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Peg Ray and PeggingPeg Ray and PeggingI started planning a three-night stay in my old home town and what happened was the last thing I expected to happen to me during the trip. I posted to social media I was in town and my ex-wife messaged me back very quickly. After a messy divorce and a few years later I found out she was now a lesbian and was in a relationship after all these years. I gave her my number and soon we were talking and it was nice. In the process of our conversation, I told her I was married and the truth was the wife and I had not had sex in almost ten years.Her reply was “Too bad that was the best part of our relationship. You ate me better than most of my female lovers and my wife now. God, I would love to do you again. Let me talk to the wife as she has never played with men and I hope you are very open-minded still about sex.”I laughed, I was still the same way and as long as everyone consented there was nothing I would not do or have done.“You still like to get a good buzz before sex?” she asked and gave me the address to a house just out of town as it was where she had lived right after the breakup. I quickly showered and shaved my face and groin and with little body hair, it did not take me long before I just pulled on some shorts and a shirt with nothing underneath. Wallet and keys and I went out the door and at their place in under thirty minutes. I got to a locked gate and was buzzed in and drove up to the front of the house. Getting out of the car I walked to the front door and just as I was about to knock the door opened and I saw a different woman than my ex. She was my height and well-muscled with a body that was very nice as she was nude. I just took off my shirt and shorts and left them by the door.“Hi I am Ray and Peg told me you were coming. She is still getting ready and wanted me to greet you and get the party started,” she said as she turned around and walked further into the house.“Steve and I hope she told you good things about me.” I laughed.“That is the only reason you are here. Peg has made told me you are very open-minded so follow me like her and I already have had our enemas and I hope you do not mind me giving you one,” she said over her shoulder and ushered me into a large tiled bathroom. There was a padded bench with a hole for a person’s face kinda like a very low massage table and she pointed for me to lie down on it. I laid down without hesitation and let my legs fall open with my face in the hole and let her get the enema ready. I have had several and other than pressure and the cleanup after they were not bad at all. In a few moments, I heard the water flowing into the bag and Ray caressed my ass before slipping a lubed finger into me to help the nozzle slip into my rectum. She was quick about it and very professional.“So Ray do you work outside the home?” I asked as a way to pass the time it was going to take.“I am an RN that travels and cares for people in their homes. It is amazing what I see at times.” She said as she started to massage my lower back.I just laid there enjoying her touch and soon I was full as I was starting to cramp up a little from being so full. “I need to void soon,” I said as I rolled over. Being full like this put a lot of pressure on my prostate and I had become erect as I rolled over and quickly made it the three-foot to the toilet and voided with a massive rush. She handed me some flush-able wipes and I cleaned myself up and went back to the bench for the second round as I had a feeling there was going to be a lot of anal sex and she wanted all of us cleaned as possible. I heard my ex say, “Ray are you treating him right?” and I saw Peg sit on the toilet and she was shaved and urinated while we talked. “I was filled up again and soon Peg wiped and I did not wait for her to flush and I sat down and voided myself. “Ready for the last one?” Peg asked me as I laid down the third time and when I voided all that came out was water. Peg started the shower and as we stepped into the shower I saw Ray watching us. “I want to let you know I have always loved you, but while we were married I had a few flings with women and I knew I would not be happy with a man all the time in my life.” Ray walked into the shower and with her bare hands and a lavender-scented soap, she washed both of our bodies. It was relaxing and when we were all cleaned literately inside and out we dried off and went to a room in the back of the house. There were a few beds and benches to secure a person onto as well as a heavy sling-type swing. We sat down and Peg and I told Ray everything about me and Peg told her I would actually make love to each of them while the other watches and in the end I was the toy for them to use any way they wanted.Ray asked me “Have you ever been pegged by a woman?”I must have looked shocked as she laughed, but I