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Part 1

She is driving here from Nantes – around four hours of traffic in a wee tin box made by Peugeot. It might have trick sliding doors but it’s suspension is too hard for comfort. It has to be to cope with it being so tall and it’s interior is toc-toc plastic – it dates from a time when Peugeot didn’t understand the phrase “perceived quality”. She will be tired when she gets here. It will probably be past nightfall – I’ll be ready and waiting for her.

She calls to let me know she is entering the town now – I knew it already; I can feel her presence growing larger inside of me. I’m outside the apartment building, waiting to wave her in to the underground parking.

I can see her car approaching, but the headlights dazzle me and I can’t yet see her… What’s that? Oh, her name? It’s Zoé.

I try to contain my excitement – I feel like I’m ten years old again and all my Christmases are coming at once. Zoé will think I’m a bit retarded if I start jumping around in the street (and the neighbours too!) so I take a deep breath and try to slow my heart down.

There, Zoé has spotted me and she rolls up in front of the entrance to the underground garage. My first instinct is to rip the door open and end these weeks of waiting, but we are in the middle of the street and I should stay calm…

I wave for her to follow me and I skip off down the spiral path that leads to two floors down, she follows hesitantly, the path is steep, tightly curved and poorly illuminated after the glare of street-lights outside. I have to stop at the first level down to let her catch back up – damn woman, why is she teasing me! Her space awaits. If I could have painted it and put red carpet down, I would have. Her reversing into the space is appalling – I try not to look as I’m sure being observed makes it worse – somehow she gets into the space without leaving paint on the walls and the engine falls finally silent. We observe each other awkwardly through the windscreen – no one knows what to say. OK Peugeot, sliding doors make sense in a narrow parking bay, so thanks for that… I approach the driver’s door and I can see her radiant smile flashing at me as she starts to open the door. As I get closer, she is already half way out of the car and by the time she is stood up, I’m in front of her, as close as I dare.

Seemingly by mutual agreement, neither of us says a word… I’m not thinking clearly, but my hands find themselves either side of her face – I can feel the sweet warmth radiating from her and her smile grows broader. I whisper for her to stay still. I want to drink in this vision without being disturbed. Zoé obeys (a first!) and my hands lightly caress her cheeks. Her dark hair falls either side of her face, framing it perfectly and I can feel the individual strands tickling my fingers. I let my hands move further into this nest of hair – tugging lightly so that her face starts to point slightly upwards. Unconsciously, I have moved closer, I can feel a heat between us of an intensity that I’ve never felt before – is this what happens when two lovers have been forced to endure separation – what law of physics can explain this? But we have never been lovers, just corresponders – how can this moment be so intense?

My fingers are rummaging in her hair now – I don’t know what they are looking for, but it doesn’t matter, my body is on auto-pilot and each part of me is feeling electric shocks from I know not where. With her head slightly tilted upwards, I bend mine towards her. My lips graze her forehead, then her cheeks, then lightly, as if not to wake her, my lips touch hers. I swear I can feel her heart racing – or is it mine reflected back from her body? Slowly, trembling, I try to grab her lower lip with mine. Her mouth starts to open to allow me and I start to suckle on her lips. Zoé wants more, she presses closer, she can feel how aroused I am and we’re only in the car park.

Her mouth is starting to push back on me now. I am no longer chasing her lips, I am fighting for air! Our mouths have become one, our tongues are new best friends and my legs feel weak. Oh joy, Zoé is here at last!!! When I finally get a chance, I break the kiss, only to place kisses all over her face. I can’t stop! My arms are around her now and squeezing like there is no tomorrow, if the car could protest, it would. My mouth wants some of that gorgeous neck but my brain is starting to regain control over the automatisms and I come back to kiss her again.

Kissing tenderly now, no rush, breathing under control, enjoying this moment.

