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PREDATORS’ HUMAN – 7CHAPTER 7: PREPARATIONSeveral days later I was back at the medical unit for a checkup by Danna. She had to certify that I was fit for combat. My unit was scheduled for the first mission I would be on and the time was getting close. I wasn’t going if Danna didn’t approve me.In the same room I always seem to be assigned to, I removed my clothes and I was thoroughly prodded and inspected. She was pleased with my healing and certified that I should be fully recovered by mission time. While this was going on, I asked her, “Danna. You think you understand my physiology pretty well to know my body’s reaction to things?”“Yes, Alexa, I do. What do you need to know?”“Can I get pregnant by these males?”“Interesting question. The answer is not known. Normally, we would not expect that eggs and sperm from different species would be compatible. You are interested or concerned?”“Both. You are aware that I have been ‘intimate’ with my mates?”“As a doctor I am able to see that something has been pleasing you and since we have been on a space ship since I first saw you, yes, I have discerned that to be the likely explanation. So, you’re wondering if your activity could lead to a pregnancy and then what that pregnancy would yield?”“Yes. If it happened, it is likely that neither of our species would readily accept it.”“I agree. We have accepted you because of who you are. But interbreeding would not be accepted.”“Can you verify if I am now or not?”“I already did when you were here after the competition. I was curious and, as I admitted before, I like exploring your body. You are not pregnant. In regards to your next question if I do something to make sure it cannot happen, yes, I can. I will give you a temporary fix now which will be good for until well after you mission. So, after your mission come back and I will perform a permanent fix so you do not have to worry about it.”She gave me two tablets and some yellow fluid and watched me take them. “You are an interesting person, Alexa. You are obviously a brave, skilled and dangerous warrior. Although different from our warriors, you learned your skills well from Earth. But you are also gentle and caring. You stop and help people. You are gentle with the young and let them touch you and compare your hand with theirs, look at your mouth and inside your mouth. You are very patient with them. And, you and us are entirely different in many ways that would affect how we feel about looks and appearance and what is attractive. But you have spanned those differences and become close with your Unit, very close as we have already determined. All of this is why you have been so accepted by our people, despite your looks. No offense.”“None taken.”I made my way back to the barracks. Entering, I was announcing, “The doctor cleared me for the mission. My bruises should be clear by that time.” Then I saw several others in the room which was unusual because the barracks is intended to be a place where they could be isolated. Everyone seemed tense and confrontational. She walked to her Unit mates and looked at the others.Otton said, “There is some dispute regarding the mission.”“The mission or my participation on the mission?”“Your participation, actually.”“So, what is the resolution?”“We don’t know. They feel they should go on this mission because we are only four and a Unit and the plan calls for five. We are at an impasse.”“I have an idea on how to resolve this. Let’s take it to the ship Leader for him to arbitrate. We can agree to abide by his decision either way. You believe he is a good Leader. You’ve stated that many times before. You know he will do what is good for the ship and your people. So, rely on that. Let his judgment guide the way here.”“Okay, if they will, then I will.”At bartın escort this point there was no other response they could give but to agree. Not being willing to do so would appear that they did not trust in the judgment of their Leader. So, a representative from each Unit was sent to seek a time for a meeting.Early in the evening (a reference of time units only to keep everyone on the ship behaving as though there were day/night frames of reference) the meeting was held and all members of both Units were requested to be in attendance. In the hierarchy of the Units and their society it was expected that only the Unit Leaders would speak. When we entered the chamber, the two Leaders went forward and the rest of us stayed back. Joining the ship Leader was his staff, four others including Danna.The other Unit Leader presented his case and then Otton was given his time. The ship Leaders talked among themselves and asked questions. Most of the questions were regarding me and my status in the Unit and my ability and legitimacy to carry out duties assigned. After another discussion up front, my name was called. I looked at my Unit and then at Otton. He indicated me to come forward. I stood next to him and looked at the small group in front. The ship’s Leader asked, “Alexa, do you have any concerns with carrying out the role of warrior in the Unit on a mission for our people? If you needed to kill in the completion of this mission, would you have any reservations doing so for the people?”