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Lisa sipped her strawberry daiquiri amid the raucous pub and glanced at her watch realizing she had been waiting patiently among the loud partying spring breakers for almost an hour. She stared at her half empty glass with a somber dejected look and stepped off the bar stool. She made her way over to the front where the Hawaiian shirt bartenders served various colorful drinks to their patrons and raised her hand speaking above the din of the pub, “Excuse me?”

Her first attempt failed to catch the attention of the bartender closest to her apparently engrossed in filling a couple of mugs of beer when she spoke up again.

“Hello? Excuse me for a second.” she said waving her hand in front of him. The bartender still did not hear her soft voice nor did his eyes leave the beer mugs he was filling.

A short brunette standing next to Lisa did hear her pleas of attention.

“Hey you, behind the bar!” she said. The bartender look up, “Yellow here needs you!” she said pointing over to Lisa.

“What can I get you?” he said.

“Nothing. I was supposed to meet someone here, but they didn’t show up. If a blonde guy about six foot tall asks for me, could you tell him I couldn’t wait any longer?”

“Blonde dude about six feet. Sure.”

“Thank you.” Lisa said with a smile.

Lisa scurried out between two people huddled by the bar. The brunette followed her with her eyes and looked at Lisa.

“Got stood up?”


“Hang with us. We know how to have fun, don’t we?” she said as her table of five guys and girls acknowledged her loudly.

“Thanks, but I think I’ve had enough fun for the day.”

“Come on Yellow. Stay just a bit more.”

“I gotta go. Thanks. And thanks for your help.”

“Sure.” she said watching Lisa exit the pub.

She looked at her long legs while she passed around the tables and patrons. At the entrance, Lisa tossed her long blonde hair over her shoulder and opened the door. She met the brunette’s eyes staring at her. Lisa gave her pleasant cheerful smile and waved as she stepped out

“Robyn, get the drinks. Robyn!” her table friends said shaking her out of a daze.

“Wait, I’ll be back in a second.” Robyn said and hurried out of the pub.

“Where ya going?” her friends called to her but she completely ignored them. She exited the pub to a twilight sunset as the warm air blanketed her body while she looked left and right for the long, yellow haired girl.

Lisa was walking alone down the busy street with wild spring breakers driving up and down the street hooting and hollering out of their rented convertibles. Robyn followed Lisa a good distance between them watching her from afar. A smile crept on her face as she looked at her from behind. She enjoyed her long bare naked legs. They were smooth with supple calves and glistened in the warm air giving off a healthy sheen to them. Lisa would turn her head toward a loud obnoxious party goer without a skip in her stride. Her steps were smooth with an elegant and sultry grace.

Robyn closed the gap between them to be close, but not close enough for Lisa to sense another person near her space. Lisa’s pink tank top hugged her curves showing off her shapely body and her bare shoulders looked feminine and well proportioned as her long yellow hair bobbed and danced behind her at each stride. “It sucks being stood up, doesn’t it?” Robyn said.

Lisa turned her head brushing her hair to the side and saw who was speaking to her. Robyn stopped with Lisa keeping the same distance between them.

Lisa saw it was the short dark haired girl that came to her aid back at the pub. Away from the noisy crowded people, she got a better look at her. She had a smile plastered on her face. Along with her short stature it radiated an adorable cuteness. Lisa didn’t notice at the time the fullness of the brunette’s breast. She was definitely a C if not a D cup.

“Oh, hi.” Lisa said with a friendly smile.

“Your friends didn’t show up?”


“So what are you gonna do now, Yellow?”

“Why do you keep calling me Yellow?”

“Your hair!” Robyn said, “I like it.”


“So, what are gonna do now?” Robyn said taking a few steps closer.

“Nothing. I’m just going back to the motel.”

“By yourself?”

Lisa nodded.

“You want some company?”

“No, thanks. I’m not much of a party girl.”

Robyn took a few more steps closer and protested, “We don’t have to hang out at the pub if you don’t want to. We could go somewhere else. We could hang out at the motel if you want.”

“No, it’s okay. I’m sure you and your friends are fun and nice, but I’d rather be alone. Thanks anyway.” Lisa said and smiled and began to turn away when Robyn grabbed Lisa’s wrist.

“We don’t have to hang out with them if you don’t want to. We could just hang out together by ourselves.” Robyn said, “You don’t really want to be alone in the motel by yourself with nothing to do, do you?”

Lisa looked at Robyn a bit dumbfounded at Robyn’s insistent yearning, “I’m sorry, but I don’t even know your name.”

“Sorry, it’s Robyn.” she ataşehir escort bayan said with a bright smile.

