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Notes [Last revised September 28, 2017]:0 This lengthier installment of the serial Page could reasonably be read prior to starting Page Ch. 01.
0 All characters are the product of the authors’ imaginations and are over eighteen.
0 The text includes some anglicized Russian words and phrases used within context.
0 Thanks to Skye4Life for editing this.
© Copyright 2017 by MindsMirror. All rights reserved.
“Who is that with your former boyfriend?” I ask glibly.

Jokes are a defense mechanism I employ automatically when attempting to conceal my true feelings. It’s not a great asset for an operative, but I’m not in character and Natalie often jokes openly about my mechanical nature. I should be looking at the auburn-haired woman on the large digital projection, but my attempts to wrench my attention away from the nearly life-size erection, to focus upon her, are failing.

“You know Ryan and I have been broken up since late August,” she says sharply.

The barb predictably gets a frustrated response, so I needle her a bit more asking, “Sorry, is three months too soon for boyfriend jokes about your former target.”

“No. Oh, ugh, you know he wasn’t,” she says and continues, “Anyway, he told me she was his sister, Page, and she went back to California over a year ago. I’m certain I cataloged all of this in my reports”.

Her reports had mentioned the congressional page. The image before us conflicts with what I’d envisioned and makes it hard to draw the connection. I walk closer to the screen to inspect the couple more clearly. Pointing to them and looking directly back at her, I can only ask incredulously, “Does this look like a normal brother and sister situation?”

My gaze returns to the video of the nude pair before she can answer. It continues playing as we watch Nat’s former mark, Congressman Levik, sitting across from a steamy woman at, what appears to be, an eat-in kitchen counter. They’re having breakfast but there are sexual overtones that extend beyond their nudity: his erection, his stare at a star shaped piercing through one of her excited nipples, the cute look she keeps giving him and desirous glances at his bobbing cock, all point toward intimate familiarity and imminent congress.

We continue watching and she finally answers, “No Rayne, they don’t appear to be siblings and what they do in a moment confirms that.”

“Confirms they aren’t siblings, how?”

“Okay, I guess they could be, but you’ll see. I’ve had suspicions ever since I finally managed to peak at her ID. Her last name is Rubin instead of Levik, but I’d attributed the discrepancy to their parent’s divorce. Now, I wonder if she’s something else.”

“Like what?” I ask.

“I don’t know, something,” she says and hesitates. “She was too dorky and private to be anyone of consequence,” she intones with more frustration. “Maybe I’m projecting because the little flat chested slut kept mixing up our laundry,” she says jokingly.

I laugh with her briefly, but her comment about their mismatching last names rings a bell. I find an impulsive question tumbling from my mouth, “You think they were involved back then?”

“Nyet. There was no time. Their schedules didn’t overlap much and I’m telling you she was extremely naïve,” she answers firmly.

“So, why’d you call her a slut?”

“Are we looking at the same femme fatale!?” she asks rhetorically. She pauses the video and backs up a bit, “Watch this little vamp place each syrup covered piece of French toast onto her curled tongue with her fork upside down.” She stops the video on a frozen image of the woman’s face. “Is this playful expression one you’d see in an innocent?” she asks, her voice dripping of jealousy. Natalie restarts the video and continues, “Now she’s blossomed into a -“

I cut her off; understanding the implication of her observations, “She couldn’t have been his minder back then though, right?”

“Da – um – not even remotely possible,” she says accidentally slipping into Russian a second time and over-correcting back into her exceptional Virginian accent. “She worked up on the hill and kept herself busy with homework and playing infantile video games. Perhaps I ought to have gotten more background on her.”

“No, but don’t you think this might be just what we need on him?”

“I really don’t believe they’re related, but I can’t say why he would cover that up,” she dismisses my point. “I suppose we could use it, but he’d probably have some legitimate reason. Ryan’s pretty straight laced.”

“Okay, one of your reports mentioned maybe she didn’t like you; what’d you mean by that?” I ask wondering if Page could be acting as a minder for him now, even though he’s not running for office.

“I was mostly at his place on the weekends since Ryan was working long hours during the week. She and I didn’t interact often and they didn’t really hang out much either as far as I could tell. But I didn’t think she liked me being around or – um – well – maybe it was that Sultangazi Escort she didn’t approve of me,” she offers thoughtfully.

