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Our New LifeOur New LifeI was halfway between sleep and fully awake effort to breathe. It is being done for me. I can hear a mechanical sound that coincides with every breath I take in. A click starts it and then the whirring sound of an electric motor running.The first few times I awoke to this sound I went through a period of confusion and it still affects me that way but to a lesser degree. I know the sound is the motor operating the bellows of the Iron Lung I am locked inside. The feel of the leather straps holding my arms and legs tightly to the cot inside the steel chamber and the tight collar surrounding my neck only reinforce what I already know. I can also feel the collar pull away from my chin when the bellows draws the air out of the chamber and causes air to rush into my lungs. I finally open my eyes and there is no surprise that all I can see is the ceiling and the end of the steel chamber that holds my body with only my head protruding through the collar that provides the airtight seal so the lung can breathe for me.I turn my head to the right and see Renee right beside me. She is looking at me and I can tell by her expression that her Milking Pants are functioning also. I watch a moment as the collar rises and falls around her neck as the pressure in the chamber rises and falls.As the Iron Lung allows air to flow from my lungs I can speak and I say, “Good Morning my love”.As soon as the machine reaches another exhalation cycle she replies, “Good Morning Teresa, I love you”.I try to reach out and touch her but the leather straps hold my arm tight. We sleep in an Iron Lung almost every night but it is still a bit of a surprise every morning when I wake up and realize I am locked in this steel prison. I don’t understand why this is the one thing I have so much trouble accepting because our bodies, or some part of them, are always locked in some sort of prison, be it steel, fiberglass, plastic, leather, heavy boned fabric or some combination of the above. Our bodies are not our own any more. We belong to our Mistresses to do with as they desires and their desires are bizarre and varied. Their total possession and control of our bodies is never more overwhelming than when we are being milked and that process is proceeding at an increased pace now.The suction is pulling my breasts and genitals into their chambers more quickly now and with more force. It is no longer just a gentle tug but a rapid and strong force that immediately slams and holds them against the rigid walls as the electricity flows through in strong and vibrating waves that cause my body to arch and lift off the cot and only the heavy leather straps keep me firmly tied to the cot inside the steel chamber.The Iron Lung continues to force air into my lungs as the muscles in my chest and groin tense uncontrollably. At first the cycles between my breasts and cock and balls lengthened stimulating each for a longer time before switching to the other and the strength of the stimulation grew gradually stronger. But now they are both running simultaneously at full strength, my whole body is locked in their electricity’s embrace. The vibrators on my cock and in the butt plug are running full strength and my whole pelvis is locked in their vibrating grip.My eyes are locked on Renee and hers on mine. We are both about to cum together but strapped to a cot in a steel chamber instead of in each others arms as we so fervently desire. We are never allowed to touch each other except when ordered to do so by our Mistresses. When they do allow us to touch it is always for their convenience or to heighten the terrible frustration we feel. They strap and lock us together for long periods but it is always only to increase our yearning for each other.We have spent nights with our bodies strapped together and our cocks in each others mouths but our Mistresses have done it in such a way that neither of us receive any satisfaction and only crave each other more. The first orgasm has built within to where I feel as if I am about to explode. The seed deep within me feels gigantic as it begins to force its way through my cock. It feels as if my cock is many feet long as my seed is being dragged from me and the forces behind it are growing stronger and stronger. I have been on the very brink of orgasm forever and there is nothing I can do to bring it to completion as Mistress controls me through her machines.I can only talk when the Iron Lung is pushing air into the chamber holding my body and forcing air out of my lungs. On the next cycle I murmur, “Renee, cum with me my darling.”I hear her whispering, “I am cuming with you my dearest Teresa. Only with you lover.”My seed finally explodes from me and I shout, “Renee.”I hear her repeating my name over and over as her pants bring her to a simultaneous orgasm. My Milking Pants suck my semen from me and whisk it away through the tube connecting them to the vacuum pump that powers Renee’s and mine. In only a few minutes I feel the gentle suction pulling my breasts into their domes as we start again from the beginning. I wonder how many times they will force us to ejaculate this morning.This is only way we have been allowed to ejaculate in a little over two years. It is the only way I can achieve an erection or ejaculate due to the Estrogen I have been taking for those two years. Today is to be my last milking. I go in for surgery this morning. Everything or the last two years has been aimed at this surgery that awaits me. After my surgery I will be able to make love to Renee the way we have dreamed of for these last two years, if only our Mistresses will allow it. That’s right, two years. The last two years has been the realization of dreams that have been a major force in my life as long as I can remember.sleeping in an Iron Lung and being milked by our Mistresses are just a small part of the life I now live. It is a life made up entirely of feelings, both physical and emotional, that are the result of the total control they exercises not only over our bodies but also of everything we do every minute of every day. Renee has been a part of my life from the very beginning of this two years and neither she nor I know if it was an accident or was part of our Mistresses plans from the beginning. It is an unusual arrangement but in many ways neither of us have ever been happier and what more can any two people ask of life than mutual happiness.We are always encased in some sort of personal prison, a locked chastity device of one type or other encloses our genitals at all times. Except when we am entombed in our Iron Lungs or bathing we always am encased in some combination of tight corsets and braces or other ingenious device our Mistresses have designed and had constructed to assure we am totally under their control. I should also mention that we are always dressed as women and I have what I feel are the most beautiful pair of 42DD breasts imaginable. Renee is larger than I and her breasts are 44DDs and are magnificent.As long as I can remember I have been fascinated by anything that enclosed or limited and controlled the human body, particularly my body. I had always dreamed of what it would feel like to wear a suit of armor, space suit, diving suit, leg or back braces, corsets, girdles, bras, etc. I had even wished I would get Polio and have to be put in an Iron Lung and then have to use leg braces. I used to sneak into my mother’s things and put on her girdles and bras. I made leg braces from my Erector Set and I devoured any pictures I could find of braces, armor and diving suits or pilot’s pressure suits and space suits.I also discovered that I had pretty strong transvestite tendencies. I loved to dress as a girl and the sight of breasts on my chest sent shivers all up and down me. I didn’t want to be a girl. I just wanted to look like one and feel the weight of breasts on my chest and look down and see them on me. Padding to swell out my hips and buttocks sent similar chills all through me and of course a very pronounced swelling of the cock that I massaged as I fondled the breasts I longed so to be real.I managed to hide these feelings fairly well and then in college I injured my back in a fall while rock climbing and the doctor prescribed a rigid back brace and then an orthopedic corset. My dream had come true and I was never without a brace and corset again. I didn’t wear them all the time but my back was always “acting up again” and I would wear the brace or corset for a while until I got a little tired of the tightness and chaffing and would put them away until the urge hit again.I completed college with a degree in engineering and married the girl I met in college. We were both engineers and soon both had good jobs and were on the way to what most consider the good life. We decided that we enjoyed the things a good salary could buy and that c***dren were not a part of our future. We spent 30 years chasing the “good life” and enjoyed the benefits that came with it but something was missing for us. We played around with bondage quite a bit and I even dressed in a corset and a bra a few times for our love making and it seemed to be alright with her but it wasn’t near the turn-on for her as for me.We joked about the fact that I was definitely the submissive but she didn’t seem to be interested in being the Dom. She never does anything halfway and now I’m sure that was the problem. She would have to be totally the Dom or not at all.Everything changed about three years ago. I had a heart attack. I had total cardiac arrest 8 times and they all thought I wouldn’t make it but I did survive and surprisingly was left with little heart damage but was left with arrhythmia problems. The doctors tried all the medications but eventually had to implant an Automatic Implanted Cardiac Defibrillator (AICD) to assure my heart would continue it’s normal rhythm. It worked and still works great but the doctors strongly recommended that I not return to work.We discussed it and decided that not only would I retire but she would also. We would have a house built on the 200 acres we had purchased in the mountains a couple of hundred miles north of Los Angeles and move up there. We had enough saved and invested that neither of us would ever have to work again and we could start working on what would make us truly happy. I thought I knew what I wanted and I know now that she definitely knew what she wanted and was just waiting for me to broach the subject.A couple of days after we decided to retire and move I finally got up the nerve to tell her what was on my mind. I started by telling her how much I wanted to dress as a woman. She surprised me by replying that she knew that and had only been waiting for me to tell her my secret. We discussed it for a while and she said she didn’t have any problems with it but did I actually want to be a woman.I told her that I didn’t but I did want to have real breasts and at least try living full time as a woman. She said that I had better make up my mind because it would be hard to live as a man with breasts. She had a good point there and I told her that I was sure I wanted to live as a woman from there on. She smiled and said that was fine with her but she had a few conditions. Her conditions surprised me and made me realize she had actually been planning this for quite a while and had done a lot of research.. They were: I would remove and keep removed all body hair. I would allow my hair to grow and style it in a feminine style. I would wear only skirts and dresses, no pants. I would wear stocking or pantyhose at all times. I would let my nails grow and keep them at least 1/2 inch long and manicured at all times. I would have 42D breast implants and surgical figure enhancement. I would have my larynx tightened to give me a higher pitched voice. I would have my eyebrows, eyeliner and lips tattooed, permanent make-up. I would wear a corset at all times, a true rigid corset and not just an elastic girdle. I would wear a chastity belt at all times and only she would possess the key.The last 5 really threw me a curve. There would be no going back and My comfort didn’t seem real high on her priority list. Besides, I had never heard of a chastity belt for men. She informed me that a man in Germany made a stainless steel chastity device for men and we would have one made by him. At the same time we went to Denmark for my breast implants, larynx tightening and the other surgery that she said she would explain at a later time. She had already contacted the clinic in Denmark and the chastity device manufacturer and we only had to set the date for our visits to them both. She informed me that none of the conditions were negotiable and after I agreed to the first ten she had a few more. She didn’t want to throw too much at me at once. I had 24 hours to make up my mind.I lay awake all night thinking and while the idea of not being able to go back was scary the thought of really living as a woman and especially seeing and feeling real breasts on my chest left me no choice. The chastity belt idea was something I didn’t even know was possible but the idea of being locked in with her having the only key was exciting to me. I managed to wait until we sat down for breakfast to tell her my answer was definitely yes, to all her conditions. She gave me a smile and a nod and then said she wanted to get on to the rest of my fetish dreams. She said she had another set of conditions and they were a little more stringent and if I didn’t agree to them unconditionally the first ten were void and our marriage with it.She had agreed to my desire to live as a woman and now it was only fair that the woman I was going to become live by her terms. She handed me a sheet of paper with more conditions on it and these had little to do with my living as a woman but spelled out what was required of me as her slave. They were: I will address her only as “Mistress Monica” or “Mistress” and I will speak only when she has given me permission.I will instantly obey all orders of my Mistress with no question.I will willingly allow my Mistress to dress me in and/or attach to my body any clothing, device or apparatus she sees fit.I will willingly allow my Mistress to place my body in any device she sees fit.I will never suggest or request I be dressed in any clothing, device or apparatus not ordered by my Mistress.I will never suggest or request that any clothing, device or apparatus ordered by my Mistress be removed from my body.I will never suggest or request that my body be placed in, connected to or attached to any device not ordered by my Mistress.I will never suggest or request that my body be disconnected or removed from any device or apparatus ordered by my Mistress.I will allow my Mistress to place any device or apparatus in any of my body orifices she sees fit.I will never suggest or request that any device or apparatus be placed in any of my body orifices not ordered by my Mistress.I will never suggest or request that any device or apparatus ordered by my Mistress be removed from any of my body orifices.I will ingest, allow to be forced into any body orifice or injected any substance my Mistress sees fit.I will allow any substance to removed from any body orifice my Mistress sees fit.I will willingly submit to any medical procedures deemed necessary by my Mistress.I agree that my failure to follow any of the above rules will constitute failure on my part to fulfill my part of the contract and my Mistress may punish me in any way she deems appropriate.After I read and re-read the list several times she asked if I agreed. I asked what types of devices and apparatus she was referring to but she wouldn’t tell me. Her only response was that surprise would add to the anticipation and she knew enough about my interest and desire to feel my body confined and restricted to guarantee that my wildest dreams would be fulfilled. I took the pen she held out to me and signed the form as chills ran through me.She took the form and said now it was time for us to get to work. She had already made an appointment in two days with a doctor to give me a full physical and we would be leaving for Europe in two weeks. Now she had to meet with the contractor to finalize the plans for our new house in the mountains. Had I been maneuvered into something she had been planning all along. I probably had but it sure seemed like the answer to a lifetime of dreams.She was in and out constantly the next couple of days and if she was at home she was on the phone most of the time.She chased me out of the room whenever she was on the phone so I had no idea of who she was talking with or about what but it obviously concerned me and my new life. The two days passed quickly and it was time for my appointment with the doctor she had made the appointment with.We entered the office and she told me to have a seat while she checked in with the receptionist. I was now calling her Mistress Monica and not speaking unless given permission so I nodded and found a seat while she went up to the window. There were only women in the waiting room and they all seemed to be in pairs or maybe couples would be more accurate. I was the only man in room. One member of each couple never said a word and seemed to be very submissive to the other.A couple of the submissive ones gave me a look that seemed to convey sympathy but the other women looked at me with smiles. Not friendly smiles but something more like they knew something. It seemed like we waited forever and as I watched the other women in the waiting room my initial observations were confirmed. One member of each pair of women never said a word and the only things the other said to them were orders like “Sit up straight” or “Straighten your skirt”, things like that. These were all Mistresses and their slaves and the more I looked I became certain that all the slaves were actually men or had been men at one time.The nurse finally came out and called us in but I couldn’t help notice she called mistress’s name, not mine. She led us down the hall to an examining room and motioned us inside. Addressing Mistress she said, “Have her strip to the skin and hop up on the table. I’ll be back to get her into the stirrups.” The room looked like a normal examining room but the table looked far from a normal examining table. I was used to seeing the stirrups on an examining table folded up and out of the way but these were not only up and ready for use they were much more elaborate than I had ever seen. They had long shiny steel troughs that the patient’s calves would lie in and several heavy padded leather straps that obviously would hold someone’s legs firmly in position.There were also numerous more of the same type straps attached to the top of the examining table. Mistress turned to me and said, “Well, get undressed. Everything comes off.”I quickly stripped off my clothes and when I hesitated at my underpants Mistress just said, “Everything!” Once divested of all my clothing I stepped up on the stool and sat on the end of the examining table. The vinyl covering was cold on my bare buttocks and I sat there shivering, more from nervousness than from the cold however. The nurse returned in a few minutes and I wanted so badly to ask her for a gown but Mistress had not given me permission to speak and I didn’t think I would be given one anyway. The nurse didn’t say a word to me but motioned that I lie down on the table and move up a little so my head was right at the top end of the table. She was a model of efficiency as she lifted my legs into the cold steel stirrups and strapped them tightly into place. She quickly placed the other straps attached to the table around my waist, chest, forehead and two around each arm. I was helpless and more than slightly terrified at she went down and adjusted the stirrups higher and farther apart. I have never felt more exposed and helpless. The only movement I was capable of was the shivering that had become even more violent and cold had nothing to do with it now.The nurse turned to Mistress and said, “Dr. Powers will be with you in a few minutes.” She motioned at me and added, “She’s going to be a cute one with the proper training.” My mind was racing and I think that was the first time I actually realized what I had agreed to let Mistress do to me. After what seemed like hours Dr. Powers finally came into the room. I wasn’t at all surprised at this point that the doctor was a woman and a very formidable appearing woman at that. It was obvious by the way she and Mistress greeted each other that they had met before and it was soon obvious in their conversation that they had discussed me and my future at length. I was trying to listen carefully to their conversation but they were speaking softly and I was only picking up occasional words, words like corset, braces, restraints, chastity belt, milking, Iron Lung and Cuirass, curare. They had been completely ignoring me until Mistress looked over and realized I was straining to hear their conversation.She said, “Maybe we had better talk somewhere else where she can’t hear us.” The doctor replied, “No need, I can take care of her eavesdropping.” She came over to the examining table and I could hear her open one of the drawers and rummage around a little. I heard the drawer close and when she lifted her hands she was holding something made of black leather. At first I thought it was a bag or case of some kind but it had straps with buckles and pads all over it, a row of lacing on one side, steel rings attached in several places and three long tubes running from it. One of the tubes ended in a bulb like on a blood pressure cuff.It was about the size of a human head and as she stepped to the head of the examining table the realization hit me that my head was soon going to be inside whatever it was.She unfastened the strap across my forehead and slipped something soft into each of my ears. Before I realized what was happening in she had lifted my head slightly and slipped the leather hood or helmet over my head. She moved it to around a little until there were openings over my eyes and mouth. I could feel something on the inside poking at my nose and she fooled with it a little until I felt two tubes pushed into and up my nostrils. She turned my head to the wall and I could feel her tightening the laces that now ran down the back of my head. It was actually very comfortable, a layer of very soft leather lined the inside and it felt like there was a layer of padding between the soft inner leather and the heavier outside layer. As she tightening the laces from the top down it molded itself tightly to my head and face and finally over my chin and to my neck. I felt her tie-off off the laces and then she turned my head back to where I was staring at the ceiling again. I could feel her attaching something to the sides and top of the helmet, probably straps from the table, and when she stepped back a little I was unable to move my head at all. She reached over and pulled something over my eyes and soft pads pressed softly against my eyes as I felt her buckling another strap at this side. I was now blind and deaf and was surprised to feel something touching my lips. Something was pushing against my lips and when I opened my mouth slightly her fingers forced it opened further and something soft and rubbery was pushed into my mouth. It felt like a heavy deflated balloon. It was pushed deeply into my mouth until I felt more padded leather pressing against my lips and her fastening another strap at the side my face alongside my mouth. I explored with my tongue trying to push this invader out but it was obviously strapped firmly in place. I was still exploring it with my tongue and had decided it wasn’t so bad when it started to inflate.Now I knew what the ball on the end of the one tube was attached to and what it did. The balloon continued to inflate inside my mouth, pressing my tongue tightly against the floor my mouth and filling my mouth completely and forcing my cheeks tightly against the leather helmet covering my head and face. The tubes inserted in my nostrils allowed me to breathe relatively easily and I was not actually uncomfortable but felt so isolated and vulnerable to whatever Mistress and the doctor decided to do to me, a feeling I would grow to know only too well.I have no idea how long Mistress and the doctor talked before the doctor’s attention was finally focused on me. As I lay in my silent darkness, immobile and helpless, my apprehension left me and was replaced by feelings of calm and well-being. I had agreed to let Mistress control my life and it was becoming obvious how seriously she was taking that responsibility. She was going to make dreams I had nurtured since c***dhood into reality and all I would have to do is relax and let her do it.I had almost drifted off to sleep when the feel of a cold stethoscope on my chest brought me back to full consciousness. The stethoscope was soon replaced by rubber gloved fingers exploring and massaging my breasts and nipples. It felt very good and my cock immediately responded to the sensual inputs. The fingers moved down my body and were soon holding and exploring my genitals. I felt a gloved hand holding my testicles as another wrapped around my now rigid cock and squeezed it tightly. She began to pump me and almost instantly an orgasm began building within me. I could really get to like this sort of doctors examination. I was within seconds of cumming when the hands released me and were replaced by something ice cold. Something ice cold was covering my whole groin. The shock was tremendous as my genitals tried to shrink to nothing and escape the cold.I was trying to recover from the shock when I felt the section of the examining tables supporting my buttocks drop away. From the waist down, I was now supported only by my legs strapped firmly into the stirrup assemblies. I felt more than heard the soft humming of an electric motor and the stirrups began moving even higher and further apart pulling my pelvis up and spreading my buttocks apart. The heavy belt around my waist presented the rest of my body from lifting and I was grateful for the heavy padding as it tightened around my waist. The movement of the stirrups finally ceased but now the whole examining table seemed to be tilting, lowering my head and raising my pelvis. I knew the rectal portion of my exam was coming next and was probably going to be a little more extensive than the prostate exams I had had in the past or even the search for polyps my doctor had undertaken a couple of years ago.The ice pack, or whatever, was finally removed from my groin and immediately I felt the rubber gloved fingers exploring my rectum. They had been well lubricated and one thin finger slipped relatively easily inside of me. I could feel it exploring the walls of my colon and then pressing and examining my prostate. It was withdrawn and I was just thinking a “that wasn’t so bad” when it returned with one or two of its neighbors pressing for entry again. My rectum rebelled against this larger intruder and my sphincter muscles clamped tight denying entrance. I tried to relax as the fingers pressed hard trying to force their way in.They disappeared for a few seconds but were replaced by something hard and very cold, obviously made of some sort of metal. The pressure against my rectum was firm and unrelenting until my sphincter finally relaxed and allowed entrance. Once past the initial barrier it slipped easily and deep inside me but once inside it began to spread apart, stretching me painfully. I don’t know what it was but I suspect it was a tool I have seen used for women’s pelvic exams. It continued to spread apart until it felt like I was being ripped in half.I was trying to scream for her to stop but the gag filling my mouth prevented anything more than unintelligible grunts. It finally seemed to collapse back down to its original size and was quickly withdrawn. My relief was short-lived as something else almost immediately pressed against me and began to slip inside. At least it wasn’t cold and seemed to be slightly soft, rigid but with a soft surface. It was large and stretched my sphincter painfully but after a large part of it was inside me it seemed to reduce in diameter and as my tight sphincter slid down the smaller portion it actually pulled it deeper inside me and held it there.It must have been completely inside me because I could feel a larger portion pressing against the outside of my rectum. I should have known better but I had begun to relax a little when I felt it growing inside of me, it was growing in diameter and length both. The smaller portion passing through my sphincter stayed the same size so the larger inside portion effectively locked it within me and as it grew in length it pressed firmly against my prostate.All this activity had defeated the effect of the ice on my cock and it was once more hard and rigid. Now I felt activity there again, something was being slipped over my cock. It was not tight, in fact it barely touched me as I felt it descending the length of my shaft. Something soft was now pressing against my groin around the base of my cock and enclosing my scrotum. I seemed to be inside a tube of some kind, barely touching the hard walls of the tube. I felt a strap being drawn around my hips and two others between my legs and they were fastened together in the back. Whatever this was it was now strapped to me with my cock trapped inside.Now I felt a sucking sensation pulling my cock deeper into the tube surrounding it. The ring around the base and of my cock seemed to be getting tighter, definitely tighter, holding it firmly but comfortably. As the suction pulled my cock it I became erect and it soon was its full size and I felt my cock head being against what I assumed was the end of the tube. It enclosed the sensitive head tissue snuggly. I didn’t have long to wait to see what came next, a very gentle tingling was traveling the length of my cock between the head and the ring at the base. It felt like a very mild electric shock. It was very pleasant and then the same feeling of an electric shock and a gentle vibration started in the plug pressing against my prostate. That was even more pleasant. I had never felt anything like it and it was marvelous.It wasn’t going to take much of this to bring me to orgasm. Not much at all. The strength of all the things being done to me grew as the feelings inside of me grew and as I exploded in a glorious orgasm the suction in the tube grew very strong sucking the semen from me. All the actions turned off and I lay spent and exhausted but before my cock could even begin to shrink they all started again at the same low-level they had started at before.I didn’t want to cum again but I wasn’t being given any choice. This was my first experience with forced multiple orgasms or what I would come to know as milking. I was milked three more times and it took much longer each succeeding time. I was left totally exhausted and emotionally perplexed. Now I knew what it was like to have someone else physically controlling my most intimate actions and it both terrified and excited me. I was vaguely aware of the milking apparatus being removed from my cock and the plug in my rectum deflating and being withdrawn from me. When something else pressed against my rectum I was able to immediately relax my sphincter and allow it entry.It was much smaller and I hardly noticed its presence after the previous objects. Something seemed to inflate on either side of my sphincter sealing it securely in place. I had no time to ponder what it was before I felt something flowing into my bowels filling them with warm fluid. The flow seemed to continue forever, first filling me and then causing my abdomen to distend as the volume exceeded my normal capacity. Cramps filled my abdomen as the fluid flowed through me and sought out every tiny area of my bowels. The flow finally stopped but there was nothing I could do to relieve the pressure and weight of the fluid filling me. Whatever the device sealed into my rectum was it not only allowed the introduction of the fluid it prevented its expulsion. I was uncomfortable but it was a somewhat unique and certainly new a feeling. I wasn’t certain if I hated, liked or was merely neutral about the feeling. Before I could decide a valve must have been opened because the fluid started flowing out of me again. I had no control over the flow and it was so fast it felt like it must have been being pumped out of me. I was soon empty and felt the device deflate and be withdrawn from me. It was immediately replaced by something else larger in size but smaller than the previous objects that had filled me. It also seemed to have a narrow spot that caused my sphincter to actually hold it within me and a large flange or something I could feel pressing on the outside of my rectum.Fingers again gripped my now flaccid penis and something was being inserted into it. As it was pushed deeper and deeper into me a burning pain accompanied the realization that I was a catheter. The catheter was soon all the way into my bladder and I felt my bladder empty. The catheter was left in place so I assumed it was a Foley or in-dwelling catheter that would probably be with me for a while. I felt it as the tube leading into my bladder was moved and then something slipped over my cock and lay on my groin. It felt like it may be made of a heavy rubber and was cold against my skin. It didn’t just lay there for very long as I felt a very wide belt being wrapped around my hips and fastened in back. It was very wide, reaching from my waist down over my hips, and tight. It got even tighter as straps or laces were drawn tighter in the back.Next I felt fingers pressing my testicles of up into the recesses of my body and held there as a portion of the belt was drawn tightly down between my legs, it continued up through the crack between my buttocks over the plug in my rectum and was secured to the rest of the belt in the back. Fingers gripped my penis again and pulled it down between my legs. It was pressed into what felt like a trough made of the same cold rubber and something was wrapped and fastened over the top holding it firmly in place. It was very tightly held in place but obviously in some sort of receptacle designed to hold it as it didn’t feel as if it were being crushed. The whole arrangement was very tight and semi-rigid and while I couldn’t call it comfortable I did like the feeling. I had the feeling again that it was something I would have to get used to as it would be with me a long time. The examining table returned to level and the stirrups lowered back to their normal position with my buttocks once again resting on the surface of the table. I drifted off to sleep as the most recent occurrences were repeated over and over in my mind. The straps holding me in the stirrups and to the table being released woke me up. Someone lifted my legs out of the stirrups and helped me into a sitting position on the end of the table. I was so exhausted I could barely sit upright but the same hands helped steady me. The gag in my mouth deflated in I felt the laces of the helmet being loosened. The strap holding the gag was released and it was pulled from my mouth and the pads covering my eyes were also released and removed.It was the nurse helping me and I could see Mistress and the doctor on the other side of the examining room talking and putting things into a medium-sized suitcase. The nurse pulled the helmet from over my head and handed it across the room to Mistress who placed it in the suitcase. The doctor said, “She can get dressed now,” without ever turning to look at me. I stepped down off the table and was a little wobbly but started across the room to get my clothes and get dressed. Whatever they had encased my groin in was still there and each step made me more aware of it and of the plug up my ass.I looked down but couldn’t see much and then noticed there was a full-length mirror on the back of the door. I stepped in front of the mirror and got the first look at what they had locked onto me. Yes locked, there was a padlock dangling between my legs and when I turned around another padlock held a metal flap over however this thing was fastened in the back. My entire groin from my waist down and between my legs was covered completely in heavy black rubber. It was completely smooth with no sign whatsoever of my penis or testicles. I knew they were there, I could feel them held tightly by the rubber but I couldn’t see any indication of them at all. I rubbed my hand over the smooth rubber and couldn’t even feel the pressure of my hand pressing against it. Turning around again I could see a black disk covering my rectum and the strap running between my legs went through a slot in the disk before it disappeared under the metal cover the padlock held over the fastenings in the back.The front seemed to be a cover over whatever was holding my testicles up within me and was holding my penis in such a firm embrace. The only thing marring the smooth front surface was a rubber tube coming out a small hole down low and attached to a rubber bag strapped to my right thigh. I wouldn’t even be able to pee myself anymore, it would just run into the bag on my leg. The sight of the padlock hanging there between my legs where my testicles used to be sent a shudder down my spine. The sound of my Mistress’s voice from across the room cut through my musing is, “Quit admiring your new chastity belt and get dressed, we have a lot yet to do today.” I took my clothes down from the hook on the wall and began to get dressed. Mistress interrupted as I started to slip my briefs on, “You won’t need those, ever again. In fact today is the last day you’ll ever wear men’s clothing of any kind.”She and the doctor continued their conversation as I got dressed in and I could overhear bits and pieces of what they were saying. The doctor seemed to be doing most of talking and I can still remember her words almost exactly: “She certainly knows now who that little thing between her legs belongs to. You have all of the equipment we used today and the table and other things will be delivered this afternoon. The table will be identical to this one and should work for most of the things you have to do. Helen will be by about 8 this evening the to help you get her setup in the tank for the first time in case she gives you any difficulty. I think I gave you prescriptions for everything that requires one. The rest of the things you can get from that list of suppliers without a prescription. Be very careful with the curare and make sure you have everything setup and ready to go before you inject it. I don’t know anyone who has started with such full immersion into the lifestyle from the very beginning but I don’t really think you’ll have any problems and it will probably be easier in the long run and her adjustment more complete. Be sure to bring her back when you return from Europe. I’ll be anxious to see the results.” I didn’t understand everything I heard but it was obvious to me that I wasn’t going to be allowed to slip into my new life gradually. Maybe the doctor was right and it would be easier this way.I vowed to myself that I would co-operate completely with Mistress in everything. It didn’t appear that I really had much choice anyway and this was what I had dreamed up all my life, what I had dreamed of and much more. By the time I was dressed Mistress was ready to leave. She told me to carry the suitcase that apparently held everything that had been used on me today and who knows what else. It was very heavy and the knowledge of what it contained weighed even heavier in my mind. Mistress stuffed a stack of prescription forms and other papers into her purse and she led me out the door, down the hall and into my new life. Every step I took made me aware of the stiff rubber prison locked around my groin and of the plug locked deep in my rectum. They were the physical reminder of what had been done to me today and that this was only the beginning. Mistress didn’t say a word to me until we were getting into the car and then the only thing she said, “The first thing we have to take care of is obviously your appearance. We certainly can’t buy clothes to fit THAT shape so we’ll take care of that first.” I wasn’t quite sure what she meant by “THAT shape” but I didn’t have long to wait as it was only a short drive before we pulled up in front of the shop that had always fascinated me with its window displays.The displays and the sign on the front of the building had caused me to stop in front many times and fantasize about the treasures inside. One of my greatest fantasies had been to step through that front door and be fitted with the products they specialized in. The sign read “My Lady’s Body Boutique” and below the name it read “Mastectomy Products, Surgical Supports, Custom Bras and Girdles, Custom Corsetry.” I couldn’t believe what was the happening as Mistress got out of the car and I followed her almost in a daze. We went past the window displays of bras, girdles and corsets of all kinds. The surgical corsets appealed to me most. They were made of heavy canvas or heavy brocade fabrics in white and pink with laces and straps everywhere and garters hanging from the bottom. Some only went from the waist to high on the hips but others went from just under the breasts down over the hips and actually covered the tops of the thighs. One even covered the breasts with heavy straps running over the shoulders. There were also corsets that looked like the ones I had seen in pictures from the Victorian age.They were beautiful but there was no way my body could ever have a waist that small. I wanted to just stand and look forever but I realized Mistress had opened the door and was actually going in. She turned and looked at me, her expression telling me to follow. I followed her through the door as if into a dream.Inside the door was a site that took my breath away. It was a large room with displays everywhere of all types of women’s foundation garments, anything and everything imaginable. I tried to take it all in at once as I numbly followed Mistress across the room to where a woman stood behind a glass display case. The case was filled with artificial breast forms of all types and sizes. The woman greeted Mistress and then glanced over at me. She turned back to Mistress and said, “Is this is her?”Mistress replied, “Yes, this is her. Do you think you can do anything was her?”The woman laughed and said, “Of course we can. Let me get Rhonda for you.” She went through a curtain into a back area and returned in just a minute with another woman. Rhonda was quite tall and had an unbelievable figure. She had large impressive breasts, the smallest waist I had ever seen and her hips and derriere were on the small side but perfectly shaped. She greeted Mistress and then walked over to me. She looked me up and down and then told Mistress, “Oh yes, we can do wonders with her. Let’s get started.” She led us down a hallway and through a door that was labeled “Corset fitting room No. 1.” It was about the size of a normal bedroom, quite large for a fitting room and the walls were covered with mirrors. The only furniture was a desk and chair on rollers. In the very center of the room was a most unusual feature. Hanging from a large hook on the ceiling was an electric cable hoist, like you would see in a factory to lift heavy objects. Suspended from the chain hoist was a wooden bar several inches in diameter and about three feet long. Attached to the ends of the bar were two short lengths of chain and on the end of each chain was a heavy padded leather cuffs.Directly beneath the bar a large steel ring protruded from the floor through the carpeting. I couldn’t imagine what these things were for but after the days previous of events I felt pretty sure I would find out before long. Rhonda went over to the desk and said, “Have her remove her clothes, all of them.” I was getting used to people not talking to me and referring to me as “her”, so I began to strip. I couldn’t find a hook or anything to hang my clothes on so I just piled them