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Chapter 1

Meeting the Priestess

The 737 landed hard after a long, bumpy flight. Ethan only fully relaxed when the plane slowed to a smooth roll. At the gate, he stood to stretch his legs, but remained awkwardly hunched under the low baggage bins. Only when he stepped out of the jetway and felt himself expand into the bustling airport that he felt the true freedom of his new adventure.

He threaded the crowds of the C gates and navigated the complex of the shops and food court. Here, in this moment, he felt more adult than he ever had in his life. Anything was possible. He could be anyone. No parents. No teachers. Nobody checking up on him, worrying about where he was. Of course, shortly he would meet his host family, but for this moment, he was as free as anyone else in the airport.

Past security, he scanned the waiting crowd for a sign with his name. The woman holding it was tall, elegant, and her figure caught his eye. He quickly remembered to look up: smiling blue eyes; long dark hair with brown, maroon, purple, and hints of blue, a sharp contrast to pale, clear skin.

“Ethan!” she said.

He nodded and reached out his hand. She took his hand in hers. Her palm was warm and dry, and she pulled him into a light embrace.

“Welcome to Seattle!”

He felt the ample curve of her chest lightly brushing his own, but she immediately released him.

“Let’s get your luggage. Marcus is with the car. Emily has practice, so you’ll meet her later.”

Ethan felt a thrill. He appreciated the American accent, the friendliness, the sense of genuine welcome. And he felt stirrings of excitement.

“Thank you, Mrs. Witlow.”

“Amy, please, Ethan! This is the west coast. We don’t do Mrs and Mr here.”

Once he had his luggage they stepped out into the late afternoon light, which seemed bright with possibility and smelled of a breeze from the sea. Marcus was near with the trunk open. A tall man, dark hair salted with grey, and a powerful build. He held out his hand and pulled Ethan into a strong grip. “Welcome. Good to have you.”

The highways were smooth and open, although Marcus warned him they were lucky it was Sunday. Ethan drank in the sights of a new country, a new environment. Dark green fir trees, hills and distant mountains, rugged and exotic. Eventually the city came into view as they rounded a curve along a hillside. Such an American experience: tall buildings clustered together against a backdrop of sea and sky and mountains.

Driving through the heart of the city, they eventually pulled up in front of a modest house in a neighborhood of trees and yards. Another quintessential American experience, Ethan thought.

“Now I know you are going to be tired from such a long flight and the time zone change, so let’s just have a quick bite and then you can hit the hay early.”

Ethan grinned at the phrase. Did Americans really say that, or was it some kind of joke? He didn’t care.

Over a pasta dinner, Amy quizzed Ethan on the details of his life in Scotland while Marcus seemed preoccupied and lost in thought. Emily, whom Ethan had been looking forward to meeting, was apparently out with friends. Ethan felt some disappointment at that: did she have no curiosity at meeting him? They would be spending the next four months in the same house! But Amy kept him talking until at last she pushed back her chair.

“Ok, you must be tired. You’ll want to unpack. If you want a shower, it’s a little inconvenient: you’re next to us upstairs, but the shower is downstairs, outside Emily’s room. We have our own bathroom, but… you probably won’t want to come through our room for that.

“Now, if you need anything else, just let me know.”

He thanked her, and headed upstairs. As he did so, he heard her say to Marcus: “You chose well, I think.”

Not trying to figure that out, he tossed himself on the bed before unpacking or even undressing, and was instantly lost to sleep.


He woke, feeling awkward in his clothes. It took him a moment to realize where he was. The red digits of a clock indicated it was 1:14am. Light from the streetlamp filtered in through his curtains and he saw his door was still ajar. He quietly moved to close it, but realized he had to use the bathroom.

He tried to creep down the stairs quietly, but it was an older house and the stairs creaked as he did so.

He made his way to the bathroom, and saw that light was shining underneath Emily’s bedroom door. He paused for a moment and heard a girl’s voice, giggling. Was she not alone? He held his stillness and listened, but it seemed to be only her voice. He couldn’t make out her words, but the tone sounded gossipy. Probably on the phone. He tiptoed onward, into the bathroom.

He realized that there was no hiding his presence. All the watery bathroom sounds seemed suddenly deafening.

Upon opening the door to go back to his room, he was surprised to see Emily leaning in her open door. She was in a rather revealing nightgown, and Ethan caught his breath. Antalya Escort Look up, he reminded himself. She had her mother’s blue eyes, but softer features and a sharply curious smile.