I have no idea how long we kissed – but it passed all too quickly when the brain decided that we shouldn’t pass the night in a car park! Stupid brain! Finally we speak – the usual ça-va? bonne route? etc. We have time for this later on – let’s grab those bags and get you upstairs. Four hours in a car equals a nice long shower and a light snack as a minimum. The main course will come later…

Part 2

As usual, a woman brings too much luggage with her… but the reward is worth the effort to finally see this creature before me. For nearly anadolu yakası escort three months we’ve written and talked, laughed and cried. Writing allows things to be said and re-said if the first time wasn’t precise enough (the magic of the backspace button!). Phone calls and even Facetime from the tree of life are fine, but they too have their limits. Body language is the missing element – the ability to reinforce a point with a light tap on the arm or a squeeze and a hug to denote affection. Our bodies missed each other during those three months, but now is the time to catch up!

I’d created space in the small wardrobes in the apartment and she’d quickly filled them up. I could hear the shower running and I longed to be in there with her, but after four hours of driving, she needed her space and I understood that. I told her to dress lightly as the evening was warm and we were not planning on going anywhere, there was a dressing gown ready for her – but she could choose to dress however she felt. Even folded cardboard would look sexy on this woman!

I was at the kitchen – pretending to be a great chef while in reality, exploiting the marvels of the micro-wave. I was preparing a warming, hearty dish that can either be liquid like a soup or thicker like a stew, depending on how much coconut milk you use. It also contained a strong dose of shredded root ginger – as if we needed any aphrodisiac! Wine or beer? The meal is too strong for most palates to appreciate a wine. I was going with a hoppy local beer and there was a Rosé available if Zoé chose wine.

The shower had stopped. The only noise now was Mr iTunes, busy choosing anything and everything from it’s repertoire. The food was ready – all I was missing was Zoé. I asked if she needed anything hoping to get a glimpse into the bathroom but the reply was neutral – all was well, she would be there soon – there was laughter in her voice – that is sooo damn sexy!

Two minutes later, an eternal two minutes for me, there she stood. The darkness of the apartment and the contrast of the lights in the bathroom behind her created a perfect frame. Her robe clung to her in all the right places – she has a silhouette that would have even woken up a member of parliament. The curves are there and plenty of them – no doubt about it, this woman knew how to seduce me and I was hooked!

I took her hand and kissed it lightly – I briefly had the idea to start nibbling those fingers but the brain reminded me that we needed to eat – we would need our energy later on. I rose up to her face and we kissed silently for a while, but our hands started straying and the temperature was rising – time for a cool drink and some calories for our bodies. Dragging myself away from her sweet lips was not easy but I took her hand and led her to the sofa. A two seater – perfect for lovers who like to feel the other close to them. “Sit down, I’ll fetch your meal – wine or beer?” She went for the beer – which suited me just fine, we could share our impression of this local brew.

Zoé seemed to appreciate the meal – it is a simple dish I’ve loved for many years but a first for her. We talked about food, we talked about our plans for the next 48hours we talked about anything and everything – and all the while, iTunes would surprise us with something out of the blue. However, I was distracted…seriouslydistracted. For three months I’d waited for this to happen. In July, it was just fun to exchange words and challenge each other’s opinions and positions. In August, it strangely became more serious and we spoke deeply of our feelings via mail and FaceTime. In September, it was UNbearable so strong was the desire – but now here we were, side by side, October was here, and just inches separated the blood coursing in our respective veins and arteries.

The food was gone. It wasn’t a large meal but enough calories to get us through the night with the quinoa as an excellent source of long lasting carbohydrate. I took a second beer and Zoé followed suit – the beer must like her a lot, for her smile was getting wider by the minute or my eyes were deceiving me. When I brought the second beer back, I made sure to sitreallyclose – any closer and I’d have been sat on her. My body was turned towards her and one of my knees was playing with one of hers… we chinked our beers together – “To us” we said in unison.

Kissing someone is fun – but it had been a long time since I had kissed another for more than a few moments. Our beers found their way (I don’t know how) onto the small table and our lips found each other’s. She squirmed to get a better angle on me and we looked at each other’s faces. What were we looking for? I don’t know but I wanted to inspect every part of this face in front of me – there are more individual muscles in a face than in the whole of the rest of the body – each muscle tells a story and cannot lie. I wanted to kiss each and every one of them to reassure them that whatever happened between us, wherever this story took us, we wouldn’t hurt each other – we would be content to enjoy ataşehir escort the moments that brought us together.

