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With all of the exertion of having sex with June and the draining orgasms I had, I needed the rest…but….I didn’t doze for long. I snapped fully to consciousness when I realized I had to pee. Off I went to the bathroom, leaving June to rest. Once I relieved myself, the thought hit me that a quick shower might not be a bad idea. I was afraid that I might be a little “funky” after all of my sexual capering, to say nothing of my satisfyingly “liquid” orgasm. But I wasn’t about to take a shower wearing my balaclava mask, so I unzipped it and laid it on the counter while I bathed.

The warm water felt good on my skin and the steam that filled the shower was both relaxing and stimulating. In washing down my body, naturally my fingers probed my “lady parts”, as June referred to them, and I quivered when I touched my oh-so-delicate clitoris. The water, the steam, the shower gel, and a sensitive clitoris! To myself, I said, “MMMmmmMMM!”

Through the steamy shower door, I saw June come into the bathroom. And, through the steamy door, I saw her stand and look at me in the midst of my ablutions.

“Tawney, my dear, do you mind if I pee while you’re in the shower. I have to go and I feel a little funny about it with you here but, I think it’s O.K., How about you?” she said, her voice “little girlish”.

“That’s not a problem for me, if it’s no problem for you,” I answered, “besides, it’s not like I haven’t seen anyone do that before.”

“Thank you, Tawney,” she said in a grateful tone, while sitting on the pot, “I really need to go. Oh, and I can’t remember the last time I peed with anyone else in the bathroom with me. Maybe one time when I was ill and the nurse had to help me and sit with me. I live alone and, well, there’s just no occasion, except for now, that would entail a witness to my urination.”

“June, you are adorable!”

Abruptly, June changed her tone from grateful to alarmed, “TAWNEY! You have your mask OFF! Oh, MY! But don’t worry, I can’t see you all that well through the steamy shower door. Is that O.K.,? By the way, your hair looks lovely!”

“That’s not a problem for me, really, now,” I responded, “I trust you, my dear, after what we’ve shared tonight, I’m not at all worried about you seeing me, knowing who I am. I trust you!”

“I have an IDEA!” June giggled, “let me join you in the shower. Hee,hee,hee! I’ve NEVER done THAT before…shower with someone, I mean. Ready or not here I come…!”

Through the mist, I saw June stand up from the toilet, TAKE OFF HER MASK, and head for the shower. The door opened and I beheld a beautiful woman’s face, framed with…well….tawny hair. I knew her eyes were blue but I didn’t realize how enticingly blue they were until I saw them together with the rest of her face. Oh! June was…STUNNING! But, despite the warmth of the shower, I felt a cold shiver…I recognized her!

“June! Your MASK! You took it OFF!” With my realization of who she was came fright for her that her anonymity had been compromised.

“I’m not worried, Tawney,” she said in a calm voice, “as you said, after what we shared, I’m not worried. In just this brief, wonderful, delicious night I feel as if I’ve come to know you well. I trust you, Tawney, I TRUST YOU, Tawney!”

Here I was in a shower with June, warm water cascading down on us, wetting her hair, her beautiful face, and coursing down her delectable body. My feelings were almost as good as an orgasm. But, beyond that, I felt a bond with June..a bond of trust…all of my other feelings settled on that bedrock of trust. Some turning points can only be identified in retrospect; but some occur when you are fully conscious of them…This was one of THEM!

I kissed June’s lips and I kissed her all over her face, as she did to me. We both cried, our salty tears washed away by the spray of the shower. Our hands were busy…well, “washing” each other? Well that too but it was just caressing with shower gel assistance. We didn’t cum in the shower…it was better…we blended!

We dried off with those obscenely luxurious towels that the hotel provided and headed back to bed, still a little. Both June and I did our girly towel turbans for our damp hair and giggled as we settled onto the mattress. Sex notwithstanding, we were two women on the cusp of middle age playing like middle school girls. I had some friends like that when I was in school; I had the feeling that June hadn’t.

“June, do you know what?” I asked with a giggle.

“No, Tawney, my love, WHAT?” June giggled back.

“We’ve missed out on something tonight, something important,” I was teasing shamelessly, “do you know what we’ve missed?”

“No, Tawney, I can’t think of a thing,” she seemed truly surprised, “not a thing in this lovely evening!”

