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This 4-page story is my entry in the 2019 Nude Day Erotic Story Contest, so if you read the story, please vote.

Author reserves all rights, except those ceded to Literotica per the rules.


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Aidan turned off the warm water. She squeezed the water out of her long, red hair. The metal rings of the shower curtain skittered as she pushed it aside, and then she stepped out of the tub. The old bathroom, with a bit of a mildew smell, looked just as tiny and old as it had when she came to live with her grandmother. How she still missed the big bathroom she had in her parent’s home, even if she had shared it with her brother.

She reminded herself how much she loved her grandma. She was the only family Aidan had left, and she had taken in Aidan in readily.

Aidan wiped off her breasts, and wished her mother could see her now. In the last three years, Aidan’s breasts had grown from mere bumps, to be bigger than she could hold with her hands. Aidan remembered her mother’s breasts being large and soft when her mother hugged her, not firm like her own.

Aidan was stilled amazed at her nipples; at how much they had grown, and how stiff they would get when she rubbed the towel across them. And how nice it felt to rub them. Better yet was the warm feeling she got from drying between her legs.

Aidan looked in the foggy little mirror and saw that mass of curly red hair. When she was younger, so many kids had teased her about her red hair, so much so that she had often wanted to hide it, or even cut it. But this was her mom’s hair.

Her mother had named her Aidan, as it was a female variation on the name of the Celtic Sun God, Aiden and which meant ‘Fiery’. Along with her electric green eyes, pale skin, and abundant freckles, it was like seeing her wonderful mother in that mirror, and she never wanted to lose that image, even if people didn’t like her hair.

That teasing was another memory from family times. She always missed her parents, and most of the time, even missed her younger brother; brat though he had been. There were so many memories of the family she once had, yet it felt like even more than the seven years since that logging truck had missed a curve, and crushed the family car. The narrow roads to these old mining towns were plenty dangerous. The family had been coming to pick her up from a summer’s stay at grandma’s house, from which she had never left…until now.

Her grandma lived outside a small rural town, so small it should have said to ‘Welcome to Smallville’ on both sides of the sign. Of what few building were still open and habitable, there was a mercantile, a gas station, a hardware store, a hair salon (open just two days a week), and of course, a post office.

The school had been a 25 minute bus ride, each way, and her graduating class at school was only 13 students. She didn’t get teased here about her red hair, as there were so many of Irish descent in the region, that her hair was just normal.

But now, this was going to change to. Her grandma had always been weak. Now she was worse, with some unusual disease that the traveling medical service doctors said there was no established cure for. They had mentioned an experimental cure, that was showing good success, but Medicare would not pay for it. Grandma had little money, hardly more than a cookie jar well-stuffed with Benjamin Franklin’s faces.

Aidan’s parents had left everything to her. As she shockingly discovered, it was hardly worth anything, as her parents owed too much on the credit cards and a second mortgage. Between a modest funeral and the lawyer, Aidan was lucky not to be in debt herself.

So, she and her grandma were off to the big city, the state capital, where grandma could at least get hospice care that Medicare would pay for. She had become too much for Aidan; too much for any one person to care for. Their helpful neighbor, Mr. McIntyre was going to be here in half an hour to pick them up.

“Gram, I will be ready in 20 minutes, anything else you need? Aidan got the usual ‘No, I’m fine,’ answer. Then grandma went into her warnings, which Aidan knew so well, “Don’t let the boys get their hands on you, they will hurt you and get you pregnant.” Grandma had never been married, and had given birth to Aidan’s mother at age 19. Aidan had gotten an IUD (which grandma always forgot), more to calm her grandma’s concerns, than any concerns about the few boys here; none of which she had ever been out with.

She braided her hair, put on her simple bra and cotton panties, the only type she owned, and tucked in the few red hairs that tried to sneak out. She slipped on her t-shirt and jeans; the latter actually had holes in the knees from real wear, not some stupid fashion statement.


After Mr. McIntyre had dropped them off at the very nice looking hospice, Aidan had been working tirelessly to comfort her confused and worried grandma. Now Aidan had to find some place to stay for Akseki Escort herself. Just as she had grabbed her things, a pretty young Asian nurse, suspecting her plight, offered Aidan the use of her spare bedroom, if Aidan needed it. Aidan gladly accepted Charlene’s offer, with a relieved smile.

