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A tribute to Peggy46 that started a long time ago but was delayed due to writers’ block (happens often to me). Events aren’t true, but the details are, either taken from details that Peggy46 provided or my own experiences.


“So, do you know someone?” Kathy asked.

I thought for a second and then looked over to my daughter on the couch reading a book. It was spring break and my daughter was visiting from college.

“Maybe,” I said, biting my lip, wondering.

“Is that a yes maybe or a no maybe,” Kathy laughed at my ambiguous answer.

“I will have to ask. I’m not sure yet,” I told her.

“Let me know as soon as possible, then. I’m looking to shoot in a few days. My schedule is pretty open, so I do have time to meet them, if needed.”

I thanked her and hung up. Kathy needed two models for a shoot, both women, and my daughter was not working while she was visiting us. I knew she could use a little money for when she went back and this was probably a good opportunity for her to earn it. I just wasn’t sure if she would accept.

“So, Kathy is looking for models and wants me to pose?” Lynn said when I finally told her.

“Yes, she needs two women for it. And she’s willing to pay well for it,” I said, trying to entice her, thinking this would be good for her.

“You know I haven’t modeled before. I wouldn’t know what to do.”

I smiled,”There’s a first time for everything.”

“Hmm.. I’ll think about it,” Lynn said after a pause and a wrinkle of her lips.

“Think about it tonight, dear. We can meet her so you can get more details before the shoot. Tell me tomorrow so I can arrange it.”

The next morning she reluctantly agreed to at least meet with Kathy, being nervous since she had never modeled before. I assured her that it would be alright and that there really wasn’t anything like “messing up” when it came to posing. I called Kathy and arranged a time before the shoot to meet.

We met at a coffee shop. It was Saturday so there were a lot of people out and the place was crowded. Kathy was sitting at a table outside as we walked up. We all went inside and found a little corner to talk.

The place was housed in an old building that someone had bought and obviously endeavored to create a cozy and artsy atmosphere. The inside was partitioned, creating numerous small corners so that almost every few seats had its own comfortable and semi-private alcove. One section was walled so that it created its own mini parlor.

“I’m looking to do a series of photos for an art project of mine,” Kathy explained. “That involves two women.”

“What would we be doing exactly?” Lynn asked.

This is the part I didn’t know how she would take. I was generally fine with it since some of my modeling background was, to put it lightly, provocative. This would be nothing compared to what I had done before but since Lynn had no modeling experience whatsoever, I wasn’t sure what she would be comfortable with.

“You two would be posing together in the same shots. Clothed but uncovered enough to make my artistic point.”

“Nude?” Lynn asked, seeing through the edited answer that Kathy was giving.

“I wouldn’t say that. The point is to contrast older and younger. Anything revealed would be to emphasize the fact that we underneath are all the same. Ultimately the distinction is irrelevant.”

She was silent for a moment. I was fine with the posing since there would be nothing I hadn’t seen before at various times for various reasons. Kathy explained to me that it would be a highly professional shot.

“How would we be posing?” Lynn finally said.

“In each other arms, holding each other, things like that. Always caring,” Kathy replied.

“I don’t really see anything wrong with that,” Lynn said after a moment of thought. “I mean, I’m not used to all this, but that’s all, I think.”

“We just want to make sure, you are alright with it all, hun,” I told Lynn.

“As long as they aren’t ending up on the internet or something,” Lynn cracked a smile, although I could see her trepidation peeking through. “Where are these heading any ways?”

“Mostly into my portfolios. Maybe one or two at an art showing. I’m not exactly sure yet. It won’t be widespread, in any case. We can sign something too, so you know that is all I will do with them, if you want,” Kathy explained.

So, everything was agreed upon.


We sat on a settee in our outfits, waiting for Kathy, as she collected her cameras in the other room. She had us wearing a blouse and short shorts. We weren’t allowed to wear a bra, for some of the shots that involved cleavage and a subtle hint of bare breast. Lynn sat next to me, fidgeting a little, her naked knee against mine.

“Here we go,” Kathy finally said as she walked out from the back room.

“The photos will be black and white,” Kathy continued, explaining the shoot to us. “We will do a few different poses, varying things a little to see what works and so that I have options when choosing shots.”

“How many escort kartal photos, then?” I asked, knowing that she liked to take a lot.

