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My mother is temporarily without a license. She forgot to renew it and the day after it expired she got pulled over. The cop was very nice, for a cop. No ticket, but no driving her car until she has had her license renewed. Basically, that meant no license and no car for the current weekend and she’d pay her license fees first thing Monday morning.

Guess who had the honour of taking her to the mall on Saturday afternoon? That’s right. Me. Fortunately, once we got to the mall my mother let me go my own way, doing her shopping and calling me when she’d finished. So we headed off home.

At least, that was my intention. My mother had other ideas. Seeing we were out, why didn’t we stop in and say hullo to Suzy? Ah, maybe because I had no interest whatsoever in talking to an old woman? I didn’t say that. I’m not stupid. My mother and Suzy are the same age. I said what a good idea, and steered the car in that direction.

When we reached Suzy’s place my mother immediately went into a spiel about how she lost her license. Suzy listened sympathetically, looked at me and spoke to me.

“Adam, you don’t want to listen to a couple of old women nattering away. Why don’t you go and say hullo to Sally while your mother and I have a chat?”

I have always considered Suzy to be an intelligent and farseeing woman. It was only fair and reasonable that I follow her advice. I went off to see Sally.

Sally was Suzy’s daughter. At eighteen, she was a year younger than me. She wasn’t half bad to look at either. A brunette, with a pretty face and a nice figure. I headed down to her room to say hullo.

When I reached her room the door was half open. I gave a perfunctory knock and ambled straight on in. The door was open, after all.

Sally was lying face down on the bed, watching something on a pad. At least, she had been watching something on a pad. Right now she was looking at me with a very startled expression and starting to blush.

It wasn’t as though I’d caught her in her underwear. She wasn’t wearing any. She had apparently decided to beat the heat by stripping off completely. Well, why not? She was in the privacy of her room and not expecting visitors. What could go wrong?

An unexpected visitor, I guess. My surprise must have been showing in my face as she started giggling.

“Get out of here, you pervert,” she told me, still giggling.

As I said earlier, I’m not stupid. Instead of getting out I strolled over to the bed, enjoying the sight of a buxom young lady lying naked before me.

I sat down on the bed, running my hand over her back. Yes, I consider the backside as part of the back. I had no objection to running my hand over a shapely little bottom.

“Stop that and go away. You do know my mother’s home, don’t you?”

“Yes. She’s the one who sent me down here to play. It would be rude for me to go back and say I don’t want to. Turn over.”

“Somehow I don’t think she wants you to play with me dressed like this. In your dreams I’ll turn over.”

“Yes, there too. That’s OK. I’ll make do with what’s available.”

My hands wandered freely along her back and sides. I could only brush the sides of her breasts but that was OK. She had long sleek legs and my hands caressed them carefully. She did, unfortunately, keep her legs together, which discouraged any more intimate explorations. I did try to ease them apart but was firmly discouraged.

“Try that and I’ll scream and tell mother you ripped my clothes off,” she flatly stated.

So there were limits firmly drawn. That didn’t prevent me touching what was on display and teasing her generally. It wasn’t as though I was in a position to seduce her with her mother in the house. My own mother was in the house as well. Still, I was able to tease and tantalise. I was getting through to her even if nothing else happened.

Sally managed to call a halt to it.

“If your mother is here I need to go and see her and say hullo. She’ll think I’m awfully rude if I don’t. Go away so I can get dressed and come out.”

She had a point but her good manners also gave me an edge.

“Fine. But before I go you have to roll over so I can give you a kiss.”

“Bastard. You just want to look at me naked.”

“And kiss you,” I added.

She gave me an irritated look and rolled over.

“Hurry it up,” she said, blushing.

Before she had any idea of what I intended I had her ankles and was lifting them high and wide. Bending down I kissed her mound and, being of a romantic disposition, I gave her some tongue. Then I was heading out of the room before she could kill me, listening to her spluttering and cursing behind me.

I stopped by the bathroom on my way back and when I came out Sally was already dressed and heading down the hallway. She was wearing slacks and a t-shirt. I strongly suspected that that was Ankara escort all she was wearing, having just thrown on the first things she could grab. It would be a case of saying hi to my mother and then retreating, but I very much doubt that she’d return to her bedroom.