in a corner with my shoes and socks. I was a little surprised that I didn’t feel embarrassed stripping in front of Rhonda. Of course my private parts were completely covered but I would have thought I would have been in embarrassed for her to see my new underwear.I guess the events at the doctors office and the way people were treating me as a non-person removed some of my normal inhibitions. Rhonda came over to me carrying a tape measure. I could tell she was looking at the black rubber covering my groin and as she stopped in front of me she verified that by turning to Mistress and saying, “I like that. Is everything intact underneath?” Mistress replied, “Oh yes, everything. Just under lock and key.” Rhonda began measuring me and she measured everything, making notes and putting down measurements on a form she had on a clipboard. I could see the form had the outline of a woman’s body with front, side and rear views. It excited me that she was putting my measurements down on a woman’s body. I could feel my cock trying to grow inside its rubber prison but there was no room for it to grow at all and the pressure was very intense.Rhonda turned to Mistress and said, “I know you wanted Ds but really think DDs would look better with her build.”Mistress replied, “You may well be right. Why don’t we try DDs.”Rhonda gave a quick,” Okay. Do you want longline or bandeau?” Mistress said, “Definitely longline.”Rhonda nodded and quickly left the room. She was back in just a few minutes with her arms full of boxes. She deposited them on the desk. There were two square boxes marked “Amoena” and a flat one labeled “Camp mastectomy bra.” The pressure inside my rubber chastity belt was becoming quite uncomfortable and I was shivering with anticipation. Rhonda opened one of the boxes marked “Amoena” and actually stopped breathing a she lifted out a breast form. It was flesh colored and I could see it move like Jell-O as she handled it. It was rounded on one side and flat along the bottom. It extended and tapered on the other side and the top. Rhonda commented to Mistress, “These are asymmetrical, there is a right and left. They help fill out the upper chest and under arm and will look the most realistic on her.” She screwed the lid off a little flat, round container and took out what I could see was a false nipple. It was darker pink, several inches in diameter and had a raised center, about the size of a small marble. She licked her finger and moistened the back of the nipple and placed it on the breast form right at the apex of the curve of the form. She worked the form into a cloth cover and then laid its down on the desk I could see the nipple protruding through the cover and the pressure inside my chastity increased just a little more.She opened the other “Amoena” box and placed a nipple on that one also and put it in a cover. I couldn’t take my eyes off those two forms sitting on top of the desk until she opened the “Camp mastectomy bra” box and took out my new bra. It was white and looked like it would cover my torso down to my waist. I could see it had stiff wires that curved around underneath the cups and cups themselves were smooth shiny fabric with a strip of lace running across them at an angle. It was beautiful. She lay the bra face down on the desk and began to work one of the forms into a pocket built into the right cup. Then she did the same on the left. She picked the bra up by the straps and I could tell it was very heavy with the forms in place in the cups.It seemed to take forever for her to come across the room to me and as she reached me I put my arms out and through the straps of the bra. She pulled the straps up over my shoulders and as she released them I felt the weight of the forms transferred to my shoulders. They were very heavy. She stepped behind me and began to fasten the hooks that would close it tightly around my chest. She started at the top and I felt my new breasts pulled against my chest. As she worked her way down I could feel her fasten each hook and the tightness worked its way down my torso. There were 12 in all. She fasten the last one and stepped back. It felt wonderful but didn’t really seemed to fit quite right.Rhonda turned to Mistress and said, “May I speak to her directly?” Mistress answered, “Yes, go ahead.”Rhonda stepped over in front of me and said, “Bend over until your chest is horizontal.” I did a she directed and when I was bent over she cupped each of my breasts in one of her hands and sort of bounced them up and down. I could feel them settle into position in the cups and when I stood up everything now fit like it should. Rhonda reached up and tightened each of the shoulder straps a little and it was perfect. My breasts were snuggled tight against my chest and I felt the weight both on my chest and my shoulders. The forms were so soft and pliable that they conformed to my chest and molded themselves to my own little breasts and nipples.The bra itself was very tight and the feeling was wonderful. I looked down and could see my breasts with my nipples protruding through the bra cups and when I bounced up and down a little my breasts bounced and jiggled just like the real thing. Mistress came over and looked me over carefully, held each breast in turn and jiggled them a little.She told Rhonda, “Oh yes, the DDs are perfect. Just right for her.” Rhonda thanked Mistress and said, “Now I’ll get her corset and get down to the really serious business of shaping her up. Did you want a busk closure on that and are you sure about a five inch reduction?””Yes, I want it as rigid as possible and I think we can achieve five inches to start with. She may not like it but she’s not making the decisions,” replied Mistress.Rhonda left the room again and I walked over to the wall watching myself in the mirror as my breasts bounced a little with each step. Mistress said, “Enjoy that bounce, once you get your one-piece corsets there won’t be much bounce. The cups will be much more rigid and the whole top of the corset will hold you much more firmly than any bra can. We have to start this way because your one-piece corsets will all have to be custom-made. Now that they have all your measurements they can start on your first one and we’ll have it in a week or so. The others will have to wait until we return from our trip to Europe when the surgical changes to your body are complete.” Rhonda came back with five long flat boxes. They must have been two feet long and about six inches wide and several inches deep. She set them on the desk and took the lid off one and lifted out my new corset. It was white with a pattern of shiny flowers woven into the cloth. I could see many garters hanging from one end and it had lacing everywhere. It was obviously very stiff. Rhonda showed it to Mistress and I could hear her telling Mistress, “We have these made up specially for this type of training. We are able to gain more reduction on girls like yours by using both back and side lacing. Her one-piece corsets will have a similar lacing pattern. The busks are extra heavy and completely rigid on this model and of course the boning is our heaviest. You can decide later, if you want them this heavy on her other corsets. These two are identical so you switch off each day. At least two corsets are required for continuous wear so you don’t have to leave her uncorseted to wash it. The other two are the shorter ones you ordered for wear with her braces. Oh yes, the rubber bathing corset is there also. They’ll need to use that one when they cast her for her braces. Shall we get to work.”Rhonda came over to where I was standing in front of the mirror with the corset. She stood in front of me and reached around me with both hands taking one edge of the front of the corset in each hand and drawing it around me. As she worked I got my first close look at it. The pretty cloth with the shiny flowers was only the outer covering. The inside of the corset was a very heavy fabric. It was as heavy as canvas only very tightly woven and very smooth. It was almost slick. I could see that there was a row of lacing the full-length of the corset in back and on each side. Between the rows of lacing there were doubled rows of boning every inch.The front was like nothing I had ever seen before. The edges were completely rigid, except at the very bottom of the corset. I could see by the stitching that whatever stiffened the edge was about an inch wide and from the degree of stiffness, which I assumed must be steel. The way it fastened was new to me. On one side little metal pegs stuck out on the front surface just in from the edge. They were shiny steel and mushroom shaped with a larger head than body. There were eight of them. On the other side little half round metal tabs stuck out from the edge and each had a keyhole shaped slot in it. Each tab would slip over its mating peg and lock in place. There was certainly no way it would come unfastened accidentally. Below the rigid part three large hook and eyes would hold the front closed.Rhonda pulled the corset around me and hooked the bottom tab over its peg. She worked her way up hooking each tab over its mating peg. The corset wasn’t at all tight on me, just a little snug around the waist, but of course she hadn’t done anything with the laces yet. She bent down and fastened the three hook and eyes at the bottom. The bottom of the corset came down over the top of my thighs. In fact, the hook and eye fasteners were below my crotch. The top of the corset was right below my breasts. It was actually curved a little so the sides came up alongside my breasts and the rigid center section came up between them a little. It wasn’t tight on me yet but already I could tell how rigid it would be. I wouldn’t be able to bend at all.Rhonda went behind me and began working with the laces in the back. She started in the middle and what had been snugness around my waist was soon tightness. She went to the top of the laces next and as she drew than tighter and worked down toward my waist I found it was difficult to take a deep breath. Next she began work at the bottom and it first drew my thighs together and then the tightness spread through my hips and buttocks. I didn’t notice too much change in my groin area but it was already held so tightly by my chastity belt that I didn’t think anything could make that area feel tighter.As Rhonda worked I watched my figure change in the mirror. My waist was slimmer and although the corset was compressing my hips the sliming of my waist actually made them appear more prominent. Rhonda tied off the laces in back and stepped away from me a little. It felt wonderful, my whole torso was being held in the corset’s snug embrace and I loved the feeling.I was trying to imagine how it would feel when she snugged up the side laces a little more when I heard her say, “It’s time to get her hooked up to the lacing bar and start some serious lacing. “I was in such a state of euphoria with my new breasts and corset that I didn’t give her last comment too much thought as Mistress crooked her finger motioning me over to the center of the room. I found myself standing directly under the cable hoist with the wooden bar attached. I was still admiring my new figure in the mirrors when Rhonda pressed a button on the wall by the desk and the wooden bar began lowering on the end of its cable.Soon it was hanging right in front of me and Mistress took my right hand and strapped the leather cuff around my rest and buckled it tight. Next she strapped the other cuff on my left wrist and Rhonda immediately pressed another button and the bar began raising. Mistress told me, “It will be easier and more comfortable for you if you hold onto the bar.” I wrapped my hands around the bar and Mistress unhooked the chains from the ends of the bar and refastened them so there was no slack in the chains. By the time Mistress had finished refastening the chains it was over my head and in just a few seconds my arms were stretched straight up as I held the bar. Rhonda released the button and the bar stopped its movement. She opened a drawer in the desk and removed two more of the heavy leather cuffs. She handed them to Mistress who then strapped one to each of my ankles and fastened the lengths of chain to the ring mounted on the floor between my feet.My euphoria with my breasts and corset was replaced by apprehension at what was coming next. It looked like I was about to be stretched. Rhonda held her finger on the button as the bar pulled me first onto my tip toes and then even higher to where my feet were not touching the ground and my entire weight was hanging from the bar. The chains attaching the cuffs around my ankles to the floor were not quite tight but they were very close.The corset felt looser on me, but Rhonda and Mistress were standing on either side of me and beginning to tighten the side laces of my corset. They started at the middle again and what had been pleasantly tight around my waist now became a crushing force squeezing me unmercifully. I was having difficulty breathing and they hadn’t even begun to tighten it around my chest yet. I blurted out, “Please Mistress not so tight.” As soon as the words left my lips I knew the mistake I had made and at least I was smart enough not to say anything else. Mistress turned and immediately walked out of the room. Rhonda merely stood and looked at me with what I took to be a look of disdain. I don’t know if it was because I had spoken without permission or because I didn’t want the corset any tighter. Mistress was back very quickly and she was carrying the black leather helmet. Without a word she slipped it over my head and arranged it so the openings were over my eyes. She worked the tubes up into my nostrils and then forced the gag into my mouth and buckled the strap holding yet there.She went behind me and I could feel her tightening the laces that pulled the helmet tightly around my head and neck. She tied off the laces then grabbed the bulb on the end of the tube leading to the gag. As I watched her squeeze the bulb I felt the gag inflating in my mouth pressing my tongue down and my cheeks out against the helmet. She dropped to the bulb and went back to my side and both their fingers went back to the side laces of the corset. I was glad she hadn’t buckled the blindfold in place. I could already see how much slimmer my waist appeared and I did want to watch my new figure develop. Mistress and Rhonda worked as a team beautifully. They began working at the top of the laces and the pressure on my chest took on the same crushing feel as that at my waist. I could only breathe with short shallow breaths but with those breaths only my upper chest rose and fell and with it my new breasts. The rest of my chest was trapped in the corset so movement above the corset was much more pronounced. I was fascinated with watching myself breathe. It looked so sexy to me. I had always enjoyed watching female opera singers as their breasts rose and fell. Their fingers went to the bottom of the laces and my thighs were squeezed even tighter together. As they worked up my hips and buttocks got the same treatment and as my buttocks were squeezed in and together the pressure from the plug in my rectum grew. I hadn’t thought the pressure in my groin could be any greater but I had been wrong.I had never believed to stories about women fainting as they were tight laced in the Victorian era. I believed them now, I felt as if I would faint at anytime. I wondered if Mistress had smelling salts with her. They both tied off their laces and stepped away from me. Rhonda said, “Let’s get some stockings on her and give her a little rest while the corset and her body adjust to each other. I’ve got some that will cover all that ugly hair on her legs.” She went over to the desk again and retrieved a flat package from a drawer. When she ripped it open a pair of light tan support stockings fell out on the desk top. Scooping them up and returned and knelt at my feet. She unstrapped the cuff on my right ankle and after working the stocking into a ring between her fingers she slipped it over my foot. As she drew it with some difficulty slowly up my leg it felt tight against my skin and the feeling was more sensual the higher she got. Just a couple of inches below the bottom of my corset the stocking was tight and she fastened first the front and then the side and rear garters to the top of the stocking.It felt great and even her strapping the cuff around my ankle again didn’t diminish the feeling. She quickly went to my left leg and repeated the same operations. It felt even more sensual as she worked her way up my other leg and after she had fastened all three garters on that side I didn’t even notice her strapping that cuff back in place. My eyes were closed as I savored the feelings. The unrelenting pressure of the corset was crushing but not painful and something I had dreamed of feeling all my life.I had been so involved with trying to breathe and with what Mistress and Rhonda were doing that I hadn’t really been looking at myself in the mirrors for a while. I looked now and was amazed. There hanging from the wooden lacing bar was a woman’s body. With the leather helmet covering my face and head and the stockings hiding the hair on my legs all signs of my maleness were gone. The tightness of the stockings seemed to make my ankles slimmer and reshape my calves into a more feminine shape. The stockings covering my legs and attached to the garters on the bottom of my corset completed not just the covering of my whole body but its transformation into a shape I had never dreamed possible. I was beautiful.Rhonda went over to the wall and pressed the button lowering the bar. She only pressed it for a few seconds but it dropped far enough that my feet were now bearing my weight and I could feel myself settling down into my corset. It made it even tighter but pressed my breasts and the flesh of my upper chest up creating a mound of flesh above each of my breast forms. It created a hint of cleavage that was more pronounced with each shallow breath I took in. It looked like I really had breasts of my own, quite large ones. With the molding of my shape from the corset I had a figure most women would kill for and most men would worship. I was having some difficulty standing upright. The weight of my breast forms was trying to pull me forward and the rigidity of the corset prevented me from arching my back a little to counteract it. I tried leaning back and letting the lacing bar support me. I released the bar and let the cuffs around my wrists take the load. That was much better and I was able to relax a little. I tried to concentrate on breathing with the upper portion of my chest only because of course my corset certainly wasn’t going to allow any movement below my breasts. It seemed to work and my breathing became a little less labored.An added benefit was my breasts and my chest above them rose and fell even more as I breathed. I was mesmerized watching myself. My new found relaxation was almost destroyed when I heard Rhonda tell Mistress, “We’ll give her an hour or two for the corset to mold to her a little and for her body to do some adjusting. Why don’t you grab some lunch and when you get back we’ll laced her down to where she should be.”There was nothing I could do to change what was going to be done to me so I tried not to worry about it. I was finding myself very sensual and was becoming aware of other surprising feelings so I just let myself drift. The crushing tightness of my corset was beginning to feel more like a tight embrace, my new life embracing me and holding me tight, as a lover would hold me. The soft pressure of my breast forms against my chest and against my own unformed breasts felt like my breasts held snuggly in the cups of my bra. I felt that if I could touch the nipples I could see so prominently protruding through my bra cups I would actually feel it and I imagined the feelings it would give me. Or the feel of my lover holding my breasts in his hands as he kissed and sucked my nipples. I could almost feel my nipples rubbing the inside of my bra cups. I was very aware of the plug in my rectum and I experimented with tightening myself around it. It felt good, very good. I imagined that it was a cock buried deep in my pussy and as I tightening and released myself around it I could almost feel it driving in an out as my lover took me. I must have let myself really drift into this fantasy because I was suddenly brought back to reality by the lacing bar being hoisted toward the ceiling again.As my eyes us snapped open I saw Mistress standing right in front of me. There was no way she could have known what I was thinking but I could feel myself blushing under the leather of the helmet and her smile told me that she knew exactly what I had been thinking. I was struggling to get my hands back around the bar and take the load of my wrists as the bar lifted my feet from the ground again. I finally got my fingers around the bar and slowly inched my hands around it and held tight. Rhonda must have been right because my corset didn’t feel as tight as it had before but she was standing behind me and untied my back laces and quickly corrected that situation.It seemed only seconds before the corset was again gripping me even tighter than it had when they had first tightened all my laces. It felt as if I was being cut in half at the waist and I was again struggling for every breath. I felt light headed and was afraid I would faint any second. I heard Rhonda saying, “We’ll give her a few more minutes and then finish lacing her down to where she really should be.” How could they possibly laced me any tighter than I already was? As I hung there struggling to breathe they left the room and returned a few minutes later with coffee. It struck me so strange that such immense changes were occurring for me and I struggling to even get enough air to survive and they were calmly having a cup of coffee. By the time they had finished their coffee my discomfort (such an understatement) had decreased a little. I was able to get a little more air into my lungs and the tightness of my corset didn’t seem to be entirely unbearable anymore.Rhonda reached over to the switch on the wall that controlled the hoist and any hopes I had of relief were dashed when her finger pressed the top or up button. The lacing bar lifted me even higher and when the chains connecting my ankles to the floor became taut it began stretching me even more. I thought my arms were going to be ripped from my shoulders before she finally released the button. Now I knew what a medieval torture rack felt like. I could see the reason for the stretching though.My corset did not feel as tight as it had just seconds ago. She and Mistress went to the sides of me and untied my side laces and began working on them. They worked swiftly and the crushing tightness I had known minutes before returned and was surpassed. This was truly unbearable and they were still tightening the laces. I felt as if my ribs would be crushed and it was truly cutting me in half. Breathing was out of the question and I was screaming for Mistress to release me. Of course with the gag in my mouth and very little air entering or leaving my lungs all that could be heard were some very soft mumbles from within my leather helmet.A veil of darkness floated down over me as I lost consciousness. My earlier question about smelling salts was answered as their sharp aroma brought me back to consciousness. They were finished lacing me and the laces were tied off as they stood back admiring their work. My eyes went to the mirror and I was shocked. I had been beautiful before but now I was stunning. My waist was even smaller and below my waist my body swelled and flowed smoothly into perfectly shaped hips. My hips flowed smoothly into my thighs and my legs looked really good. The only thing marring the picture was the urine bag strapped to my right thigh.Rhonda went over to the switch and pressed the lower button. I began to drop down and once my feet were back on the floor my body tried to settle back to its original pre-stretched length. I settled into my corset a little but there was really no place in there for me to go. It was as if the laces were being tightened even more and the dark veil settled over me once more. This time they allowed me to regain consciousness without the smelling salts and I slowly became aware of my surroundings and the corset so intimately imprisoning my body. It seemed a little less unbearable now and I was moving some air. Mistress and Rhonda were over by the desk and Rhonda was showing her a belt of some kind. There was no doubt in my mind whose belt it was. It was made of shiny polished steel and about three inches wide. It was slightly concave from the outside and was obviously designed to go around my waist. They turned and were walking over toward me as Rhonda continued talking to Mistress, “I am amazed that we got a five inch reduction and this will guarantee that she doesn’t do anything to undo it. It not only covers the knots but we’ll slip it through the loops so there is no way to knots can be untied.”I could see that at the open side of the belt one end had a piece sticking up with a hole in it and the other end had a whole role of slots about the size of the piece that stuck up. Rhonda put the belt around the with the opening in the back, putting it through the loops of the knots that held my laces closed. She then took what looked like a large c-clamp and hooked it to each end of the belt. She was talking to Mistress as she worked, “It has to be quite snug so it can’t be slipped from over the knots. The installation tool here makes sure you can get it tight enough. You hook one end over the lock tab and the other through the slot furthest from the end of the belt and when you turn the handle it draws the ends of the belt together and then overlapping so it can be locked. Then just slip the closest slot over the tab and click the lock in place.”I watched her turn the handle and felt the belt tighten around my waist adding even more pressure to me. And I watched her slip a padlock through the whole in the tab and click it closed. That one little padlock seemed to represent the enormity of what I had agreed to let Mistress do to me and my helplessness to control any aspect of my life anymore. I wasn’t sorry, I was actually looking forward to it but I did now realize what it really meant.Rhonda knelt down and unstrapped the cuffs from my ankles. Then she went over to the wall and pressed the button to lower the lacing bar all the way down. I didn’t know if I could stand without support but although I swayed a little I managed to stay on my feet. Rhonda came back and unstrapped my wrists and led me over to the desk. She gave me her arm to lean on and I needed it. Walking was difficult. My thighs were held so tightly together by my corset that I could only take short steps and my whole sense of balance was altered. The weight of my breasts pulled me forward and the rigidity of the corset prevented me from making any of the small movements we normally used to balance ourselves.We made it to the desk and I leaned against it as I tried to catch my breath. Mistress took my hands in hers and said, “You did very well Teresa and I am proud of you. Teresa is your new name and you are going to be a beautiful woman and you will be Teresa for the rest of your life.” She opened the valve and let the gag deflate. Then she loosened the laces on the back of the helmet and removed it from me. “You can get dressed now.” she told me. I looked over to the corner where I had left my clothes but they weren’t there. I turned back to Mistress and she laughed and said, “You couldn’t wear those ugly things now you silly girl. I threw them all away. Your clothes are in that bag. Now get dressed.” She had indicated a bag sitting on top of the desk and my hands shook as I took the bag and opened it.I took the items from the bag and lay them on the desk. There was a white silk long sleeve blouse, a blue pleated skirt, a half slip and a pair of two inch high heeled pumps. There was also a wig in the bag. It was a dark blond, about the color of my own hair. I put the blouse on first. It felt marvelous as my hands and arms slid through the silk sleeves and as silk settled on my bare shoulders. I couldn’t understand the trouble I was having buttoning it until I realized the buttons were on the wrong side. Even then I had trouble, it seemed like such a simple task was changed so much by the buttons being on the other side and they were also so small and dainty compared to what I was used to. I finally got all of them fastened and then tackled they ones at the cuffs. I had a little less trouble with them and turned to look at myself in the mirror. I loved what I saw and especially was thrilled the way it was tented out over my breasts and by my nipples making proud little bumps where my blouse stretched across my breasts.I picked up my new skirt and saw it was what I now know you call a dropped yoke skirt. The top part is smooth for about six or eight inches and then the pleats start. I always liked that style because the smooth top part seemed to accentuate a woman’s hips as they swell out from her waist. Now it would be my hips swelling out from my new slim waist. The waistband had a button that closed it and a zipper that ran down to the bottom of the smooth top part. I undid the button and opened the zipper and started to bend over to put my foot into my skirt. Start was all I did. I couldn’t bend. I looked to Mistress but she just said, “Work it out. You are always going to be wearing a corset so you will have to figure out how to do things.”I could bend at my hips so I bent as far forward as I could keeping one hand on the desk to steady myself and lifted my right leg to get my foot into my skirt. It was a real strain but I made it, now for the left. It was harder because with the skirt around my left leg I had to bend my knee more and it was a bit of the struggle and I felt very unsteady. I succeeded but when I started to pull my skirt up I discovered I was standing on it with my left foot. It was a little embarrassing. I started to button it at the front and Mistress spoke up, “On the left side.” I had so much to learn. I finally got it buttoned, the zipper pulled up and looked in the mirror.I loved the way I looked and my skirt d****d over my hips and down to the pleats just the way I had admired on other women. I picked up my slip and went through the same procedure getting my feet and legs into it and pulled it up into place under my skirt and smoothed my skirt down over it. I couldn’t believe how good it felt as I rubbed my hands over my hips and groin and felt my skirt sliding on my slip underneath. I was wondering how I would get my feet into those beautiful pumps when Mistress said, “Just drop them on the floor and then work your feet into them. Get your toes started into the toe portion and then you can stand them up and just slip your foot in.” I was a little clumsy with it but it actually went quite well and soon I was standing on my pair of high heels. They weren’t very high but they weren’t flats either. Mistress picked up my new wig and placed it on my head. It was about shoulder length and had bangs that came down to just about to my eyebrows. As Mistress was brushing it out a little I marveled at the feel of my hair brushing my neck and my bangs tickling my forehead. I looked in the mirror and a woman looked back me. She didn’t have any makeup or jewelry on but she was beautiful. Those things would come and she would be even more beautiful. I couldn’t believe the woman I was looking at was me. Mistress interrupted my admiring myself with, “It’s time we got you home now. You still have some new experiences before this day is over.” She handed me the leather helmet and said, “You carry this, it is yours after all.” She headed for the door and I followed her. This was the first time I had tried walking without help and I had regained some of my strength and was doing pretty well. With every step the plug strapped into me seemed to move around and make its presence known and there were quite a few steps because the corset limited me to very short steps. I wasn’t really having any trouble with my new shoes and I loved the clicking sound they made as we walked down the linoleum floored hallway. As we went through the display room Mistress called out to the woman behind the counter, “Call her when her custom corsets are ready.”Mistress was out the door and onto the sidewalk before I was halfway through the display room. I only hesitated slightly before I stepped through the front door of the shop and out into the world for the first time as Teresa. Two men were walking toward me about 20 feet away as I crossed the sidewalk to the car. One of them let out a wolf whistle and nothing has ever thrilled me like his obvious appreciation of the way I looked. Mistress was already behind the wheel with her door closed by the time I got to the car and after I opened the door I realized I wasn’t going to be able to just jump in the way I normally do. I stood there confused for a minute trying to figure out how to get into the car at all much less do it in a ladylike manner. Normally I stick one foot in and just follow it in sliding into the seat and ducking under the roof. That certainly wouldn’t be ladylike and besides I couldn’t bend my torso enough to get into the car that way and although my skirt was full my slip wasn’t and it wouldn’t even allow me to lift that foot up high enough to stick the first leg in.My mind seemed to be a blank as I tried to remember how Mistress gets into the car. She called to me from the driver’s seat, “Turnaround and sit down backwards onto the seat and then swivel your legs in but remember to keep your knees together. You don’t want to give every man on the street a view up your skirt.” I turned around facing away from the car and tried to gracefully lower myself onto the seat. Graceful I wasn’t as my rigid torso threw me off balance and my butt just flopped down into the seat and the back of my head banged the car roof. Luckily I didn’t knock my wig off. Too late I realized I should have used my hand to tuck my skirt behind my knees as I sat down. It was bunched up underneath me and the front was pulled up high above my knees. So much for ladylike.The man who had whistled at me and his friend were far enough down the street that I don’t think they had seen my flop into the car seat. I started to swivel my legs around and realized I couldn’t just duck down to get my head under the roof and into the car. I had to lean well forward and tuck my chin down at the same time I was swiveling my legs in and keeping my knees together. I managed to get all of me in but it certainly wasn’t graceful, this was something I was going to need to practice a lot. Probably the first of many things I was going to need a lot of practice doing.Mistress was laughing and I could barely understand her as she said, “Well you are in.” I found sitting was not very comfortable. The boning of my corset did not extend down over my thighs in the front but the fabric itself was stiff and was very tight and dug in at the top of my thighs. My weight forced the plug even deeper inside me and I was still not sure whether I liked its presence or not. The only certain thing in my mind about it was my constant awareness of it. Sitting seemed to increase the pressure on my groin but I was a little surprised to realize that I wasn’t aware of my genitals trapped inside my chastity belt. There was no movement of the chastity belt against them or my body and it was almost as if they had ceased to exist.It was awkward reaching around for the seat belt but I liked the way it accentuated my breasts when the strap ran diagonally down between them. Once Mistress got the car moving other new sensations became obvious. I felt every motion of the car in several new and very pleasant ways. My breasts moved and I could feel it both against my chest and with larger dips and bumps in the straps over my shoulders. The other sensation was the plug. It was as if it was alive inside of me. I was very glad Mistress was driving because I would not have been able to concentrate on controlling the car.I suddenly was very aware of my cock inside its prison as it tried to grow with all the new stimulus I was experiencing. I reclined the seat a little, leaned my head back and just tried to enjoy it all. I was so tired from all the days’ activities that it was only a matter of minutes before I felt myself drifting into a dreamy state of bliss. I was aware of Mistress’s hand moving down to the console between the seats and flipping the suspension control switch from “smooth” past “sport” to “high performance” and her saying, “Enjoy yourself Teresa.” I feel the car’s ride become firmer immediately. It’s transmitting every variation in the roads surface directly to my body and the areas that are so newly susceptible to stimulus. I know the breasts I feel responding to each little movement were only silicone but now they are my own. Somehow they have become my own flesh. I can feel my nipples hardening as I get more aroused and they so sensitive. The pressure inside my chastity belt and the pressure I feel from the plug inside me have merged and become something entirely different.The dildo deep in my pussy is driving me wild and something is pressing my clit and massaging it. Is it a dildo or is it my lover? It must be him, his pubic bone is what I feel hard against my clit. I can feel his weight pressing down on my whole torso and especially my groin. His strong arms are holding me in a tight embrace. His wonderful cock is throbbing inside me and his every movement sends new chills through me. Feelings I have never known are growing deep inside my pelvis. I want him deeper within me and I tense my muscles and try to draw him in. The chills are becoming tremors, emanating somewhere in the very center of me and flowing throughout my body. My pelvis thrusts against him, forcing his cock deeper yet and my clit hard against him.I grind myself against his hard body and feel his arms clench tighter yet about me. What started as a small warm glow in the center of me is growing and overpowering my whole body. I tremble uncontrollably and thrusting myself against him as he drives deeper and deeper within me. My nipples are on fire as I press my breasts hard against his chest. I shudder and quiver without control as my first orgasm explodes inside me and I squeeze my pussy tight around his cock and hold on for dear life.I ride this peak of monumental emotions for several minutes until a relaxation as deep as the other was strong overwhelms me and I collapse back into the seat. A relaxation combined with satisfaction and a glow radiating to my very fingers and toes. I must have dropped off to sleep because I wasn’t aware of anything else until I felt Mistress shaking my shoulder and saying, “We’re home Teresa. You seemed to really enjoy the ride home. You wait here while I check and make sure everything is ready for you.” I had no idea what she meant by “ready for me” but I nodded in compliance and relaxed back in the seat. I wasn’t sure I had the strength to get out of the car anyway and as I became more awake I remembered what must have been a dream and I wanted to explore those memories while they were still fresh.Mistress opened her door and after she got out of the car she turned back to me and looked at me with a knowing smile. She winked at me as she said, “The very first time is special for any girl. I know exactly how you are feeling.” With that little bombshell she crossed the garage and went through the door into the kitchen leaving me alone with my thoughts. Did she mean what I thought she meant? I couldn’t think of any other meaning and if that was the case it must not have been a dream. Now I was really confused. The memories of what had happened weren’t muddled or fragmented like those of a dream normally are.In addition the glow and feeling of satisfaction I had felt were still very real. How was it possible and more than that, Why? I knew that stimulus other than directly to the genitals could bring a woman to orgasm. I had done that for Mistress on occasion but it certainly didn’t make a man cum. For that matter, I hadn’t cum. What I had felt was entirely different than anything I ever experienced, different and better.It was what Mistress told me it was like for a woman. The “Why?” again. Nothing had been done to me to make me a woman, only to look like one. Nothing had really been done to me at all except the clothes and undergarments I was wearing and while the change was dramatic it sure hadn’t changed me. When the doctor forced me to cum it was like it had always been, other than being forced. The only change in “me” was that I truly understood what it was like to be a submissive and under the control of others. I had always dreamed of dressing and looking like a woman but I didn’t want to be a woman. Being submissive surely didn’t make me a woman.The ones controlling me all day had all been women and they certainly weren’t submissive. It had really happened. Memories were too clear and detailed for it to have been a dream and Mistress’s comments only verified that. I couldn’t imagine why it had happened and I guess at the moment didn’t really care. I still felt so good I decided to just relax and savor the feelings. I was still “savoring” when Mistress returned.”Come on now you blushing girl, everything is ready for you.” I opened the door and was forced with a new problem. How do I get out of the car? The old “stick a foot out and stand up” wouldn’t do. Swivel my legs out and then stand up seemed like the answer but when I did my head was still inside and there was no way I would be able to duck enough as I stood to get it out. I swiveled them back in and tried leaning forward and ducking as I swiveled and it worked but when I tried to stand up I couldn’t get my but out of the seat. Mistress finally prompted, “Lean forward to get your weight over your feet.” It worked and I was able to get to my feet. I felt a little weak and wobbly but was on my feet and followed her into the kitchen. She led me into the living room and motioned me down on the couch. This time I tried leaning forward to get my weight over my feet and my descent to sitting was much more graceful. I also remembered to use my hand to bring my skirt up behind my knees and it was smooth under me and d****d over my knees as it should be. A quick “Your knees.” from Mistress reminded me to bring them together and not sprawl the way I always had before.Sitting back on the couch with my back against the backrest was uncomfortable in my corset and I tried scooting forward and perching on the front of the cushion the way I seen Mistress and other woman do and I discovered that was much better. Mistress sat down on the love seat across the coffee table from me and proceeded to explain what “ready for me” meant. Before we had decided to sell this house and move to the mountain property Mistress had asked me if I had any objections to her converting one of our spare bedrooms into a room for her to use for her hobbies. I had of course agreed and she had been handling the conversion herself. Workmen had been coming and going but I hadn’t seen any of the changes. She had said she wanted to surprise me with it when it was entirely finished. Now she “surprised” me and informed me that the converted room was going to be my room.I was her new hobby and I would be spending most of my time in that room and sleeping there. She told me that we would have a long talk later tonight about all the new changes in my life but first we would have a quick dinner and she would show me my new room. I couldn’t see it now because once she took me into it she wanted to start getting me ready for the night and we wouldn’t have time for dinner. Besides Helen, the nurse from the doctor’s office, was due at eight and it was already almost seven. She had my curiosity running at fever pitch but I knew her well enough not to bother with any questions, especially