“Sir, before coming here I was a warrior for my people and needed to kill others many times. Some of my people might be surprised how many I had to kill in my service. A good warrior does what is required, not for the glory or because it is satisfying some personal hunger, but it is done because it is necessary for the greater good of the people. My Unit has trained me in the ways of your people and the functioning of your warrior Units. I have worked with and trained with my Unit for sufficient time to understand how we complement each other, what our strengths are and what our weaknesses are. We all have both depending on our roles. As a Unit, we must recognize our own strengths and weaknesses but also those of the others within the Unit to be effective, successful, and to survive. It is the same for all good warrior groups regardless of race.”“Do you accept our people and will you protect them as your own?”I looked first at Danna, then a longer time at Otton, Sinar, Tobar, Actab, and back again. “Yes, sir. There are those who can attest better than my own word how I feel about the people.”“Alexa, thank you. Your response was what certain members of my staff predicted you would say. You let your actions speak for you rather than relying on convincing with words. I may be removed from most of the people in this position, but I am not removed from the talk coming from the people. As you demonstrated in the competition, you are a formidable combatant. It is also known to me that the people respect and admire you, not only for your combat skills, but also for how you relate to the people you encounter. But, the biggest argument for you is the respect, commitment, and dedication your Unit shows you and that you show the same to them. Both ways have been exhibited reflexively, instinctively without contemplation or internal debate. This council agrees with your Unit Leader. You are a full member of your Unit and have earned the respect of all, not just you Unit.”If they knew how to high-five, that’s what would have been happening on the way back to our barracks area. We were in the best of moods, being fully validated after being challenged by another Unit. Otton said, “I was nervous when you pushed the resolution to our Leader. That escort bartın was a gamble.”“But I thought a small gamble. The whole place had just witnessed an attack against our Unit in the competition. It may have been me personally but the whole Unit responded. Though I defeated the attack on my own, all of you were there in a defensive position around me. When I had the chance to seek medical attention, I refused in order to stay with my Unit. All happening in front of everyone. You even said that the Leader expressed how impressed he was. Then, all the talk about what the people are saying and responding. If he was aware of that, there was no other judgment he could make.”“Alexa.” Turning around we saw Danna hurrying to us and then set her pace to match ours. “I told you that your acceptance is more than your Unit.” She looked from me to Otton, “Are you going to celebrate? Your mission is four days. You’ll need to be focused on that soon.”Otton looked at Alexa and back to Danna, “We have not talked about it. But we rarely do. Did you want to join us, Danna?”I volunteered, “Danna, I was thinking I may require another treatment of your magical cream to keep the healing progressing. The guys have always been eager to assist me with the application and things can get hard … you know … to reach, I mean. If you would like to supervise the application this time, I would certainly appreciate the assistance you could provide. The guys can be quite demanding of attention and hard … to handle. If you get my intention.”“I do indeed.” Looking at Otton, “Of course, I would require the strictest adherence to the Warrior Code of Silence on this supervision I would be providing.”Everyone had crowded in together during this exchange. Otton looked back to the other guys, “We won’t have any issues with idle talk or rumors from this.” All heads were eagerly nodding affirmative as we got closer to the barracks entry. “So, with that assurance, Danna, will you be joining us tonight?”