“I guess you’re Ethan?”

“I guess I am.”

“Sorry I wasn’t around. The parents wanted you to get settled before we met, but I just had to have a look at you.”

“Have a look at me?”

That mysterious smile deepened. “Well, I’ve never met a man from Scotland, before.”

A man…

“But, now I have. Hope you get back to sleep!”

She turned, and closed the door. His eyes held the lingering image of her bare back, and the flare of her hips. Good God, he thought. Fantastic.

He undressed properly this time, and got into the bed, feeling the crisp sheets slide smoothly over his body. He did sleep, but restlessly, in and out of dreams in which his tiny stone home in Dundee seemed to flow in and out of this Seattle house.

But he awoke with a start in the early hours of dawn to the unmistakable sound of a woman in pleasure.

There was a moan, long and low, and he matched it to a slow, rhythmic sound. He rolled out of bed and crossed to the wall that he shared with Amy and Marcus. Here he could get away with putting his ear against it, and the sounds became clear.

There was the bed, creaking at a slow, easy pace. There were Amy’s gentle moans and gasps, the seemed to go in time with the bed.

He slipped his hand down and took hold of himself, feeling his cock swell and harden in his hand. He listened to the beautiful moans and throaty sounds that Amy made, seemingly right across the thin wall. He could hear her breaths, and also Marcus’. They seemed to be breathing together, deep breaths and then her little moans and gasps, and he could hear Marcus too, with low growls.

Ethan imagined Amy on her back, her legs wide open, and Marcus between them, plunging into her in this slow, steady way. This imagining was not from his own experience, but only things he had watched on the internet.

And then she spoke, and with his ear to the wall, Ethan could make it out with little trouble.

“Are you looking forward to doing your job?” Marcus was speaking in a low voice, but with intensity.

“I am.”

“I saw him looking at you, you should have no trouble.”

“Wait til he sees Emily, though…”

The rhythm didn’t stop, and their voices were breathy and aroused.

“Don’t worry, you’ll have no problem with him, I can tell you. But I’ll take Emily school shopping. You’ll have the place to yourself.”

She moaned, and the pace began to pick up a little, their breath still in unison.

“He’s a good size,” she said after a bit, between moans.

“You looked?”

“A woman can tell.”

“Turn over,” Marcus said.

“Yes, sir,” she said, and the bed groaned and shifted.

“Lean back, there, like that.”

Ethan stroked himself, listening, feeling his own arousal getting more urgent.

Suddenly Amy’s voice grew more urgent. “Oh, pull it!”

Ethan wasn’t sure what to make of that, but the bed began to creak at a good pace and her moans rose in pitch. “Harder,” she said, and although the speed didn’t change it took on a deeper sound, and Marcus’ growls grew more urgent.

“Oh yeah,” Amy said, “go for it!”

But the sound stopped.

“No, I don’t think so. I want you at full energy,” Marcus said. “That’s enough for now.”

“Oh, you are terrible! Let me cum just once!”

“No, no, you’re going to want all of that later, I’m sure. And I want to save mine as well.”

Ethan slipped back to his own bed. He was barely holding his own orgasm back, feeling that urgency and that desire and that arousal and that need flickering through him. He had never heard anything so sexy. But he didn’t want to mess the bed.

He replayed the sounds in his mind, and thought of his family’s house: small, very little privacy, but walls of thick stone. And, he had never wanted to hear anything there. Imagining his own parents? Ugh!

The very thought caused his erection to wilt.

He decided to see if he could sleep any more, and get properly on west coast time.


Surprisingly, he did, and the next thing he knew it was after seven. He smelled bacon.

As he shrugged into some clothes, he wondered whether that early morning interlude had been a dream. And for that matter, meeting Emily and her strange behavior in the night. This was an unusual household. Or was it? He considered that perhaps this is just how America was. If so, it was more intriguing than he had even expected, and he had hoped for—and fantasized about—a lot!

Breakfast was scrambled eggs, toast, bacon, and orange juice. He could hardly imagine a more American breakfast. Only Amy was in the kitchen, however.

“Marcus took Emily shopping. School starts on Tuesday, as I’m sure you know, so he thought he’d make sure she was all ready. If there’s anything you need we can do the same.”

“Ah, well, I didn’t Antalya Escort Bayan bring notebooks or anything, because that’s all kind of heavy. And I think your paper is a different size.”

