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Haley’s dad finally fucked her. She called me the day after we played, breathless and giggling. It turned out that Mr Andrews hadn’t wasted any time and had taken Haley as soon as they’d got home. They’d fucked most of the night.

“I’m so sore,” Haley moaned on the phone.

I giggled, but felt a stab of jealousy. Now that he had Haley to fuck, would Mr Andrews still care about me? I had Josh, of course, but it was so much better to be fucked by a grown up man.

“I’m so happy for you,” I told Haley. “Apart from being sore, how do you feel?”

“I can’t even describe it.” She sighed happily. “Relaxed and happy. I just want to do it all the time. How do you manage?”

Poorly, that was how I managed. I was horny all the time, but Josh had both Mom and I to play with, so I didn’t get as much attention as I wanted. I really wanted Dad to come back, but I hadn’t dared bring it up with Mom again.

“I’m horny all the time,” I told Haley. “I just want to have sex non-stop, but the only man around is Josh and he’s so busy all the time. It’s unfair!”

“Why don’t you come over tomorrow? I’m sure my dad would love to fuck us both. I’ve seen the way he looks at you, he won’t just forget about you that quickly.”

That was generous of her to say, but I wasn’t so sure. My cunny was hot and in need of some attention, though, so I couldn’t really say no.

“Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow.”


Unfortunately, the next day, Mom had other plans.

“You’re not going out. I’m having a party.”

I wanted to scream with frustration. She had sent Josh out, but made me stay home for some stupid party. What kind of deal was that?

“Can Haley at least come?” Maybe I could sneak into Mom’s room while she was busy with the party and steal her vibrator. Haley and I could have fun with that. It wasn’t as good as a real cock attached to a real man, but it was better than nothing.

Mom had a faraway look on her face. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

“Why not?”

She looked at me as if she was noticing me for the first time. She gently stroked my cheek. “Is your cunny hot, baby? Is that why you want Haley to come round?”

I nodded wordlessly.

She smiled. “Don’t worry, you can take part in tonight’s party. In fact, you’ll be the guest of honour.”

Something in her smile made me shiver. “What kind of party is it?”

Taking a step closer to me, she slipped her hand underneath my dress and cupped my sodden panties. “I know you want to be fucked by real men, baby, so that’s what’s going to happen tonight.” Her fingers pressed the wet fabric against my hot cunny, making me whimper. “I’ll make sure you will be well taken care of.”

My heart pounded in my chest. What was she talking about? The pressure of her fingers against my clit made it hard for me to think. She rubbed the growing bud a few times, but stopped when my breath became ragged.

“Not yet, darling. Save your orgasms for tonight.”

When she pulled away her hand, I felt like crying. I was so ready to come, but I was worried she’d get mad if I masturbated.

“Don’t tease the girl, May.”

At first it didn’t register who had spoken those words. I was still in a daze of lust, but Mom spun around so quickly, it made me jump. When I followed her gaze, I nearly screamed.

Dad was standing in the living room, looking gorgeous and sexy in a tight grey T-shirt and jeans. He grinned broadly at me.

I didn’t think. With a squeal, I ran towards him and hugged him tight. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my neck. I couldn’t believe he was here!

“How long have you been standing there?” Mom didn’t seem surprised at all that he was back. Maybe she had reconsidered her harsh words to him and had invited him. Or maybe she had expected he would come.

“Long enough.” Dad gently unwrapped my arms from his neck and held me at arm’s length. “Let me look at my beautiful girl.”

I felt suddenly shy underneath his penetrating gaze. He made no attempt to hide his lust for me, as his eyes roved my body. I was just wearing a tank top without a bra and short shorts, concealing almost nothing.

His voice was low when he spoke again. “You’re right, May, our daughter did grow up to be a sexy woman.”

“You were supposed to come tonight,” Mom said, confirming my suspicion that she had expected him.

Dad shrugged. “I wanted to be the first to taste her.”

The first? What did that mean?

Dad didn’t give me much chance to think. He grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the stairs. “You’ve already had your fun with her, now it’s my turn,” he told Mom.

My body flushed with heat when I realised what he was about to do. Although he was my dad, he was practically a stranger to me, and Mom was just going to let him fuck me. My mouth went dry. I wasn’t sure how I felt about this. I’d been jealous of Haley for having her dad around to fuck her, but now that my own dad was here, I wasn’t so sure I wanted to go through Girne Escort with it. I could handle Josh, because he was my brother, and Mr Andrews had been easy because he felt so guilty about it all, but I wasn’t sure I was any match for this man, who now marched me up the stairs. Mom didn’t do anything to stop him, which worried me even more. She wouldn’t be any help to me now.