“I don’t know… enough?” she teased, knowing I could get irritated at her tedium sometimes.

“Well, let’s get this started, then,” I said.

We started with a few shots of us just interacting, holding hands, smiling, arms around each other. She wanted some shots to establish a rapport. I was glad that I was with Lynn on her first shoot. I felt like I was doing the motherly thing and guiding her through first steps.

“Now stand there, Lynn,” she pointed to a spot.

Lynn was good and went where she was told, arms to her side.

“Peggy, now get close to her and hug her, arms around her waist,” she explained.

I did so, and I hugged her. I could feel her whole body, legs, torso, and chest pressed against mine, skin on skin. It was odd to feel the warmth and softness of her full and round breasts on mine as Kathy took a few shots. The blouses were thin, almost see-through, and we weren’t wearing a bra so I could feel all her contours and her nipples pressing against mine. I always loved the feel of a woman next to me and I caught myself, to my surprise, getting wet having my daughter’s body against mine.

“Let’s do this,” Kathy came up to us and adjusted the pose.

Our blouses were unbuttoned a little in one of the poses beforehand, and now Kathy tugged on Lynn’s blouse a little, to show a more cleavage. Kathy’s hand brushed against my nipples, as we stood there. The room was slightly chilly already, and so I was extra sensitive. I almost jumped when her hand grazed them, a small convulsion in my stomach.

“There it is, now look into her eyes, Peggy,” she said, as she snapped some shots.

That was mostly what it was like the whole time. She put us in poses together and adjusted the clothing, slipping it back or over a shoulder, or something. Kathy also took some singular shots, ones that highlighted our feminine features and curves, some of them suggestive, others not.

One of the last shots took place on a futon in the room that was folded down into the bed position. We were both laying down on our sides, Lynn in front and I behind her, draping my arm over her shoulder.

I was pressed full-body against her, like when we were standing, breasts in her back, hips against her butt, except for my legs draped over hers. Kathy adjusted Lynn’s top so that it was covering her but you could still see the gradual swell of her breast before it was obscured by the blouse. Subtle but suggestive.

I was already hot and I couldn’t do anything about my hardening nipples. Feeling Lynn next to me didn’t help. The whole session, my pussy was continually pressed up against a leg or other contour of Lynn’s body or Kathy’s hand brushed against me. I couldn’t help but feel a tingle in my pussy as my clit pressed against my daughter’s backside, as per Kathy’s pose.

“Look at her chest, like you are admiring her. Give it a little hint of sex.” Kathy grinned, as she pulled back to admire her shot.

Surprising to me, as I looked where Kathy told me to, I could see down Lynn’s blouse and noticed that her nipples were hard. I wondered if it was because of the chill. Maybe Kathy’s ministrations were having an effect on her too?


“I will meet you in the car,” I told Lynn. “Kathy and I need to talk for a moment.”

We finished the shoot, almost two hours later. Lynn acknowledged and went into the side room to change. Kathy and I went into another room that contained her dark room and photo equipment, down a short hallway from the room we just posed in.

“So, give me her information and I will send her a check,” Kathy mentioned as she took apart her camera, changing the lens.

I had to think fast. This photo shoot had been a little more provocative than she had led on and I didn’t want her to know that I had posed with my daughter.

“Just give it to me and she prefers cash,” I said, hoping that was enough.

“Cash… okay,” she muttered, examined the lens, and then went for her purse. “I thought that might be a possibility, so I came prepared.”

“College student, y’know? Doesn’t have to claim it on taxes, cash is untraceable. Easier to get aid if your income is lower, yadda, yadda.” I explained, attempting to sound half-interested in the details.

She rummaged through her purse and pulled out a wad of cash — the $150 they agreed on. Walking back to me, she grinned.

“Before I give this to you, there’s something else,” she said.

That vixen!

I started to get wet. Since my beginning shoots with her, that cute redhead always kidded about giving ‘extras’ after the shoot and I didn’t believe her until I finally called her ‘bluff’ and she was all for it. I found from that experience that I absolutely loved giving extras afterward. There was something so raunchy about it, dirty. It was good since sometimes I was the recipient of the ‘extras’.

I unzipped her jeans and pulled them down. maltepe escort I teased her slit through her panties, lightly grazing my hand against them, heat rolling off them.