“True, we can go out for some basics a little later; but I’m not exactly sure what you’ll need, so we might want to wait for Emily to get back. She can advise us on what’s expected.”

“That’s good bacon, Mrs… Amy…”

She smiled at him. “You’ll get comfortable with it. Don’t worry.”

She sat down across the table from him. “I heard you listening to us, this morning.”

Ethan felt himself blush beet red. “Uh, I, uh…”

“It’s an old house, but we had to redo some of the walls, and I’m afraid they just don’t hide sound well at all. I could hear the floorboards as you stood to the wall. Oh, it’s ok, Ethan, there’s nothing to be embarrassed about. In fact, it’s good that you did. I hope it wasn’t too disturbing to you.”

Ethan was still hot and red. “I, ma’am, I don’t know what to say.”

“We selected you, Ethan, because we knew you would be the right young man for this house. We are… well, we’re a little different.”

“Selected me? How do you mean?”

“Marcus is… he has access to… well, let me put it this way. He knows things. Not like the CIA knows things, more like psychic knows things, but that’s not really it either. Anyway, he assures me that you’re the right young man for this season.”

Ethan felt the mystery deepening. “Ok,” he said slowly. And bit into his toast.

“You see, Marcus is… We are… servants? Of a very ancient goddess. The most ancient… I see you think I’m crazy.”

Ethan shrugged, “I don’t know what to think… Amy.”

“Of course, all gods and goddesses are just one infinite being, but this goddess, the ancient Goddess, she celebrates life. We celebrate life, Ethan, you see. In these bodies. With everything that we are.”

Ethan nodded, “Ok, that sounds good. The body is the temple of the soul, and all that.”

“Yes, but more than that, as you heard this morning. Our sexuality is very much a part of that. So, in particular I hope this wasn’t disturbing to you because… there’s going to be a lot more of that.”

“I see, well, it can be hard to sleep…”

“Yes, so, we’ll make sure we take care of that.”

Ethan wondered if she was going to give him earplugs.

“So,” he said. “Emily?”

“Yes, that’s exactly the thing. That’s why you’re here. Emily comes of age in six weeks.”

Ethan waited.

“She’s going to need an appropriately primed partner to begin her training, and while of course there are members of our order, Emily is herself something of a special case. It so happened that Marcus went looking a little wider…”

Amy looked at Ethan significantly.

“Um, I think Marcus was mistaken,” Ethan said. “I don’t know anything about your sex cult—sorry, that’s what I’m hearing—and I’m not trained. I’ve never actually had proper sex. I don’t really know anything about any of this.”

He blurted it out before he could make some false claims he would later regret. He realized instantly he had ruined everything. Here was, practically invited into some weird American sex thing, with a crazy hot girl, and some kind of loony sex-crazed parents and… he ruined the whole thing. Would they send him home? What would he tell his mates?

But no: “Oh, you misunderstand, Ethan. I’m going to get you started on your training, and then, when the time is right, you and Emily are going to… well, you’ll see. And Marcus assures me, you are going to be a good student and a good partner.”

Ethan realized he wasn’t breathing.

He breathed.

“Does Emily know any of this?”

“Emily is very ready for her initiation, and her training… but there are many conversations that we have not yet had with her. The time will come for those. First, I just needed to get this out in the open. If you hadn’t been listening at the wall, I might have waited a few days, but I see that Marcus was right.”

Ethan felt himself stirring.

“So… training? What is this going to look like?”

“Oh, exactly what you hope it will,” Amy said, standing. And she began to unbutton her blouse.

* * *

Ethan didn’t look up.

“Do you like what you see?” Her blouse hung open and a burgundy bra held her full breasts together.

Ethan tried to speak.

“Come with me,” she said, and turned away.

He left his breakfast half eaten, and followed. He soaked in the shape of her hips and ass as she went up the stairs. The skirt she was wearing seemed to perfectly frame her round behind. He wondered how old she was. She would have to be forty? But she didn’t seem it.

She swayed as she walked, and he followed, feeling unreal, as if he was floating.

She led him into her room. The bed was neatly made, and the room itself spare and open. Large windows opened onto the branches and leaves of maple trees. He was distracted from her by a painting across from Escort Antalya the foot of the bed. It was tall: a woman standing in a provocative pose, draped in jewelry but no clothes. She was emanating soft light, and standing at the top of a few steps with an altar? A bed? Behind her.