When we walked into the front room Suzy greeted us with a smile.

“Oh, good,” she said. “I was just about to come and get you.”

That would have been interesting I thought. A surreptitious kick on my ankle told me Sally disagreed.

“Sally, love,” her mother said, “we’re going to look at some clothes. Do you want to come along?”

“Ah, no thanks,” Sally told her.

I didn’t blame her. Their taste in clothes would be miles apart from Sally’s taste.

“How about you, Adam?” my mother asked. “Do you want to come along to the mall again?”

“I’m driving, remember,” I pointed out.

At this stage Sally broke in to say nice to meet you to my mother and beat a retreat. No doubt heading back to her room, happy in the knowledge I was going to be stuck in the mall with two ladies doing clothes shopping. She should have stuck around.

“Oh, we’re taking my car,” Suzy told me. “You can stay here if you like. If you want to go home do so. I can drop Jean off later.”

So I stayed there, waving as those two charming women drove away, leaving me all alone. Except for Sally, of course. I strolled back down to her room.

Her door was open and I gave a perfunctory knock and walked in. Sally was lying on her bed (dressed, damn it) looking at her pad again and expressed surprise at seeing me again.

“What the hell are you doing here?” she demanded. “You’re supposed to be driving the parents to the mall.”

“Your mother took pity on me. She’s driving. Ah, can we pick up where we left off?”

“No, we damned-well can’t.”

“Why not?”

“Why not? You assaulted me. That’s why not.”

“What, me? What did I do?”

“You said you were going to kiss me and then you. . .”

Her voice trailed away but a hand waving vaguely around her hips indicated what she meant.

“Well, yes. I kissed you. I said I was going to.”

“You know damned well what I thought you meant.”

“Guilty,” I admitted. “Are you saying you didn’t enjoy the kiss?”

“That’s beside the point,” she snapped. “You shouldn’t have done it.”

“Ah. So you did enjoy it. Why don’t we try again?”

“What are you talking about? I never said I enjoyed it.”

“True, but if you hadn’t you’d have said so loud and clear.”

I just grinned at her as she gave me a baleful look. I was right and we both knew it. She might have been shocked by the way I’d kissed her but she hadn’t found it distasteful.

“So why don’t you take off those silly things and we can continue from where we left off. I promise not to rape you.”

“They’re not silly things. I didn’t think you would rape me. But you’re not fooling me. You still want to fuck me.”

“This is so true but this isn’t just about me. What do you want?”


“Yes, you. You could have gone out with the parents but you chose to remain home.”

“I thought I’d be home alone.”

“But you didn’t wait to see if that would be the case,” I pointed out. “You just sort of hoped that maybe, possibly, you’d be home alone unless, of course, I opted to stay here for a while, in which case you’d see what happens.”

Sally gave me a considering look.

“You know, I don’t think that what you just said makes any sense. Would you care to repeat it?”

“I don’t think so. What I’d care to do is take off those silly things and go back to petting you.”

“They are not silly things and I’m not a cat to be petted.”

“Well, they’re hiding things I want to play with and that makes them silly. I know you’re not a cat to be petted. I don’t want to pet a cat. An attractive young lady, however, is high on my petting agenda.”

I demonstrated this by rubbing her back and she wasn’t trying to fight me off. I might add that when I say her back I meant that literally as my hands were under her top and rubbing her actual back. I’d been correct in my assessment of lingerie. No bra to interfere with the smooth glide of my hands over skin.

After a while it seemed only natural for my hands to dip beneath the waist band of her slacks. My hands moved over flesh. I withdrew one and gave her a friendly spank on the bottom.

“No panties? Shame on you,” I told her. The shame didn’t stop my hands from caressing her bottom.

Somehow or other her top seemed to get brushed higher as I massaged. I could already see the sides of her breasts and I was taking the opportunity to extend my massage to include them.

“This is silly,” I told her, tugging her top higher. “Leave your slacks on by all means but let’s get rid of this. As long Abidinpaşa escort as you’re lying on your tummy there’s no harm done.”