“That girl… she’s a beauty. Seeing you two together turned me on,” she moaned.

Unbuttoning her jeans, I kissed her through her panties softly as she talked and I could feel the damp heat against my lips through the soft cotton. I slowly eased them down over her hips, her bittersweet smell was wonderful.

“She like girls?” she husked as I teased her slit with my tongue like a snake, a quick lick and then withdrawing.

“Mmmm,” I responded, not answering her question, but to get her excited as I penetrated her with my tongue.

I lapped up her juices as she rode my face, right there in the middle of room. I knew she was really turned on because she wasn’t wasting any time on her orgasm.

“Arrgghh,” she grunted uncontrollably, my tongue dancing along her slit.

At that moment, her hip whipped against my face as her sticky juice poured onto my tongue and lips. She whimpered for awhile as her orgasm subsided and the aftershocks made her quiver on my face a few moments longer.

“This was well earned,” she smiled, as I got off my knees, wiping my mouth clean of her juice.

I took the money from her outstretched hand, paused with a twinkle in my eye, and kissed her on the lips so she could taste herself.

“Maybe you can bring by that girl again, maybe we can bring her back here and she can show me a thing or two,” she said handing me the money.

I just smiled, jokingly,”If I don’t get to her first!”

I loved being a tease sometimes, especially with Kathy!


That week I was surprised to realize that Lynn was already looking at photos within the week. She called me over to her laptop one day and I recognized the photo shoot.

“I asked for them early since I was curious,” she replied after I commented on how quickly she got them. “Kathy says these aren’t the cleaned up ones but I really couldn’t wait.”

I could tell they weren’t quite ready yet, being accustomed of the usual quality of Kathy’s work. These were almost there but not quite.

Despite being works in progress, however, they were looking really good, even now. They were more tame than I originally envisioned, but there was still a hint of eroticism in them. The flesh that showed was enticing and I felt myself getting a little hot, to my surprise. Granted, this was tasteful, but the composition was great and there was a beauty and sensuousness in it that worked.

“I like this one,” Lynn commented.

She clicked the next arrow to advance the image. It was the one where I was behind her, our blouses loose and unbuttoned and revealing enough to show skin and cleavage. My hand was draped across her front and it looked like I was grazing her nipple but I didn’t remember that. The only thing I remembered from that photo was the proximity and my bare breasts pressed into her back.

“What do you like about it?” I asked, curious.

“It’s pretty. We both look good,” she commented. “Especially you, mom.”

I had to admit that it was a good shot of me and it showed us off well. Over the time I spent posing with Kathy, I realized her skill in taking something that seemed such an innocuous idea and conveying exactly what she wanted artistically with it. I knew that once these things were edited, they would look amazing.

I was surprised to get another call from Kathy regarding another gig. She wanted both Lynn and I to do it.

“Really?” I asked. “I’m not sure.”

The idea was fine by me but I wasn’t sure how Lynn would receive it. It wasn’t a photo shoot but Kathy was in need of some models. She wanted us to do something like go-go dancing, although she didn’t call it that. That is just what it sounded like to me. It would be behind a curtain so nobody knew who it was and it would be similar to what we had done for the photo shoot but with less clothes.

It was somewhat mundane to me but there was a hitch to it. Kathy and I were active in the local fetish scene, and it was actually how we had met. She was in charge of booking some dancers for the next event. No matter how harmless dancing behind a screen would be, it was the choice of locale I didn’t know whether Lynn was okay with.

I knew some of the specifics of the night. It would be a fetish night with music — one room containing the dancers and a dj and the fetish happening in another area of the club, in other rooms. Dante’s was the name of the place and I had been there before. You really had to go into a room to see a certain fetish, and if you were dancing, which is what we would mostly be doing that night, you couldn’t see anything from the dance-floor.

I declined at first, but Kathy was really adamant about having us two. She was also willing to pay and I know Lynn could always use some extra cash.

“Soo…,” I decided to bring it up to Lynn later on. “Kathy has another gig for us.”

“Oh yeah?” she said, pendik escort bayan eyebrow raising as she watched TV.

“Yeah. It’s not a photo shoot, like before,” I eased into it.

“What does she want me to do, then,” Lynn’s head tilted.

“Well, us, actually. You ever done any dancing… like go-go style dancing?”