in light bahis siteleri of our new Mistress-slave relationship.The only thing we did before dinner was take me into the bathroom and show me how to empty the urine bag strapped to my leg. Dinner was leftovers from a couple of nights before and she had me heat and serve dinner. Although I was starving after the day’s events I found my corset would only allow me to hold a few bites. Mistress commented that I would have to get used to eating less and that the corset would have the added advantage of helping me to lose weight. When I lost weight I could be laced even smaller.”All in all a good thing,” she said. I had just finished clearing the table and loading the dishwasher when Helen arrived. The three of us headed down the hall to my new room. I was curious but extremely apprehensive. It’s good I didn’t know what awaited me or I might have bolted and run. No I probably wouldn’t have. All my dreams waited in that room only I would learn the real meaning of, “Be careful what you ask for. You may get it.”The room she had chosen for her hobby room was at the back of the house and the largest bedroom, other than our master suite and had an attached bath that was accessible only from the bedroom. Mistress led Helen and I down the hall, opened the door and motioned me in first. As soon as I stepped into the doorway I froze in shock. She gave me a push from behind and I stepped into the room and she and Helen followed me. It was too much to take in all at once. The room and it’s contents astonished me. My concentration on what lay before me was broken as I heard the door close and when I turned to look Mistress was taking a chain from around her neck.A chain with a key on it that she used to lock the deadbolt on the door. A little fear joined my apprehension now and as I looked around the room they both grew as did my anticipation to experience some of the items that filled the room. Mistress told me to go ahead and look around a little. Where to start? Probably the most striking feature of the room itself is that all the walls were covered with floor to ceiling mirrors. The only thing breaking the expanse of mirrors was the door to the bathroom and if it was like the closed door behind me it was also mirrored.The windows had been covered over so the room was sealed off from the outside world completely. Recessed florescent lights in the ceiling provided illumination and the room was as bright as any I had ever seen. The ceiling had another feature that it took me a minute to figure out. Some sort of tracks radiated out from the center of the ceiling, eight in all. They ran from the center to each corner and to the midpoint of each wall. The one going to the wall with the door to the bathroom ran through the doorway into the bathroom. The doorway ran all the way to the ceiling so the track appeared to be uninterrupted.At the center of the room where the tracks all met were two electric cable hoists like they had used at the corset shop for the lacing bar. These both had a control box, with up and down switches, hanging from an electrical cable attached to the hoist. I could understand why I would need a lacing bar at home but why the tracks and why two hoists? It looked like the hoist could be moved along the tracks to any place in the room and even into the bathroom. I looked down at the floor and sure enough, there in the center was a steel ring. The floor was covered with vinyl tile. The contents of the room looked more like a hospital than anything else.The first thing my eyes locked onto was something I had only seen in pictures. An Iron Lung, a real Iron Lung. I walked across the room to it not believing my eyes. The big white horizontal cylinder must have been eight feet long and about three feet in diameter. It was supported by a steel framework and 3 sets of legs with casters at the bottom of each leg. I could see the machinery underneath and the linkage that came up to operate the bellows on one end that would force air into and suck it out of the chamber to breathe for the person enclosed within. At the other end of the chamber was a hole in the very center. It wasn’t just a hole but an opening with a foam rubber collar clamped into it. The collar was loosely covered with thin sheet rubber. Four clamps with large round hand wheels were spaced around the collar and seemed to hold it in place. The end of the chamber containing the collar was a separate piece and I looked at the two big clamps that held it to the body of the tank and drew it tight to make an airtight seal. Below the collar two rods projected out and supported a leather covered headrest.Over the top of the end was a large rectangular mirror. Two long, rectangular clear windows ran the length of the chamber on each side and four round ports with covers that could be opened to allow access to the Lung’s occupant ran below the windows on each side. Did it really work. The cord running from the machinery underneath was plugged into the wall. It must work. I looked through one of the windows in the side and could see a cot running the length of the chamber.It was covered with a clean white sheet. On either side of the cot ran a shiny steel tube and attached to the tubes where some sort of brackets with wide padded leather straps attached. Someone was going to be not only enclosed in there but they would be strapped immobile as well. That someone was going to be me. It was difficult to drag myself away from a device that had fascinated me all my life but I continued my tour of the room.There was an examining table identical to the one I had been strapped to in the doctors office a few hours before but that was no surprise after hearing the doctor and Mistress talk. There were two wheeled carts at the foot of the Iron Lung. One held a metal box about two feet square with dials and controls all over one side. The box was marked “Monahagn Negative Pressure Respirator”. A corrugated hose about the size of a vacuum cleaner hose ran from the box to the center of a gray plastic shell resting on the lower shelf. The shell looked like it would cover a persons chest and abdomen. The edges had wide rubber seals and there were straps that looked like they would wrap around the person and hold it in place.It was sort of a portable Iron Lung and I would learn later that they are called cuirasses. The other cart held a similar box that was a little smaller. It was marked “Bennett Positive Pressure Respirator” and also had a hose attached only it ran to what looked like a gas mask with round eye pieces and many straps that would hold it tightly to someone’s head.There was a wheeled hospital gurney along one wall and an electric wheelchair that looked much heavier and more complex than any I had seen and had a very high back and even a headrest. The gurney and wheelchair both had a generous supply of the padded leather straps I was becoming so used to seeing. Standing up against the same wall was a backboard like you see used by ambulance crews with accident victims and what I recognized as a “Stokes Litter, a wire mesh frame that a person lies down in instead of on. Both with the now customary straps. A small swivel chair on casters completed the furnishings. The one thing I expected and didn’t see anywhere in the room was a bed. One wall didn’t have anything against it and the mirrors looked a little odd. I walked over to it and realized that it was a series of doors, all covered with mirrors. I opened one and saw my two old back braces hanging inside among many empty hooks. I opened the one next to it and it also included many hooks only they were all full. There were more of the padded leather straps in all sizes and lengths, leather helmets like I had worn for so much of the day and four or five harnesses of some kind made up of leather straps with buckles and round steel rings everywhere on them. Other things didn’t recognize and had no idea what they were filled the other hooks. I opened the next door and it was filled with drawers. I was starting to pull one open when Mistress called out to me. “You’ll get familiar with everything there in time. Don’t worry about it all now. The next couple of doors are for your new clothes and they are almost empty now so don’t bother opening them. You might be interested in the bathroom but hurry, we have things to get done. It’s almost your bedtime.”I went into the bathroom and the hospital look was just as evident there. The most obvious was the large stainless steel tank. It was a the****utic whirlpool like they had used when I was going through physical therapy after my back injury. It was a good eight feet long and 4 feet high. There was no bathtub or shower but there was something that sort of resembled a toilet.It was too high to sit on and didn’t have a seat anyway. It didn’t really look like a urinal but I guess it could have been used for one. It had a spout above it and two foot pedals at the bottom. I stepped on one and water came out the spout. I stepped on the other and it flushed like a toilet. There was a stainless steel counter and sink that would have looked more in place in a kitchen or hospital I guess. Above and below the counter where some cabinets, all with locks. I returned to the room and saw that they had been busy while I had been gone.A lacing bar was hanging from one of the hoists and a small leather harness of some kind from the other. They were obviously waiting for me and Mistress asked, “Well Teresa are you ready to get out of your corset and have a nice hot bath?””Oh yes Mistress, that sounds wonderful.””Well get out of your skirt and blouse and Rhonda and I will let you out of your corset.”I quickly removed my skirt and blouse and Mistress took them from me and hung them behind one of the mirrored doors. She motioned me over to the lacing bar. I didn’t know why she would need it to remove my corset but I knew enough to not question her. She quickly applied the leather cuffs to my wrists and raised the bar to where my hands were well above my head but supporting any of my weight. She lowered the cable from the other hoist that had the little leather harness I had noticed. She placed the harness over my head and worked one strap under my chin and the other low on the back of my neck. Then she buckled a strap on each side that joined the front and rear straps. The harness was firmly strapped to my head.Helen handed her another strap and it had one of those inflatable gags on it. She held it up to my mouth and the look in her eyes told me that my only option was to open my mouth. She inserted it and quickly buckled it to each side of the harness holding it firmly in place with the leather flange tight against my lips. She pumping the bulb on the end of the tube until my mouth was filled with the firmly inflated rubber.As she raised both hoists I found myself being lifted by my head and arms. She didn’t lift me clear of the ground but part of my weight was being supported. She went over and retrieved 2 more straps with short lengths of chain attached from behind the second door I had opened and knelt down and removed my shoes, unclipped my garters, unstrapped my urine bag, removed my stockings and reattached the urine bag to my leg. Then she secured my ankles to the ring on the floor with the straps and chains. She raised the hoists again until I was suspended with the chains connected to my ankles tight.My arms and head were supporting my full weight but I wasn’t being stretched like when my final lacing was done. She explained to my that when a corset laced as tightly as mine was removed the sudden release could be very painful and this way I would be supported and then they could slowly return support of my body to my bones and muscles. She unlocked and removed the steel belt from around my waist and then they began loosening my laces. It was a little painful as the pressure was released but the new freedom was very welcome.Once all the laces were relaxed she unhooked the busk and removed my corset and hung it over a bar inside the clothes closet section where she had hung my skirt and blouse. She unhooked my bra and removed it. I noticed that the shoulder straps had fasteners of some kind that could be disconnected so she didn’t have to release my arms to get the bra off my arms. She removed my forms and put them in a drawer in the wall unit and hung my bra over the bar by my corset. It felt wonderful to be free of the tremendous confinement of my corset but I didn’t like having my breasts removed.I looked in the mirror and didn’t like the body I saw there. Mistress unlocked the two padlocks securing my chastity belt and unfastened the strap between my legs from the rear of belt and pulled the strap through my butt plug and left the strap dangling between my legs. My own muscles were holding the plug in place. I tried to expel it but it wouldn’t budge.Mistress came around in front of me and disconnected the tube from my catheter to my urine bag. She lifted the front outer portion of my chastity and pulled the tube back through the hole in the cover. For the first time I saw the inside of the chastity. My penis was pointed straight down and nestled in a trough formed in a very thick piece of rubber that tapered down in thickness out to the edges of the chastity. A thin piece of rubber stretched over the trough and hooked at one side held my penis in the trough.She removed that thin cover and went behind me and undid the straps that held the belt closed in the back. As she released it she held it in place in the front and then eased it down and allowed my penis to slip back through the hole in the front above the chastity. She pulled my catheter tube through the hole and then reattached it to my bag. She went into the bathroom with my chastity belt and when she returned she stopped in front of me and looked me in the eyes and said, “Now it’s time to tell you how things are going to be.””You are free for the last time until your training is complete, possible forever depending on how well you adapt to your new life. You will never be out of some sort of restraint, either physical or chemical. This sort of suspension is the simplest form the physical will take and you will learn about the chemical in a few minutes. You could call it a life of leisure because you will not have to perform any sort of labor or even household chores. You won’t be able to. The only thing you will be able to do is experience and feel the things I do to you, all things you have dreamed of. Tomorrow we have an appointment with an orthopedic appliance shop where we will have you measured for every type of brace you have ever imagined wearing and wear them you will.When you are not in suspension, strapped into or on something or chemically restrained you will be encased in braces from your head to your feet and be incapable of movement except as I may allow. Elimination of your body wastes will be handled by an In dwelling catheter like you are wearing now and by a “Bardex” catheter like you experienced at the doctors office this morning. I will feed you or designate someone else to feed you when not supplying nourishment by IV or stomach tube. I can bring you to orgasm whenever I desire and completely under my control so you see you have no control over any aspect of your life whatsoever.””You may wonder why I am going to all the trouble of molding your figure and giving you breast implants if you are going to be imprisoned as I’ve described. Your experience in the car this afternoon is why. You were given an example of what you may expect if you complete your training successfully. And what you’ll be denied if you don’t. The feelings your breasts and your corsets and the very appearance of your body will remind you of what you are striving for. If you are successful you will be surgically changed to a real woman. You will be my slave of course but you will know happiness beyond imagination.””Oh yes, The plug inside of you right now is just one of the many you’ll experience. You’ll never be without one and that little penis there will be locked up at all times except when you are bathing and it won’t always be free even then. You will never be allowed to touch it again. It belongs to me and only I have the authority to touch it or designate someone else to touch it. You will never touch it as long as it is attached to you as a penis. If you are successful it will be converted to a vagina and it will bring you the kind of joy you had a little taste of earlier today.””If you resist me in any way you will fail and your punishment will be severe. I can only tell you that you don’t want to experience the punishment I can inflict on you. Your chemical restraint will be achieved through the use of Curare. It was originally South American poison used on poison arrows and darts. It kills the prey by paralyzing there breathing muscles. It has been refined and improved by modern medicine and is used for many purposes including to totally paralyze a person during surgery or for some other purposes. You are one of those other purposes. When injected it paralyzes all of your skeletal and voluntary muscles. Everything, from your eyelids to the largest muscles including the respiratory muscles. It doesn’t affect the ability to feel, only to move, so you will be able to feel and appreciate everything I do to you while you are paralyzed.The size of the dosage determines the duration of the paralysis and it leaves no after affects. Having you paralyzed will make a lot of things I have to do to you easier and others harder but the main reason is to emphasize your total helplessness and dependency on me. I totally control every aspect of your existence.””I’m going to remove your gag and traction harness now so I can get the respirator mask and a neck brace on you before I inject the Curare. If you have any intelligence at all you won’t utter a word. If you do I’ll inject the Curare and let it take affect before I put the mask and brace on you. You’ll survive but your inability to breathe will be a very unpleasant experience and your head will be flopping around very uncomfortably.””Helen, will you bring the Bennett respirator over here please, and the cervical collar.” My mind was spinning with all she had told me. This was certainly not what I had agreed upon. Actually I guess it was what I had agreed-upon, everything she told me she was going to do was taken care of by the fifteen items on her list but I had never dreamed this was what she had in mind. I couldn’t imagine living the way she described but a part of me wanted to and apparently I had no choice in the matter. She had made it clear that verbal protest would be fruitless and judging from what she had told me physical resistance was not an option either. I truly was completely helpless and totally under her control. I was amazed when I looked at my reflection in their and saw my cock hard and erect. I realized how excited I was about what was coming immediately and in the future and my only real concern was that it would be too much of what I had wanted and dreamed of for so long.The idea of surgery to become a woman was so far in the future that it wasn’t really a concern at that time. I had to much other things to deal with before that became a concern. Mistress lowered the hoists so I was standing on my feet supporting my full weight. She opened the valve releasing the pressure in gag, unbuckled it and removed it from my mouth. There was no temptation to say a word. She released the rest of the straps and removed the harness from my head. By this time Helen had pushed the cart containing the Bennett respirator over and it was in front of me. I saw the box with all of its controls and a hose leading to the heavy appearing, elaborate mask.Also on the cart was what must have been the cervical collar she had referred to. It looked like it was made of heavy plastic or fiberglass with padding inside. I could see it was shaped to fit under my chin and be supported by my upper chest in front and my lower skull and upper back in the back. The front and back portions were connected by wide pieces of plastic with Velcro fastenings at both sides. Mistress told me to lean my head back so she could put moistening drops in my eyes. She said the Curare would paralyze my eyelids and I wouldn’t be able to blink if my eyes were open. The drops would prevent my eyes from drying out. I couldn’t even imagine not being able to blink but I tilted my head back and my vision blurred as she put the drops in. I blinked rapidly to clear my vision and it did clear to a large extent.Mistress picked up the mask and loosened all the straps. She placed it against my face. It completely covered my face and extended about halfway back over my head on top, to just in front of my ears on the side and under my chin. She pulled the straps over my head to the back and began tightening them. They pulled the mask tight against my face and I could feel the wide rubber flanges sealing all around. The respirator didn’t to seem to be operating yet because no air was being forced into the mask but I could breathe normally. I could see easily through the glass eye pieces in front of each eye. The smell of the rubber was slightly stimulating. She took the cervical collar and opened the Velcro on one side and slipped it around my neck and under my chin. She pulled the connection at the side together and fastened the Velcro. It fit snuggly and held my head rigid with me unable to tilt or twist it.Mistress and Helen left me to my thoughts and went into the bathroom. I assumed they were going to prepare my injection and I had plenty of thoughts as I waited for them to return. I would have been glad to wait for a long time but it seemed like only seconds before they returned and Mistress was carrying a hypodermic. She laid it on the cart that was still parked in front of me and I could hear her telling Helen she wanted to check the respirator before starting. She adjusted a few of the knobs and then flicked a toggle switch on the front up. Immediately air flooded the mask and forced it’s way into my lungs. It seemed like it would explode them but then the flow stopped and the air was sucked from them. I thought all the air was exhausted from me but the respirator continued to draw air from me until it seemed to be collapsing my ribs.Then the air started flowing in again and the sequence repeated over and over. I tried to fight it but I was helpless to overcome the demands of the machine. Mistress adjusted some of the knobs again and the flow seemed to be a little less demanding, especially as it sucked the air out. Either that or I got more used to it. I quit fighting and just let it breathe for me and then Mistress turned it off. I almost forgot to breathe for a few seconds.Mistress picked up the syringe and stepped around behind me. My pulse rate must have been over 100 as I waited for the sting on the needle. I felt the coldness of an alcohol wipe and then the sting of the needle. I held my breath waiting for the affects. Nothing happened. Mistress came back around in front and laid the syringe back down on the cart. I could see it was now empty. Nothing seemed to be happening and then I realized I wasn’t blinking. I tried to close my eyelids but they wouldn’t move. Mistress had stepped over beside Helen and I tried to look over at her. I couldn’t move my eyes. About that time I realized my tongue wouldn’t move either. I started to panic and wanted her to turn on the respirator but realized I was still breathing fine.My fingers were slipping from the lacing bar. I couldn’t hold on to it any more. My hands fell free from the bar and hung suspended from the straps around my wrists. Just a second or two later my knees buckled and my full weight was hanging from the bar. I tried to stand up straight again my legs refused to respond. I took a deep breath to try again and my lungs didn’t respond. No air flowed into them. Just as this registered on me I saw Mistress flip the switch on and air flooded into the mask and to my lungs. They filled and then emptied as the respirator took over what I could no longer do. I experimented and discovered I couldn’t move anything. It was the most eerie feeling.I was wondering if they were just going to leave me hanging when I saw Mistress in the mirror. She was bringing the electric wheelchair over behind me. It must have had controls on the back because she was driving it as she walked behind it. She brought it directly behind me and stopped it. I was wondering how they would lift me into it when the seat began to rise. The seat, backrest and even the leg rests were moving and raising up until in about 20 seconds they where all aligned in a straight line and vertical. It looked like a cot standing up straight at the front of the chair. Mistress lifted me with the hoist until I was hanging with my feet about six inches above the floor. She knelt down and removed the straps from my ankles and then moved the chair forward until my feet were over the foot rests. She lowered me until I could feel my feet on the footrests.She swung a padded bar about six inches wide from the side over in front of my shins just below my knees. I heard it click in place and could feel it pressing against my shins. She lowered me just a little more and I could feel that I was leaning back against the seat and backrest. She wrapped wide straps around me at the waist and at my chest and buckled me tightly to the chair. She fastened another strap around my forehead which held my head tight against the headrest. She lowered the hoist more and as my arms came down to my sides my forearms were resting on the arm rests of the chair. Mistress wrapped another strap around each forearm attaching to the chair and then removed the straps attaching me to the lacing bar. She raised the bar out of the way. I felt the chair moving and saw that she was holding a switch on the back of the chair.I was being lowered to a sitting position and in about 20 seconds I was sitting comfortable strapped in the chair. Mistress leaned over and said, “That’s a ‘Redman Standing Chair’, pretty clever isn’t it?” It was fantastic. I didn’t know they made things like that. Mistress continued, “I was planning on giving you a bath tonight but I think we’ll wait until morning. It’s getting late and I need Helen to help me get you ready for bed. I don’t want to keep her here too late. Renee can help with your bath in the morning. That’s right you don’t know about Renee. I will be spending so much time with you I’ll need full-time help. I hired Renee to do the cooking and cleaning and to help me with you. She’ll be here full-time and will start tomorrow morning.”Mistress stepped around behind me and with a click and low hum chair turned and started forward across the room towards the Iron Lung. I had been right about controls at the back of chair. I learned later that they were called “attendant controls”. There was a box containing a joy stick, some switches and lights and a meter attached to the right arm rest that were my controls but in my paralyzed state they were worthless to me. Something else I found out later, the controls on the arm rest could be disabled leaving control of the chair strictly to whoever was manning the “attendant controls”. Mistress stopped to chair a few feet and she and Helen went over to the Iron Lung. I watched with fascination as they released the two large clamps sealing the and with the opening and head rest to the body of the chamber.They pulled on the end and the whole end assembly rolled on its own wheels away from the chamber bringing the cot with it. They continued pulling until the cot was completely exposed. Some arrangement of bars, rods and rollers supported be end of the cot still attached to the chamber. The cot even rolled back and forth on the bars that supported it as became obvious when they rolled it back about a foot or two from the head rest. As I watched they busied themselves with what I assumed was preparing the Iron Lung for my occupancy. There were L-shaped brackets along both sides of the cot that came up from below and held more of the padded leather straps I was becoming so very familiar with. There were four along each side of the cot. They depressed a button on each bracket and it released the bracket and they swung down until the straps some below the cot.Mistress laid a wide rubber strap across the cot several feet down from the upper end. They both went around to what would be the outside of the end assembly and loosened the hand wheels holding the clamps that held the rubber collar in place. They pulled on the upper corners of the collar and it pulled through the clamps and the opening in the center stretched and became larger. They tightened into hand wheels and then did the same with the lower clamps. The opening in the collar was now obviously large enough to allow a head to pass through it. The thin rubber covering the foam rubber collar just wrinkled up a little more as the opening increased in size.Helen and Mistress went to the control panel on the side of the Iron Lung and Helen showed Mistress something there and they adjusted several of the controls. Mistress turned on the on-off switch and the Iron Lung came to live. Amidst an assortment of mechanical sounds the bellows at the foot end began moving end and out. The bellows covered the whole end of the chamber and moved quite a long distance both end and out. Mistress and Helen watched it for a minute or so, nodded to each other and then Mistress switched it off. They both turned and looked at me, it was almost time for me to experience something I had dreamed of since c***dhood. She went over and removed the traction harness from the one hoist. She took it to what I would later come to know as the accessory closet. She put it in a drawer and removed a steel bar of some kind from another drawer.She returned to the hoist and attached the center of the bar to the cable coming from the hoist. Then she moved the hoist along the track until it was directly over me. She retrieved two heavy webbing straps with steel rings on the ends that were hanging down by the sides of my chair. She hooked them over the ends of the steel bar and then began releasing the straps that held me in the chair. After all the straps were released she unlocked the bar across my shins and swung it to the side of the chair. She began raising the hoist and as the webbing straps became tight I felt first pressure on my buttocks, thighs and back and then was lifted from the chair.In just a few seconds I was hanging from the hoist and could see I was suspended in a sling made up of two pieces of heavy mesh fabric, one supporting my buttocks and thighs and the other my back. The sling must have already been positioned on the seat of the chair when Mistress placed me there. In spite of my completely paralyzed condition I felt quite secure in the sling. It supported me well and wrapped tightly around my sides. Mistress raised me a little higher and began pushing me toward the Iron Lung. The hoist slid along the track and soon I was hanging directly over the Iron Lung’s cot. Mistress swung me so my body was in line with the cot and lowered me until my feet were on the cot and my buttocks just a few inches above it. She seemed to be studying my position and her planning in the positioning of the Iron Lung must have been perfect because she seemed satisfied and lowered me down onto the cot.As my weight was taken on my buttocks the back portion of the sling lowered my back and had onto the cot. In seconds I was lying on the cot and Mistress disconnected the straps from the bar on the hoist and raised the bar up to the ceilings. She straightened my legs out and she and Helen began raising the L-shaped brackets they had swung down out of the way earlier. Each bracket clicked and locked in its upright position and they buckled the straps on each around my arms and legs, one strap around each ankle, thigh, wrist and upper arm. When they were finished strapping me to the cot Mistress produced something else. I noticed she was holding what looked like to clear plastic breast forms. They looked to be quite a bit smaller than my new forms. Smaller in depth but would cover about the same area on my chest. They were made of heavy plastic and were hollow. The edges were covered by soft black rubber seals. At the top of each form, where the nipple would be, was an added little chamber much too large to represent a nipple. They were about an inch in diameter and several inches high. A clear plastic hose ran from the top of each of the chambers and the two hoses joined and became one.Inside the chambers, about halfway up, was a shiny metal disk. They were perforated with many small holes and a wire ran from each out through the top of the chamber. The two forms were joined to each other in the center by a piece of black rubber. Mistress rubbed some lotion on my breasts and then placed the forms on my chest, centered over my breasts. She then brought the ends of the rubber strap she had placed on the cot up and around me and fastened the ends to the forms. They were held snuggly but not tightly to my chest. The tube and wires ran somewhere out of my sight.Mistress removed the cervical collar from around my neck and Helen, standing on the other side, supported my head as I lost the support from the collar. Mistress loosened the straps holding the mask to my face. She held the mask tight against my face and pulled the straps from in back of my head. Helen was standing on the other side of the cot and the two of them began sliding the cot up toward the and assembly and the opening my head would pass through. Suddenly Mistress pulled the mask from my face and they quickly slid the cot up against the end assembly with Helen supporting my head as it passed through the opening in the collar.Mistress immediately placed the mask back on my face and held it there. It had all happen so fast I hadn’t even had time to panic when she removed the mask that was breathing for me. Helen began loosening the handle wheels holding the collar open and I felt it tightening around my neck. It was very snug and uncomfortable. She pulled at the top of the collar and the pressure at the very front of my neck eased a little. They began pushing the end assembly, and with it the cot and me, toward the body of the Iron Lung. I rolled quickly inside and heard a solid thud and felt the jolt as the end slammed against the body of the Iron Lung. They rotated the clamps that sealed the end to the body, locking me inside.Helen must have gone around to the control panel because as soon as Mistress pulled the mask from my face the Iron Lung was turned on. There was almost no break in my breathing as the Iron Lung took over the duties. It was good to have the mask off my face but the collar around my neck was irritating and as the pressure inside the tank increased and was reduced to collar moved in an out. It didn’t really rub on my neck but moved against my neck and when the pressure was highest in the tank the collar pressed lightly on my chin. Mistress adjusted the mirror at the top of the tank so I could see my reflection in the mirror on the wall, the reflection of the giant white tank with only my head protruding from the end.I guess muscles don’t control erections because I could feel my cock responding to what I was experiencing. It was hard and erect. My mind was exploring the sensations of life in the Iron Lung when I became aware of a new sensation. Something was tugging at my breasts. Each time as pressure began to drop in the tank and air was sucked into my lungs my breasts were being sucked into the forms Mistress had strapped over them. A vacuum was apparently being applied to the forms. It was a pleasant feeling and a welcome addition to all the other sensations I was experiencing. Suddenly I felt something touch my hip. I would have jumped if I had been able to move. I felt the coldness of an alcohol wipe and the prick of a needle entering my flesh. I felt the pressure as whatever substance was injected into me. The needle was removed and I heard the click as the ports in the side of the tank that had given access to me were closed.Mistress came around to where I could see her in the mirror and said, “I gave you some more Curare to make sure your paralysis remains complete. It’s time for you to go to sleep now. Sweet dreams Teresa.” Her fingers hovered over my eyes and gently brushed my eyelids down, closing them. I tried to open them again but was unable to budge them. I heard the click of their heels as Mistress and Helen crossed the room and I heard the door click shut as they closed it behind them. I am alone, paralyzed and unable to even breathe. I am more totally and severely paralyzed than any polio or spinal cord injury victim. I am totally dependent on the Iron Lung I lie strapped within. If it stops I will die. It must have an alarm on it. Can Mistress here it if the alarm goes off? What if the power fails? What is wrong with me? I have dreamed about being in this position all my life and now all I can do is worry. Stop worrying and savor the feelings.I’m getting used to the collar moving against my neck and it’s not so irritating, it’s actually reassuring. It tells me the pressure is rising and falling inside my Iron Lung as it should. “My Iron Lung”, I love the sound of that. A dream I was sure would never come true. The suction on my breasts is heavenly. It’s like they are being massaged. They feel so much more sensitive than they ever have before. The way the suction starts just as I start taking in each breath is perfect. It’s like the very act of breathing is making my breasts grow. A force beyond my control is pulling the air into my lungs and pulling the breasts buried in my chest out and into the beautiful breasts I have always dreamed of having. With each breath they seem to grow a little larger. They slide so smoothly into the chambers surrounding them. I really do believe they are growing more with each breath. I can feel them starting to touch the walls of the chambers. They are just touching lightly in a few places but I can feel the coolness of the plastic against my skin. Each breath is exquisite.My very existence is so unique. The feelings of what is being done to my body is my total existence. I am powerless to alter or change anything. I can only feel and enjoy what is done to me. My cock is harder than I have ever felt it. I can feel the catheter running through it and deep within me. I feel like if I could just touch my cock I would explode and cum like I had never cum before. I can feel the plug buried deep within me also. If only I could make its move within me. If I could even contract my muscles around it and feel it seem to grow. If I could just pull it deeper within me. If I could do any of that the feelings would combine with what is being done to my breasts and I could experience what happened to me in the car this afternoon again and again and again…I want so much to feel that again.If that is what it is like to orgasm as a woman I want to be a woman. I want my cock gone and replaced by vagina. I want a vagina that can hold a hot throbbing cock and squeeze itself around it tightly as it drives in an out of me. I want to take it deeper and deeper into me and hold if there. I want to feel my lover caress my breasts and suck my nipples as he brings me to orgasm after orgasm. I was right, my breasts are growing within their chambers. The plastic isn’t just barely touching them now. At the end of each breath my whole breasts are held tightly against the inside surface of the chambers and it seems like my nipples are being sucked on even harder. They must be being drawn into those little chambers on the top. The feeling is delicious. My breasts are so much more sensitive. Breathing is normally so boring. You’re not even aware of it, just breathe in and now and you don’t even think about it unless you get out of breath or something. Now each breath is an adventure with what is being done to my breasts each time. More than that though, you don’t appreciate something until you don’t have it and the ability to breathe is something we take so much for granted. The ability to move is something we never think about and now that I can’t I think about it constantly. To just move anything, even just open my eyes (I wonder if Mistress turned the lights out).What if I get an itch somewhere? It will drive me nuts not being able to scratch it. Of course I couldn’t scratch anyway with my arms and legs strapped down this way and it was on my face what could I do? My head is out here and all the rest of my body is in there. But if I wasn’t paralyzed I wouldn’t be in an Iron Lung. If I hadn’t agreed to Mistress’s conditions I could scratch anytime I wanted. But I really do want all of this, don’t I? I have always wanted to know what it is like to be paralyzed, to be in an Iron Lung, to wear braces and tight corsets and to be a woman. Most of all I realize I have wanted to be controlled. I never dreamed of being controlled this completely.Maybe I did dream of it but never thought it would happen. This is beyond what anyone could imagine and I wouldn’t change one thing. I will co-operate in every way and someday Mistress will make the final dream come true. Mistress will make me into a real woman. Until that time itches may get to be a real problem though. I wonder if she will keep me restrained and will she paralyze me after she makes me a woman? I hope so.Oh! What was that? Something made my nipples tingle. It was like a tiny electric shock. Just when I finished taking a breath, no, having a breath taken for me. There it is again. It just lasts for a second but the feeling seems to linger for a few seconds longer. There it is again. It’s like a reward for taking a breath. Only I’m not doing anything to be rewarded for. I’m just lying here having things done to me, wonderful things done to me. It happens each time I complete a breath, when my breasts fill the chambers and my nipples are pulled into those little chambers at the top. Those metal plates and wires I saw, that’s what’s doing it. My nipples are touching those and there is electricity flowing through them. It feels so good. I wonder if it has a purpose or is just a treat from Mistress. Maybe she’ll tell me tomorrow. I wonder if it will keep up this way all night? How can I sleep with all these good feelings that happen each time I breathe? Why would I want to sleep with all these good feelings happening to me? I want to feel and experienced everything. The Iron Lung makes so much noise I probably won’t be able to sleep anyway.I finally did sleep although I have no idea for how long. When I awoke I went through a few seconds of terror until I remembered where I was and why. I was still unable to open my eyes and I took stock of the rest of me and didn’t find a muscle anywhere that I had any control over. I didn’t know if the Curare lasted all night or if Mistress had given me another injection sometime during the night. With the two years experience I have with Curare now I know that she must have given me another injection. I had no idea what time it was over even if it actually was morning yet. The Iron Lung continued its ceaseless operation and my breasts were still being drawn into the their own private chambers and my nipples stimulated with every breath.It was still pleasant but my breasts and nipples seemed almost numb from the constant stretching and stimulation. I wished there were some way I could stop the attention they were receiving but that desire only reminded me of my total hopelessness and dependence on Mistress. I tried to not dwell on those thoughts because this was just the beginning of the first full day of my new life.I’m certain that Mistress has things in mind for me that I will consider less than pleasant and my state of mind is going to make things either easier or harder for me. She has made it clear that my training is going to be very difficult for me and I absolutely must complete it successfully. It has become so clear to me in the last 24 hours that this is what was always meant for me. I can’t believe how strongly I feel in such a short time but there is no doubt in my mind. The only