Logic doesn’t need to hold up when the person hearing it wants it to be true. Sally let me slip her top of with barely a murmur of protest. It is not, let me assure you, only cats that like having their backs rubbed.

By a fortuitous bit of luck Sally’s slacks had a side button and zip. At some stage my hand must have brushed against that button, popping it open. Now whenever my hands dipped under her waistband the slack’s zipper eased a little further open.

I finally said the hell with it. I took hold of the slacks and gave them a firm pull, sliding them off Sally’s bottom. I wasn’t too surprised to have her protest.

“What do you think you’re doing? You pull those back up.”

She couldn’t really pull them up herself without showing more than she was prepared to. At least, more than she’d admit to being prepared to.

“No,” I said, keeping the answer short and unassailable. Instead of pulling them back up I took them by the cuffs and continued drawing them off, leaving Sally in the same condition as I first spotted her. Beautifully naked.

“Stop fretting about it,” I told her. “This is the way you were dressed when I first came in and I didn’t assault you then.”

Unless you count kissing her pussy an assault. I don’t.

“My mother was home then,” she snapped. “You wouldn’t have dared do anything.”

“Not true,” I protested. “If I’d thought you were willing I’d have done a whole lot more than kiss you, parents here or not.”

“Oh, you liar. You’d have been petrified at the thought of your mother walking in and catching us.”

She had a point there I had to admit. Instead of debating the issue I went back to rubbing her back. She made a half-hearted suggestion that I go away so she could get dressed but I ignored that. Now that there was nothing to interrupt the flow of my hands I trailed them from her shoulders down to her ankles, running down her sides. Reversing direction I just naturally followed the flow of her curves up the inside of her leg.

“Move your legs a little further apart,” I directed her.


It seemed Sally also knew the advantage of short specific statements. I didn’t argue. I just waited, my hands still stroking her inner thighs just above her knees. After a minute or so her legs drifted slightly further apart, letting my hand continue their upward glide.

It was just natural for the backs of my hands to brush against her mound on the way past. I didn’t grab or linger, just brushing against the sides of her labia, ignoring the slight squirm she gave. (OK. Maybe my hands lingered there for just a moment, but that was all. Barely long enough to be noticed.)

My hands came together at the nape of her neck and I started back down, now rubbing my hands along the centre line, following her spine. As I approached her bottom I saw her legs twitch closer together before relaxing and drifting further apart again. When my hands slipped across her bottom it just seemed fair and reasonable that one should cover her mound.

“You stop that,” she gasped.

Unfortunately my hand seemed to have forgotten to continue past her mound. It had cupped itself over her and was doing a gentle massage, showing no inclination to move away.

“Don’t worry,” I assured her. “I’ll move it shortly. Ah, tell me, are you going to lift your bottom so I can take you or are you going to roll over on your back?”

“What are you on about? I’m not doing either.”

I stayed silent. If I argued, I’d lose. If she had to argue with herself the chances were that I’d win.

As a matter of fact we both stayed silent for a while. She didn’t renew her protest at the way I was massaging her and I didn’t stop massaging. I could feel her moving restlessly under my touch. It seemed to me that to have her verbally agree to changing her position was not on. She’d made her statement and pride said she’d stick with it. There was nothing to prevent me from encouraging her to actually make the move, though.

I moved my hands to her hips and lifted. Not hard, more suggesting that they rise than actually lifting them myself. Sally hesitated and then her bottom rose into the air. She automatically came into a half kneeling position, her bottom nicely placed. Her pussy was placed even more nicely.

We both knew what was coming but neither of us was going to admit it. I think that where Sally was concerned she had decided that if she didn’t look she could pretend it wasn’t happening. Mind you, this sort of pretence is only good up to a certain point.

While I continued rubbing her, slipping fingers in where they should not go, I was also unzipping and lowering my trousers. Akay escort Sally was making a mumbled comment about taking my finger out of there so I did. Moving a little closer I let my erection press lengthways against her mound, using that to rub against her. She promptly shut-up. She knew just what was touching her but wasn’t going to acknowledge it.

