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Ball Licking

Author’s Note: For those of you who want to know – no, the story is not going to dissolve into a cum-spewing orgy. With that aside, you can be sure that Dawn’s presence more than equates to several other women. Keep the feedback coming, and for those of you who never comment, please do. Enjoy.

* * *

Josh discovered two things when he returned downstairs on Saturday afternoon, approximately half an hour after the events with Dawn. The first was that Dawn had already left the house, probably to get some shopping done or something; and two, that he felt extremely tired. His jaw still ached and he found that his crotch was beginning to feel itchy, which struck him as quite odd.

All in all, Dawn had definitely lived up to her reputation. Josh only wondered why she had wanted to do it again some time – very frequently, if her words were to be taken literally. Even if Dawn was some kind of crazy nymphomaniac, surely there were guys she knew who were both more equipped and more experienced than he was. Then again, crazy nymphomaniacs most likely engaged in very nasty sexual deeds, and sucking the cum out of your brother’s cock was the nastiest sexual deed Josh could think of. He didn’t think of it for long though – he was too tired.

No sooner had he collapsed in an exhausted heap on the sofa than Jacquie walked through the door, followed by Alice. Josh checked the clock on the wall and discovered it was past one. He had lost track of time while he had been… Well, let’s just say he had lost track of time.

Both girls were carrying shopping bags, which they dumped on the kitchen counter. Alice ducked into the fridge for a drink while Jacquie began to unpack the groceries she had bought.

“Josh,” she called out, “can you come and help me.”

Josh groaned loudly. “I’m too tired.”

“From what?” Jacquie inquired. “You’ve been home all morning.” Josh rolled over and stuffed his face deep into the corner of the sofa. “Where’s Dawn by the way,” Jacquie asked.

“She went out,” Josh mumbled into the material.

“Are you coming or not?” Jacquie persisted.

Josh groaned again and got to his feet. He sauntered into the kitchen with a sullen look and started pulling items out of the shopping bags.

“You do look tired,” Alice observed, sipping her glass of apple juice.

Josh said nothing and continued emptying the bags. They finished a few minutes later. Josh was now positively exhausted; his legs could barely keep him up.

“Go lie down,” Jacquie said.

Josh nodded and began to climb the stairs. He didn’t really want to lie on his bed right now, but he didn’t want to be disturbed either.

The sheets now smelled of Jacquie and Dawn, which made Josh’s head spin when he inhaled. He wondered if he was coming down with something. Before long, however, he had shut his eyes and drifted off to sleep with images of Dawn’s bare stomach in his mind.

* * *

When Josh woke up, at around five in the afternoon, Jacquie was sitting on the end of his bed looking at him with concern. Josh rubbed his eyes and sat up, leaning his back against the headboard for support.

“Hey,” she said. “I brought you some water.” She handed him a glass, which he drained gratefully.

“Thanks,” he said once he’d finished it.

“Do you feel better now?”

“Yeah,” said Josh. “I just didn’t get much sleep last night,” he lied.

“Did you and Dawn fight or something?”

“What? Oh, no. I was just tired.”

Jacquie nodded. She looked at her brother thoughtfully, then crawled up the bed and sat next to him, leaning back against the headboard as he was. She put a hand on his thigh and ran it up and down.

“Maybe you’re exhausting yourself too much,” she said, and fixed him with a look to convey her meaning.

“I’m fine,” said Josh. “It’s not that.”

“Are you sure? Coz you went from never having had it to having it twice in a week. Maybe it just took a toll on your body.”

“I’m fine,” repeated Josh. “Really.”

“OK,” said Jacquie and kissed him on the cheek. “I’ll see you downstairs.” She stood up and walked from the room, leaving Josh alone once more.

He shook his head vigorously until he felt more alert. The rest had done him well. He lifted himself out of bed and changed into another T-shirt, now that the one he had slept in was creased and crinkled. He then walked into the bathroom and ran his hands through his hair until it wasn’t sticking up as much. Satisfied that he was now presentable, he made his way downstairs.

Dawn was home again, eating grapes at the table and reading a magazine. When she saw Josh she smiled and looked at him until he took the seat opposite her.

“Where are the others?” he asked.

“Around somewhere,” Dawn replied.

Josh nodded, then asked, “Why are you grinning at me?”

“I heard you were completely exhausted this afternoon,” she said, her smile widening. “Tire you out, did I?”

“Would you keep your voice down,” Josh snapped.

Dawn giggled under her breath and turned back to her magazine Tarabya Escort for a while. Within a few minutes though she was looking at her brother again.