Aidan was stunned when Charlene gave her the door key, and told Aidan that she could let herself into the apartment, which was within walking distance. That kind of trust was common among the close knit neighbors near grandma, but here in the city, was something very surprising.

When Charlene got home, she made them both a nice dinner of Thai noodles with rice wine, things Aidan had never had before. They talked happily, and it seemed to Aidan that they could quickly become good friends.

Now, Charlene’s tone turned a bit serious. Charlene told Aidan she had looked into her grandma’s illness. Charlene had contacted a great charity, the Gayle Silvers Foundation, which would help with the hospice costs that Medicare would not cover. And, the Foundation was having a big charity event tomorrow — Saturday – to raise money, which they badly needed.

Charlene asked Aidan if she would volunteer to help serve champagne, and wait on tables of the wealthy patrons. Charlene and several other nurses had already signed up as volunteers. Aidan readily agreed, and confirmed that she had turned eighteen, which made her legal in that state to serve and consume alcohol.

They chatted a lot more while drinking the rice wine. It was not nearly as strong as grandma’s whisky, but Aidan had only sipped that a few times. The cumulative effect of the rice wine was making them both a little silly.

They got talking about boys, and Charlene giggled and chattered on about how her and her nurse friends would pick up guys on their days off and fuck them until the sun came up, sometimes in groups. Aiden blushed as brightly as she ever had.

Aidan shocked Charlene to near silence, when she told Charlene that she had never been kissed, nor had anyone ever touched her; yes, she was a complete, naive virgin.

Charlene said they would have to improve her “man education.” Aidan choked on the wine. When she stopped coughing, she shyly admitted she might like to be kissed. Charlene laughed, then she told her that as beautiful as Aidan was, she could probably have anybody she wanted, any time.

Aidan was stunned; nobody had ever called her beautiful. If anyone, she thought Charlene was the beautiful one; cute, busty and with long silky black hair.

“WHAT?” Aidan stammered.

“Which question; boys or your beauty?” Charlene smiled.

“Uh…me. I am not beautiful!”

“Well, how would you describe yourself, if you were someone who could make men drool at your feet?” Charlene said, with raised eyebrows.


“You don’t know, do you?” Charlene questioned.

“I…I don’t know…what I don’t know,” Aidan answered.

“May I offer some advice and help then?” Charlene queried, and Aidan nodded a ‘Yes.’

“I assume you are on a modest budget?” Charlene said, and Aidan nodded again.

Charlene continued, “Well, next week, we will try to do some bargain shopping, but I think you are close enough to my size, just taller. How tall are you?”

“Five-nine, but close enough for what?”

“Just strip, and wait there.”

“Strip! Here? In the living room?”

“You see anybody else looking in?” Charlene taunted.

Charlene came back with a full-length mirror on legs, and some underwear. “Off, with that children’s underwear, too,” she said in a commanding tone.

Aidan slowly complied, feeling like she must be blushing from head to toe.

“Damn,” Charlene announced, “I don’t think I can be seen with you.”

“Why Not?!”

“One look at you, and everyman is going to ignore me!”

Aidan giggled, which somehow felt odd while being naked.

“Okay, try these on,” Charlene said, handing her blue, lacy, bikini underwear.

“Wow, these are beautiful,” Aidan said as she stepped into the panties and clasped the bra behind her.”

“Well, the bra is a bit small, but is it tolerable?

“It’s okay, but I still feel naked.”

“That is the idea, girl!” Charlene smiled. “May I work on your hair?”

Aidan nodded, while gazing at her new image in the mirror.

Charlene went behind Aidan, and started unwinding her braid. When she finished, she used her fingers to comb and fluff Aidan’s hair, bringing some forward of her shoulders, and framing her face.

“Shit Aidan, I think that is the most beautiful hair I have ever seen! It’s thick, it’s healthy, and it has the most astounding mix of rust, copper, and gold I have ever seen. A fancy salon would charge thousands to do this, and never do it this well.”

Aidan looked at her in disbelief. “I almost hated my hair when I was young because I got teased so often, and I only kept it this way because it reminds me of my Akseki Escort Bayan mother.”

Charlene added a bit somberly, “Yeah, I saw in the records that you have no one else. But didn’t you ever learn? When people tease you at that age, it’s usually because they like you, or they are envious?”