Easing her lips apart I placed my cock between then and pressed lightly.

Sally gasped.

“Oh, my god. You are intending to rape me, aren’t you?”

I stopped in my tracks, my cock barely engaged with her.

“No, I’m not. Do you want me to stop?”

“What? No. I can’t stop you. You can feel free to rape me with no worries.”

“Sally, I’m not raping you.”

“You have to.”

“What do you mean I have to?”

I was, to put it mildly, confused.

“Well, der,” she said, her voice oozing sarcasm for the obtuseness of the stupid male, “I can’t agree to you fucking me. You’re not my boyfriend and I wouldn’t cheat on him, so you have to do it without me agreeing, and that makes it rape.”

“So you don’t want me to stop?”

“Did I tell you to? I’m just protesting the fact that you’re raping me. Now will you get on with it? It’s embarrassing being here like this with you dithering about.”

God save me from the twisted logic of a woman. I guess this what they call a faux rape. Whatever she wanted to call it, I pushed, driving firmly in. Sally gave a soft scream and pushed just as firmly back to meet me.

For some reason my hands were back on Sally’s hips. A waste of good hands I decided, moving them around to find a pair of lovely breasts. Oddly enough this was the first time I’d actually held her breasts. Up until this point all I’d managed to do was stroke the sides of them. I started to make up for lost time, stoking and massaging, playing with her nipples. Her breasts, luscious as they were, were a side issue when compared to what my cock was doing.

That first hard drive had set the tone for what we were doing. I continued to drive in hard with Sally responding nicely. We very quickly fell into a mutually satisfying rhythm. One might almost think we’d been practising. The nice thing was that we weren’t going overboard, rather we were pacing ourselves and making it last.

Very pleasurable it was too. Our excitement crept up by degrees. There was no need for a sudden frenetic rush to get things completed. We just came together, our groins slapping firmly against each other, as we slowly scaled the heights.

Have you ever wondered why girls are allowed to make a lot of enthusiastic noises while being fucked but men are just supposed to talk to their partner, encouraging and praising them? Sally was certainly making the most of the custom of making enthusiastic noises. She gasped and swore and yelled, telling me to keep going harder but make it last, demanding that I rape her as if I meant it. She actually said rape, not fuck, staying true to her story that she couldn’t agree to this. Remarkable presence of mind for someone who was getting fucked silly.

Me, I just whispered sweet nothings, telling her how precious she was, how much I enjoyed her, how responsive she was. She gasped and groaned and swore some more, begging me to take her harder.

Finally we were reaching that point where I had no choice but to finish. Sally seemed to be ready so I let rip, pounding in harder than ever, desperate for my own climax and determined to give Sally hers. I won the race but she followed me a close second, giving a loud shriek as she came.

We finished up lying flat on our backs on the bed, both of us breathing heavily. Eventually Sally turned to me.

“I can forgive you for doing this because I understand that you couldn’t help yourself. But I want you to understand that this is the only time that this will happen.”

“So there’ll be no future romantic meetings in out of the way places? No sneaky little adventures in seedy motels?”

“No, there won’t. And I’ve never been to a seedy little motel in my life.”

“OK. I fully understand. Today is the beginning and the end. Right?”


“Well, our mothers will probably be out for another hour at least. Now that we’ve had our beginning we’d better start working on our end.”

My hand reached out and started stroking her breast and my cock twitched and started developing some muscle.

“What? You can’t. You just did it.”

“It will undoubtedly be an effort but it’s one I’m willing to make,” I assured her. “It may take me some time and you may have to suffer through a couple of climaxes but I’m sure I’ll get there in the end.”

“Ah, I think maybe we shouldn’t,” she told me, sounding quite earnest.

“But Sally,” I pointed out. “You’re the one who insists this is rape. That means you don’t get a vote if I decide I want seconds.”

My erection was now standing tall and Sally had noticed it. A toe touching her ankle and her legs parted without a struggle. I rolled over between her legs, looming over her.

“Just keep watching,” I told her as I slowly lowered myself onto her. “I think you’ll see for yourself that I truly can.”

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