Zoé has lips that are tender and plump – her Asian origins are visible and all the more delicious for that. I cannot remember kissing someone for so long. I would make forays to her eyes and then come back to those lips. The ears asked for attention, they received what they desired – from there I was tempted by the neck, a neck that stretched on forever and responded to each and every touch. My kisses were becoming rough now, the more of this flesh I tasted, the crazier I was becoming, if I hadn’t slowed down, I would have tasted blood! Damn, this woman tasted good! Whenever I paused for breath, Zoé was there, she wanted her own piece of the action and she wasn’t going to let herself be dominated by me. I have a very short haircut, probably my military days made me comfortable like that, but even so, she found ways to pull on it – to guide me where she wanted my mouth, to ask me for more or to slow me down. She maybe didn’t know it, but SHE was in control at that moment.

When her mouth was busy exploring my neck, it left some of my brain free to command my arms and legs into exploring elsewhere. My knee, which had started life an hour ago playing with her knees was now happily in a thigh sandwich. Oh my, what thighs, what legs! The ankles start like well turned chair legs and they go on forever – her robe had given up all pretence at covering those legs and the colour caramel is a strong contrast against my pale porcelain skin. My left leg was warm and well protected between hers and her tongue was busy with my neck. I was about ready to explode and all we had done was kiss! My knee could feel another heat – a stronger heat, something was boiling somewhere and it desperately needed exploring. I was being led astray by those legs and before I knew it, Zoé had pushed me backwards and was lying on top of me!

Again, our lips were together but this time, our bodies were together too. We were still wearing what we had started with but between my shorts/ t-shirt and her robe, there was now plenty of skin-to-skin contact going on. Each new contact was accompanied by a jolt – a jolt of joy and pleasure. The noises coming from Zoé were getting closer and closer to those of an animal and I was ready to rip her clothes off to get to the rest of her.

But this was not my plan. I had to get us back under control – I wanted Zoé like nothing on earth, but I needed to explore her first. You can’t make love to a woman you don’t know, that’s just called fucking! I wanted to know every last nook and cranny of Zoé. She had driven four hours to get here and I was going to make sure that she knew how much I appreciated that. Our kissing was now calm and sensual and I let it continue until a natural pause – sensing that I wanted to say something (how did she know that?), Zoé pulled back slightly from my face. Stupidly, all that came out of my mouth was “I want you”… Idiot, I think she knew that! Then I managed to clear my thoughts and explain how I was going to take care of her. “You’ve driven four hours, you’re now driving me crazy with desire, but first, I’m going to take care of you…” There was a quizzical look on her face, but I mimed for her to be silent and pushed her gently back off me. There were towels on the bed, I don’t have a massage table here but the bed will work. The oils had been warming gently all evening and all they were waiting for was Zoé. I pulled Zoé to her feet and explained to her how I would start. She would be face down– if she felt drowsy during the massage, she had permission to let sleep take over, she wouldn’t sleep for long, I was going to make sure of that. The blinking of her eyes said yes without a word being spoken – her arms were limp by her side. I reached for a large towel and wrapped it around her using her shoulders to hold it up. With one hand I held the towel closed at the back and the other, I tugged gently on the cord holding her robe together… it came away easily and air hissed in through Zoé’s lips…

Part 3

The towel was in danger of falling, so I asked her to hold it for a second while I reached for something else – a British Airways 1st Class blindfold from a transatlantic flight some time ago – it is soft and enveloping, Zoé would have no visual distractions while I took care of her.

Next came the only instructions she needed – she was to lie face down and her hands were not allowed to touch me. If her hands wanted to do something to herself, that was allowed, but not to me.

Taking over supporting the towel around her, I turned Zoé until she could feel the edge of the bed against her shins and holding the towel open, I nudged her to lie down. Two pillows, one either side of the head would allow her space to breathe. I laid the towel over her, covering from her lower back to the top of her thighs. I changed the music to a slower selection and removed my shorts and top – all I wore now were briefs and they were in danger of splitting this woman had me so hard!

I ümraniye escort moved the oil closer and straddled her thighs. Before starting any contact, I leant forward and felt the heat radiating from her. My lips moved around – alternating light kisses with hot breath. I followed her spine downwards like this, moving the towel out of the way as I progressed. I could feel her squirming and little whimpering noises were challenging iTunes’ domination of the room.