“Robyn, nice to meet you.” Lisa said holding Robyn’s hand on her wrist. She shook it and gently and brushed Robyn’s grip off of her, “I don’t know what you expect, but I’m pretty boring. This place isn’t really me. I didn’t even want to come here in the first place.”

Robyn looked at her with a frown and shifted her weight over to her other foot. “Do you really think that’s going to work?”


“You just gave me the, ‘it’s not you it’s me’ line.”

“No, but it’s true. Really.”

Robyn shook her head with a dismayed smile and chuckled to herself.

“Hey, I’m sorry. I guess I just want to be alone.” Lisa said.

“Do you, Yellow?” Robyn said in earnest, “Do you really want to be alone?”

Lisa thought about it for a moment and fumbled with her words.

“What is it that you want from me?” Lisa said.

“I just asked a question if you really want to be alone.”

“Well, I appreciate your thoughtfulness, but-” Lisa said.

“Please.” Robyn said with a hint of frustration, “Please just tell me if you want to be left alone.”

“Well,” Robyn said clearly debating with herself, “No.”

The smile crept back onto Robyn’s face. Lisa reciprocated her joy with a shy smile.

“See. That wasn’t so hard, was it Yellow?”

“No, I guess not.”

“So, why don’t we hang out at your motel, unless you want to go somewhere else.”

“You’re not going to call your friends over and party in my room, are you?”

“Oh no. Of course not.” Robyn said, “Just you and me tonight. I promise.”

“I’m warning you in advance. I’m a boring person. I don’t know what you’re expecting.”

“I’m sure we’ll figure out something to do. So what’s your name, or should I just keep calling you Yellow?”

“It’s Lisa.”



“Hi Lisa.” Robyn said dancing in front of her. “Hope to be friends with you Lisa.”

“Me too, I guess.” Lisa said with a crinkled brow.

Robyn smiled at her response as the two walked to the motel.

They arrived at the motel as partygoers danced and drank outside in the parking lots. Robyn looked on and smiled at the festive atmosphere while Lisa dropped her head and tried to ignore them. Robyn looked over at Lisa and saw her sullen expression.

“This really isn’t your scene, is it?”

Lisa shook her head clearly upset. She opened the door to her room and entered. Robyn followed and closed the door. The music from outside thumped into the motel room. Lisa tossed the room key on the nightstand and sat on the bed. She flipped on the TV and turned the volume up trying to drown out the sound.

“It’s a bit loud, isn’t it?” Robyn said with a grimace.

Lisa ignored her and watched whatever was on TV. Robyn walked over to the bed and picked up the remote. She powered off the TV bringing back the thumping music into the room. Robyn could easily see the annoyance on Lisa’s face from the happenings outside and sat down next to her and took her hand.

“We could go somewhere else?”

“Where? It’s like this everywhere. I’ll just have to bear it for the night.”

“Hey, did you want to bear this noise alone?”

“Why do you want to hang out with me? You’re friends are having fun at the pub.”

“You want to know?”

“Yeah, why not?”

Robyn looked into Lisa’s eyes and quickly looked away smiling.

“What is it?” Lisa said with a growing curiosity.

Robyn looked at Lisa again. She felt an overwhelming giddiness and began laughing uncontrollably.

“What so funny?” Lisa said infected by the laughter.

Robyn slowly regained her composure. Her face was red and her eyes were watery.

“Are you playing a joke on me?” Lisa said.

Robyn shook her head, “No. It just came out.”

“Then what is it?”

Robyn closed her eyes and bit down on her lip. She collected herself and breathed calmly.

“I’m just going to tell you straight, okay?” Robyn said with her eyes closed.


Robyn faced Lisa. She looked into her big brown eyes down to her pink curved lips. She began to speak, but the words did not come out her mouth. She looked at Lisa again straight in the eyes, “I want to fuck you.”

The words fumbled out of Robyn’s mouth, but they were coherent. Lisa did not offer a reply. In her mind, time had suddenly gone into slow motion. The thumping music was gone while only the words uttered from another woman bounced in her brain.


“You heard me. I said it. Straight up like I said I would.”

Robyn acted as if she had just admitted to committing a crime. Lisa searched for the words, but was unable to find a good response.

“I know I’m putting you on the spot, but I had to let you know how I felt. I couldn’t let you go without telling you.” Robyn said.

“So, that’s why you were so persistent?”

Robyn faced Lisa and smiled, “There’s something about you that rubs me the right way.”

“I’m a girl.”

“Duh?” Robyn said, “You could’ve escort kadıköy been a guy, but you’re not. I still feel what I feel.”

Lisa smiled at the awkward situation and shook her head. “I’m sorry, but I think I’m going to disappoint you.”

Robyn smiled and lifted Lisa’s chin, “Let me worry about that, Yellow. I knew that was a possibility when I followed you here.”