thing that will make my existence more perfect is when Mistress makes me a real woman. I’ll never be a woman genetically but she can make me anatomically woman.I have no idea how long I lay awake before I heard the door open and click of women’s shoes coming across the room, at least two pair of shoes. Someone was with Mistress and they were wearing high heels. Helen had worn soft sole shoes like all nurses so this obviously wasn’t Helen. Mistress had told me that she hired someone for cooking and cleaning but most maids don’t wear high heels. Mistress had told me her named but I couldn’t remember it. I felt fingers touch my eyelids and gently open them. The brightness from the overhead fluorescent lights was blinding and I couldn’t close my eyes or even squint. It was like a knife of light stabbing into my eyes. My eyes were open but I couldn’t see anything other than the brilliant light. I heard Mistress’s voice say, “Good morning Teresa. I hope you slept well.” but I couldn’t see her. If only I could communicate with Mistress and beg her to turn off the lights. It was something I had never thought of, I could not communicate with Mistress or anyone else. That thought was terrifying and I hoped Mistress would allow the Curare to wear off and the paralysis to end at least temporarily. It seemed like new things kept coming up to remind me of how totally helpless I was. My eyes were finally adjusting to the light and I could make out Mistress’s face materializing through the haze. A woman was standing next to her but she didn’t look like any housekeeper I had ever seen. She was tall, at least four inches taller than Mistress and Mistress is 5’9″, and as my eyes cleared more I could see she had an outstanding figure.I’m not sure which struck me first, the size of her breasts or her tiny waist. The contrast between the two was striking. She had rather broad shoulders and her hips were hidden by her skirt. She was wearing a French maid’s costume so she must have been the woman Mistress had hired. I knew it was a French maid’s costume because I had seen pictures of similar costumes in Fetish magazines. Her dress was black satin and the top was very low cut and showed a tremendous amount of cleavage. Her nipples must have been just barely covered. Over her dress was a white apron with lace all around it. It didn’t look like a working uniform to me, at least not the kind of work a maid was normally hired for. I had never seen a maid that used crutches either. She was leaning on a pair of forearm crutches.Mistress told her to step back a little so I could see all of her reflection in my mirror. I could see her legs now and saw that the skirt was very short, barely below her crotch and below it were leg braces. She had on a pair full leg braces with a steel bar on the inner and outer side of each leg that ran from her high heeled shoes up beneath her skirt. The bars were connected by white leather bands that ran completely around her legs, two above and two below her knees. White leather pads covered her knees and were attached to the bars with straps and buckles. I could see black fishnet stockings covered her legs underneath the braces. I wondered if they were pantyhose or stockings attached by garters to a corset or a garter belt at the top end.With a waist as tiny as hers it must be a corset, I decided. Her shoes were black with extremely high heels, they looked to be about six inches.Mistress said, “Teresa, meet Renee. Renee will be staying here with us and helping with the house work and with a your care. She will be a great help with you, she’s somewhat of an expert in the type training you are just beginning. Dr. Powers loaned me Renee. She used to be named Robert, Robert Powers, and she was Dr. Powers’ husband. You can see how successful Dr. Powers’ techniques are. Your surgery will be performed at the same clinic in Denmark that Renee visited. She was also fitted by the gentleman in Germany who will be fitting you. Renee, lift your skirt and petticoats and show Teresa what Mr. Latowski made for you.” Renee lifted her skirt and all I could see were frilly white panties but then she dropped her panties and I saw Mr. Latowski’s masterpiece. She was wearing what looked like polished stainless-steel panties. They covered her completely in front and the leg openings curved up over her hips on the side. When she turned around I could see that the rear was shaped to perfectly conform to her buttocks, including fitting in the crack between them. It obviously fit very tightly and there was no way it could be worked down over her hips. A small padlock on each side secured it to her until whoever held to key decided to release her.My question about corset or garter belt was answered. Black garter straps from the tops of her stockings ran from her stockings past her steel panties to what I could see was the bottom of a molded plastic back brace. The steel bar on the outside of each leg brace also ran up past her hips and attached to the back brace. I couldn’t see much of it but I could imagine how terribly uncomfortable and confining it must be for her. I could see where it began to curve in over the tops of her hips to her tiny waist and it would hold her in an absolutely rigid and unyielding grip.I could see her breasts rise above her dress with every breath so she must have had absolutely no movement below her breasts. My gaze drifted back to her steel panties. I was most interested in the front. There was no sign of male genitalia, only a steel mound a little larger than what a woman would normally have. I had assumed Renee was actually a man but now I wasn’t so sure.Mistress satisfied my curiosity when she said, “Renee’s little penis and balls are nestled in a silicone insert inside her belt. It’s just like her penis was in a vagina except its pointing down, she can’t move it at all and it can’t grow. She can pee normally, normally for a woman that is. You’ll have one of these of your own soon. Until then you’ll continue to wear your rubber chastity which will be replaced after your bath this morning.” Mistress turned to Renee and said, “Pull your panties up and go prepare Teresa’s injection. We certainly wouldn’t want her paralysis to lessen any while we are bathing her. We have a busy day today and have to get her ready for her visit to the brace shop.”Several of my questions had been answered. The first and the most disappointing to me was that Mistress was not going to release me from my paralysis in the immediate future. The other weren’t really disappointing at all. It was obvious that Dr. Powers was experienced in the type training Mistress had in mind for me and the idea of me having a figure like Renee’s excited me beyond belief. Her steel panties had an equally strong effect on me. I tried to imagine what it would feel like to be locked into them. My rubber chastity belt was extremely tight and confining but the rubber would bend and yield a little. That steel certainly wouldn’t and although it didn’t appear to be as tight it did fit very snuggly and would probably be even more confining.What I found strangely exciting however was the idea of my genitals being held securely in silicone and locked behind cold and unyielding steel. Renee went to prepare my injection of curare and Mistress stepped directly into my line of sight. She had a very serious look on her face as she began to speak, “I’m going to keep you paralyzed until we get to the brace shop. It will be easier for them to work if you are not on the respirator. You will co-operate fully with them there or I will intubate you. That means put a breathing tube or airway down your throat and I will warn you now it is not comfortable. I’ll paralyze you again and place you back on the respirator. If you force me to do that the airway will remain in your throat for seven days and you’ll be kept paralyzed continuously for that time. If you behave properly I’ll let the effects of the curare wear off for periods of time so you will have normal movement. Of course you won’t be able to actually move because you’ll be totally restrained but you will be able to move your eyes and talk if I give you permission to speak. I hope you understand but there is no way I can know that for certain because you can’t even blink your eyes in response to questions, can you? You do know what it is like to be completely helpless now. I can keep you in this state indefinitely or I can give you periods of increasing freedom until eventually you reach the point Renee has. You may even be able to surpass that and trade your male chastity panties for female chastity panties, it’s entirely up to you.”I vowed to myself to co-operate in every way possible. I had already decided to do that but it was becoming increasingly clear that the price for not co-operating was unacceptable. Renee returned with my injection and Mistress had her administer it. I wondered what Renee’s job or profession had been with she was Robert. Mistress must have read my mind because she commented, “Renee is very good at that. She used to be a male nurse. It’s always been quite common for nurses to fall in love with doctors. Her only mistake was falling in love with a doctor who believes all men should be slaves to women, female or more accurately she-male slaves. That’s the only thing Dr. Powers and I disagree on philosophically. She doesn’t believe that any man should ever be allowed to enjoy the pleasures of being anatomically a woman. We agree that once they begin their transformation they never be allowed control of their penis again and she feels that they must be continuously reminded of the disgusting way they behaved before they succumbed to our control.The most effective way to remind them is to take away control of their precious penis. I believe it’s possible for at least some men to change enough that they be allowed to experience sexual pleasure again, as a woman however. Enough philosophy for now, we have things to do.” Mistress told Renee to bring the Bennett respirator over by the Iron Lung and as soon as she had brought it Mistress took the mask and placed it over my face. She told Renee to hold the mask and Mistress turned off the Iron Lung and turned on the respirator. She loosened the collar around my neck and then released the clamps that sealed the and to the chamber of the Iron Lung. They opened the Iron Lung by pulling the end away from the chamber. They pulled it to its fullest extent and I lay completely exposed once again, strapped to the cot.Mistress told Renee to support my head when they pulled me through the collar. She’ll removed the mask from my face and held my head as they slid the cot down and my head passed through the opening in collar. Renee supported my head while Mistress reapplied the mask and tightened its straps around my head. She fastened the cervical collar around my neck and Renee released my head leading the collar take over its support. Mistress turned off whatever was controlling the suction to the chambers strapped over my breasts. She unfastened the strap around my torso and removed them. I couldn’t believe the sensitivity of my breasts as outside air touched them for the first time.Mistress brushed her fingers across my nipples and the feeling was extraordinary. Mistress asked me, “Do you like that? They should be much more sensitive now and they will become even more so. That’s not the purpose of the breast treatments I’m giving you. The purpose is to prepare you for your breast implants. The implants you’re going to receive are so large that we need to stretch the skin and make it more elastic to accept them. If you receive pleasure from the treatments that is an unavoidable byproduct and not the intent of the treatments.”She and Renee began removing the straps securing my arms and legs. As soon as they were finished Mistress attached the hoist to the sling they had left under me last night when they placed me in the Iron Lung. Mistress began raising the hoist and it pulled me into a sitting position and then up off the cot. Renee rolled the gurney over. The Stokes Litter was on the gurney and Mistress quickly shoved me over it. She adjusted my and the gurney’s position a little and started lowering me. Renee straightened out my legs and guided them and my arms as Mistress lowered me into the Stokes. She disconnected the sling under me from the hoist. She fastened a strap across my chest and arms and another across my thighs.She removed the bar that had supported the sling from the hoist and replaced it with an arrangement of four cables with hooks on the ends. She put the hooks through rings spaced around the frame of the Stokes. She hoisted the Stokes and me off the gurney and shoved us across the room and through the door into the bathrooms. She positioned me in the middle of the room, hanging about 4 feet off the floor. Renee joined her and they both put on rubber gloves and then began to rub some sort of cream all over my body. It made my skin tingle as they rubbed it on and the tingling increased the longer it was on me. It was becoming very uncomfortable in my genital area, it was starting to burn.Mistress finally satisfied my curiosity when she commented, “This the dibilitory cream will remove all of your body hair. Later we will take care of removing it permanently with electrolysis but this will work until then.” They were finally finished applying the cream to my entire body, except under the mask that allowed me to breathe. The whole surface of my body felt like it was on fire as the cream continued to do its work. It must have been extremely strong.Finally Mistress pushed me over to the Whirlpool’s tank, she then positioned me over the empty tank and then lowered me deep into it. I was just a few inches above the bottom. She turned on the water and it began filling the tank. The warm water felt good as it first gently lapped against my back and buttocks and then crept up my body cooling and easing the burning sensation that had become almost unbearable. I saw Mistress appear over the rim of the tank and pour a little liquid from a bottle marked “body wash” into the tank. The water level kept rising in the tank and in relationship to my body. It soon covered my legs and then flowed over the top of my groin and finally my chest.The mask over my face had to be airtight to force air into my lungs and draw it out again so I had no concern as the water covered my head. Soon it was lapping over the eyepieces of the mask and I was completely underwater. A roaring sound filled my ears and the bubbles passing in front of my eyes told me Mistress had turned on the whirlpool pump.I felt completely isolated. The action of the whirlpool on the soap in the water created bubbles which blocked any view I had through the water and the sound of the whirlpool pump blocked any sound from the outside world.The feeling of the warm water and bubbles swirling around me was marvelous and very relaxing. The buoyancy of the water made me feel weightless and I would have floated to the surface without the straps holding in the Stokes. I lay there luxuriating in the feelings until the pump went off and the water level began to drop. The water dropped below my body and I felt my weight return but then the water began to rise again. I thought to myself that this must be the rinse cycle. I was soon submerged completely again and welcomed the feeling of being suspended in warm water. The water drained out much sooner this time and I found myself being lifted out of the tank. Renee began drying me with a hot air blower. It was like a hair dryer but larger and much more powerful. The Stokes is made of an open steel mesh so drying my back didn’t present any difficulties. I was soon completely dry and Renee pushed me back out into my room. She lowered me back down on the gurney and then disconnected the hoist from the Stokes. She hooked the sling that was still under me to the hoist and lifted me out of the Stokes, pushed me over to the examining table and lowered me on to it.With no hesitation she lifted my legs, one at a time, and secured them in the stirrups. My legs were strapped into the stirrups but she didn’t bother to secure the other straps. There was really no need to secure them with me completely paralyzed from the Curare. Mistress stepped up to the foot of the table carrying my rubber chastity. She dropped the section of the table under my buttocks and began to strap me into it again. She worked quickly and soon I was locked once more in its firm embrace. As soon as she was finished with my chastity she raised the foot of the table back into position and then she and Renee raised the upper portion of the table to put me in a semi-sitting position. The two of them working together put my bra and breast forms on me and then the same silk blouse that I had worn the day before. They worked a wide strap of some kind behind my back and then lay me back down. Renee removed my feet and legs from the stirrups and they then worked my skirt onto me. Renee went out of sight for a minute and I heard her pushing a cart of some kind over next to me. Mistress picked up something from the cart and when she brought it over me I recognized it as the plastic shell that was attached to the Monahagn cuirass I had seen the night before. I looked at it a little more closely this time and could see it had heavy rubber seals about three inches wide all the way around it.She placed it over my chest. It fit from just above my breasts, down over my sides and ended just below my waste. She fastened it to me with the strap she had placed behind me earlier. She attached the hose to a fitting in the center of the shell. She turned off the Bennett respirator attached to my face mask and removed the mask. I started to panic but I think I only missed one or two breaths before she turned on a Monahagn respirator. I immediately felt the suction building within the shelf attached to my chest. It felt like it was pulling me deeper into the shell and as it did so air was pulled into my lungs. When the suction quit the air flowed out of my lungs again. Now I was experiencing the third way she could breathe for me and I hoped I wouldn’t have to experience the fourth, the tube down my throat. That did not sound appealing. Mistress put the same wig on me that I had worn the day before and also the same pair of high heeled pumps. Mistress told Renee to put my makeup on me while she finished getting ready to go. Mistress went out the door and closed it behind her. This was the first time I had been alone with Renee and there was so much I wanted to ask her. From what Mistress had said she must have gone through the same thing I was going through. Renee must have read my mind because as she started applying my eye makeup she whispered very softly to me.”Don’t try to say anything. You can’t control the strength of your voice on the respirator and your Mistress probably has this room bugged. If she heard you talking to me you would be in a lot of trouble. All I can tell you right now is that you have a lot of new experiences coming. Some of them will be very pleasant and some just the opposite. You can get through it. You have to get through it because you don’t have any choice. I heard your Mistress and mine talking and you are a lot luckier than me. If you do well your Mistress will give you the surgery to become a real woman. Mine will never let me have it and I will always be nothing but a she-male. You’re lucky in another way because you always wanted to wear braces so you don’t have to go through the shock and adjustment I did when I found myself locked in these horrible things. My legs and back are so weak now that my legs will barely support me without my leg braces and I have to wear a rigid corset whenever I have my back brace off. Your Mistress will be back any minute so I better not say anymore to you now. We’ll have a chance to talk sometime later. I guess we will be spending a lot of time together. I’ll try to make things as easy for you as I can but I won’t do anything to bring punishment on myself. Now I had better finish your makeup and get you into your chair so you are ready to go when your Mistress returns.”She finished my eye makeup, put some powder and rouge on the my face and cheeks and then lipstick on my lips. The sling was still underneath the and she connected it to a bar attached to the hoist and then lifted me off of the examining table. She shoved me over in front of the electric wheelchair and lowered me until I was just above the seat of the chair. She moved the chair under me until my back was against the back of the chair and then lowered me into the seat. She secured my arms to the arms of the chair and tightened the two wide straps around my chest and waist. Finally she fastened the strap from the headrest around my forehead. She placed the respirator attached to my chest shell on a rack on the back of the chair. She had just finished strapping me into the chair when Mistress came back into my room.She looked at me and nodded what I assumed was approval and said, “Let’s get going. Renee, go open the van and I’ll bring Teresa”. This was the first time I had really had an opportunity to see Renee walk and I realized what a struggle it was for her. For braces obviously were locked at her hips and knees and she had to twist her entire body to place each foot forward for each tiny step. She would push herself around with her crutches and then reposition them to twist herself for the next step. Her body was completely immovable and rigid from her armpits to the ground. I had always wanted to experience such braces but now I began to realize how difficult it would be to live in them full-time. I wondered if Mistress had such extensive braces planned for me.Mistress stepped behind my chair and manipulating the controls there guided me across my room and out the door. When we went through the door from the kitchen into the garage I saw something else had changed. My 1958 Corvette was missing and in its place was a full-size Ford van. I hoped that my Corvette was parked in the driveway outside garage but I knew in my heart that it was gone along with the rest of my previous life. The side door of the van was open and a hydraulic lift was deployed and lowered to the floor to except my power wheelchair. Mistress rolled me onto the lift and stepped onto the lift behind me. She manipulated the controls of the lift to raise me up to the floor level of the van and rolled me inside. She turned the chair to the front and then backed it up a little and it rolled into some kind of bracket that clicked and locked it into place. Mistress activated another switch and the lift folded up vertically and the door of the van closed automatically.While Mistress had been getting me into the van Renee had been struggling to get into the front passenger seat. She was still trying to get situated in the seat when Mistress went forward and slipped into the driver’s seat. Renee was finally in position as Mistress opened the garage door and backed out. My fears were confirmed, my treasured Corvette was nowhere in sight. We drove for about 20 minutes until Mistress pulled into the parking lot beside a rather plain building. There was no sign on the front of the building, only a small sign on the side of the building over the door opening into the parking lot. The sign said, “Orthopedic Control Inc”. Mistress parked the van near the door and as Renee was clumsily extricating herself from the passenger seat Mistress came back to remove me from the van. She opened the door, lowered the lift to horizontal and then released my chair and rolled me out onto the lift. She lowered the lift and me to the ground and then proceeded toward the door with me. Renee was following us as fast a she could with her braces and crutches. Renee was still well behind us when we reached the door and Mistress turned in told her, “Get up here and hold the door for us you lazy little slut.” I was shocked to hear Mistress speak to her that way but I was still just learning what Renee’s and my status was. Renee finally reached the door and opened and held it while Mistress wheeled me inside. We entered a small waiting rooms. It contained and interesting variety of furniture. There were some very comfortable appearing padded chairs with small tables beside them holding a variety of magazines. The table against the wall held a coffee pot and an assortment of pastries. Two of the chairs were occupied by women reading and sipping coffee. Along another wall was a plain wooden bench about 10 feet long. It had no cushions on it and no back rest. There was one woman, who I assumed to be a slave like Renee and I, sitting on the bench and another sitting in a wheelchair at the end of the bench. I could see that the one in the wheelchair had on leg braces and a neck brace. Her upright and rigid position in the chair made me wonder if the neck brace and the leg braces were joined by braces encasing the rest of her body. Renee went immediately over to the bench and began the process of unlocking herself and sitting down. Mistress rolled me over and parked me beside the other woman in a wheelchair. Mistress went up to the receptionist window and signed us in. Then she went over and sat down in one of the comfortable chairs and began chatting with one of the women there. There were no clocks in me waiting room and we waited for what seemed like about 30 minutes. The other two women and what I assumed were their feminized slaves were called in and they had not left yet when they finally called us in. Mistress rolled me in and left Renee sitting on the bench. I wished so that Mistress had allowed Renee to accompany us.I was already beginning to feel very close to her. The room we were shown to was only about 10 by 12 and completely dominated by a large steel framework in the center. It ran from the floor to the ceiling and was basically 4 vertical steel poles with steel bars running between them and various fittings spaced out on the poles and bars. There was an electric hoist mounted at the top of the framework and manual winches mounted at points around the framework. No one had to tell me that I would be suspended inside that framework very shortly.Mistress opened her carry bag and removed a small case. When she opened it I could see that it contained several small medicine vials and a hypodermic syringe. She filled the syringe from one of the vials and then injected it in my right arm. Within a minute I could feel the effects of the Curare diminishing. I could move again and although the respirator was still functioning I could actually expand my chest myself and draw more air in than the respirator supplied. I was still firmly strapped in my chair but I could move against the straps and feel the pressure on my body change. It was a welcome change. A few minutes later a woman came into the room and introduced herself to Mistress as Joanne.She didn’t waste any time with preliminaries. She went behind my chair and guided it into the middle of the framework. Once I was in position in the framework she pulled a black rubber hood over my head. It covered my entire head but left my face exposed. Then she strapped a rubber harness to my head. It came under my chin and around my head and grasped it tightly at the base of my skull in the back. She attached it to the cable from the electrical hoist overhead. She released my left arm from my chair and put my hand and wrist into what looked like a rubber mitten. My thumb was separate with my fingers held tightly together and it had a cuff that strapped tightly around my wrist and several straps that hung from the finger end of the mitten. The mitten has a rigid plate in the finger part and it held my fingers in a curved, grasping position.She lowered another cable from the top of the framework and it had a long bar attached to it. She took my hand and placed it over the bar, wrapping my hand in its mitten around the bar. She secured it there with the straps at the end of the mitten. My right hand soon received the same treatment and as soon as it was secured to the bar she activated the hoist and lifted my hands far above my head. She also tightened the cable attached to the harness holding my head. She kneeled down in front of me and secured cuffs tightly to each of my ankles. I couldn’t see what she was doing but I assumed they were attached to the floor. She removed the shell of my cuirass and then released the straps holding me into my chair and immediately activated the hoists above me.I was lifted by my arms and head into a standing position and my assumption that the cuffs around my ankles were attached to the floor was confirmed as I felt then come tight as I was vertically stretched. She turned to Mistress and said, “We’ll give her a little while to stretch and adjust to the traction before we undress her and lace her into her corset. Then we can secure her for the casting procedure. Shall we get a cup of coffee?” They left me hanging there as they went to get their coffee. I couldn’t imagine what she meant by “secure me”. I certainly couldn’t be secured more completely than I already was, or so I thought. There was a mirror on the wall directly in front of me and I got my first look at how I looked with makeup. The harness strapped around my head detracted a little from the effect but I liked what I saw. I saw myself as a woman, just as I had dreamed for most of my life. I was a woman and I was not only in bondage but soon I would be encased in braces. Every dream I had ever had was coming true and then some. Feminine domination and forced feminization had not been part of my dreams but they certainly were part of my life now. It had all become my entire life now. My revere was broken as Mistress and Joanne returned. Joanne brought a short stepladder over and set it down beside me.She unbuttoned my blouse then stepped up on the ladder and released my right hand from the bar. She worked it out of the sleeve of my blouse and then re-attached it to the bar. She did the same with my left hand and then unbuttoned my skirt and let it fall around my feet. Mistress was rummaging around in her large carry bag and I soon saw what she was looking for. She withdrew a corset I hadn’t seen before. It had the same three rows of lacing as the one I had been laced into the day before but it was shorter and didn’t have garters on the bottom.The most outstanding feature about it however, was the material it was made of. It was shiny black rubber, very heavy, shiny black rubber. She reached into her bag and removed and another rubber item. At first I couldn’t tell what it was. It was smaller and not rigid like the corset. When she handed it to Joanne I saw that it was a rubber bra. Joanne unfastened my bra strap and its shoulder straps and removed it and my breast forms from me. She wrapped the rubber bra around me and fastened it behind my back. She removed my breast forms from my regular bra and then slipped them into the cups of the rubber bra. She fastened the shoulder straps and it held my forms snuggly against my chest.It felt wonderful. Mistress handed the corset to Joanne and she immediately placed around me and began fastening the busk. The rubber was cold against my skin and send chills through me. The chills weren’t just from the cold however. Rubber garments had always held a fascination for me and this was the first time I had ever felt it on me. The fact it was a rubber corset made it even better. As Joanne started lacing up to back laces it was obvious that the corset was not made of stretchy rubber. It felt as rigid as the corset I had worn the day before. It felt good to be in a corset again. I knew the comfortable snugness I felt now would soon be replaced by crushing pressure and tightness but I realized I liked that feeling and didn’t ever want to be without it again.I watched as my figure was transformed with each tightening of the laces. As Mistress and Joanne started working on the side laces the pressure inside the corset became greater and greater and my breath came in short gasps. I felt the bones digging into my body and watched as my waist shrunk to a size I had never dreamed possible. I saw the flesh of my chest being forced out above my bra and cleavage develop where I had only dreamed of it before. That flesh rose as I sucked in each short breath. My cock was trying with all its might to get hard inside my chastity. I was getting turned on looking at myself. I hardly noticed as Mistress and Joanne tied of the side laces and went to get a cup coffee before completing my lacing.They were back in what seemed like only minutes and went to work on the side laces again. My body seemed to be eager to be molded and they quickly finished and tied off the laces. The pressure on me was tremendous but amazingly it felt good to me. I could barely breathe but even that seemed to the right. It was exactly what I wanted. Joanne knelt down by my feet and released my right foot. She removed the cuff from my ankle and slipped my foot out of my skirt. Before she had knelt down she got something out of a drawer in a cabinet against the wall. Now I saw what it was.It looked like a pair of black rubber socks with a zipper from the toes all the way to the top. They looked like socks but they seemed to have rigid soles and posts about two inches in diameter and six inches high extended down from the middle of the soles. She fastened the post on one of them to a fitting on the floor. She took my right foot and put it into the rubber sock and then zipped it up. It was a tight fit and held my foot very securely. I could support part of my weight on my right foot now. The sole was very rigid and it felt very secure standing on the post on the bottom of the sock.She quickly fastened the other one to the floor. Then she were leased my left foot and zipped it into its sock. With my weight on my feet now I settled down a little into my corset and it seemed to tighten even more and more flesh was forced out above my bra, increasing my cleavage. Next she fastened a wide rubber belt around my waist. It had four long straps spaced around it, two on each side, one toward the front and one to the rear. She attached the straps to four manual winches attached to the poles of the framework and tightened them all. Now I was held firmly by the straps in the middle of the framework. She lowered the bar holding my hands and released my right hand. She threaded the straps at the end of the mittens through buckles on the end of straps attached to a rod running between the poles to my right.She pulled the straps tight holding my arm straight out to my side and down at an angle. She did the same to my left hand and arm. Finally she tightened the cable from the hoist overhead increasing the traction on my head. She didn’t increase in enough to lift me off my feet but I was definitely lighter on my feet. Now I knew what she had met earlier about securing me for the casting procedure. I wondered how they would get a cast stocking over me. I had had casts applied before and they always put a stretchy stocking over the part to be cast.I was still wondering about that when Mistress went to the door and called out loudly, “Renee, come in here. I have a job for you.” I could hear the sound of her crutches and the clicking sound her braces made a she came down the hall. I found myself eager to see her and comforted by the thought she would be with me. I saw the concern on her face when she came into the room and saw me fastened helplessly within the framework. I could see that she shared the closeness I felt with her. I guess it was only natural with us both in the same situation that we would feel a certain closeness.Mistress handed Renee a large jar of petroleum jelly and said, “Cover her completely with that, everywhere.” Renee started at my feet and began to smear it over me. When her hands got above the rubber socks covering my feet and ankles and touched my bare skin it was like an electric shock. I felt something much more than closeness. The way her fingers caressed me as she spread the jelly over me was the most sensual thing I had ever felt. She kept giving me little squeezes that said she was feeling the same thing.I didn’t know what to make of it. We were both men in spite of the way we were dressed and what our Mistresses were doing to us and I am not gay. Was I thinking of her as a woman or was I thinking of myself as a woman and her as a man. I didn’t know what to think except that I didn’t want her to ever stop touching me. As her hands worked up my thighs and I had never felt more confined and disappointed that my cock was locked in it’s chastity and there was no way I would feel her hold my cock. It was straining within its prison as never before as I watched her fingers spread the jelly over the smooth rubber covering my manhood and blocking any feeling.I swore I could feel the heat from her hand as she spent a little extra time making sure my chastity was completely coated. I could feel her hands as she massaged the slick material over my buttocks and I thought I might actually explode within my chastity. I couldn’t feel her at all as I watched her rub it over my corset and saw the already polished rubber take on much higher shine. As her hands cupped my breasts I could imagine the feel of her holding and squeezing them when eventually became real flesh and the thought of her sucking my nipples was about to drive me wild. She worked out my arms and now she wasn’t even trying to hide the fact that she was caressing me. I closed my eyes and reveled in the feelings she sending throughout my body.I was actually trembling with the ecstasy of her touch. She finished with my arms and was standing right in front of me. Our faces were no more than three inches apart as her fingers began to play over my face. Her touch was exquisite as she cupped my face between her hands. We gazed into each others eyes and saw what her lips mouthed to me, “I love you!” Mistress was standing in front of me and I didn’t dare answer her for fear of Mistress seeing me but I know she saw my feeling in my eyes. Her hands were behind my neck, rubbing the last of the jelly into place when she lost control.I felt her tremble a little and then her arms tightened around me and her mouth was covering mine in a kiss. She held me in the tightest embrace I have ever felt and pressed herself against me. Our lips parted and our tongues found each other. I strained at the straps holding me in a vain attempt to break free and hold her in my arms. I felt her weight on her arms clasped tight around my neck as she wrapped her legs around my body and clamped herself tightly to me. She ground her body against mine as we explored each others mouths with our tongues. ur breath was coming in ragged gasps as we both fought against the pressure of our corsets. Our pelvises pressed tight together and ground against each other as we both tried in vain to feel some contact within our cruel chastities.I was shocked when I noticed Mistress across the room. She was laughing. She was coming toward us and she was laughing. I tried to warn Renee but I couldn’t say anything with my tongue in her mouth, or with hers in mine for that matter. A warning became fruitless in the next moment anyway. I had just an instant of warning as I saw the bucket in Mistress’s hands. I saw her beginning to swing the bucket toward us and I saw the water leave the bucket on its course toward our heads. I didn’t see any ice cubes in it but they must have been there. I have never felt such cold water. Renee released her grip on me and fell to the floor at my feet. She lay there curled up and shivering as I shivered suspended in my framework. Mistress stepped back and looked at us with an expression of total disdain. “You little sluts. Like a pair of dogs in heat but I don’t know who is the bitch. Renee, go out to the waiting room and wait there. You’ll be punished later. You’ll both be punished later. Now we have to finish with Teresa. I’m sure you’ll be glad to know Teresa that your braces just got more extensive and restrictive thanks to that little display. I hope you enjoyed yourself because you will pay for it.”Renee looked so dejected and forlorn as she hobbled to the door. Her hair hung in wet strings and her makeup was smudged and running down her cheeks. I believe she was crying but I couldn’t be sure if they were tears or just water from the drenching Mistress had given us both. When she reached the door she turned and gave me a wink. My heart soared and I knew we were now a couple, a team who could handle anything our Mistresses might do to us. I winked back at her and saw the trace of a smile as she turned and left the room. Joanne pushed a large cart over beside the framework. It held several buckets of water, many rolled plaster-of-Paris bandages and piles of strips of plaster-of-Paris bandage.She began immediately and took the first roll out of one of the buckets and squeezed the excess water out and began to wrap it around my right foot. She placed a long, narrow fabric pad along the outside of my leg and then continued to wrap the plaster around and up my leg. She worked quickly and in almost no time both my legs were covered with plaster and she was working on my pelvis. She placed pads under the cast at the spots where I assumed she would cut the cast off of me after it had hardened. The plaster got warm as it hardened and I was wondering what it would be like to be completely encased in it. It would probably be very warm and of course totally restrictive. I didn’t think that she would go above my chest with this cast.My braces would only go that high so there would be no purpose. I wondered why Mistress had Renee put the petroleum jelly all over my head and shoulders then. Maybe just to see what would happen. I wondered if she had expected what had happened. Joanne was working up past my waist now and it was getting very warm inside of my plaster shell. She wrapped the plaster around my chest and molded it carefully around my breasts. I expected her to quit at this point but she continued to apply more plaster. She put it over my shoulders and began to work out my right arm with it. She had soon finished with it and did my other arm and hand. When she stepped back a little I was sure she was finished but I was wrong again. She retrieved several items from the cart and it now was obvious that I was going to find out what it would be like to be completely encased in plaster. She placed two tubes in my nostrils, pushing them up deep in my nose. The last thing I saw was her placing cloth pads over my eyes. I felt her begin to wrap the plaster around my neck and then up over my face and head.I have never been claustrophobic but I began to panic a little now. I felt her working on the top of my head and then felt her molding the plaster to the details of my face. My only connection to the outside world was the two little tubes in my nose. I couldn’t hear a sound and as the plaster hardened the feel of her hands working the plaster disappeared. I was alone in a plaster prison. As helpless as when I was paralyzed. At least I could breathe on my own but now I was deaf and as blind as when Mistress closed my eyes. I was really starting to panic but I knew Mistress wouldn’t let any harm come to me. She said I would be punished but she wouldn’t harm me, would she? No of course not.I kept telling myself that as the plaster hardened and the heat built up inside. It was more than just warm, It was very hot and I could feel sweat pouring down my body. My mind focused on Renee. I didn’t really understand the feelings I had for her but I couldn’t deny them. I wanted more than anything to feel her touching me again and to touch her. I felt an overwhelming need to hold her and be held by her and touch and explore each other in every way possible. I didn’t know how it would ever be possible but I knew that somehow there must be a way. New fantasies filled my mind and they all included Renee. My dreams of Renee were interrupted by a buzzing sound and a vibration in my head. I couldn’t imagine what it was bahis siteleri until it dawned on me that it must be Joanne cutting me out of my cast. I felt something