“Didn’t approve of you how?”

“Shortly after she came to DC, Ryan and I spent several – kind of – you know – very hectic weekends together.”

“Just speak plainly.”

“Perhaps I mistook her silence around me as judgment or perhaps she didn’t think I was good enough for him. We left her to herself when we went out and even when we were at the condo. We’d head off to his bedroom for long periods of time when he wanted to fuck, frequently more than once, and sometimes it’d happened a few times a day,” she says a little disgustedly.

Mmmm, I’d love a decent fucking, even once a month, I think as I try to remember the last time I’d gotten laid. Trying to block my lustful thoughts, I ask, “Did she ever show any aggressive tendencies toward you?”

“No, she basically avoided me and I certainly didn’t perceive her as a threat at that time.”

Her explanations have me ruling out jealousy. There isn’t much else to go on, the video has become more interesting and I distractedly ask, “Your text mentioned something about the cloned phone -“

“Yeah, last night, one amongst our clone collection started making some odd noises. When I figured out which one it was, I discovered a rude emoji in a message that said it was disabled and reported stolen. It was late, there wasn’t much I could do about it and I figured that idiot lost his phone, so I pulled the battery. This morning I connected to the camera in his condo, when I saw that there’d been activity indicated on the monitoring software. I saved off the video and started capturing the live stream but I got interrupted by my current assignment. I didn’t get to review it until this evening and called you the moment I saw them.”

“Is there video of her arriving?” I ask.

“No. I saved off as far back as it had preserved, but this pinhole model only stores about an hour of activity.”

Remembering Natalie’s description from her reports last year, I continue to struggle with these conflicting realities. Although she isn’t dressed, Page’s piercings and demeanor aren’t matching my expectations, “I thought your reports said she was kind of a preppy nerd; are you sure this is the same woman?”

“Oh, it’s her; but she’s definitely blossomed into a lovely creature making full use of her assets. Back then, her bourgeois attire and attitude had been galling,” she says clearly irritated by the memory. “But now, she’s thirsty,” she says with a little lust in her voice.

When Nat texted me earlier, I’d initially believed the main reason was the remote disabling of Ryan’s phone. The words she’d chosen had contained something that made me believe this may have been professionally done, which concerned me greatly. Now that I’m here, I am a little stunned to see he’s involved with someone we’d previously believed to be an inconsequential kid sister who’d left the picture. On top of that, there seems to be a possibility or probability that she’s something completely different. These thoughts spawn additional worries about the profound implications this might have.

“Yeah, with all those piercings; she’s more – um – your type and kind of hot,” I say unable to look away again.

“Are you trying to rub it in?” she asks defensively folding her arms over her ample bosom.

“I’m just wondering if we missed something important.”

“I didn’t miss anything,” she states emphatically. “I played Ryan’s loving girlfriend, as required; I didn’t pay attention to the little house Page,” she says making fun of the young woman’s previous duties in congress, but lingering on her name for comical effect.

I’m wondering if Natalie is attracted to Page now that she’s thirsty, whatever that means. I think it’s too bad she didn’t pay more attention to Ryan, though and grumble at her, “Well, I did tell you not to break it off with him too soon.”

“That’s not really fair, Rayne. He pretty much broke it off with me. Don’t forget that I suggested we use Nikki to follow up.”

“I wish we could see more in this; it isn’t installed very well,” I continue admonishing her. Page’s reentry isn’t her fault, but she didn’t keep tabs on Ryan like I would have.

Nat bristles at the comment and says, “There wasn’t much time, I barely got the camera installed and installation isn’t in my normal skill set. I’m not really sure he ever trusted me; he never even gave me a key to his place. Plus, he nearly caught me swapping his phone for the clone, right before he broke it off.”

All of it was true. She didn’t normally install equipment but she’d given up on her asset too soon and I tell her, “You should have done a better job handling this guy; I told you how important he might be.”

“Look, he was losing interest,” she says defensively. “Besides, Pyotr said not to force the issue since he was already tanking in the polls.”

Finally, Escort Sultangazi we’ve come to the true cause of our trouble and hearing her confirmation triggers my scoff, “Ha!”