We were sitting cross-legged on the bed, naked except for our towel-turbans looking each other’s eyes–her blue eyes entrancing me.

“Let me show you, June, the only thing I think that’s been missing.”

With that, I reached over, unwound ardahan escort the towel on her head, and with a playful push, tipped her over onto her back. As she fell back, her legs spread apart and went up in the air. I could see through the still damp hair of her bush her well defined pink lips. It was really the first time I had seen them, she being the one to take care of me. Though I felt them in the shower, I had never laid my eyes on them. I remember walking through a bakery one time seeing a tray of small apricot tarts; they made my mouth water…I had to have one. That’s the way I felt when I saw what was between June’s legs.

June saw me looking and said, “Oh, Tawney! Nobody has ever look at me there, let along like you are doing now. And your look! What do you see? What do you think?”

“I think, June that you are the loveliest creature that ever walked the planet,” and I giggled a little when I said, “and your ‘lady parts’ are the most precious thing that I’ve ever seen!”

She giggled back as I dove in to possess her.

I had to remember, though, that June was really…as far as I knew or she told me…a lesbian virgin. I gathered she had fantasies and desires about sex with women but, until now, had never followed through on them…other than her sending me into ecstasy. She hadn’t had proper sex bestowed on her by…well…by anyone, let alone another woman. So I had to approach this all very carefully…and gently!

Since it was her vagina that presented itself to me, that’s where I started. I know I said that June had a “heavenly” aroma about her, well her pussy had that times ten. It was intoxicating for me and as I plied myself to her labia, I began to have a spontaneous orgasm myself…without any manipulation.

Her labia were concealed in her lush pubic hair…June wasn’t “hairy” like “wild” hairy but… well…did have a rich patch of hair on her pubis and covering her pussy. As I got my face closer to her vagina, I smoothed away and separated her hair away from her labia. Closer to them than before, I could see that they were pronounced lips, larger than mine, but not by any means overly large. They were a little wrinkled but enticingly pink. I gently applied my tongue to them and I felt June flinch a little. I reached up and patted her tummy as if to say, “I know….I’ll be gentle!” and proceeded. The taste of her vagina was as sweet as her scent was heavenly.

I worked my tongue slowly between her lips and explored to find her clitoris. I saw it hiding under its little hood, tiny and pink. I blew a puff of air on it…June flinched again; I put my lips around it…another flinch; I applied a gentle suction…another flinch; and then I licked it in earnest. June’s flinches turned into small undulations of her hips. As I applied more suction and massage with my tongue to her clitoris, these undulations became faster and greater until I had to pay attention so as not to separate my mouth from the object of its efforts. All of this was accompanied by June’s soft moaning, “Oooohhh, mmmMMMMmmm,”

Well, it happened, June’s entire body tensed and shuddered and her moaning got louder. She held a rigid, back arched off the bed, position and the “oooh mmm” turned into “AAAHHHH…AAARRRGGGHH” sounds not of pain but of straining under the pleasure. I didn’t know whether June might be a gusher or not…she didn’t tell me, if she herself knew. Orgasms are not the same for all women…period. I sensed June was coming but there was very little emanation from her vagina, other than what I would consider normal lubrication. Her body told me otherwise.

Her intense grips with her orgasm continued for what seemed to be minutes, ebbed, and then returned again…not as forcefully but pronounced. This recurred four or five times becoming less intense each time until she lying still on the bed, breathing heavily.

I removed my head from between her legs and repositioned myself to lie next to her with my hand on her chest just below her breasts.

She said dreamily, “That was wonderful, WONDERFUL! Kiss me! I want to taste…myself!”

I complied and gave her a long, tongue filled, passionate kiss. What was of her vagina lingered on my lips and tongue, sweet and fragrant. June savored it as she licked it from my lips and sucked it off my tongue. It looked…transported!

We stopped the kiss and she looked at me. “Tawney,” she said, “do you like me? I mean…you know…did you like me ‘down there’?”

I didn’t hesitate, I answered, “June! Like you? ‘Like’ isn’t enough of a word! You are altogether delicious and delectable, especially ‘down there’!”

“Ooooh, ‘down there’ is happy,” she cooed playfully, “but what about ‘up here’?”

She was pointing at her breasts which, to be truthful, I had ignored, so caught up was I with her vagina. Now, I’ve described them before, 34C cups, firm and round. As she lay there on her back on the bed, there was hardly a droop or a sag, they didn’t “spread out”, ardahan escort bayan and they jiggled only a little when she moved her arms. I remembered what June had done with my tiny boobs. I returned the favor.