“Your pimples are all gone,” she said.

“Yeah,” replied Josh, “now you won’t be able to tease me about them anymore. What a shame.”

“Hey,” said Dawn, leaning forward, “I used to tell Jacquie that I thought you’d be kinda handsome when they disappeared. And I was right wasn’t I?” She sat back with a satisfied look.

“You think I’m handsome?” Josh asked sceptically, eyebrows raised.

“In your own rugged way,” Dawn replied. “Don’t you think I am?”


“Or beautiful…”

“Why would you care what I think?” asked Josh.

Dawn shrugged. “I just wanted to know.” She continued to look expectantly at Josh.

“You’re not ugly,” said Josh.

Dawn glowered. “I know that,” she said.

“And so modest, too,” said Josh wistfully.

Dawn shot him another indignant look then transformed it into a sick-puppy kind of look. “Aren’t I beautiful, Josh?”

“That’s not gonna work,” he said, though it was a downright lie, and if she kept it up any longer, he’d probably agree to be her slave for a week if she’d only kiss him.

“Oh, no?” said Dawn. “What about this?”

She slumped slightly in her seat and a second later Josh felt her foot start massaging his crotch. He jumped. “Dawn!” he barked.

Dawn giggled gleefully. “Still not working?” she said. “I could always crawl underneath the table and do something else.”

Josh batted her foot away and scowled at her as she laughed. Just then, Jacquie came into the kitchen carrying an empty glass, which she placed in the sink.

“What are you laughing about?” she said.

“Oh, Josh and I were just talking about the time I stuck tampons up his nose while he was sleeping on the sofa. Do you remember that?”

“Not really,” said Jacquie. “Sounds like something you’d do though.”

Dawn grinned mischievously. “He’s just lucky I didn’t put used tampons up there.”

“Gross, Dawn!” Jacquie said, then shuddered.

Dawn giggled like mad. “You wouldn’t have minded that would you, Josh?”

Josh glared at her and felt his ears burning.

“Whoops,” said Dawn, “I think I’ve gotten him angry.” She didn’t sound the least bit repentant.

“Leave him alone,” said Jacquie, patting her brother on the shoulder.

“I thought it was Alice’s job to stick up for him,” said Dawn.

At that moment, Alice walked into the kitchen and said, “Stick up for who?”

What was left of Josh’s composure melted beneath the heat that had spread over his face. He had never felt so uncomfortable in his life. He started to formulate, as quickly as he could, how he could get out of this situation both as soon as possible and with as much of his dignity intact as possible. Dawn, however, had other ideas.

“For Joshyboy,” she said in reply to Alice’s question.

Alice actually blushed a bit, which made her look extremely endearing. “That’s only because you harry him relentlessly.”

“You’d be out of the job if I didn’t,” said Dawn.

“Well,” said Alice, “Josh can stick up for himself, can’t you, Josh?”

Josh experienced a rush of gratitude for Alice. She wasn’t belittling him like the other two did – Jacquie on occasion, Dawn every chance she got; she was letting him fight his own fights and giving him the chance to reclaim what was left of his self-esteem.

“Yes…I can,” he told Dawn.

“Oh, I agree,” she replied. “I think he can stick up for himself very well.” Dawn put just enough emphasis on the ‘stick up’ bit to let Josh know she was referring to his penis. He blushed intensely again and sunk lower in his seat. Dawn watched him with mirth, enjoying his humiliation. She was going to pay for this.

“Come on, Josh,” Jacquie finally interceded, motioning him to get up. Josh stood and followed Jacquie out of the room, glaring back at Dawn who was winding a tendril of blonde hair around her finger and looking at him with a coy smile. Stupid bloody, gorgeous bitch, he thought.

He noticed Jacquie had him by the hand, and was leading him towards the stairs. Again? Josh thought. If he kept this up he wouldn’t be able to walk. And in the current mood he was in, he didn’t think he’d be too tender about it.

Jacquie led him into her own room. She shut the door behind him and then let go of his hand. “Dawn really has it in for you, doesn’t she?” she asked Josh.

“What’s new,” Josh replied cynically.

Jacquie came over to him and put a hand on his chest. “Don’t worry about her,” she said. “She’s just bored.” Josh smiled tiredly. “And so am I,” Jacquie added, running her hand down his chest.

Josh met her eyes. “I’m too tired,” he said, wondering why in God’s name he was saying it. He silenced the small voice in the back of his head that was telling him to shut the hell up and take off his pants. Jacquie looked disappointed.