“So,” Lisa said with a long pause, “What now?”

“I don’t know. Do you like girls?”

Lisa smiled and shook her head, “If I said ‘yes’, than that would be an easy solution.”

“I like easy solutions.” Robyn said smiling.

Lisa laughed and smiled, “Robyn, you’re attractive and sweet, but I’m not into women. I’m sorry.”

“Have you ever been with another woman before?” Robyn said.


“Well then how do you know you won’t enjoy it if you’ve never experienced it before?”

Lisa smiled and shook her head again, “Persistent, aren’t you?”

“Just being honest. That’s all.”

“Nothing’s going to happen tonight. Yes, I’ve never been with a woman before, but I’ve also never been sexually attracted to one either. That’s how I know.”

Robyn lowered her head laughing and smiling amid the disappointment in her heart, “Can’t blame me for trying, can you?”

“I’m sorry.”

Robyn quickly waved a dismissive hand, “Don’t be. You didn’t do anything to be sorry for.”

The thumping beat from outside seemed to return to Lisa’s ears. Robyn sat by her feet. “So,” Lisa said, “I guess you’re going to join your friends now?”

“I guess.”

Robyn rose from the bed and looked at Lisa. She let her eyes linger on her for a long stare. She could feel it. The image of Lisa hitting her eyes sent shudders down to her fingertips.

“I don’t know,” Robyn said shaking her head, “I’ve seen pretty girls before, but I’ve never felt this kind of attraction before.”

Lisa was unsure how to respond to that comment, “Thanks.” she said.

“Are you sure I can’t change your mind?” Robyn said.

“I’m sure.”

Robyn squeezed her hands into fists and turned her head away with a look of genuine disappointment. She reached over to the bed and picked up her purse and moved over to the door.

“I’m really sorry.” Lisa said before she stepped out. Robyn opened the door filling the room with the blaring dance music. She looked over at Lisa once more then closed it still staring at Lisa.

“Would be okay if I stayed a little longer?” Robyn said.

Lisa thought she was only prolonging her own agony, but she felt sympathetic to her despair.

“Nothing’s going to change my-” Lisa said.

“Just a bit longer. Please.”

There was no harm in her staying Lisa thought, “If you’d like.”

Robyn walked over to the bed and dropped her purse on the nightstand. She walked around the bed and sat hip to hip next to Lisa. Lisa looked at her with a puzzled smile seeing Robyn oozing with giddiness sitting next to her.

“Won’t your friends miss you?” Lisa asked.

“They don’t need me around all the time to have fun.” Robyn said while admiring Lisa’s long creamy legs. She reached down and glided the back of her hand over her thigh.

Lisa smiled and shook her head at the awkward situation she was in. Robyn turned her hand over and slid the tips of her fingers up her leg. They reached the cuff of Lisa’s shorts when Lisa grabbed her hand from continuing any further.

“Please. Don’t.”

Robyn felt her hand being touched in Lisa’s grip. It was tight and Robyn offered no resistance.

“I’m sorry. You’ve got nice legs. Do you workout?”

“Just a little jogging now and then.” Lisa said and released Robyn’s hand.

“You could probably use a light weight regiment for your arms.” Robyn said pinching Lisa’s tricep.

“Stop that!” she said slapping her hand off of her. “Stop touching me.”

“Here,” Robyn said extending her arm, “Feel it. This is what your arm should feel like.”

Lisa obliged her reluctantly and felt her arm. Her skin was soft and smooth and her muscles were tone and supple. “It’s nice and firm.”

“I could write you up a simple workout schedule. Just a few times a week would do it.”

“Thanks, but I’ll be fine. Like you said, I already have nice legs.”

“Nice, but not great. A little bit of calisthenics could tone them a bit more. Let me show you.”

Robyn bounced off the bed and began unbuttoning her jeans.

“You don’t have to show me, I believe you.” she said but Robyn had already begun peeling her jeans off her hips revealing her black thong panties.

Robyn raised her left leg and pulled her jeans off and did the same with her right. She turned and faced Lisa and saw her shying away from Robyn’s exposed panties.

“What’s the matter? It’s nothing you haven’t seen before.”

“Okay, you have nice legs and I could use some more toning. Now you could put your jeans back on.” Lisa said with her face pointed the other way.

Robyn sat down on the bed and stretched her naked legs next to Lisa’s.

“Look how much longer your legs are to mine. I can’t do anything bostancı escort about that.” Robyn said.

Lisa peeked over at her legs. Robyn’s foot ended about an inch above Lisa’s ankles. Her eyes wandered up a bit comparing her leg with Robyn’s. It was more athletic of the two with a nice bronze sheen. Robyn smiled at Lisa’s pensive gaze.