said “With the zonguldak escort enemas, I figured we were going to get into anal sex. I am open for anything as long as it does not leave marks on my body when I get home.”Peg pulled out a sealed box with some weed and a pipe and we smoked a fair bit and it did not take long for me to get a really good buzz on as it had been many years since I had smoked anything. I was feeling very relaxed as Peg moved over and kissed me with passion and I was guided to lay down on my front. I was hoping the pegging was not going to happen right off the start and I felt both sets of their hands slipping along my back and legs. They slid easily so I knew they were using some sort of lube, but there was no smell and almost zero friction on my body. Between the buzz and the full body massage, I was turning into a puddle of relaxed tissue.“I think we need to go over the consent part of the night for each of us as far as boundaries if any,” I said as a finger slipped near my anus.Peg laughed as they had no boundaries and even as Ray is a gold star tonight would be her night to have a man inside every one of her openings. “Baby we have done it all in the past so there is nothing at all to worry about,” she said as the finger slipped a little deeper into my anus. “Plus I will also record everything we do as I want a video of Ray having her first man to be with. I hope this is alright with you?” Peg added.My back and legs were relaxed and Ray suggested I roll over so they could do my front and asked if my wife even saw me nude anymore. I replied, “She has not seen me naked for years why?”“Since we are waxed I think it would be nice to do the same to you. Just the penis, testicles and anus. That way neither of us gets any hair in our mouths and I want to see a man smooth.” Ray replied.I shrugged I would like a topical anesthetic first as I knew it might be tender afterward.Peg got up and washed her hands and came back with a bowl of hot water and dry towels. She next got a pair of battery-operated trimmers with the wax strip box. I felt Ray cover my groin with cream and between my legs to my anus. “Peg said “This will take a few to numb your skin as she rubbed the cream into my skin and then washed her hands. Ray go get him another bowl of weed as I want him zoned out for this part.”Ray came back and handed me the pipe and lighter as I sat up with my back against Peg’s nude body and she reached around and rubbed my chest and shoulders as I smoked the pipe till the bowl was finished. It did not take long and I felt much different than before. I felt like I was floating and had no worries in the world and time was standing still for me. I do not know how long I laid back against her body, but I felt Ray wash my groin with warm water and dry it before applying a strip to the right side of my inner thigh and up to the hairy pubic mound. She rubbed it well and yanked it off. I felt pressure, but no pain at all. I did not look as I wanted to see it when it was bald as their bodies. Peg turned my head and kissed me as we used to and it just felt natural being with them. “Do you still do the trick of tuning out your body like you used to be able to?” Peg asked.I nodded my head, yes, but the weed I had smoked had me really buzzed and I was so relaxed already I was not even erect as Ray continued to remove the hair from my groin. Peg continued to caress my body and had no care in the world for the time. I felt Ray lift and spread my legs and Peg took my ankles and held me in place as I felt the pressure of the strips around my anus and soon I was bald as both of them. I looked down at myself and I liked the look and Peg reached down and she caressed me.“You should have done this when we were married. Love the look on you.” Peg said as she reached down and caressed my penis and started to get me erect. Ray was rubbing my legs and I saw her neck and chest were flushed and her nipples had become erect as she could not take her eyes off of my groin. Peg said “Ray do to him whatever you want.” and Ray leaned forward and opened her mouth over my penis that was becoming erect. “Steve close your eyes and remember the trip you walked and let your mind go. I want Ray to do what she wants and I want you to stay erect and not orgasm.” Peg whispered in my left ear.I closed my eyes and started my meditation routine and envisioned myself walking along a sand-covered beach in the light of a full moon. The surf rolling softly onto the shore and the warm breeze coming from my left and the full moon lighting the scene from the upper right. There were just dunes and tall beach grasses on the right as I let myself see more and more details as I walked along the endless shoreline. I walked and walked along the beach in the nude for a very long time and in the distance, I heard a soft bell ringing zonguldak escort bayan and I turned and slowly walked to a small cabana in the distance. I walked up to the door and when I opened it I was still laying back against Peg and Ray was walking back into the room with a bottle of wine and three glasses.