June has very fair skin, far, far lighter than mine. I noticed the contrast of my hand against the whiteness of her breasts and the pinkness of her areolas. And then when I used tongue and lips on them I was in heaven…and so was June. The same “yummy” sounds she made during her orgasm she was making as I made love to her boobs. I sensed she was enjoying all of this, and loving it. I suspect she was having an extended mini-orgasm, nothing violent but was pleasured in a long-acting way, if that makes sense.

I truly enjoyed sex with June and I know she enjoyed sex with me, too. She told me so, and I believed her. Joy is important to sex. Yeah, yeah, yeah there’s that old book that was popular when my parents were young. What I experienced with June, and Tanya and Gladys for that matter, was joyful, exciting, fun. I truly get joy from them and from having sex with them. It’s not just thrills, although those are fun too; it goes deeper than that. That’s the feeling had with June, more than any of the others. It was deep and part of me.

June and I DID fall asleep but we woke up early, 7:00AM

I woke up first, rolled over and caressed June’s forehead and that woke her up.

I purred, “My dear, I can hardly believe that you and I are still on this earth after that wonderful night! What’s the word ‘Heavenly”? It’s the only word that comes to mind right now.”

“I feel the same way, Tawney, and It is strange because I’ve never really felt this way before…about anyone!” Her voice was soft as she stretched to limber herself up.

“June, I hope…I hope,” I hesitated looking for the right words, “I hope I wasn’t too forward last night. I mean I told you a lot of things that I haven’t told many people, perhaps even myself. I hope it didn’t color what you think of me…I mean…the bi-sexual part, the boy…you know.”

June was calm and matter of fact, which worried me, until she said, “Tawney, you gave me the experience of a lifetime last night. How can I doubt you in any way. I understand that you have a history…well so do I…it just isn’t as rich in sexual experience as yours. If you’ve had relationships in the past, so be it. If you have relationships in the future, even with a man who am I to say that’s wrong. All I know now is that you and I seem to have been made for each other. That’s what’s important. Nobody knows what’s coming down the pike. My feelings for you won’t change.

“You’re the best, June,” I kissed her, “the best!”

“As are you, Tawney, my darling,” June cooed, “the best!”

“What time is it now? 7:00AM? Oh, no! Oh, NO! I have to go! I have a meeting…to plan…well…I have to go anyway!”

I helped her get her things together as she rushed to get herself together. She scurried to the door, opened it, and got half way through it and stopped She stepped back inside.

She looked me in the eyes, and said gently, “Tawney, and I know that’s not your real name, just like ‘June’ isn’t mine, what we shared has been indelibly wonderful. We will do it again…and again..and again, I hope. I’m in a hurry, but I’m not in a hurry to lose YOU! Please, PLEASE, let’s stay in touch. I have a wacky schedule…I mean REALLY wacky…but PLEASE let’s stay lovers!

She gave me a kiss on the lips and said, “I love you…I love YOU!”

I had the same feeling in the pit of my stomach that I had when Decker said that to me. But I understood it now. I wasn’t going to react out of fear anymore.

I responded to June, “June, my dear, my lovely June….I love YOU, too!”

She kissed my forehead and flew out of the door and down the hall.


Now I may be getting ahead of myself here because there is a lot to my story to come but I need to go into what happened to June and to June and me.

I said that I recognized June when she removed her mask. Some people wouldn’t recognize her but many would, people like me and not just because I’m a lesbian. June is really Juliette _____ a famous musician, a violinist, known and followed by a sizeable audience. When she said that her schedule was “wacky” she wasn’t kidding. June/Juliette performs all over the world.

Her bookings are rarely haphazard or last minute; they are usually set way in advance. She has a good idea of where she will be and when. This complicated our relationship. There are times when I can bide my time and wait for her to show up here. Her stays can be weeks or months at a time, which makes it a boon to our relationship and love making. Sometimes it’s spotty, here and there and “quickies”, one might say. A few times, I was even lucky enough to visit her in a city where she was on tour. Both she and I loved getting together and “getting together”, if you follow me.

But her profession escort ardahan is difficult and demanding; it absorbs her, it is her passion. I am continually amazed at her skill, artistry, and dedication.