I’d already discussed Pyotr’s newness to the job and previous instances of his poor judgment with her before she was assigned the case. He’s all muscle and not much in the intelligence department. How he’s at my level, I’ll never understand. He’s advanced in the ranks so quickly, I often wonder which party officials or oligarchs he is related to or perhaps has leverageable secrets over. He’s clearly not capable of fulfilling any of the positions into which he’s been promoted. If I were in charge, things would be very different.

In the pause my angry thoughts leave her, she continues defending herself, “Well – um – we did get all the material his opponent needed to defeat him – and – I – I’d already started working on my next major target.”

“Yes, and you’ve been commended for uncovering his affair. However, you know we don’t have anyone close to him. Now that the Lieutenant Governor’s death is public, Ryan’s allies may want to sponsor him for that position,” I say unequivocally.

“I can’t understand why they would take her out now with the governor retiring,” she says without really questioning the powers above us.

“You don’t need to understand everything bolshiye siski, but I will tell you she was lobbying the Governor to veto that bill we’ve been pushing!”

The truth is that Nat was right and Pyotr’s move circumvented my goal of getting her into the Governor’s mansion. It had been quite high on my agenda but he’d convinced our bosses we should field another candidate. Triggering her leukemia relapse, he’d thought, was poetic justice. However, her disappearance while on ‘vacation’ caused some publicity. When she was found in her remote cabin, an autopsy turned up traces of the compound used. It’s simply another blunder of his that I’ll have to clean up after. Sometimes the entire arrangement makes me feel like a puppet whose strings they pull to get the desired effect.

“Why do you always tease me about the size of my tits; are you quite certain you don’t like women too?” she asks playfully trying to deflect my anger while jostling them out of her sweater at me lewdly.

Her nipples are stiff and excited but my eyes roll upward at her oft repeated taunts that I might like women or should give her a try. I do tease her about the size of her breasts, but probably more out of jealousy than I’d ever admit. Natalie’s breasts must be DD’s while mine are probably just a little larger than Page’s, which would just barely fill my small hands. I am letting my anger about Pyotr’s incompetence influence my feelings about her. Consciously I want to rein in my emotions, but today it feels like everything is on the verge of failing and none of it is in my control.

“I’m just telling you that you may have to try reconnecting with Ryan.”

“Does it look like that’s an option with this malen’kaya shlyukha there?” she asks pointing to the elevated activity on screen.

I vent a frustrated response, “Nyet.”

We aren’t supposed to speak our mother tongue, but occasionally, I blurt some words out in Russian instead of cursing. It’s another habit that I have to work on constantly, especially when I’m around other native speakers or if someone else started doing it, like Nat calling her a ‘little whore’ moments ago. Having come to the states as a teenager, had put me at a disadvantage to others that had come with their parents as young children during an earlier wave. Fortunately, my father had forced me to speak English at home before I immigrated.

While I doubt this auburn haired little minx is a whore, I feel certain she’s manipulating him better than Nat ever could have. Voyeuristically, I watch Page kneeling on the floor, where she’s taken Ryan in her mouth and her tongue is flicking up his shaft. They appear to be finishing up their French toast with a sexual interlude that includes sucking maple syrup from his beautifully glistening, stiff shaft. My gaze intensifies, keeping pace with their erotic interaction.

Carnally craving that I could participate, I find myself thinking, God, that looks nice, I wish I could remember the last time I’d gotten a decent fucking, especially with such a handsome dick. “You never mentioned he was so well endowed,” I choke out raspily.

“It didn’t seem important,” she says turning to look at me oddly. “Are you alright?”

“Yeah, I’m fine.”

I’m not sure why I mentioned it, or what has come over me as I continue watching. Her head bobs back and forth increasing the saliva sheen on his member. Her lusty abandon is contagious and I can feel myself becoming incredibly wet. She greedily takes him so deep into her throat, that her eyes water a bit. Reading her body language and smile, I can tell that she’s proud of her accomplishment.

I’m completely envious Sultangazi Escort Bayan of her this evening; my mind is muddled by my inexplicable desire. I’m wishing it were me there on the floor at his feet taking that big handsome cock and later being treated to two or more couplings. Suddenly, Page jumps up and rushes out of frame and Ryan takes off after her.