vibrating against my skin at the side of my head and was certain then that it was the saw cutting me out of my prison. It worked it’s way down my neck and out my arm. The saw completed it’s work on my arm and started down my side. It was a long process to cut such an extensive cast and not damage it and it took forever but finally I felt her prying the front of the cast from my body.My relief was beyond description as air and light flooded over me. I blinked in bright light and saw Joanne leaning the front half of the cast against the wall. It was complete from my head to my feet. She came back over to me and after a bit of a struggle she had the back half off of me and I was finally free of it. I knew it would be used to make other things that would imprison me but that was in the future, for now I was free. Well, sort of free. I was still suspended within the framework but that didn’t seem so bad at all now. Joanne placed a wide strap around my mouth and I opened my mouth for her when I realized it had a pump gag attached to it.She secured the strap and I heard a click behind my head as she locked it with a padlock. She pumped up the gag, filling my mouth with the rubber bladder and then removed the hose and pump from it. Joanne turned to Mistress who was standing by the door and said, “You can have Renee clean her up now.” I couldn’t believe my ears. I didn’t have any idea how they intended for her to “clean me up” but it would surely involve touching me and that my greatest desire right now. To have her touch me in any way was all I cared about. Mistress opened the door and made a “come here” motion to someone outside. A figure I didn’t recognize came through the door. I couldn’t be sure it was Renee but I recognized her steel chastity panties. Mistress said, “Clean her up and be quick about it.”Mistress and Joanne went out the door and closed it behind them, leaving us alone. I couldn’t believe that she would leave us alone after what had happened earlier but as I looked at the figure standing by the door more closely I realized why she felt it was safe to do so. She was not wearing her maid’s dress or her braces. She had on only her chastity panties and a rubber corset like the one laced to me. A shiny steel band like the one they had put over my corset at the corset shop prevented her corset from being removed. Her breasts were uncovered and their smooth whiteness in contrast to the black rubber made them even more striking.They were large and perfectly shaped and her nipples were standing out hard with excitement. Long rubber stockings covered her legs and her corset had garters holding the stockings up. She had on elbow length rubber gloves and straps around her wrists were secured with padlocks to keep the gloves from being removed. The gloves didn’t have fingers. They were like mittens, like the ones that were still on my hands. I couldn’t be sure it was Renee because a heavy rubber helmet covered her entire head and neck and was secured with another strap and padlock around her neck. The only openings in the helmet were for her eyes. Two tubes ran out from her nose and there was no opening at all for her mouth. She raced across the room to me and threw her arms around me. She held me tight and pressed her body against mine. There was no doubt now that this gorgeous creature was my Renee.I could see the love in her eyes that I had seen earlier. I hoped that mine conveyed the love I felt for her. The mumbling sounds she was making confirmed that her mouth was filled with a gag also. She forced her steel covered pelvis hard against my rubber chastity. I felt only a little pressure as she wiggled and pressed her imprisoned cock against mine. I’m sure she felt even less inside her steel encasement. This was even worse than not being together at all. She pressed her mouth against mine but the heavy rubber covering both of out mouths prevented any feeling at all and the rubber filling our mouths was no substitute for her soft warm tongue that had filled my mouth just a short time ago.I longed for the feel and taste of her lips and tongue and the sounds coming from our gagged mouths were whimpers of frustration and unfulfilled desire. I saw a spark of inspiration in her eyes and she knelt down in front of me and began to rub her breasts against my legs. My newly hairless skin was immensely more sensitive than before and the feeling of her soft breasts was extraordinary. She put her arms around my buttocks and held me as she maneuvered one breast between my legs, high up between my thighs. I squeezed my legs together, massaging her breast with my thighs and her arms held me in a vise-like embrace as she buried her rubber covered face in my rubber groin. I could actually feel the heat from her mouth penetrating the layers of rubber to my cock and I hoped she could feel its heat and throbbing as I longed to feel her lips surround it. She shifted a little and replaced the breast between my legs with her other one. I began massaging it with my trembling thighs. As I would squeeze tighter she would pull away, increasing the pull on her soft breast held between my legs. It didn’t come anywhere close to satisfying the needs we both felt but it was better than nothing. I wondered how long it had been for Renee with no sexual contact with another person.I suspected it had been a very long time. The things our Mistresses were doing to us were evidently meant to create sexual arousal, unfulfilled sexual arousal. If I were this desperate for contact after only a few days I was terrified to think what it would be like later. I was getting an indication by Renee’s actions as she desperately forced herself against me and squirmed and twisted as my thighs gripped her breast. The sounds coming from her gagged mouth were a combination of gasps, moans and sobs. I felt dampness running down my legs and since the only opening in her helmet was for her eyes I knew it had to be her tears. We were so absorbed in each other that neither of us noticed when Mistress and Joanne returned to the room.I saw Mistress in the mirror just as she stepped beside us and her hand reached for Renee’s breast, the one not between my legs. Her hand closed over the tip of that beautiful white form and her fingers dug in cruelly. She held it tightly in her grip and twisted as Renee tried in vain to pull away from her and me. A muffled scream came from behind Renee’s gag. The sound dug into my heart as painfully as Mistress’s fingers were digging into Renee’s tender breast. “You were told to clean her up. You should know better than to try and satisfy your own unimportant little desires. Your Mistress and I thought you were adequately trained to perform such a simple task. We were evidently very wrong. Now do what you were told.”Mistress released Renee and I could see the ugly red marks left on her breast. She stood up and took a spray nozzle on the end of a hose hanging from the ceiling. She directed the nozzle at me and began to spray me with cold water. The shock was stunning as the cold water hit me and replaced the heat generated by our inadequate but exhilarating coupling. She wet me down and then used a soap soaked sponge to scrub the petroleum jelly and bits of plaster from my skin and rubber coverings.The cold water was almost as much a shock as she rinsed the last of the suds from me. Mistress handed her a towel and she began to dry me. I imagined what it would feel like if it were her hands caressing my bare skin and I was trembling by the time she finished. She paused, her face before mine and her eyes gazing into mine. I saw in her eyes the same fantasy. An indecipherable sound came from us both. It was indecipherable to anyone else but we both knew what the other was saying as we told each other, “I love you.”Mistress quickly got me out of all the rubber gear except for the corset, back in my skirt and blouse and strapped into my wheelchair with the respirator strapped over my chest. She injected my Curare and I was once again paralyzed and helpless. She had left the rubber corset on me and it made sitting in the chair while paralyzed easier and I felt more secure. She didn’t allow Renee out of any of the rubber items she was wearing. She merely had her slip her maids dress over it all. I liked the sight of her unrestrained breasts bouncing under her dress as she walked but I wished so that I could see her face instead of it being hidden within the rubber helmet.We went out to the parking lot. Mistress was guiding my chair and Renee was carrying her braces. I’m sure Renee was a little apprehensive about going out to the parking lot with the helmet on but nobody seemed to notice her. We didn’t see anybody around to notice her. My chair and I were soon secured in place and we left. I didn’t recognize the route we were taking and I surely didn’t recognize the large house who’s driveway we pulled into. Mistress got me out of the van and the three of us went up to the door. Mistress rang the bell and I was shocked when Dr. Powers opened the door and welcomed Mistress. She led us through a beautifully decorated house and into a room that looked very similar to my new room at home. As Dr. Powers strapped Renee into a power wheelchair exactly like mine I looked around the room.It was larger than my room but all the same equipment was there only there were two of everything. There were even two Iron Lungs. When Dr. Powers was through securing Renee she went over to Mistress and to my surprise they put their arms around each other and then kissed, a long, lingering kiss. What I was seeing was not two friends greeting. These were lovers kissing the same way Mistress and I had for all the years of our marriage and I was a little ashamed to realize it was the way I wanted to kiss Renee. I didn’t know what Renee’s reaction was but something about her body language as she sat strapped in her chair told me that she was as surprised as I. They finally separated and came over to stand in front of Renee and I.They both began talking at once and it was apparent that they were very excited about something. We couldn’t understand what they were chattering eagerly about until they calmed down a little and began to take turns talking. They went on to explain that they had been lesbian lovers for quite some time. Their problem had been that they still loved us both and didn’t want to hurt us. Dr. Powers had solved her problem by making her husband, Renee, her sissified slave but Mistress hadn’t known what to do until I had broached the subject of living as a woman. They had immediately come up with the idea of Renee and I both being their slaves and having each other so they wouldn’t have to worry about us or divorce us. Today had proven that their plan would work and from now on the four of us would all live together.Dr. Powers was going to sell her practice and we would all live up in the mountains where Mistress and I had planned to build our new house. They had the plans all prepared for the new house there and it would be specially built and equipped to accommodate them and also the unique lifestyle Renee and I would share forever together. It all sounded a little crazy but I found I was as excited about it as Mistress and Dr. Powers. Mistress had called Dr. Powers while my plaster cast was drying and told her what had happened between Renee and I. Dr. Powers had arranged for all my equipment to be moved to her house in the last few hours. They informed me that I would call Dr. Powers “Mistress Paula” in the future. They went on to tell us that Renee had proven to be inadequately trained so her training would have to start again from the beginning and it would be identical to mine. Everything would be the same for us both except that if either of us required discipline the punishment would be applied to the other one. They told us that our training would be a full-time job and since they wanted time to enjoy being together themselves they would be hiring some help.They would be interviewing to hire two full-time Dominatrixes to handle the day-to-day part of our training. They would be more detached and not be disturbed by the more distasteful aspects of our training and any necessary punishment. They would be much less apt to be lenient with us. Each Dominatrix would probably bring a male slave to handle the physical work involved with our management and training. Since I hadn’t had my breast implants yet and did not have my steel chastity panties our training would not actually begin until we were equally equipped. New braces and corsets would also have to be made for Renee that were identical to the ones being made for me. They also said that some other surgical body modification would be made to both of us that they would explain later. To get things going sooner the four of us would leave in two days to go to Germany to see Mr Latowski and be fitted for my steel panties. Renee had to go because he would be making some modifications to her panties to give them the same capabilities that mine would have. My breast surgery and larynx tightening, as well as the other surgeries both of us, would now be done in this country as Mistress Paula had found a local doctor who would do it.They went on to tell us that the other surgeries were not sexual reassignment surgery. I would not be allowed to have the surgery to be a woman unless I excelled in my training and Renee would never be allowed to have it. Until we had both received the same surgical changes and were equipped with identical corsets, braces and other restraint equipment they would give us a taste of what we had to look forward to if we both completed our training successfully. They made it clear that it would only be a taste and would not be nearly as enjoyable as it would be later. Mistress Paula chuckled a little and said, “In fact most of it probably will not be pleasant at all, only frustrating. It will tell you what you may enjoy in the future though.”They said we would begin our indoctrination immediately. They wanted us to experience the best possible for us at this stage of our relationship and physical condition. Since I didn’t have a vagina that would require me to give Renee a blowjob and since our training was to be identical she would have to give me one too. She wouldn’t be able to do that after my penis was replaced with a vagina but it would be good for her to have the experience and to experience what I would be doing to her in the future. They said I should enjoy and savor it because it would be the last time I would ever ejaculate except when being milked by a machine as I had been the day before in Mistress Paula’s office.Mistress Paula prepared and administered an injection of the Curare antidote and I began to feel movement coming back to me. Mistress Monica removed the straps holding me in my chair and as soon as my breathing seemed normal she removed the respirator from my chest. She told me to strip off my clothes and sit on the end of one of the examining tables. I was out of my clothes and on the end of the nearest table in a flash. Mistress Paula loosened the straps holding Renee in her chair and then unlocked the padlocks on all of the rubber gear Renee was wearing. As soon as it was unlocked she was out of it faster than I dreamed imaginable and sitting on the end of the other table beside the one I had chosen.She looked beautiful in her black rubber corset and shiny steel panties. The expression on her face mirrored the anticipation I was feeling. We were both giggling with excitement. I couldn’t take my eyes off her bare breasts and I could see her nipples were hard and protruding. My own tiny nipples were swollen to an extent I had never seen before. Our Mistresses laid out harnesses made of leather straps on the examining tables and then told us both to lie back and put out feet in the stirrups. I lay back and Mistress Monica dropped the bottom of the table and I heard and felt her unlocking the padlocks securing my rubber chastity.I looked across and watched Mistress Paula unlocking Renee’s steel panties and then removing the front section of them. She seemed to be having trouble getting it off and I saw why as she finally slid it off Renee’s swollen and rigid cock. It sprang up straight in the air as soon as it was released. My own exploded from my chastity as soon as Mistress Monica released the rubber straps holding it in it’s confining channel. She finished removing my chastity and then began to fasten the leather harness under me to my body. I felt her tightening the straps around me and watched Mistress Paula strapping Renee into an identical harness.Straps were placed around our ankles, upper thighs, pelvis, over our corsets, our chests, over our shoulders, around our wrists, around our necks and around our heads. They were all connected in elaborate harnesses. Buckles and loose straps still hung from them everywhere. I noticed that Renee’s harness differed from mine in that it had steel rings attached to it at many places. Mistress Paula removed Renee’s legs from the stirrups and told her to roll over on her stomach. She slid the overhead hoist over Renee and I saw there were 2 cables coming from the hoist to a long heavy steel rod hanging horizontally below it. Numerous cables hung down from the rod and had harness snaps on their ends.She lowered the bar over Renee and began attaching the cables to the rings on Renee’s harness. Cable ran to her whole body and head. The only part of her not attached by cable to the bar was her legs and arms. She connected all the cables and then raised the bar with the hoist. Renee was lifted off the table and hung face down in the air. She slid the hoist and Renee back to the middle of the room and then rotated her 180 degrees and slid her along the track that ran directly over my table.Renee was hanging about three feet above me. Her face over my groin and hers cock right over my mouth. Mistress Paula lowered her until she was about a foot or two over me. She began attaching straps between our two harnesses. Soon our harnesses were joined by innumerable straps and when she lifted the bar again I was lifted off my table, suspended under Renee. She slid the hoist a little more toward the head of my table and then lowered it again until I was resting on the table except my head and shoulders were beyond the edge and supported by my harness hanging from Renee’s. She lowered Renee a little more. Her cock was within an inch or two of my mouth. I stretched my tongue and just touched it’s head. Renee quivered in her harness and let out a soft moan. Mistress Monica was helping Mistress Paula with the straps now. They attached straps that held our thighs tight to the sides of each others heads and ran from our heads between the others legs. Then they lowered Renee right down on top of me. I opened my mouth wide and she slid inside me as I felt myself sliding into her worm, moist and welcoming orifice. The Mistresses were quickly tightening all the straps holding us tightly to each other and then lifted us both off the table. They wrapped our arms around each other and secured the straps around our wrists to hold them there. They tightened the straps from our thighs to our heads and strapped our ankles together behind our heads.We were secured together in a most wonderful way. I began exploring Renee’s cock with my tongue. It was hard and warm and I could feel it throbbing with her heartbeat. I felt her tongue playing over the head of my cock and felt her lips sliding up and down it a little, squeezing and caressing it. I raised my head a little, taking more of her into me. I let my teeth drag lightly along her shaft wrapped my tongue around her. I felt her quivering with the sensations I was creating for her. She thrust her pelvis toward me and I pulled back a little as she drove deeper into my throat and I started to gag. She did it again and as I tried again to pull back I saw and felt a hand tighten the straps holding her thighs to my head. She was held deeper in me now and I couldn’t pull back. I tried to relax and not gag. How could I convey to her that she was gagging me?I thrust my own pelvis against her and felt myself slide down her throat. I felt her start to gag and I suddenly understood as I felt her throat muscles constrict around me. So this was “Deep Throat”. I could feel her relaxing her throat and taking me deep within her. I did the same for her and marveled at the feelings we shared. I felt the straps holding me within her tightening as our Mistresses helped us heighten our pleasure. Our quivers of pleasure had turned to shuddering, driving passion as we drove ourselves deep within each other. We both opened ourselves and tried to take the other completely within ourselves. Our arms and legs locked around our lover tried to pull our bodies together into one. My orgasm was building to it’s ultimate climax as I felt her hot semen shoot down my throat and her cock pulsing and throbbing in my mouth and throat. I shot my seed deep into her as I gulped and tried to swallow hers without choking. I felt her doing the same with mine and I have never felt closer to anyone in my life. I heard Mistress Paula’s voice, “Enjoy yourself girls. This is the last time Renee will feel herself in the Teresa’s mouth for a long time. Teresa, you will never feel yourself in Renee’s mouth again. Enjoy it while you can.”I didn’t know what she meant. We had enjoyed ourselves, immensely enjoyed it, but we were through now, weren’t we? Maybe not, I didn’t feel anyone doing anything with the straps holding us to each other. I felt Renee softening and beginning to shrink inside me. I felt myself doing the same inside her and I felt her tongue caressing me. It was almost too much to bear. I was so sensitive that every time her tongue touched my head it was like an electric shock. I ran my tongue around her and felt her try to pull away from my touch. I stopped moving my tongue and began to just suck on her. She got the idea and did the same to me.I had never known communication like this. It was totally different from anything I had ever felt. The initial sensitivity was gone now and it felt so marvelous as she sucked gently on me. Her tongue played very lightly up and down me and I felt myself beginning to harden again. She was growing within me also. It felt amazing as she slowly grew and her head crept the back of my mouth and then down my throat. I knew what to expect and relaxed my throat and let her slide smoothly down into me. I tensed my muscles around her shaft and felt her stiffen in reply. Her throat tightened around me and held me in a warm and loving grip.It was much less frantic this time and took longer before we willingly accepted our lovers seed and swallowed it eagerly as we held each other tight within ourselves. We were both careful to not irritate tender tissue and sucked gently and washed the last drops of cream with our tongues. The feel of Renee’s soft cock in me was so comforting and tender as I waited for her to come alive again within me.The Mistresses finally turned out the lights and left us strapped together in each others arms for the night. I lost count of the times we came. It was not always together and those were the best. We could concentrate on bringing pleasure to the other. We would wake up with one or the other of us hard and concentrate on curing that condition. Simultaneous orgasms have always been overrated. To bring pleasure to the one you love is the most satisfying and it will be returned tenfold as they bring pleasure to you. We woke in the morning and after one last time the Mistresses came in and lowered us and began to separate two who had become truly one. They said we would never experience this again.We would never be allowed a night of uncontrolled coupling until our training was complete and then I wouldn’t have a penis anymore. That was alright. Nothing could ever equal what we had found in each other that night and it would hold us until we were able to find new ways to express our love.Mistress Monica removed the last of the straps holding me in the harness and helped me to sit up. Renee was already sitting on the end of her table, as completely naked as I was. Mistress Paula looked at us both, then at Mistress Monica who nodded yes to her. Mistress Paula looked back at us and said, “This is why we are going to hire the Dominatrixes to handle your training. We are too soft to really do it right. Your chastity devices are going back on this morning and you won’t be together without them or some other restraint system again. Not until the end of your training and even then you won’t be allowed unsupervised and unrestrained time together. This is something very special as our gift to you. Go in and bath in the large whirlpool tank together. You have two hours together and we won’t disturb you. Then you both go back in your chastity panties to stay. We have to do some shopping today for the trip to Germany. Today is the last chance because our flight leaves at 10:00 AM tomorrow. This is the only time you will ever have like this. Do whatever you want but be ready to be chastised and dressed in two hours, no more.” I will never share with anyone what we said to each other during those two hours. I will say that we had so much to say to each other that we didn’t repeat the activities of the night before. I will also say that our lips were sore from kissing and we explored every inch of each other with our lips and fingers. We understood and loved each other completely at the end of those two hours and we both agreed that even if we had had a choice we wouldn’t alter the course our Mistresses had charted for us.We were entering a new life that we both embraced completely as we embraced each other. It would be our life together and neither had the slightest doubts that it was what we had always dreamed of. In exactly two hours our Mistresses returned and told us to get on to the examining tables. They proceeded to strap us each to our respective table with our legs supported in the stirrups. They turned our heads so we were facing each other and put straps around heads that held them tight to the tables and prevented us from moving them. Before she strapped me down Mistress Monica had placed some straps on the table under my pelvis and chest.Now she used the straps under my chest to secure the plastic domes over my breasts that she had used on me in the Iron Lung. Tubes ran from the apex of each dome and wires were attached to copper plates that would contact my nipples when my breasts filled the domes. Mistress Paula handed her a clear plastic cylinder with tubes and wires running from it. She placed it over my penis and fixed it in place with straps around my pelvis and between my legs. It had an additional section that enclosed my balls. A soft seal surrounded the open end that was now strapped tightly to my groin.Clear plastic tubes ran from the section enclosing my scrotum and from the end of the cylinder that held my penis. The wires running from it were attached to copper plates on the inside. There was one plate on each side of my balls and two in the cylinder one a ring that encircled the base of my penis and the other dome shaped at the closed end of the cylinder that would encase the head of my penis if it was erect and filled its enclosure. She completed her work on me by buckling a strap with a inflatable gag around my mouth and pumping up the gag until it filled my mouth.Mistress Paula rolled a cart over between our tables. It held several metal boxes with a complex appearing array of knobs, switches, gauges and meters on them both. She began attaching the hoses and wires running from the devices strapped to me to the boxes. I knew what the domes over my breasts would do and thought that the device encasing my cock might be the same one she had used to milk me in her office. I couldn’t understand why they were only being put on me though. They had told us that we would both receive the same training and attention so I could only assume that they would hook up Renee when they were finished getting me connected. Mistress Paula finished connecting me to the control boxes and then explained why it was only me being fitted with the devices and attached to the control boxes. It didn’t make any sense to me at the time but I would come to appreciate how extremely effective the training procedure they were going to use on us actually was. She said, “Yesterday when Renee threw herself on Teresa it was only Renee who earned discipline. Teresa was helplessly restrained and couldn’t have resisted her even if she had wanted to so she lucked out. I suspect that had she been able to she would have earned as much or more punishment as Renee. Now Renee will be punished by watching her punishment inflicted on Teresa.”Renee should have known better but she began to plead with Mistress Paula to let her receive her own punishment. Mistress Paula let her continue on until she finally shut her up by saying that she had now doubled the number of times I would be stimulated by speaking without permission and had doubled the length of each stimulation by trying to alter a Mistress’s planned activity for one of us. She said that I was to have received five stimulations at 50% power level for 10 seconds each but now it would be ten and each would last 20 seconds. Renee’s eyes were locked on mine and I could see in her expression she knew something that I didn’t about the punishment I was about to receive for her.Her lips mouthed the words, “I’m sorry Teresa.” Mistress Paula’s voice interrupted our silent communication, “You have just doubled the number of stimulations again with that unauthorized communication. She will now receive 20. You are just making it more unpleasant for Teresa. If you keep it up I will raise the power level of her stimulations.” Renee’s whole body seemed to shrink as she realized how helpless she was to spare me the punishment I was about to undergo.I didn’t think it would be so bad. I knew what the domes over my breasts felt like and I liked the feeling. If it really was the milking device enclosing my cock that had also been good in a strange way. It certainly wasn’t going to be something that justified the way Renee had argued to spare me from it or should make her look so shattered now that Mistress Paula had made it clear that I would receive it and had tripled the number of times and doubled the duration.If I had known what Renee knew I would have been hysterical as Mistress Paula arranged a mirror on the cart so I could see my breasts and groin and the devices that enclosed the most tender parts of my body. She turned to the control boxes and flipped the power switch on each one to the “ON” position. A red pilot light glowed at the top of both boxes. She turned a knob labeled “Breasts” on the right-hand box up about half way and my breasts where sucked into the domes covering them. It took about five second for the suction to pull them completely into the domes and I could feel and see as they expanded to fill the domes completely and my nipples were pressed tightly against the metal plates at the top of each dome. After a few seconds the suction released its hold on me and they shrank back away from the plates.She adjusted another knob and I could see it was labeled “Duration – Seconds”. She turned it to “20” and when the suction pulled my breasts in the next time it held them much longer, I guess it was about 20 seconds. Her hand went to another knob labeled “Genitals” and turned it about halfway up also. The next time my breasts were sucked into the domes my penis and scrotum were also sucked into the clear container enclosing them. The feelings had aroused me and my cock was erect and hard but it still didn’t quite fill the tube as the suction pulled on it. It was tight against the walls of the tube but its head was still a little short of the dome shaped plate at the end.My balls filled the portion devoted to them and I felt and saw my skin plastered tight against the walls and the plates on each side. She turned the knob controlling the suction on my genitals up higher and the next time the machine cycled my cock was drawn even deeper into the tube and I felt its head press tightly into the dome meant for it. Her attention shifted to the box on the left. There were three knobs on it and a gauge above each knob. They were labeled “Power Level 1, 2 and 3” and graduated from “0 to 100%”. The suction was holding me in the devices as she turned each knob to “5%”. The familiar tingling surged through my breasts and genitals. If this was to be the punishment I hoped Renee would continue to be a very naughty girl.She let the machines go through a couple more cycles. They seemed to give me about the same 20 seconds with the suction relieved as with it on. My balls would contact the plates on either side a second or so before my nipples and cock would make connection with the plates supplying the current to them. The tingling would begin there in my balls and then spread through my cock and to my breasts. Then she turned the “Power Level” knobs up to “15%” and the pleasant tingling was replaced with a much stronger surge of electricity. Instead of tingling it felt like a pulsing or vibrating shock and my cock and balls felt like a hand had a firm grip and was squeezing them.My nipples stung from the shock and it ran through my breasts as a tightness grasped my chest like a band around it. She left the controls alone as the machines took me through a couple more cycles and then as I was resting between cycles she turned all three knobs up to “50%”. The difference between 5% and 15% had been dramatic and it was uncomfortable at 15%. I didn’t want to know what it would be like at 50%. I was terrified of what was about to happen to me and I held my breath as the suction began to drag my nipples, cock and balls toward the plates that would send the current pulsing through them.Time seemed to go into slow motion as I watched my nipples and the head of my cock creep toward the plates. I tried to prepare myself for what was to come but nothing could have prepared me for the shock as my balls touched the plates bracketing them. It felt like they had been instantly crushed by steel jaws that were trying to rip them from my body. The scream that erupted in my throat and tried to force its way past my gag was cut off as my nipples and cock were forced against the plates that completed the circuit to them. The air was forced from my lungs as the electricity flowed through my nipples and into my breasts and chest. My back arched and forced my body off the table with only the straps holding me down.It felt as if my chest were clamped in a monstrous steel vise and drawing in a breath was beyond hope as the air was forced from me. At the same instant the force clamped around my chest my cock was crushed by its own electrical vise. It felt as if it were being compressed by an relentless steel press and twisted at the same time. My nipples and the tip of my cock burned as if they were on fire. The 20 seconds seemed like 20 minutes before the suction released me from contact with the plates.I gasped for breath and was reduced to whimpering behind the gag filling my mouth. Mistress Paula said, “That’s one, only 19 to go”. I knew I couldn’t survive 20 assaults on my body like that. It would surely kill me or at the least reduce me to insanity. My eyes locked on Renee. She was sobbing uncontrollably and tears streamed from her eyes. The brilliance of their punishment technique was now obvious to me. I would do anything to prevent Renee having to endure what was being done to me and I knew she felt the same. I also knew I had to endure this for Renee’s sake. I saw her eyes gazing through her tears into mine and I took strength from her. I hoped she could see me gathering strength as the suction began its ruthless pull on me again.I didn’t try to brace myself or prepare in any way. I let my mind fill with the feel of Renee in my arms and her cock in her mouth and hers in mine. Renee filled my mind and heart. The force of the stimulation was just as great and the effect on my body as cruel as before but my eyes never left hers and somehow I shut out some of the agony as our love flowed across the space between us. The 20 seconds didn’t seem to last as long this time. It was still horrendous to endure but It wasn’t unbearable, not to the two of us together. Renee’s sobbing subsided and although her tears continued to flow she smiled at me and I knew she was sending her love and strength to me with her entire being. Mistress Paula was counting the stimulations but I shut out the sound of her voice and locked my entire consciousness on Renee. Renee was my only hope to survive this and she made it essential that I not only survive but minimize the apparent effect. I could imagine the guilt she was feeling at bringing this down on me and I had to assuage that guilt as much as possible. With each new stimulation we were drawn even closer together.I could feel her presence in my heart as she held me in her arms and eased my agony. This probably wouldn’t make sense to anyone else but it got me through my first session of punishment and it got both of us through many more episodes and each brought us closer together and more in love. Neither of us ever resented the other doing something to bring on punishment. We both did everything in our power to avoid mistakes that would bring about discipline sessions but our Mistresses controlled our lives so completely that it was not always possible to avoid such mistakes. We both firmly believed that they deliberately set us up to make mistakes and whether it was their intent or not they only strengthened our love and devotion to each other with each session.I found myself feeling grateful to Mistress Paula for administering the discipline and creating the closer bond between Renee and I. I also felt grateful to both of our Mistresses for this plan that allowed me to receive Renee’s punishment and to spare her the agony. I realized that I would feel differently when it was her receiving my punishment but I knew that she would be as eager to spare me pain as I was to spare her. After I had received my 20 stimulations the Mistresses released us from our tables and applied our steel and rubber chastity panties and our corsets and then got us dressed to go shopping.They put one of Renee’s slips and dresses on me. They were a little big on but still looked very nice. I loved the feel of the smooth and slippery slip under my dress. The feel of stockings on my legs was exquisite and the pull of the garters attaching them to my corset only added to the feelings. The dress was a lovely pastel flowered rayon print and hung beautifully on my body. Renee helped me with my makeup but the Mistresses were watching closely so we made no attempt to talk or engage in any forbidden touching. We didn’t need to talk to communicate our feelings but the temptation to touch each other was almost overwhelming. Neither of us was willing to bring punishment on the other however, not with the memory of my session so fresh in our minds.We spent all afternoon in various shops and boutiques and it was wonderful. We got mostly things for me but the Mistresses got a few items and they got some new stockings for Renee and we stopped by the “My Lady’s Body Boutique” and picked up a rubber chastity like mine that Mistress Paula had ordered for Renee. She would have to wear it for the airline flight to avoid embarrassing situations at the metal detectors. The Mistresses told us that they would remove our padlocks in a restroom outside the metal detectors and then replace them in a restroom on the other side after we had passed through the detectors. They would be able to take the locks through in their purses with no problem.They also told us that while we were waiting for Mr Latowski to complete my steel chastity panties and make the modifications to Renee’s we would be going to Amsterdam to see Mr Jeroen van der Kiis at Bizarre Design. They said that he makes the most extreme and restrictive leather corsets available and we would each be measured and fitted for at least one of his creations. We stopped for dinner at a restaurant and Renee and I both had very light meals because we were laced so tight. When we returned home we both undressed. They removed everything except our corsets and chastity panties. We were strapped to our tables again and they said we were to be given enemas.The Mistresses said they wanted to clean us out for the long flight the next day. I guess that they didn’t want to have to bother with that procedure until we were settled into our hotel in Germany. They told us that enemas were the only way we would be allowed to evacuate our bowels in the future and they would control that part of our life also.They said that the surgery they had planned for us both would deprive us of all control of the elimination of body waste and make us even more dependant on them for every aspect of our day-to-day life. I wondered when they were going to start feeding us too. If only I had known what they had planned. It wouldn’t have made any difference I guess. We weren’t going to ever be given any choice in what they did to us and neither of us really wanted anything except to be near each other. The Mistresses were talking quite freely to us and I was enjoying it even though the only topic seemed to be what they were going to do to us.Mistress Monica rolled a cart between our tables. It held another large control box of some kind, one I had not seen before. Hoses ran from the box down to two sealed tanks on the lower shelf of the cart. Two more hoses ran from the box and were coiled up on top of the cart. The hoses were about one inch, or a little larger, in diameter and I could see the end of one of them. It looked like a smooth plastic nozzle with a smoothly rounded end. It was as large around as the hoses. Four or five inches from the end were two areas that looked different from the rest of the nozzle.The two areas ran completely around the nozzle like two rings. They were each about a half-inch long and separated from each other buy about an inch. They looked like they were made from rubber rather than the hard plastic. A small tube ran from the section furthest from the end of the nozzle and it had a squeeze bulb attached to the end of it. I knew what I was looking at. That was the device Mistress Paula had used to give me and enema in her office. The nozzle looked gigantic but it had felt that way she put it and me and the two rubber sections were the parts that had inflated and sealed the nozzle in my rectum.The Mistresses each took one of the hoses and proceeded to lubricate the nozzles. Mistress Monica dropped the section of the table under my buttocks and Mistress Paula did the same to Renee. Mistress Monica unfastened the strap of my chastity panties that ran between my legs. Once she had access to my rectum she proceeded to try to insert the nozzle within me. Mistress Paula was inserting Renee’s nozzle through the opening in the rear of her steel chastity panties. As the cold plastic touched me my sphincter contracted. I tried to make it relax but the it wouldn’t cooperate and by reflex tried to bar entry of the foreign invader.Mistress Monica was not to be denied and the firm, unrelenting pressure she applied forced the nozzle into me. Once inside it slid relatively easily deeper and when it was in the position she desired she began pumping the squeeze bulb. I felt the rings inflating on either side of my sphincter, locking the nozzle within me and sealing it. Mistress Paula had less trouble preparing Renee and was patiently waiting when Mistress Monica completed my preparation. Mistress Monica nodded to her and Mistress Paula activated a switch and then turned a knob on the control box. I felt my insides begin to expand as the fluid flowed through the hose and into me.I looked across and could actually see Renee’s belly rising as we were simultaneously filled. The warm soapy water was filling my bowels when suddenly something occurred to me and I beseeched Mistress Monica with my expression to be allowed to speak. She recognized my request and said, “You may speak