A few weeks after our third or fourth session of love making, June/Juliette held a press conference where she read a rather lengthy statement. Here is most of it:

I am holding this meeting today to make an announcement, but let me preface that with a few things.

For decades, virtually my entire life, I have been part of the world of the musical arts. It has been my life. There is no separating my life from my art. I am in a profession that requires precision–playing the notes without fluffing them is essential but that is not all.

I also believe that qualities of fidelity, honesty and…yes…love… are essential–perhaps even more so–than just knowing the notes and how to play them. There is a truth in our music…There is a wide spectrum of styles and interpretation in what we do which makes for fascinating variations in our performances…but there is an underlying core of truth in our rich heritage of music which I, as a professional musician responsible for presenting as best as I see it. In this respect, there is nothing different, in my mind, between my art and my life.

So, I am here to announce to you all today: my audience, my fans, the public, and the press, that I am a lesbian woman. I am not doing this just to be sensational but to present a truth about myself, one which I either ignored or suppressed my entire life. So, now you have the truth.

If I’ve learned one thing in my life is that it doesn’t really make any difference who it is that is playing as long as one is true to the art. But I also have learned that I need to be true to myself.

I am not going to field any questions today. I am not going to go into details. I am sure you might like to know some of them but sufficed it to say, those who I believe need to know those details do know them.

Thank you all for your understanding and support.

That is my dear June/Juliette, my lover, who after everything makes my heart yearn and my mouth water!


So, what the hell, you might ask, ever happened to Decker?

When I had my experience with June/Juliette, I also had an insight into what was happening between me and Decker. I was being not so much driven by fear but directed by it. There’s a difference. Driven would mean that I would be propelled by it, forcing me to do one thing or another. Being directed by it–influenced by it–is another matter. Fear didn’t make me do anything but it did affect my decisions whether to do one thing or another. Usually my decisions were NOT to do something rather than to DO something. Be that as it may, I now knew something and that could change my life.

I last saw Decker a about a week ago. I know it seems like a long time ago but it wasn’t, though a lot happened in that short week.

To recap: I was in a snit about sex and love. I had essentially given him 3/4 of a hand job and 1/4 of a blow job and he told me he loved me. How dare he! I freaked and went into melt-down mode. Decker wound up out of town, incommunicado because he left his cell phone in my apartment. Now throw in my tryst with June/Juliette and the world changed.

Tanya suggested I be honest with Decker. Well, I needed to see him to be honest with him. and he wasn’t anywhere in evidence. When I got home from that magnificent evening with June/Juliette, I didn’t find any notes on the door of my apartment, nor any under the door when I opened it.

I thought, “Well, what the hell, he can call me even if I can’t call him. He has MY number; his number, his phone, is sitting on my kitchen table!”

I went into work Monday and, naturally, Gar was there perched like a vulture, waiting to pounce on me for information about my life…my sex life.

“Oh my, Oh my, Oh my, Dar-Lin,” he was over the top, as usual, “you, my sweet look fabulous, Fab-ul-ous! Fabulous! You’ve been getting some, I know you have, tell me about it! C’mon!”

“Getting some, Gar?” I said, playing dumb, “some ‘what’? Are you asking me if I went to the farmers’ market and got some tomatoes, beans, and a cantaloupe? Or, what?”

“Oh? I think you got tomatoes, beans, and ZUCCHINI?” he said in a big tease, “what, my dear girl did you do with that ZUCCHINI? Was that a Mr. Dick-Her substitute?”

“ARRRGH, Gar,” I said in mock frustration, well, maybe not so mock, “I’m turning you in to HR. That’s IT. Besides, what makes you think I need a need a zucchini to complete my meal?” The double entendre was not lost on him.

“Dar-Lin, you have to come clean on Mr. Dickher, after all that work I did for you last week!”

“To be honest, Gar, I haven’t seen hide nor hair of Mr. D-E-C-K-E-R since last week. I told him you wanted to suck his cock and he fled the county!”

Gar was on a roll, “OH? Now who’s going to get carted off to HR? What’s their extension? Quick!”

“Gar, stop thinking of Mr. Dickher…I mean Decker…Now you’ve got me doing it…Besides there’s nothing there to begin with. You forget you’re talking to me 99.44% lesbian. What would I be doing to Mr. Decker, anyway?” I said, trying to stop Gar.

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