“No,” Lynn giggled. “What would we be doing that for?”

“She just needs some models, to help her out. She said she would pay you,” I tried to keep this as nonchalant and harmless sounding as possible. “She was impressed with our shots together and thinks we would be good for it.”

“Sounds alright, I guess” she said. “What are the details?”

This was the part where I had to choose my words carefully. I wanted to see her have some work but I didn’t want to scare her off and miss an opportunity.

“It’s like before, like the pictures. We’d be dressed similarly but for dancing,” I said as my way of saying we would not be wearing a lot.

“And we’d be dancing for dj’s playing there,” I continued. “As their go-go girls. We wouldn’t be the only ones. There would be other girls.”

“Hmm,” she thought about it. “Where at?”

“Dante’s. It’s a dance night obviously, but it’s a special night and wondering if you’d be fine with it,” I hesitated a little, concern evident in my voice.

“Special night?”

“It’s a bondage night, also,” I explained, ‘bondage’ seeming only subtly more arty or less vulgar than ‘fetish’ or ‘sex’. “I just don’t know if you would be fine with that.”

I had an uncomfortable moment, a feeling of ice-cold shooting through me as I waited for her verdict. I didn’t want her to think I was asking something improper or suggesting something freaky.

“Mom,” came her dreaded reply. “Do you think I live under a rock? Some of my friends from college do bondage shows. You didn’t exactly teach me to be a prude about things.”

I was shocked. It’s true I hadn’t, but one just never knew with one’s kids. I never raised her to regard sex as a religious nut would — something to avoid. But, I didn’t really ever clue her in on my more… umm.. questionable proclivities. I was open with her that sex was something to be enjoyed but responsibly and I was open about my bisexuality.

It took me awhile but it made more sense to me once we talked about some of her friends. She was a little more worldly than I guessed — young, inexperienced, but not naive.

“Besides, it’s just dancing,” she said.

I suppose she was right.


Everything was arranged by Kathy. In addition to Lynn’s pay, we were even provided a “go-go uniform” since they wanted everyone to look the same. We would take shifts, dancing for 15-20 minutes and then taking breaks. Kathy said that she found probably ten women, going on stage two at a time.

“Wow,” I breathed, looking at our outfit and noticing that the clothing they gave was more scanty than I predicted.

“You still okay with this?” Lynn said, teasing me about my apprehension when I first suggested this gig to her.

I held the thong in front of me with one finger. Actually, it was more like a tanga, although it was difficult to tell with all the ‘fetishy’ alterations.

“At least, you are getting paid for this. I’m just doing this as a favor to Kathy,” I mentioned, as Lynn watched me slip them on.

After changing, we were provided with light robes to keep ourselves warm with. It was still early and the doors hadn’t opened yet and we hadn’t really moved around to warm up. Everything seemed to get a little harried as the opening approached and we were given an orientation before the doors opened.

“This is where you girls will dance,” Kathy mentioned as she guided everyone around the screen behind the dj.

We were brought to a small stage with a lamp shining towards the screen to cast our shadows. I made a mental note to not look in the direction of the lamp or close my eyes because that thing was bright!

“Dance close together, make it look sensuous. You can dance apart, but just make sure that every once in awhile you come together…,” Kathy explained the expected routine.

I cast a glance to Lynn, concerned, thinking that this was more than I even bargained for. Sensuous? That word never came up in the phone conversation between Kathy and I. Yet again, Kathy also didn’t know Lynn was my daughter!

“What?” Lynn whispered to me after seeing my glance and seemingly reading it like an open book. “How is this different than the shoot? Other than dancing?”

Her nonchalance was somewhat refreshing. It’s true, Kathy did say we could dance apart, but Lynn’s calm demeanor was surprising. Did Lynn even hear the word ‘sensuous’?

After the explanation, Lynn and I sat off to the side of the dance-floor. People began entering and, as more people entered, I was surprised by Lynn’s reactions. She gave long looks to some of them, obviously enticed and interested in the spectacle before her. And it wasn’t just the men, but also the women she was looking at! She seemed to be taking everything, and everyone, in eagerly.

“We’re up, honey,” I mentioned to her, as I noticed the time.

We were still in our robes and the first girls were just coming off the stage as we walked up, each girl arm in arm, hanging off each other.

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