but it had better not be a complaint about what we are doing now or what we have planned for you. If it is you know that Renee will regret it.””I would never question or complain about anything you do for me Mistress Monica. I welcome everything you do for me, Your kindness is beyond description and brings me nothing but joy.””Don’t try to bull shit me Teresa. What did you want to say?””How will I be able to travel out of the country as Teresa? My passport says Terrace and has the picture of me as a man.””You don’t give me much credit Teresa. I had a fake passport made for you in the name of Teresa with the picture I took of you last Halloween when you dressed as a woman for our party. Why do you think I suggested you dress that way?””I’m sorry to have doubted your planning Mistress.””You should be. An advantage of your using a counterfeit passport is that if you or Renee give us any trouble while out of the country all we have to do is turn you in to the authorities. You would have an interesting time getting out of that. Renee’s passport is a counterfeit too so you had both better be very good if you don’t want to end up in a German or Belgium prison as girlfriends for the inmates there. Enough conversation for now. We have to finish here and get you two ready for the night.”By this time both of our bellies were painfully full and very visibly distended. The Mistresses stopped the flow of fluid and stepped away from the control box. Renee’s face was turned to me and I saw her gaze traveling up and down my body. I wondered if she found me as attractive as she was to me. She seemed to answer my question when her eyes returned to my face and a smile lit up her expression. The weight and pressure of the fluid filling us was extremely uncomfortable but I don’t think either of us cared. It was one more thing for us to share and the sharing was the most important thing in the world. We would be sharing everything to a degree I had never dreamed possible for any two people.Mistress Monica returned to the control box between us and activated another set of controls. The fluid began to flow out of me and I could see by the relief on Renee’s face that she was being emptied also. The pressure within us forced the fluid out at first but after the pressure eased I could tell it was actually being sucked out of us. After a few minutes we were both empty and Mistress Monica manipulated the controls to begin filling us again. They filled and flushed us out a total of four times. Then they deflated the rings that sealed the nozzles inside of us and withdrew them. Before the relief of having been very uncomfortable intruder removed from me even had time to register Mistress Monica had replaced it with a plug that sealed my opening again.It had a flange that covered my rectum on the outside and a narrow neck just below the flange so the tension of my sphincter around that neck kept the plug from sliding out. It was even larger than the nozzle and had been painful going in and its presence inside me was uncomfortable and impossible to ignore. I knew exactly what it looked like because I had watched Mistress Paula force an identical plug through the anal opening of Renee’s chastity panties and into her while I was receiving mine.Renee’s locked to her chastity panties with a click when it was fully inserted. Mistress Paula smiled at us and said, “Get used to the plugs girls. You will wear one full time now and after your surgeries your little butts will have a permanent resident. Mistress Paula went to a cupboard and retrieved two complex leather harnesses. These were more extensive than the ones they had used on us before. She laid them across the top of the cart containing the enema equipment and they then unlocked and removed our chastity panties. They unstrapped us from the tables leaving only our legs strapped into the stirrups. With a lot of tugging and pulling and our lifting parts of our bodies off the tables they got the harnesses laid out underneath us.They raised the lower portion of our tables and removed our legs from the stirrups and laid them out straight on the tables. The harnesses ran from our heads to our feet. They began fastening the multitude of interconnected straps around our feet and then working up our legs to the rest of our bodies and eventually around our heads. Our arms were strapped securely at our sides. The harnesses were made entirely of black leather except for a section of heavy black rubber that covered our groins. Straps around our pelvises held it firmly against us and the strap between our legs held it tight and forced our testicles up within our bodies. And opening on the front of the rubber portion allowed our cock protrude through and naturally we were both a hard and erect.There was some sort of metal flange around the opening that looked like something might attach to it. There were no straps across our chests but a number of loose straps were still hanging from the sides along the full length of both our harnesses. It looked to me as if we would be strapped together again and I prayed that were true. They slid two of the overhead hoists over above our tables. They went on to fasten a pair of cables from the hoist above each of us to rings at the shoulders of our individual harnesses.Another cable from each hoist was attached to a ring on the portion of the harness enclosing our heads. They activated the hoists and we were each lifted first into a sitting position and then raised until we were hanging vertically above the tables. They shoved us both out toward the middle of the room and lowered us until our feet were just above the floor. They positioned us so we were facing each other just a couple of feet apart.Mistress Paula went to another cupboard and when she opened it I could see two chest shells for the cuirassess and a third similar shell that was open on both sides instead of being closed on one side. She removed the third shell and I could see it had the rubber seals like the ones that had sealed the one Mistress used on me to my chest. This one had the seals around both sides so that two chests would be sealed on opposite sides of it facing each other. Needless to say I was becoming very aroused at the thought of Renee’s and my harnesses strapped together and our chests sealed together in that shell.Mistress Paula placed the shell up against Renee’s chest and she and Mistress Monica fastened straps from Renee’s harness to hold it in place. I could see her excitement growing and I watched her breasts rising and falling above her corset inside the shell as her breathing became more rapid. My own breathing was coming very rapidly and it increased even more as Mistress Monica shoved me toward the shell and my chest slipped into it. I expected to feel her breasts against mine but the shell was deep enough that we didn’t touch inside.They began tightening the straps form my harness that would hold me in the shell with her. Our faces were only inches apart and the temptation to lean closer and cover her lips with mine was overpowering. The only thing that prevented it was the thought of her being punished as I had been just a few hours ago. I could see the desire in her eyes but she withstood the temptation also. I could feel her warm breath against my face and I almost succumbed but was able to restrain myself.The harness around my head kept me from looking down but I knew our cocks must be even closer to each other than our faces. They Mistress had finished strapping me to the shell and I saw Mistress Paula was holding a large polished metal tube of some kind. It was a little less than a foot long and a couple of inches in diameter at each end but larger in the middle. Each end had a flange that looked like it might mate with the flanges surrounding the opening our cocks protruded through. A plastic hose ran from a fitting in the middle. Mistress slid the tube over my cock. The metal was cold against my skin but the excitement grew within me as Mistress Paula guided Renee’s cock in the other end.I felt something warm instead of the cold metal, It was her head touching mine and shivers ran through me. They pushed us closer together and I felt her cock sliding alongside mine. Renee was trembling as the feeling overwhelmed her also. When the ends of the tube met the flanges on our harnesses Mistress Monica gave the tube a quarter turn and the flanges on the tube locked into the flanges on our harnesses. Our cocks lay alongside each other, pressed together and locked inside the tube. I felt Renee tensing and rubbing her cock against mine as I did the same. Just a few minutes of this and we would both cum inside this wonderful tube. Suddenly I felt a sting on my buttock.It was the feel of a needle entering my flesh. Renee’s eyes widened and I knew she had felt the same thing. In only seconds I felt the effects of Curare creeping over me. I watched the smile vanish from Renee’s lips and then all expression disappear from her face as the paralysis overtook her. I couldn’t draw air into my lungs and then I felt the suction inside the chest shell begin. My chest was being sucked into it and air drawn into my lungs. As my chest expanded in the shell so did Renee’s and her nipples touched mine. First just a touch and then our nipples were pressed together as the suction pulled us against each other. The hose running from the tube containing our cocks must have been attached to the same vacuum source because the air was being drawn from the tube also and the suction was causing our cocks to expand and be forced tightly against each other. The feelings were astounding. The suction released and our nipples separated and the pressure pressing her cock against mine lessened but soon the suction pulled us together again.I mentally thanked our Mistresses for such a marvelous arrangement. The Mistresses were fastening straps to hold our legs together and soon we were held immovably together from our shoulders to our feet. Mistress Paula stood up and brought her hand up to where I could see it. She was holding something that it took a few seconds for me to recognize. It was a large double ended dildo. It was extremely realistic looking and as I looked at it more carefully I saw that the two ends were a little different. Near the middle were two flanges about two inches apart. The portion extending past one flange was a little larger and bigger around than the other end. The heads were a little different in shape also.”Do you girls recognize this?” she asked. Each end is an exact replica of one of your cocks. The larger one is Renee’s.” She placed the larger end against my lips and pressed. I thought of resisting but knew it would be futile. I opened my mouth and she slid it in me as the other end went into Renee. Once it had entered both our mouths Mistress Monica began fastening straps between our head harnesses. She tightened them and they drew our faces closer together and the dildo was forced deeper into our mouths and down our throats. With the Curare paralyzing all of our muscles we had no gag reflexes and it slid easily down our throats until the flanges met our lips. All the straps were tight now and our heads were held firmly in place with our eyes no more than two inches apart. Our noses were just touching each other. I heard our Mistress say, “Good night girls.” As they left the room and closed the door behind them. They turned the lights off but I could just make out Renee’s eyes in the dim glow from the lights on the control panel of the respirator. The dildo wasn’t so bad. It not only looked realistic it felt unbelievably realistic. I couldn’t squeeze down on it but it felt just like Renee had in my mouth and it was even warm, like her. This whole arrangement was wonderful. The feel of her nipples pressing against mine and our cocks squeezed together by the suction was exhilarative beyond words. We would cum together over and over all night. All I could see was her eyes right in front of mine. We were so close that they were a little blurred but the love in them was clear.I have never felt so sexually aroused. If only we could have moved to heighten the feelings of our most sensitive parts touching. It felt so extraordinary as the suction pressed us together and yet the lack of control over it was a little disconcerting. I felt so ready to cum, right on the edge of a glorious orgasm and yet nothing was happening. We should both have exploded into the tube by now. I began to wonder why it hadn’t happened and it slowly became clear to me. It wasn’t possible to cum while paralyzed. It took muscle action to force our semen out and we had no muscle action whatsoever. The only muscles that were functioning in our bodies were our hearts. All others were paralyzed.This wasn’t a kindness from our Mistresses. This was a way to frustrate us beyond anything else imaginable. We were aroused to the very limit of endurance and we would not be allowed any satisfaction or relief. Our only hope would be for the Curare to wear off before morning but I didn’t think our Mistresses would have overlooked that possibility. I shouldn’t have been possible to see any expression on Renee’s face but I could see the same realization in her eyes that must have been in mine. We were helpless to do anything to satisfy the enormous craving we felt each other.The suction in the tube would keep our cocks engorged with blood and hard. The suction would also keep forcing our nipples together and rubbing our cocks against each other but the Curare would prevent our bodies from squelching the fire that our Mistresses had created within us. I began to wonder how I would endure the burning love I felt for Renee. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I thought of our Mistresses in each others arms and doing the things to each other we could only dream of. Through the mist of my tears I watched the first tear swell in the corner of Renee’s eye and grow to a torrent as she shared my yearning for fulfillment.We stared into each others eyes through the night as the respirator performed its dual function of keeping us alive and aroused us to the point of insanity.Sometime in the early hours of morning I saw Renee’s eyelid flicker. I tried to find some movement in my body to verify that the Curare was wearing off. I strained to move some small muscle and was eventually rewarded when my upper lip twitched. A few minutes later I was able to blink my eyes and Renee responded with a wink. We both knew that once the effects began to wear off it was a rapid process. My fingers began to respond to my brain’s orders for them to flex. In just a few more minutes we would have full movement back and even though we were strapped immovable in our harnesses our bodies would respond to the stimulus of touching each other.The excitement grew within me as I waited for the feeling in my groin that would signal the first stages of an orgasm. The room was flooded with light as the door opened. Mistress Monica came through the door and came directly to the two of us. She was carrying two hypodermic syringes and in a matter of seconds she had injected us both with another dose of Curare. Tears streamed down our cheeks as she closed the door behind her and we sank into the depths of despair while the paralysis took control of our bodies again. By morning I had concluded that to taste Renee’s lips and tongue was worth any punishment the Mistresses might impose on me.I couldn’t bear the thought of watching Renee punished but I had decided that if she gave any indication of her willingness to participate in a punishable offense I would take her in my arms. I would hold her close and kiss her until they pried my arms from around her. They must have known how close to the edge of endurance they had pushed us because they never gave us the opportunity do anything. We were kept paralyzed as they loaded us in our Stokes stretchers and lowered us side-by-side in the large tank to be bathed. They catheterized us both and then dressed us in our rubber chastity panties, corsets and then in our traveling clothes without allowing us to regain function of our bodies.Urine bags were hooked to our catheters and strapped to our legs under our skirts. They had hooked us up to Bennett respirators with face masks until we were dressed. Then they put us in the cuirasses, fitted cervical braces on us and strapped us into our power wheelchairs with our respirators mounted on the back of our chairs. The braces rested on our shoulders and held our head and neck rigidly. Then they did our makeup and hair. By then it was time to leave for the airport and they wheeled us out the van still strapped in our chairs and loaded us aboard.I had been under the impression that we would be unrestrained for the flight, They had implied that they felt the threat of punishment or being turned over to European authorities for traveling under false passports would keep us in line. I had apparently misunderstood or they had changed their minds. Skycaps helped them to unload our luggage and Renee and I at the airport. I listened to them explain at the check-in counter that we were sisters suffering from a genetic condition that completely paralyzed us. We were traveling to Germany to be evaluated at a clinic there that might be able to help us. The airline employees looked at us with pity and said they would do everything possible to make our travel as comfortable as possible. They said we could remain in our chairs until right before boarding when our chairs would be checked and loaded into the baggage compartment. We would be transferred to boarding chairs and airline employees would board us before the rest of the passengers and assure that we were secured in our seats. They asked about toilet needs during the flight and The Mistresses informed them that we were catheterized and they could handle emptying our collection bags when required. They tried to be tactful as they explained to the Mistresses that in the unlikely event an emergency evacuation of the aircraft was necessary we would be the last to be taken off. Mistress Monica said she understood and that we did also. The agent told them to check in with the agent at the gate and we proceeded to our boarding gate. When we arrived at the metal detectors I remembered that the Mistresses had not removed the locks from our chastity panties. I needn’t have worried because they waved us around the detectors and a security officer said we would have to be hand searched. He called a female officer over and she began with me. She started at my feet and asked, “What’s that?” when she felt my collection bag.Mistress Monica explained that it was a urine collection bag. The officer nodded and worked higher. She looked puzzled when her hands touched my chastity and corset. Thankfully she didn’t feel the padlock between my legs. Mistress Monica told her that we both had to wear rigid corsets to allow us to sit upright. She nodded again and quickly brushed her hands over my breasts and turned to Renee. Her search of Renee was much more cursory and she seemed relieved to pass us on to the gate.The trip out the long tunnel to the gate seemed endless with everyone staring at us. Moving sidewalk ran down each side of tunnel and gave everyone coming or going a marvelous view of the two poor paralyzed women as our Mistresses guided our chairs down the middle. It was even worse when we reached the island containing all the gates. There no one had anything to do except stare at us as they waited for their flight or to greet incoming friends and relatives.The Mistresses checked in at the gate for our flight and asked the agent if there was a place they could plug in our respirators to charge the batteries to assure a full charge for the long trans-Atlantic flight. He directed them to a spot along the wall that left us sitting in the main corridor everyone had to pass through. They left us there and went to get a drink in the bar. I have never felt so exposed and self-conscious. We were both facing out from the wall and since we were paralyzed and wearing the neck braces we couldn’t even turn our heads to see each other. The only way I knew Renee was even there was from the sound of her respirator mixing with the sound of mine.We had about 90 minutes before our flight and it seemed like days. About 30 minutes before our flight time two big burly airline agents arrived to put us on our plane. They started with Renee. I was still facing out from the wall and couldn’t see what they were doing but I could hear the commotion and grunting as they transferred her to a boarding chair and then wheeled her off to the plane. It seemed like hours before they returned for me. They unstrapped me from my chair and in the process their hands lingered in places they had no business. When they lifted me from my chair a hand was massaging my buttocks. One of them was actually resting his hand on my breast as they strapped me in the narrow boarding chair.I wished I could tell him that all he was feeling was silicone. We headed for the airplane with one pushing me in the chair and the other carrying my respirator. It was very cramped getting us aboard the plane and they had the Mistresses wait by the door as they maneuvered me to my seat in the first class section. Out of sight of everyone and having been told we couldn’t talk they were free to do about anything they wanted and took full advantage of it. I could feel my breast forms getting a good massage. I was glad they were silicone and then I remembered that Renee’s weren’t and she must have gotten the same treatment. I wanted to attack them both for what they must have done to her.They got me out of the chair and into my seat next to Renee with much groping and chuckling to themselves and then one of them leaned over in front of me. He whispered, “Here’s a little treat for you honey.” as his hand went between my legs. I wish I could have laughed in his face as his fingers met my chastity panties. I watched as his expression changed from lechery to confusion. He continued to explore and he found the padlock. He whispered to his cohort, “I don’t know what this bitch is wearing down there. Feel it yourself.” The first one reached for Renee’s lap as his friend squeezed in front of my seat and his hand went to my crotch. Just then Mistress Monica appeared in the aisle beside us. “They are wearing chastity belts. They are helpless to protect herself from bastards like you two. Get out of here this instant.” They both scurried up the aisle and out of the plane. One of the flight attendants appeared and Mistress Monica told her what had happened.The flight attendant said she would call the station manager and have him come to the plane right away. The flight attendant finished getting me situated in the seat while Mistress Monica went somewhere. I assume to meet the station manager. The flight attendant fastened my seat belt and positioned my respirator on the floor under the seat in front of me. She seemed very embarrassed by her fellow employees’ actions and kept telling me how sorry she was and assuring me that they would be out of a job before the day was over. The flight was delayed by Mistress’s meeting with the station manager. When she finally returned she and Mistress Paula sat down across the aisle from Renee and I.I heard her tell Mistress Paula that we were now flying free to Europe and back. We also had 50,000 Free Flyer Miles. When they boarded the rest of the passengers they all gave us odd looks as they passed our seats. Some seemed actually hostile to us. I don’t know if they knew what had happened but they obviously knew that the delay had something to do with us. Thankfully our flight was as uneventful as our boarding had been eventful. It was merely long and extremely boring for Renee and I. The Mistresses renewed our Curare doses twice during the flight.We arrived in Frankfurt and the rental van with a lift was waiting for us. After the Mistresses retrieved our extensive luggage we set out for the town where Mr. Latowski’s shop was located. I have no idea the name of the town but it was about two hours driving time from Frankfurt. We arrived there in the early afternoon and our appointment to see him wasn’t until the next morning. We had reservations at a hotel there and it was something of a circus getting checked in and all of our luggage and Renee and I up to our room.Our room was actually a suite and very nice. Once the Bell-man had left and the four of us were alone Mistress Paula told us that they would give us the antidote for the Curare now. It would be much easier for all involved if we were able to move and co-operate during our measuring and fitting for my chastity panties and our new corsets but they were perfectly willing to do it with us paralyzed if we made that necessary. Renee’s modification for her chastity panties did not require fitting and if we didn’t behave she would spend the time I was being measured and fitted being punished. Her modification was ready to be picked up and as soon as it was installed in her chastity panties they would provide punishment while wearing them.That was the entire purpose of the modification. Mistress Monica injected the antidote and the Curare was neutralized within a few minutes. They made no move to release us from our chairs or to remove the respirator shells or neck braces from us however. They did empty our leg bags for us and then they said they thought all of us could use a nap. They placed inflatable gags in our mouths, tightened the straps around our heads and inflated the gags. Then they reclined our chairs for us and the two of them stripped down to their underwear and crawled into bed.They were both wearing black lace bras, panties and garter belts with black seamed stocking attached to the garter belts. They snuggled together and were soon asleep in each others arms. Renee and I were exhausted but sleep came harder for us. The sight of our Mistresses in each others arms was agonizing for us both. These were the women we had loved for years and the pain of seeing them together was part of our problem. The other part was how much we each longed to be in each others arms. My emotions were so confused. I wanted Renee more than anything but I didn’t have any idea of what gender either of us was or would become or in what way we would be allowed to have each other, if at all. I wanted my Mistress but knew that was a part of my life that was irretrievably gone.I finally drifted off to sleep with confused and paradoxical thoughts running through my mind. I awoke with late afternoon sun streaming through the windows. The first thing I saw was Renee strapped in her chair. Her eyes motioned to the bed and I turned my head as much as possible to see. I couldn’t see either of our Mistresses but the movement coming from underneath the covers made it clear they were both there. The sounds a labored breathing and soft moans made it pretty clear what was going on under the covers. I turned back to Renee and tried to concentrate on her. I didn’t need to think about what was going on in the bed.We concentrated on each other and when our Mistresses emerged from under the covers they had lost their bras and panties. They stripped off their garter belts and stockings and trotted giggling into to bathroom. They were sure not the picture of stern and domineering Mistresses we had come to know. They emerged a little later with the demeanor we were more used to. They got dressed and called room service for dinner. They removed our gags and released our arms from their straps to allow us to feed ourselves. Before releasing our arms they moved us far enough apart to preclude any chance of our touching though.After we had finished eating they injected us with Curare again and turned on our respirators. They reclined our chairs and told us good night. Then they returned to the bed and continued their activities. I don’t know if they were under the covers or not. My eyes were looking straight ahead and all I could see was the ceiling. There was nothing wrong with my hearing and I could hear all the sounds they made and the endearments they whispered to each other. Sometime later one of them came over and closed my eyes and much later I fell asleep.Morning found Renee and I awake long before our Mistresses. When they finally woke up it was too late for them to bath us or for breakfast. We only had about 30 minutes before our appointment with Mr. Latowski. The Mistresses got dressed but did nothing to get us ready. We were wearing the clothes we had worn for the entire time since we left home and we must have begun to smell. The Curare was still effective so we couldn’t have objected to being taken to him in this condition even if we had dared. We paraded out through the lobby and to our van.Mistress Monica was carrying a carpetbag that I figured held Renee’s chastity panties that were to be modified. Mistress Paula had her carry bag that she took everywhere with us now. I didn’t know what she had in it but she always managed to pull some apparatus out for me when she needed it. It was only a few blocks to Mr Latowski’s shop. Not really a shop but a small work shop behind his home we discovered. We were shown through the house and out to the shop in the rear. He asked Mistress Monica if she wanted him to start with my fitting or with Renee’s modification. She said to start with Renee’s and handed him her chastity panties from her bag.He took them over to his work bench and began work on them. The Mistresses positioned us so we could watch him work. He removed the silicone liner first. This was the first good look I had gotten at it. It had an opening for the penis and balls to enter it. Immediately inside was a cavity that held the balls snuggly. A cylindrical cavity ran down from there to encase the penis and a tube ran to the end of the liner, between the legs for urine drainage. There were small openings on each side that matched openings in the steel panties. These were for a syringe to be inserted and inject cleansing solution around the penis and balls.It was all quite ingenious and the silicone looked soft enough to be comfortable. After he removed the liner he drilled 3 small holes in the front of the steel panties. He took a steel shell about 2 inches wide by 3 inches high and 1/2 inch deep and placed a plastic box in it. Two wires ran from the plastic box and he threaded them through the middle hole he had just drilled. He placed the shell against the front of Renee’s panties and placed screws through the other two holes from the inside. These fitted into threaded holes in the shell. He tightened them securing the shell to the front of the panties. He took another silicone liner and inserted one of the wires into a socket on the outside of the liner. Then he threaded the second wire between the liner and the panties.He took the largest dildo I had ever seen from the bench and put it through the hole in the rear of her panties. When it was in place he rotated it and it snapped into some sort of locking collar. He held it up to Mistress Monica and said, “See, it can only be released by inserting the special key in this hole above the plug and then rotating it with the spanner I will give you.”Both Mistresses looked closely and nodded their approval and said that was perfect. He inserted the second wire in a socket in the dildo just inside the panties. He handed the complete chastity panties to Mistress Monica and proceeded to explain the changes to her and Mistress Paula.”I have lined the entire ball and penis cavities with a thin layer of electrically conductive rubber. The butt plug is covered with the same material. This has created two electrodes that will be in place whenever the chastity device is worn. They are both connected to the battery operated receiver and generator housed in the compartment on the front of her chastity device. The current to the electrodes will be controlled by either of the transmitters you will have. They are about the size of a pager.”He handed a small black box to each of the Mistresses. They had a knob and 2 buttons on the front face and a belt clip on the back. They each also had a loop of thin chain to wear them around their necks I assumed. “The strength of the current is controlled by the knob there and you can activate either belt by pressing the corresponding button or both by pressing both buttons at once. There is also an electrical detection circuit built into the receivers. A very small current runs from the device to the wearer at all times. If two persons are each wearing these chastity devices and they touch any part of the others body the receivers will detect this and apply full voltage to the electrodes of both device. The voltage will cycle on and off, 5 seconds on and 10 off until you press the buttons on the transmitter or the batteries run down. The will last approximately 20 minutes if not interrupted. The key that releases the plug also opens the small door there on the bottom of the receiver compartment to replace the batteries. The electrical portion of the panties is waterproof and punishment therapy can be delivered even if the subjects are immersed in water. Mistress Paula said it was perfect and that she wanted to put it on Renee right away. She took a syringe from her carpet bag and injected Renee with Curare antidote. As soon as it had reversed the effects of the Curare Mistress Paula released Renee’s straps and removed her cuirass. She told her to stand up. She lifted her skirt and slip and told her to hold them up out of the way. She unlocked the rubber chastity and then unfastened the cover over Renee’s penis. She released her penis and then removed the chastity from her. She removed Renee’s dildo and Mr Latowski handed her a tube of something. He said it was conductive grease and would make the device more effective and also make installation easier.She spread the grease on Renee’s penis and balls. Renee was trembling with apprehension but she made no effort to resist. It would have been futile with both Mistresses and Mr. Latowski surrounding her. Her penis was completely flaccid. She certainly wasn’t feeling any positive feeling about being locked in her newly modified chastity panties. The only thing keeping me from quivering with fear for Renee and myself was the Curare. I would have been panicked at the thought of wearing such a horrible device if not for the knowledge that it would take him a fairly long period of time to construct my panties. I remembered hearing Mistress Monica say that it had taken nine weeks to get Renee’s chastity panties and something in the future is not nearly so terrifying. Somehow I might not have to wear my own pair of electrified chastity panties. Mistress Monica held Renee’s panties while Mistress Paula spread more of the grease on the dildo. Mistress Paula took them from her and placed the front up against Renee’s groin. They were hinged at the bottom and the rear portion hung down in front of Renee’s legs. Mistress Paula guided Renee’s catheter through the penis tube and out the hole at the bottom. Then she slipped Renee’s Penis into the cavity and slid the whole assembly up a little. She tucked her balls into the cavity for them and pressed the front of the panties up and tight against Renee.She told her to spread her legs apart and when Renee complied she swung the rear portion between her legs to the rear. Renee was shaking uncontrollably as the dildo touched her rectum. Mistress Paula told her to bend over and when she did pressed the dildo hard against her opening. It started to enter but Renee sphincter was fighting its entry. With it attached to the rear part of the chastity panties Mistress Paula was able to force it by pushing on the upper part of the panties and using them as a lever to force the dildo into Renee. Renee’s eyes were wide and her face was frozen in fear as the plug slid into her. It was finally in place but the sides of her panties weren’t quite together. Mistress Paula asked Mistress Monica to help and with them pushing from the front and rear the sides finally met and they engaged the locks on each side. Mistress Paula Paula told Renee to sit down in her chair again. Renee had a definite waddle to her walk as she returned to her chair. I didn’t see how she could walk at all with that monster locked so rigidly in her. She sat down gingerly and I could see her flinch as her weight pushed the panties even tighter against her and the dildo deeper still.Mistress Paula strapped Renee into her chair and took the transmitter from Mr Latowski. She was looking closely at the front of it when he asked, “If you are going to test it now we should gag her. I don’t want my neighbors disturbed or worrying about what is going on over Here.”Mistress Paula agreed that was a good idea and removed a pump gag from her bag. She strapped it to Renee’s head and inflated the gag in her mouth. Renee seemed resigned to whatever was happening. I didn’t know how she could accept all this without some form of resistance. The only answer seemed to be that she had been in training much longer than I and had probably learned the futility of resistance. Mistress Paula pressed the right-hand button and Renee’s eyes widened even more. Her body jerked a little and she squirmed and twisted against the straps holding her in her chair. A low moan came from her gagged mouth but very little sound escaped past the rubber barrier. Mistress Paula held the button down as Renee continued to struggle to escape the pain that was obviously assaulting her pelvis. Mistress Paula finally released the button and Renee sagged against the straps surrounding her body. Beads of sweat covered her forehead and upper lip as she took in deep breaths through her nose. Mistress Paula just stared at Renee for a few minutes. Her expression was almost regretful. Then she said, “That was with the power turned all the way down. I guess we had better test it at a higher setting. I’m sorry Renee but this is necessary so that you and Teresa both know the consequences if you attempt to resist us in any way or if you touch each other without permission. Let’s try it at half power.” Renee’s eyes plead with her and Mistress Paula turned away with her back to Renee. She obviously was disturbed by what she was doing to her but it didn’t stop her. She turned the power knob up and then mashed her finger on the button. Renee’s eyes almost popped from her head. Her body jerked and contorted against the straps. I thought she would break them or rip them from the chair. A scream rose from within her and slammed against the gag filling her mouth. The strap holding the gag strained and was pushed away from her mouth. Her cheeks bulged grotesquely to the sides and the sound that escaped around the gag cut into the very center of my heart.I was panicked now, for my Renee and for myself when the time came that a pair of those things were locked on me. She only held the button down for a couple of seconds. When the current released Renee she was semi-conscious and making a****l-like noises behind her gag. I longed to go to her and comfort her but of course that was impossible. Both Mistresses were visibly disturbed by the appalling effect the panties had on Renee. But they seemed to shake it off quickly and turned to Mr Latowski and told him that it was time to fit me for my chastity panties.He reached into a cupboard above his workbench and took out a pair of chastity panties exactly like the ones Renee was wearing, including the shell screwed on the front and the dildo in the rear. “I hope these fit,” He said. “I normally don’t make them up from measurements but you sent a very complete set of measurements and I understand your hurry to get her into them. I can make any needed alterations quickly.” Panic overwhelmed me. I didn’t have weeks until mine were ready. I was about to be put in them right now and I began to think of ways to prevent those awful things being locked on me, any way to prevent it.I sure wasn’t going to stand there meekly and allow them to shove that gigantic dildo up my ass and lock those things on me. Once they were on me I would be completely helpless to resist them and I wasn’t going to allow that to happen. Mistress Monica injected the antidote into my arm and as we waited for it to take affect I plotted my escape from the room. All I could think of was escape from the being locked in those chastity panties.Mistress Monica broke into my thoughts. I heard her voice, “There is no need for you to try and figure a way out of this. There is no way and we will restrain you for the application of your panties if necessary. You might also want to think of Renee. If you resist us in any way Mistress Monica will hold the button activating her device down until you comply. She will be in the agony you just witnessed as long as it take for you to cease resistance.” I realized it was futile to resist and I was certain they would make Renee pay for my folly if I didn’t comply with their every order.Mistress Monica began loosening my straps and Mistress Paula moved Renee around in front of me. She held the transmitter directly in front of me with her finger on the button that would torture Renee if I did anything foolish. I could see Renee’s gaze locked on me as her eyes plead with me to not cause her to be punished for my actions. Mistress Monica removed the last of my straps and my respirator shell. My knees were shaking and I wasn’t sure my legs would support me as I meekly stood and lifted my skirt. Mistress Monica removed my rubber chastity. The air felt good on my cock and balls and the relief was tremendous when she pulled the plug from my butt. I knew my freedom was short lived and I tried not to think about what was about to replace what she had just removed.Mistress Monica spread the conductive grease on my cock and balls. The grease was cold but the warmth of her hands overcame the cold. I found myself starting to get hard but when her hand left me and began to spread the grease on the dildo I shrank back with fright. I was as small and soft as possible when she brought the steel panties up in front of me and guided first my catheter and then my penis into the silicone opening designed to imprison and abuse it. She slid the panties up and I slipped easily into the tunnel waiting for me. She tucked my balls into their cavity and pressed the whole assembly tightly against me. It was actually quite comfortable and if I hadn’t known the capabilities the device possessed to cause pain I would have been pleased to be encased within it.I was still absorbing the feeling of the silicone surrounding me when she ordered me to spread my legs and swung the back portion of the panties between my legs and the tip of the dildo pressed against my rectum. The pressure increased as Mistress Monica tried to force it into me. I instinctively tightened to keep the intruder out of me and even though I tried my utmost to relax it wouldn’t enter. Mistress told me to bend over and even that didn’t help.Mr. Latowski told her not to worry about it, he had a tool to install it in me. He brought out large and stout sawhorse with a heavily padded bar across the top. It had straps on the legs and also on the top. He placed it in front of me and told he to bend over the top of it. I did so and he quickly strapped my legs and wrists to the legs and then brought a strap over my back and fastened it to hold me bent over the sawhorse with my ass exposed in the air.The chastity panties dug into my flesh at my waist and they were pressed tightly against my groin. He brought out a large contraption that he attached to the top bar of the sawhorse. It attached to the bar on each side of me and arched over me. It had a pad on one end of a long threaded rod that was positioned on the back of my chastity panties and a large hand-wheel on the other end of the rod.He began to turn the hand-wheel and the pad pushed on the back of the panties. Mistress Monica aligned the dildo with my opening and as he turned the wheel my body had güvenilir bahis no choice but to accept the dildo. I felt like I was being split in two as the tip forced its way past my sphincter. The pressure didn’t ease as it was driven slowly into me but