“You like it, don’t you?” Robyn said with a smirk.

“Okay, okay. You’re right.”

“Not that. I mean what you’re seeing. Go ahead. Feel it.”

Lisa rolled her eyes, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Robyn snatched Lisa’s hand and forced it on to her bare leg.

“Hey!” Lisa said protesting.

“See. It doesn’t hurt.” Robyn said holding Lisa’s hand against her thigh.

“Okay, it’s nice. You can let go now.” She said trying to pry her hand away.

Robyn dragged her hand up along her thigh bringing it closer to her crotch.

“No!” Lisa shouted using her other hand for leverage and yanking her hand out of Robyn’s grip. “Stop. Please.”

The sensation of Lisa’s hand along her inner thigh made her skin tingle. Yet the expression on Lisa’s face was clearly upset.

“I got a bit carried away.”

“I think it’s best if you would leave now.”

Robyn’s heart sank to the pit of her stomach. She sat besides her object of desire and was not able to grasp it in any form or fashion. She let out a breath of despair and swung around bringing her feet to the floor. She hunched over feeling her heart beating rapidly as this moment began fading away.

“Please,” Robyn said with a broken voice, “could I stay for a few minutes longer?”

“I don’t think…”

“I won’t touch you or anything. I promise.” Robyn said.

Lisa looked at the back of Robyn’s head and felt sorry for her, “Just a few minutes then.”

Robyn stood up and pulled the desk chair close to the bed. She sat down and faced Lisa lounging on the bed. She stared at her with a passionate lust. Lisa looked back with an embarrassed shyness.

Robyn brought her hands down between her legs. She tugged at her panties and held it to one side exposing her glistening pussy. She spread her legs open and began to rub her firm clitoris.

“Wait a minute.” Lisa said watching Robyn begin to pleasure herself.

“Please.” Robyn said, “I need this.”

Lisa said nothing and allowed Robyn to continue her circular strokes between her legs. She stared intently watching her masturbate. Lisa felt her pulse quicken as Robyn’s breath grew heavy.

Robyn’s eyes were fixed on Lisa. She could see her staring at her pussy with all her attention. Heat radiated off her skin as she felt the sweat begin to form on her brow. Quiet moans escaped her lips as the waves of pleasure rippled her body. Her eyelids began to droop along with her jaw. Robyn’s pussy began to drip as she rubbed herself in a frenzied pace.

Robyn’s body jolted with involuntary muscle contractions. Her legs would quiver as if something had brushed against her. Her back arched forward heaving her sensitive nipples into the air.

A low guttural moan followed by a heavy inhale marked her orgasm was close. Her eyes closed and her slack jawed mouth sung out a moan of intense pleasure.


Robyn’s pussy convulsed uncontrollably squeezing together without end. Her jaw trembled as well as her hands feeling the ecstasy slowly wash away from her body. The orgasm began to diminish and her body slumped down onto the chair. Her breath was still heavy but her eyes were open. Lisa was still staring mesmerized watching Robyn’s orgasm.

“Did you enjoy what you saw?” Robyn asked breaking Lisa’s trance.

“Oh. I don’t know. I never saw a girl masturbate before.”

“Thank you for letting me.”

“How good was it?”

“I don’t usually rate the times I get off, but it was wonderful.” Robyn said rising from the chair, “Ugh, I’m a mess.” She said putting a pair of wet fingers to her mouth.

She adjusted her panties back on and reached over to grab her jeans.

“You know, you’re glowing?” Lisa said.

“Am I?” Robyn said, “Do you believe at love at first sight?”

Lisa shrugged her shoulders.

“I might now.”

“Puh-leeze.” Lisa said.

“So,” Robyn said with a sly smile, “Are you wet?”


“Yeah, did I turn you on?”

“Come on, I told I’m not into women.”

“I believe you, but it doesn’t mean you can’t get turned on. Show me that you’re not wet and I’ll believe you.”

“What? I’m not going to show you!”

“I bared myself to you and gave you a show. I’m only asking for a peek.”

“You know, I think it’s time for you go now, okay?” Lisa said waving an open palm to Robyn and leaned back against the head board.

Robyn turned away from Lisa and began putting her jeans on. She muttered under her breath, but a word slipped out of her mouth, “hypocrite.”

“What did you say?” Lisa said clearly hearing the word.

“You’re a fucking hypocrite, Yellow and you know it!”

“That’s it. You’d better go!”

“Yeah, I’ll go and once I’m gone you’re going to rub yourself.”

“Sure. Whatever you say, shorty.” Lisa said.

Robyn buttoned her jeans and went to grab her purse. Next to it sat Lisa’s purse. Robyn picked it up and scampered over to the far corner of the room, “I’ll bet you have a pocket rocket in here.”

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