“Is there a camera in his bedroom?” I ask, assuming that’s where they’re going and lustily wishing I could watch them complete their union.

“No, there’s just the one. All of my surveillance was in person until right before the breakup. Of course, we also have bpodq monitoring his computer usage,” she reminds me.

“Where is Nadya this evening?” I ask looking around for her sister, who shares the office in this apartment. “Why isn’t she dealing with this technical stuff?”

“She’s on a date. She said she’d be back around midnight and I can do simple tech stuff like this, I’m just better with people.”

I never can understand why she insists on being called by her idiotic hacker handle, but know that’s what she likes. “Well, at least you got the single camera installed in a busy spot. Have you checked his computer?” I ask continuing to stare at the video, hoping they might come back.

“I attempted to get on it, but can’t. bpodq will have to try her skills at it.”

“Did you attempt to contact her?”

“Yeah, but I haven’t been able to reach her. She’s probably turned off her phone. She’s out with that Viking, Erik.”

I feel a flush of disappointment when she deactivates the video for the time being. Believing we’re done and wanting to deal with the urges my sudden lust has inspired, I get up and prepare to leave. “Well, I’m heading -“

“Wait, I wanted you to see this next bit,” she interrupts. “It’s the main reason I asked you to come instead of Petrushka.”

Ignoring my desire to laugh at the name, I excitedly turn to watch hoping they are still frolicking. The video skips through sporadically time stamped empty frames of the kitchen to a new event in the afternoon. Page is back in the image and is dressed as if to leave. There’s a sinking feeling in my gut.

“What is she doing there?!” I ask with my anxiety increasing.

“We can’t tell from the camera angle and this is where it ends,” she says as the video link drops.

“Fuck! Any idea what caused that, Nat?”

“Nope. She was at least ten feet away when it cut out. I told you, you’d want to see this.”

“You think?” I ask sarcastically. Cooling off slightly, I tell her, “Obviously, I think we’ll need to reacquire this targeted asset and maybe his sister too.”

“Well, I’d have had a lot better chance persuading the Lieutenant Governor,” she says cupping her tits so that they threatened to spill out of her sweater again. “She was still useful and I think I could have convinced her; she went both ways.”

“Yeah, I heard the rumors about her and a secretary on her staff, but higher ups were getting peeved with her constant inaction on their requests. They made the decision to control the timing of her exit so they could minimize the damage she might do,” I tell her, omitting parts she doesn’t need to know.

“Maybe Ryan would be interested in you,” she says and then giggles.

“Very funny,” I say as I consider how that might work for several uncomfortable moments. “Any chance you can get the feed working again?”

“I’ve been trying, but I can’t even make contact. We’ll probably have to get back into his place and swap it.”

“Well, keep me in the loop and let me know if Nadya finds anything,” I tell her heading for the door. “I’ll take care of putting a tail on them.”

Outside in the hall of her apartment building, I await the elevator. When it arrives, I step inside and reflect on the whole situation. My intuition is telling me that Nat hadn’t really liked her assignment, since she prefers women. Maybe she would have been a better choice to send to the Lieutenant Governor rather than letting Pyotr poison her.

Natalie’s real skill was getting the lonely housewives of targets into compromising sexual situations we could take advantage of later. A spouse’s comment or suggestion can often sew dezinformatsiya or move people when bribery and self-interest can’t. She could be convincing for some men, mostly weak-minded skirt chasers that didn’t pay much attention. However, I expect the real reason Ryan lost interest was that he sensed the lack of any actual carnal desire from her. In the video of Page sucking syrup from his cock, her eyes had been full of desire and a naughty glee that I imagine would bring any man into her service. That kind of desire is difficult to fake for men whose erogenous zone is between their ears rather than simply between their legs.

“Maybe I should have taken his assignment myself,” I mumble.

That hadn’t happened because interaction with him had posed some undue risk and Pyotr was running this operation. He’d suggested Nat for it over my objections. He got his way because the puppeteers wanted to let him run with it. Having seen Ryan with his stiff erection in her mouth today is making me reanalyze my position slightly. The elevator arrives in the lobby, I exit the building to the parking deck and climb the stairs one floor up to find my car.

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