Upstairs, Dad paused. “Which one is your room?”

My hand shook when I pointed to my bedroom door. He gave me a little push towards it. “Go on then.”

Opening the door, I tried to see the room through his eyes. It was still very much a girl’s room, rather than a young woman’s. I hadn’t got round to changing the decor from the frilly pink to a more mature colour. It hadn’t embarrassed me with Josh or Mom, as they were used to seeing my room, but I worried Dad would find my room ridiculous.

He didn’t say anything as he followed me in. He barely glanced around, his eyes were glued on me. I felt myself growing even hotter as he continued to look me up and down.

With a nod to the bed, he said, “Sit down.”

I did what he asked.

“Take your clothes of.”

The matter-of-fact way in which he spoke made me really hot. My nervousness left me, and I got really hot. This was actually happening. I was going to get fucked by my daddy.

I stifled a giggle. It sounded so dirty and naughty when I said that in my head. It was even worse than being fucked by my brother or Mom. At least then I could justify it by saying that they were teaching me. Dad would fuck me because he was hot for me.

Naked, I perched awkwardly on the edge of the bed. Dad had made no move towards me nor had he stripped.

“Lie down.”

My cunny was sopping wet. I was sure I had stained the duvet beneath me, but I scootched up and lay down on the bed. My heart was pounding so loudly, I though Dad would easily be able to hear it.

His face gave nothing away. He stood at the foot of my bed and looked down on me., his dark eyes revealing nothing.

“Spread your legs.”

I bent my knees and planted my feet as wide as I could. My cunny was on full display now, and Dad would have no trouble seeing how hot I was for him. And still, his face didn’t show anything. I was starting to worry he didn’t like what he was seeing.

“Use your fingers to open yourself up.” His voice was low and husky now, and I relaxed. This was definitely having an effect on him.

I slit my fingers through my slit, and, unable to stop myself, I rubbed my wetness all over my clit. I gasped softly as a jolt of pleasure ran through me.

“Stop that.” Dad’s voice was hard and I immediately pulled my hand away. “I told you to open yourself up, not play with yourself.”

“I’m sorry, Daddy.” I used my small-girl voice and Dad’s eyes narrowed. For a moment, I was worried I had pushed my luck, but then he looked at me and the naked lust on his face told me I had guessed right.

Using both my hands, I spread my cunny lips so my hole was wide open. I must have been such a sight: cheeks flushed with heat, my cunny seeping juices. Josh would have pounded on me by now, and even Mr Andrews wouldn’t have kept cool, but Dad just stood there and looked at me. His hand cupped his groin, but he made no attempt to undress.

“Put two fingers inside your hole.”

This was driving me crazy. I wanted him to fuck me, rough and hard like Josh, or angry like Mr Andrews, but he just stood there. My whole body was on fire and I needed to be fucked so desperately, but I didn’t dare ask him. I was too worried he would say no and leave.

I slipped first one, then two fingers inside my cunny. I couldn’t help moaning. My fingers were slim and really not enough to get me off, but damn, it felt good having them inside me.

“Put a third one in.” Dad was breathing heavier now and I could see the outline of his cock in his jeans. This was making me feel better. At least I was turning him on.

I spread my legs a little wider and pushed another finger inside me. It was a bit uncomfortable, but I liked how it made Dad gasp. I didn’t move, but waited for another command. Whatever it was he wanted me to do, I’d do it, if it meant he would fuck me. I was so horny, I’d do anything for a good fuck.

“Fuck, look at you.” Dad came closer and leaned forward. “You truly have a tight twat, just like your mother said. You can barely fit three fingers in.”

His hand covered mine, the one that was three-fingers deep inside my twat, and I whimpered.

His eyes flew to mine. “Do you like that?”

“Yes, Daddy.” My voice was barely more than a whisper.

“Do you want Daddy to fuck you?”

I moaned. “Please, please fuck me.”

He knelt by the bed and gently pulled my fingers out of my cunny. Before I had time to protest, his tongue probed where my fingers had been. I’d never had someone stick their tongue inside my twat and it was kind of weird. But then he started sucking and licking me, pushing his tongue in and Kıbrıs Escort out of my hole and rubbing my clit. Stars burst behind my eyelids and I bucked my hips.

