as she approached them, illuminated signs led her through a maze of corridors until she finally reached a small, brightly lit chamber. Once inside, the door locked behind her.

The room was squeaky clean and empty, safe for an almost coffin-like black box sitting on some stand, about two feet above the floor. The box was padded inside and featured a few odd properties that immediately stimulated Valerie’s fantasy.

The most obvious thing were the two holes in the bottom, right at the position where her large breasts would be once she was inside the box. The other was a hefty vibrator, pitch black and shiny from lubrication, that was lying on the padded bottom. And finally there was the top half of the odd casket, suspended below the ceiling and waiting to trap her in darkness.

Should she really do this? Should she climb into this weird contraption and play this game, whatever it was? Suddenly her mobile phone vibrated again.

Breast Id: 21FF-0010666 to be positioned in openings of module 0010666 for engagement to start. Failure to do so will void offer and no compensation will be paid.

Valerie sighed. Now was the time to decide. She still didn’t know what they expected from her breasts, just that they assessed her to be top class material. And that they promised to compensate her well. But for what, she had no clue.

“There is only one way to find out,” Valerie squirmed as she undressed herself and put her belongings into a little compartment at the foot end of the contraption. Valerie climbed into the padded box, positioned herself and wondered why those damn holes were so small even though they had every conceivable measurement of her tender melons.

She carefully aligned her body with the openings, slowly pushed the fat rubber dong into her surprisingly wet sex and tried to relax. Her excited heart hammered away, her pulse raced, and her mind came up with all kinds of horrible things that surely would happen to her any minute. She heard some gears spring into action as the top half of the box slowly descended down on her. Its foam bottom suddenly pressed against her back, pushing her body into the form-fitting padding and leaving her very little space to maneuver around. Valerie was surprised about the force and wondered how exactly the top half was designed to make it feel somewhat comfortable but also provided such a tight fit.

The mighty squeeze that the box put on her body didn’t help to calm her nerves, in fact Valerie was convinced she would die of a heart attack at any moment. It was pitch black, her body mashed between two layers of padding, her massive tits only partly through the holes, bulging flesh spilling out into the open. Then the vibrator kicked in. Valerie moaned, more excited than she had been for a long, long time.

Suddenly she felt the entire box move upward and shake slightly. Something was happening out there!

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32



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