“Peg how long was I away?” I asked as I turned and Peg kissed me.“Love I will say this you were excellent and you never faltered. It is my turn next and I want Ray to hold you as I just held you. First, let us have a glass of wine and Ray will tell you all about what she enjoyed about playing with your body” Peg said as she and Ray changed place. I turned my head and Ray bent over and kissed me. “My god Peg was right about you. I was playing and sucking on your cock for over an hour and it never got remotely soft and I could taste your seminal fluid, but you never were close to orgasm. I was tempted to have you in me, but Peg wants you awake for this part.” Ray said as she nuzzled my neck as I sipped my wine.“I am glad you enjoyed me. I have this talent as you see where I just zone out as long as I am comfortable. I use self-hypnosis to block out anything happening to me that is not painful.” I said as Peg started to slowly caress my inner left thigh. Peg if you keep this up I can go for my walk again if you want me to.”“Would you please. I just want to play with your body and suck your cock again before we start the playtime for all of us.” Peg said and I leaned back and kissed Ray.“Ray just hold me softly and cradle the back of my head between your breasts and let Peg do whatever she wants to me,” I said as I laid my head back and let my mind wander to the inside of the cabana and I say myself open the door and walked back out onto the beach nude. The soft warm breeze against my skin was relaxing and now there was a three-quarter moon high in the cloudless night sky. The sand was still warm from the day as I felt my feet gently move across the sand. I walked for what seemed hours and I was so relaxed I was in almost total peace. I could feel the still-warm sand from the days’ heat between my toes and the warm night air surround my nude body as I continued to walk further down the beach than I had done before. I was in a place of peace as the waves softly lapped the shore. I sat down and leaned back against a boulder and stared into the clear night sky. I was so relaxed I started to close my eyes and listen to the soft sounds around me as I continued to relax more and more. I slowly got up onto my feet and turned to go back to the cabana. I did not hurry and as I looked up the steps the door was open and I walked in and closed the door behind myself. My eyes opened and Peg was laying back on the floor with her legs spread wide. Her labia were red and swollen as if she had been masturbating herself, but I looked down and my smooth cock was covered in her juices. I turned my head and Ray kissed me, “God you were so deep in self-hypnosis Peg has been using your body for a long time and I just held you. What was going through your mind?” Ray asked me as her hands were stroking my chest and upper stomach area.I described to Ray what I had seen on my walk and how calm and peaceful it had been until I woke up out of my trance. I leaned my head back and pulled Ray’s mouth down to mine and we kissed as I turned my body over and was face to face on top of her. “Ray I want you to use me as Peg just did, but I want to be flat on my back and you have access to my body,” I whispered between kisses.Peg sat up and crawled over to Ray and all three of us started kissing as Ray wrapped her arms around my neck and her legs around my hips. She was starting to grind her mound against my erection. Her face was buried in the left side of my neck now and she was really starting to moan. I tried to pull away, but she held tighter onto me as she suddenly arched her hips and bit down on my left shoulder. Peg unwrapped her arms from around my neck and kissed her as I sat back and moved to the side. I was thirsty after being in a hypnotic state for so long and Ray wrapped herself around Peg. I got up and found the kitchen and then went and laid back in the swing until they were finished with each other. Watching actually make passionate love and knowing they were deeply in love made the sex more erotic. I took a seat on the love seat and laid my head back. I drank from one of the three water bottles as I waited.Ray looked over at me and I handed her and Peg each a bottle of water to drink. It felt natural to be nude with the two of them now as there were no physical body hangups between us. “How do you zone out so quickly and still maintain an erection? Ray asked me.