“No, I thought they all just hated me.”

“If we go out clubbing next week, I think there will be some women that will hate you for looking so damn hot!”

Aidan giggled again, still feeling strange being in so little clothing; seeing herself in a full length mirror for the first time in 7 years, and for giggling while doing it.

“Now Aidan,” the guys may like this full head of hair on your head, but not down there, crawling out of your undies!”

“What? Do you want me to shave it off!?”

“God, no!” Charlene tittered, “When you have natural red hair that is this beautiful, never shave off all the proof the color is real! Just trim. Want my help?”

“Uh, like what. I mean, who is going to see it anyway.”

“Oh my poor girl!” Charlene cried. “Men see this.” Then she pulled down her own sports shorts, exposing her own neatly trimmed bush.

Aidan eyes could not tear themselves away from seeing another woman do that, and the neatly trimmed black pubic hair above, but the bald lips of her sex. “Uhhhh…you think I should be trimmed like that?”

“Not as much. Since I, naturally, don’t have much down there to start with. You, however, have a rather tidy, but bushy, patch. So, mainly I would suggest we trim the edges to stop the creepers, mow the lawn, and then shave where it counts. Come on to the bathroom, and I will do it for you.”

Aidan followed numbly. She sat, spread, and blushed ruby red the whole time. Aiden thought to herself, “Geez, this sure is weird having someone’s head, hands, and arms, between my thighs, and with tools.”

She wondered what Charlene was doing now, when she led her back to the living room, and had Aidan stand in front of the mirror again, with Charlene behind. Aidan did not have her panties on yet, and Charlene took Aidan’s bra off. Looking at herself, she was in shock at the bareness of her sex.

“Now, Aidan. If I were a man, seeing you like this, here is what he would be thinking. He would look at this alluring mane of hair; stunning green eyes, set against a beautifully face; the pert nose, and the brilliant, warm smile, which makes your eyes twinkle. Next, he would see the intriguing array of freckles that he can play connect-the-dots with, all the way down to your firm, round, breasts……..”

Aidan gasped loudly, and shivered as Charlene ran a finger down her cheek, across her neck, to her cleavage, and then cupped one breast. Then her hands drew out across her stomach, to stop at the sides of her waist, before continuing down. Aidan’s breath was now fast and short, and her mind very confused.

“…..He would like this flat, firm stomach, obviously coming from physical exertion, the lovely hourglass taper of your waist into perfectly rounded, narrow hips and, lastly, your firmly toned legs.”

Aidan stood, there, shaking. Both, from a little fear of what Charlene wanted, but also from the fear of all the new sensations Charlene had just created.

“Why….?” Aidan said, in more of a whisper than she expected.

“Good?” Charlene looked into her eyes.

“Ye..yes…I think.”

“Is that a feeling you want again, and more of, like this?”

Aidan noticeably trembled as Charlene ran a finger from her shoulder and down over her breast, then across her nipple.

“Geez, almighty, what are you doing to me?”

“That, Aidan, was your first lesson in dating and men. They are going to start out touching you. Add in a whiff of their pheromones, and you have got to be prepared for your reactions, or he is going to have you on the bed, legs spread, with his dick inside you, before your mind even catches up to what is happening.”

“Enjoy the hell out of it if he is Mr. Right, but keep your senses enough to protect yourself and stop him early if he is Mr. Wrong. A lot of things are going to seem to be happening to you in a short time, since you are so inexperienced. Your naivety is charming and attractive, but leaves you vulnerable to the tawdry side of the male gender. Be aware, okay?” Charlene added.

Aidan put the lace panties back on, and the silky contact on her now-bare skin surprised her. “Thanks for the lesson, that was very enlightening and exciting, to say the least.”

“Sorry if I gave you a little scare, that you were trapped in some lesbo situation, but I wanted you to really feel the confusion, painted with the appeal of sensuality.”

“You succeeded!” Aidan said with a relieved sigh.

“Now, let’s get some sleep. We have the charity tomorrow.”


Aidan saw the Foundation’s huge ballroom was nearly packed as she returned with another tray of champagne. She was doing her best to keep Escort Akseki up with all the requests. She was dressed in a uniform of a white, long-sleeve shirt, with a black skirt, which ended a couple inches above her knees. She had not worn a skirt in…well, a long time. The skirt was a bit tight, and the shirt a bit big, plus it did not button up to the collar. She was blushing a lot as she bent over, exposing some well-freckled cleavage to the patrons, most of which were men.