I took the bowl of oil and poured some into my left palm – rubbing both of my hands together, I let some of the oil drip onto her lower back – she must have felt the warmth as she jumped slightly. Starting low on her back, I started kneading the flesh – softly at first and always alternating each pressure pass with a gentle stroke of the same area. Working my way up the spine, I was drawing broad circles across this magnificent woman. I was also drawing sighs of pleasure and I knew I was on the right path.

Having covered her back for what seemed like a good long session, I started to work my way down the sides. The flesh forming the junction between her back and her breasts was a pleasure to work on – at one point, she reached for me and then suddenly pulled back as she remembered the rule. Bad Zoé!

I left her back and moved across the bed to start afresh at her feet and work my way up. Damn, she has cute feet – sensitive too. Each toe now had it’s own private therapy session – at one point, I had her big toe in my mouth and I could have sucked on that puppy all night long so much it made her squirm. The soles of her feet themselves were too sensitive and I’d have had to tie her to the bed to make that possible… hmmm, maybe next time? As I started on the first ankle, I noticed she had some delicate script tattooed around it – no need to dress something up as beautiful as this I thought, but whatever, it was her body to decide, and I must admit, it was delicately done. The ankles and calves got the same treatment, alternating pressure and caress. I used the opportunity as I was working on her lower legs to gradually inch them apart – just little by little. Her rear was still (just) covered by the towel but there was just enough light to see her femininity waiting for me.

She seems to have very sensitive skin behind her knees – they didn’t need any pressure as they are mainly sinew, but gentle caressing there was driving Zoé crazy! I ceased working with my hands for a moment and bent down to kiss them… then when I let my tongue wander around there, I heard an new noise. As I looked up, Zoés hands were clutching the mattress like it was rolled up newspaper and her back was arching. Interesting I thought. A nice place to torture her in the future…!

My hands went back to work. The thigh and the backside (gluteus-maximus) work hand in hand when running/walking and deserve massaging together. To get a better more fluid line, I like my “patients” to place a cushion under their midriff to lightly raise the buttocks. Zoé moved graciously with hardly any prompting, as if she knew what I needed. As I started on each thigh, the towel naturally found it’s place somewhere else, but that somewhere else was not on Zoé. Her thighs were now several inches apart and the stroking was getting more intense. Never breaking contact with my hands, I added more oil to really make things slippery and again, in between each pressure stroke, a gentle, caressing stroke with just my finger tips. Doing this along the inner thigh was making Zoé’s body heave as great gulps of air were going in and out. I must admit, I was in danger of losing control myself but I wouldn’t have changed places with anybody in the world right now such was the pleasure of seeing her in such wild abandon. Each stroke up her inner thighs was moving me higher and higher. The difference in temperature between her knee and the very top of her legs was significant, there was a fire somewhere in this girl. I started to feel some gentle short hairs tickling my fingers and Zoé was getting agitated – she was starting, maybe without realizing it, to push down against my fingers as they reached the top of each stroke.

My fingers had caressed those buttocks like they were making bread and as I reached the end of focusing on them, I let a dribble of fresh warm oil drop down between the cheeks and onto the rose bud of her anus. There was a loud grunt from the pillows where Zoé’s head was. I let my fingers trickle gently down where the oil had just gone and ran a circle around her hole… Zoé was trembling. The mound of her vagina was now clearly visible and it looked swollen – I ran a finger down either side feeling the slight brush of well trimmed hair. I let my fingers descend and return but always staying to the sides. Zoés was now trembling, uncontrollably, and I leant forward to gently blow cool air and attempt to chill her womanhood down – wrong – she just trembled even more! The aroma was heavenly – I don’t know which pheromone I was smelling, but I wanted to drink it all night long – without thinking, my head was now between her legs and my tongue reached forward to touch her. My breath would have felt hot, but my tongue hotter still as I took one long lick from the area where her clit was hiding, all across those lips and down to the skin just before her ass which is very sensitive. Zoé screamed! A good job the pillows lessened the volume somewhat!

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