“OK,” she said. “Do you want to lie down Escort Tarabya then?” Josh nodded in agreement. Jacquie drew him over to the bed by his hand and pulled him down beside her. Despite Josh’s excuse, she trailed her fingers over his face and chest while they rested. Her full breasts were bridging the gap between their bodies and resting lightly against Josh’s chest.

In all, it was a relaxing, if slightly distracting, respite. Josh found himself unable to fall asleep though, probably due to his recent mid-day nap. Jacquie, however, eventually did drift off to sleep, with her arm resting lightly across Josh’s chest. Josh thought, as he had before, that she looked adorable as she slept, and he watched her at it for well over half an hour before he finally decided to get up. He slowly and carefully removed Jacquie’s arm from his chest and then slid off the bed. After taking one last, long look at her, he left the room with a smile on his face.

* * *

As Josh was descending the stairs, he met Dawn coming up them. He wondered if she’d timed it this way or if it was just a coincidence. He didn’t wonder for long however, as his serene mood was rudely nudged aside by the return of his Dawn-inspired fury – the most furious kind of fury there was. He glared at her with malice in his eyes.

“Have a nice rest, did we?” Dawn asked with her customary wicked smile. Josh could tell by her sarcastic tone that she had assumed he and Jacquie had been intimate once again. He didn’t bother correcting her, as he was too busy trying to peel the skin off her face with his gaze.

“What’s wrong with you?” Dawn asked, noting her brother’s rather unfriendly look.

“What’s wrong with me?” Josh repeated, lowering his voice in the hopes that Dawn would do the same. “I should have known better when you started with all that friends crap. You’re as bad as you ever were.”

“Oooooh, are you still upset about before?” asked Dawn with mock sympathy.

“Upset is not the word,” replied Josh, his fists shaking by his side.

“Well,” said Dawn, leaning against the banister and running a hand up and down its polished surface, “if you remember – I didn’t actually insult you.”

Josh was about to spew out a garrulous retort when he stopped, thought about it, and then realised Dawn was telling the truth. She hadn’t – contrary to all her natural instincts, most likely – insulted him at all, merely made him feel extremely uncomfortable with her sarcastic comments and double entendres. Still, that didn’t make it alright.

“Not directly,” Josh replied somewhat lamely, in his opinion, “but you were still being a bitch on purpose.”

Dawn took a step up, closing the six step gap between them to five. Being on lower ground, she was able to use her upturned pixy-faced expressions and minor cleavage to great effect. Still, if she had been on the higher ground, there would have been the site of her panties to contend with.

Her head now inclined seductively, and her hand slowing its smooth motion on the banister, she said to Josh, “We have to keep up the façade, don’t we? We wouldn’t want anyone finding out about our little secret.” She mounted another step.

Josh was beginning to feel a bit flustered, and wished that his legs would respond to his brain so that he could take a few steps backwards. As it was, however, he was staying where he was for the moment.

“And besides,” Dawn continued, “I thought you liked it. No one gives a verbal fight like you do, Joshy.”

The nickname, Josh realised, had now taken on a sensual edge, and rather than conjuring up images of Josh’s fist hitting Dawn’s pretty face in his mind, it conjured images of his hand touching other areas of her body entirely. Dawn took another step up. Three steps to go.

Josh, recovering his wits, spoke again, though the words were slow and shaky. “You said we were meant to keep up the façade; I—,” Dawn took another step and Josh swallowed, “I hardly think talking about me ‘sticking up’ is going to perpetrate it.”

Dawn was smiling now in a way that Josh wasn’t quite used to, as he had only discovered this particular expression this morning. He did not like the look of it.

With only two stairs between them, Dawn was able to sweep her fingers up and off the banister, and onto Josh’s shoulder, where she ran them down to his fingertips. Josh shivered involuntarily and tried to turn and run, but it was useless – utterly, utterly useless.

Another step and Dawn was almost directly beneath Josh, her lips curled into a pert and…hungry?…smile. She reached out both arms and placed her flattened palms on Josh’s chest. It was enough to break down Josh’s resolve completely. He was about to reach out and wrap his arms around Dawn’s waist when her arms suddenly tightened and she pushed Josh with astounding force, sending him falling back against the stairs above him. His elbow struck the edge of one of the steps and began to hurt badly. He snapped his head up to look at Dawn, first with confusion, and then Tarabya Escort Bayan with unadulterated rage at having fallen for her stupid act.

He opened his mouth to spit violent threats at her but she spoke first. “You thought just because we were friends it meant you could read my diary again?”