With her hair rolled up behind her head, and held by a chopstick Charlene had put in, it did nothing to help block the view they got. Many of those men were making complimentary comments to her, but it seemed their sentences were incomplete. She was really surprised at all the flattery, but had little time to consider their comments individually.

The dinner started, and she was carefully shuttling dishes of chicken or salmon to the many attendees. She passed Charlene many times, as well as her fellow nurse friends; Terry, Cindy, & Karen. When serving, Aidan asked many of the guests to bid generously in the auction, as her grandmother would benefit.

One table that Aidan went to had a particularly nice looking gentleman, in a beautiful tuxedo, and he seemed to be alone. She thought he was lovely to look at, and not that old. He asked, “You okay? This work does not seem be something you are practiced at?”

Aidan replied, “I was hoping it did not show. I’m not tired, but I am a little stressed in keeping track of so much to do. I have not been in a place with this many people since I was a child and went to a baseball game.”

“Well, I did not mean to imply you were not doing a good job.” He gave her a big smile. “I must say, you have stunning green eyes, and delightful freckles.”

“Thanks” she said, as she left for the next table. This man, his smile, his comment; these she would remember. While Aidan was serving other tables, she saw Charlene talking with him, smiling broadly.

When Aidan returned later, to serve him his dessert, he smiled as she approached, and she gave him a big smile in return. She set down his chocolate lava cake. She was shocked and tingled when his hand wrested on hers, “That is a wonderful smile! Please keep using it, as the world needs more beauty.”

He released her hand. She added a short “Thanks you, that’s nice,” and moved on. She wondered why her breathing had gotten faster.

The volunteer staff had completed the dinner service, and was serving drinks and finishing cleaning up. The auction was just starting up, as Aidan asked Charlene who was the man that Charlene had been talking to.

“Oh…uh…That is Jim. He is a doctor I ‘dated’ him at few times. He is dreamy in bed!”

Aidan gasped, then blushed when she realized her thoughts were wondering what it would be like to be in bed with him. In her distraction, she turned to go out through the swiveling doors, where she was met head on with large vat of warm tomato soup. She was drenched from neck to floor in dripping red. It was Karen apologizing profusely. She told Karen not to worry.

Charlene spoke up, “There is a shower of the far side of the stage. Why don’t you get cleaned up, and get another uniform? We can cover the drink requests for now.” Upset with herself, Aidan hurriedly crossed the stage, behind the curtains, weaving through the crates & equipment there. As she crossed, she could hear the auctioneer trying to coax the audience to go higher than $50 for some clock.

She got to the showers, stripped, and briefly showered. She dried off quickly, then she reached for the fresh uniform. It was not there, she realized, as she had not brought the clean uniform with her. The changing room with the supply of uniforms was on the other side of the stage, where she had originally come from.

She couldn’t put any of her sopping wet clothes back on, so she grabbed a towel, wrapped it around as far as it would go, and started back across the stage. The auctioneer was now encouraging the audience to recognize the value of the two tickets he had.

Suddenly, Aidan heard two men’s voices back stage. She dived between a big crate and the curtain. Hunched down, she waited for the voices to pass. She listened, but only could hear the auctioneer, still trying to get more than $200 for the tickets.

Aidan suddenly heard a loud voice in the audience, laughing. “I will give $10,000 for that ass!”

The auctioneer said, “Sorry sir, that is not one of the auction items.”

Her mind was trying to figure out what he was talking about, when she felt a hand pat her ass, and the curtains move behind her. Aidan bolted upright and turned to see who had touched her. When she did, her movement caused the center of the curtains to part.

There she was, facing the audience, holding just the towel in front of her.

Completely astonished, and mentally paralyzed, she clutched the towel under her breasts, and the top portion almost flopped over, nearly exposing her breasts.

Someone else on the floor said, “I will raise that bid to $25,000 for her!”

The auctioneer pleaded, “Sirs…please…”

Aidan was frozen. Then she heard Charlene’s voice behind her, “Remember, this is for your grandmother!” and felt Charlene pull the chopstick out of her hair.

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