grew as it filled my lower colon. It was the most uncomfortable thing I had ever experienced. It wasn’t particularly painful but it ‘s presence could never be ignored for even a moment. The steel of the panties was cold against my buttocks as they approached the point were the locks could be engaged.He released my hands from the straps holding them and raised the upper portion of my body a little. The pressure within seemed to grow and the pressure of the steel panties around my pelvis changed a little. He turned the hand-wheel a little more and the front and rear portions of the panties met at my waist. I heard the locks click and I saw him hand the keys to Mistress Monica out of the corner of my eye. I heard him telling her that installation would be easier as I stretched and the dildo could be removed and put back without removing the panties for enemas or other purposes. He said he would give her a press that wrapped around my body for installing the dildo with the panties locked on me and the spanner that would rotate it to lock or unlock it.He released the rest of the straps holding me to the sawhorse and helped me to stand up. As I straightened up the pressure in me became even greater. I could never get used to this. My entire consciousness was centered on the monster locked within me. I could never get used to having this thing within me. Mistress was reading my mind again. “Don’t worry Teresa. You’ll get used to it. You don’t have any choice. Besides after you and Renee have your surgery you won’t have these dildos anymore. You’ll have a permanent appliance that will be a little more comfortable and won’t require removal or re-installation. Then it will be much simpler to install the appropriate accessories when required. Now move around a little and let’s see how your new panties fit.”I took a few steps and felt the dildo move within me or me move around the dildo. It didn’t make much difference, it was horribly uncomfortable whatever the actually happening. I remembered seeing Renee waddle a little and I knew my waddle was a thousand times worse than hers. The steel panties didn’t move at all on my body. The combination of their perfect fit to me and their tightness made them feel more like my skin had become rigid. I couldn’t feel any movement of my cock and balls inside their silicone cell. In fact it was hard to actually be aware of them at all. That feeling was heightened when my hand went to my groin and all I could feel was the hard smooth steel. I couldn’t feel anything inside as I pressed my hands against myself. I began to panic again at the thought that I was truly locked inside these things. I began to beat against the front of my panties with my fists. It was like I was beating against someone else or more accurately something else. I couldn’t feel a thing. I tried to force my fingers under the edges of the panties but they were so tight that it was impossible. Mistress Monica’s voice seemed to come from far away, “Relax Teresa, you are locked in them and there is nothing you can do about it. Accept it.” Her voice only made my panic worse and I beat against them and tried in vain to get a grip on them and rip them from my body. I was sobbing and pleading, “Take them off. I’ll do anything but take them off.” The plug inside me suddenly grew and my cock and balls were gripped in a fierce hold.The plug would surely split me wide open. I fell to the ground and heightened my efforts to tear them from me. Hands gripped me and held me down. I saw Mistress Monica’s hand with the transmitter in it. Her finger was holding one of the buttons down. Realization forced it’s way into my panic, that was why the plug seemed bigger. The electricity was contracting my muscles around it and it only seemed bigger. It was the electricity crushing my cock and balls in it’s grip.I tried to relax but the panic overwhelmed me again. I felt them strapping something around my head, covering my mouth. As they tightened the strap a gag was forced between my teeth and filled my mouth. “Oh no!” They gagged Renee before they tried to kill her with the electrical panties.” All rationality had left me as I fought the hands holding me down. I had to escape these monsters and the monstrous things they had locked on and within my body. The terrible pressure within me and the crushing of my genitals eased and the hands released me. Through the haze of my tears I saw my Mistresse’s hand.She had released the button but she was turning the knob clockwise. Her finger hovered over the button. I screamed through my gag as her finger descended, “NOOOO!!!!!!” Only a muffled and unintelligible sound escaped the gag filling my mouth. There was no time for another scream as my pelvis seemed to explode and my cock and balls be crushed to nothing at the same time. The pain was beyond belief and my body writhed and jerked uncontrollably on the floor. I knew that they had killed me as a veil of darkness descended over me.I awoke strapped in my chair and with my cuirass running. It only took trying to blink my eyes to know my body was full of Curare again. My mind was a jumble of disconnected thoughts and as I slowly pieced some of them together I began wondering if I had experienced a nightmare. The feeling that I was sitting impaled on the top of the Washington Monument told me that at least part of it had not been a dream. The giant dildo was without a doubt inside me and the rigid tightness that embraced my pelvis confirmed that I truly was locked in a pair of steel chastity panties of my own.The panic I had felt earlier was replaced by fatigue and a sober resignation that I was truly under the Mistresses power as never before. Both Mistresses came into my view. Mistress Paula was guiding Renee’s chair in front of her. Renee was not under the influence of Curare because she smiled at me. I tried to convey to her that I was alright now and I thought I had been successful when she winked at me. All three of them were obviously worried about me. It was clear in their expressions and in the Mistresses conversation as they debated whether to give the antidote for the Curare or not. They were worried that I might be having another panic attack but they had no way to tell as long as I was under the control of the Curare. They took an extraordinary action and asked Renee what she thought. My attempt at telling Renee I was okay had succeeded. She told them that I was alright now and that we would both be alright in the future as long as we had each other. Mistress Paula’s expression hardened and she told Renee not to try and take advantage of the situation. We would have each other only if our Mistresses decided they wanted us to have each other.Renee lowered her eyes in a suitably submissive gesture and said, “Yes Mistress, I understand.”I detected a glint in her eyes that told me she was pleased to have interjected exactly the idea she had wanted. I loved her even more and admired her cleverness in taking advantage of any opportunity to influence the Mistresses’ thinking and to convey to me her love and dependence on my love for her. I longed to touch her and then I remembered what would happen to us both if we touched. I felt myself slipping back into the panic I had felt when I first realized what frightful control these chastity panties gave the Mistresses over us.Renee must have realized what was happening because she stared directly into my eyes and although I could barely detect her lips moving I understood as she mouthed, “I love you Teresa. We will really be okay and we will be together always.” Mistress Monica injected the antidote in my arm and I began the journey back from the Curare once more. When the Curare had been neutralized it was obvious to them that I was awake. Mistress Monica told me that my actions would normally result in Renee receiving the punishment I deserved but they were going to assume that I had suffered and anxiety or panic attack and wasn’t consciously defying them. Any such action in the future however would result in severe punishment which would be inflicted on Renee. The only reason the electrodes in my panties had been activated was to control me and was not punishment. My panties would have had to tested so I was predestined to feel the power of the panties today anyway. The first application had been at the lowest power possible and the second at half power, the same as Renee had received. The thought of that having only been half power brought a shudder to me. I never wanted to feel the full power of the panties. They diverted their attention to Mr Latowski as he handed them two more silicone liners for our panties. He said that these were the ones to accommodate us once our penile implants had been performed. “Penile implants?” I looked at Renee but her expression told me she didn’t have any idea of what they were talking about either. Then he brought what could only be described as a stainless steel torso. It made of the same polished stainless steel as our chastity panties. It would cover the wearers body from head to about mid-thigh. At the top it was shaped to cover the chin in front and the occipital portion of the head in back. It would completely cover the body from there to the mid-thighs at the bottom with only the arms exposed. It was shaped to fit perfectly and had female genitalia formed in the steel. The breasts had nipples formed in them as well and a navel completed the anatomical modeling. It was a beautiful piece of craftsmanship but would be confining beyond belief to wear, like a cast. He told them that it would fit over our chastity panties and corresponding openings would mate with those in our panties. A seam ran around it at the sides and it was held closed by numerous small latches, each with a keyhole in it. The Mistresses said they certainly wanted them for us and would arrange for the brace shop in the US to send a mold of our torsos to him so he could construct them to fit us perfectly. He quoted the Mistresses a price for our panties and the torsos that ran well into five figures but they didn’t bat an eye and Mistress Monica took a cashiers check from her bag and handed it to him. As the Mistresses guided our chairs past him to the front door he mumbled, “Better them than me.” I would loved to have seen him locked in one of his own diabolical creations. Better yet our Mistresses locked in them with Renee and I holding the transmitters. I thought of them with electrode dildos filling both of their butts and vaginas and what Renee and I could do to them.My fantasy was cut short when I remembered Mistress Monica saying that if I was allowed to have the surgery to be a woman my male chastity panties would be replaced by the female version. Suddenly the thought of an electrified dildo filling someone’s vagina wasn’t so appealing anymore. The one filled was going to be mine, if I ever got one.We returned to the hotel and the Mistresses released us from our chairs. They took the respirator shells off our chests and removed the braces from our necks. They told us that we could get undressed now and shower. They laughed and even said we could shower together. Then we could find out what full power was like when we touched each other. They seemed to find that hilariously funny. We stood there a little dumbfounded at the new freedom of being allowed to bath ourselves. We realized that the chastity panties with the electrodes built in might actually result in our having a little more freedom with the control they had if we went too far. The panties weren’t all bad, only time would tell what living in them would be like. They told us to go on ahead in the bathroom and get ourselves cleaned up. The bathroom was pretty small and we were paranoid at the thought of triggering our panties by touching. We wanted more than anything to run our hands over each other and yet were terrified of what would happen if we touched. I sat on a small bench while Renee undressed. We discussed the events of the day and how amazed we were that they had arranged for my panties to be ready today. That had been a surprise that neither of us found pleasant. I gazed longingly at Renee’s body, naked except for the shiny panties encasing her pelvis. My cock was trying to grow within it’s silicone case. The silicone was soft and yet unyielding. It prevented any real growth and when I tried to move the panties and rub myself against the silicone I found it impossible to create any relative movement between them. There was no way to achieve any satisfaction at all. Renee giggled and said, “I could have told you that was impossible. I have tried every way imaginable. You might as well forget about your cock. It’s actually easier if you don’t think about it. If you figure out how not to think about it let my know.”Renee showed me how to direct the shower spray through the holes in the panties to clean the cock and balls locked inside. She said that the water drained out petty well through the opening at the bottom between our legs meant for urinating. Just blot the few drops left with a towel or toilet tissue. She said the water flowing inside was the only way to stimulate ourselves at all and after it went around the bends necessary to get inside it didn’t do any good but it did feel good. It was a reminder that the thing in there was still alive. While Renee was still in the shower I got undressed myself. I felt self-conscious undressing in front of her and I couldn’t figure out why. When she came out of the shower I found myself holding my arms in front of my breasts and covering them with my hands. She said, “Don’t worry about it Teresa, you’ll have beautiful breasts soon.” I realized that was it. It was my lack of breasts that embarrassed me. In just this short time I had come to think of myself as a woman and with my Chastity panties locked on the signs of my maleness were virtually gone until I took off my bra and my breasts went with it.I felt so pretty when I looked down and saw the large lovely mounds my forms created but now it was just a flat hairless man’s chest and I didn’t feel like it belonged to me. She said she had felt the same way until she had her implants. She had welcomed the chastity panties because they meant that her cock wasn’t always springing out and reminding her that she wasn’t really who she felt like she was. She repeated what she had said earlier about my being so lucky that my Mistress might allow me to have the surgery. Tears started to swell in her eyes. I wanted so to take her in my arms and comfort her.I told her, “Renee, when I have my vagina I’ll take you deep inside me and hold you there. We’ll share our vagina together. We’ll take that thing between your legs and use it together to bring us both joy. It’s not you Renee, it’s just a toy we’ll use like a dildo or a vibrator. You are a woman Renee, a beautiful sexy woman and you are going to be my lover. I never dreamed it before Renee but now I know who and what I was always meant to be. I was meant for you Renee and as strange as it sounds I am thrilled that it means that I am a lesbian. My body will never allow a man into it my love, only you will be allowed. You, my lover.”The next morning we caught a flight to Amsterdam. We traveled in our wheelchairs and as quadriplegics but not under the effects of the Curare and without our respirators. The Mistresses said if we did anything out of line the chastity panties would be activated and explained as our having a seizure. We welcomed any extra freedom the panties allowed us because we both knew that when we returned home and our training commenced there would be scant freedom of any kind for us. We picked up our rental van at the Amsterdam airport and drove to the Bizarre Design shop.The mistress let us walk in instead of being wheeled in in our chairs. Walking was an experience with the panties and plug filling me. Renee was able to walk almost normally but I had not mastered the art of not waddling and I was certain that everyone was laughing at me behind my back. It was more what we expected with a retail shop and display area. The array of corsets on display was phenomenal and they were all made of leather. There were the normal type corsets, bondage corsets and corsets with skirts that looked like dresses.The Mistresses showed us the style that were they were ordering for us. It was the most extensive and confining corset possible. It literally ran from head to foot. It covered the head and neck with the face exposed from just below the nose to right above the eyebrows. The mouth was covered and a tube running from the front to a squeeze bulb revealed the presence of a pump gag. It covered the shoulders and breasts and continued all the way to the ankles. Lacing ran uninterrupted form the top of the head to the bottom of the corset at the ankles.Extensive rigid boning ran completely around and the full length of the corset. The feet of the display mannequin were encased in ballet boots. The heels were so high that the wearer would be standing on their tip toes like a ballerina. The shoes were laced from the toes up to where they disappeared under the corset. Mistress Paula said the boots were thigh high and were part of the corset we would wear. Separate laced and boned sleeves covered the arms from shoulder to wrists. It was beautiful and exquisitely made but anyone laced into that thing would be totally helpless. Renee and I looked at each other and I think she had the same thoughts as I. I wanted to feel myself laced tight and completely encased in leather but we would be desperate for release after a short time so confined.A man came over and asked if he could help us. Mistress Paula introduced herself and Mistress Monica. The man said he had been expecting them. He nodded to us and asked if we were the subjects to be fitted. Mistress Paula said we were. He said that in addition to today’s measuring we would have to return for at least two fittings to assure a proper fit. Mistress Paula asked him if he could fit our corsets from a complete plaster body form. He said that would be ideal but he didn’t have the facilities to create such a form.Mistress Paula explained to him that we both had complete body casts made for the fitting of our braces and she could have extra forms made and shipped to him. He said that would be the ideal way to fit corsets such as these and then he could even attach the sleeves to the corsets and be assured of a good fit. He said with the forms he wouldn’t even have to measure us and he would begin work on our corsets as soon as he received the forms. Mistress Paula wrote him a check and we left.I wanted to be laced tightly into such a corset but I dreaded how it would be used in my training. Everything had gone much faster than the Mistresses had planned and we went back to the airport to find out if our reservations could be changed for an earlier flight. We were in luck and a little over an hour later we were on our way back home. Renee and I were both wearing our neck braces and strapped into our cuirasses and we were once again paralyzed by the Curare. We were left with nothing to pass the time except to imagine what it was going to be like to wear the new restrictive devices the Mistresses had ordered for us and also what Mr Latowski had meant when he said the other liners would accommodate our penile implants.It would be a while before our new corsets and steel torsos were ready and I wondered what the Mistresses had in store for us until then. We arrived home in the middle of the night and the Mistresses put us in our Iron Lungs and then gave us another Curare injection. They left us alone together but we might as well have been on different continents for all the good it did us. I could see Renee’s face in the mirror above her head by looking in the mirror above me and she could see me the same way.That was our only contact except listening to our Iron Lungs cycle air in and out of our lungs. Later Mistress Monica came in and closed our eyes for us and turned out the light when she left. Our windowless room made it impossible to tell what time it was when we awoke to the Mistresses calling our names. The Curare had worn off or they had neutralized it because my eyes opened when I commanded. The Iron Lung was still running and I just let it do my breathing for me instead of trying to fight it. Mistress Paula told us that she had contacted the doctor who was going to do our surgery and he could do it almost immediately. We would be checking into his private hospital in a few hours.Everything was going so much faster than they had told us it would. Maybe it would be easier having less time to anticipate things. Mistress Monica said there was one thing that had to taken care of first. We had to sign consent forms for our surgeries. We could sign a blank form and they would fill in the details later. That way we wouldn’t know what was going to be done and wouldn’t worry about it. We could also have everything that was going to be done to us explained and then sign a completely filled out form.We might not like what was going to be done but we would sign the form regardless of our feelings about the procedures. Our chastity panties would guarantee that we would sign. Renee would be stimulated by them until I signed and I would receive the same treatment until she sighed. We must both agree to either course of action. This was the first decision we would be allowed to make together but would be the last one for a very long time. The last decision we would make about our lives together or separately until our training was complete, if it was ever completed. We looked at each other in our mirrors and at the next exhalation we both said, “I want to know.” The known is always less frightening than the unknown. At least I thought that until they explained what our surgeries would entail and the effects they would have on us.They began be explaining my breast augmentation surgery. They had originally planned to use silicone implants on me and the domes that sucked and stretched my breasts were partially to stretch the skin to make room for them. The doctor who was going to perform the surgery now suggested a modified donor flap surgery where tissue, including muscle, fat and skin, was harvested from a donor site and used to build my new breasts. Most of the tissue would come from my back but the skin for my nipples and areolas would be taken from high inside my thighs were it is more sensitive.That skin would be chemically dyed to look like natural nipples and areolas. If I received sexual reassignment surgery later the tissue from the head of my penis would be used to build new more sensitive nipple. Some of that tissue would also be used to build my clitoris. This was more complex surgery but would result in more natural breasts without the risks associated with silicone implants. Renee’s implants were going to be removed and her breasts rebuilt with donor tissue also. My new breasts would be the same size as my silicone forms, 42DD. She said I would also have my vocal cords shortened to give me a more feminine voice.It would be feminine in pitch but I would have to be trained for my voice to be truly feminine. Our two lowest ribs would also be removed to help in achieving a true hourglass figure. This information thrilled me. My breasts would be all mine with no artificial materials inside them. I was imagining the way they would feel when I realized Mistress Paula was continuing her presentation and had moved to a new subject.She was talking about our enemas and dildos and said that to make them a little more comfortable for us and since they would be a permanent part of our lives our rectums were going to be surgically altered. The nerve to our sphincters would be resected (cut) so it wouldn’t resist the entry of objects. It would then remain relaxed and open at all times. Since this would prevent our controlling our bowels an appliance was going to be installed within us. This appliance was a silicone sleeve that would extend about 8 inches into our colon. It would have a semi-rigid ring at out rectum and the inner end would incorporate a flap type valve. The valve would only open when our enema nozzle was inserted and locked in place. The outside of the sleeve would be coated with a electrically conductive material and the sleeve would be electrically connected to our chastity panties so it would function the same as the dildos in us already.Other items could also be inserted in the sleeves such as dildos and even real cocks and since they would be inside the sleeve we would feel only the pressure filling us. Of course these appliances would mean that we would never have control over our own bowels again and would always have to be flushed by enemas. I had known that becoming Mistress’s slave was not something to be taken lightly but to be surgically altered to be dependant and controlled forever by her for the simplest bodily functions was sobering, Mistress Paula was still talking and we hadn’t heard all of what was to be done to us yet.I had thought that control of our bowels was sobering but now I heard the rest of the control they would have. The nerves controlling our bladders would also be resected so we would to be drained by catheter. The catheters would remain in place at all times unless our penises were being used for other purposes. Used by them though, not us. So they could use them as they desired we were going to have penile implants They were going to use what was called a Three Piece Penile Prosthesis. The prosthesis would consist of three components which would be connected by tubing. A reservoir, two cylinders and a pump. The reservoir would be implanted under the abdominal muscles and filled with sterile saline. The cylinders would be inserted in the corporal bodies lengthwise along each side of our penises. The pump would be placed in the scrotum. When the pump in our scrotum was squeezed repeatedly the saline would be forced into the cylinders in our penises and they would become hard and enlarged as with a natural erection. They would remain that way indefinitely until the pump was squeezed and held to allow the cylinders to deflate. The cylinders were made of silicone and when deflated our penises would be soft but longer and larger than before the implants.The extra liners that the Mistresses had been given for our chastity panties would accommodate the larger sizes. This was really total control of us. I could see by Renee’s face that this was really having an effect on her. I had already begun to think of my penis as a temporary appendage but she would have hers forever and to have it under the total control of the Mistresses was almost too much to comprehend. Mistress Paula looked at us both and said, “That’s it. No questions, just sign the consent forms or we will began the process to convince you to sigh.”I croaked out a weak, “I’ll sign.” Renee took a few more cycles of the Iron Lung and then weakly muttered, “Me too.” They slipped a clipboard in through the ports on each of our Iron Lungs and put pens in our hands. They guided our hands to the place to sign and we each scribbled our signatures on the forms we never saw. Before they closed the ports on the Iron Lungs they injected us with Curare again and left the room. It was almost impossible to judge time but it must have been a few hours before they returned.Mistress Monica spoke “Good morning. Welcome to your new world girls. No talking, your training has just begun in earnest. Before we begin we want you to meet our assistants.” A woman came through the door. She was well over six foot in her ultra high heeled boots. The boots came up just above her knees and above the boots black fishnet stockings covered her legs and were supported by garters attached to a black leather corset that gave her a striking hourglass figure and covered he ample breasts with molded leather. A black leather g-string completed her attire.Mistress Paula picked up the dialogue, “This is Mistress Jane. She will have day to day control of your training and will be obeyed instantly. Her orders are the same as orders from either of us. She will have complete authority to administer punishment when it is required. She will be assisted in her duties by SMS1 and SMS2. SMS stands for she-male slave. They are worker slaves and have not yet earned the right to have a name. They will do the physical work of handling you and also some specialized training that they are uniquely equipped for. SMS1 and SMS2 come in here immediately.”Two other persons came in the room. They were both also well over 6 foot and wore high heel pumps secured at their ankles with straps and padlocks. Their attire consisted entirely of heavy black rubber harnesses. The harnesses went over their shoulders and on their chest the straps attached to two large steel rings that surrounded their ample and shapely bare breasts. Their nipples were hard and erect and their breasts bounced and swayed as they walked across the room. The straps of the harnesses that ran down from the breast rings joined at the waist and another strap ran down and attached to a smaller steel ring that surrounded the base of their cocks and balls.Their cocks stuck out erect from the rings. Another strap ran between their legs and attached to their harnesses in back. A steel ring inset in the strap between their legs encircled their anuses. There were no apparent fastenings or buckles on any of the straps of their harnesses. They appeared to be riveted on them and I wondered how long they had worn them. Their bodies were extremely muscular and completely hairless, from head to foot.Mistress Jane spoke for the first time, “SMS1 and SMS2 are will be allowed to touch you to perform the duties I assign them. Some of those duties will include teaching you to service both men and women properly. As you can see SMS1 and SMS2 are especially well equipped for those duties. Some of that training will have to involve your Mistresses or I however, as only we have the ultimate equipment. You will not do anything to try and arouse SMS1 or SMS2 unless ordered by me or one of your Mistresses as part of your training.””You will also not try to gain their sympathy or co-operation to lessen the strictness of your training in any way. They will not be assigned to either of you individually but will each handle you randomly. They have been trained in the application, insertion, installation and usage of all of your specialized equipment. The intent of your training is to teach, not to cause you pain. At times pain will be a necessary part of your training but we will all try to keep it to the minimum possible. If you co-operate that is. If you don’t submit readily to all aspects of your training you will regret it. SMS1 and SMS2 are capable of forcing you to do anything we desire but if they have to force you I can guarantee it will be even less pleasant. They do not have transmitters for your chastity panties but I do as well as your Mistresses and we will not hesitate to use them on you. We will use them on the one who did not commit the offence.”“This room is your sleeping and contemplation room. Your Iron Lungs are here and from time to time we will bring other equipment in here for you to sleep or spend training time in. The mirrors will be helpful for you to understand what is being done to you or to the other one. Sometimes seeing everything can heighten the experience and make it more meaningful. In a few minutes we’ll take you into the training and handling room next door. That is where most of your equipment is kept and where you’ll receive most of your training. We’ll familiarize you with some of your new equipment.Your examining tables will normally be kept in the training and handling room. SMS1 and SMS2 are strong enough to do most of the handling of you without having to resort to hoists and such. Before we do that though SMS1 and SMS2 have worked very hard preparing for your arrival and they deserve a reward. You are going to give it to them now.SMS1 and SMS2 got a look of glee on their faces and came to the foot of our tables. One at Renee’s and one at mine. I had no idea which was SMS1 and which was SMS2 but it didn’t really make any difference. Their cocks were even harder and stuck straight out at us as they adjusted the stirrups even higher and dropped the top of the tables from beneath our buttocks. There wasn’t any doubt in my mind what our asses had just been exposed for. They both smeared some KY jelly on their members and began to probe us. The appliances the Mistresses had described to us had obviously been implanted in us. There was not the painful stretching as he entered me. He slid easily inside me and the feel of him in me was more a pressure than anything.I could feel him sliding deeper and then felt the steel ring surrounding his member press against my rectum. He was all the way in and it wasn’t too unpleasant. I felt full down there but it didn’t hurt. The emotional side was worse, I was being ****d and was helpless to prevent it. I watched as the other one slid the final few inches into Renee. I smiled at her, hoping to reassure her and give her some little extra strength. My smile disappeared as I saw his hands creeping up her body.They were above her waist and I held my breath as he worked higher. I felt my r****t begin to pump me and then my entire attention was on him as one hand clamped on to my left breast and the other around my penis and balls. His fingers probed my scrotum as he pinched my nipple between his thumb and index finger with the other hand. His fingers began squeezing my scrotum like he was pumping something up with a bulb type pump. His other hand clasped my breast as he rolled my nipple between his fingers.My nipple were sensitive and it hurt. I forced myself to look over at Renee and she looked terrified as her attacker squeezed and kneaded her breasts cruelly while he pumped violently in and out of her. He was driving himself faster and faster and breathing in gasps and moans. He would cum very soon and hopefully then Renee would be spared further degradation. A strange sensation drew my attention back to my own situation. I felt my penis pressing hard against his belly. My head was strapped down so I couldn’t look down and his body blocked my view in the mirror overhead but it felt like my penis was hard. I didn’t feel any sexual arousal, just the opposite. I felt debased and used so why was it hard. His hand left my scrotum and grasped my cock and began pumping it as he drove himself in and out of me. It was definitely hard, as hard and erect as I had ever felt it but it was like it wasn’t a part of me. His other hand shifted to my other breast and tightened cruelly around it and actually twisted it. His fingers sought out my nipple and pinched it painfully.His actions became more violent and frenzied as he used me. He finally stiffened and gripped my breast and penis in an iron grip as I felt his cock convulsing inside of me. I couldn’t actually feel the flow but I knew he had filled me with his seed. I knew now what I had never completely understood before, every woman’s fear of ****. He stood up and backed away, withdrawing himself from me. Renee’s assailant had already moved a distance away from her and she was sobbing. I wanted to cry but my feelings of debasement were too great to allow the soothing of tears.As he stepped clear of me I could see my penis rigid and hard and I was asking myself how such a degrading experience could effect me that way when I remembered the penile implants the Mistresses had told us we would receive. He had been pumping my implant to make me hard. One more thing I had no control over, I had no control over anything done to me and now not even over the most private and intimate actions of my own body. Now the tears came and I sobbed and bemoaned my fate. Mistress Jane told SMS1 and SMS2 to get our panties and bras from the equipment room.Mistress Jane looked at us and said, “Now that the boys know what nice twats and titties you two have we’ll have to protect you from them. They will be allowed to use you but only with permission and under supervision. Your underwear will prevent any unauthorized penetration or feels.” The two b**sts returned each carrying an armload of polished stainless steel. I recognized the chastity panties but there was more there than just them.My penis was still standing erect and hard. Mistress Jane told SMS2, the one who had ****d me, “Deflate that thing. Don’t ever leave it inflated when you are through with it.” He squeezed a spot in my scrotum above my balls and it shrank back to it’s previous size. They spread what must have been the conductive grease on both of our penises and placed the panties on our groins. They threaded our catheters through the penis tubes and pull our panties snuggly on us.SMS1 was approaching me with something that could have only been described as a steel bra. SMS2 was standing behind Renee with an identical one. I watched as he reached around her and placed it over her breasts. She shivered and within seconds I knew why as the cold steel of mine contacted my warm breasts. He pushed me forward until I was bent over my legs with my torso almost horizontal. My breasts settled into the frigid steel cups. There were hinges at each side in the wide steel band of this rigid bra. The ends of the band met in the rear and I heard a couple of clicks as they engaged.He sat me back upright and pressed on the sides of the bra. It tightened around me and I heard a ratcheting sound in the back as the two ends engaged more fully and held it securely around me. The band was about 6 inches wide and extended a few inches below the bottom of the cups. It was shaped to fit my torso as perfectly as the cups fit my breasts. There was some sort of spring arrangement at the back because as I took in a breath it would yield and let my lungs expand and as I exhaled it tightened around my shrinking chest. He passed two steel straps over my shoulders and secured them to the tops of the cups. They were made like a metal watchband and were flexible and had a slight amount of give to them. No one had to tell me that it was locked on me and the only way out of it was for the Mistresses to desire it be removed.It wasn’t particularly uncomfortable but I wasn’t trying to move around in it either. The biggest disappointment was that I wanted to see and feel how my new breasts moved with me and I wanted to touch them. I wanted to fully experience how it felt to have real breasts and now they were imprisoned in steel also. I looked at Renee in her steel ensemble and had to admit that it was an impressive and sexy look. I would have loved to be wearing it if I could remove it at will. Mistress Jane told us to get down off our tables and we would go into the other room and get dressed for our first day of training.I tried to swing my legs around to the side of the table but I couldn’t move them. My arms felt weak as I tried to maneuver myself but my lower body wouldn’t move. My legs and lower torso felt normal but I couldn’t move them at all. I looked at Renee and she was experiencing the same difficulty. We exchanged looks of bewilderment and but our efforts to get off the tables ended when Mistress Jane told the slaves to take us into the training and handling room. She told them that we were so weak that we would need to be braced completely. I didn’t know what she expected.We had been in bed for two months and of course we were weak. I suspected she had intended us to be braced all along. Why had we been fitted for braces if they didn’t intend to use them on us. I was eager to see my braces and to wear them. Little did I realize how familiar I would become with all of my braces and what life is like completely braced. They rolled our tables with us on them across the room to where Mistress Jane had opened a wide door in what had appeared to be a solid mirrored wall.The room they took us into was mirrored the same as our sleeping and contemplation room except for one wall. That wall was floor to ceiling windows and the view breathtaking. I recognized the view as the property Mistress Monica and I had bought and planned to build our new home on. The light and shadows through the windows indicated it was early morning.The Mistresses had been busy to have whatever building these two rooms were a part of built so quickly. I wondered how long they had planned this for us. The room was much larger than our sleeping room and contained much more equipment. The familiar tracks and electric hoists adorned the ceiling. Two sets of parallel bars ran side by side in front of the windows. A large Jacuzzi tank occupied one corner. There were two frameworks in the middle of the room. They were much like the one I had been suspended in at the brace shop when they made the cast of my body.Our power wheelchairs were parked in another corner. An Iron Lung unlike any I had ever seen was in yet another corner. It was much wider than the ones in our sleeping room and there were two openings in the end plate. A head rest was below each opening. I had never dreamed that a two person Iron Lung existed but there it sat, I assumed ready for Renee and I. Two more examining tables like the ones we were lying on were side by side against one of the walls. On top of those table were our braces.There was a set on each table and they would encase us literally from head to foot. They were made of polished stainless-steel and white plastic. There were Velcro straps everywhere. They didn’t use the normal metal bands with leather straps that would encircle our legs. They both had two molded cuffs for each leg that would enclose the entire thigh and calve and between the two cuffs was a leather pad with four straps attaching it to the uprights of the braces that would cover and support the knee.The steel bars that ran up the inside and outside of each leg from the shoes were very heavy and highly polished. There were joints at the ankles and knees and the bars continued above the thigh cuffs to joints at the hips and finally connected to the upper portion of the braces that would support the entire upper body. The body portions of the braces were awesome. They went from upper hips to head and would cover and immobilize the entire torso, neck and head.They were made with a front and back half that attached together with Velcro straps up each side. The front half was molded to enclose the breasts and there was another polished steel bar that ran up between the breasts and attached to a padded chin piece that would support the head in the front. Another padded piece would cover the back of the head and was attached to the back half of the brace with two steel bars and to the chin piece with two steel rods that ran forward on each side. A strap attached to rear headpiece looked like it would run around the forehead.They were very impressive and obviously would be very restrictive when we were strapped into it all, only our arms would remain free. Mistress Jane told SMS1 and SMS2 to put us into our corsets or we would never fit into our braces. She told them to use the cotton underbust corsets and to lace us tight. They went to a section of wall with nothing in front of it and opened a door inset into the wall. I could see it opened into a large walk-in closet. Wide shallow drawers lined the far wall of the closet.They each went to different drawers and took out our corsets. They also took out some leather cuffs with long straps attached to them.They proceeded to strap the cuffs around our wrists and ankles and then they released the straps securing Renee to her table and one of them picked her up and carried her to one of the frameworks in the middle of the room. He set her down on her feet and supported her while the other fastened her wrist cuffs to a lacing bar suspended from the top of the framework. He used a hand operated winch to raise it and stretched her arms high. She was supported by the bar now and one of them bent down and fastened the straps from her ankle cuffs to rings on the floor.They passed a strap around her chest, just under her armpits and secured it to the sides of the framework and then did the same with another around her upper thighs. The came back and picked me up and secured me in the other framework the same way. They raised the lacing bars until our feet left the floor and the straps to our ankles were tight.SMS2 brought my corset to me and SMS1 Renee’s to her. They placed our corsets around our bodies and fastened the busks together in the front. The corsets overlapped the steel of our bras and panties by a couple of inches at the top and bottom. These corsets only had lacing the full length of the back. We were about to discover why they didn’t need the side lacing. They fastened devices I had never seen to the frameworks on either side of us. They were a long steel bar with a curved metal plate on the end.They fastened them to some sort of mechanism with a crank handle at the height of our waists, one on each side of each of us. They began to turn the cranks and the plates were moved in until they partially encircled our waists on each side. They pressed against me and then began to compress my waist. He cranked until it felt like the plates would meet in the middle of me and they began to tighten my laces. Suspended in the frame and secured to the frame with the straps and now compressed and held by the bars and plates made the lacing easier and quicker. I was held rigidly so he could pull as hard as he wanted on the laces.The plates compressing my waist had already done part of the work of shaping my waist so the laces tightened easily to hold the shape instead of having to do the compressing. I found that I actually welcomed the feel of the corset tightening about my body. I was soon gasping for breath but I had missed the rigid embrace of a corset. He adjusted the plates once more to apply more pressure to my waist and then tightened the laces and tied them off. He stepped back from me and I could see Renee was having her laces tied off at the same time.Mistress Jane said, “Give them about 20 minutes for their corsets to settle and then complete their lacing.”Mistress Jane left the room and left us alone with SMS1 and SMS2. They whispered between themselves and then I heard SMS1 say, “Go ahead, I want to try that one anyway.” SMS1 come over inside my frame and began running his hands over me. I could see SMS2 inside Renee’s frame pressing his body against hers. I was glad for the protection of our chastity panties and steel bras. SMS1 put his arms around me and held me in a fierce embrace as he forced his body against mine with his mouth over mine. His tongue pushed against my lips as he attempted to force it into my mouth.Out of the corner of my eye I saw SMS2’s mouth covering Renee’s also. Her eyes were diverted to mine and her eyebrows were arched in a questioning manner. I wasn’t sure what she was trying to ask me. The next instant SMS1’s fingers grasped my nose and pinched my nostrils shut. I held my breath as long as I could. I could see SMS2 holding Renee’s nose also. My lungs were burning and I finally had to relent and relax my jaw and try to get some air. As my lips parted slightly his tongue forced its way into me. It filled my mouth and probed and darted everywhere. Renee had succumbed to the necessity of breathing as well and her eyebrows arched even higher as SMS2 probed her with his tongue.No one had said we were required to obey their orders and Mistress Jane had said that our chastity panties and steel bras were necessary to protect us from them. She had said that they were going to be allowed to use us but only with permission and supervision. I didn’t think they had permission and certainly they weren’t being supervised. Now I thought I knew what Renee was trying to ask me. It was the only way we could protect ourselves from them in our current predicament. I didn’t know if the Mistresses would consider protecting ourselves justified. But as I saw SMS2 fondling the few parts of Renee’s body unobstructed by steel or rigid fabric and thought of his tongue doing to her what SMS1’s was doing to me, I didn’t care what the Mistresses thought justified. I hoped Renee had the same thing in mind as I nodded to her in the most affirmative manner I could. I bit down as hard as I could on the organ invading my mouth. Warm, salty and coppery tasting fluid filled my mouth. I knew the taste of blood and knew I had injured him. When he jerked away from me I knew how badly because as he stumbled across the room his tongue still filled my mouth. It had been so deeply inside me I had trouble spitting it out. I could see SMS1 holding his hands clasped over his mouth and blood flowing between his fingers.Renee had been asking me what I thought and acted as soon as I had indicated I agreed. When I saw her spit SMS1’s amputated tongue from her mouth I was thrilled she had been as successful as I. Their screams brought all three Mistresses rushing into the room. They took in the blood on Renee’s and my lips and the blood still gushing from SMS1 and SMS2’s mouths.I was sure there could be no doubt in their minds what had happened but I held my breath to see their reaction. Their eyes went to the two severed tongues lying on the floor. I was amazed by reaction. They all began to laugh. They seemed to think this was the funniest thing they had ever seen.Mistress Jane had trouble composing herself to speak but she finally said, “I know I was thinking of making those two eunuchs but I hadn’t considered mute eunuchs. So much the better.” She and Mistress Paula stuffed some cloths in SMS1 and SMS2’s mouths and took them out of the room. Mistress Monica came over in front of the two of us. Tears of laughter were still dotting her cheeks and she kept giggling as she tried to speak. Finally she seemed to shift to a completely different mood. I was totally unprepared for what she said.