Josh’s rage fell away under a tide of complete and utter bewilderment. What the hell was she talking about? He opened his mouth to speak once more, but was again interrupted, this time by a soft groan from the top of the stairs. Josh turned around and saw Jacquie standing on the top step, rubbing one of her eyes with the back of her hand.

“You two fighting again?” she asked sleepily.

Josh spun his head back around to look at Dawn, who was staring at him with a self-satisfied expression. Crafty bitch, Josh thought.

“Josh decided to read my diary again,” said Dawn, still looking at her brother. “He thought I wouldn’t mind because of what happened last week.”

Jacquie started to descend the stairs. “Josh,” she said admonishingly, “that’s not very nice. You shouldn’t be reading other people’s diaries.”

Josh looked back at Dawn, caught between the urge to yell at her and demand why she had made such a convincing show of it all, and the urge to thank her, however small it was. “I…uh…I know. I won’t do it again,” he replied.

“Good boy,” said Jacquie, walking past Josh and Dawn and out of view once she’d hit the ground floor. Josh turned back to Dawn, who was still looking at him with a superior smirk.

“Came close, didn’t we?” she said. “Don’t get upset though; I only pushed you because Jacquie was there.”

Typical, thought Josh, she doesn’t even apologise. “I’m not upset,” Josh said sharply. “I don’t care what you do.”

“Oh, come on, Josh,” said Dawn. “I saw the look on your face when I did it. You were hurt.”

“I was not,” spat Josh, pulling himself into a sitting position and rubbing his elbow.

“Yes you were,” Dawn chimed in melodically. “Did I hurt your feelings?” she added with an angled head and a voice that was fit only for speaking to babies. “Want me to make it better?” With that, Dawn leaned forward and licked Josh from the base of his neck to his ear, causing his eyes to close momentarily. Damn, he thought. Dawn smiled.

“Did you hurt your elbow too?” She lifted his arm up and kissed his elbow firmly, then pulled back and smiled again. “Are you sure you didn’t hurt your cock?” she asked, sticking out her tongue and flicking it up and down. A tremor ran through Josh’s body and almost erupted out the end of his cock, which was, of course, now hard as a rock.

Whatever was about to happen next remained a mystery, as they heard Jacquie’s voice calling from the kitchen. “Josh, can you help me with dinner?”

Dawn looked at her brother with her usual sly grin. She leaned in closer, stopping a mere inch from his face. “Guess you’ll just have to wait,” she said, taking his bottom lip in her mouth and sucking on it erotically. After that, she moved aside and let Josh stumble dazedly to his feet and descend the stairs into the kitchen. Once alone, Dawn stopped smiling and sighed in irritation.

“Damn,” she said aloud, and started up the stairs to her room, unbuttoning her skirt on the way.

* * *

Josh found it hard to concentrate on the dinner preparations, as he was now stuffed full of sexual energy. Jacquie caught him chopping up the carrots, which were only meant to be cut in half, and peeling the cucumbers until they resembled green matchsticks.

“Not on the ball today are you?” she said after wresting the peeler from his hands which he had been using to peel a tomato.

“Oh, sorry,” said Josh.

“You’re not still tired are you?” asked Jacquie, looking at him with motherly concern. “Maybe you’re sick.” She wiped her hand on a tea towel and placed it over Josh’s forehead. Josh pulled away in irritation.

“I’m not a baby,” he said.

Jacquie smiled and returned to chopping up the tomatoes. “You’ll always be my baby,” she said, glancing at him. Josh returned the smile and leaned back against the bench.

“Does that mean you have to breastfeed me?” he asked quietly.

Jacquie looked instinctively over her shoulder, then back at Josh with a smile. She slapped him lightly on the chest. “You’re not supposed to talk about that when the others are in the house.”

“I can’t help it,” replied Josh. “You look so good in an apron.”

“Really?” said Jacquie, once again peeling the tomatoes.

“Yep – very sexy. Edible, almost.”

Jacquie opened her mouth in mirthful indignation. “Edible?” she said.

“Uh-huh,” replied Josh.

“And which part of me, exactly, is edible?”

“Oh, I don’t know,” said Josh, stepping away from the bench and coming up behind his sister. He lowered his hand and squeezed her butt. “This part, for one.”

Jacquie looked over her shoulder with quite a bit of confusion on her face, though she was still smiling slightly. “Josh…? When did you get so frisky?”

Thinking for a moment, Josh realised that he really hadn’t done anything so adventurous with Jacquie as grabbing her ass like this. All they had really done was have sex, beneath the sheets; perhaps Jacquie wasn’t into the whole kinky act as Dawn was. Perhaps Josh shouldn’t be so exploratory with her.

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