Dad was much stronger than Josh, and he pushed me back down. He straightened and when he climbed onto the bed, he had taken off his jeans.

I had been right about the size of his cock. It was huge. It was much bigger than Mr Andrews and I had thought him big. It looked as if it was ready to burst, too.

“Rub your clitty for me and spread your legs as wide as you can.”

I was worried I’d give myself an orgasm if I started rubbing my clit, but I did as he told me. I shouldn’t have worried, because although it felt nice, as soon as Dad pushed his cock against my hole, I yelped. It really wasn’t going to fit at all.

“You’re too big,” I panted. “It’s not going to work.”

“Just relax and breathe, Rose. It’ll be fine.”

I tried to relax, but as he tried to push himself inside, a burning pain made me cry out. “Daddy!”

He leaned over me, his face stern. “I thought you wanted to be fucked by your daddy. Are you chickening out now?”

I shook my head. “It hurts, though.”

It had hurt the same with Josh, and that pain had started to feel oh so good, so I hoped it would be the case with Dad as well. I just needed a little distraction to get used to it.

“Take a deep breath in.”

I took a deep breath and Dad pushed deeper. The burn became worse, but I didn’t mind it as much.

“Keep breathing slowly. Your tight twat is going to take my whole cock, do you hear? I won’t have you be a slut for everyone else but me.”

He pushed again and now I welcomed the pain.

“You’re a slut,” Dad growled, sending shivers of heat up my spine.

I loved how he talked to me. I tried not to wonder why.

“I hear you even let your friends dads fuck you. According to Josh, you like it hard and rough, so I don’t want to hear you whine now, is that clear?”

I nodded, but my head spun. He’d even talked to Josh about me?

My cunny started to ache, but not because of how much it was being stretched. I was hot for Dad’s cock, and his words. I wanted him to keep talking.

“My cunny is always hot,” I whimpered. “I just can’t get enough of sex. It’s not my fault.”

“Like fuck it is.” Dad panted. He pinched one of my nipples and I cried out.

What I was feeling now – a mixture of pleasure and pain – was different from what I had ever felt before. With Josh, it was rough and quick and harsh. It could be painful, but it was often over soon. With Mr Andrews it had been frantic. He’d fucked me like he was mad at me, but he hadn’t cared about how I felt.

With Dad it was different. He seemed to want to drag this on as long as possible. I wanted to tell him I could come more than once, but I didn’t want to break the spell between us.

My body was tense. I’d needed an orgasm all day, but somehow, my body wasn’t ready to let go yet. With Josh, I would have already come by now, but it was as if Dad knew exactly what to do not to rush things.

“Just a little bit more,” Dad grunted and with a last push, I could feel him hit the barrier deep inside my hole.

“There. Doesn’t that feel good?”

I couldn’t speak. It felt so amazing, I was confused why I hadn’t come yet. What was wrong with me now?

“I told you you could take me. You’re a slut, and sluts take whatever they are offered. If you’re anything like your mom, your twat is hot all the time, and you will want to fuck everyone.”

He pressed his cock harder against the barrier, making me gasp. “From now on, you’re only allowed to fuck whomever me or Mom allow you to. Understand?”

I didn’t answer immediately, and he pinched my nipple again. Another wave of pleasure shot through me, but still not enough to push me over the edge.

“Do you understand?”

I nodded.


He pushed himself onto his knees and grabbed my hips, lifting them off the bed. Slowly, he started thrusting his hips. Initially the burn was quite bad, but slowly my cunny adjusted to how big he was and I could relax more. Everything felt so good. I closed my eyes and tried to let it all wash over me. I was so desperate for that lovely relief that comes after I have an orgasm, but instead, the pressure just built in me.

Dad took his time. He didn’t look at me anymore, but instead looked at his cock pulsing in and out of my cunny. He was breathing hard, but kept going slow. I wanted him to speed up, to really fuck me rather than whatever he was doing now, but he was in control. I didn’t dare suggest anything. I didn’t even dare rub my clit to bring myself to a climax. Somehow I felt that he wouldn’t like that.

“I love how tight your twat it,” he growled. “I’m going to enjoy destroying you.”

“You’re stretching me so much, Daddy.” My words came in gasps. “It feels so good.”

I was so close to an orgasm now. I could feel that tensing deep inside me that usually meant I was going to Magosa Escort come really hard. I closed my eyes, ready for that wave of relief.

And then the door opened. I could have screamed as Mom came into the room.

“Are you guys still at it? The guests are here.”