“We are so proud of you both. We had just been talking about you and the possibility we might be breaking your spirit. We were especially worried about you Charli with everything happening so fast and the massive dosages of female hormones we have been giving you. Now we know you are both going to be able to withstand your training and be extraordinary women at the end of it. You will both still always be our slaves but this tells me that with your inner strength your life will be much more that the life of a simple slave. I guarantee it will be a life you will be happy with and cherish as you will cherish each other.””Your training isn’t going to be easier. It might actually be harder because we know now how strong you really are but you will both complete it successfully and you will thank us later.” She came to each of us in turn and hugged us and gave us a kiss on the cheek. Then she went to another hidden door and opened it revealing a wash room. She drew a pitcher of water and came back with it and a glass and bowl. She helped us both rinse out our mouths and spit the remaining blood into the bowl.After returned the items to the washroom she said, “I’m going to see how Mistress Paula is doing at sewing up you victims. We’ll be back in a little while. Don’t screw things up for yourselves by trying to talk to each other. I think we’ll be able to give you a treat later but for now just behave yourselves.” She tightened each of our laces a little and then lowered our lacing bars so our feet were firmly on the floor and then left. I wanted so to talk to Renee but the looks we exchanged said more than any words ever could. We would learn over time that our not being able to converse in the normal ways brought us even closer together. We had made a very big decision together. We hadn’t known what the ramifications of it would be but we had made it together without exchanging words. We had a communication that was very special and would stand us in good stead through everything we would experience and endure together. All three Mistress returned a little later. Mistress Paula told us that everything Mistress Monica had said to she agreed with 100%. She also gave us each a hug and kiss on the cheek. Mistress Jane told us that Mistress Paula was going to castrate SMS1 and SMS2 now. They were going to actually become mute eunuchs. She asked us if we wanted to watch.Renee and I exchanged looks and both replied at the same time. We both said no and it was apparent from the Mistresses expressions that it was the answer they had hoped to hear. Mistress Monica said that she would get us into our braces for some exercise then while Mistress Paula performed the procedure on the boys with Mistress Jane’s assistance. They all chuckled a little. Mistress Monica took our wheelchairs over to the tables that held our braces. She undid the straps holding the front portion of the torsos and disconnected the bars attaching the chin cups to the rear head portion. She lifted them from the rest of the brace assemblies and took them to another door hidden in the walls and opened it.I could see a staggering array of braces and parts of braces behind the door. There was two of every kind. Some were standing on their own like robots and others were hanging from the wall. She hung the front torso sections on two empty hooks and took out two that were the same except they ended just below the breasts instead of covering them. They had longer steel bars that ran up the center of the front and held the chin supports. There were two sets of braces behind the door that I wanted to see more of. They were similar to the ones on the tables and went from shoes at the bottom all the way to enclose the head at the top. They also had arms that went all the way down and would cover the hands.Instead of plastic they were made of leather with what looked like miles of laces to hold them tight. I wanted to feel them laced tightly to my whole body. I almost asked Mistress if I could wear them today but remembered in the knick of time what would happen to Renee if I spoke without permission. I would find myself inside those braces soon enough. The ones waiting on the table for me were beyond what I had ever hoped to wear. Mistress Monica brought the two torso sections over and laid one on each table. She activated the controls to raise the chairs to the standing position. She took each set of braces from the tables and set them on the footrests so they were standing in the chairs the same as a person.I could see the braces the vertical bar holding the chin cup and the two bars connecting it to the rear headpiece to immobilize Renee’s head and fastened the strap from the rear around her forehead. She stepped away from Renee and I admired the way she looked as I waited for Mistress to move my chair behind me and begin my first experience with my braces. Almost none of Renee was visible except her face and arms but I had never seen her more beautiful. The shiny steel of her panties and bra matched the shine of the brace bars running up either side of each of her legs and then up the sides of her body.The bar to her chin ran between her steel breasts and looked as sexy to me as her cleavage had when I could see it. The lack of response from my penis in its prison confounded me until I remembered what Mistress Paula had said about my receiving massive doses of female hormones. I was dismayed when I realized that I had lost sexual function of it and it would probably be that way until it was removed. I looked at Renee again and thought of what was replacing that function and decided it was more than worth it.Instead of bringing my braces to put on me Mistress brought back more of Renee’s braces to put on her. She brought arm braces for her. They were made the same as the rest of her braces with polished stainless-steel bars and form fitting plastic cuffs held closed by Velcro straps. There were joints in the bars at the elbows but none at the wrists.The braces extended beyond the wrists to a molded portion for the hands and fingers. Mistress loosened several straps around the hand portion of one of the arm braces and I could see then that the hand part was made in two halves and the top part lifted off. She released Renee’s right hand from the lacing bar and brought it down to apply its brace. She held the cuffs opened as she placed the brace around Renee’s arm. It totally enclosed her upper arm and forearm and her hand lay in the hand portion with her fingers in a mitten like section and her thumb opposed.The thumb and fingers were curled in a grasping position. She fastened and tightened all the straps securing it to my Renee’s arm and then placed the top portion over her hand and tightened the straps holding it in place. She straightened out Renee’s arm and the elbow locks clicked into place holding her arm rigid and straight. She proceeded to apply the other brace to her left arm and it was soon held as rigidly as the right. She rolled Renee over to one set of the parallel bars and positioned her chair at the open end. She lowered the footrests until the were on the ground.Then she took Renee’s right hand and slid it over the end of the bar on that side. The curved shape of her braced hand fit perfectly over the bar and wrapped around it. Her hand was locked on the bar but free to slide along it. She took Renee’s other hand and slid it on to the left bar. She worked Renee’s feet forward off the footrests and then moved her chair away, leaving her standing at the end of the parallel bars and attached to them.I didn’t know if Renee was trying to walk in the bars or not. She seemed to be wiggling a little and she had a determined expression but she wasn’t moving. Now it was my turn. Mistress rolled the chair up right behind me and then knelt down and released my ankles. I tried probing around with my right foot for the shoe behind it but I still had no movement. Mistress guided my toes into the shoe and then settled my foot in it. She did the same with my left. She got up and moved the chair forward so the braces were pressing on the back of my legs and body.I tried to work myself into them but my legs wouldn’t seem to move. Mistress had to hold the leg cuffs open and she worked my legs into the braces. I had the same problem as Renee with the torso. It was a very tight fit and I had to be forced into it. I tried pulling myself up on the lacing bar and wiggling in but it wouldn’t work. Mistress got the front of the torso and attached it at my head and then began feeding the straps through the loops. As she tightened them I slid into the brace. It was very tight and added a significant amount of pressure above that the corset was already causing. She worked down my legs tightening all the straps as she went.It felt wonderful as the cuffs tightened around my legs and held them firmly. She pulled the laces of my shoes tight and tied them. I was finally encased in braces. Mistress strapped the kneepads over my knees. She tightened all of the torso straps again and the grip of the body brace became totally rigid and unyielding. I had just thought my corsets were completely rigid. There was no comparison between them and this brace. She moved the chin cup higher. It pressed harder on my chin and lifted and tilted my head back. She tightened the bars between the chin cup and the back of the head brace and my head was clamped immovably between them.It was even more restrained when she tightened the strap around my forehead. She retrieved my arm braces and quickly had them in place on me. The only joints in my entire body I could move were my shoulders. My heart was pounding with excitement. This was truly the realization of a lifelong dream and it was just the first day of that dream becoming my lifestyle.She moved me over to the other set of parallel bars and slid my hands over the ends of the bars, locking them to the bars. She worked me feet off the footrests and moved my chair away. I tried to take my first step to get used to walking in my braces. Nothing happened, absolutely nothing. With my hands locked on the bars the movement I had before in my shoulders was gone. My elbows were locked straight and my hips were locked so I couldn’t move a leg forward. There just didn’t seem any way to move anything, much less walk. I looked at myself in the mirror and had a hard time believing it was me.I had spent countless hours all my life looking at photographs of people, especially women, wearing braces and dreaming that it was me in the picture. What I was looking at now was not a photograph or a dream. It was me, I at least looked like a woman and I was wearing the most elaborate braces I had ever seen. My steel chastity panties and steel bra were the crowning touch. I let my gaze wander from my reflection to Renee. I was amazed to see that she was actually making headway between the parallel bars.I watched her to discover how she was managing to propel herself. She would lean a little to one side and then pivot her whole body and one foot would then move forward a little. Then she would lean the other way and pivot to bring the other foot forward. I couldn’t really see how she managed to lean to the side however. I couldn’t see her moving anything and what could she move. She was braced the same way I was and nothing could move. I tried leaning but again nothing happened. I couldn’t move to shift my weight and I couldn’t imagine how Renee was accomplishing it.Then I remembered my shoulders. There wasn’t much movement there but maybe there was enough. I tried raising my right shoulder and lowering the left. Sure enough, I found myself leaning toward the left and my weight shifted to my left foot. Now I tried pivoting myself toward the left. My right foot moved forward a fraction of an inch. I felt like I had accomplished the impossible. I raised my left shoulder and lowered my right and with my weight on my right foot I was able to pivot and move my left foot forward slightly. It was painfully slow progress and extremely tiring but it was progress.I soon fell into a rhythm and the movements became almost automatic. Renee reached the far end of her bars long before I reached mine. As I lurched along between my bars I watched the struggle as Mistress Monica helped Renee turnaround to come back the other way. She was almost a third of the way back by the time I reached the end and it was no less a struggle getting me turned around. We both made the total of three trips the length of the bars. We were exhausted but very pleased with our accomplishment.Mistress Monica said we would take a break for lunch and then try something new. She brought our wheelchairs behind us between the bars and between her effort and ours we got our feet back up on the footrests and we were standing in our chairs again. She fastened the straps around our chests and waists. She swung the padded bar around in front of our shins and secured it. Then she released the locks at our elbows to allow us to bend our arms. There was a metal stud on each of our forearm cuffs.It was about midway between the elbow and wrist and when our arms were bent it was on the bottom. She pressed the studs into a hole on the top of the armrests of our chairs and it locked in place holding our arms fastened securely to the armrests. Then she pulled up on a small handle located high on our thighs on each side. That released our knee and hip joints and when she activated the controls for the chairs to return to the normal sitting position we were attached to the chairs and moved with them to a sitting position.We had just sat down when Mistress Paula and Mistress Jane came into the room. They asked how things were going and when Mistress Monica told them we had each made three trips the length of the bars they seemed very pleased. Mistress Paula said that she had sewn up the stumps of the boys tongues. She said she was certain that they had lost so much of their tongues that they would never be able to speak intelligibly again. She went on to say that she had removed the other little items so all their penises would ever be good for would be to wee-wee. Mistress Jane told Renee and I that we wouldn’t have to worry about unwanted advances from them anymore. They would have neither the desire nor the capability to m***** us sexually.She said that she had already told them that if they did try anything either sexually or for revenge they would be turned over to the police. They both had outstanding warrants against them and their cellmates would be thrilled to have such wonderful girlfriends locked up with them. She was going to give them the rest the day to recover but they would return to their normal duties the following day.Mistress Paula left for a few minutes and then brought back a tray of sandwiches and tea. They removed the sections of our braces that enclosed our hands and released our arms from the armrests so we could feed ourselves. It was difficult to eat with our torsos and heads held so rigidly and upright and chewing was hard with the chin cup pressing our mouths closed. It was still a very pleasant lunch with the five of us together. Renee and I of course were not allowed to speak but we enjoyed listening to the Mistresses chat and they did direct some of the conversation toward us.Immediately after lunch they replaced the braces covering our hands. They moved our chairs against a wall facing out into the middle of the room. Mistress Jane went to the closet containing all the braces and returned with two pair of crutches. They looked like Canadian forearm crutches except they didn’t have the cuffs that normally go around the forearm. Our chairs were used to stand us up again. Once we were standing Mistress Jane brought a pair of the crutches to me and Mistress Monica took a pair to Renee.Mistress Paula said she had better check on the boys and she left us. Mistress Jane took my right hand and screwed a stud like the ones on our forearms into the brace at what would be the palm of my hand. She put the handle of one of the crutches into the opening between my fingers and thumb. There was a hole in the top of the handle that the stud went into and locked in place. A hole in the upright of the brace, where the forearm cuff would normally be, mated with the stud on the forearm part of the brace. That crutch was locked to my arm. She installed a stud in the palm on my left-hand brace and locked the other crutch to that arm. She removed the straps around my chest and waist and swung the bar across my shins over to the side.She said, “Just walk around the room and get used to using the crutches.” This was a little scary. There had been no possible way to fall using the parallel bars but I felt so unsteady now that I thought there was no possible way not to fall. If I did fall I would fall like a tree. I got the crutches positioned to my sides and a little in front and tried the same technique I had used with the bars. I was afraid to push too hard from one side for fear I would fall over the other way. I pushed and felt myself starting to lean to the left but I was also toppling backwards.Luckily I was still on the footrests with the chair right behind me and I just leaned back against it. I moved the crutches out a little farther the in front of me. That seemed to make me a little steadier. I tried shifting my weight to my left again and got my right foot to move about an inch. Next I tried a shift to my right and the left foot moved a little. After six or seven of these minute little steps I at least had my feet off of the footrests. I looked over to see Renee’s progress and she was only about a foot in front of her chair.I kept trying different crutch positions and different ways of shifting my weight and rotating my body but no matter what I did progress was painfully slow and I felt dangerously unsteady. It was also exhausting. Mistress Jane prevented me from falling several times. It seemed like I had been at it forever and I was only about eight feet in front of my chair when Mistress Paula returned. I guess I should have been pleased when she exclaimed, “You are both doing great. That’s wonderful progress.” Her statement seemed to say this wasn’t going to get much better or easier and that didn’t please me at all. Sweat was pouring down my face and irritating my chin where the chin cup rubbed it. That seemed to be the only part of my body that moved in relationship to the braces. The rest of me was held totally immovable by them. I began to understand Renee’s intense dislike of braces and being braced. It didn’t make much difference now though whether we liked them or not. The Mistresses had made it clear that we would spend most of our time in them and the only thing to do was learn to do what was expected of us and tolerate them the best way possible.I looked at my reflection in the mirror and I still loved the way I looked in my braces and I even liked the look of my steel underwear. I loved the way it all felt except for the chafing of my chin. It would have been perfect if I could have just stood or sat in my chair in them. That was not going to be the case though so I renewed my efforts to make it across the room with my crutches, no matter how long it took.Eventually I made it across the room but then I had a new challenge, turning around. I took the easy way and instead of turning all the way around and going back across the room I only turned halfway and went along the wall. I was feeling steadier and my steps had lengthened out to four or five inches. Renee was doing better also and we exchanged smiles of success and pride across the room. I had been enjoying the view from the glass wall through the window wall the whole time. The view was one of the main reasons we had bought this property. A combination of the view and the isolation. I could see at least ten miles down the canyon and not one other indication of human habitation. I noticed now that the sun was getting low and the shadows were creeping across the canyon. We had been at this all day. It had certainly been a full day and the time had passed rapidly.Mistress Monica said she thought it was about time they let us stop work for the day. She said they still had to bath us before dinner. Mistress Paula suggested they leave us in our braces for dinner and then bath us and get us ready for the night. She said it had been a busy day and with everything concerned we might appreciate getting to bed early. They all chuckled at that and Mistress Monica said she was sure we would appreciate getting to bed early and would probably be willing to skip dinner. They positioned our chairs behind us and helped us get our feet up onto the footrests again. They strapped us to our chairs have locked to our arms to the armrests. Then they lowered the chairs to the sitting position again.They located us at two small roll away tables and left us alone. We both opened our mouths to speak and both thought better of it at the same time. There was a very strong probability that they had the room bugged with microphones and possibly cameras. They seemed pleased with us at the moment but violating the rules against speaking would change that in an instant. I’m sure Renee was as intrigued by the reference to our appreciating going to bed early as I was. By this point I couldn’t even hazard a guess at what they might have in mind for us but this sounded like we might enjoy it.The sun had set and the soft light of dusk was coming through the window by the time they returned with two trays and set them before us. They released our arms from the armrests and removed the braces from out hands. Our dinner consisted of a chicken salad and toast. It was nothing like I would have desired before our training began but it was more than I could consume now with my corset restricting my abdomen. They left us to eat alone. We had both eaten all of our dinner that our corsets would allow when the three Mistresses returned.They raised us to standing in our chairs and removed our arm braces. They reapplied our wrist cuffs and strapped our hands to the lacing bars. They didn’t fasten our ankles to the floor rings this time but still raised the bars until we were pretty well stretched but with our feet on the ground. They removed our braces and our steel bras. The air hitting my bare breasts felt wonderful. Then they took off our corsets. It was actually painful when the pressure was released from my body and I felt I would have collapsed in a heap if I hadn’t been hanging from the lacing bar.They placed the lifting slings in our chairs before putting us back in them. They strapped us back into the chairs and lowered us to sitting. They rolled us over beside our examining tables. They unstrapped us from the chairs and told us to stand up. When I tried to comply I discovered that I couldn’t. My legs refused to respond to the orders from my brain to stand. The two months we had spent in bed had left me weak but this was more than just weak. My arms had seemed fine while practicing with the braces and they were alright now but my legs were completely useless.I hadn’t noticed it while they were held immobile in the braces but now it was acutely apparent that they were totally paralyzed. I tried working other muscles and found that nothing worked below the level of my breasts. Renee was straining to rise from her chair but having no more success than me. I heard Renee shriek, “What have you done to us?” My pelvis was immediately gripped in agony as my chastity panties were activated and I screamed with pain. The torture only lasted a few seconds and then was stopped. Renee was looking at me with apology written in her expression and I managed to give her a thin smile through my whimpering.Mistress Paula began speaking, “Now you have discovered the other procedure that was performed on you. You are both completely paralyzed from mid-chest down. It is permanent and irreversible. You still have normal sensation in the paralyzed area but no muscle control. It was done with very precise radiation therapy and the anterior portion of your spinal cords were destroyed at the T-3 level. The motor nerves are in the anterior portion so only they were destroyed.”“I know you wanted to be told what was going to be done to you and in a way you were. We told you that the nerves to your sphincters and bladders would be cut and they were, we just didn’t tell you about all the others that would also be cut or destroyed. We thought that would be too much for you to face.”“We had several reasons for making you paraplegics. One is to help with your figure training. With no muscle power your body will not resist the reshaping forced by your corsets. The removal of your bottom ribs will also assist you in achieving the figures we desire for you. The other reason is to make your training and everything it entails easier for you to accept.”“If you were able bodied you would grow to resent the restrictions we have and will place on your mobility. You would soon be dwelling on the fact that we are treating you like cripples and also on the inevitable loss of your muscle strength brought on by inactivity. You would resist your training, which would only bring more punishment upon you and your resentment would increase still more. This way you are already helpless cripples and the training we will give you will help you become more mobile, within the limits of your disabilities and limitations we place on you.”“The devices and garments we force you to wear and have attached to or inserted within you are necessary because of your handicaps. You will be able to accept the discomfort and chagrin as just another aspect of your condition. We have made you what you are and your co-operation or lack of it will determine what you are going to become. If you co-operate we will make Charli a beautiful and desirable woman and Renee an equally beautiful and desirable she-male. The fact that you both have a disability will be an insignificant detail. If you don’t co-operate you will remain what you are right now, crippled and helpless freaks.”Tears were rolling down Renee’s cheeks. She gave a powerful push with her arms and tried to stand again. She only managed to shift her balance far enough forward that she tipped forward and fell out of her chair. She ended up lying on the floor, her lower body and legs twisted and useless. She lay there shuddering as sobs racked her body. A multitude of thoughts poured through my mind. The most prevalent was “Be careful what you wish for. You might get it”. I had always dreamed of wearing braces and of dressing as a woman and now both of those dreams were a reality. They were a reality forever and more changes to my body and life would come and I had no control over what would be done to me.It was terrifying and yet exciting. Mistress Paula stood in front of Renee as Mistresses Monica and Jane moved a hoist above her and lowered the lacing bar and strapped her wrists to it. While they were raising her from the floor and putting her back in her chair no one said a word. They strapped her tightly in her chair. Finally Mistress Paula spoke, ”That was very foolish Renee. You might have hurt yourself and what you did is going to hurt Charli. Your action was resistance to us so Charli must be punished. I think it’s time for you both to see what the panties can do at full power and to see the other accessory we have just for Charli.”Now I was sobbing as they rolled me over into the lacing frame and strapped my hands to the bar and lifted me from my chair. They raised me until I was hanging with my feet a few inches off the floor. They put the straps around my ankles and then raised me even more until I was stretched between the bar and ankle straps. Then they put the other straps from the frame around me and tightened them holding me firmly fixed in the middle of the frame. Mistress Monica appeared holding two small cone shaped pieces of metal with attached wires and two metal clamps of some sort. My deepest fears were realized when she place one of the cones on my right breast. There was a hole in the middle of it that my nipple protruded through. She pressed the cone hard against my breast and my nipple was forced out through the hole.The clamps were round with two insulated tabs on one side. She squeezed the tabs together and put the open end of the clamp over my prominent nipple. It covered my nipple completely and when she released the pressure on the tabs it held my nipple in a strong, painful grip. She repeated the process on my left breast and then plugged the wires into two small openings on the receiver compartment on the front of my chastity panties. She forced a thick leather gag in my mouth and strapped it in place.Mistress Paula positioned Renee’s chair directly in front of me and strapped her head to the headrest so she was forced to look directly at me. Mistress Paula told her, “You will watch every second of your discipline as it is applied to Charli. If you close your eyes it will double the duration of the punishment. The electrodes clamped to her nipples are something special we can only use on Charli. High voltage applied to the chest can interrupt the electrical activity of the heart but since she has her implanted defibrillator we don’t have to worry about her heart. The defibrillator will restart it if it stops.”The look of horror on Renee’s face was almost worse for me than the fear of what was about to be done to me. I wished I could do something to ease her feelings but at that moment I was so terrified I could do nothing to lessen my own sobbing and trembling. Mistress Monica’s thumb hovered over the button on her remote and I watched it descend in what seemed to be slow motion. I saw the flesh on the pad of her thumb begin to compress as it pressed on the button and began to depress it. My senses all seemed heightened far beyond normal and I heard the tiniest click as the switch in her remote made contact. Another minute click came from the receiver in my chastity panties and then all my senses were overwhelmed by the excruciating pain gripping my pelvis.My body tried to contract and double over but the straps holding me suspended in the frame prevented it. I could see myself in the mirror as my muscles contracted and my body strained against the straps. Somehow it registered in my tortured brain that I felt the pain only in my groin and that the breast contacts must not be working. Then the pain in my pelvis stopped, only to be instantly replaced by a horrible surprise. The contacts on my breasts were working after all. The pain of the clamps gripping my nipples became nothing as electricity knifed through my breasts.The muscles contracted and thrust my chest and breasts out. I could see my breasts quivering and changing shape as my body strained against this new assault. As quickly as it had began the surge in my breasts quit to be replaced by that in my pelvis again. I looked like a fish flopping on a hook as the power alternated between my pelvis and chest. The pain was excruciating and yet I was strangely transfixed by the sight of my body thrashing and straining against its bonds. When the punishment ended the release from the pain was welcome and yet I felt disappointed. I had actually enjoyed being the helpless subject of torture and the pain.They had two men with them who were wearing uniforms like hospital orderlies. They proceeded to unplug Renee’s Iron Lung and activate the battery operation on it. They rolled her out of the room and I was left wondering what was going on. Soon they were back and did the same with me. As we moved through the house I saw that it was dark outside. They rolled me out the back door and there was a truck in the driveway. It was a 5-ton bobtail and they pushed my Iron Lung on a lift-gate at the back and lifted me up and rolled me in to the back of the truck. Renee was already there and they secured my Iron Lung beside hers.I was later told that our surgery and recovery had lasted over a six weeks period. Mistress Monica had my sexual reassignment surgery performed but Mistress Paula refused to allow it for Renee or to allow us the satisfaction as male and female we both craved so deeply. Eventually she consented to a coupling of Renee and I but the restraints placed on us and on our actions prevented either of us achieving orgasm, or did it?The voice that came from me was not mine. It was higher pitched and softer. She responded, “Welcome back darling, I’ve been waiting for you to wake up.” Before I could answer her a section of a mirrored wall opened and the Mistresses came into the room.Let me now include here a narrative of Renee and my only coupling. As wonderful and ultimately frustrating as it was. Renee is wearing a harness identical to mine. Black leather straps encircle our bodies from our heads to our feet and out our arms to the soft leather mittens that enclose our hands. Our breasts are each surrounded by a large steel ring attached to the harnesses and a soft leather triangle covers are lower groins. An opening in mine provides access to my pussy and Rene’s cock and balls protrude through a similar opening in hers. The only difference in our harnesses is that mine has numerous buckles attached to it and I can see that Rene’s harness has short straps at most of the same locations.I can see Rene’s cock growing and stiffening as she looks at me and the purpose of our harnesses becomes as clear to her as it is to me. My clit is hardening and my pussy growing damp as I anticipate her cock buried deeply inside me as our harnesses were strapped together. We have been dreaming of this for so very long. I can’t believe our Mistresses are actually going to allow it to happen. Of course it will be for their pleasure and not ours and certainly will occur completely under conditions determined by them.These harnesses they have put us in will give them almost complete control over us. I don’t care and I can see by the way Rene is looking at me that she doesn’t either. Dr. Powers has attached cables from the overhead hoist to rings on Rene’s harness. The rings are at her shoulders and she is lifted from the ground by the hoist. I was so busy watching Rene that I didn’t notice Mistress behind me attaching similar cables from my hoist to my harness. I feel myself lifting as Mistress activates the hoist. My weight settles on the strap attached to the bottom of the triangle covering my groin and running between my legs. My weight forces the plug in my butt even deeper into me. They are pushing us toward each other, across the room to the marvelous coupling that will occur shortly.They stop when we are only inches apart. I am expending no stress as Mistress raises my hoist a little and Dr. Powers pushes Rene’s hips forward slightly. My pussy is so wet as it yearns to feel Rene’s cock that my juices are running down my leg. Mistress raises my legs and wraps them around Rene’s body and fastens some straps located behind her to hold my legs there. Mistress lowers me slightly and Dr. Powers takes Rene’s cock and positions it until its tip is just touching my pussy’s lips. Chills run through me and as I look in Rene’s eyes I see my excitement mirrored.Mistress lowers me, she lowers me onto and over Rene’s rigid cock. I relax my pussy and let it slide smoothly into me, deeper and deeper into the very center of me. Our bellies touch and press against each other. She is fully within me and I tense my muscles to give her a squeeze and feel her stiffen within me. Mistress and Dr. Powers begin buckling and tightening straps holding our lower bodies together. My legs are strapped tightly around her and our bellies drawn tight against each other with her buried deep within me. Our nipples are just touching each other and it seems like electricity is flowing between us.They began in attaching the straps attached to the steel rings encircling the bases of Rene’s breasts to the buckles attached to the rings encircling mine. Our breasts are pressed together and held there. They tighten the straps pulling us even tighter together. Mistress produces a gag. It is a double-ended penis gag and she puts one end in my mouth and the other in Rene’s mouth.She and Dr. Powers attach and tighten straps that hold our heads together and force the gags deep within each of our mouths. They wrap our arms around each other and strap them tightly in place. They push the two of us to the middle of the room and finally Dr. Powers attaches a length of chain to the ring on the floor and to Rene’s feet. They raise us both and Rene is stretched tight and unable to move. I am strapped so tightly to her that I can’t move either. It feels so marvelous to finally have her inside me and to feel her breasts against mine. I can see the joy in her eyes and feel her tensing her cock inside of me. I squeeze my pussy as tight as I can around her. I’m beginning to see the diabolical thinking of our Mistresses. We are strapped so tightly together that we may not be able to stimulate each other to orgasm. I can see and feel the same realization coming to Rene. We may not be able to but we will certainly give it our full effort and whatever the outcome we will treasure this time we have dreamed of for so long. By clinching my legs as tightly as I can around Rene, thrusting my pelvis against her and at the same time clamping my pussy as tightly as possible around her cock I’m able to draw it a little deeper within me. I relax and the next time I try it I can feel Rene straining to push herself deeper into me. The movement is slight but it is movement. Is it enough ???????I have learned since from Mistress Monica that the episode I just described was the beginning of the end of hers and Mistress Paula’s relationship and ultimately mine and Renee’s. Mistress Monica believed we should be allowed some form of sexual gratification but Mistress Paula became ever more adamant that it would always be denied us.Shortly after that Mistress Monica requested Mistress Paula and Renee leave as Mistress Paula’s stubbornness on the subject it was creating cruel and unusual punishment for me. She has derived a new form for my life and no longer needed the help of Mistress Jane or SM1 and SM2 so they left shortly after Renee and Mistress Paula. Mistress and I have found a new form of relationship, she has created it for me would be more accurate and I have never been more content or happy, nor dreamed I could be. I will post a narrative of the new life I live shortly under the title “Beyond Braces & Corsets”.

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