“If I wouldn’t be in the way, I would very much like to spend time tonight with your Unit and, especially, Alexa. Thank you.”Once inside the barracks, I turned and watched the entry being locked. I then went to my bed, unfastened my clothes, got the cream from my storage area, and returned to the center of the room naked. “Danna, for the purpose of your medical study I would like to suggest the following as a highly effective way to get your magical cream applied to all possible parts of a body. I admit there are some incentives in play here. Namely, they (males) applying to me (female) to my wholly naked body even though it is only my legs that were sufficiently bruised.” I handed the jar to one of them, raised my arms, and spread my legs. “Guys when you are properly dressed for this, you may proceed.”In moments their clothes off and hands dipping into the cream and applying it to every inch of my body. I glanced at Danna. She was just standing, watching this all happen. Once again it was amazing to me how much they felt my breasts and pussy needed treatment. They had learned paying attention to my nipples really worked for me so two of them would spend a little time getting a hold of each nipples and pulling and twisting them. When they were done and the jar was replaced, they took up their positions in front of me in a half circle. Four huge cocks hanging at 45 degrees. I kept to the same procedure that had been so successful on other occasions. I knelt before the first one and kissed the head, licked it and licked down the length. Then moved to the next and repeated: kiss and lick the head, lick the full length. To the next and the next. Still on my knees I saw Danna still dressed and watching. I said, “Danna, take off your clothes and get into the bartın escort bayan half circle in the middle. Make room, guys, for a new female.”She did, looking at me and the males wondering what was going to happen. I took the first (where I had finish the previous sequence) into my mouth just enough to fully suck the head and lick the end. While doing this I used a hand to stroke his cock. Then I moved to the next, took him into my mouth, sucked, and stroked him. The next was now a female. I looked up at her, wondering if they have any way to kiss with mouths like that, looked at her breasts, then her pussy right in front of me. As I moved into her, I again looked up to see her reaction in our group. She was looking self-conscious because she had already experienced my mouth. I moved into her pussy and with both hands pushed her legs apart so my tongue could find her slit and graze her clit on the way back out. I then used on hand to slide a finger into her now wet pussy. I looked at her again as I moved to the next cock: sucked into my mouth, sucking, licking the tip and stroking the length. Then the last one doing the same. Since Danna joined into the line late, I’ll do her one more time. And the guys watched as I went back to Danna and used my mouth, tongue and several fingers to get her warmed up good, though her pussy was already drooling liberally. Then, standing up I went to each giving them a hug, kiss on the chest and stroked their cocks again. Each guy the same. With Danna I hugged her, kissed her breasts and nipples and slipped two fingers into her pussy, again. The guys were very attentive with my activity with Danna. They’d fucked me before, now Danna was naked in their midst.I told the guys to wait a moment, took Danna’s hand and walked her a little way from them. Turned her around so she was facing them and using one hand on a breast and the other between her legs, I whispered in her ear, “Look at those cocks. So big they can’t even stand up by themselves. You have to hold them up. Long and thick. But you probably know all about how that feels. Can you imagine how I must have felt with those inside me? My pussy is so small and they are all so big. But your pussy is made for cocks like that, isn’t it? Those big cocks would slide right into this big, wet pussy. How long has it been, Danna? Days, weeks, months, longer?”“Oh, Alexa. You are making me so hungry for them. It’s been too long for me.”“Do you see a favorite? Do you see two that you want? Because you’re going to fuck two of those cocks. And I am going to fuck two of them. But I have already fucked them before so you decide which ones you want and I’ll take the others. Choose, Danna, which? And then how are you going to do it? Laying on a bed or on your hands and knees? Or will you ride one of them?”And she did choose and took them to one of the beds and lay down. While the first got between her legs she started stroking the other.I, on the other hand, took one to the bed for him to sit on, I got on my hands and knees in front of him and took the top of his cock into my mouth. The other came up behind me and worked his massive cock up and down my wet slit and slowly got the head worked inside me. I came almost immediately from the tightness. Then it was fucking and sucking. It seemed like I was getting a lot of fucking. I looked back and saw that they were switching back and forth between Danna and me. Looked like I might be fucking four again after all. There is no way my cunt or mouth is going to take the cum from these cocks so I was a total mess of cum and sweat. I felt hands helping me up and realized I was being helped to the showers. Then I felt breasts against me, opened my eyes and saw they put Danna and I together and were washing us together, she looked every bit as used as I felt. They dried us and put us into the same bed. I rolled onto my side and she followed and put one hand over one of my breasts and we were asleep.* * * Parts 8 – 9 will follow * * * Thanks for reading.

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