Dad didn’t even slow down. “I want to take it easy. The guests can wait.”

Mom glanced at me. “She usually liked it hard.”

“I know.” Dad smiled. “Which is why I’m taking it slow.”

A wicked smile spread over Mom’s face. “You’re evil.”

“About to get even worse. Go get your vibrator. You know what to do.”

Mom grinned and left the room. I was getting worried. What were they planning to do?

When Mom came back, she had a small vibrator in her hand. I relaxed. I’d been worried it would be the massive one she’d used on me the day before.

She turned it on and sat next to me. With a smile, she pressed the little thing against my clit.

I screamed. I couldn’t help it. The shock of the pleasure that jolted through me as she did that was too much. My cunny tightened around Dad’s cock and I arched my back.

Immediately, she took the vibrator away, cutting off the start of my orgasm.

I whimpered. “I want to come.”

“I know, honey.” Mom’s tone was soothing. “But not yet. You can come when Dad comes.”

At the rate he was going, that would take forever. I wasn’t sure my body could handle it. As it was, I was sweating and my cunny ached more than it ever had. All my muscles seemed to tight, I was worried they’d snap.

Mom put the vibrator on my clit again, and again pleasure shot through me. All the while, Dad continued to fuck me slowly, his hands digging into my hips, keeping them lifted while he plunged deep inside me.

Each time I was close to coming, Mom took the vibrator away. I had stopped reaching for an orgasm. I was barely able to think anymore. My body was on fire and I just allowed pleasure and pain to mingle and carry me on whatever journey it was Mom and Dad wanted to take me on. I trusted they knew what they were doing, even if it felt like I couldn’t handle it much longer.

Dad picked up the pace. “I’m so close.” His voice was hoarse and deep. “Don’t pull the vibe away this time.”

His thrusts became harder and deeper, pushing my body deeper into the mattress. I was completely helpless against the waves pleasure that washed over me. Mom pressed the vibrator hard against my clit, making it feel like my whole cunny was vibrating. Somewhere deep inside my core my body began to spasm as finally, finally, I was allowed to come.

I had never come so hard. It felt like my cunny would be hurting Dad, it was pulsing so hard. And then I began to shake. From deep inside my belly the release spread out to all parts of my body, making me unable to do anything but enjoy the feeling.

Dad didn’t stop. He didn’t even really seem to notice the state I was in, but fucked me until his cum filled me up.

And then he pulled out as soon as he was finished. I’d had the most amazing orgasm of my life, but weirdly, I wanted more. I tried to reach for him, but he was already on his feet. Mom joined him by the side of the bed. Both of them looked down on me.

“Do you think she’s ready to take more cock?” Mom asked.

“I think so. I wasn’t too rough.” He smiled at me. “What do you say, Rose? Do you want to be fucked more?”

Thank goodness, it wasn’t over yet! “Yes, Daddy. Please.”

He looked back at Mom. “Well, there’s your answer. She wants more.”

Mom grinned. “Then it’s good we have a full party downstairs.”

What was she talking about? What did the party have to do with me being fucked? And then I remembered what she had said earlier, that I would be fucked by real men tonight. That must be what the party was about. A sex party!

I was giggy with excitement. I couldn’t believe Mom had arranged this all for me. She must be so proud of me to invite others to fuck me. It was amazing, although just a bit scary too. Who were those men who would fuck me?

I started to sit up, but Dad pushed me down. “Stay here for a bit and catch your breath. Then come downstairs in a few minutes.”

“Naked,” Mom said, her voice stern. “Nothing is sexier than a well-fucked woman and they’ll want to see your daddy’s cum drip out of you.”

I still had so much to learn. I wouldn’t have thought that would be sexy. I was glad Mom had told me, otherwise I might have cleaned up before going downstairs.

Mom and Dad left and I tried to catch my breath. I carefully touched my cunny, but it wasn’t as sore as I had expected. Maybe that was why Dad had gone slow: he wanted to make sure I would be in good shape to be fucked by his friends. Or were they Mom’s friends?

My breath slowly became normal again. I got up, trying hard to clench my cunny tight so I wouldn’t lose Dad’s cum right away.

As I went downstairs, I could hear voices of the guests. I opened the living room, feeling suddenly very shy. I was completely naked with my dad’s cum dripping down my thighs. What if these people would be disgusted by me?

I had no reason to worry. There were four couples in the room, and they all looked at me when I came in. Their expressions were hungry, rather than disgusted. It was clear they had been waiting for me, and they wanted me.

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