“Inanna,” Amy said, observing him. “Our Queen of Bliss.”

Ethan almost asked if Emily had ever seen it. But how could she not.

Amy broke his thought: “Sit on the edge of the bed. A little to the left. There. Good.”

She came and stood before him, shrugged off her blouse.

“Lesson 1,” she said. “Do you know how to get a bra off?”

“Um,” Ethan said.

She stepped between his thighs, bringing her bosom inches away from his face. “Arms around me, the clasp is at the center. Fold, pinch, unlatch. Try it.”

Ethan did as instructed, and fumbled with it, uncertain which way the hooks might go, what kind of pinch, exactly. But he felt one release and after a few more moments of fussing with it, he felt a second go. Apparently there were three, and the third followed more easily.

Amy stepped back, keeping the bra over her breasts. She deftly refastened the hooks.


He repeated the lesson several times, until it was not a total fumble.

“Good, you are good with your fingers, that’s a promising sign. You will want to get perfectly smooth with that, and we’ll work through all the types.”

She let the bra fall to the floor, revealing her full breasts. She stepped back between his legs. “Do you like what you see?”

Ethan remembered to breathe. “Yes.”

“Yes, Amy,” she instructed.

“Yes, Amy.”

“You should use a girl’s name from time to time. Don’t get it wrong. Ever. Now, fingertips.”

She stepped back a half pace.

“Touch my sides, just above the hips. Use your fingertips–just the very tips–to explore the shape of my body. Don’t go straight for the boobs, Ethan.”

He followed her instructions, and noticed his hands were trembling a little.

“Breathe nice and deeply. Put all of your attention into your fingertips. Notice everything you can about my skin, ok?”

He nodded, and focused his attention on the sensations of her skin.

“Good,” she continued. “I can feel you now. This is the most important lesson, today, and all days, with me and with any and all lovers. Pay attention. Do not let your mind wander. Don’t think. Don’t fantasize. Don’t imagine. Don’t plan. Don’t worry. Put all of your attention into your senses. Especially touch, but… listen to the sounds of my voice. Observe the color of my skin. Notice. Pay attention. Are you following me? Smell me. Taste me. All your attention. All your senses. Do you get it?”

Ethan nodded.

She stepped back further, out of reach.

“What’s the lesson?”

“Pay attention.”

“To what?”

“To you.”

“No, that’s not correct, Ethan. Try again.”

“Pay attention… to… sensation?”

“Exactly, sensation itself. Don’t think about it as me and you, but as sensation.”

“I’m not sure I understand.”

She smiled. “Oh perfect. That’s the best thing you could have said. First of all, congrats on admitting you don’t know something. You are ahead of 95% of men already. Secondly, understanding is not the point. Being in your actual sensations is the point. Don’t worry about the language. And don’t worry about every time you get distracted by a thought. Just come back each time to paying attention with everything that you have.”

Ethan, found he was blushing a little. He liked her praise.

“Say it back to me.”

He repeated it as best he could, and she nodded, approvingly.

“This is everything you need to know about lovemaking, Ethan. From this one thing, an infinite number of doorways open. There is always more to learn, more to experience, and with this one lesson, you have the key to every lock. We will repeat this lesson many times…

“Now,” she stepped back between his knees, “smell me. Don’t let yourself feel weird about it. Smell me.”

Ethan tentatively leaned forward. “Soap,” he said. “Um, flowers? Fruit? And, I guess I don’t have good words for it.”

“Don’t worry about words. Fingertips.”

He brought his fingertips back to her body.

“Explore my breasts, Ethan. Let your fingertips pay attention to everything, with the lightest possible touch, and save the nipples for last.”

He followed his instructions, and realized he had no trouble paying attention! Only once before had he caressed a girl’s breasts. Caitlin, they had had some drinks, and she let him have a feel. It was exciting, and but he realized he really hadn’t been paying attention to her at all, he had been…

Amy spoke sharply: “Pay attention, Ethan!”

He winced and shook the memories out of his head, and brought his attention back to her breasts, soft, silky-smooth under his touch.

He caressed the underside, the curved edges, the sloping tops. He found the different texture of the aureole, a little bumpy, and saw her nipples swell with his touch, which he found exciting. He wondered if she was feeling excited too, and imagined what her pussy might feel like.

“Pay attention. Don’t think.”

He came back to the feeling of smooth skin under the ridges of his fingerprints.

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