“I learned years ago from a hypnotist when I wanted to break some bad d**g addictions that the brain is more powerful than the body. I just escort zonguldak relax and go deep into my mind and allow my relaxed body to do whatever my partner needs from it. I have been told when I am in this state I am the closest thing to a sex toy for my partner.” I told her as I finished my water.Ray looked at me and reached into a drawer and took out a harness to hold a dildo. “I want you to be aware of what is happening when I peg you.” I will start with a small toy and Peg and I will work up to a larger toy.”Peg helped me up and the two of them placed me in the swing. I was on my back with my lower back supported by a wide support and two more supports. One was at my knees and the other strapped around my ankles holding my legs up and spread wide giving access to my lower body. My shoulders were supported like my lower back and my head was supported as well as my wrists were tied to the support for my shoulders and they were cuffed so I could not move them. I was at their mercy in this position, but I did not worry. Ray adjusted the height of my ass so my anus was the right height for her to play with. Peg stood at my head and lowered my head down as she straddled my face and adjusted the height so my mouth was tight against her crotch. I loved going down on her to pleasure her pussy. “Lover when I am finished with you I will put myself in the same position and you will do to me whatever you want with my entire body,” Ray said as I felt her applied a liberal amount of lube to my penis and anus. Peg pulled my face to her groin and I started licking her clit as I awaited the insertion of a dildo into my anus. “Ready?” was all she asked as I felt the tip of the dildo enter me slowly. It was not painful and instantly my body tried to resist. “Relax and take a couple of deep breaths as I will take it easy on you.” as she slowly caressed my inner thighs and testicles. I was erect and she pressed forward a little more as I was being filled by her dildo. The initial resistance was going away as she slid fully into me as Peg was grinding her clit against my tongue. She was so wet as she slid her vagina over my mouth and now she wanted me to lick her opening. Since I could not move my head I let her have her way with my mouth and was rewarded with her moaning. Ray was slowly deep stroking in and out of my ass now and I was humping back against her. “Ready for the next size?” she asked and quickly swapped out dildos and this one had more girth. Like before she entered me and now slowly caressed y erection and as I humped against her fingers my body took the dildo in easier. “Peg he is such a good toy to play with.” I was filled by the new dildo quickly and Ray continued to slowly fuck me and I was enjoying the feeling of being filled. The larger dildo was rubbing against my prostate causing me to ooze pre-cum and I could feel Ray rubbing it around the head of my erection. “Peg he is really enjoying this. Look at how excited he is,” she said and Peg just moaned as I was continuing my oral pleasure on her. I heard Peg moan “Ray you need to let him go down on you. I forgot how good he is and he never rushes. I have cum three times so far and I am not sure how much longer I can stand up as my legs feel like rubber.”“Hold out for this last dildo as I want to use big buck on him,” Ray said as I felt her pull out and then she applied more lube to my anus and a moment later I felt a huge dildo pressed against my anus. Instinct wanted me to tighten up, but I relaxed as Ray entered me and this thing was huge. There was no pain, but the pressure of being stretched wide open was shocking to me. Like before she caressed my erection and pressed forward a little at a time. I was stuffed by this monster and Peg came one last time as I sucked her clit like a nipple and she fell back onto a well-placed cushion. I let Ray fuck me now and looked into her eyes as she slowly slid as deeply as possible filling my rectum. Ray looked down at me and with a smile asked “You ready to have your mind blown?” and without a pause suddenly the damn thing started vibrating deep inside of me as she used her hands and started to stroke my lubed cock and within seconds I exploded all over her hands and my own body. I could not control myself as I started convulsions as she continued to deeply pound my ass. “God Ray, you going to go to the last one?” Peg asked as she walked around and kissed Ray. I saw Peg pull out what looked like a dildo the size of a horse cock and I had no idea if I could take that up into my ass. “No, I think he has had enough anal play and he did better than I would have expected. I tend to wonder if he is actually bisexual or at least curious as he took being fucked so easily.” Ray said as she pulled out of me and I felt so empty. “Be a good guy and just relax as I unharness myself and we clean you up.”I laid back and relaxed as I had never thought I would have ever taken this much up my ass and still enjoyed myself. However, once we relaxed it was my turn to have my way with Ray. Should I make a second chapter to this? Let me know if so as I had fun working on this story.

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